Magzine/Newsletter by 33rd Office Management Group
Magzine/Newsletter by 33rd Office Management Group
38th COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 2 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN 33rd OMG Batch SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 3 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN 38th COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP PATRON: MR.ANWAR-UL- HASSAN BUKHARI EDITOR: SUMAIRA NAZIR SUB- EDITOR IRAM SHAH MAGEZINE COMMIITTE MEMBERS: NAZISH AMJAD NAILA KANWAL HAMID KAREEM SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 4 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN DIRECTOR GENERALS' MESSAGE Training definitely ensures the further refinement of individuals and group performances. Being the Director General of Secretariat Training Institute, I along with my team have tried our utmost to polish and ultimately turn the probationers' skills into expertise to equip them fully to be quite ready to perform the best at their workplaces and the best to the nation. We made it possible by providing them healthy curricular and extracurricular activities. I can perceive Pakistan's forthcoming future in you. You are the wonderful and valuable asset of this institution and the nation. You are the initiators of the policy formation and decision making. You being on the fundamental desk are required to form right policies because these are going to affect the general public in the most direct way. The masses are looking towards the elected and selected people for the change of their impaired destiny, which is imposed on them in this form. You must be fair, free from biases and prejudices and must resist political pressures. If you are disciplined and dedicated to your duties with full responsibility, only it would enable you to save your country that is on the verge of institutional and systematic decay. Feel your fundamental responsibility of service delivery in an efficient way. Behave like servants and not the masters. Your real worth will be recognized if you provide relief to the laymen. This magazine is a remarkable initiative indeed. I hope that years down the road, wherever you may be, when you would pick up this magazine, your pleasant memories of this golden life period will be revived in the pages as you sift through. I wish you all a brightest future. SYED ANWAR-UL-HASSAN BUKHARI DG(STI) SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 5 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN WORDS FROM EDITORIAL DESK STI had no Magazine so far, when I got this information I wasn't happy. The idea of magazine came into my mind when only one month of ours' was left here at STI. It was surely ambitious, challenging and arduous task. But I was determined to get it published at any cost. Undoubtedly initiatives always have to face crucial challenges, hurdles and critical tests of one's consistency, dedication and hard work. But we floated the idea which was met with great appreciation from the faculty and colleagues. In fact it may be called the “Beginners luck”. As it was expected the flight to the moon experienced initial setbacks and a time came when it was being suggested that it would be unmanageable and ungovernable in such a short span of time, we cannot accomplish the task so we should give up the idea. But I firmly believe that faith along with strenuous ENDEAVORS MAKES the impossible, attainable. So the whole team worked hard for days and nights, the writings and other works of the colleagues were ensured, then compilation, editing, printing processes tested our real worth and persistency. The major issues were the short time and the Paper- Phobia which were persistently lurking on our heads. But with the help of Allah Almighty and the kind assistance of the Director General and guidance of Administration we are able to realize our dreams into a fascinating reality. And now the first Magazine of STI “The Decision Makers” is in your hands. I hope that this initial effort would be continued in the future by the juniors. I am sanguine that they will further refine it and this would become a pertinent and prominent feature and memorable identity for STI Probationers. SUMAIRA NAZIR EDITOR SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 6 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN WORDS FROM PRESIDENT OF MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Hafiz Ubaid-ualllah rd The 33 Office Management Group is surely one of the most united and coherent group. This OMG Batch has started Its balanced journey right from The Civil Services academy where the meetings were convened to discuss different initial steps, prospects and issues through mutual deliberations and discussions. The Specialized Training Programme of our Batch was full of active and healthy curricular programmes like book reviews, current affairs presentations, Ministries/ Divisions attachments etc and extra Curricular activities including Sports Tournaments, Mess Nights, Entertainment tours. These all activities enhanced group cooperation and collaboration to a great extent. The conduct and discipline remained also unprecedented. Through mutual cooperation and understanding the individuals turned the group into a single whole and surely only these are the dimensions which turns a group into a remarkable one. I am greatly obliged to our Director General and his team including the Director Mr. Badr-ul-Arifeen,The Deputy Director Mr.Latif Awan and all the other kind and Fatherly officials who endeavored their best to provide this group with all kind of financial and moral support to raise to the standards of excellence. I hope that the collaboration, we 33rd OMG acquired here will definitely go a long way in our future careers and together we will make a difference by taking this group to the heights of excellence. SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 7 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN DETERIORATING STANDARDS OF CIVIL SERVICE AND THE WAY FORWARD By Rushna Zahid A ccording to Human Development South Asia Report 2005 for ordinary people, lack of good governance means police brutality, corruption in accessing basic public services, ghost schools, missing medicines and lack of social justice. Reference to FPSC Report 2008 to the President of Pakistan 92% candidates failed in English paper of 2007 CSS. More than 50% Probationers of PAAS, Customs and FSP could not qualify FPO Examination of 2008. For the last three years, FPSC is without its full authorization of nine members. Now days, it is quite fashionable and stylish to Condemn Bureaucracy. So much so, today people have started to nurture the idea of doing away with Bureaucracy with reference to its ineffectiveness and poor performance in implementing the ideal of Good Governance. Osborne and Plastrick in their discourse “Banishing Bureaucracy 1996 page 55 make an analogy of bureaucracy with Dinosaur and say “Bureaucracy is like Dinosaur which can be extinguished if it does not mend its ways”. To have an effective administration, Sui Wan Tei, a Chinese emperor 541-589 was the man who introduced the concept of recruitments through Competitative exams for the selection of Chinese Officers. In England, in the 16th century, Bureaucracy along with Parliamentary Democracy was the focal point of all the reformists. The successful establishment of colonial rule over more than 54 countries finds its seeds in the well established system of English bureaucracy. .Pakistan inherited the system, of Bureaucracy by towing the lines of English Bureaucracy. At its inception, Pakistani bureaucracy was a band of small intelligentsia. Senior Bureaucrats consisted of Malik Ghulam Muhammad and Iskundar Mirza. Hashim Raza, Qudrat Ulla Shahab and Roedad Khan who laid the foundation of formative years of Pakistani bureaucracy. Unfortunately, the Civil servants are being known as Political manipulators, Brahmins, Symbols of Coercion and Injustice. Irrespective of the fact they Never Imposed Martial Law directly. Rather they are Preserver of Status Quo, Guarantor of Continuity .But they are the topic of each debate not for their good deeds but for their arrogance and ineffectiveness. Besides all the criticism, the most inspiring attributes of Pakistani Bureaucracy is that they are recruited on Merit-Repository of Trust, they are the Generalists, they take the pride of being called the Specialists. They are the Makers and Implanters of Policies They are The Brain, the Eyes and Arms of Pakistan. But the standard of bureaucracy is deteriorating at an enormous speed. There are numerous causes of decay of Pakistani bureaucracy. One of most important is complacency after selection. This idea in itself brings about a soothing effect that the biggest dream of life has achieved. There is no need to endeavor to evolve ourselves into better human being and enhance our professional skills. This causes stagnation into their lives. Consequently, this stagnation ensues a vicious circle of demoralisationand and maladministration. The second cause of poor performance is Matrimonial alliance with Politicians for Postings. After training the first preference is to get a posting which offers a lucrative prospects, this compels a civil servant to bow his head before a corrupt politician. SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 8 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN DETERIORATING STANDARDS OF CIVIL SERVICE AND THE WAY FORWARD By Rushna Zahid Thus, a deal is done whereby according to terms Give and Take POLICY is followed. Resultantly, a civil servants Impartiality and Objectivity is shove under the carpet. The third cause is Lack of will to introduce changes .Civil Servant is procrastinated to think beyond the limits. He himself puts the spirit of law into oblivision and keeps on followings the set patterns of rules and spiritless regulations. Then, on the one hand there is a meager salary and at the same time Exposure to Exchequers and societal pressure to have an Epicurean Lifestyle allure them to corruption. Another important cause of their poor performance is Lack of Unity among Cadres. This rivalry creates inroads in the creation and the progression of any good idea.AS any good idea is tossed by one group is turned down by the other group for no good reason. The induction of military through Lateral appointments adds fuel to fury as their appointments in the most important groups causes a big dent to the performance of Bureaucracy. Now, let's see is there any possibility of Reforms. The first thing is the Downsizing the bloated Bureaucracy of Pakistan. According to Annual Statistical Bulletin 2009-2010 Total strength of BPS 17-22 is 24, 15.95% is up to BPS 16.5% is Officers of BPS 17-22. Thus, there is dire need to cut it down. Then, there is a requirement to initiate reforms at institutional level .In this sphere, Federal Secretariat MUST BE Strengthen. As the new arena of power struggle is Federal Secretariat .The categorical rules must be laid down for allocation of senior positions there. Suggestion in this regard can be open examination to induct people in the federal secretariat. Second aspect can include merit and merit only be the touchstone. Training should also enhance professional skills and attitudinal change in public servants .We also need to look at the conduct of out subordinates, than Performance based Promotion is intrinsic for the better performance. Last but not the least, there is need to evolve a balance between generalists practice and demands of professionalization. In top policy position the leadership of generalists may be retained but at the technical level. The opinion of the Specialists must be given weight age. At the end, it can be deduced that it is a high time for the Pakistani Bureaucracy to start reengineering itself as mistake lies within us and time is running short. Most of us can read the writing on the wall; we just assume it's addressed to someone else. ~Ivern Ball SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 9 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN NUCLEAR DOUBLE STANDARDS By Sana- ul-allah Mallah & Rana Yasir Arafat Pakistan is going ahead with the construction of its which is critical of nuclear weapons has expressed third heavy nuclear reactor at the Khushab site. But it grave concern on the rapid completion of third Heavy is amazing to note that Pakistan's' greatest ally on the water reactor. One wonders where were these War on terror, the US, instead of assisting Pakistan to institutions when Indo-US nuclear deal was unveiled cope with the ongoing crucial energy crisis, is and signed. Pakistan is the front line state in the war clamoring that this reactor supports Pakistan's on terror and is extremely crucial to US war in nuclear weapons programme and it should be halted. US has shown its apprehension that Pakistan is increasing its capacity to produce plutonium at its Khushab nuclear facility and a greater danger would be that nuclear material could fall into the hands of the terrorists. Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS), a private US group Afghanistan. Pakistan has an impeccable record of securing its nuclear arsenal without any accident. So if the US cannot provide us with nuclear energy like it has provided to India, it should at least encourage the construction of such plants like the one in Khushab. This would give our energy sector a new lease of life. SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 10 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN THESE 4 MONTHS AT STI….. By Nazish Amjad I t is 11th July 2011 and my bewildered eyes are affixed on the serene governmental premises of Secretariat Training Institute. Taking cautious steps, I enter the Academic Hall where dark gloomy corridor leads me to OMG Hall (where I had hardly imagined that I would be spending 8 hours of my day), and there I see curious eyes of my OMG colleagues a.k.a. Section Officers (Probationers). Name plates with stringent seating plan, comes as a first shock of the day, the like of which not witnessed in CSA. Days pass amid insurmountable hostel complains but the schedule of 9:00 am to 1:30 pm seems like a boon from heaven for day scholars like me. Life takes a roll on but the status of “Section Officer” constantly hinge on our minds. A pool of questions and confusions related to career rise among naïve officers. Issues like salary, TADA, Conveyance Allowance become buzzwords at STI. The list of complains increases every day, and faculty is kind to tackle each with patience and perseverance. Each passing day, we become more and more attuned to our new life until we realize that more hard work is yet to come! Daily file opening sessions, lectures on Rules of Business, Secretariat Instructions and Financial Rules prove to be a sleeping pill for over-enthusiastic probationary officers. Guest speakers add to the misery until we see figures like Kamran Lashari, Hammed Shammi and Javed Hasan Ally who made the real difference. “Explanation Letters” become the most fashionable jargon at STI. Late arrivals, sleep-overs and skip outs from class earn you an explanation letter. Yet it doesn't stop us from breaking the rules because we learnt in Civil Services Academy that rule breakers and non-conformists are the real heroes! Here I quote words of a wise person, Evelyn Waugh “Punctuality is the virtue of the bored.” And I certainly don't want to be the bored one! The hardest of all times is when we are hit by a Katrina like storm: class timings revised from 9:00 - 1:30 to 9:00 - 4:30pm. And when I confirm it from the notice board, I'm dumbfounded by the wickedness of reality! But like a good officer, I had to accept the reality with my eyes and ears shut. SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 11 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN THESE 4 MONTHS AT STI….. By Nazish Amjad The picture may seem one of melancholy but mind you, it's not that grim! Unfettered support from Director General and faculty kept us alive and going. Li . And then STP finishes with silent sobs, some memorable moments and with a brighter hope for the future. SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 12 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN TORRENTIAL FLOODS IN SIND: THE VICTIMS STILL NEED HUGE HELP By Sumaira Nazir ne year after the worst flooding disaster in the history of the Pakistan, more floods triggered by heavy rains have devastated parts of Southern Pakistan. The cruel and merciless rains have killed almost 300 people and affected six million others causing damage to an area of 7.987 million of land destroying many main crops. According to National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) , all 23 districts of Sindh i.e Badin, TM Khan, Mirpurkhas, Tharparkar, Umerkot, Thatta, Tando Allayar, Naushero Feroze, Khairpur, Shaheed Benazirabad, Shikarpur, Jacobabad, Sanghar, Dadu, Shahdad Kot, Jamshoro, Hyderabad, Kamber-Shahdadkot, Kashmore, Ghotki, Larkana, Matiari and Karachi have been affected by the floods. O Western boundary of Sindh is connected with Blochistan through Khirthar hills. A series of ferocious torrents namely Mula, Boolan, Khanji, Mazarani, Dillan, Buri, Salari, Shole, Angai, Naing and Bandani bring gushing waters from high asltitudes of Khirthar to Kachhi plains of Sindh. This flood requires entirely different management systems, institutional capacities and infrastructure. High floods of 1942, 1944, 1948, 1956, 1973, 1975, 1995 and 2010 have sent several reminders of this fact. Among them floods of 1976 and 1995 were devastated in magnitude and caused greater devastation to the flood protection infrastructure and local communities. The heavy floods have fully damaged 5,39,899 houses while another 8,48,412 houses have badly suffered partial damage. Effective early warning system is the key to manage flood disasters. Since torrential floods allow very limited time to respond, effectiveness of this system becomes even more important and necessary. It is strange to note that that there exists no flood warning system in Sindh. More than 80,000 livestock have been washed away by floods in Sindh while crops like cotton, banana, dates, chilli and sugarcane on 2,800,000 acres have been destroyed or affected. About 31,960 villages have been worst affected by the floods. The areas of Sindh ravaged by the recent floods are surely a hell to live in. Sindh has two sources of flood: The Riverine flood is more predictable and allows ample time to react whereas the torrential floods leave nearly no time to respond. Torrential floods have lesser frequency and duration but very high intensity therefore impact is also cruel. These floods normally occur in monsoon months of July and August when its catchment areas in Balochistan receive heavy rain waters. Even if the earliest warning is received, this duration is insufficient to manage any catastrophe. The modern weather forecast systems based on satellite information sources can made it possible to develop a fairly reliable flood warning system. It will definitely cost much less than what the government normally spends on repair of damaged infrastructure and relief and rehabilitation of devastated communities. Environmental, economic and social cost of losses will further justify this much deserving investment. This can be gauged from the fact that after 1995 flood damages, strengthening of Gaj Diversion Bund at Gaj Nai and SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 13 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN TORRENTIAL FLOODS IN SIND: THE VICTIMS STILL NEED HUGE HELP By Sumaira Nazir FP Bund cost about Rs.700 million to public exchequer. Effective flood warning system will also assist timely evacuation of vulnerable areas identified through careful mapping of flood prone communities. areas in Balochistan receive heavy rain waters. In the context of the development, there are wide disparities between rural and urban Sind as the social indicators of urban Sind equal or surpass the level of development in other developing countries with comparable per capita income. The level of human development in rural nfrastructure development in the flood plains is not being designed with prior understanding of natural flood routes In Sind. Irrigation experts believe that the road network in the areas has also obstructed the free flow of floods. There is no policy or mechanism whereby National Highway Authority Or Provincial Highway Department seeks Irrigation Department's advice on the road alignment in the Kachhi flood plain. This lack of institutional networking is likely to cause more damage in future. Sind is worse than in some of the Sub-Saharan African countries. Two out of every five of the citizens of rural Sind live below the poverty line. Early this year, data released by the Sind Department of Health indicated a Global Acute Malnutrition (GAM) rate of 21.2-23.1 per cent in children aged between 6-59 months in torrential flood-affected areas of Sind. This rate is well above the World Health Organization's 15 per cent emergency threshold level which triggers a humanitarian response. Under development in Sind has intensified the miseries of the helpless and poor people. Sind presents an extremely grim picture in terms of access to basic services as well as the rights of the citizens in the rural areas. In terms of school-going children, 73 percent girls and 63 percent boys in the province remain out of school, according to the Sind Education Management Information Systems(SEMIS). In rural Sind, 9 out of every 10 newborns are delivered without proper SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 14 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN TORRENTIAL FLOODS IN SIND: THE VICTIMS STILL NEED HUGE HELP By Sumaira Nazir medical care and supervision. According to the Pakistan Social & Living Standards Measurement Survey (PSLM) the areas in Balochistan receive heavy rain waters. Immunization rate among children in Rural Sindh children is extremely low . 28% children of Rural Sind between 12-23 months of age have been fully immunized- compared to 54% in Punjab and 48% rural Khyber Pakhtunkhwa . Natural calamities cannot be avoided, but the rigors of their aftermath can be reduced. Epidemics, damage to agriculture and livestock, destruction of houses, deterioration of physical infrastructure - all crying out for urgent attention. The role of civil society, print and electronic media, philanthropists, NGOs, and international community is the need of the hour.. The pity is that our leadership has done little solid work. Immediate measures for the relief and rehabilitation of flood affectees should be there. The state must establish a functional and credible coordination mechanism to inter-link the relief efforts. The compensation policy and mechanism needs to be swift and deliverable without bureaucratic hitches. Most importantly, the state must initiate serious rehabilitation measures once the relief period is over. The rehabilitation phase must be based on the premises of establishing a new and modern social contract with the affecters that should bring to an end the sense of marginalization. SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 15 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN NO END IN SIGHT By Malik Ishfaq Khan T he Twin Towers and the Pentagon, which symbolize the economic strength and military power of U.S., were attacked on September 11, 2001. The United States of America, the sole super power, was under attack as the whole world saw in shock the towers converting into rubble. More than three thousand people were killed and hundreds of others maimed. Al-Qaeda, a terrorist organization, was blamed for the horrific incident whose highly motivated and well-trained soldiers hijacked four airliners, two of which slammed into the World Trade Centre, the third struck the Pentagon, the nerve centre of U.S. military, while the fourth jet crashed in north-eastern state of Pennsylvania. The leader of the terrorist outfit, a Saudi, Osama bin laden, who ordered the worst ever attacks in history, was in Afghanistan under the protection of a radical Islamic movement, Taliban, who were ruling the country. The U.S. asked the regime to turn over him to it and when Taliban refused to comply, it invaded Afghanistan on October 7, 2001 was installed in Afghanistan. The Taliban left major cities while Osama bin Laden, his lieutenants and many of his fighters fled across a porous border into Pakistan. Some Taliban and Al Qaeda commanders and their soldiers were captured and sent to prisons in a U.S. naval base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. The Taliban started battling NATO forces in the countryside where terrain afforded them advantage over foreign troops. In 2003, the Bush administration triumphantly pronounced “mission accomplished” in Afghanistan but it was mistaken. With the passage of time the Taliban fighters grew bolder and fierce in attacking occupational forces with their most lethal weapon, IED (Improvised Electronic Device).The Afghan government has recruited thousands of men in ANA (Afghan National Army) and ANP (Afghan National Police) to maintain security in the country but they are no match for the battle-hardened Taliban foot soldiers. The Karzai government has proved to be