NCA VOICE 7/16 - Neskowin Community Association


NCA VOICE 7/16 - Neskowin Community Association
Neskowin Village Voice
July 2016
NCA President’s Letter
Fourth of July Events 2016
Monday, July 4
7am: 5K Runabout
Hello and Happy Summer
(Start/Finish line at Neskowin Beach Golf Course)
The BIG 4th of July weekend is almost
8am to noon: Nesko Book & Bake Sale
upon us and in this issue is everything
you need to know to enjoy the festivities. 9 to 9:30am: Parade lineup
We had the opportunity to see many of
(Proposal Rock Inn parking lot)
you over the Memorial Weekend around
10am: Parade begins
town where we enjoyed the best weather
ever. Let’s hope it continues for the 4 !
11am: Patriotic celebration, Awards, Flyover, Sing-along
The only activity not on Monday the 4 is
(Proposal Rock Inn parking lot)
the Neskowin Farmer’s Market (which is
always on Saturday) so start your weekend 2 to 4pm: Kites & Castles on the beach
off right with the yummy items for sale
Dusk: Fireworks Display on the beach
from our fabulous vendors.
Tuesday, July 5
Whether you run in the 5K Runabout,
stroll around town in the walk-about, get 9am: Beach and Village Cleanup
your summer’s reading at the Nesko
(Collection site will be at the Wayside parking lot)
Women’s Book and bake sale, build a
castle on the beach, or watch our skies
light up at dusk, remember to be safe and
July 23: Cottage Walk
watch out for our kids and pets!
August 19-21: Golf Scramble
See you around the village!
Labor Day Weekend
Sunday, Sept. 4: Community Meeting 4pm at the Fire Hall
By Robin Crowell
Neskowin Community Association PO Box 820
Neskowin, OR 97149
Password: fish
Annual Membership Dues $30 May to May
Lauri Braich (
Susan Amort []]
Patti Ihnat []
NCA Board Officers & Members
Randall Koch []
Paul Plath []
Special thanks to:
Cameron Nagel, Voice editor, cover photo
Ran Koch, Voice publisher
Jeff Linman, Webmaster
Robin Crowell, President []
Brian Lind, Vice President []]
Kacey Joyce, Secretary []
Rhea Jacobson, Treasurer
Neskowin Regional Water District News
By Jean Cameron, NRWD Board President
As many of you know, Guy Holzworth retired at the end
of 2015 after 30 years as our General Manager. We are
fortunate that Troy Trute, the Water Plant Operator since
2005, was interested in taking on the challenge. Troy
has an extensive IT background and has been
instrumental in both operating and improving the
technology at our water plant. After ten years with the
District, he’s obviously familiar with our entire water
system as well as the community; Troy lives in the
Neskowin area with his wife and five children (including
twins born last month!).
Troy has undertaken numerous projects in collaboration
with the Board of Commissioners, including two major
projects in our new Capital Improvement Plan. Both
projects will be started at the same time and will be
constructed from the District’s largest reservoir located
just north of the Old Hawk Creek Golf Course south
through the old golf course south to Fairway Drive. We
are currently in the planning phase of the projects with
preliminary engineering 75% complete; we hope to
break ground this summer. These two improvements
will increase the water quality for all customers of the
District. Thanks to many years of careful budgeting
these two projects are fully funded.
The first project will be a Transmission Piping/Chlorine
Contact Improvement. We will construct a second 8”
pipe to the Main Storage Tank to provide a dedicated fill
pipe for the tank, as well as a new distribution pipe to
connect to the existing piping along the south side of the
old golf course. All water leaving the water treatment
plant will travel through the Main Storage Tank prior to
any customer usage, resulting in improvements in
chlorine contact time, mixing, and a stabilized chlorine
residual leaving the tank. We will also be installing an
in-tank mixer insuring constant water temperature, PH
and chlorine content.
The second improvement will be the Fairway Road
Piping Improvement Project. New 8-inch piping will be
installed along Fairway Drive to replace the existing 2inch piping, eliminating a dead-end pipe and allowing
abandonment of the deteriorated 6-inch line along the
old Hawk Creek Golf Course. This will provide better
flow from the water treatment plant to the Hawk Hills
More good news: our water supply is looking better as
we enter the 2016 summer season. We’ve had 23 more
inches of rainfall in the October to March period of
2015-2016 than we did in the previous year. But water is
always a precious resource, so please use it
Community Arts Project
By Nicola Harrison
Community Arts Project (CAP) is driving forward
full steam. As most of you know, Your Heart’s
Desire didn’t happen last February but there is high
hopes to mend broken hearts for those who missed
it, next February 2017! Also, be looking out for
some new adventures to participate in with CAP.
