2014 – 2015 Annual Report
2014 – 2015 Annual Report
Oak Grove School o f t h e K r i s h n a m u r t i Fo u n d a t i o n o f A m e r i c a 2014 – 2015 Annual Report Donors and Financial Information The Mission of Oak Grove School The mission of Oak Grove School is to assist students in developing those qualities of mind, heart, and body that will enable them to function with excellence, care and responsibility in the modern world. In addition, it is the intention of the school to offer a place where the whole community can inquire together into the perennial questions of humankind and explore an approach to life that is whole, mindful, and intelligent. Oak Grove School Board of Directors Leone Webster | Chair, KFA board member Linda LeBrock Meredy Benson Rice Mark Lee | KFA board member Robert “BD” Dautch | KFA board member Rowan Lommel Tom Davis Cathleen Lynch Lila Francese Bill Prather Roy Grillo Sumeet Pasricha Karen Hesli | KFA board member Oak Grove School Administration Meredy Benson Rice | Head of School Sandra Torres | Business Manager William Zwart | Director of Curriculum and Instruction Reinaldo Cartagena | Director of Maintenance Joy Maguire-Parsons Director of Admissions and Residential Life Jodi Grass | Director of Development and Operations Elementary Program Administration Team Ron Schindel Krista Swanner Carole Sylvester-Gray Andy Gilman | Director of Outreach Adrienne Hoskins | Director of Early Childhood | Jennifer Thompson | Director of Secondary Program Development Contacts Jodi Grass | jodigrass@oakgroveschool.org Melissa Navarro | melissa@kfa.org Jacqueline Valle | jacqelinevalle@oakgroveschool.org Page 2 • 2014 –2015 Oak Grove School Annual Report Meredy Benson Rice Head of School It gives me great pleasure to report on the progress of Oak Grove School in the 2014-2015 school year. Enrollment is at a record high, indicating the growing interest of families in pursuing an education informed by Krishnamurti’s unique teachings. From far and wide families have sought us out so their children can experience an Oak Grove education. Our campus has never been more functional or beautiful with the added enhancements of a full commercial kitchen, After Care Tea House, art patios and storage, a new roof for Besant House, improved heating and cooling, and upgraded playgrounds throughout the campus. As our ability to adequately compensate our teachers has risen, we continue to enjoy solid retention of well qualified and highly motivated faculty, with an abiding interest in the mission of the school. This year we were able to disperse almost $500,000 in financial aid, allowing many more interested students to attend Oak Grove School. But most satisfying of all is knowing we continue to grow remarkably thoughtful, competent, and aware young people who are moving into the world with the tools to manifest radical change. Please take a moment to hear from our graduates – www.oakgroveschool.org/blog – and take note that half of these students benefited from the financial aid we were able to provide and that aid, as well as all of the other things we been able to accomplish, is only possible through friends like you. Please enjoy the video accompanying this report – www.oakgroveschool.org/annualreport – in addition to our full list of donors as well as our income