incompetent, inefficient and corrupt. The reelection of Hamid Karzai in 2009 was marked by gross electoral fraud as testified by international observers and his half-brother, Wali Ahmed Karzai, killed recently, was also involved in drug trade. The Taliban were unseated from power and were replaced by a new west-leaning government, headed by Hamid Karzai, who later became president, SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 16 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN NO END IN SIGHT By Malik Ishfaq Khan After 9/11, President General Pervez Musharraf, the liberal military dictator of Pakistan, supported U.S. by allowing it to use Pakistani territory and airspace for war effort in Afghanistan. He abandoned Taliban after having been supported by Pakistani military and its intelligence agencies since they appeared on the scene in 1994. He also outlawed militant outfits, fighting in Afghanistan and Kashmir, which resented general's betrayal and took up arms against the state and even attempted twice on his life in 2003.Different jihadi organizations joined Taliban in their struggle by attacking NATO forces in Afghanistan and then hiding in the borderlands of Pakistan called FATA( Federally Administered Tribal Areas). Under U.S. pressure, Pakistan government launched military operations against these militants, who in retaliation turned their guns on the state by fighting Pakistani army, police and other security forces and carrying out bomb blasts and suicide attacks all over the country. These militants, in 2007, joined forces under the leadership of Baitullah Mehsud, Public Enemy No.1, and formed an umbrella organization named TTP (Tehreek Taliban Pakistan) which Pakistani security forces are currently fighting in all the seven tribal agencies as well as in the settled area of Swat valley. In 2004, U.S. introduced pilotless planes, drones, to target militants in Afghanistan and Pakistan's tribal areas which proved to be very effective without entering any ground forces into the area. Baitullah Mehsud, was also killed in a drone strike in 2009. Pakistani government has tacitly supported drone programme but criticized it in the public while most Pakistanis disapprove of drone strikes and call them counter-productive because they cause collateral damage. Many important Al- Qaeda commanders were killed in drone strikes but Enemy No.1, Osama bin Laden, and Enemy No.2, Ayman al-Zawahiri, the Egyptian doctor, were still at large. The U.S-Pak relations have become strained when America blamed Pakistan for sheltering Taliban Shura, also called Quetta Shura, the supreme council of Taliban, in Quetta, the provincial capital of Balochistan. Pakistan has denied charges and turned down American demands for drone strikes in Quetta. The relations further soured after an American agent, Raymond Davis, was arrested for killing two Pakistanis in Lahore early this year and was released after paying blood money to the survivors of victims. In May 2011, the crisis came to a head after a stealth SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 17 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN NO END IN SIGHT By Malik Ishfaq Khan stealth raid by American soldiers on a house in the garrison town of Abbotabad in which Al-Qaeda leader, Osama bin Laden, was killed. Recently, after attacks on NATO headquarters and diplomatic enclave in Kabul by Haqqani Network, the deadliest militant group fighting foreign troops in Afghanistan, U.S. has accused Pakistan of supporting the group but the allegation was rejected. Pakistan has long resisted American requests to launch a military operation against Haqqanis, who are based in North Waziristan area of FATA. The Indian involvement in Afghanistan is another major irritant in the relationship because Pakistan sees it as encirclement by India and accuses her of supporting Baloch separatists and terrorists in FATA. resulted in cross-border attacks from Kunar and Nooristan provinces into Pakistani areas of Dir and Chitral by militants fleeing army operation in Swat. The U.S. has also initiated negotiations with willing factions of Taliban which are being held in Germany and Qatar but have produced no concrete results. The Karzai regime had, on its own, started dialogue with Taliban which annoyed Pakistan for being kept out of the loop and caused the arrest of Mullah Ghani Baradar, a commander next to Mullah Muhammad Omar, the one-eyed supreme leader of Taliban. On September 11 this year, the war in Afghanistan became the longest war fought by U.S. in any foreign country. With complete withdrawal timeline approaching fast and gradual pulling out of international forces, Afghan security forces incapable of maintaining law and order, Taliban becoming stronger with each passing day and talks with them going nowhere, increasing Indian footprint; a major source of disagreement between U.S. and Pakistan; Pakistan being denied a major role in future political settlement in Afghanistan and Pakistan's own war against home-grown militancy raging on, the pictureof future Afghanistan seems very bleak. The war is far from over. The NATO has set deadline of 2014 to end its mission in Afghanistan and now has handed over security responsibilities in seven areas to ANA and ANP which are poorly trained and many of whose personnel are drug users and also accused of human rights abuses. The U.S. troops withdrawal has started in July this year as promised by the U.S. president Barrack Obama. This transition and pull-out has SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 18 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN Abbreviations we altered Conducted by: Khurram Shehzad Warraich, Sohail Baber, Ashfaq Hiraj 1. STI 7. PMC a. Superb Trainees Institution a. Propaganda management b. Saada twada Institution Committee c. Sabz tareen Institution b. Pakistan mental centre 2. CSA c. Project Management a. Central School for Abnormal people Committee 8. CSP b. Central Selection of abnormal a. Common stupid people people b. Crispy salty potato c. Casual speakers assosiation 3. JS (Joint Secretary) c. Cute servants of Pakistan 9. DG a. Junior Sardar a. Dengue guilt b. Jamadar sahib b. Dead General c. Shabbier Jaan (ka ult) c. Daddy G 4. P.M( Prime Minister) a. Pakistan Mera b. Pressure Manager c. Pagal munda(boy) 5. SO( Section Officer) a. Sleeping officer b. Sarkari officer c. Superb officer 6. PUC(Paper under Consideration) a. Pagal under consideration b. Parrot under cage c. People under cover SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 19 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN BOOTY AND ITS USES By Sumaira Nazir B ooty is a Device to avoid failure in exams. It's not turned on a Machine. milled on a grinder, found in nature in any form but its commonly found in examination halls under the shirt sleeves of the Probationers ,in watches, in handkerchiefs, pockets, mobiles, stockings and shoes etc. Types.... 1. Personally made booty smuggled into halls by fellow Probationers, who have done paper early 2. Booty smuggled into halls by water man, attendant and by an invigilator at a high price 3. Thrown in toilet 4. Loud spoken and spoken booties 5. SMS booties Manufacturing.... 1) The first type of booty is prepared on a clean paper by the appearing Probationers one or half hour b4 entering the exam hall 2) The second type of booty is provided by the fellow Probationers outside the test hall to their friends inside the hall 3) The third party of booty is made by scissoring and cutting the answer from the information sheets, tearing away pages from class notes and books and from library books 4) loud spoken are those booties in which the helping Probationer helps his comrades by pronouncing the correct answers of true/false statements and of blank questions. 5) SMS booties are common among the STI Probationers now a days. it can be easily prepared and transmitted by any SO of 33rd OMG to the fellow SO in need….!!! SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 20 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN Something To Talk About…(quotations) By Hamid Kareem Open your arms to change but don't let go of your values. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer. Read more books and watch less TV. Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think back, you'll get to enjoy it a second time. Trust in God but lock your car. A loving atmosphere in your home is so important. Do all you can to create a tranquil In disagreements with loved ones, deal with the current situation. Don't bring up the past. Read between the lines. Share your knowledge. It's a way to achieve immortality. Be gentle with the earth. Pray. There's immeasurable power in it. Never interrupt when you are being flattered. Mind your own business. Don't trust a man/woman who doesn't close his/her eyes when you kiss. Once a year, go someplace you've never been before. If you make a lot of money, put it to use helping others while you are living. That is wealth's greatest satisfaction. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a stroke of luck. Learn the rules then break some. Remember that the best relationship is one where you love for each other is greater that your need for each other. Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it. Remember that your character is your destiny. Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon. SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 21 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN ORIENTATION DINNER WITH SENIORS Our seniors of 23rd Common gave us a welcome Dinner in Islamabad Club. By Rabia Chaudary & Sher Magsa We had informal discussion and talk shawk SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 22 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN ORIENTATION DINNER WITH SENIORS Our seniors of 23rd Common gave us a welcome Dinner in Islamabad Club. By Rabia Chaudary & Sher Magsa We had a lot of apprehensions at the outset, but our seniors explained all the issues in detail and talked about the prospects which this group has. SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 23 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN ORIENTATION DINNER WITH SENIORS Our seniors of 23rd Common gave us a welcome Dinner in Islamabad Club. By Rabia Chaudary & Sher Magsa The environment was friendly and pleasant. Everyone was curious in getting more and more information about the group and everyone enjoyed. SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 24 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN ORIENTATION DINNER WITH SENIORS Our seniors of 23rd Common gave us a welcome Dinner in Islamabad Club. By Rabia Chaudary & Sher Magsa “You have landed into the best group. Not only does it enjoy maximum horizontal mobility but also rapid promotions. Don't be misled by wrong ideas of other. You are a smarter generation and we have high hopes from you. Make the best out of your career by honesty and hard work”Words of advice given by senior bureaucrat. Group fraternity was at its maximum and we hope the same in the future as well.. SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 25 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN > > > >> > > > SOME INSTRUCTIONS FOR LIFE > > > > By Naveed Akbar > > >1. Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully. > > >2. Marry a man/woman you love to > > >talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as > > >important as any other. > > >3. Don't believe all you hear, spend all you > > >have or sleep all you want. > > >4. When you say, "I love you", mean it. > > >5. When you say, "I'm sorry", look the person in the eye. > > >6. Be engaged at least six months before you get married. > > >7.Believe in love at first sight. > > >8. Never laugh at anyone's dreams. > > >People who don't have dreams don't have much. > > >9. Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely. > > >10. In disagreements, fight fairly. No name-calling. > > >11. Don't judge people by their relatives. > > >12. Talk slowly but think quickly. > > >13. When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, smile and ask, "Why, do you want to know?" > > >14. Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk. > > >15. Say, "bless you" when you hear someone sneeze. > > >16. When you lose, don't lose the lesson. > > >17. Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others; > > >Responsibility for your actions. > > >18. Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship. > > >19. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it. > > >20. Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice. > > >21. Spend some time alone. SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 26 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN DEBATE OVER THE NEW PROVINCES: THE POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS By Jahanzaib Pitafi The voices for dividing Pakistan into smaller provinces are getting louder and louder. But do we really need to do it, what will be the consequences for this and what will be the advantages. These are the questions which need to be answered before taking major steps. Before we elaborate the issue let us begin with the definition of the term 'province'. Encarta Concise Dictionary defines province as: “A territory governed as an administrative or political unit of a country or empire.” Oxford Dictionary defines a province as: “A principal administrative division of a country or empire.” Provinces are made to facilitate better administration. A country is divided into smaller portions in order to delegate powers to these units so that the burden of the center is shared and the overall governance is improved. Duplication of responsibilities between different levels is a complicated issue which can only be solved by appropriate delegation of powers from the center to the administrative units. According to Art.1(2) of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, Pakistan is divided into four provinces, two centrally administered areas ,one territory and one capital territory. Azad Kashmir and Gilgit-Baltistan are centrally administered areas, federally administered tribal areas are considered as territory and Islamabad is capital territory. The protagonists of the creation of new provinces in Pakistan put forward some strong arguments in favour of their claim. Firstly, there is a tendency to look around and observe what others are doing in order to tackle the issue of administration. The oft-read and oft-repeated case that they quote is that of India which has 28 states and 7 union territories. Since 2000, India has created 6 new provinces. Similarly Nigeria increased the number of provinces from 3 to 13 and then to 36 in a period of 60 years. SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 27 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN DEBATE OVER THE NEW PROVINCES: THE POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS By Jahanzaib Pitafi They claim that it facilitates the masses. It goes without saying that smaller administrative units can facilitate the masses because local problems can be sorted out at local level. It leads to uniform growth of the country. It has been observed that in case of larger provinces, the resources of a country are generally concentrated to some parts and other parts are ignored largely, but in case of smaller provinces the country grows in a uniform way. Issues of neglected parts of the country can be addressed in a better way if the country is divided into smaller provinces. Truly, the people of far-flung areas like Rajanpur and Rojhan have to cover hundreds of miles to settle their petty issues which can be resolved at local level if there are smaller provinces. The antagonists also come with equally forceful arguments against the creation of new provinces. They are of the view that there is no need to increase the number of provinces and the need of the hour is only to improve the working of already existing provinces by introducing some administrative reforms. Following are some important points against the creation of new provinces. Ethnic and linguistic clashes will erupt and this will be very harmful for the solidarity of the country. Even if the creation of new provinces is purely on administrative basis, it will give rise to ethnic and linguistic differences which can be dangerous for the federation. Needless to say that different politicians and political parties have their vested interests in this tricky issue. The real strength of PML(N) is Punjab and if it is divided into smaller provinces, who will benefit from it?? It's an open secret. Another important issue related to the new provinces is the cost of creating new provinces. Its a million dollars question whether Pakistan can afford the cost of new secretariats, offices, vehicles etc. Closely related to the issue of affordability is the issue of feasibility. What will be the resources of new provinces? Whether they will be able to survive autonomously or they will further add the burden on the center? These questions have not been answered. After having discussed the point of views of both the sides we shall now trace out the solution of the problem. There is no harm in creating new province but if these are made in haste without addressing the related issues, it will be disastrous. Following are some recommendations in this regard. If new provinces are to be created, this creation must be purely on the basis of administrative grounds. Linguistic and ethnic issues must not be allowed to creep in. Sensitivity of the issue demands that all the political parties should be taken on board. A consensus should be created with the help of print and electronic media. SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 28 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN DEBATE OVER THE NEW PROVINCES: THE POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS By Jahanzaib Pitafi A commission constituting of constitutional experts, financial experts, former provincial Governors and Chief Ministers, and former Chief Justices of Pakistan should be formulated in order to discuss, elaborate and sort out all the complexities of the issue. According to Art.48(6) of the constitution the President has the power to hold a referendum on any national issue. As the opinion of the masses is very important, the president should go for referendum. The need of the hour is that the politicians should stop playing to the gallery and bring the real situation in front of the masses instead of raising hollow slogans. In a nutshell we may say that good governance is more important than creating new provinces. However, if new provinces are indispensible for good governance, these should be created, but only after taking into consideration all the complexities related to the issue. federation. SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 29 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN Some Remarkable scenes…. By Abdul Hafeez Mahesar Check out The Picture Pleasure…chaey girti hey tu beshak gir jaye… SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 30 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN Some Remarkable scenes…. By Abdul Hafeez Mahesar Please count how many biscuits are about to be dipped in the cup… Awwww….What a lovely scene… OMG…did you notice their attire…I think dress and tie color had been pre planned….! Pick out Three Differences in the dress SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 31 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN Some Remarkable scenes…. By Abdul Hafeez Mahesar Classroom sleep has no alternative What amazing Dreams! SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 32 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN Some Remarkable scenes…. By Abdul Hafeez Mahesar Classroom sleep has no alternative SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 33 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN Some Remarkable scenes…. By Abdul Hafeez Mahesar And at last the Patient has caught the Doctor…! Both are made for each other… THE BEST SECTION OFFICER SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 34 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN Some Remarkable scenes…. By Abdul Hafeez Mahesar CONTEST FOR NEW MNA….CHOOSE! GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN Some Remar kabl e scen es…. By Adn an Khan & Ashf aq Hir aj s Check out The Pict ur e Pl easur e…chaey gir t i hey t u beshak gir j aye… An d at l ast t he Pat ien t has caught t he Doct or …! Bot h ar e made f or each ot her … THE BEST SECTION OFFICER SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE 38th COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME RD & 33 OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 12 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN Some Remar kabl e scen es…. By Adn an Khan & Ashf aq Hir aj s Check out The Pict ur e Pl easur e…chaey gir t i hey t u beshak gir j aye… An d at l ast t he Pat ien t has caught t he Doct or …! Bot h ar e made f or each ot her … THE BEST SECTION OFFICER SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE 38th COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME RD & 33 OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 12 SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 35 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN Some Remarkable scenes…. By Abdul Hafeez Mahesar Three Day Before and After Marriage SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 36 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN Some Remarkable scenes…. By Abdul Hafeez Mahesar Section Officers Love Posing.... SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 37 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN Some Remarkable scenes…. By Abdul Hafeez Mahesar “I DON'T CARE! I WILL SLEEP” GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN Some Remar kabl e scen es…. By Adn an Khan & Ashf aq Hir aj s Check out The Pict ur e Pl easur e…chaey gir t i hey t u beshak gir j aye… An d at l ast t he Pat ien t has caught t he Doct or …! Bot h ar e made f or each ot her … THE BEST SECTION OFFICER SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE 38th COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME RD & 33 OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 12 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN Some Remar kabl e scen es…. By Adn an Khan & Ashf aq Hir aj s Check out The Pict ur e Pl easur e…chaey gir t i hey t u beshak gir j aye… An d at l ast t he Pat ien t has caught t he Doct or …! Bot h ar e made f or each ot her … THE BEST SECTION OFFICER SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE 38th COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME RD & 33 OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 12 SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 38 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN MESS COMMITTEE AT A GLANCE By Mr. Mazhar Hayat I remember the 1st day, when we reached STI at 9.00 pm and there was no dinner arranged for us.A clamor was there but everyone delta with personally. Then in the initial days a hot debate was there that our mess is free so it should be free for us. But ultimately the SO probationer had to pay themselves for their mess. Then the issue raised that who will head mess Management committee to run the affairs. Mr. Mazhar Hayats name was condensed upon in the commeetti.I took the responsibility but the affairs were quite new to me. We finalized the menu. I purchased the kitchen goods, searched for vegetables and all at the cheapest rates. And now mess was in a running condition. As a result of freedom of expression and taste, the meal complaints became the order of the day. Among these “ Daal” was the main victim of criticism.” Its name should be Daal management committee, Variety tu hey hi nahi, bai pease dete hein ham poore, yar tang aa gye hein in khanon se etc” were the common and agreed upon voices to which the commettis ears were accustomed to hear, here and there. But I and my team tried to meet all these issues. I called committee meetings repeatedly, asked open suggestions from other colleagues. So the matter was settled down somewhat. Then Mr.Akram Bhutto took the responsibility of heading the mess. But because of some personal engagements the responsibility was given to Mr. Mazhar(me).Ramzan went smoothly in mess. Perhaps the quality was improved or the Probationers compromised with the food. Now Mr.Ashfaq Hiraj was selected for heading mess committee. He also took the charge very efficiently and continued with the ongoing schemes and policies. He also introduced new things which also added value to the performance. Some issues of fund collection were there throughout, but were handled skillfully and with professional sagacity. However the issue of free messing persisted there and is persisting now also. We hope that free messing would be provided before th our departure and before the arrival of the 34 OMG batch. SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 39 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN VISIT TO PAKISTAN METEOROLOGICAL DEPARTMENT By Shahzia Mustaq & Naila Kanwal The Pakistan Meteorological Department, also known as Pak Met Office, is a GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN organization