union press june/july 2014 - Union Presbyterian Church
union press june/july 2014 - Union Presbyterian Church
UNION PRESS JUNE/JULY 2014 “The mission of Union Presbyterian Church is to expand and enhance our ministry of service, education, and dynamic worship that is spiritually alive and inclusive of all.” ˉˉ UPC Mission Statement SUMMER WORSHIP 9:00 A.M. NO SUNDAY SCHOOL June 8 June 15 June 22 June 29 July 6 July 13 July 20 July 27 August 3 August 10 August 17 August 24 Pentecost Sunday Communion Worship & Confirmation 9:00 a.m Worship Guest Speaker, Rick Gleason, Family Promise 9:00 a.m. Worship (coffee hour at the Ross residence) 9:00 a.m. Worship 9:00 a.m. Communion Worship 9:00 a.m. Worship 9:00 a.m. Worship—Youth Sunday 9:00 a.m. Worship Guest Speaker, Rev. Scott Anderson Executive Director of the Wisconsin Council of Churches, Teaching Elder in John Knox Presbytery 9:00 a.m. Communion Worship Guest Speaker, Susan Vergeront 9:00 a.m. Outdoor Worship @ Northeast Park 9:00 a.m. Worship 9:00 a.m. Worship TABLE OF CONTENTS FROM THE PASTOR SESSION NOTES MISSION NEWS WORSHIP & MUSIC CHRISTIAN ED/YOUTH YOUTH NOTES MEMBERSHIP/CHURCH LIFE DEACONS’ CORNER MISC. UPDATES VOLUNTEERS BIRTHDAYS/ANNIVERSARIES CALENDAR P. 2 P. 3 P. 4,5 P. 4 P. 5 P. 6 P. 6 P. 7 P. 8, 9 P. 10 P. 10 P. 11 COME HOLY SPIRIT, COME! God of power, may the boldness of your Spirit transform us, may the gentleness of your Spirit lead us, may the gifts of your Spirit be our goal and our strength, now and always. --Amen Union’s Pentecost Banner Welcome to your UPC family, Bailey Rose Trumpy! Bailey was baptized on Sunday, June 1, 2014. She is pictured here with her mother, Andrea Skibbe, her father, John Trumpy, and her sister, Delana. F ROM THE P ASTOR I will be away A LOT this summer! I will be enjoying a few different vacations—I just returned from a family reunion in Ohio, and later, I’ll attend a bi-annual gathering with my dearest friends in Virginia, and I’ll spend a week with my nuclear family at my brother’s home in Beacon, NY. I have now been serving as your pastor for about 10 months and it has been a busy, but rewarding experience. As each month passes, I know you all better, I get more connected to Monroe, and I feel like I have a better grasp of all that is happening here at UPC. All that being said, I am anxiously awaiting time to get away this summer. It’s not only a tremendous joy to be with my family and friends, but I also consider time for fun and rest to be good for our minds, bodies, and souls. Indeed, after a busy week of creating, even God rested and was glad to do so! We have been commanded to rest on the Sabbath, and scripture is full of verses concerning allowing land to lay fallow, for rest, and allowing time for “every matter under heaven.” I thank you all for allowing me to take this time for recreation, renewal, and rest. I hope to return feeling invigorated, inspired, and excited to kick off another meaningful programmatic year. It is also my hope that you all, too, will be able to take some time off this summer for relaxation and reflection. Frequently, stopping to smell the roses, to simply sit and “be” in the moment, to not have to worry about deadlines, to enjoy good food and company, etc. enables us to gain important insights we may not be able to obtain when we are in the midst of jam-packed work days. Truly, we want to lead productive lives, but we do not want to regret forgoing relationships, time with family, and doing those things that give us joy for the sake of our work. Pastors are particularly fortunate that we are also given two weeks of “study leave” in addition to our vacation time. These two weeks can be used for catching up on reading, for conferences, for continuing education classes, for new experiences, etc. I’ll also be