and expense financials. From all of us - thank you thank you thank you, Meredy 2014 –2015 Oak Grove School Annual Report • Page 3 2014 – 2015 F i n a n c i a l R e p o r t — I n c o m e * Earned Income $3,786,843 Contributed Income $623,095 1 2 Total Income $4,409,938 Earned Income Breakdown: Tuition $3,175,425 Supplementary Fees $214,075 After School/Summer School/Lunch/Trips $340,222 Other Income $57,121 Total Earned Income $3,786,843 Contributed Income Breakdown: Unrestricted Donations $221,222 Restricted Donations $227,443 Grants $74,430 KFA Contribution to Commercial Kitchen $100,000 Total Contributed Income $623,095 These figures do not include the Krishnamurti Educational Center and other KFA activities. To view the KFA Annual Report please visit www.kfa.org/annualreport * Unaudited Figures Page 4 • 2014 –2015 Oak Grove School Annual Report * E x p e n s e s — 2 014 – 2 015 F i n a n c i a l R e p o r t Salaries and Benefits $2,399,575 Financial Aid $494,745 1 2 3 4 5 Program Expenses $461,819 6 7 General and Administration $410,954 Commercial Kitchen / Main House Renovation Phase I $271,762 Other Capital Improvements $258,398 Retained Restricted for Future Projects $112,685 Total Expenses $4,409,938 These figures do not include the Krishnamurti Educational Center and other KFA activities. To view the KFA Annual Report please visit www.kfa.org/annualreport * Unaudited Figures 2014 –2015 Oak Grove School Annual Report • Page 5 Jodi Grass Director of Development and Operations The 2014-2015 fiscal and academic year was Oak Grove School’s sixth year of financial strength. Over this time, we have enhanced our infrastructure across all areas — buildings, grounds, camping equipment, emergency preparedness, teaching supplies and tools, play structures, machinery and technology, all the while growing our endowment and contingency funds. Full and consistent enrollment, along with your financial support, has positively influenced our entire community. All students, regardless of family income, have an equal chance to attend Oak Grove. Your support allows us to keep tuition well below the tuitions of the majority of other independent schools. Nearly 50% of our entire student body received some amount of financial assistance in 2014-2015. Oak Grove is an independent school, which means 100% of what it costs to run the school must come from tuition and donations. We would not be able to provide half of our students an education, nor would we be able to maintain our beautiful campus and buildings, without your continued support. In particular, it is the support of our philosophical donors who represent the majority of our contributed income. These donors — those who are connected to Oak Grove through their interest in Krishnamurti’s philosophical perspective on education — support the school because they believe in the “...possibility of fostering people who are sensitive, who possess that quality of uncalculated and unselfish response, as a means to transform the world which ultimately benefits everyone.” Last summer we were able to complete Phase I of our Main House Renovation Project, which included installation of a commercial kitchen for our award-winning vegetarian hot lunch program. An expensive project, we were grateful to receive $100,000 from the Krishnamurti