What does Remembrance Day mean to you?


What does Remembrance Day mean to you?
sex & relationship
at your
• pg 11
Do you feel out of touch with
Remembrance Day ? • pg 2
November 3, 2010
Issue 46-5
What does
Day mean to
2 Editorial
BCIT Link • Nov. 3 to Nov. 17
Remembering Our Fallen Soldiers
Living in an Age of November 11th Apathy
Brenna Temple
s I write this I’m sitting on
a plane surrounded by Canada’s diverse cultural makeup. I
think to myself, “isn’t it amazing that all of us have come from
different places to live in a country that allows us so many freedoms?”
I contemplate how all the different people on this plane, along
with the millions more spread
out across Canada’s broad geography, relate to Remembrance
Day. Within the small confines of
BCIT it doesn’t seem far-fetched
to suppose that most of us will
use November 11th to put our feet
up, go shopping, sleep in or just
catch up on homework.
I’ll be the first to admit the
message of Remembrance Day
can feel as convoluted as trying
to understand a flight attendant
talking over the loud grumble of
the airplane I’m on. Even one of
my friends recently mentioned
that he was angry about Remembrance Day during his teenage
years. Originally from Iran he
said it was difficult enough for
him to focus on his home country’s plights nevermind something that happened in Canada
before our generation was born.
Yes, it’s true— a very large
Check out the Link
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The Link Blog
died as a result of participating
in military operations within Afghanistan. Try to envision these
people as your father, mother,
sister, brother, aunt, uncle, grandfather or best friend and how that
would affect your life.
Within our own countries, our
Legions are suffering massive
deficits because the government
doesn’t support them. They rely
largely on donations to survive.
They work hard to preserve the
memories of fallen soldiers but
their efforts are barely recipro-
Campus Query
What does Remembrance Day
mean to you?
cated in our society. Legions offer bursaries and more to students
and ask for nothing in return. Yet
many of us may feel their existences are outdated and irrelevant.
This year people will still pin
Remembrance Day poppies to
their lapels. Some of them will
leave their living rooms to do
something else while their TVs
play the sounds of bagpipes
quietly in the background. But
whether or not they stop to think
about what these things mean is
up to them.
Patrick Kambo
Electronics & Computer
War and poppies and showing respect
to the veterans.
Chad Klassen | Assistant Editor
Facebook & Twitter
majority of us came to Canada
from different countries and
that’s often used as an excuse for
Remembrance Day apathy. However, the tragedies still occurring
in the world today serve as a loud
message for how lucky we are to
walk outside of our houses without being shot. Not to mention the
fact that Remembrance Day isn’t
just about Canadians. It’s about
remembering anyone, anywhere
who has ever fought for freedom.
Numbers are hard to understand when many people our age
are desensitized. But just try to
close your eyes and think of the
estimated 620,000 soldiers who
fought in World War I. About
66,000 of them never came home.
Now think about the one million
Canadians who left for World War
II. Fourty-five-thousand of them
never returned. It doesn’t end
there either - 152 Canadians have
Gagandeep Jutla
Mechanical Engineering
Tim Cooper
Kaylee Tjader
Medical Radiography
Astier Alern
It’s basically remembering Canadian
soldiers who died in the war. Unfortunately we’re so busy with school that
we don’t do anything. We should, but
BCIT is pretty intense.
It means remembering the veterans
that fought for us, so we could have
the rights that we do. I wear my poppy to show my support.
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The Link is the student
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British Columbia
Institute of Technology.
Published bi-weekly by
the BCIT Student Association (BCITSA), The
Link circulates 3,000
copies to over 16,000 students, faculty and staff.
Publications Manager:
Alicia Agarrabeitia
Brenna Temple
Chad Klassen
Culture Coordinator:
Sarah Massah
Link Writers:
Anita Sthankiya
Jessica Rivers
Julia Montague
Mitch Pollock
Zameer Karim
Amy Wilding
Luvia Petersen
Trevor Record
Advertising Sales:
Dan Close
The views in The Link are
not necessarily those of
Editorial Staff, or the
Publications Manager.
A lot of good Canadians died to secure
our freedom from others. I’m grateful,
but it’s hard to relate because we don’t
really live in that [war] society. We
take it for granted. I try to appreciate
it. I feel guilty, but it is what it is.
It makes me appreciate people in the
armed services more and makes me
appreciate our freedom in Canada.
As a member of
Canadian University
Press (CUP), The Link
adheres to the CUP code
of ethics and will not
publish any material
deemed by the editors to
be sexist, racist, homo/
hetero phobic or in poor
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BCIT Link • Nov. 3 to Nov. 17
News In Brief
Brenna Temple
BCIT’s School of Transportation
Welcomes New Dean
BCIT Introduces Spam Hating
ay Notay has taken leadership roles at numerous colleges but now he’s stepping in as
the new dean of BCIT’s School of Transportation.