heading to Cambodia for two weeks to visit some South Korean friends from seminary who are now serving as long-term missionaries in various ministries in Cambodia. As you know from my frequent references to such trips in my sermons, I gain a lot from challenging my comfort zone in far reaches of the world. I find I am often shaken up, I am overwhelmed with new experiences, and I am exposed to many special human universals, all of which stimulate reflection about God, life, and our world. And then, hopefully, such reflections and conversations can lead to a more faithful life dedicated to peace, justice, and good will for all people and all of creation. I look forward to sharing more about my adventures with you, and I, too, look forward to hearing about your adventures. Whether you have an epic road trip planned, or you just want to spend more time in your garden or with a good book, I wish you all a relaxing, restful, fun, and meaningful summer! “Take rest—a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop.” God’s Peace, Jesse - Ovid 2 Session Notes Church Membership at Union SESSION ORGANIZATION FOR 2014 Committee Chair/Contact Christian Ed Mission TIFFANY EMBERSON LOIS BAKER TINA DUEMLER KATHY REFFUE DONNA SCHLUESCHE Worship & Music Membership/ Church Life Personnel Properties Stewardship/Finance Gifts & Memorials Church Nominating All persons are welcome to participate in the life and worship of this church. The congregation welcomes into membership all who respond in trust and obedience to God’s grace in Jesus Christ and desire to become part of the membership and ministry of his Church. Anyone interested in joining Union Presbyterian Church, or getting more information, Please contact Pastor Larson, or one of the Elders. TINA DUEMLER DAVE MOSHER PAUL NELSON PAUL NELSON DENNIS CAPPEL AL HUDSON PAT ROSBERG FINANCE CORNER Upcoming Committee Meetings: T HANK YOU E VERYONE for your continued financial support of Union’s work and mission through your pledges and contributions! Because of your faithfulness, Union continues in sound financial health. Properties Monday, June 9; July 14 @ 5:00 p.m. Session & Deacons Sunday, August 17@ 4:00 p.m. (at Donna Schluesche’s: 1202 2 nd St. N) Elder Paul Nelson Worship & Music Tuesday, August 12 @ 4:45 p.m. IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT REGARDING CHECKS AT UPC! For those requesting checks from our church—for reimbursements, committee material, sanctuary supplies, building maintenance, etc.: 1. I will be in the office twice a month to pay bills and take care of payroll. I will be in mid-month and at the end of the month. 2. In order to insure being included with the mid-month checks, a voucher needs to be in my mail box or church office by the 12th of the month. 3. In order to insure being included with the end of the month checks, a voucher needs to be in my mail box or church office by the 27th of the month. 4. Be certain to note any special requests on the voucher. 5. Be certain that if you want the check mailed, I have an address to mail the check. Elder Paul Nelson—Treasurer 3 MISSION NEWS Green County Interfaith Food Pantry Because there are fewer food drives during the summer and children are home from school, the food pantry has an increase in the number of clients coming for food. If you are able, please consider donating food items throughout the summer for families in need. Thank you! Pentecost Offering 1/3 of Pentecost offering stays with the local community. This amount is directed to go to the summer youth programs of the Monroe Department of Parks and Recreation. UPC Garden The garden has been tilled and planted. Many thanks to George, Al, Tiffany, Marilyn, Wes, and Bruce for their help tilling and planting. We appreciate it! We have a sign up sheet