Foundation of America. This support, together with the generous contributions from donors like you, allowed us to fully fund this project. Additional completed campus developments included new art patios, improved aftercare space, enhanced playground structures, and the much-needed care of our oak trees which have been compromised by the ongoing drought. With sincere gratitude, Jodi Page 6 • 2014 –2015 Oak Grove School Annual Report 2 014 – 2 015 O a k G r o v e S c h o o l D o n o r s Masoud Abadian Brian D. Abbott Julia O. Abreu Stafford Acher Jim and Susan Acquistapace Holly Adams-Kauffmann and John Kauffmann Saravana Raja Adityan Teena Adityan and Vadivel Sreedar The AG Educational Trust Linda Aglietti Wendy Aglietti Monica and Felix Aguirre Allan H. Aho Jake Ainsworth Joanna Allas-Fojas Minnette Almoslino Deena Alvarado Michelle and Jim Anderson Anonymous Robert R. Antaki Gary Archie Miguel and Clarice Arteaga Ashwood Dental Office Harigopal and Puspha Attal Arthur Bailey Chris Bailey and Carolyn Glasoe Bailey Joan Bailey Madhu and Saurabh Bajaj Lynn Baldi Barclay Hope and Dawn Belden Roxanne Barker Rachael and Griffin Barkley Leonard Barone Maria Barragan Kathleen Barton Dahlia Bates Torres Donna Hemmert Baumann Alejandra Benavides Josette Benavides Tourres Keith Bennett Meredy Benson Rice and Dennis Rice Serra Benson Nancy Berk Joel and Jeanette Berkovitz Scott Bernstein Robert and Patricia Berry Ronald Bettencourt Salyl S. Bhagwat Ramesh and Sharda Bhandari Suresh Bhatt Dale Bicksler John and Lori Blackmon Roberto Blasini and Alison Bradley Jay Blaustein Robert G. Boe Sharon Boley Brittany Borowitz and Brandon Parish John and Vicki Bortolussi Mia Bortolussi Leslie and Bruce Bouche Dana and Ron Boutain Russ Bowen Jennifer K. Bowles Connie Bowman Charles Robert Bratton Portia Bray Daniel and Victoria Breen Molly E. Brennan Lucy and Scott Brewer Anna Brown Bobbi-Lynn Brown Christian Brown Kylee Brown Robin Scott Bryant Nghiep Bui Gary L. Bulla and Theresa Bulla-Richards Yvon and Malinda Chouinard Jon and Maureen Christensen Angela Cistone Chayo Ureno and Norman Clayton Keith Clayton Siena Clayton Richard and Paula R. Clement Sara Cloud Chad Cockerell William and Dianne Cody Noga and Gidi Cohen Sean and Gina Cole Jerry B. Connelly Aja Bulla-Richards Christiane Burg and Holger Hampf Deborah and Robert Burns Roxann and Scott Burroughs Leslie Cabarga Marga Kasper Brian Calvin and Siobhan McDevitt Jerry and Linda Calvin Deborah L. Calzini Vickie and Kevin Campbell Peter and Cindy Cantle Tiana Capri and Curt Beyer Phil Capritto David Carlson Jorge Carrillo and Leslie Lange Reinaldo Cartagena Heather and Tron Carter Megan Casey Lisa Casoni Uldine and Fabien Castel Juanita and Joe Cervantes Srinivas Chalamalasetti Mrs. Indira Chandnani David Cheyfitz Sylvia Foss Chiari Anthony and Patricia Daly Chibbaro Li Hung Lien and Szu Wei Chou John Connelly Akka B. Cornelius Ken Cornelius Constance Cornell Laurie and Oliver Cornell Catherine Cornwell Elizabeth Cornwell Stephen and Clarissa Cornwell Beatrice Corrall Mary Ellen Cosenza David K. Costello Cindy Cowlishaw Jo and Byron Cox Christine Culver Kelley D’Angelo Robert M. Dautch and Elizabeth Pretzinger Alexis and Thomas Davis Michael Davis Susan and Bill Davis Lauri and Jim Dawson Paul Del Signore and Michele Murdoch Camilla Denton