PRC AGM EBR Vollversammlung


PRC AGM EBR Vollversammlung
EBR Vollversammlung
3rd March / 3. Maerz 2015
Review 2014
2014 im Rückblick
 Welcome
 Acceptance of minutes
 End of 2014 Term Report by PRC
 Election of new PRC
 Report from School Management
 Information from Phoenix Centre
 Results of election
The Role of the
Parents’ Representative Council
and the
Class Parent Representatives
The Parents’ Representative Council (PRC)
The PRC is recognized by the DSJ constitution as an
official body within the school’s structures.
The PRC acts in an advisory capacity to school
The PRC is included and heard in all major discussions
and decisions made by school management
The PRC continually works together with school
management to help improve the school.
The Parents’ Representative Council (PRC)
 Represent parent views to the school
 Make suggestions with regard to issues involving the
school as a whole or a large part of the school
 Has an important role in communicating with parents
 Portraying a positive image of the DSJ in public
As Class Parent Representatives you…
 are the binding link between parents of your class &
the class teacher
 are the key communication channel between parents of
your class & the PRC and give feedback if applicable
 need to ensure that information relating to your class is
disseminated to parents
 need to ensure that parents of your class adhere to the
proper channels of communication
As Class Parent Representatives you…
 organize and coordinate get-togethers of your class
 organize an activity / stand at the DSJ Basar on
Saturday, 23rd May 2015
 assist the PRC with a 2-hours shift at the Family Day,
Saturday, 24th October 2015
 portray a positive image of the DSJ in public
The guidelines can be viewed on the DSJ website:
Channels of Communication
Important these are followed so as not to involve School Principal
and/or the management team with issues which can initially
be addressed at teacher or phase coordinator level.
Individual concern/problem
Concern/problem pertaining to class
Subject Teacher
Class Parent Rep
Subject Teacher
Class Teacher
Class Parent Rep
Class Teacher
Phase Coordinator
Class Parent Rep
Phase Coordinator
(Kiga / VS – Frau Helmrich)
(GS – Frau Elsner)
(NPS – Frau F. Konrad)
(Gr. 5-6 – Frau Hansen)
(Gr. 7-9 – Frau Benner)
(Gr. 10-12 – Frau Fürstenberg)
(High School – Mrs Hobbs)
Principal or Deputy
(Kiga / VS – Frau Helmrich)
(GS – Frau Elsner)
(NPS – Frau F. Konrad)
(Gr. 5-6 – Frau Hansen)
(Gr. 7-9 – Frau Benner)
(Gr. 10-12 – Frau Fürstenberg)
(High School – Mrs Hobbs)
Class Parent Rep
Principal or Deputy
Effective communication between
all stakeholders
 We give feedback in the form of constructive criticism rather
than emotional and negative comments
 Our critical statements should always be based on evidence
and not on rumours and / or incomplete information
 We accept that all parties have best intentions
 We listen carefully without interruption
 We address perceptions while accepting these may not be
the reality
 We ask questions to clarify matters
Our motto and goals in 2014 were:
Ich und mein Kind
Wir und unsere Kinder √
 Continue to improve communication between
Parents, School Management and Board
 Raise more funds and assist the school community
with acquiring the “little extras” on the “wish list”
 Help foster a DSJ Community Spirit through better
communication and a positive attitude
Positives in 2014
 PRC members assisted at the 4th Open Day
 Organised and executed a successful Family Day on
25th October 2014
 Hosted two breakfasts for new families to the DSJ
 Hosted a successful and well attended Class Parent
Representatives’ dinner in August 2014
 Continued My School Card promotion and registration
of new members, our main source of funds
Continued…Positives in 2014
 Production and selling of DSJ calendars
 Winter school uniform sale - selling of “nameless lost
and found” items
 Continued clearing of the Lost & Found items
 2nd hand text book sale at the end of the school year
 Instrumental in the introduction of information
pamphlets / brochures for the parent evenings
 PRC hosted a talk in October 2014 with the topic:
“Social media and our children”
Distribution of funds the PRC has raised
The PRC agreed to distribute the following:
 R 25 790 towards Sports Department equipment
 R 2 000 CD’s for the Hörparadies in the
 R 10 870 for new CD stands and drawers for the
 Continuation of 4 magazine subscriptions for
125 years Deutsche Schule Johannesburg
Festwoche 11th to 18th September 2015
Friday 11th September
Opening Concert – 19h30
Saturday 12th September
Official Opening Ceremony - 09h00
Visitors’ Day – 11h30
Sunday 13th September
Church Service: Friedenskirche – 09h30
Red Bus City Tour – 11h30
Monday 14th September
Theatre Production – 19h00
Tuesday 15th September
Birthday Party Leaners’ Day – 08h00
Wednesday 16th September
Theatre Production – 19h00
Thursday 17th September
Arbor Day & Assembly
Friday 18th September
Festival Ball – 19h00
History and Art Exhibitions throughout the school during the Festwoche.