in the entry way of church to sign up for a week to water the garden, if needed. The hose is attached to the back of the church and ready to go. Please roll it up when done on the new hose holder. Every Sunday evening at 7:00 P.M. we will have a garden night to care for our garden. All gardeners and non-gardeners are welcome. All food produced from our garden will be taken to Green County Food Pantry. We look forward to another fun year of gardening. WORSHIP AND MUSIC NOTES Our sanctuary will be brilliant with RED on Pentecost Sunday, June 8th! THANK YOU to those that donated RED GERANIUMS to decorate the Sanctuary for Pentecost: LOIS BAKER, SUE & JERRY BOELKE, TIFFANY EMBERSON, LINDA GARROW, LISA & ROGER HALE, JONNA & MAYNARD HEINS, BARB INMAN, WANDA & HANS MASSHARDT, CINDI & DARYL MILLER, WILLIAM MITCHELL, DIANA OOSTDIK, KATHY & BOB REFFUE, MARILYN & BILL ROSS, DONNA SCHLUESCHE, MARY SODDY, AND GEORGE VERNON A BIG THANK YOU to KATHY AND BOB REFFUE for the Big Red Mylar Balloons for Pentecost Sunday. The Adult Choir will be in recess over the summer. Our special thanks to Director, Maynard Heins, Mary Soddy, Accompanist, and to all of our choir members for their faithful ministry of music! Our thanks to the Hand Chime Ensemble, the African Drum Ensemble, and all instrumentalists and guest musicians who offer such wonderful music to our congregation. NOTE THAT JULY 20TH, OUR YOUTH WILL BE LEADING WORSHIP COME & HEAR ABOUT THEIR EXPERIENCES FROM THEIR MISSION TRIP TO CHICAGO. ALSO, ON AUGUST 10TH, WE ARE HAVING A SPECIAL OUTDOOR SERVICE @ THE PAVILION IN NORTH EAST PARK. PATRICK BODELL AND PASTOR JESSE LARSON WILL BE PROVIDING ACOUSTIC EMUSIC FOR THIS SERVICE. Please remember that we always love adding more members to our choirs! Come and join us! Also, throughout the summer, we welcome guest musicians for special music. If you would ever like to share your musical gifts or if you know of someone who’d like to share his or her gifts, please let Maynard know. 4 MISSION THANKS Thank You to all who brought books for the “Books to Prison” projects. A box full is on the way, so keep sorting, keep bringing your books in. We are deeply grateful for the books already given. --The Mission Committee, Lois and Tina CHRISTIAN EDUCATION As the school year comes to a close, we want to celebrate those who have graduated, as well as all those who helped teach and guide them in life and in our faith. As we all eagerly anticipate a fun summer full of relaxing, warm days, we also want to take time to acknowledge the great variety of ways we all work together toward the Kingdom of God, as well as to keep our own church afloat! A big thank you to all the creative ways you all give of your time, talent, and treasure to our church, our community, and our world! Note: There are no adult classes or Sunday school classes during the summer. These classes will resume on Sunday, September 7th. CONGRATULATIONS TO OUR 2014 GRADUATES! AUSTIN DICKAU GRADUATED FROM BLACKHAWK TECHNICAL HIGH SCHOOL ON MAY 23RD, AND IN THE FALL IS PLANNING TO ATTEND SOUTHWEST TECHNICAL COLLEGE IN FENNIMORE. HE WILL BEGIN A TWO-YEAR PROGRAM IN AG MECHANICS. CASSANDRA COFFEY GRADUATED IN MAY WITH HIGH HONORES FROM THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-MILWAUKEE WITH A BACHELOR OF ARTS DEGREE IN ANTHROPOLOGY AND ETHNIC STUDIES. SHE IS PLANNING TO ATTEND GRAD SCHOOL THIS FALL IN THE FIELD OF ANTHROPOLOGY AND MUSEUM AND EXHIBITION STUDIES. TAA EGLI GRADUATED WITH HONORS IN DECEMBER 2013 FROM THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-GREEN BAY WITH A BACHELORS DEGREE IN EDUCATION WITH MINORS IN HUMAN DEVELOPMENT AND SPANISH. KYLE KLINZING GRADUATED WITH HIGH HONORS FROM CARROLL UNIVERSITY WITH A BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE IN EXERCISE