Notay carries a wide variety of experience according to a BCIT press release.
“Jay is originally from BC but has spent the past number of years in Ontario,” says
the press release. “Jay comes to us with 14 years experience as a Dean, Associate Dean,
and Manager in the Ontario post secondary environment where he provided educational
and administrative leadership. He has contributed to the Ontario educational community
through various roles.”
Notay’s job will come into effect on June 6th, 2011.
BCIT Scores Green Thumb Award
Turn out the lights
CIT’s Centre for Architectural Ecology has won this year’s Canadian Institute of Energy Research and Development Award for its green roof and wall system research.
The award was given to BCIT at a meeting on Oct. 21st and has been given to leading
energy companies in the past according to a BCIT website article.
“Over the past decade, the award has been given to leading BC energy companies,”
says the article.
“Past winners include the SE False Creek District Heating System, Westport Innovations, Lignol Innovations, and Busby Perkins and Wills, Architects.”
For more information on BCIT’s sustainability iniatives check out
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f you’re sick of Viagra spam sneaking into your inbox then you might be happy to hear that
BCIT has upped its software.
The new computer program, Microsoft Forefront Protection 2010, was installed on Oct.
27th and should do its job without interrupting email efficiency according to a press release.
“The change will occur behind the scenes and will not cause any interruption of e-mail
delivery,” it says.
“Forefront will only affect e-mail hygiene of incoming messages to your Lotus Notes and
myBCIT accounts from non-BCIT e-mail addresses.”
For more information phone BCIT’s technology service desk at 604-412-7444.
CIT is trying to save energy by encouraging students to turn off lights.
“This goal is in keeping with the BC Hydro Power Smart Energy Conservation Pledge,
recently signed for the second consecutive year, which commits the Institute to further reduce
its energy use on all campuses,” says the release.
“One of the major contributing factors to energy use and greenhouse gas emissions on our
campuses is lighting. BCIT spends approximately $600,000 annually on lighting alone. That’s
30 per cent of our total energy bill.”
BCIT is aiming to cut its energy use by eight per cent by March, 31st, 2011.
BCIT Grad Publishes Book
hristopher Meades, a BCIT Computer Systems Technology grad, participated in
2007’s 3 Day Novel Competition
and ended up with a manuscript named The Three Fates of Henrik Nordmark. It didn’t
win, but after fixing it up a bit he sent it to a publisher only to come out with a three-book
deal. He says his success is largely due to his learning experience at BCIT.
“The process of getting published is a project in and of itself. BCIT was my first exposure to that and it helped immeasurably,” said Meades.
For more information about his book series, check out
4 News
BCIT Link • Nov. 3 to Nov. 17
BCIT spinning
the wheels on
cycling initiatives
The Institute continues to discuss
plans to increase ridership on the
Chad Klassen
Assistant Editor
he wheels are spinning more
frequently this week in Metro
Vancouver, and BCIT has jumped
on board as the city celebrates
Bike to Work Week.
The Vancouver Area Cycling
Coalition is actually heading the
initiative, which is encouraging
people to hop onto their bike instead of in their car.
Commuters on bike or foot are
in the running for the bike-a-day
giveaway, all in the name of promoting a healthy lifestyle while
cutting down on pollution.
BCIT hosted a commuter pitstop on Wednesday when riders
were welcomed to visit after their
morning commute. Cyclists gathered for food and drink, bike maps
and had the opportunity to tune-up
their bike.
For the remainder of the week,
participants can still register on-
line at www.biketoworkmetrovan.
ca where you track your kilometers, calories and carbon emissions
for a chance to win a new ride.
According to statistics on the
Bike to Work website, there were
1,210 active participants, 456
teams signed up and 139 newcomers as of November 1st. That number is rapidly rising. Last year,
the total number of riders reached
The initiative started in 2007
and is gaining steam in Metro Vancouver. The region is seemingly
embracing the “green” movement
and has witnessed a cycling transformation in the last year.
This has especially been the
case since the election of Vancouver mayor Gregor Robertson in
November 2008.
Eight months following his
win, in the summer of 2009,
the first controversial bike lane
opened across the Burrard Street
Bridge. It was the beginning of
Robertson’s quest to revolutionize
the city as a green leader.
Since, the city built another
lane on Dunsmuir Street this June.
Most recently, a second downtown bike lane along Hornby is in
the works after Council approved
construction plans in early October.
Education grads face difficult job market
Many are forced to look for work out of province, or country
Trevor Record
The Ubyssey (University of British Columbia)
VANCOUVER (CUP) — Graduates of education programs in
British Columbia are finding it increasingly difficulty landing jobs
in B.C. schools, forcing many to
leave the province or work abroad.
“I have always known that an
amazing, full-time teaching position in the city I want to live in
probably wouldn’t await me at
graduation from UBC,” said recent
University of British Columbia education graduate Nadine Bouliane.