and James Becket Susan DeRenzis Girish Desai Drs. Vinod and Sunanda Deshmukh Elisa A. DeStefano 2014 –2015 Oak Grove School Annual Report • Page 7 2 014 – 2 015 O a k G r o v e S c h o o l D o n o r s - C o n t i n u e d Page 8 DiviniTree Yoga and Arts Studio Derek Dodds Michelle Dohrn Owen and Cathy Donahue Rob and Jessica Donahue Kenneth B. Dooley Ronald and Virginia Downie Downtown Painting Amy Dozier and Michael Crooke Jack and Rosemary Dreessen Martha Drezin Ryan Eagle Laura Eatough Doug and Amanda Edgar Natasha Efross Robert Eggold, MD Christoph Ehrlich Zachary Eichert Dorothy Elchoness Caryll Elliott Richard and Maribeth Ellsworth Stephen Eriksson Sky Esser Rom Garnar Elfi Geigner-Mag Randy L. Gerl Ghalayini Family Jeff Gillen Mary Lou Gillespie Andy Gilman Noah Gilman Elizabeth Glasoe Thomas Glasoe Lisa Gollinger David and Lea Gonzalez Joel Gotler Jodi Grass and Kevin Doss Margaret Graziano Papa Rock Graziano David M. Greene Roy and Pauline Grillo Judy Grindlay Kent Grunewald Elsa Gudmundsdottir and Tryggvi Sigurdsson Emily Guevara Katherine and Brooks Guyer Lisa Evans and Vince Woodward Oded Fehr and Rhonda Tollefson-Fehr Pamela L. Feirfeil John and Caroline Ferrando Louis Fiscarelli Reed and Liz Fish Amelia Fleetwood Brian Floyd Glenn and Lorraine and Lissie Fout Lila and Dines Francese Susan H. Freer Donna Freiermuth Mark and Lynn Frost Toni Funck and Bill Large Dee and Gene Funkhouser Milind Gadre Uday and Rekha Garadi Miki Garcia Sally and Dave Hackel Charles E. Hackwith, Jr. Elizabeth and Jeremy Haffner Robin Haffner Sharon Hager Kate Haley Tammy Hall Mary Hamilton Oona Hanson Gordon and Terry Hanusek Trudy Happ-Frohlich Jan Hardley Trish and Kent Hardley Holly and Terry Harman H. Reed Harris Gary Hart and Sonya McNaul Harold F. Hattier, Jr. Cameron Healy and Suzy Snow • 2014 –2015 Oak Grove School Annual Report Risto Heikkinen Patrick Henderson and Jessica MaHarry Joan Henehan Marion Henry Sarah Henyan Paul Herder Greg and Penny Herring Karen Hesli and Jeff Welch John Hess Highwave Inc. Barry and Patty Hill Leonard Hill Thom and Cara Hill Himalaya Jack and Gretchen Hofer Bettina Hohner Sigrid Hohner Jane and Richard Holbrook Kara and Jeff Hooper Tom Hormel Will Hornblower Donald Hostler D. Houk Allison Howard Joy Howard and Shannon Bain Pamela M. Hoxsey Hsiao Fang Kang and Tak Chi Sher Peter Hu Chunmei Huang Arthur C. Hubbs Wadi and Sandy Hudson Tamara Huff Marybeth Hufford Marie Joie Hughes Cynthia Hunt Kari Hunt and Dan LaFlamme Sharon Hunt Elaine Hyland Michael John Iampieri Holly Irwin Carole Ivy Jessie A. Jackson Anthonie Jacobs John W. Jaeger Raja M. Jambhekar Diane James Joyce M. Jenkins Ram Jeyaraman Gloria Johnson Ramon Jones Dennis Jorstad Howard Josephs Anna Julien and Wally Pfister Garry Kalajian Susan Kalish Cindy Kalmenson and Terry Sharp Dana and Dan Kann Krishna and Jagadish Kanuru Rita and Nivedita Kar Geoffrey Karlson Lin Kaser J. Nico Kastrup Pixie Kastrup Jennifer and Joel Keeler Richard and Carole Keller Mary and Sean Kelley Jean Kilmurray Daniel L. and Debra Kilpatrick Grandpa and Grandma King James Y.P. King Annalesa Klein Victoria Klein Stacey Klene Theodore and Nancy H. Kneupper Rao Kocharlakota Suresh and Sailaja Kolachalam Berry Kopher Jamie Kosky Peter Kowalski Kreitman Foundation JoAnn Kremer C. Mani Krishna Krishnamurti