Timings may change.
Where is the PRC involved?
 Chair and vice-chair of the PRC meet Mr Bachmeier & Mr van
Wyk one morning per month, or more if required, to discuss
issues / concerns that have been raised by parents via the PRC.
The PRC gets feedback from School Management on current
issues / events that have come up at school
 PRC Chair is present at and gives feedback to the School Board
at their meetings every six weeks
 The PRC is represented on the following school committees:
Steuergruppe, “125”-Fest committee, Discipline committee &
School clothing commitee.
 Individual PRC members meet with the stakeholders of the
various portfolios / committees and give feedback to the rest of
the PRC
Where is the PRC involved?
 The PRC meets twice a term:
 our “formal” meeting we invite all the parties of the school: a
representative of the Board, the Staff council, School
Management & prefects, and
 for our informal meetings only the PRC members meet where we
discuss & plan fundraising and other activities for the coming
 Each portfolio member also meets with the relevant parties of
his/her portfolio as and when needed, often during or after
school hours
PRC 2014 – Thank You
Ute Williams – Secretary, Finance, new parents welcome, Mondi
Natalie Froehlich – My School Card
Anja Harmse – Regentroepfchen / Kindergarten / Vorschule
Dinesh Baliah - Regentroepfchen / Kindergarten / Vorschule
Veronique Stheemann – Lost Property, 2nd hand book sale,
new parents welcome, Calendar
Mike Stenemann - Family Day
Anton Coetzee – Uniform Committee
Susanne Guenther – Family Day, Calendar Advertisers,
Grundschulsport, Tuckshop Liaison
Calvin Hope – NPS, NSek & Grundschule
Birgit Kanwischer– Deputy Chair – Sport, Steering Committee,
Annette Holtmann – Chairperson – Communication,
Blood Drive, Family Day, Calendar
PRC in 2015
 8 members from 2014 will stand again for re-election
 We look forward to welcoming new colleagues.
We require between 5 and 12 members
 Expectations of PRC members:
 Be committed & enthusiastic to build the DSJ community spirit
 Be positive & constructive
 Don’t be a “single issue” candidate
 Attendance of 2 meetings per term
 Assume responsibility for at least one portfolio
 Contribute to all PRC events (Family Day, Open Day, etc)
 Due to ongoing and long-term commitments on certain portfolios,
a 2-year term will be attached to these portfolios
PRC in 2015
 Aims for 2015:
 Increasing the number of subscribers to the MySchool Card
 Continue improving on the communication between PRC and
Class Parent Representatives
 Assisting the DSJ with preparation for the “125 FEST-JAHR”
 Continuing to improve on the feeling of “community” at the
Final comments
 Latest DJS news and updates are sent via School Communicator.
The aim is for all parents to sign onto the School Communicator.
It can be downloaded to mobile phones, PCs, iPads, iPhones, etc.
 DSJ now also on Facebook and Twitter
 DSJ Newsletter is still the official means of communication
 E-mail communications with the PRC via
 To get in touch with teachers (other than your class teacher), you can
always contact the School Secretary to leave a message.
 All staff and teachers of the DSJ have email addresses,
eg. Mrs Anna Smith:
 School’s email address: ; website:
 School’s telephone: 011 726 6220
 Questions / Answer session
 Thank you to the 2014 PRC Team for their commitment and input
throughout the year
 Thank you to all 2014 class parent representatives for your
continuous work, support & enthusiasm
 We look forward to working with the 2015 class parent
 Thank you to the School Board, School Management, Teachers and
all staff of the DSJ, Cornelia Kohler & her DSJ Café team for her
continued support at the Family Day and various other functions
hosted by the PRC
 Thank you for taking the time to attend tonight’s PRC AGM