We are a non-profit and rely on donations, grants,
and volunteers to make CAP’s mission possible.
Without this support, this journey with our
community would not be possible. We are so
grateful for everyone who has supported us and
continue to do so.
The Art Literacy program that CAP provides for
Nestucca and Garibaldi Elementary school has seen
great success this school year, 2015/2016. It is
wonderful to witness the profound effect each of
these lessons have on the students. They are eager
to participate in the lecture, focus on thinking
critically when inquired and get to experience so
many different mediums and practices. The
worldly exposure is a treasure and they have so
much fun while learning!
This year’s studies ranged from modern day Mona
Lisa’s inspired by Da Vinci, tried their hand at still
life drawings with charcoal, learned about Marc
Chagall and painted their own dream-like
paintings. They collaborated together as a class to
create an abstract collage appropriated by studying
Elizabeth Murray. Print making was a success
combined with Pablo Picasso inspired abstract
faces. Furthermore, the students ended the year
creating sculptures motivated by studying Alberto
Giacometti. Hurray for Art Literacy!
Thank you for believing in the arts!
5k Runabout New Course
By Meg Sweeney
This year’s ‘Fourth of July 5k Runabout’ will start at 7am
on the 4th of July. Please register online at
There will be a new course this year including a new
start and finish at the Neskowin Golf Course! And the
race will be officially timed by Scovel Racing.
Looking forward to seeing you out there!
Annual Book & Bake Sale
The Nesko Women's Club will have their Book and Bake
Sale on the lawn in front of the market from 8am - 12
noon on July 4th. There will also be a “Children's Table”
and raffle items. The proceeds will benefit South
Tillamook County activities.
July 5th Beach Clean-up
By Kacey Joyce
We all have a wonderful time over the 4th of July, and the
fun includes a beach cleanup on the morning of the 5th
with a 9am start time. Every year more and more
people pitch in to comb the beach as well as the streets
of Neskowin, ensuring that there is not one speck of
litter left to be seen! There will be some SOLV bags and
plastic gloves available, but your own STURDY garbage
bags will be acceptable too. The trash will be picked up
at the Wayside around noon on the 5th. To everyone a
huge THANK YOU for your time, and for your
commitment to keeping our little slice of paradise clean
and beautiful.
Preserve to Honor Butte Creek, Big Spruce
Neskowin resident Sue Gabriel recently donated 36 acres of
forestland to the North Coast Land Conservancy. The donated
parcel is on Butte Creek which is a salmon-bearing tributary
of Neskowin Creek. “I send my joyous thanks for accepting
the donation of my land on Butte Creek,” Sue wrote to the
NCLC following her donation. “Knowing that it and all who
make it their home will be protected forever is just the best
feeling ever!” Her goal was to protect an ancient Sitka spruce
as well as the banks of Butte Creek.
Recycling comes to Neskowin courtesy of Tillamook County!
Bring your (separated) recyclables to the Neskowin Wayside every
3rd Saturday of the month, during the Farmers Market hours of
9am - 1pm. Next opportunity will be July 16.
Neskowin Cottage Walk
Saturday July 23rd - 11am to 4pm
$25 per person (cash and checks only)
Please bring your family and friends to enjoy this
delightful and FUN community event – touring a
collection of the village’s most cherished homes.
Tickets will be available for sale at the Neskowin Beach
Golf Course during July, and at open homes on the day of
the Walk.
For more information, please contact:
Susan Amort 503.312.4622 or Kacey Joyce 541.736.6243
All proceeds of this fundraiser benefit the Neskowin
Community Association.
Bake Sale ‘Thank You!’
By Shelley Stoll
Ann Wieck and I thank all the wonderful people who
baked and donated baked goods for our Memorial
Weekend Community Bake Sale. Once again pies and
fruit crisps were a hit and at the end of the day our final
tally was $257. This event could not happen without the
support of our Neskowin community which is greatly
appreciated. Again, thank you.