Australia, Inc. Suresh Krishnan Michael Krohnen Lisa Kuria and Obadiah Wakaba Kwok Y. Kwan Frank and Dee LaFlamme Marguerite LaFlamme Phong Lai Shirley Lam and Gary Lai Dianne Lambert Linda Lambert Dianne and Rob Large Makena Large Dave and Anne Larkan Emma and Ryan Larkan Jim and Elhri Larsen Marilyn and Ronald Larsen Joyce Layne Le Cafe Stella Chance Leandro Evelyn Leandro Ken and Carol Leandro Kasia and Randy Leavitt Linda and Yvan LeBrock Mark and Asha Lee Gary Leimer David Lewit John and Nancy Lingemann Lions Club of Ojai Valley Dottie Loebl Jimmy Loebl Laura and Jeffrey Loebl Sam Loebl Mary L. Lott Kelli Loughman and Mark Aglietti Lesia Lucyszyn Cathleen Lynch and Kevin Reed Christina Lynch David Lynch and Heather McDougle Nancy Lynch Patrick Lynch Beth and Greg Lyons Nusa Maal and Kevin King Melissa and Andrew MacCalla Debra MacCulloch Bindu Madhavan Kapal D. Madra Stan and Frances Madson Paul Magoulas and Myrto Karamitsou Dave Maguire Luci Maguire and Bob Harmuth Veronica Maguire Kathleen Manion John M. Marchi Cheryl Marino and Jesse Casso Marion E. Murdoch Grace Marra Kris and Lewis Marshall Charles N. Marvin John W. Mason Robert Massey and Heidi Kwan Jane Mathews Edwin and Julia Matlack Katherine McClelland Walter and Franna McClelland Christine McClure Edmund G. McCurtain Anthony McDevitt LeighAnn and Joe McDonald Barbara McDougle Malcolm and Kelley McDowell Julie McElhaney Cindy and Terry McGill Scott McGregor and Fayenen Lathrenwen Erin McLaine Nina Mecagni Amanda Meeker Suresh and Sudha S. Mehta Mary Ann O’Connor and Stuart Meiklejohn Hannchen Menck Paul M. Menzio Roland and Sandy Messori Katie and Mark Metzger Alicia and Jeremy Meyer Leigh and Andrew Meyer Mr. Migini Lynn Minidis Joel B. Mintz Paul and Margaret Mistele Byron Katie and Stephen Mitchell Michal Mitchell Ernie and Sandra L. Montano Michael Montano and Tanya Smith-Montano Katy Montgomery William H. Montgomery Vivienne Moody and Yacov Noy Allison Moore Levis and Monica Mora Alex Morawec Stephen and Naomi Mori Catherine Morris Elizabeth Morris Jackson Morris Scotty Morris and Martina Migenes Glenn Morrison James Morrison and Riad Galayini Mary Morrison Ronald D. Morrison William Morrison Casey and Susie Morrsion Paul Moser Laila Muller Michael Muller and Adrienne Hoskins Robert T. Mullin Keith and April Mynott Nancy Opitz Simms and Terry Simms Kailash and Rajni Narayan John R. and Jessica A. Nava Melissa Navarro and Julien Griffault Ronald E. and Beverly J. Noble Nutiva Nourish Foundation Anthony and Angela Ocone Ojai Home Laura O’Loughlin Jock Olney Gary Olsavsky Kelley O’Mara Omen Fiction, INC Jennifer O’Neil Murad and Flora Ookhtens Tom and Mary Orsini Theresa Ortega-Simpson and Melvin Simpson Eva Ortoft Cameron O’Steen Yoichi Otani Rosa Cossios-O’Toole and Neal O’Toole Sarah Otterstrom and Rick Rutherford Sylvia Overton Deena and Bruce Pace Narayan Avinash and Anuradha Padte Cheryl and David Palmer Kay Palmer Jemma Parsons Deborah and Sumeet Pasricha Gia Pasricha Alvarez and Victor Alvarez Hans Pasricha Kiran Patel Jane Paul Krystal Pearson Benjamin Pecht and Banks Staples Matthew Pecht Nancy May and Glenn Perry Hara Peruri Claudia Soto and Warren Petersen Tom Peterson Dennis and Christina Petrucci Pat Pfister Charles W. Philp Christa Piantadosi Mark Potts Patrick Praetorius Anand and Mithlesh