Sydney Craig, director of teacher education at the university’s
faculty of education, says that the
trend has been growing over recent
“Certainly for many years
we’ve been telling our students
that they would most likely begin
their careers as teachers on call.
And that’s been the case for more
than five years … I think that what
you’re hearing now is that even
those part-time positions are not as
Craig claims that there are a
number of contributing factors to
the decline in available positions.
Declining enrolment, linked to a
low birth rate, is one factor. Lower
funding given to public schools is
“Certainly in B.C. right now,
the governments are not providing boards with a lot of financial
resources,” said Craig.
According to the Ministry of
Advanced Education, the number of teachers employed in public schools has stayed relatively
the same over the past five years.
While there were 33,704 total
teachers working in the province
in 2004–2005, the number has
only dropped by 300 from 2005 to
Further, the majority of education graduates are listed as “in the
workforce,” though this number
includes graduates who are still
searching for work or have found
employment in other sectors.
Craig says budget cuts have
meant the loss of many programs,
which means that teachers from
disbanded programs are also in
competition for teaching jobs.
“If the special education classes
or resource rooms [are cut], those
are the teachers that move into the
classrooms,” said Craig. “If the
music program is cancelled, and
that is happening everywhere, then
those music teachers become regular classroom teachers. In some
cases they’re even closing libraries.”
Meanwhile, some education
graduates are looking for teaching
jobs in other countries where their
degrees are highly valued. Bouliane recently took a job at a girls’
middle school in Mokpo, South
“I was hired through a recruiting
agency I encountered at a UBC career fair last year,” said Bouliane.
“If I had plentiful work in Vancouver, I would still take the opportu-
nity to be teaching abroad while I
have no mortgage and child-rearing obligations. For me, working
overseas is a big part of my professional practice as a teacher.”
Craig pointed to Canada’s
strength in exporting educators to
schools abroad.
“There are many provinces
in Canada that have developed a
partnership with schools in Asia,”
said Craig. “Many have chosen the
B.C. curriculum, possibly because
we’re on the Pacific Rim, but also
because it’s fundamentally a very
good curriculum.
“So naturally enough, they’re
happy to get grads from B.C.
university teacher education programs.”
Craig says, however, that here
in B.C. there are only a few areas
looking for teachers, including
kindergarten and subjects such as
French, math, science and home
There may be some hope for
graduates specializing in other
subjects soon, however.
Craig said that a large number
of baby-boom teachers are expected to start retiring soon, which will
occur near a time when a larger
number of students begin entering
“There is talk of a renewal by
2015,” said Craig. “Quite a significant renewal.”
For Bouliane, though, schools
should be paying more attention
to the market place and avoid taking on more students than there are
jobs to fill.
“I do question the integrity of
UBC’s policy of taking as many
tuition dollars as possible to churn
out professionals where jobs don’t
exist,” she said. “Entering teaching
was my decision, but I wonder if
our certifying institutions don’t
have a responsibility to acknowledge the realities of the job market in the number of teachers they
qualify each year.”
BCITSA Info & News
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A message from
your VP of
Student Affairs:
Nicola Gardner
This is Music Bingo
Evolution Style!
ust off your mustache, it’s
time to show your support
for men’s health and awareness of
it. For the month of Movember,
BCIT staff and students can show
off their different “Mo’s” around
Whether you’re a
Selick, a Ned Flanders, or a member of the Village People, it’s time
to let your whiskers shine. In the
spirit of competition, the BCITSA
Executives have challenged the
BCIT Executives to a “Mo off”.
The two executive teams are going head to head to see who can
grow the best mustache and raise
the most money, all in the name of
men’s health. For those of us who
aren’t blessed with the ability to
grow a mustache, you can still
support the BCITSA Movember
team through our online donation
page or come out to our Movemeber party on November 30th in
Professor Mugs Pub. There will
be lots of prizes given away, and
best of all, you will get a chance
to bask in everyone’s Mo Glory.
Listen To the Station
Learn The Tunes
Every Thursday Professor Mugs Gift Certificates
and Canucks Hats
Starting Oct. 21
Check out our
social media:
BCITSA annual general meeting
Russell and Roots
*regular priced items only
any proposed by-law changes
presentation of audited financial statements
nov. 15
5:30pm - council chambers SE2
* The BCITSA Info & News Page is designed for the BCIT Student Association (BCITSA) to showcase the Association’s projects or events. The advertising on this page does not necessarily reflect the views of the Link or its staff.
6 Feature
BCIT Link • Nov. 3 to Nov. 17
Remembrance Day
Different Ways of Showing Respect
Brenna Temple
Perhaps one of your reasons for not going out on Remembrance
Day is because it can get a little depressing. Fear not—we have
your November 11th guide ready at hand. Choose from these
different methods to remember Canada’s fallen soldiers.