Summer Safety
By Fire Chief Kris Weiland
It’s time to get ready for the summer season at the
beach. Is your house address clearly posted and if
you have friends or renters staying is it also posted
in the house? Calling in an emergency is difficult if
you don’t know or can’t locate the address you are at.
While on the beach remember to pay attention to
the surf. It can come in quickly and surprise you.
And don’t put yourself in harm’s way by climbing on
Proposal Rock or crossing the creek at low tide and
then getting stuck on the rock or on the other side
of the creek when the tide comes in.
The Fourth of July is upon us I want to remind
everyone to use fireworks with caution. Many
injuries have resulted from fireworks as well as
fires. Many fires have been started each year by
setting off fireworks in wooded or grassy areas, and
in neighborhoods when the fallout lands on the roof
of a building. Also possessing illegal fireworks can
cost you if you are cited by the Sheriff's Patrol. It
can get expensive when you purchase the fireworks,
have them confiscated, and then pay a fine for
possessing illegal fireworks. Many illegal fireworks
are like having dynamite in your hand as
most illegal fireworks are classified as an explosive
device. If you do use fireworks put the debris in a
metal bucket full of water on an area clear of grass
or combustibles. The sheriff’s office continually gets complaint calls
on fireworks not just on July 4th but year ‘round.
Remind visitors that this community is like the
community where they live. Do they want fireworks
set off at midnight in their neighborhood?
Remember to keep the BBQ away from railings and
the side of buildings and keep it out of the tall grass.
Be sure that the hot coals from a charcoal grill don’t
fall on the deck from the vents on the bottom of the
BBQ. Don't clean out the ashes and leave them on
the deck in a bucket or bag as they may still be hot
and could cause a fire. Instead put them in a metal
container and wet them down. So with all that being said have a wonderful
summer, and be safe! Please consider posting page 5 Safety
Poster for your family and guests
Wesley, Ellisen, and Lily proudly represented Neskowin Valley
School at last year’s 4th of July parade in Neskowin. If you have
never met a real dragon, you are in for a real treat this year
during the 2016 parade! Be on the lookout for The Reluctant
Dragon float featuring our river-toothed dragon Mortimer along
with many other whimsical characters. Enhanced Sheriff Patrol Survey
By Robin Crowell
The Pacific City-Woods and Neskowin communities have
expressed interest in further exploration of the concept of an
Enhanced Sheriff's Patrol District (ESPD.) Results from a
brief (2-3 minute) survey will help us gauge how our
communities feel about this issue and what questions need
to be addressed at a follow-up meeting in the Fall of 2016.
Please go to this link and complete the survey by July 8,
2016. We want and need your input:
An answer for each (of the 6) questions is required to
successfully complete and submit your survey. Your response
to the survey will be completely anonymous.
If you are active in the community you may receive more
than one invitation to complete the survey. Only one survey
can be submitted from each email address!
PLEASE NOTE: The PCJWSA and Neskowin Water District
boundaries are used solely as proposed boundaries for the
Enhanced Sheriff's Patrol District. PCJWSA and the
Neskowin Water District will have NO legal or financial
connection to an ESPD.
Thank you for your time and interest.
Have a Safe Summer
You can help keep the village safe this summer! Review the fireworks restrictions with your guests. Keep your children
out of golf cart drivers’ seats. Control your pets. Remind your guests that riptides and sneaker waves are real, and that
logs will roll in the smallest amount of surf.
Fireworks—What’s Legal and What’s Not
What kinds of fireworks can be used legally in Oregon?
Legal fireworks do not lift off the ground, float, or explode. Legal fireworks include sparklers, cone fountains, cylindrical
fountains, flitter sparklers, ground spinners, illuminating torches and wheels.
Is everything else illegal in Oregon?
YES. Fireworks that explode, fly, float, or lift off the ground cannot be ignited without a professional permit. Oregon
law specifically prohibits fireworks that explode, travel more than 6 feet on the ground or more than 12 inches in the air.
Illegal fireworks include firecrackers, chasers, aerial spinners, missile-type rockets, roman candles, mortars, sky
rockets, and floating lanterns.
Respecting Our Beaches
The Oregon Parks and Recreation Department has the responsibility to
protect and preserve the ocean shore's recreation, scenic, and natural
resources. As our beaches are public and accessible by all, Oregon Parks
has established safety guidelines (which can be found on their website)
and here are a couple of pertinent topics for our Neskowin beaches.