Prakash Bill Prather Yvonne Promel-Hohner Bo and Kamala Qalandar Jim Quinn Tim Quinn and Jennifer Smith Marcelo A. Quinonez Roshi Rahmati and Amir Manzur Janette Rainwater Monica Ralston Sridharan Ramaswamy and Jayasree Chambala 2014 –2015 Oak Grove School Annual Report • Page 9 2 014 – 2 015 O a k G r o v e S c h o o l D o n o r s - C o n t i n u e d Jennifer Rappenecker Nanda G. Ravipati Real Cheap Sports Gene and Marcia A. Rector Bruce Reichardt Winston Richards Dass and Peter Richardson Wendy Richardson Cristy Richter Guus Rijnbeek Lynn Rivard Robert and Diane Rutherford Chris Roberts Marco Antonio Rocha Chelsea Roe Thomas Roemer John Rogge Bill and Carolan Romey Marcus Romey Lisa and Paulo Rosas Debra Rose and Peter McClurkin Tryna Ross Jeanette Rothweiler and Thomas Dikeman Kym and Philippe Rousseau Michael and Carrie Rubalcava Sandra Ruch Chris and Jodi Russell Edward and Nancy Ryan Ulhas Sabnis Bill Sabol Kelli and Ajay Sahgal Emi Sakai Sallie Sanchez Gloria Sanchez-Najera Jane Sandefur Saumen Sarkar Yoko Sato Ruth and Simon Sayre Ann Scanlin Simone Scharff Hannah Schindel Joanna and Ron Schindel Sam and Betty Schindel Arne and Lois Schmidt Jeanne Schmitt Tracey Schmitt Leonard Schoenfeld and Gail Shufrin Bria Schraeder Richard and Patricia Schraeder Sara Schraeder Mike and Lori Schwartz Larry and Joan Secor Nancy Seltzer Kerri and Dave Sengstaken George and Brian Severson Jagdish P. Shah Ganapathy VG and Sumathi G. Shankar Rajni and Arun Sharma S. D. Shastri, M.D. Prasad N. and Sunita Shastry Mary Ann Shepard Alex and Sarah Sheshunoff Irene Shevchuk Ryan Shields and Sarah Grunewald Page 10 • Takashi Shimomura Janani Shivakumar Meena and Narayanan Shivakumar Shannon and Jason Shoup Jon and Christian Sidwell-Smith Dmitri Siegel and Woodwyn Koons Xaviera Simmons Gwyer Schuyler and Phillip Simon Lewis Sims Kitty and Barry Sklaver Douglas Skokos Sky High Sports Jaap Sluijter and Kristy Lee Peter and Angie Smart Posy Smith Sharon and Brian Smith Jane Spiller Lindsay Spiller Donna D. Spinning Charles W. Spurgeon, Ph.D. Robert and Ruth Stafford Penn Staples Stacey Staples Keri and Charlie Starbuck Benjamin Stathis Robert and Patricia Steele Stella Mare’s Mark and Marnie Stief Teri and Rob Strickland Florence Studer Arthur J. Sturm Padma and Suresh Subramanian Tariq Suleman Julia Summers Molly Supple and Duke Stump Sue Supple Hiroki and Yumi Suzuki Dan and Krista Swanner Connie Sween Thomas Sween Stephen and Christy Sylvester Darcy Gray and Carole Sylvester-Gray Johanna Talifero Miriam and Paul Tassone Allison Tate Amy Therrien and Vaikko Allen Raymond Therrien Janice Thomas and Brian Stafford Jennifer Thompson and Andrew Story Richard B. Thompson and Joy Maguire-Parsons 2014 –2015 Oak Grove School Annual Report Wayne P. Thompson James Thorsen Diedra Tidwell Joyce Tollefson Sandra Torres and Christopher Bates Javier Toubes Vilarino Robert Towns and Jane Carroll Wyatt Troll Derek and Melissa Turner Laura Tweedley Dee Dee Valencia Jacqueline Valle and Greg Romey Sal Valle Aron Van Alstine Willem and Meher Van Groenou Ross and Lenore Venokur Lazaro Versalles Victoria Volmer Angelika Volova Carolyn Vondriska Foster N. Walker Sally R. Walker Marilyn Wallace and Maurice Chasse Nathan and Rebecca Wallace Marty Walsh Patricia Waltcher Dewayne and Toni Weaver Susan Weaver