Waushara County Chapter - Ice Age Trail Alliance


Waushara County Chapter - Ice Age Trail Alliance
Waushara County Chapter
Annual Newsletter 2015
IAT Waushara County Chapter * W6681 Bighorn Ave., Wautoma, WI 54982
Some Days are Diamonds, Some Days are
The one variable that cannot be controlled when
planning a hike or an event is the weather. In
2015, we batted .667 which is pretty darn good if
you’re a baseball player. Our first event of the
2015 season was the 16th Annual Candlelight
Sweetheart Event ~ Hike, Snowshoe & Ski. It was
held and co-hosted by Flyte’s Fieldstone in
Unfortunately, we had to postpone it 2 weeks due
to cold weather and even then it wasn’t exactly a
heatwave either. The temperature hovered in the
10 - 15 degrees range with winds pushing the wind
chill into minus territory; not ideal for the sleigh
horses and ice skaters. Despite the weather
challenges, we had a good turnout. Thanks to all
who came out to support the chapter. A special
thank you to The Cody Clauson Trio for playing
throughout the evening wearing winter gloves,
while plucking their instruments. These folks are
real troopers!
Hiker Notes left behind…
Our goal, at any event, is to gather with family, friends
and members for fellowship and healthy activities for
everyone to enjoy. Come and plan to spend some
quality family time on one of our trail segments this
year, whether it’s a scheduled chapter event or just a
spur of the moment urge. If you go on any section of
the trail, please leave us a note about your experience
and report any blockages or maintenance issues.
See you on the Trail!
Bob Jozwowski, Coordinator
The Cody Clauson Trio
In 2015 we hosted our three major events, the
winter, summer and fall hikes amongst other projects
and events such as, work days and school hikes. As
we move forward into 2016, one of our Chapter's
goals is to continue reaching out to more folks in all
areas and share what’s happening on the Ice Age
Trail right here in Waushara County.
Events and Activities
In February, we celebrated our 16th Annual
Candlelight Sweetheart Event ~ Hike, Snowshoe &
Ski at Flyte’s Fieldstones in Coloma. Over 160
attendees enjoyed a ton of outdoor fun! As always, we
hiked, snowshoed and skied the candlelit trail and
roasted marshmallows around the bonfire. New in
2015, ice skating and even horse drawn sleigh rides!
To warm up, folks headed inside to enjoy hot soup
and chili while volunteers served hot drinks and sweet
16 Annual Candlelight Sweetheart Event ~ “Rustic
Raffle” featuring custom work by Randy Lennartz, a
“Rustic” Log Bench, “SKI” Chair/Footrest, “SKI” Coat
Rack, Sled & “Original” painting by Susan Klabak.
Winners: Chuck & Cindy Johnson,
ALL proceeds
went to
maintaining IAT
in Waushara
Volunteers organized our signature “Rustic Raffle”
while The Cody Clauson Trio entertained throughout
the night. There was something for everyone!
On March 14th, the Chapter co-hosted with the
Wautoma Public Library to bring a Special
Presentation, “Meet a Thousand-Miler”, by local
resident and thru-hiker, Pat Enright. He shared his
hiking journey and completion of the Ice Age Trail with
the community. Our Annual Chapter Meeting and
Election of Officers followed.
We added an informal hike to our agenda, the 1st
Annual Summer Hike, on Saturday, June 6th, to
coincide with National Trails Day. Elward Engle,
Waushara resident, led 39 hikers along the Mecan
River Springs segment of the trail, while sharing his
knowledge of the history of the springs, ending at a
site of an eagles nest.
Again, we participated in Blue Ribbon Kids Day at
Parkside School on Saturday, April 11th. For 4 hours,
our volunteers interacted with over 200 kids and their
parents making buttons, spinning the Ice Age Wheel
and learning about opportunities on the Ice Age Trail.
On Saturday, October 10th, we were fortunate to have
IAT member, Judy Brown, allow us to host the 17th
Annual Fall Color Hike & Dog Walk on her property
directly across the road from the Greenwood segment.
The weather couldn’t have been more perfect and the
high attendance showed it. Our total attendance
reached nearly 100, with 50 adults, 14 kiddos and a
record breaking number of dogs. A whopping 21 fourlegged friends to be exact! Plus, we added 3 new
members to our membership. Thank you to the Green
Lake Area Animal Shelter for offering onsite dog tag
engraving and sharing information about pet adoption.
Fall Color Hike
& Dog Walk
Trail Maintenance
The trail is a dynamic and ever changing place
but what doesn't change is the hard work and
dedication of our volunteer trail maintainers.
Give a big pat on the back to Dick Semrow,
Larry Bacon, Randy Bacon and the Samsel
Family for doing an outstanding job. Mowing,
brushing, sawing and painting aren’t glamorous
but is what makes the trail. Best wishes to a long
time trail maintainer Lee Hazlett and his wife
Barb. They have decided to make the move to
Florida. They will be missed.
On the trail. There were several active timber
sales in 2015 on the Chaffee Creek and Mecan
Segments. The logging contractors did a great
job of protecting the trail and minimal repairs
were needed. A work day on the Chaffee,
attended by 16 volunteers and hosted by the
Metoyer-Brown Farm, completed the resigning
and upgrade of the Segment. Thanks to all.
Mother Nature was kind to us last year. No
major storms!