which works under the Ministry of Defense. The Pakistan Meteorological Department is both a scientific and a service department, and functions under the Ministry of Defense. It is responsible for providing meteorological service throughout Pakistan to wide variety of interest and for numerous public activities and projects which require weather information. In its services to aviation the department's responsibility goes to some extent beyond national boundaries in fulfillment of accepted international agreements and obligations which include, among other things, the collection and rebroadcast of meteorological data. Pakistan Meteorological Department was established in 1947 with only 15 meteorological observatories operating in the whole country. Since then the facilities have been significantly improved with the establishment of modern flood forecasting system, earthquake and nuclear explosion detection system, nuclear meteorology, radar, satellite, computer technology, flight safety consultancy services in seismic design of dams, buildings and other development and disaster relief schemes. It is responsible for providing services in meteorological, hydrological and associated sciences. Apart from meteorology, the department is also concerned with Agro meteorology, hydrology, Alternative Energy, Astrophysics (including Solar Physics), Seismology, Geomagnetism, Atmospheric Lightning & Electricity and studies of the ionosphere and cosmic rays etc. SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 40 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN VISIT TO PAKISTAN METEOROLOGICAL DEPARTMENT By Shahzia Mustaq & Naila Kanwal Functions of Organization. We observed that the Major functions entrusted to the Pakistan Meteorological Department are to provide information on meteorological and geophysical matters with the objective of traffic safety in air, on land and sea, mitigation of disasters due to weather and geophysical phenomena, agriculture development based on climatic potential of the country, prediction and modification of weather forecast. Achievements The Instructors and officials briefed us that the Pakistan Meteorological Department, at the time of its establishment in 1947, inherited only 15 Meteorological Observatories from the Central Meteorological Organization then operating in the Subcontinent. The Department with its continuous efforts has improved weather forecasting capabilities by expanding the network of meteorological observatories, developing methods of observation, improving telecommunication facilities and forecasting techniques. The major achievements of the Department are introduction of modern flood forecasting system, earthquake and nuclear explosion detection system, radar, satellite, computer technology, flight safety consultancy services in seismic design of dams, buildings and other development and disaster relief schemes. Is SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 41 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN VISIT TO PAKISTAN METEOROLOGICAL DEPARTMENT By Shahzia Mustaq & Naila Kanwal Many of the Research Organizations such as Arid Zone Research Institute (AZRI), Space and Upper Atmospheric Research Corporation (SUPARCO), and Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission (PAEC) started their functioning with the initial assistance of the Pakistan Meteorological Department. Meteorological services are extended on regular basis to Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), Federal Flood Commission (FFC), Pakistan Agriculture Research Cuncil (PARC), Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Food & Agriculture. SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 42 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN MURREE VISIT AT A GLANCE… By Hamid Kareem & Dr. Sajjad Kolhoro We visited Murree and Nathiya Gali on 1st Aug, 11. The Visit was arranged in a hurry as Ramzan was approaching and in Ramzan no such visit was possible. Since this was an unofficial visit, so many could not join. Many were to their homes over the weekend. At 11:00 am 13 officers left for the trip. The administration was kind enough to provide us the coaster. In the coaster we sang songs, poetic competition was the real fun. All were active and lively at those moments. Is We reached Nathiya Gali at 4.00 pm. All were feeling hungry but excited. We stayed at Army Mess and Captain Shehzad was kind enough to arrange this for us. We had our Lunch with us. We enjoyed food and after that Mango Party was on. SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 43 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN MURREE VISIT AT A GLANCE… By Hamid Kareem , Aftab & Dr. Sajjad Kolhoro Then we visited Nathiya Gali. The weather there was extremely cold. Clouds and Fog were mixing up and were moving downwards to the ground. We felt very cold but from the hot weather conditions of Islamabad it was a kind of beautiful refuge to us. Then we went to Mall for shopping, bought the things which were specific to Murree. A chilled cool breeze was blowing there. We drank coffee, some opted for ice cream to enhance the freezing effect. We came back at 10.00 pm. The unity which we got in this unofficial visit would definitely keep us together. We were highly thankful to the administration for arranging this pleasant trip. It was such a memorable event that we will cherish for long in our future. Is SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 44 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN CELEBRATING THE COLOURS AND FRAGRANCE OF MESS NIGHT AT STI By Shah Jahan , Zakira Ikram & Irum Shah SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 45 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN CELEBRATING THE COLOURS AND FRAGRANCE OF MESS NIGHT AT STI By Shah Jahan , Zakira Ikram & Irum Shah SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 46 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN CELEBRATING THE COLOURS AND FRAGRANCE OF MESS NIGHT AT STI By Shah Jahan , Zakira Ikram & Irum Shah SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 47 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN CELEBRATING THE COLOURS AND FRAGRANCE OF MESS NIGHT AT STI By Shah Jahan , Zakira Ikram & Irum Shah SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 48 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN CELEBRATING THE COLOURS AND FRAGRANCE OF MESS NIGHT AT STI By Shah Jahan , Zakira Ikram & Irum Shah SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 49 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN CELEBRATING THE COLOURS AND FRAGRANCE OF MESS NIGHT AT STI By Shah Jahan , Zakira Ikram & Irum Shah SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 50 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN CELEBRATING THE COLOURS AND FRAGRANCE OF MESS NIGHT AT STI By Shah Jahan , Zakira Ikram & Irum Shah SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 51 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN CELEBRATING THE COLOURS AND FRAGRANCE OF MESS NIGHT AT STI By Shah Jahan , Zakira Ikram & Irum Shah SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 52 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN CELEBRATING THE COLOURS AND FRAGRANCE OF MESS NIGHT AT STI By Shah Jahan , Zakira Ikram & Irum Shah SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 53 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN CELEBRATING THE COLOURS AND FRAGRANCE OF MESS NIGHT AT STI By Shah Jahan , Zakira Ikram & Irum Shah SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 54 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN CELEBRATING THE COLOURS AND FRAGRANCE OF MESS NIGHT AT STI By Shah Jahan , Zakira Ikram & Irum Shah SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 55 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN CELEBRATING THE COLOURS AND FRAGRANCE OF MESS NIGHT AT STI By Shah Jahan , Zakira Ikram & Irum Shah SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 56 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN CELEBRATING THE COLOURS AND FRAGRANCE OF MESS NIGHT AT STI By Shah Jahan , Zakira Ikram & Irum Shah SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 57 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN Me and My God… By Sumaira Nazir I asked for Strength......... And God gave me Difficulties to make me strong. >> > > I asked for Wisdom......... > > And God gave me Problems to solve. >> > > I asked for Prosperity......... > > And God gave me Brain and Brawn to work. >> > > I asked for Courage......... > > And God gave me Danger to overcome. >> > > I asked for Love......... > > And God gave me Troubled people to help. >> > > I asked for Favors......... > > And God gave me Opportunities. >> > > I received nothing I wanted........ > > I received everything I needed! SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 58 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN A VISIT TO GHAZI BROTHA W e visited Ghazi-Barotha Hyzdropower Project on 06TH October, 2011. We were warmly welcomed by the GBHPP there. GBHP is a very beautiful sight along with its immense hydel potential and importance. GBHP is a 1,450 Megawatt run-of-the-river hydropower project on the Indus River in Pakistan By Dr.Asad Ishaq, Islah-ud-Din Nerajo & Yaseen Sanghro where the power complex is located. In the reach from Ghazi to Barotha, the Indus River inclines by 76 meters over a distance of 63 km. After passing through the powerhouse, the water is returned to the Indus. In addition to these main works, transmission lines stretch 340 km. The Engineers there briefed us that about 1,600 cubic meter per second of water is diverted from the Indus River near the town of Ghazi about 7 km downstream of Tarbela Dam (3,478 MW). It then runs through a 100 metre wide and 9 metre deep open The World Bank classed it "A" for adequate attention to environmental and social issues. The project took about 10 years and $2.2 billion to complete. SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 59 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN A VISIT TO GHAZI BROTHA The Ghazi-Barotha Hydropower Project is a major run-of-river power project designed to meet the acute power shortage in Pakistan. The main project elements include a barrage located on the Indus River, a power channel (designed to divert water from the barrage) and a power complex. Alternative locations for these elements were evaluated based on technical, economic, environmental and social constraints by an interdisciplinary project team and reviewed by an external environmental and resettlement panel. Initial assessment of five barrage sites identified by the project consultants resulted in two options being selected for detailed evaluation. The preferred option has less storage capacity than the main alternative, but was preferable in terms of environmental impact. By Dr.Asad Ishaq, Islah-ud-Din Nerajo & Yaseen Sanghro Five power complex sites were initially studied, and three remained for detailed evaluation. Topographical factors determined the preferred option, as the environmental implications were broadly similar in each case. Sub-elements of the power complex, such as access roads, head pond capacity and embankments, were chosen based on environmental and technical considerations. Finally, four alternative alignments were evaluated for the 500 kV transmission line connections to the main grid station. The selected routes had minimal environmental and socio-cultural impacts. Detailed design focused on choosing alignment and tower locations with minimal The most economical alignment for the power channel would have necessitated resettlement of an estimated 40,000 people. Moving the alignment to less densely populated areas, although technically more complex and financially less attractive, reduced the resettlement requirement to approximately 900 people. Additional modifications further reduced the impact on archaeological sites and graveyard. SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 60 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN Some Moments were worth capturing SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 61 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN Identifying, the unidentified elements…. By Irfan Sayyed Pakistan is going through its most difficult times. leaders delivering sermons on Friday in which they This is the sentence we have been listening to for last ask Almighty to annihilate evil forces of America and many decades. It is uncertain when this ordeal of ours Israel but nothing has come out of this pleading. will come to an end. A host of problems has landed us Some pseudo