SCIENCE/PRE-PHYSICAL THERAPY. HE WILL BE CONTINUING HIS EDUCATION AT CARROLL UNIVERSITY TO OBTAIN HIS DOCTORATE DEGREE IN PHYSICAL THERAPY. ERIC KNUDTSON GRADUATED ON MAY 14TH FROM ARIZONA STATE UNIVERSITY, WITH A BACHELOR OF ARTS IN COMMUNICATIONS AND A MINOR IN FILM. HE PLANS TO LIVE IN NEW YORK CITY TO PURSUE WORK AND FURTHER EDUCATION IN MUSIC PRODUCTION. TIFFANY EMBERSON GRADUATED ON MAY 16TH FROM SAINT ANTHONY’S COLLEGE OF NURSING WITH A BACHELOR’S DEGREE OF SCIENCE IN NURSING (BSN). DAVE MOSHER WILL BE GRADUATING THIS JUNE FROM AMERICAN COLLEGE WITH AN ADDITIONAL DESIGNATION: (CHSNC) CHARTERED SPECIAL NEEDS CONSULTANT. 5 YOUTH NEWS ON JUNE 22, GWEN AMBROSE, JUSTIN DICKAU, NATALEE VAVRA, TIFFANY EMBERSON, AND PASTOR JESSE LARSON WILL BE HEADED TO CHICAGO TO PARTICIPATE IN AN URBAN IMMERSION MISSION EXPERIENCE KNOWN AS “D.O.O.R. CHICAGO—DISCOVERING OPPORTUNITIES FOR OUTREACH AND REFLECTION.” WE WILL BE WORKING AT A VARIETY OF MINISTRIES, INCLUDING FOOD PANTRIES, SOUP KITCHENS, HIV/AIDS MINISTRIES, FOOD BANKS, ETC. AT THE END OF EACH DAY, WE REFLECT ABOUT OUR EXPERIENCES AND SEEK OUT WHERE GOD MIGHT BE IN THE MIDST OF IT ALL. WE’LL ALSO ENJOY BONDING WITH OTHER YOUTH GROUPS WHO WILL BE PARTICIPATING IN THE PROGRAM. WE THANK YOU ALL FOR ALL OF YOUR CONTINUED SUPPORT THROUGHOUT THE YEAR; WITHOUT YOUR SUPPORT, SUCH LIFE-CHANGING EXPERIENCES WOULD NOT BE POSSIBLE. WE ALSO ASK FOR YOUR PRAYERS DURING OUR TRIP. WE WILL BE LEADING WORSHIP ON SUNDAY, JULY 20 AND SHARING ABOUT OUR EXPERIENCES IN THE “WINDY CITY.” CHURCH LEAGUE SOFTBALL! This summer, UPC is participating in Church League Softball! Our games are on Friday evenings and they are a lot of fun. And, there is still time to sign up! We take any and all skill levels—and we also know that many folks probably won’t make it to most of our games. That’s fine—participate when you can. And, if you aren’t up for playing, we’d still love to have you with us, cheering us on! Many thanks to Dave Mosher and Associates for providing us with softball t-shirts. For more information, please contact Gwen Ambrose at 608-214-7538. MEMBERSHIP AND CHURCH LIFE Sunday Garden Fellowship! After worship on Sunday, June 22, the congregation is invited to the Ross backyard for our after worship fellowship time. Ride or walk two blocks south of the church to 2523 7th Street, on the corner of 26th Avenue and 7th Street. Refreshments will be provided. You may sit and visit and tour the garden, if you like. We're hoping for a nice, sunny morning and flowers in bloom. Welcome all! — Bill and Marilyn A big thank you to the following who have helped provide goodies for our fellowship time this summer: Jerry & Sue Boelke, Bill and Carol Baker, Maynard & Jonna Heins, and Wes & Gwenie Krupke, as well as to everyone who helps to set up and clean up. Many hands make light work! 6 DEACONS’ CORNER “The Office of the Deacon is one of sympathy, witness, and service after the example of Jesus Christ. It is the duty of the Deacons to minister to those in need, to the sick, to the friendless, and to anyone who may be in distress.” It has been a busy spring with regard to the amount of members in our church family who have been dealing with health issues. Of course, struggling with diagnoses, illness, surgery, pain, etc. is always a scary and miserable process. Thankfully, having a church family who upholds us with love, prayers, visits, and meals can make this process so much easier and bearable. In the same way, some of our older members who can no longer join us for worship on Sundays also can feel isolated and lonely. So, they, too, greatly appreciate visits or cards, letting them know they are not forgotten. The truth is, we all enjoy hearing from our friends and church family. We hear so many times how touched someone is