The heap has been hired to mount an expedition
The heap has been hired to mount an expedition
Thundarrstruck an Introductory Living Low Campaign Adventure! By Phyllin MacKrakin (Thom Shartle) The heap has been hired to mount an expedition into the Underwhere. Their patron has provided them each with a one way Croach Class ticket on the Slog Skooner “Thundarr Down Undarr” from Floom to Bottom Saloo where the expedition will leave from. This adventure is meant as an introduction into Low Life Redredged and the Mutha Oith Underwhere Explorer’s Societe’ Living Low Campaign and should take half a standard four hour convention time slot, leaving the first two hours to create novice characters. M.O.U.E.S’ Web Site—Living Campaign The Gist The heap has been contacted by Uster the Damp who has hired them to lead an expedition into the Underwhere to The heap has to get back to explore the Slog the First Bait (well actually Skooner, describe some of just her suit) or the Thund- the day to day operations arr Down Undarr ain’t goin’ (See Appendix ii) they obno where... try and set up trade relations The Journey So Far... with “The Crusty Ones” a The players were greeted group of Underwhere dwelling croach artisans whose metal work is highly sought after. by Kaptin Gr'fz'q'lomp, The Fungal Kaptin of the serve and ask them if there is anything specific they want to accomplish during the journey. The Drive By Thundarr, when they Once they have finished boarded two days ago and investigating the Thundarr, a harried porter showed have the characters make them to the Croach Class an un-modified Notice bunkroom. They are each check. If successful, or if On the third day of an eight- assigned a hammock to any of them state they are een day journey, while the sleep in, arrayed around in the Oily Boid’s nest, tell Thundaar Down Undarr is an- the common Croach class them they spy an unknown chored for the night, they are sleeping area (Level 2 area heap riding ferocious attacked by a marauding band J), and some space in one schnoobles parallel to the of Price-O-Corns. The heap of the cupboards arrayed course of the Thundarr, handily beat back the raiders, around the room’s periph- around a hunnert yorts but the Slog Skooner’s First ery of the room. holewhence. If the player’s The heap is in route between Floom (The Bitchin’ City of) and Bottom Saloo where the expedition will launch from. Bait disappeared in the ruckus. Give the players some time page 2 are in the Oily Boid’s nest, or Slog Skooner for night fall ence combat without tak- climb up to the Pilot House to (driving a Slog Skooner at ing much damage. inform Kaptin Gr'fz'q'lomp, af- night is a BAD idea!). After dispatching their ter the Lookout / Kaptin has a Just after the anchor was look see, they hand an intricate dropped and the Slog brass spy-eye to the player. Looking through the spy-eye, they will be able to make out that all the rider’s are Horcs dressed in outlandish colorful mismatched cloths. If they foes, they will see the Price -o-corn leader (Kaptin Not- Herders worked their way as-nice-as-the-last-guy) wave down the lowered gang his huge ass cleaver in the plank, the look out shouts air and call the retreat. out a warning. The surviving raiders exe- “Price-O-Corn Raid!” cute a competent fighting withdrawal down the gang stop for a nap or something, The price-o-corn raisers before letting someone know, have gained the gang plank then they won’t. If in the Oily and begin spreading out Boid’s Nest, or they mention across the Thundarr. A the outriders to a crew-peep, small contingent heads for Home... they will go to a near by metal the Pilot House, and the tube, unstopper it and report rest head aft to convince The crew is bustling to and the outriders to the Kaptin. the passengers to give up In any event, the outriders peel their lewts! off and head due holewhence, Luckily, the player happen not to be seen again… THAT to be in their bunk room, day. Night Raid! Late in the afternoon of the third day, The Thundarr