intellectuals will vehemently argue in an abyss from where there is no way out but to go against creation of this country and would suggest up as told to us by social scientist every evening. that fault lines at the conception of this state are still However every morning heralds of a new problem haunting its present and are cause of its bleak future. even worse than the one happened the day before.We Some other will say that the leadership crisis is are trying our utmost to cope the crucial responsible for the sorry state of affairs in this circumstances with full vigour,but then also a little country. Others will say that the root cause of the success is on the cards. Why is it so, are we problem is the system of our country in which confronting a potent enemy who is dragging us from corruption is rampant, injustice is commonplace and bad to worse? This is the question that requires immediate answer. Without knowing and identifying our enemy, how can we make fair judgment of our strengths viz a viz weaknesses of our enemy and fight back? This piece of writing attempts to answer this question. economic inequality has made the rich richer and the poor poorer. Now I will try to analyze these assertions in order to reach answer of our question. Nobody and at a larger scale no country can dare to It is not hard to sense the feelings of most of interfere into the affairs of any other country until its Pakistanis who by nature are emotional and people provide them with opportunity to exploit their expressive. Any person who has reasonable level of fissures to their advantage. Many examples can be common sense can feel the pulse of this nation. given in this regard but I will confine myself to two Major delusions we Pakistani have about this murky brief examples. state of affairs in our country can be summarized as When, in 1258, Mongols were about to sack follows. Baghdad, instead of preparing themselves for war A very common answer to the question under and protecting their land from the intruders, the consideration is that it is America which is behind all intellectuals in Bagdad were locked in a debate our problems. Move 50 kilomete r out of whether eating crow is permissible in Islam or not. Islamabad, still today we find prayer leaders SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 62 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN Identifying, the unidentified elements…. By Irfan Sayyed In another instance, when East Pakistan, now the military takeovers we Pakistanis distributed Bangladesh, seceded from its western wing in sweets and celebrated martial law in the country. 1971, we held India that orchestrated this debacle. Such people regard Gen. Zia Ul haq as “Mard-e- Without going into details, it was we who prepared Momin Mard-e-Haq” and called themselves “Gen. the ground work for India to take advantage of the Pervaiz Musharraf's lovers”. opportunity we provided her with, resulting in Those who blame system prevailing in Pakistan, the breakup of Pakistan. root cause of each and every problem. So the question When it is said that Pakistan was created on the arises what is the system? Such people have no clue basis of a flawed conception, the persecution of what system they are talking about and unable to Muslims in Hindu dominated provinces of British define it in a proper way. Even one is ready to accept India is an eye opener. Even Mr. Muhammad Ali their vague definition of the system; at least we have a Jinnah, the ambassador of Hindu-Muslim unity, right to ask them about this system, referred to every pushed for a separate homeland for Muslims of now and then. subcontinent. Still today, conditions of Muslims in whatever shade, form or characteristics this system Gujarat and other states of India clears the picture has; we should admit that we, by all means, are a part that fears in the minds of Muslim leaders about of this system. Criticizing the system is actually self united India were not unfounded. recrimination. The so called liberals give the When the argument, that Pakistan is facing dearth of impression that after gaining political power, the leadership and after the demise of the Quaid-e-Azam, religious bigotry is the curse for the society. To be in there is no sincere leader in the history of Pakistan, favor of a theocratic state or not, does not take away doesn't address the question of who is responsible for our right to question liberal fascists, who seek making insincere people as leaders of the nation. guidance from the west, about what services they People who democratically elect their have rendered to the state. To me these people representatives are themselves so inefficient and cannot think on their own but will only incompetent that they elevated these insincere and promote and advocate everything, however deceitful people to corridors of power under harmful it may be, ingrained in their minds by parliamentary form of government. Even during their western mentors. Bottom-line, however, is that SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 63 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN Identifying, the unidentified elements…. By Irfan Sayyed The crux of this discourse is to answer this question who is our enemy. It would be more appropriate to have some soul searching instead of putting onus of responsibility of the country's wretched condition on other. Most of our people are prone to scapegoating others for our own flaws. Actually, we never sat down to create a democratic, progressive and prosperous Pakistan and never have been interested in the real wealth of the nation that is education and scientific knowledge. Things neither go wrong in the nick of time nor can be righted over night. To admit once fault is half way towards correcting it. We must confess that every problem gripping us is due to our ineptness and we are as much part of the problem as the solution. The biggest enemy is the enemy within. At the end I would like to say that it is not the Pakistani state that is falling apart rather it is we, as a nation, who is on the verge of collapse. We must understand that Mother Nature has no sense of poetic justice and we must mend our ways before pointing fingers towards others. SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 64 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN Message of Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai By Dr. Mansoor Wasan Latif's Message of Love and Hopes to Mankind “O God, may ever you on Sindh Bestow abundance rare; Beloved! All the world let share, Thy Grace, and fruitful be (Sur Sarang: Monsoon)” It is not surprising that the man, who has succeeded in landing on the moon with the help of his scientific, progress is also the root cause of gross disorder on earth? We have, no doubt, learnt to swim in the sea and fly in the air, but we have not learnt to live in peace and harmony on this globe, which has been turned into a village because of speedy means of communications. n this context, the universal message of Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai, which transcends all barriers of time and space, provides and appropriate remedy to our social and moral ills. The philosophy behind the verses in the 'Shah-jo-Risalo' (the message of Shah) is so simple that it can be commonly understood by peasants and scholars alike. Gifted with command over the niceties of language and many other qualities including the music of alliteration, keen observation of varying human nature and social customs with rare beauty of expression, Shah Latif lays great emphasis on moral reformation by picking up pieces of popular romantic stories with a touch of mystic thought. Since individual is the basic unit of a family and family is the basic unit of society; it is, therefore, essential to reform individuals, which will ultimately mean reformation of society as a whole. It is for this purpose; Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai exhorts people in his own captivating style to liberate themselves from the shackles of arrogance as it is an obstacle in the way of man who desires to get closer to his creator. Shah believes that one who bows before the God Almighty and none else and touches his forehead on earth in prayers gets an opportunity to learn his lesson in humility and selfless love, five times a day. Shah Latif is of the view that such a person who tosses away his arrogance and crushed sham notions of dignity under his feet, will go back to society as a refined person, with qualities of fellow feelings and love, without any selfish motive. Another point which he emphasizes is that every person must cleanse his heart of hypocrisy conceit, hatred, selfishness, jealousy and greed. He is of the view that if thought processes of a person are distilled of such evils and if he or she is protected against all such negative influences which convert human beings into ferocious animals; it will help facilitate his/her positive contribution towards building up a society, based on feelings of love, sacrifice, piety and sympathetic attitude towards every human being. The message of Bhittai, brings to light the ills of 'inner self', which can only be cured through the touch of selfless love and the spirit of sacrifice to serve fellow human beings. The crux of Latif's poetry is love combined with humility (without hypocrisy) which is the ethos of civilized human society. By now, 250 years have passed, but each passing year, the popularity of Shah Latif has been growing not only in the East but also in the West. If we deeply study the Risalo, we will note that Shah has sung popular romantic tales relating to 'Sasui Punnu', SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 65 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN Message of Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai By Dr. Mansoor Wasan 'Umer Marui', Sohni Mehar', Leela Chanesar', 'Noori Jam Tamachi', etc., to attract the attention of people and bring home to them the importance of moral values of the development of individual as well as c o l l e c t i v e l i f e . In the story of 'Sasui Punnu', Bhittai teaches us to launch a relentless struggle for the attainment of high moral values despite heavy odds and obstacles. They story of 'Umer Marui', high lights the quality of patriotism and love for the village folk. Despite all ideal comforts of life offered by King Umer, who forcibly kidnaps Marui to his palace; she consider herself like a prisoner, longing to return to Malir to be with her relatives and her own village people. Late A.K. Brohi, a great jurist and internationally reputed scholar of Pakistan in one of his articles described the tale of Umer Marui as the autobiography of human soul, which has to return to the world hereafter. The story of Noori Jam Tamachi is a lesson in humility and self-denial. Jam is a king and Noori is fisherwoman, but still she is given more importance than other beautiful queens of Jam, because of her humility and submissiveness. This is a message that all human beings must cultivate in themselves, the qualities of humility and tolerance as against arrogance, selfishness and jealousy so as to make this world a better place to live in. Shah Latif has compared 'Abyat' of Risalo with 'Ayat' i.e. guiding signals or signposts on the pathway to Allah. In other words it may mean that the understanding of these couplets will take one closer to the God Almighty, as one will earnestly desire to be close to the Beloved as far as possible. A renowned scholar, Dr. Umer Bin Muhammad Daoodpota has divided the Risalo into the following four categories a. Lyrical b. Descriptive c. Historical d. Spiritual According to another scholar Muhammad Yakoob Agha, the poetry of Shah Bhittai has its roots in the holy Quran and therefore, he has described the following main features of his poetry; 1. Fear of Allah and obedience to all his commandments 2. Love and reverence for the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), who has been mentioned as the greatest benefactor of mankind. 