Golf Cart Reminder
The NCA would like to remind our
members and guests that golf carts
are not legal on county roads and
should be used only for transport to
and from the golf course by licensed
The operation of golf carts by
Campfire Safety on the Beach
children is dangerous, illegal, and
According to the Oregon Parks Department, small beach fires are
exposes the parents to potential
allowed but here are the restrictions:
liability for property damage, injury,
3’ x 3’ or smaller;
or death caused by such use.
Made of natural, untreated natural wood (no metal, nails, glass,
or plastic objects);
Please be safe on our busy streets!
Do not start the fire with petroleum-based products;
Locate fire in open, dry sand, well away (at least 25 ft.) from any vegetation, driftwood, other combustible
materials or beach access points;
Do not locate in dunes or in or near (or downwind of) vegetation, small wood debris or log accumulations;
Do not leave unattended;
Not allowed to cause damage to facilities or natural resources;
Extinguish completely with water (NOT sand) before users leave the area;
No fires in seasonally restricted Western Snowy Plover habitat areas;
You may apply for a special use permit for larger fires;
All beach fires may be temporarily prohibited due to high fire hazard conditions (watch for postings).
Dogs on the Beach
Also from the Oregon Parks Department, if you bring a domestic animal to the beach, you are responsible for the
animal's behavior while on the ocean shore area, which means the following:
Exercising direct control over the animal while in the ocean shore state recreation area.
Carrying a leash or restraining device at all times while in the ocean shore state recreation area and promptly
leashing animals at the request or order of a park employee;
Preventing animals from harassing people, wildlife, and other domestic animals;
Ensuring animals are not hitched or confined in a manner that may cause damage to any natural resources on
the ocean shore; and
Removing the animal's waste while in the ocean shore state recreation area.
New Golf Course
Hawk Street 2nd Ingress/Egress Project Update
By Ted Braich
The design is at about 25% complete. I had asked the design team to “put down
their pencils” while we discussed the tide gates with the Golf Course Board of
Directors over the winter. This has now been resolved. The tide gates will be
removed as part of the project. This will result in a portion of the golf course being
inundated with water during the high, high tides during the summer.
All three of the creek crossings will meet fish passage criteria. The culvert on the
south end by the State Park Wayside will be another culvert design based on the
active channel width (ACW). Butte Creek fish passage criteria, which currently has
the two tide gates, is under negotiation with the resource agencies. Designing
based on the ACW would mean another bridge, escalating the project costs. We
would like to design the fish passage using the hydraulics method instead of the
ACW for Butte Creek.
Environmental Assessments
The Hazardous Materials Assessment is complete. There was no evidence of any
hazardous materials release within the project area, and no further investigation is
The Wetlands delineation is also completed and has been submitted to the
Division of State Lands as part of the permitting for this project.
We have completed the cultural survey and concurrence with the State Historic
Preservation Office. This is a very interesting report regarding the history of the
area. There were not any significant cultural artifacts found in the project area and
further work is not recommended unless we find artifacts during construction.
Road/Bridge Naming
There was a Public Hearing on December 16, 2015 regarding naming the road and
new bridge. It was determined that the road should stay Hawk Street for
consistency including emergency services and 911’s data base. The new bridge
name is proposed to be Walton Bridge.
Right of Way
Most of the roadway is under County jurisdiction as a result of the Walton Family’s
Quit Claim deed to the County.
We recently met with The Board of County Commissioners, County Parks
Director, and Oregon Sate Parks staff regarding the property at the Neskowin
Wayside. A portion of the Neskowin Wayside State Park was paid for with National
Park funds. It is very difficult to change use of Park property that was purchased
with these National Funds. The change in use is from recreational to
transportation. This has become a complex negotiation regarding several County
and State Park properties and is on the critical path for the project’s success.
Thanks to the citizens of Neskowin, the State Regional Solutions program, and
Tillamook County Road Department, the design is completely funded. We do not
have the funds for the construction. We will be working with Haley Blake
(Nestucca, Neskowin & Sandlake Watershed Council Coordinator) to help apply
for appropriate grants.
Next Steps
Continue to work with County and State Parks on the Right of Way at the
Neskowin State Park Wayside
Look for Grants and other funding opportunities to pay for construction
Complete the Hydraulic Analysis (currently 90% complete)
Complete the Geotechnical Analysis
Develop permit applications
Finish the design (currently at 25% complete)
Continue to communicate with stakeholders
Questions? Please contact me: or at 503-842-3419.