when he or she receives a visit or a card. So, as our schedules become a little less crazy during these hot summer months (hopefully!), we invite you to consider visiting, sending a card, or making a phone call to one or more of the beloved individuals listed below. This list includes some members who are fighting cancer, others who can no longer make it to church, and others who are still recovering after a serious issue. Let them know that you are thinking of them and holding them in your prayers! Bill and Carol Baker Gerald and Susan Boelke Gene and Wanda Chance Richard Coffey Nan Edmunds David and Lynette Eley Maynard and Jonna Heins Tanya Johnson Doris and Eric Kegl Hans and Wanda Masshardt Lois Maze Dave Putnam Dorothy Roth Daisy Striker N 4038 Dutch Hollow Road, Monroe, WI, 53566 (608) 325-9313 2642 18th Avenue, Monroe, WI, 53566 (608) 328-2586 W788 Mohns-Clark Road, Brodhead, WI, 53520 (608) 897-2372 700 8th Avenue #713, Monroe, WI, 53566 (608) 325-3069 2208 10th Avenue, Monroe, WI, 53566 (608) 325-3797 2578 13th Street , Monroe, WI. 53566 (608) 325-6546 1723 19th Street, Monroe, WI, 53566 (608) 325-3373 Monroe Manor W5889 Clar-Ken Road, Monroe, WI, 53566 (608) 325-5204 2233 6th Street, Monroe, WI, 53566 (608) 325-3320 2720 Whitebridge Dr. #D, Palm Harbor, FL, 34684 Graceland Manor, 320 W 17th Street, Monroe, WI, 53566 (608) 325-4608 N3730 Hwy 81, Monroe, WI, 53566 (608) 325-5801 St Clare Friedensheim, #125, 2003 4th Street, Monroe, WI, 53566 7 I stumbled upon this article on the website for Relevant Magazine—a magazine dedicated to faith, culture, and intentional living. As you take time to reflect and dream this summer, perhaps some of these pointers might further point you toward what God might be calling you to do next in your life. - Jesse We long to count. We want to matter to the world. We long to make a difference. We get bored, tired, even depressed by routine and monotony. We’re desperate for significance. We’re searching for acknowledgment. We beam when someone says, “You matter.” We seek praise, accolades and awards, but somehow once we achieve them, they feel empty and we move on to another desperate search for the next fix that will affirm our worth. Can you relate? You are specifically designed to impact the world in a way that no one else can. That’s the influence that has been given to you and to no one else. You have a specific purpose, a calling that only you are qualified to fulfill. But what does it look like? How do we discover it? How do we find passion and purpose in living out our influence? Here are a few ideas: 1. Conduct a Self-Inventory. Study yourself. It seems elementary, but life adds layers that you begin to absorb and adapt to, things that have come to define you without your intention. Before long, you’ve lost sight of what is truly unique and different about you. What are the gifts and talents you possess? What experiences and opportunities have shaped your life thus far? This collection of gifts, talents, experiences and opportunities is unique to you. It’s what begins to define and set you apart. Take time and reflect on these nuances that make you unique. 2. Build a Plan. Much like an architect must create detailed designs for a project, we must take the elements of our self-inventory and build a plan with them. What are the dreams and goals you hope to accomplish? What is the legacy you desire to leave behind? As you may have heard, “begin with the end in mind.” You won’t achieve what you don’t design. 3. Go Your Own Way. We’re coached to observe other leaders, and I believe there is great wisdom in studying how others live their lives and exert their influence. But if we’re not careful, we can succumb to mimicry rather than individuality. Be humble enough to heed the wisdom of others and evaluate all the options, but be confident in the unique ways that you are gifted and go your own way when necessary. 