Head of School - Oak Grove School


Head of School - Oak Grove School
Oak Grove School
2013-201 4 Annual Report
Donors and Financial Information
The Mission of Oak Grove School
The mission of Oak Grove School is to assist students in developing those qualities
of mind, heart, and body that will enable them to function with excellence, care and
responsibility in the modern world. In addition, it is the intention of the school to offer
a place where the whole community can inquire together into the perennial questions
of humankind and explore an approach to life that is whole, mindful and intelligent.
Oak Grove School Board of Directors
Leone Webster | KFA board member
Sumeet Pasricha
Rowan Lommel
Robert “BD” Dautch | KFA board member
Bill Prather
Karen Hesli | KFA board member
Lila Francese
Tom Davis
Cathleen Lynch
Meredy Benson Rice
Mark Lee | KFA board member
Roy Grillo
Oak Grove School Administration
Meredy Benson Rice | Head of School
Reinaldo Cartagena | Director of Maintenance
Joy Maguire-Parsons | Director of Admissions
and Residential Life
Jennifer Thompson | Director of Secondary Program
Jodi Grass | Director of Development
and Operations
Andy Gilman | Director of Outreach
Sandra Torres | Business Manager
Elementary Program Administration Team
Ron Schindel
Krista Swanner
Carole Sylvester-Gray
Adrienne Hoskins | Director of Early Childhood
Development Contacts
Jodi Grass | jodigrass@oakgroveschool.org
Jacqueline Valle | jacqelinevalle@oakgroveschool.org
Melissa Navarro | melissa@kfa.org
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2013–2014 Oak Grove School Annual Report
Meredy Benson Rice
Head of School
Once again, we are delighted to convey that 2013-2014 was a
banner year for Oak Grove School. Not only were we strong in
admissions and enrollment but we also met or exceeded all of
our fundraising goals, including establishing a reserve fund.
Additionally, we continued to roll out our plan for deferred
maintenance and capital improvements, adding a full
commercial kitchen, new art patios, an after care space, and
more handicap access pathways. We dispersed over $430,000
in financial aid to help students attend who cannot otherwise
afford full tuition, including many faculty children.
Most importantly, we were able to offer the kind of education
Krishnamurti envisioned – one that asks us to inquire into the possibility of bringing about a different
order of human relationship, a different kind of society – to over 200 children.
And we did this because of the amazing community that supports us – our parents, grandparents, teachers,
and friends of the school who give their time, money, and energy so that the school stays strong.
Please enjoy the video production of the Annual Report 2013-2014 by clicking here . Below is a full list
of donors from July 1st 2013 to June 30th 2014 as well as our income and expense financials.
I cannot think of a single more important or deserving effort than the work of this school in helping to
bring about, in the words of Krishnamurti, “a radical change of the mind and heart”. Thank you!
2013–2014 Oak Grove School Annual Report
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2 013 – 2 014 F i n a n c i a l R e p o r t — I n c o m e
Earned Income
Contributed Income
Growth in Endowment
Total Income
Earned Income Breakdown:
Fees (materials, trips)
Restricted Donations
Misc Including Lunch Programs
Special Events
Total Earned Income
Unrestricted Donations
After School/Summer School
Other Income
Page 4
Contributed Income Breakdown:
2013–2014 Oak Grove School Annual Report
Total Contributed Income
Growth in Endowment:
E x p e n s e s — 2 013 – 2 014 F i n a n c i a l R e p o r t
General and Administrative
(including salaries
and Benefits)
Financial Aid
Program Expenses
Facilities /
Deferred Maintenance
Retained Growth
in Endowment
Retained Restricted
Capital Improvements
Development /
Marketing / Outreach
(including investment and
grant expenses
Total Expenses
2013–2014 Oak Grove School Annual Report
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2 013 – 2 014 O a k G r o v e S c h o o l D o n o r s
Brian D. Abbott
Stafford Acher
Natalie Adamczuk
Holly Adams-Kauffmann and John
Allan H. Aho
Jake Ainsworth
Minnette Almoslino
Robert R. Antaki
Margaret J. Anton
Gary Archie
Todd Arenson
Christopher Arnold
Gabriel and Jaymie Arquilevich
Miguel & Clarice Arteaga
Ashwood Dental Office
Chris Bailey and Carolyn Glasoe Bailey
