

Welcome to all visitors on this Lord’s Day. We pray that God’s Word may
save and build up all God’s people. You may listen to our services online at
Our Church Family and Ministry
BASEMENT WORSHIP today is Group D (Ensink – Gritters, Matt). Next Sunday will be Group E (Gritters, Rick
– Hofman).
CONGRATULATIONS to Lucas and Stacy (Pastoor) Maatman, who were united in marriage this past Friday.
SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM will be administered to Mikayla Grace, daughter of Nate and Nancy Rau, next
Sunday morning, September 4.
PUBLIC CONFESSION OF FAITH of Hailey Mulder will take place next Sunday evening, September 4.
WEDDING: The congregation is invited to witness the wedding ceremony uniting Todd Griffioen and Denise
Doezema on Friday, September 2, at 6:30pm at Georgetown PRC.
DEACONS MEETING will be Monday, August 29, at 7:00 PM.
COUNCIL & CONSISTORY REGULAR MONTHLY MEETINGS will be this Thursday, September 1, at 7:00 PM.
The congregation may suggest names of male confessing members that they would like to be considered for
nomination for office bearers. Names may be given to any elder or deacon.
CHURCH PICNIC: Please plan to attend Trinity's church picnic on Saturday, September 10. Please sign-up by
TODAY in the narthex. Thank you.
THE TRINITY PRC BOOK CLUB will begin the reading and discussion of another book soon, Lord willing.
New members are always welcome. Join us as we desire to grow together in our love of the truth and encourage
one another in our pilgrims sojourn through the reading and discussion of good, reformed literature.
If you are interested in joining, please email Terry Dykstra: terry.dykstra96@gmail.com
Denomination News
REFORMED WITNESS HOUR: Sunday 8 AM on WFUR FM 102.9 and 4 PM on AM 1570. Today’s message:
Christian Education is Covenant Education - Isaiah 39:19 by Rev. C. Haak.
CALLS: Rev. C. Griess (Calvary, IA) is considering the call to be the third missionary to the Philippines.
SEMINARY CONVOCATION will be held Wednesday, September 7, at 7:30 P.M. in Grandville PRC. Plan now to
Requested Announcements
LABOR DAY PANCAKE BREAKFAST, hosted by Grace PR YP, is Monday, September 5, in Hope School's
small gym. Come from 8-10 am for delicious pancakes, scrambled eggs, sausage and muffins served by our
young people. See you there!
THE HOPE HERALDS, a 90-voice Reformed men’s chorus, will present a concert at First United Methodist
Church on Friday evening, September 16, 2016 at 8 PM. While the concert is free to the public, a free will offering
will be collected. The address of the venue is 227 E. Fulton St., Grand Rapids, 49503. Please join us as we sing
praises to God in the beautiful acoustics of this facility.
HUDSONVILLE PRC CHOIR CONCERT is Sunday, September 18, at 8:00 PM in their church building. Come
join us as we end our Sabbath day praising our great God!
HUDSONVILLE/TRINITY WOMEN'S BIBLE STUDY: Please sign up and pick up your lesson in the narthex.
Lessons begin September 8, and the first meeting is September 21. If you are unable to attend Wednesday
mornings, but are interested in going to Monday night study, please contact Holly Feenstra or Renae Vander
SPECIAL NEEDS BIBLE STUDY will start on Thursday September 22 at 7:00PM at Faith PRC. We welcome all
those with Special Needs (old or young) to join us for this time of fun and fellowship. Please let us know if your
child is able to make it - Laura Kaptein: 616-292-8029 or bball54321@hotmail.com. Also feel free to contact us if
you have any questions. We hope to see you all there!
RFPA ANNUAL MEETING: Men, women, and young people are invited to attend this meeting on September 29,
at 7:30 pm at Providence PRC. Updates will be provided on the activities of the RFPA. Rev. Joshua Engelsma will
speak on, "Lord Grant Boldness: The RFPA's Witness in the Sexual Revolution". This meeting also provides the
opportunity for men to join the Association.