coasts over the top of a rise and the Speculum comes into view ahead. The Kaptin gives the command and the Thundarr is reigned in to a stop. Crew Peeps scurry to secure the plank and fade into the growing darkness. It’s a Long Walk fro cleaning up the aftermath of the battle (looting the corpses and throwing them overboard). Kaptin Gr'fz'q'lomp comes storm- (where their gear is…) and ing up the gangway toward are able to arm themselves the players shouting before the price-o-corns “Crandal Croach! Has any- get there. one seen Crandal Croach?” This is a straight up fight She stops at the players with two Price-o-corn Raid- and demands to know if any of them has seen the ers (see Appendix i) for each player. The Price-o- First Bait (Appendix ii), corn raiders are all ex- Crandal Croach. They, of tras—this should give the course have not. If asked players a chance to experi- for a description, she tells page 3 them Crandal is medium height Room (Level 1 C). A winch below. Obviously, the suit (for a Croach) with extremely there is used to raise and as described, is no longer long, whip like antenna. He is lower the First Bait. adorning what is left of wearing the bait-suit, a white If the players investigate suit lavishly covered with color- the winch, they can reel it ful sequins, faux gems and shot in to find it ending at a through with shiney metallic frayed section that doesn’t Crandal. A successful Investigation, Survival or Tracking roll (or Notice –2 if you are REALLY desper- thread. All four arms trail long look like it should be there. ate) will allow the players to discover several Horc colorful streamers. Evidently the rope parted tracks leading up to the She asks the players to please and Crandal was thrown to corpse and then back the find him—well actually the suit the Oith in front of the giway they came. he was wearing and bring him ant slog on whose back the (it) back to the Thundar. She Thundarr Down Undarr explains rge First Bait, wearing rests. the suit is dangled from a They can make their way crane in front of the Thundarr down to the ground and and by swinging the First Bait around to the front of the to and fro, the steer the huge conveyance. Without the First Bait (suit), they would never make it across the Speculum. slog who appears to currently be slumbering, eyes closed. A successful Stealth Roll will get them Operation: Get the Danged Suit Back Two successful Survival or Tracking checks allows the heap to follow the trail back to the Horc encampment. The Horcs are all debauching around a huge campfire, drinking heavily a Elementary My Dear to poor Crandal’s broken Whatsit! corpse. The second segment of the ad- Cause of death is obviously Block Chili and doing things their mothers wouldTerminal Kinetic Energy venture allows the players to investigate the disappearance. If they don’t think of it, have the Kaptin tell them the last place Crandal was seen was dangling from the bait rope. Normally accessed from a platform in front of the Steering variety of toxic suds, chowing down on Chopping Poisoning. Poor Crandal n’t approve of (well… they was forgotten, dangling in are Horcs so maybe they front of the Giant Slog. would…). Kaptin Not-as- Sometime during the nice-as-the-last-guy is easily fighting, the rope was spotted, wearing the afore- struck by a stray round, mentioned suit as a short parted and dropped him a cape and prancing around hundred feet to the oith the camp fire. At this page 4 Open to the Heap: 1. Wait for the price-o-corns to pass out, sneak in, and jack the suit 2. If there is a Horc in the ural 1, they re-roll their attack against an adjacent price-o-corn. To the Victors Successfully returning with 6,Toughness 5, Parry 7 Hindrances: Arrogant (Maj.), Phobia (Giggities— Min.), Vow (Hunts thar Great White Snack Cake!, Min.) heap, they could try and the suit, ingratiates them pretend to be one of the with Kaptin and Crew of Edges: Goodsporesman- price-o-corns. This would the Thundarr. Kaptin ship, Danger Sense, Dead