Remembrance Day Events
Snuggle up with a Book
Vancouver’s Victory Square Ceremony
We’ll Never Forget
Make your way out to Vancouver’s Remembrance Day
ceremony downtown at the city’s war memorial known as
Victory Square. The event begins at 10:30 a.m. but music by the Vancouver Bach Youth Choir will begin playing
at 10:10 a.m. Veterans, Canadian Forces members from
the past and present will join together in a parade down
Hastings.When they reach Hastings and Seymour Street
Premier Gordon Campbell will salute while former mayor
Sam Sullivan stands beside him. Aircrafts will fly above
the event if the weather allows. Victory Square is located
at 200 W. Hastings St.
Written by teacher and author Jean Miso, We’ll Never Forget targets children in its attempt to educate them about the
significance of Remembrance Day. What makes this book
exceptionally unique is its ability to reach people of all
ages. Miso uses photos and biographies of soldiers, both
fallen and still alive, to humanize the war for those who
might feel out of touch. It’s an easy read, yet it allows you
to get in touch with those who have made sacrifices for
Canada. The book comes with a CD full of Remembrance
Day songs that you can give away to a young sibling, family member or friend.
Remembrance Day Parade
The Diary of Anne Frank
This year the North Shore Veterans Council will lead a
service and parade at the Cenotaph in North Vancouver’s
Victoria Park. According to the Veterans Affairs Canada
website the parade will go into effect after the service
ends."The parade forms up on East Keith Road at Chesterfield and marches on to the Cenotaph prior to the service,” says the website. “Upon completion of the service,
the parade reforms on Lonsdale at East 12th and marches
to the 6th Field Engineers (JP Fell) Armoury.” The event
will begin at 10:45 a.m. For more information check out
www.vac-acc.gc.ca or call 604-789-9022.
Watch a Play
If you’re busy studying during the Remembrance Day
weekend then book tickets for the end of November to
see an emotional play related to WWII. Jake’s Gift has become popular across Canada according to its website, and
is written by a Vancouverite. “Jake’s Gift is an award winning Canadian play about a WWII veteran’s journey back
to Juno Beach to find the grave of a brother who never
returned home,” says the website. Actor and playwright
Julia Mackey plays the role she created in her self-written
script as an 80-year-old veteran. Mackey was inspired to
create the play after traveling to Normandy and interviewing numerous war veterans. The play will start at 2:30 on
November 26th at West Vancouver’s Kay Meek Centre.
For more information phone 604-913-3634.
Anne Frank’s non-fiction experience of going into hiding
with her family to avoid the Nazis will leave you trembling. Taking place in Amsterdam, Frank shows an honest
perspective of a Jewish girl living during WWII. Although
not a Canadian account, it serves as an exceptional reason
for why we should be thankful for our freedom. Throughout the trials and tribulations that Frank spends with her
family in the crowded “Secret Annex,” she dreams of going outside and living life like a normal young woman.
She is forced to put up with the habits of her family members and the outsiders who move in, along with a general
lack of privacy. Many of her words are memorable, especially during her hardest moments when she says, “despite
everything, I believe that people are really good at heart.”
Because We Are Canadians
If you want a real-life account of fighting in WWII then
Sgt. Charles D. Kipp’s non-fiction book will make you
feel like you’re on the frontlines. Kipp passed away in
2000 but left behind this war memoir that tells us his story
of landing on France’s beaches after leaving his Ontario
hometown. He takes us to the liberation in Northern Europe and tells us about his different battles using specific
times, people, and places. He doesn’t censor his accounts
and isn’t afraid to criticize his military experiences or the
government. This novel is fit for those who don’t flinch
over gruesome details.
Watch a Movie
Life is Beautiful
This movie tells the story of an Italian Jewish family being
forced into a concentration camp. The father, Guido Orifice uses his creative imagination to distract his son from
the grim outlook of the Holocaust. His wife is separated
from him in the camp but Orifice attempts to communicate
with her along the way. This film is in Italian but its connection to human emotion will keep your eyes glued to
the screen. You’ll find yourself feeling worried, happy, and
sad for the family during a regime that attempts to smother
their existence. At 1998’s Academy Awards the film won
awards for best actor, best original dramatic score, and the
best foreign language film. Have Kleenex ready!
Legends of the Fall
If you’re looking for a movie that was both made in
Canada and includes it in its plot then check out this one.
Filmed in Alberta and British Columbia, Legends of the
Fall tells the story of the close Ludlow family who live
in Montana’s mountains. Actor Henry Thomas plays the
character named Samuel Ludlow. As WW1 is gearing up
he’s eager to fight even before the United States has declared war. He joins the Canadian army much to his family’s dismay. Meanwhile, the other brothers also consider
joining the arm while their dad, jaded from past fighting
experiences, tells them it’s the wrong choice. The story
shows how a family is affected by war and what’s at stake
when you put your life on the line to fight for a country’s
Sophie’s Choice
If you like Meryl Streep then you’ll probably enjoy this
film although its not the happiest character she’s played.