4. Resist What Holds You Back. We quickly create excuses for why we can’t do what we long to do. Whatever the challenge you’re facing, you must be aware of the resistance you create for yourself, often subconsciously. Rather than hold yourself back, you need to lean in. It’s a posture of engagement rather than retreat. It’s an attitude of confidence rather than defeat. 5. Start Where You Are. Every significant dream begins with seemingly insignificant steps. Construct the scaffolding that will support the building of your vision. Approach each day with the intention to take another step, to lay another brick. Read, study, learn, grow, network—do whatever will continue to build toward your goal. Define it every day and evaluate your progress regularly. We get to leave a mark. We are meant to make a difference. As Catherine of Siena so aptly put it, “Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.” 8 The UPC Calendar—Keeping Us All in the Loop! There is a lot going on at UPC—worship services, choir practices, committee meetings, fellowship events, small groups, concerts, fundraisers, and the list goes on. And, we are having more and more groups using our facility—The Venture Scouts, The Sons of Norway, The Monroe Women’s Club. So, scheduling can be a complicated matter. But, thanks to our handy new website, we have an excellent calendar which can be accessed from just about anywhere so we can stay on top of all that is happening at UPC. If you are hoping to host an event at our church, or if your committee is planning a meeting or gathering, always be sure to consult our online calendar to make sure the date is available. Our events will be much more successful if we aren’t competing with other church events or community events. Of course, most events must be cleared by our Session, so plan in advance. Be sure to share the dates of your meetings/events with Lisa or Jesse so they can save these dates on our online calendar. Here is a link to our online calendar: http://www.unionpresbyterianchurch.org/calendar.html Do notice that you can view the calendar by weeks or by months. Also, simply click on an event for more details about that particular event. Thanks for your help! A “Heal Grief and Education” group will be held at the Monroe Clinic for six sessions, starting Wednesday, June 4th. The group will then meet every Wednesday evening (6/4; 6/11; 6/18; 6/25; 7/2; 7/9) at the St. Camillus Center (2101 6th St.). This group is open to anyone over 18 years and older who has experienced the death of someone special. Learn about the grieving process and ideas for coping and healing in a safe and supportive setting. To register or for questions, please call the Monroe Clinic Hospice office at 608-324-1230. Men’s Breakfast/Book Group The Men’s Breakfast/Book Group is taking a break over the summer. We will resume our 6:30 a.m. Monday morning meetings in September. This group is open and we’d love to have others join us. This summer we are reading Messy Spirituality by Michael Yaconelli. 9 U SHER , L ITURGIST , G REETER S CHEDULE J UNE 2014 Head Date Usher Ushers Liturgist Greeters 6/8 Reffue Linda Garrow, Eric Anderson Confirmands Lois Baker, Dorothy Roth 6/15 Dreikosen Vicki & Larry Coffey Pat Rosberg Mary McCauley, Doris Kegl 6/22 Masshardt Linda Kafer, Pat Rosberg Paul Nelson Rhonda & Phil Stewart 6/29 Dreikosen Sue & Jerry Boelke Robbie Ambrose Ambrose Family Communion Elder: Head Usher for June: JUNE Tiffany Emberson on Pentecost Sunday, June 8 Bob Knudtson, Bob Reffue, Hans Masshardt, Dennis Dreikosen JULY TRACY DILLON 3RD RHONDA STEWART 3RD CARTER HALE 4TH JERALDINE GORDEE 5TH KATIE MOSHER 5TH DONNA SCHLUESCHE 