Jim Bailey
Joan Bailey
Keith Bailey
Matson Bailey
Madhu and Saurabh Bajaj
Mohan Balagopalan
Barclay Hope and Dawn Belden
Anne Barkley
Rachael and Griffin Barkley
Ann Barnes
Janet Ogburn Barr
Tera Barry
Kathleen Barton
Andrew Bassuk
Dahlia Bates Torres
Donna Hemmert Baumann
Betsy Beal
Rick Beckley
Judith Bell
Ora Ben-Barak
Alejandra Benavides
Keith Bennett
Serra Benson
Nancy Berk
Anne and Irving Berkovitz
Joel and Jeanette Berkovitz
Scott Bernstein
Robert and Patricia Berry
Ronald Bettencourt
Salyl S. Bhagwat
Vashti & Mike Blacker
T. Eugene Blanchard
Ragnar Bohlin
Sharon Boley
Mia Bortolussi
Charlie and Caryn Bosson
Joan Rose Boufford
Russ Bowen
Anne Bradley
Gaylen Bradley
Phillip Bradley
Roni Braitanbaum
Dvora Braunstein
Daniel and Victoria Breen
Lucy and Scott Brewer
Marilyn Brewer
Maurice Bridel
Page 6
Anna Brown
Jaron Browne
Barbara and Steve Browning
Margo Buddhu
Tohanh Bui
Christiane Burg & Holger Hampf
Deborah and Robert Burns
Roxann and Scott Burroughs
Marga Kasper and Leslie Cabarga
Brian Calvin & Siobhan McDevitt
Linda S. Calvin
Deborah L. Calzini
Alexandra Lea Cantle
Peter and Cindy Cantle
Tiana Capri
Sara Cloud
Della Coalwell
William and Dianne Cody
Noga and Gidi Cohen
Leonard and Rauha Cole
Michael Collier
Douglas Conklin
Tamsin Cope
Kathleen Cornelius
Ken Cornelius
Constance Cornell
Laurie and Oliver Cornell
Stephen and Clarissa Cornwell
Mary Ellen Cosenza
Ann Costello
Phil Capritto
Isaac and Raquel Capuano
Hilda Cardona
Camille Carlson-Holly
Jorge Carrillo & Leslie Lange
Heather and Tron Carter
Lisa Casoni
Michele Cassou
Bill and Gwen Cates
Trevor Holly Cates
Cheryl Cerise
Juanita and Joe Cervantes
Elizabeth Z. Chace
Srinivas Chalamalasetti
Mrs. Indira Chandnani
Sylvia Foss Chiari
Anthony and Patricia Daly Chibbaro
Kwan-Ho and Young-Jae Choi
Li Hung Lien & Szu Wei Chou
Yvon and Malinda Chouinard
Chayo Ureno & Norman Clayton
Keith Clayton
Siena Clayton
Richard and Paula R. Clement
David K. Costello
Jo and Byron Cox
Amanda and Mark Crawford
William Crawford
Brandi Crocket
Leif Dautch
Robert M. Dautch and Elizabeth
Alexis and Thomas Davis
Susan and Bill Davis
Lauri Dawson
Carolyn Dee
Michelle Grillo Defeo
Laura Dekkers and Bruce Langham
Paul Del Signore and Michele Murdoch
Mary Della Torre
Bas den Boer
Drs. Vinod and Sunanda Deshmukh
Addie Deupree
Carrie Devaney
Stephen DeVaney
Glenn W. Dismang
Disneyland Community Relations
Dolores and Carlos
2013–2014 Oak Grove School Annual Report
John Dombek
Owen and Cathy Donahue
Rob and Jessica Donahue
Ellene & Jason Donaldson
Kenneth B. Dooley
Gloria Dougherty
Amy Dozier and Michael Crooke
DST Systems
Shannon Dullam
Ryan Eagle
Earth Island Institute
Doug and Amanda Edgar
Dorothy Elchoness
Sarah Ellefson
Betsy and Mark Elliott
Caryll Elliott
Sky Esser
Kai Ewert
Christopher Farnett
Patrick Farrell
Nancy Farrelly
Peter and Melinda Farrelly
Oded Fehr and Rhonda Tollefson-Fehr
John and Caroline Ferrando
Louis Fiscarelli
Robert Fischer
Chris P. and Kerrie Flanagan
Amelia Fleetwood and Spoon Singh
Lynn Fleetwood
Denise Flores
Brian Floyd
Glenn and Lorraine and Lissie Fout
Joel Fox
Lila and Dines Francese
Sandy Fredericks
Susan H. Freer
Andrew Freese
Mark and Lynn Frost
Toni Funck and Bill Large
Gordon Funck
Dee and Gene Funkhouser
Milind Gadre
Gabriela Garay and David Wolstencroft
Miki Garcia
Rom Garnar
Rachna Gaur
Elfi Geigner-Mag
Jeff Gillen
Andy Gilman
Noah Gilman
Dave Gish
Elizabeth Glasoe
Thomas Glasoe
Susan Glazebrook
Dragana Gobic
Mileva Gobic
Joy and Brian Golbere
Max Golbere
Olga B. Gonzalez
Sathyamurthy V. Gourisankar and Srilatha
Cynthia Graham
Steven Grant
Jodi Grass and Kevin Doss
Satya P.V. Lila and Carlos Grasso
Papa Rock Graziano
Barbara Graves Grear
David M. Greene
Rosario Grillo
Roy and Pauline Grillo
Santino Grillo
Kent Grunewald
Sarah Grunewald
Alexis and Isaac Guanajuato
Bertha Guanajuato
Elsa Gudmundsdottir and Tryggvi Sigurdsson
Emily Guevara
Katherine and Brooks Guyer
Sally and Dave Hackel
Benedict and Violette Haenggi
Sharon Hager
Mary Hamilton
Katherine Han Singer
Stefanie B. Hanagud
Helen Hanson
Trudy Happ-Frohlich
Jan Hardley
Trish and Kent Hardley
Holly and Terry Harman
H. Reed Harris
Michelle & Russ Harris
Ashley Hart
Gary Hart and Sonya McNaul
Caitlin Hartzler
Matthew A. Hately and Tanya M. Staples
Cameron Healy and Suzy Snow
Patrick Henderson & Jessica MaHarry
Joan Henehan
Anne Henry
Petal Henry
Sarah Henyan
Paul Herder
Paul Herzog
Karen Hesli and Jeff Welch
Jeri Higdon
Highwave Inc.