Still, if you’re into romance and drama then it’s a good
way to fit some war history into your Remembrance Day.
Even with the story’s fictional plot it shows the after affects of the war on a woman who remains haunted by it. In
the story, a young writer meets a man whose lover is a Polish concentration camp survivor, played by Meryl Streep
and known as Sophie in the film. Everytime the writer
spends time with Sophie she tells him drunken accounts of
her time spent in the camp. The audience learns of her past
and how hard it is for to continue on in her new life. The
story unfolds through moments of unbearable sadness,
happiness, and anger.
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BCIT Link • Nov. 3 to Nov. 17
8 Culture
BCIT Link • Nov. 3 to Nov. 17
A federal court has ordered an immediate
shut-down of the program
Sarah Massah
Culture Editor
eer-to-peer file sharing network LimeWire has lost it’s
four-year long battle against
music giants Sony and Warner
The executives that were in
charge of the downloading program were ordered by a federal
judge to shut down immediately
after being found guilty of violating numerous copyright laws.
The case was brought against
them by the Recording Industry
Association of America and also
named Sony Music and Warner
Brothers in the list of plaintiffs.
According to the plaintiffs, 93
per cent of LimeWire’s traffic
was infringing copyright laws.
This has been a long time coming for the expanding company. Federal judge Kimba Wood
found that the company was li-
able for copyright infringement
and that the founder of LimeWire
Mark Gordon was personally liable. It was at this time that the
RIAA made the motion to freeze
LimeWire’s assets and to permanently shut down the company.
As of right now users can still
log-on and share files but at their
own risk, a banner in the middle
of the page states that “downloading or sharing the copyrighted
content without authorization is
For those that grew up in the
generation of Napster this is nothing new. Napster went through a
similar ordeal and now has become legalized. The only difference is consumers have to pay.
Then there was Kazaa after Napster and for a brief moment, prior
to LimeWire, there was Bearshare.
Every single one of these programs was grossly and clearly in
violation of copyright infringement. But most students have
used it at one time or another.
This fact alone is interesting.
There is legal software available,
iTunes for example, provides an
expansive music selection for a
reasonable price without the trouble of pesky viruses. But there is
still a demand for free music.
Now that era of LimeWire is
over, as the past has shown, it’s
only a matter of time until something else pops up. Just by clicking on to any technical blog or
news site there is an abundance of
suggestions to replace LimeWire.
The federal courts can continue shutting down companies like
LimeWire, but as long as there
is a demand for it, there will be
someone to supply it.
Like the Hydra from Greek
mythology, for every program
that the courts slash, another two
will spring up to take it’s place.
Album Review
Mitch Pollock
The Link
ie Antwoord are a curious
lot. When listening to them
you have to wonder whether it’s
all a big joke or not. The main
lyricist goes by the name Ninja,
followed closely by the pixie-like
Yolandi Vi$$er and DJ Hi-Tek.
They call their music rave-rap
and perform in a uniquely South
African style called Zef, a mix of
all major South African cultures.
Basically they are the ultimate
melting pot. On their new album
$O$, Die Antwoord do their best
to dispel the notion that they are a
mere curiosity and even show remarkable rhyming skill at times.
On the smash viral track “Enter
the Ninja”, the group drops one of
the best hooks in recent memory
along with a truly bizarre video
that establishes the back story of
the group.
So is it a joke? The answer is:
sort of. This is the fourth or fifth
different rap group for Yolandi
and Ninja. Others have included a group where Ninja rapped
about a power presentation put
on by Yolandi. So they have a
history of performance art, and
it seems Die Antwoord is a continuation of that.
Ninja has said his character is
similar to Superman, a heroic version of his real persona. But in the
end, it doesn’t matter. The album
is amazing! They mix English
and Afrikaans in their raps, making them somewhat indecipherable, but very impressive. Standout track “Wat Kyk Jy” is full of
language mixing and lightening
fast rhymes, terrific party music.
The album is essentially the same
as the one they released for free
online last year but contains a
couple new tracks including the
Diplo produced “Evil Boy”. It’s
a shame that the album didn’t
come out in the summer because
it is a late night party album of the
highest caliber. While many may
dismiss them as being a flash in
the pan, I have a feeling they’ll be
around for awhile.