Terri Weaver Guy and Leone Webster David Welborn and Ann Hunter-Welborn Robin and Netty Welborn Sharon West Dana Wheatley Louise White William Wildberger Neil Williamson Ken Wilson Douglas and Tamara Winbury Winchesters Grill and Saloon Alexandra H. Wolfe Sarah M. Woodward Steve Worden Steve World Ariana Wu Rebecca and Alexander Wulff Uday and Anuradha Yadav Marcelo Campuzano Yaluk Taku Yamaguchi Yun H. Yi Yoga Jones Petrina J. York Wahib Yusuf Jim Zabilla Leonard J. Zabilla Rosalie Zabilla David and Samantha Zahringer Qingfeng Zeng Jack F. and Carolyn Zettler Willem Zwart Oak Grove School Extraordinar y Circle of Friends The Extraordinary Circle of Friends is a group of multi-year donors that have pledged to donate $1,000 or more for five consecutive years. We are grateful for the strength this group is bringing to Oak Grove School. Brian D. Abbott The AG Educational Trust Stafford Acher Chris Bailey and Carolyn Glasoe Bailey Rachael and Griffin Barkley Meredy Benson Rice and Dennis Rice Evelyne K. Blau Chris and Jill Borgeson Dana and Ron Boutain Daniel and Victoria Breen Gary L. Bulla and Theresa Bulla-Richards Peter and Cindy Cantle Juanita and Joe Cervantes Yvon and Malinda Chouinard Noga and Gidi Cohen Stephen and Clarissa Cornwell Robert M. Dautch and Elizabeth Pretzinger Alexis and Thomas Davis Peter and Melinda Farrelly Lila and Dines Francese David and Faith Friedlander Mark and Lynn Frost Andy Gilman Jodi Grass and Kevin Doss Friedrich Grohe Trudy Happ-Frohlich Trish and Kent Hardley Daniel L. and Debra Kilpatrick James Y.P. King C. Mani Krishna Lisa Kuria and Obadiah Wakaba Ken and Carol Leandro Mark and Asha Lee John M. Marchi Sanders Marvin Tasha Marvin Edmund G. McCurtain Barbara McDougle Mary Ann O’Connor and Stuart Meiklejohn Byron Katie and Stephen Mitchell Michael Montano and Tanya SmithMontano Ronald Morrison Anthony and Angela Ocone Ojai Home Patagonia Bill and Louise Paxton Benjamin Pecht and Banks Staples Bill Prather Kelli and Ajay Sahgal Simone Scharff Jeanne Schmitt Alex and Sarah Sheshunoff Keri and Charlie Starbuck Mary Steenburgen and Ted Danson Troy Sumrall Molly Supple and Duke Stump Lisa Wallmark & Jonas Svensson Miriam and Paul Tassone Janice Thomas and Brian Stafford Jennifer Thompson & Andrew Story Rick Thompson and Joy Maguire-Parsons Nathan and Rebecca Wallace Patricia Waltcher Guy and Leone Webster Douglas and Tamara Winbury Rebecca & Alexander Wulff Uday and Anuradha Yadav David and Samantha Zahringer 2014 –2015 Oak Grove School Annual Report • Page 11 Krishnamurti Foundation of America 2014 – 2015 Annual Rep ort To view the KFA Annual Report please visit www.kfa.org/annualreport “ Krishnamurti’s philosophy of education is in every aspect of the school, and especially present in the students, families, and faculty. Success is not defined as learning a specific set of skills or passing an exam. Rather, an atmosphere of always re-evaluating yourself, taking account of other people and how they feel, and noticing what you think and feel... This is what is valued and what I am taking with me into the world.” – Graduating Student, Class of 2015 Founded by J. Krishnamurti 220 West Lomita Avenue | Ojai, California 93023 (805) 646-8236 | www.oakgroveschool.org | info@oakgroveschool.org
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