LECTURE: The Reformed Witness Committee of Hope PRC will host a lecture November 11 at 7:30 p.m. in
Hope PR Church (Walker, MI). Prof. David Engelsma plans to speak on the topic, “The Necessity of Membership
in a True Church of Jesus Christ”. The lecture will be streamed live at SermonAudio.com/hopeprc.
School Announcements
ADAMS ANNOUNCER will be available in the narthex today.
COVENANT CHRISTIAN HIGH SCHOOL will begin the 2016-17 school year on Monday, August 29, at 8:10.
HERITAGE CHRISTIAN SCHOOL will begin their 2016-17 school year on Tuesday morning, August 30, at 7:52
AM. We give thanks to God for His continued faithfulness and ask for prayers for all of our schools during the
coming year.
first pick up will be at 7:30am at Holland PRC, followed by a stop at Heritage Christian at 7:45am. The bus will
then go straight to CCHS. In the afternoon the bus will leave CCHS at 2:50pm, make a stop at Heritage and then
proceed to Holland PRC for the final drop.
EASTSIDE CHRISTIAN PICNIC ON THE PATIO will be at First PRC in Grand Rapids on Thursday, September
1. Beginning at 6:00 p.m., we will enjoy a buffet dinner of hamburgers, hot dogs, salads, and dessert provided by
the Eastside Christian School Foundation. Come encourage our students, teachers, and parents as we praise
God for His provision and care.
CCHS FOUNDATION GOLF OUTING: Due to an overwhelming response, we are thankful to report that we are
filled to capacity with teams for the event. We still welcome hole sponsorships yet, please email Jessica at
jessicavo@kampspallets.com if you are interested. More information regarding the September 10 event will be in
next Sunday's bulletin.
PRCS Endowment Fund Golf outing is September 17 at Lincoln Oaks in Crete, IL. Lunch starts at 11 am with a
shotgun start at 12:30 pm. The deadline for registration is September 1. If you have any questions please contact
Joel Zandstra at zando5@sbcglobal.net or Lucas Maatman at lucas.maatman@gmail.com. Hope to see you
Saturday, September 24, at 9:30am at Millennium Park. For more information, to register or to order your t-shirt
go to peertopeerwalk.com. We would love to see you there!
ADAMS BOOSTERS ANNUAL AUCTION is November 4, and we are currently accepting donations. Please
contact Joel & Stephanie Beute at 520-5225 or beutes@outlook.com prior to September 15 if you would like to
donate to the live or silent auction. Thank you for your support!
All, this the Lord willing
Opportunities to Serve
AM – Stephanie Dykstra, Liza Machiele, Andrea Velthouse, Hailey Mulder, Kylie Fisher
PM – Renae Vander Kolk, Nicole Schipper, Kaylie De Vries, Lydia Dykstra
Sept. 4:
Coffee Servers
Today: Deb Van Overloop and Donna Zandstra Sept. 4 – Sara Geerlings and Lori Van Overloop
Today &
Sept. 4: AM – Mitch S., Marc V., Clint V.K. PM – Keith V.O., Tim B., Dan B.
Order of Worship
Silent Prayer (Unison)
*Doxology - “Praise God”
*Congregation Singing
Reading of the Law – AM
*Apostles’ Creed – PM
*Congregation Singing
*Congregation Singing
Scripture Reading
*Congregation Singing
AM: #195 - 3&4
PM: #199 – 4&5
*Congregation Standing
AM Doxology - Psalter 195 stanzas 3 & 4
Blest be the Lord, our fathers' God, eternal King of kings, Who only is
omnipotent, performing wondrous things.
Blest be His great and glorious Name for evermore, Amen, and let His
glory fill the earth from shore to shore. Amen.