Artist Spotlight: The King Khan
and BBQ Show
Jessica Rivers
The Link
They’re not together anymore, but one of Canada’s most original and bizarre duos are
still worth paying attention to. King Khan (Arish Khan) and BBQ (Mark Sultan)
parted ways this year, but don’t let that stop you from getting into them now. Their dirty
soul is just what’s missing from your music collection. The doo-wop/garage rock punks
from Montreal released three albums while they were together, most recently Invisible
Girl in 2009. Previously, they were bandmates in The Spaceshits, another soul/garage
outfit infamous for their violent stage shows. As The King Khan and BBQ Show, the
pair mixed 60’s feel-good beats with the raunchiest lyrics imaginable, something like if
the Beach Boys collaborated with Lil Kim (come to think of it, someone should really
do that mash-up, like the Wu-Tang Clan/Beatles one…). “Tastebuds” is one of their
most insanely catchy songs, but the lyrics are pure, unadulterated smut. With Khan’s
scratchy, blues-y voice, you expect classic soul, and to a degree you get it; but it’s more
like classic soul with herpes. It’s sincere musical talent and solid rhythm, jammed up
against juvenile school-boy lyrics. If you’re not yet ready to be lyrically assaulted by
KK and BBQ, get your feet wet with “Animal Party” (also from Invisible Girl), a fun
tune that’s clean enough for the whole family. By now you’re probably depressed that
you didn’t know about these guys earlier, but don’t despair: Khan is still out there,
based in Berlin and fronting King Khan and the Shrines. They don’t have quite the
magic of KK and BBQ together, but such is life. Don’t cry because it’s over, smile
because it happened.
Culture & Views
BCIT Link • Nov. 3 to Nov. 17
The 39 Steps
Theatre Review
Julia Montague
The Link
nbeknownst to me, it was the
first night of the World Series.
My gentleman companion made
no mention of this fact and accepted my invitation to the theatre. Oopsies. Men love women
who do that, non?
Lucky for both of us, The 39
Steps was a tasty morsel of theatre. Hijinks the likes of Monty
Python to the slightly morbid
beat of Hitchcock. Delightful.
The story follows Richard
Hannay, a restless London dandy
who gets mixed up in a spy plot
after a chance encounter with
a mysterious lady. His journey
prompts him to cross borders and
paths with countless ridiculous
characters. Over one hundred to
be more exact.
All of whom are played by
only four actors.
On top of that, add changing
accents and genders. The seeming effortlessness of it all is a testament to the truly superb acting.
Martin Happer gives a strong
performance in the lead, and Di-
ana Coatsworth
follows closely
as the lone (true)
female. But the
show is stolen by
Shawn Macdonald and David
Marr, who play
every other supporting role from
lingerie salesmen
to inanimate objects and beyond.
Ted Roberts’
set design adds
dimension. Characters climb
through windows they hold up in
their own hands, walk from invisible room to invisible room by
means of a rolling door, and cars
are simulated on the fly.
With such frantic creativity
though, something had to give.
Director Dean Paul Gibson loses
the plot in the second half, and
events become muddled in the
madness. I was still laughing, but
with a hint of uncertainty.
I did however have the pretty
unmistakable feeling that I’d enjoyed myself.
Evolving 20 - October 30, 2010
So ignore the humdrum of routine on these cold blustery nights,
and head out for a touch of culture and hilarity.
The 39 Steps plays at the Stanley Industrial Alliance Stage at
12th and Granville until November 21. Performances run Tuesdays at 7:30 pm, Wednesday
through Saturday at 8 pm, and
Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays at 2 pm. StudentRush tickets
start at $20. Call the Box Office at
604-687-1644 or visit the wesite
at www.artsclub.com
1. Math & Physics Club - We’re So D.I.Y.
2. Stars - We Don’t Want Your Body
3. The Mountain & The Trees - Up & Down
4. Grinderman - Heathen Child
5. Analog Bell Service - I Guess
6. !!! (chk chk chk) - AM/FM
7. Black Mountain - Old Fangs
8. Jess Hill - Orchard
9. Kathryn Calder - Slip Away
10. k-os (ft. Sebastian Grainger) - Black Water
11. Broken Social Scene - Chase Scene
12. Ray Lamontagne & The Pariah Dogs - Repo Man
13. The Tom Fun Orchestra - Miles Davis
14. Hannah Georgas - This Is Good
15. Neon Trees - 1983
16. Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin - All Hail
17. Treelines - Ghost Towns
18. Florence & The Machine - Cosmic Love
19. Bend Sinister - Things Will Get Better
20. Foals - This Orients
Gordon vs. Carol:
The last stand
Zam Karim
The Link
remier Gordon Campbell
made a rare live television address last week that announced a
15 per cent reduction to provincial income taxes.
It just may have been his last
stand as the premier.
Campbell has led the party
well for the last two decades, but
it’s time to bring in some fresh
blood and give another BC Liberal the chance to win the next
provincial election.
He’s done some good for this
province, balancing the budget,
bringing in a highly successful
Olympic Winter Games, creating jobs, and lowering taxes has
helped every British Columbian.
But he has lost the public’s trust
in the way he ushered in the
highly controversial Harmonized
Sales Tax.
Whether or not the HST is a
good thing is beside the point,
but the manner in which it came
about has lots of people ticked at
the government which helped to
drive the need for a 15 per cent
tax cut.
Gordon, you’re giving people
the only option they have because
they are so utterly annoyed by
your arrogance to stick around
the legislature even though your
approval rating is below 10 per
cent and many in the Liberal party think it’s time for you to make
your exit.