require them to adorn Gr'fz'q'lomp has their gear Shot, Kaptin Krunch themselves with all manner moved to a private first (MOUES Edge), Marksman, of hideously unmatched col- class room. If any of the ors, and garish ornaments. heap is a Croach, the A successful Streetwise Kaptin sizes them up and Tubpuddler Racial Abilities: Gleening the ‘tinct, Unkeen Peepers, offers them the position of Spores: Miasmic quality time adorning them- First Bait until they get to Gear: Shiny Spy-Eye, Scizz, selves appropriately), allows Bottom Saloo. This will Poo-Flinger. earn them 100 clams and them to integrate themBoating skill d4 or plus one Background: The Kaptin is selves into the drunkenan Old Salt AND Pepper dice type if they already orgy. Have a bleary eyed, plying the SLogways around have it. random drunken price-oKeister Island. corn challenge the player. A Peeps & Critters check (+2 if they spend any successful Persuasion or Intimidation roll (+2 they are REALLY wasted) will allow them to pull it off. 3. CHARGE! Straight up-ish fight. There are three drunken price-o-corns per Kaptin Gr'fz'q'lomp (Seasoned Wild Card) Fungal Attributes: Agility d10, Smarts d6, Spirit d6, Strength d6, Vigor d6 Skills: Boating d10, Climbpeep and Kaptin Not-as-nice ing d6, Driving d10, Fighting -as-the-last-guy. They are all d8, Gambling d6, Intimidation d6. Repair d6, Riding so wasted they fight at –2 on all rolls. If anyone on the d10, Shooting d10 price-o-corn side rolls a nat- Stats: Charisma +0, Pace Character Sheet Download Kaptin Not-as-nice-asthe-last-guy (Seasoned) Horc Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d6, Spirit d4, Strength d8, Vigor d10 Skills: Climbing d6, Fighting d10 (+1, +3 vs Smelf folk), Gambling d8, Intimidation Page 5 Persuasion d8, Shooting d6, Survival d6, Taunt d8, Tracking d6, Gambling d8 Stats: Charisma –2/+2 Horcs, Hindrances: Junkie (Min) Edges: Tubpuddler Racial Abilities: By Race Appendix i: Slog Skooners Slog Skooners are large conveyances permanently mounted on / in the backs of a variety of big slogs. Pace 6, Toughness 7, Parry 7 (- Gear: Scizz, Poo-Flinger. 1) Background: Stalwart krew Krew: plying the SLogways around The Kaptin: steers it and Keister Island. orders peeps around Hindrances: Junkie (Beige Peepers Maj.) Edges: Price-o-corn, Spit, Loo- Horc Price-o-corn (Novice) gey Hawker, Boogie Knight Horc Racial Abilities: Buttkicker, Attributes: Agility d6, Gurgitation, Slimey, Tough Ass Smarts d4, Spirit d4, Mofo Strength d6, Vigor d8 Gear: Big Ass Cleaver (Str+D12, AP 2, Parry –1, 2 handed), Crappy armor (+1 Armor all locations), backpack, bladder (don’t ask), clamsack, Jar (Full of Beige Peepers), Skills: Climbing d4, Fighting d6, Gambling d6, Intimidation d4. Notice d4, Shooting d6, Survival d4, Taunt d6, Tracking d4 Stats: Charisma –2, Pace 6, Blanket, Fork, Goggles, Mana- Toughness 6, Parry 5 cles), 227 clams. Hindrances: Junkie (Booze Character Sheet Download Maj.) Crew Peep (Novice) Edges: Price-o-corn, Spit Various Racial Abilities: Buttkick- er, Gurgitation, Slimey, Attributes: Agility d6, Smarts d4, Spirit d4, Strength d6, Vigor Tough Ass Mofo d8 Gear: Warspork (Str+D6), Skills: Boating d6, Climbing d6, Crappy armor (+1 Armor all Fighting d6, Gambling d4, Relocations), backpack, pair d4, Shooting d4 clamsack, Blanket, Fork, Stats: Charisma +0, Pace 6, Manacles, 15 clams. Toughness d6, Parry d5 The First Bait is used to steer the Slog Skooner by dangling her on the end of a long stick out in front of the Slog. Using a clap trap collection of gears and pullies, the Kaptin is able to move the First Bait too and fro, where the First Bait flails her limbs to get the attention of the great beast who moves in that direction, attempting to eat her. Slogsmen: are responsible for the health of the Slog. They groom her, feed her and kiss her booboos. Gunners: Well they shoot at big stuff wanting to kill the Slog and her Krew. Grunts: Do everything else Maps of Thudarr Down Undarr
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