Neskowin Beach Golf Course is
pleased to welcome our new
Superintendent Kevin Myles.
Kevin joins us from his last
position as Assistant
Superintendent at Sun Valley
Resort which has 45 holes of
golf. In the winter he was a snow
cat driver, grooming the steep
slopes of Mount Baldy.
Kevin was born and raised in
Boston. He played hockey
including a year in the Eastern
Hockey League and was invited
to the Olympic tryouts in 1976
and 1980. He has all of his teeth
thanks to his father who was a
Kevin has roots in Oregon. He
was a grass farmer from 1982 to
2007 in Corvallis and rumor has
it he can grow grass anywhere …
including underwater.
Kevin, his wife Cynthia, and his
15 year old son Kevin Jr (prefers
to be called K2) are living in
Neskowin village. Some of you
may have met Cynthia since she
and K2 lived in Neskowin from
2006 to 2007. She worked at
Village Merchants in PC and US
Bank in Cloverdale and K2 went
to Neskowin Valley School.
If you wander by the course
please give Kevin a warm
Neskowin welcome!
By Liane Welch, Directory of Public Works, Tillamook County
NCA Scramble
August 19-21 Neskowin Beach Golf Course
Play will be flighted as men’s, women’s, couples or family teams.**
Register your four person team or sign-up as a single and we
will pair you with other golfers. Tournament will be played in a
scramble format with lots of prizes, food and fun!
Benefiting the
● Potluck dinner Friday night
Friday August 19 - 6:00 pm
Potluck at NBGC Clubhouse
● 9 holes of golf on Saturday
$70 per golfer
$50 per golfer
Saturday August 20
Tee times begin at 7:30 am
● 9 holes of golf on Sunday
● BBQ, awards and raffle prizes
with 2016 NBGC membership
Registration Includes:
Sunday August 21
Tee times begin at 7:30 am
BBQ begins around 1:00 pm
Registration Form (detach and return)
We are playing as a:  men’s  women’s  couples  family
Team Name: ________________________________ Team Captain: ________________________________
Email: ____________________________ Phone: _______________________
Player #1
GHIN Handicap or Average 9 hole score at NBGC
Player #2
GHIN Handicap or Average 9 hole score at NBGC
Player #3
GHIN Handicap or Average 9 hole score at NBGC
Player #4
GHIN Handicap or Average 9 hole score at NBGC
Please bring a dish to share for the
party on FRIDAY night. There will
be raffle prizes and a Wall of Wine
(Donations for the Wall of Wine should
be dropped by the course so they can
be wrapped; value should be $10 or
more) – IF you would like to sponsor a
hole or donate an item(s) contact
Lauri –
________ # Lunch tickets for non-golfers.
We have a limited number of power carts available – if you want a cart contact the course to reserve. (503) 392-3377
Please indicate time preference (early 7:30–8:30 am or late 8:35–9:30 pm) _____________
If you have a guest who is not playing golf they may attend the BBQ lunch on Sunday for
$18 per person. You may get your extra tickets on Friday or Sunday at the registration table.
Send this entry form to NBGC at P.O. Box 1005, Neskowin, Oregon 97149
or drop it off at the Neskowin Beach Golf Course Clubhouse
or sign up online
** Couples teams will include 2 women and 2 men
Neskowin Summer Safety Tips
By the NCA Safety Committee
Neskowin is always super fun,
Lets be respectful of everyone.
So please drive slow wherever you go!
Legal parking is what we do,
Emergency vehicles need to get through!
Dogs are great, but they can bite,
Use the leash, avoid a fight.
Legal fireworks? PLEASE read the sign,
Illegal fireworks bring a $300 fine!
Riptides, logs, and sneaker waves,
Using caution … SAVES!
Beach fires are lots of fun,
But keep away from beach grass and
extinguish when done!
Thanks to Tillamook County for recently repairing Neskowin’s pot-holed
streets! Pictured is supervisor Grant Graves and his crew hard at work.
(Photo by Jeff Walton)
Summer safety is not for a few,
It's something we all must do!
Neskowin is special for all who stay,
Lets work together and keep it that way.
PO Box 820 Neskowin, OR 97149
First Name, Last Name
First Address
Second Address
City, ST, Zip