No matter how smart you are,
or how incompetent NDP leader
Carol James is, if you don’t step
aside and let the party rebound
and separate itself from the HST,
the populous will have no choice
but to vote for James and the
NDP. And that’s not the kind of
leadership B.C. needs.
James, of course, immediately
came out against the tax cut – like
she does every time the government in power reveals a new idea.
And that’s exactly the problem with the talking head that is
James. Anytime Gordon Campbell or any BC Liberal does or
says anything thing, she come out
against it, and it’s hard to under-
stand what she stands for.
For once, it’s time for a solution from James and her party,
which apparently has all the answers.
Carol, just stop your squawking and start bringing in solutions
if you want anyone to take you
seriously as a Premiership Candidate.
10 Sports
BCIT Link • Nov. 3 to Nov. 17
Rangers run out of luck
poor showings
sinks Texas in
World Series
Anita Sthankiya
The Link
ike something straight out of a
Disney movie, the Texas Rangers advanced to their first-ever
World Series.
But the magical run certainly
didn’t end the way many baseball aficionados predicted. Their
hopes and dreams came crashing
to a halt quickly after five games,
contrary to the pre-series chatter.
All the talk was of the Rangers’
possibly fulfilling destiny – with
analysts predicting a championship victory.
But San Francisco played like
Giants to win the franchise’s first
title in 56 years and the first since
moving West.
For the underdog Rangers, it
all came down to Games 1 or 2
which set the tone for how the
series would play out. Pitching
ace Cliff Lee, who was expected
to lead Texas to a World Series,
Cliff Lee didn’t pitch the way everyone expected in the World Series and partly cost Texas the series.
got lit up in the series-opener and
coughed up a monstrous threerun homer in the series-clincher.
The former Cy Young winner
had a great season, but the spot-
light seemed too much for Lee.
But his two losses isn’t solely
why Texas lost in the Fall Classic.
The eighth inning of Game 2
was a complete embarrassment,
as Texas, who was behind only
2-0, coughed up seven runs to
lose. And allowing 20 runs in
the first two games? That simply
shouldn’t happen on this stage.
Offensively, the Rangers’ big
bats went silent, partly due to San
Francisco’s dominant pitching.
Tim Lincecum won the muchanticipated pitching battle over
Lee, winning both contest, while
Matt Cain and 21-year-old rookie
Madison Bumgardner both posted wins as well and didn’t give up
a run.
The three combined to shut
down slugger Josh Hamilton,
who was awful at the plate, finishing the big series 2-for-20. Texas
simply didn’t get enough offense
to keep up in the end.
And given that only 17 teams
have come back from that deficit
in World Series history, Texas’ futile start pretty well clinched the
series for San Francisco. Despite
winning Game 3 at home, the
Rangers’ fate was already sealed.
They were the underdogs who
are plagued with recovering addicts, good guys who won’t touch
a drop of liquor and managers
who like their cocaine. There
were pitchers expected to break
records but end up falling flat.
And while they were a great story,
it was a disappointing trip for the
Rangers who were expected to
put up more of a fight.
Hawks proving worth early in West
Chad Klassen
Assistant Editor
It’s still early but the defending
Stanley Cup champions are holding their own in a tough Central
Division – much to the dismay of
Canuck fans.
The Blackhawks are enjoying
a 7-6-1 start and sit third in the
Western Conference, all in spite
of notions they would flounder
after shipping a large chuck of
their roster to Atlanta.
For Vancouverites, as exciting as the acquisitions of Dan
Hamhuis and Keith Ballard were,
there was almost more joy (and a
certain amount of relief) seeing
Chicago dismantled after handing
the Canucks two straight playoff
But contrary to perception, the
Hawks are proving they’re still a
top team. And while they clearly
aren’t the deadly team we witnessed the last two playoff runs,
there’s no reason to think the
Hawks can’t get past a round or
two come spring.
The top two lines have essentially stayed intact, and many of
Chicago’s guns have come out
of the gates shooting in the first
month. It would seem they still
have that scoring punch to keep
winning games.
Marian Hossa suddenly cares
about hockey again. And despite
a recent “upper-body” injury that
will force him out two weeks,
he’s put on display why he’s still
one of the most dynamic players
in the league – when he comes to
He’s racked up seven goals and
four assists already and doesn’t
show any signs of slowing down.
Neither does Patrick Sharp,
who’s off to a red-hot start. The
Canuck killer leads the NHL with
10 goals and has chipped in another five assists.
Sharp scored more than a few
big playoff goals and has translated his postseason success into
the 2010/11 campaign as he continues his emergence as a top-end
But once again in the Windy
City, the X-factor again will likely be goaltending. Which Marty
Turco will protect the Hawks’
crease? The newly-acquired netminder showed flashes of brilliance in Dallas, dating back to
his three-shutout performance
in that epic 2007 playoff series
against Vancouver.