3. Symbol of sympathy and; mercy for the suffering humanity 4. Humility, forbearance and annihilation of ego, Dignity of human labor 5. Human equality It will be interesting to know that Latif has vehemently condemned the act of aggression, which is the main cause of turmoil on this earth today, whether it is the problem of Kashmir or the issue of Palestine or anywhere else in the world. However, the main cause of tyranny and turbulence may better be described in terms of aggression or operation. SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 66 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN Message of Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai By Dr. Mansoor Wasan The United Nations despite her resources to contain military aggression and unauthorized occupation of lands have miserably failed due to double standards. The message of Latif while condemning aggression lays emphasis on the need to promote human relations based on love and spirit of justice, fellow feelings and decimation of ego. His beings with the reformation of individual and goes to the reformation of human society as a whole. There is a lesson for educationalist teachers as well as parents in Latif's poetry, who are required to concentrate on the character building of their students/children. The best tribute to Shah Latif will be to understand and implement his message not only for the reformation of individual life but also for a healthy change in all spheres of society so that the message of love and humanity combined with devotion and righteousness is translated into reality for the greater good of mankind. “Whether hot or cold, march on, there is no time to rest” Translation of few verses from Shah Jo Risalo, here as under, may be found containing inspiring thoughts, relevant to all times and climes. “Seekers served keep reporting There be no other God save him”. “Though hundred times gallows be your lot, Give not up the path of love for the lord, Love's secret from its original is to be sought”. “Divine love's saying are not bitter, but sweet There is nothing bitter, if wisely perceived”. “Killing equates with care, Such always is beloved's path, The surgeon who incised your wound, Is the same who is your soul's solace”. “Those who melted ore and made it steel, Their worth blacksmith alone can feel”. “When sufi purged his inner self Only then, while alive, God's vision be held”. “Be humbly and gentle, anger brings sorrows and confusion, True wisdom you will find, if you are firm in this decision”. “Sit not besides those who increase your suffering, Ignore the material gain, avoid such a gathering”. “Sit close to those who lessen your pain, Build your hut beside them and invest your time”. “Work on the broken wheel, till you get the new one, To vicious laziness accustom not yourself”. Latif's Book of poetry have been translated into many languages like Urdu , English, French and German and Persian. I suggest all the human lovers to read' Shah-jo- Risalo' in any of the translated form versions. So their love for God and humanity may strengthen. SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 67 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN My Faviourte Novel “The Alchemist” By Paulo Coelho Extract from "The Alchemist" By Saroosh Fatima & Nisar Azmat At that moment,it seemed to him that time stood still,and the Soul of the World surged within him.When he looked into her dark eyes,and saw that her lips poised between a laugh and silence,he learned the most important part of the language that all the world spoke-the language that everyone on earth was capable of understanding in thier heart,it was Love.Something older than humanity,more ancient than the desert.Something that exerted the same force whenever two pairs of eyes met, as had theirs here at the well .She smiled, and that was certainly an omen-the omen he had been waiting for,for all his life.The omen he had sought to find with his sheep and his books,in the crystals and in the silence of the desert. It was a pure Language of the World .It required no explaination,just as the universe needs none as it travels through endless time.What the boy felt at that moment was that he was in the presence of the only woman in his life,and that,with no need for words,she recognized the same thing.He was more certain of it than anything in the world.He had been told by his parents and grand-parents that he must fall in love and really know a person before being committed.But maybe people who felt that way had never learned the universal language.Because,when you know that language,it's easy to understand that someone in the world awaits you,whether it's in the middle of the desert or in some great city.And when two such people encounter each other,and their eyes meet, the past and the future becomes unimportant.there is only that moment,and the incredible certainity that everything under the sun has been written by one hand only.It is the hand that evokes love, and creates a twin soul for every person in the world.Without such love,one's dreams would have no meaning." SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 68 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN QUOTATIONS FROM THE ALCHEMIST… · Every search begins with beginners luck and ends with the victor's being severely tested.” · “The Boy didn't know what a person's 'destiny' was… It's what you have always wanted to accomplish. Everyone, when they are young knows what their destiny is.” page 22 · “The boy and his heart had become friends, and neither was capable now of betraying the other.” · “Treasure is uncovered by the force of the flowing water, and it is buried by the same currents” page 25 · “When each day is the same as the next, it's because people fail to recognize the good things that happen in their lives every day that the sun rises.” page 28 · “In order to find the treasure, you will have to follow the omens. God has prepared a path for everyone to follow. You just have to read the omens that he left you.” page 30 · “Don't forget that everything you deal with is only one thing and nothing else. And don't forget the language of omens. And, above all, don't forget to follow your destiny through to its conclusion.” · “When someone makes a decision, he is really diving into a strong current that will carry him to places he had never dreamed of when he first made the decision. “ · “Intuition is really a sudden immersion of the soul into the universal current of life.” · “There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.” · “Courage is the quality most essential to understanding the Language of the World. “ · “And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” page 23 · “When you want something with all your heart, that's when you are closest to the Soul of the World. It's always a positive force.” · “It's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.” Page 11 · “When we strive to become better than we are, everything around us becomes better too.” · “When you are in love, things make even more sense, he thought.” · “The soul of the world is nourished by people's happiness. And also by unhappiness, envy, and jealousy. To realize one's destiny is a person's only obligation. All things are one:. · “I don't live in either my past or my future. I'm interested only in the present. If you can concentrate always on the present, you'll be a happy man. Life will be a party for you, a grand festival, because life is the moment we're living now.” · “When you are loved, you can do anything. SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 69 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN JOURNEY FROM GENTLEMAN CADET TO PROBATIONER By Captain Shahzad Khan Magsi Journey from Gentleman cadet to Probationer remained very interesting. There were many similarities and contrasts in both of the service but overall the feeling of being a trainee was common. Most beautiful thing in the Civil Service was the absence of seniors who are found in abundance After classes Lunch looks very attractive but at Military academy one hardly finds time to have complete lunch. He has to satisfy himself at table touch but at CSA lunch really was quite attractive with a difference that it was not to be served by the waiters. Sports time in the evening in Pakistan Military Academy to take care of their juniors. Usually first day at military academy is supposed to be very tough for the new batch but in CSA environment was very friendly and comfortable. Only registration was carried out on the first day. Second day in Military Academy is supposed to be an introduction to drill but at CSA there was an introduction with Biometrics. The third day had something common, the Gentleman Cadet used to be running along with the staff (a non- commissioned) towards classrooms in order to be in time. Staff used to shout “Sahib double careen, warna lait ho jaen ge”. On the other side probationers were running at their own towards class rooms in order to give their finger prints on time. Environment inside the classrooms was different. In MA there was a platoon while no seniors and staff in CSA. used to be competitively difficult at military Academy but in CSA sports were really relaxing and enjoyable except biometrics. At MA Gentleman cadet is punished through “Restrictions”, “Extra drills” etc but at CSA Sundays were detained only and book reviews were given to maintain discipline. After CTP, STP is going on in Secretariat Training Institute. It is one of the most beautiful experiences of my life. Here one feels the feeling of patronage and homage. At the end I would say that Pakistan Army and Civil services are the two most crucial and vital Institutions for the efficient working, stability and prosperity of Pakistan. May Allah bless both of them. I have served Pakistan Military with patriotism and love from the core of my heart and will serve Bureaucracy with full dedication and honesty. I say with a heavy heart Good bye Pakistan Army and SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 70 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN JOURNEY FROM GENTLEMAN CADET TO PROBATIONER By Captain Shahzad Khan Magsi and welcome to civil Services.Long live Pakistan Army and Pakistan Bureaucracy. Whole life was and is going for Your Service my dear Motherland. Geo Hazaroon Saal…Amen SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 71 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN A Group Photo Of Female Probationers SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 72 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN Poverty needs attention please!!! By Sumaira Nazir Poverty and hunger are inextricably linked. Not every poor person is hungry, but almost all hungry people are poor. Millions in Pakistan live with hunger and malnourishment because they simply cannot afford to buy enough food, cannot afford nutritious foods or cannot afford the farming supplies they need to grow enough good food of their own. Hunger can be viewed as a dimension of extreme poverty. It is often called the most crucial and critical manifestation of poverty. Poverty is multidimensional and complex; it renders people hungry; marginalizes them and deprives them of access to health services, decent work education, social participation, safe and healthy environment and effective political participation. In Pakistan the poor both in urban and rural often live in degraded and totally unhealthy environments. Abject and grim poverty in Pakistan has become not only severe injustice, abuse of human rights but also an immense waste of national human resources. Poverty is a multifaceted and multi- pronged problem, involving finances, food supply, housing, education, health, sanitation, infrastructure, politics, war, self-esteem and more. Thus there is no single solution to poverty. Poverty in Pakistan is a growing curse and concern. Although the middle-class has grown in Pakistan to 40 million. As of 2008, 17.2% of Pakistanis live below poverty line. Incidences of poverty in our country rose from 22–26% in the fiscal year 1991 to 32–35% in the fiscal year 1999. They have subsequently fallen to 25–26% according to the reports published by the World Bank and the UN Development Program . These reports contradict the claims made by the Government of Pakistan that the poverty rates are only 23%, Moreover, the poverty rate declined to 17.2% in 2007-08 according to the World Bank report. According to (HDI), 60.3% of Pakistan's population lives on under $2 a day, compared to 75.6% in neighboring India and 81.3% in nearby Bangladesh and some 22.6% live under $1 a day, compared to . 