6TH LAUREN HENDRICKSON 10TH GERALD BOELKE 11TH TABITHA EGLI 13TH JESSICA HENDRICKSON 15TH GARY MANTHEI 15TH TANYA JOHNSON 20TH BRIAN BASSETT 21ST PHIL STEWART 21ST DAVID ELEY 23RD DIANA OOSTDIK 25TH JEFF MALISZEWSKI 26TH MILYKA JUBECK 27TH ELEANOR BODELL 29TH RICHARD COFFEY TAA EGLI GIA JUBECK LINDA GARROW ERIC KNUDTSON MAKAYLA JUBECK ERIC KNUDTSON KAY CARTER-HEATH ERIC EGLI GENE HASSE ELAINE WUETHRICH NOEL HERBST TREVOR HASSE LISA HALE JUNE 9TH 10TH 11TH 15TH 17TH 17TH 17TH 19TH 19TH 25TH 25TH 26TH 28TH 30TH GEORGE VERNON & NANCY BAKER GARY & BARB MANTHEI DAVE & JOELLEN MOSHER MIKE & KAY CARTER-HEATH LARRY & VICKI COFFEY BOB & LINDA CATES MAYNARD & JONNA HEINS JIM & JERI GORDEE KYLE & TERESA KEEHN HANS & WANDA MASSHARDT BILL AND CAROL BAKER JERRY AND SUE BOELKE JULY BILL & MARILYN ROSS PHIL & RHONDA STEWART GERRY & NOEL HERBST HOWARD & MARYANN JOHNSON HOWIE & ROBYN JUBECK Who’s Up For Ice Cream??? Pastor Inwha Shon and his family invite you to the Staver United Methodist Church for their annual Ice Cream Social on Sunday, June 29th from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. The usual delicious menu of BBQ, hot dogs, salads, homemade pie and ice cream will be available. A special feature for this year’s event will be samples of Korean fried dumplings provided by Pastor Inwha and Mrs. Shon (their son, David, was the guest violinist for our Easter cantata). Tickets will be available at the door: $7.50 for adults and $5.00 for children (9 and under). Staver Church is located at the corner of County Roads P and HK—about 3 miles west of Clarno on County Road P. Hope to see you there! 10 8TH 9TH 14TH 15TH 18TH 22ND 22ND 25TH 26TH 26TH 27TH 29TH 9TH 14TH 18TH 18TH 29TH SUN MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 AM PENTECOST DECORATING 8 PENTECOST COMMUNION/WORSHIP 9:00 AM CONFIRMATION 9 10 12 13 14 5 PM PROPERTIES PM 15 11 4 PM “SONS OF NORWAY” 7 PM MASTER GARDNER COMPOST CLASS 7 VENTURE CREW 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 26 27 28 6:30 PM WOMAN’S CLUB BOARD MEETING 4:30 PM SESSION 7 PM VENTURE CREW 30 1 2 3 4 5 WORSHIP 9:00 A.M. GUEST SPEAKER RICK GLEASON 22 WORSHIP 9:00 AM 29 INDEPENDENCE DAY WORSHIP 9:00 AM OFFICE CLOSED ALL DAY 11 www.unionpresbyterianchurch.org STAFF DEACONS ELDERS Class of 2014 L OIS B AKER D AVE M OSHER G EORGE V ERNON K AY R UFI CLASS OF 2015 TINA DUEMLER KATHY REFFUE DONNA SCHLUESCHE CLASS OF 2016 GWEN AMBROSE (1 YEAR) PATRICK BODELL PAUL NELSON Pastor: REV. JESSE LARSON Administrative Ass’t: LISA HALE Church Musician & Adult Choir Director: MAYNARD HEINS Accompanist: MARY SODDY Custodian: JUSTIN DICKAU ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CONTACT US: Church Offices: 608.325.2519 Fellowship Hall & Lower Level: 608.325.2505 Pastor E-mail: unionpres@tds.net Office E-mail: unionpresoffice@tds.net ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Clerk of Session: GEORGE VERNON Financial Secretary: BOB REFFUE Pastor Office Hours: Mondays, 9am—12pm; Wednesdays 1:30pm— 5pm. You can always call to make an appointment as well. CELL: 515-203-1994 EMAIL: unionpres@tds.net LISA’S Office Hours: Tuesday - Friday 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. OFFICE EMAIL: unionpresoffice@tds.net Union Presbyterian Church 2707 5th St. Monroe, WI 53566 Call: 608-325-2519 Email: unionpresoffice@tds.net Sunday WORSHIP @ 9:00 a.m. NO SUNDAY SCHOOL 12 Class of 2014 N AN E DMUNDS P AT R OSBERG C LASS OF 2015 K ATHIE M ARTY C INDI M ILLER C LASS OF 2016 K AY C ARTER -H EATH K ATHY F LEEGE A L H UDSON L INDA K AFER L ISA V AVRA Church Treasurer: PAUL NELSON Newsletter Deadline J U LY 2 2 Articles can be placed in the box on the church office door or e-mailed. If you would like to receive the newsletter by e-mail, please e-mail the church office, or call Lisa.