His game tailed off last season
and a half, but if Turco regains his
form and gives the Hawks consistent goaltending every night, Chicago could rise again as a team to
be reckoned with around playoff
So, to all those in Canucks
Nation, daydream with caution
about a third crack at one of your
most hated teams.
The Blackhawks are surprising some who believed they would flounder this season.
BCIT Link • Nov. 3 to Nov. 17
Answers to all your burning Sex and
Relationship questions
Drake Winters & Olivia Starling
The Link
I’m always dry when having
sex, does that mean I’m not
attracted to my boyfriend?
Ahhhhh… love this question because it reminds me of a porn I
recently watched… picture this:
Guy going down on girl whilst
fingering her… girl is ouuuing
and ahhhing and all of a sudden ‘ptoooey’, guy spits on the
girls vajayjay! At that point
I screamed “NOOOOOO….”
Drake comes running in and asks,
“What? What’s wrong… are you
okay?” Normally I would simply laugh it off as a ‘$1.25 porn
moment’. In this instance, however, a clear image conjured in
my mind. Thousands of young
boys enjoying that same $1.25
porn during one of their monkey
spanking exhibitions thinking to
themselves… “Aha! That’s hot,
girls must like that! I’ll just spit
on a girl to get her going.” Heed
this warning! Those of you who
partake in the act of going down
town on the ladies, spit on a girl
and there is a 98.3427 % chance
her legs will close, her mouth will
open and something like this will
come out, ”Uhm… did you just…
uhmm… spit on me?”
Okay, onto the question. Some
girls are wetter than others. In the
words of my gynecologist… “oh,
you don’t seem to have a problem
with wetness”...just what a girl
wants to hear when she’s spread
eagle with feet comfortably resting against the cold metal stirrups! Although I myself get wet
when I ride my bike, I know not
all girls are built this way. Drake
tells me he’s had one or two experiences with women who require a little lubrication for the
fornication. Don’t be worried
or ashamed, lube it up! Lube
can be fun and comes in all different flavours and consistencies.
In the style of Bubba Gump, you
got strawberry lube, your water
based lube, your vegan lube, your
KY jelly lube, your roommate’s
I like to look at naked pictures of girls, am I a lesbian?
That depends; do you wear plaid,
listen to Tegan and Sara and have
an A-symmetrical haircut? If you
have answered yes to all, any, or
none of the above questions there
is a good chance that you are or
are not a lesbian. Looking at photos of naked women makes you
no more a lesbian then a lesbian
looking at photos of naked men
makes her straight.
My boyfriend used to want
to rip my clothes off and
now I feel like I want it more
then him, is that normal?
Guy wants to rip girls clothes off =
normal. Guy gets a hard-on in the
morning and asks girl for blowjob
= normal. Girl wants hard hot sex
all the time and wants to rip guys
clothes off = not normal? What’s
so scary about a woman with a
healthy sexual appetite? WTF
people… W… T... F.
There are many benefits to having a vigorous libido, some being burning calories, improving
circulation, lower cholesterol,
and a better nights sleep. If you
are asking us for permission to
want sexy time all the time then
consider it granted. Somehow
we don’t think this is the case, is
there something you’re not telling
us? Your sex life can be a direct
reflection of how healthy the rest
of your relationship is. What has
changed? Is he stressed out with
school, his job, or his mom? Is he
less affectionate i.e. less touchy,
feely, huggy and kissy? So many
questions for you and him to answer, maybe start asking some of
them! In closing, there are many
benefits to bringing sexy back
just as there are many benefits to
open communication, which just
may result in a healthy sex life!
Send your questions to
12 Fun
BCIT Link • Nov. 3 to Nov. 17
Stone Temple Pilots Vancouver Giants vs
Kelowna Rockets
@ Pacific Coliseum
The Trews @
the Vogue
Chilliwack Bruins vs
Everett Silvertips
Josh Ritter @
BCIT Big Info Session
Link Newspaper
Vol. 46 Issue 5
Chilliwack Bruins vs
Edmonton Oil Kings
Vancouver Giants
vs Red Deer Rebels
Remembrance Day
BCIT Closed
Content Deadline
for Link Newspaper
Vol. 46 Issue 6
Chilliwack Bruins vs
Red Deer Rebels
Wintersleep @
Delorean @
General Meeting
@ 5:30
Council Chambers
Link Newspaper
Vol. 46 Issue 6
It’s A Wonderful
Life @ Granville
Island Stage
(to Jan 2)
Chilliwack Bruins vs
Tri-City Americans
Vancouver Giants
vs Regina Pats
Chilliwack Bruins vs
Regina Pats
Sara Bareilles
@ Commodore
Chilliwack Bruins vs
Saskatoon Blades
Freelance Whales @
The Patron Saint
of Stanley Park @
Granville Island
Stage (to Dec 26)
Content Deadline
for Link Newspaper
Vol. 46 Issue 7
Alexisonfire @ PNE
No Age @
Steve Page @
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