41.6% in India and 49.6% in Bangladesh As of 2009, Pakistan's Human Development Index (HDI) is 0.572, higher than that of neighboring Bangladesh's 0.543, which was previously a part of the country itself. Pakistan's Human Development index still stands lower than that of nearby India's at 0.613 SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 73 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN Poverty needs attention please!!! By Sumaira Nazir Wealth distribution in Pakistan is highly uneven, with 10% of the population earning 27.6% of income which is disturbing. According to the United Nations Human Development Report (UNHDR) , Pakistan's human development indicators, especially those for females , fall significantly below those of countries with comparable levels of per-capita income. Pakistan also has a higher infant mortality rate (88 per 1000) than the South Asian average (83 per 1000). The government's overall aim should be to investigate ways of reducing, vulnerability, generating sustainable livelihoods and eradicating abject poverty in Pakistan. The challenge calls for a stocktaking of the state of the poor, the situation, conditions for poverty, so that appropriate assistance can be planned and targeted. How imperative it has become to combat and fight poverty can be accessed by the outcomes of poverty which include, hunger and starvation, poor health, poor mental health, lack of education, rising crime, being shelter less, prostitution, extremism, exploitation, violence and social seclusion. Ikey to unlock the potential of the country lies in Human Empowerment. The government requires to empower the disadvantaged groups, empower women so that they start asserting their rights in the family, solve common issues through self-help groups, gain self identity through economic sufficiency, intrinsically involve the people both in planning and in the responsibilities of carrying out a project, establish small and medium-scale industries through soft loans, sell products of co-op, bringing income to members and lastly create a savings system. Who does it directly affect? More than 90% of the Pakistani population; the poor, the vulnerable, children, youth, women, disabled, unemployed, the working poor, single parents, the aged orphans and street children; Apart from education and healthcare they have no access to nutritious food, reliable and durable sources of income, shelter, energy, clean water, sanitation facilities, safe drinking water and access to information. These are the grim and grave facts that if not addressed on emergency basis will impede the growth and prosperity of the nation. The only key to SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 74 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN Poverty needs attention please!!! By Sumaira Nazir Sustainability requires long term goals, not quickfixes and magic ways to counter this threat.. True development projects are always for the long term. A number of countries in south-east-Asia, as well as large provinces in India and China, more populous than many countries have significantly reduced poverty levels over the last 25 years. Development projects can make a difference and can help millions to break free the vicious cycle of poverty.o unlock the potential of the country lies in Human Empowerment. In Pakistan a social perspective on development needs addressing poverty in all its dimensions and facets. It promotes people-centered approach to poverty eradication advocating the empowerment of poor people living in poverty through their full participation in all aspects of political, social and economic life, especially in the design and implementation of policies that affect the poorest and most vulnerable groups of society. An integrated and well knit strategy towards poverty alleviation necessitates implementing policies and plans geared to more equitable distribution of wealth and income and social protection coverage. We often clamor that Government is not doing something solid to eradicate poverty. Indeed it is the duty of the Government to provide the basic necessities of life to Its citizens. But we all also have a relation of humanity with each other. We raise the slogan of our religion, of our being Muslims, but is it the spirit of Islam ? Our fellow human beings are just begging for their basic survival and we are paying no heed to it. Are these the teaching of our Beloved last Prophet ( PBUH) ? Just think for a while and ask a reply from a person inside you. As individuals we can help even a helpless child. As groups we can take the responsibility of some children or of a single family even. Count how many individuals we are and how many groups can we form? And then how many needy children and how many deprived families we can support? Undoubtedly thousands and thousands. The need is only to rethink and revise our ways of lives, to share the national burden. As Civil Servants, we have the authority ,resources, references , education and above all the awareness of the ground realities. This is the time to find out the true direction and concentrate on how we can assist our country by assisting the helpless who are looking towards the elected and selected ones. We must turn the destiny of our beloved motherland by working at the very basic level of poverty. We can help them out in education, health, micro financing, employment eat at Individual, group, organizational and National level. Rise Pakistan, bring back your Identity. SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 75 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN Visit to National Archives By Auranzeb We visited National Archives of Pakistan. The National Archives of Pakistan is a body established by the Government of Pakistan for the purpose of preserving and making available public and private records which have bearings on the history, culture and Located in Islamabad, the National Archives of Pakistan is a member of the International Council on Archives. Some of its stated functions are the acquisition, preservation, conservation, reprography, restoration, automation, dissemination and access of documents. NAP is also responsible for the facilitation of important state documents and collections of dated files.We Surely learnt a lot. Prior to our visit we had a very little knowledge of it. But in this official tour we learnt and practically observed whole of the system f preservation and safety of our valuable national documents. SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 76 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN SPORTS TOURNAMENTS AT STI By Sports Commeeti Sports are essential part of trainings all over the world. We had one hour compulsory sports at civil service academy, but when we joined secretariat training institute, no extracurricular activities including sports were there for the probationers in the star, evening hours were deprived of any healthy activity, so whole of the batch decided that evenings would be spared for games now onwards. STI administration liked the idea and encouraged us to star different games, sports courts were there but were unutilized for years, so a sports committee was formed to organize and coordinate sports activities and the tournaments. Captain Shezad was the presedent and other three members included Miss Sumaira Nazir, Dr. Sajjad Ishaq and Adnan Faraz. Though it was a small committee but it successfully organized different sports tournaments. In the start it was somewhat dormant so a victim of criticism from the colleagues and administration then it th actively organized table tennis and badminton tournaments from September, 19 2011 to onwards. The motivation and enthusiasm of the officers was praise worthy and at its climax but contrary to the hopes many initial lead matches were not played and the officers were given walk over but at the end of the lead matches and the start of the quarter finals are true sense of competition was on the scene. Dr. Asad Ishaq of Sports Committee was the coordinator of Table Tennis Tournament. OFFICERS DISPLAYING THEIR STRENGTHS ON FIELD SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 77 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN SPORTS TOURNAMENTS AT STI By Sports Commeeti SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 78 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN SPORTS TOURNAMENTS AT STI By Sports Commeeti SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 79 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN SPORTS TOURNAMENTS AT STI By Sports Commeeti SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 80 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN SPORTS TOURNAMENTS AT STI By Sports Commeeti SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 81 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN SPORTS TOURNAMENTS AT STI By Sports Commeeti The final was attended by Mr.Director General, Farhat Abbas Shah, a pot and a social worker and all of the faculty and probationers. Male champion was Mr. Jehanzeb Pittafi and Female champion was Miss Rushna Zahid. th The champions gave party the next evening. Badminton tournament male is going to be started on 10 of October, 2011. Women badminton tournament is going on. Badminton Tournament organizers are Mr. Adna Fraz and Ms. Sumaira Nazir. The Badminton Finaliststs are Miss Rushna Zahid and Miss Summaira Nazir. Apart from these tournaments a flood light cricket match will also be played between probationers and faculty. These sports events are organized for the very first time in the history of OMG. Initiatives undoubtedly are always challenging and crucial but the sports committee has successfully dealt with these challenges. We hope that the upcoming batches will continue with such kinds of healthy sports activities in the future also. We are highly obliged to the administration for its kind cooperation. Our wish is that may sports become an integral part of training at Secretariat Training Institute. SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 59 82 ART WORK BY ISHFAQ ART WORK BY ISHFAQ ART WORK BY ISHFAQ ART WORK BY ISHFAQ GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN Guest Speakers at STI By Muhammad Idrees SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 87 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN Guest Speakers at STI By Muhammad Idrees SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 88 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN Guest Speakers at STI By Muhammad Idrees SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 89 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN Guest Speakers at STI By Muhammad Idrees SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 90 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN Guest Speakers at STI By Muhammad Idrees SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 91 GOVERNMENT OF PAKISTAN Guest Speakers at STI By Muhammad Idrees SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 92 A Meeting with Chief Justice Iftikhar Chuhdary at Supreme Court of Pakistan Hafiz obaid and Abdul kareem SECRETARIAT TRAINING INSTITUTE th 38 COMMON TRAINING PROGRAMME & 33RD OFFICE MANAGEMENT GROUP 93 A Meeting with Chief Justice Iftikhar Chuhdary at Supreme Court of Pakistan Hafiz obaid and Abdul kareem A Meeting with Chief Justice Iftikhar Chuhdary at Supreme Court of Pakistan Hafiz obaid and Abdul kareem A Meeting with Chief Justice Iftikhar Chuhdary at Supreme Court of Pakistan Hafiz obaid and Abdul kareem A Meeting with Chief Justice Iftikhar Chuhdary at Supreme Court of Pakistan Hafiz obaid and Abdul Kareem A Meeting with Chief Justice Iftikhar Chuhdary at Supreme Court of Pakistan Hafiz obaid and Abdul Kareem A Visit to Parliament By Faisal Idrees & Muhammad Ayaz A Visit to Parliment By Faisal Idrees & Muhammad Ayaz A Visit to Parliment By Faisal Idrees & Muhammad Ayaz A Visit to Parliment By Faisal Idrees & Muhammad Ayaz A Visit to Parliment By Faisal Idrees & Muhammad Ayaz A Visit to Parliment By Faisal Idrees & Muhammad Ayaz Cultural Committee By Iram Shah Cultural committee was one among many committees which were initially formed for managing different activities at STI during our STP. Responsibilities of cultural committee included arranging recreational events at STI. Its members initially included, Miss Iram Shah, Mr. Sohail Ahmad Warraich and Dr, Mansoor Wassan. However later on Miss Summaira Nazir was also included in it. It was for the very first time in the history of STI to form different committees. It was honour being member of one of such committees. Although the resources for arrangement of such events were limited, however the committee tried its best to perform its role efficiently. During the course of four months training, four trips to different recreational places were arranged. These trips included, trip to Dam e Koh, Nathia Gallia, Murree and Lake view Park. One of the trips was also arranged for Bhoor Ban, which due to certain unavoidable hindrances could not be completed. Two visits to cinema were also arranged. The idea of Mess Night was originated by the cultural committee, which later on was handed over to a new committee i.e. Mess Night Committee. Cultural committee is contributing in the Mess Night by different performances of the probationers. Cultural Committee 33rd OMG Batch with Additional Secretary Establishment