Early summer rains kept the mowers going steady,
but the payoff was a spectacular prairie display and
an abundance of mushrooms.
We are looking forward to a great 2016!
~ Randy Lennartz, Trail maintenance Coordinator
Chaffee Creek Workday Volunteers
Thank You!
Last fall, Jean Clark, our Chapter Secretary informed
us that she was moving to Washington State and
was resigning her position. Jean will be greatly
missed, not only as a Chapter Officer but, an avid
Wishing you all the best Jean!
We are happy to report that Amy Holzwart has
volunteered to take over the Secretary position. Amy
is a retired PhyEd teacher with Parkside School.
Explore the Trail ~ Volunteer ~ Donate
Check it out…
We’re excited about
all the ways it will
help you get out on
the Ice Age Trail.
This hidden gem offers everyone, of all
abilities, a serene and secluded area to
enjoy nature and learn about Wisconsin’s
icy past and glacial history.
Purchase an
Ice Age Trail
Today. Makes
a Great Gift!
Volunteers and Contributions
Jenny Addis
Jeanette Antczak
Larry and Judy Bacon
Ballinger Family
Randy Bacon
Russ Brown & Genie Metoyer
Lyle and Beth Buettner
Megan Burns
Care 4 The Core
C & B Feed & Bait
Jean Clark for being a Trail Angel
Coldwell Banker
Coloma Lions
Cookie Makers
CoreQuest Yoga & Spa
Cathy Favelle
Daiseye - Princeton
Elward Engel
Gary Engel
Pat Enright
Lee & Cheryl Flyte
Lee and Barb Hazlett
Adam & Carrie Flyte & the Candlelighters
Amy Holzwart
Bob and Deb Jozwowski
Marty Katzmarek
Leibsle Fmily
Randy Lennartz
Teri Lessig
Marquette County 4-H Club
AJ McCaskey
Dan Nordhaus
Eugene and Pat Reis
Rettler Family
Flyte's Fieldstones
Susan Klabak
Motel 51
Really Goods - Chris & Steve
Rita Ruffalo
Linda Roberts
TJ Roland
Joseph & Julie Russo
Clyde and Janet Samsel
Jay Samsel
Front Porch Pets
Dick and Sue Semrow
Shaney Family
Cotton Stanislawski
John and Deanna Swanson
Pat Tabbert
Bob and Bobbi Timberlake
Flo Walker
Jamie Winn
Addis Excavating
Green Lake Area Animal Shelter
Lavore's on the Hill, Donna
Richford Ridge Riders Club
The Cody Clauson Trio
The Farm Market
Twister- Princeton
Tri County Elementary
Wade Bike & Adventure
Wautoma DNR Office
Wautoma Library
Wisconsin Operating Engineers
With so many selfless volunteers, in case we missed anyone, please know how grateful we are for your
helping hands when we needed them. We couldn’t have done this without the generous contributions of
our members and friends. Thank You All!
Election of Officers
Chapter Executive Board
Chapter Coordinator – Bob Jozwowski
Vice Coordinator/Publicity – AJ McCaskey
Secretary – Amy Holzwart
Treasurer – Cheryl Flyte
Membership Coordinator – Jenny Addis
Maintenance Coordinator – Randy Lennartz
We are always looking for people to take a
leadership role in the chapter. If you are interested
and would like to know more, please contact a
member of the Board.
Bring a
Join us at any of our Chapter
Meetings & connect with other
creative minds. All are welcome!
Prior to Election of Officers we will vote on the
amended bylaws for the Chapter. This document
was last updated in 1998. We are adding up to 3
new Board Members at large to our Executive
We are fortunate to have two candidates: Cathy
Favelle, Fitness and Yoga instructor and owner of
CoreQuest Yoga, Wautoma and Lyle Buettner,
Owner, Mt Morris Mill Coffee Shop and thru hiker
of the Appalachian Trail.
Upcoming Events
* Saturday, March 19 ~ Annual Chapter Meeting & Election of Officers to follow 1pm
* April 2 ~ Blue Ribbon Kid’s Day
* June 4 ~ National Trails Day ~ 2 Annual Summer Hike
* October ~ Fall Color Hike & Dog Walk
Interested in Volunteer Opportunities & information on upcoming events?
Contact Bob Jozwowski, Coordinator, 920-765-1887 bobjozwowski@gnail.com or go to www.iceagetrail.org
Waushara County Chapter
W6681 Bighorn Ave.
Wautoma, WI. 54982
Chapter Coordinator
Bob Jozwowski
We’re on the Web!
Visit us at:
Waushara County Chapter
W6681 Bighorn Ave.
Wautoma, WI. 54982
When: Saturday, March 19, 2016
Where: Wautoma Public Library, 410 W. Main St., Wautoma
Admission: FREE
Join us on March 19th for our Annual Membership Meeting at the Wautoma Library
starting at 1:00pm. We will start with an informational program, open to the public,
with our membership meeting to follow.
The program this year will be “A River Runs Through It” presented by Shawn
Sullivan, Operations Supervisor at the Wild Rose Fisheries Habitat Station. Shawn
spends a lot of his time restoring streams in Waushara County to build better habitat
for trout. As hikers in this county, we hear the pleasant sounds of the babbling
brook. Shawn will tell us about the diversity of life along the streams that intersect
our trails and how to better appreciate what we have in our own backyard.