PM Doxology - Psalter 199 stanzas 4 & 5
Now blessed be the Mighty One, Jehovah, God of Israel, for He alone has
wonders done, and deeds in glory that excel. And blessed be His glorious
Name, long as the ages shall endure; o'er all the earth extend His fame.
Amen, Amen, for evermore.
Rev. N. Decker - President
Brian Dykstra – Vice-All
Stefan Engelsma
Chuck Ensink
Steve Essenburg
Vern Haveman – Vice President
Doug Pastoor – Clerk
Dave Pohler
Steve Van Dyke
Mike Van Overloop
Trinity Protestant Reformed Church
3385 Van Buren * Hudsonville, MI
Phone: 669-7024 Website: trinityprc.org
Pastor: Rev. Nathan Decker
Todd DeBoode
Chad Engelsma – Benevolence Treas.
Jim Geerlings - Secretary
Tom Holstege - Treasurer
Dan Mulder – Vice-all
Corey Terpstra – Assist. Secretary
Chad Van Overloop – Deacon Pres.
Consistory-Appointed Committees
Activities......................................................... Matt & Jessica D., Joel & Laura N., Jason & Kimberly S., Clint & Renae V.K.
Archives .............................................................................................................................................................. Bob Drnek
Building .......................................................... Brian D. (Chair), Joel E. (exterior), Clint K. (interior) & Phil V.B. (audio/video)
Caring & Sharing ...............................................................................................Michelle Drnek, Julie Hiemstra, Jen Lenting
Catechism ........................................................................................................................... Dave Pohler & Steve Van Dyke
Communion .............................................................................................. .... .....................Steve Essenburg & Doug Pastoor
Congregational Needs................................................................Stefan Engelsma (chair), Chuck Ensink & Steve Van Dyke
Counseling Needs ............................................................................. Rev Decker (chair), Brian Dykstra & Steve Essenburg
Evangelism .............................................................. Jon D. (Pres), Chad E. (Sectr’y), Aaron G. (Vice), Adam V.D. (Treas.)
Doug H., Pete H., Nate R., Kyle T.B. & Vern H.
Finance & Insurance ........................... .............................................Steve Essenburg, Tom Holstege & Mike Van Overloop
Instruction Committee ................................................................ Mike Van Overloop (chair), Vern Haveman & Dave Pohler
Kitchen ............................................................................................................................... Lois Dykstra and JoAnn Pastoor
Library ........................................................................................................... Bob Drnek, Sheryl Van Baren, Corey Terpstra
Long Range Planning ................................................................ Brian Dykstra, Dave Hiemstra, Doug Pastoor, Al Van Dyke
Music & Program..................................................................................................................... Chuck Ensink & Dave Pohler
Nursery ............................................................................................................................ Cassie De Vries & Jill Essenburg
Pastor’s Workload ..................................................................................................... Brian Dykstra and Mike Van Overloop
Pulpit Supply ................................................................................................................... Vern Haveman and Doug Pastoor
Trinity Times ................................................................................................................................................ Jessica Decker
Ushers .......................................................................................................................................................... Joel Engelsma
Study: 669-7025 E-mail: nate.p.decker@gmail.com
Emeritus Ministers: Prof. David Engelsma and Rev. Gise Van Baren
9:30 AM
“The Final Judgment”
The Meaning
II The Purpose
III The Outcome
Text: Lord’s Day 19f
Reading: Revelation 20
Psalter Nos.: 348, 362, 2, 264
1) General Fund 2) Future Expansion Fund
September 4
1) General Fund 2) Heritage Chr. School
5:00 PM
“Filled with the Knowledge of God’s Will”
The Meaning
II The Means
III The Goal
Text: Colossians 1:9
Reading: Colossians 1
Psalter Nos.: 297, 285, 336, 215
1) Benevolence 2) Seminary Asst. Fund
September 4
1) Benevolence 2) Trinity Evangelism
This is the Lord’s Day, August 28, 2016