Thom and Cara Hill
Rob Hoegee
Jack and Gretchen Hofer
Bettina Hohner
Sigrid Hohner
Luna Hohner-Shields
Tom Hormel
John H. Hosfield, Jr.
Donald Hostler
Allison Howard
Pamela M. Hoxsey
Renee Hrabak
Wei Hu
Diana Huff
Tamara Huff
Veronika Huxford and James Holmberg
Elaine Hyland
Michael John Iampieri
Barbara Ireland
Charles H. and Willa Brice Irwin
Carole Ivy
Raja M. Jambhekar
Rachel and Hillel Janai
Joseph Janka
Joseph A. Jansen
Maria Javas
Joyce M. Jenkins
Gloria Johnson
Dennis Jorstad
Howard Josephs
Tanya Joslin
Dana and Dan Kann
Linda Kann
Richard Kann
Krishna and Jagadish Kanuru
John Karevoll and Kari M. Enge
Lin Kaser
J. Nico Kastrup
Pixie Kastrup
Jeff Keeler
Jennifer and Joel Keeler
Paula Keeler
Wesley Keir
Mary Kelley
Daniel L. and Debra Kilpatrick
Sumiko Kim
James Y.P. King
Angela and Mark Kirwin
Barbara Kizner
Sara and Barry Klopfer
Guisela Kong
Cedar Koons
Alexander and Sally Kopf
Jamie Kosky
Jean Krieger
C. Mani Krishna
Philip M. and Linda Lahmeyer
Linda Lambert
Christopher Land
Rachel Laney and Robert Worsley
Robert Laney
Mary Laurie
Paul and Constance Lawrason
Chance Leandro
Ken and Carol Leandro
Kasia and Randy Leavitt
Linda & Yvan LeBrock
Benjamin Lee
Gary Leimer
Rand Leshay
Kimi Li
Yu Chen & Deqing Li
Elaine & Frank Lightner
James and Ann Cross Lindstrom
John and Nancy Lingemann
Yaping Nie & Weibin Liu
Dottie Loebl
Ellen Loebl
Laura & Jeffrey Loebl
Sam Loebl
Rowan Octavia Lommel
Lola Long
Kelli Loughman and Mark Aglietti
The Lucky One Foundation
2013–2014 Oak Grove School Annual Report
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2 013 – 2 014 O a k G r o v e S c h o o l D o n o r s - C o n t i n u e d
Lesia Lucyszyn
Cathleen Lynch & Kevin Reed
Christina Lynch
David Lynch and Heather McDougle
Nancy Lynch
Robert Lynch
Beth and Greg Lyons
Nusa Maal & Kevin King
Debra MacCuloch
Bindu Madhavan
Paul Magoulas and Myrto Karamitsou
Patty Magyar
James W. and Laurie M. Mann
John M. Marchi
Amy Marinacci
Cheryl Marino and Jesse Casso
Mary Jo Marino
Marion E. Murdoch
Lyle A. Martinez
Cathy Martino
Sanders and Tasha Marvin
John W. Mason
Kapal and Shanti Masra
Robert Massey and Heidi Kwan
Robert Matthews
Anita Mays
Katherine McClelland
Walter and Franna McClelland
Edmund G. McCurtain
Anthony McDevitt
Barbara McDougle
Malcolm and Kelley McDowell
Julie McElhaney
Jim and Wendy McGee
Meghan McShannic
Nina Mecagni
Suresh and Sudha S. Mehta
Mary Ann O’Connor and Stuart Meiklejohn
Hannchen Menck
Paul M. Menzio
George and Leslie Merriweather
Roland and Sandy Messori
Alicia and Jeremy Meyer
Ari B. Meyer
Leigh & Andrew Meyer
Virginia Micetich
Diana C. Miller and Brian Hershkowitz
Donald and Cynthia Miller
Timothy and Michelle Miller
Joel B. Mintz
Paul and Margaret Mistele
Byron Katie and Stephen Mitchell
Michal Mitchell
Michael Montano and Tanya Smith-Montano
Katy Montgomery
David Moody
Ety Yadgar Moor
Ilana Moor
Levis and Monica Mora
Alex Morawec
Stephen and Naomi Mori
Catherine Morris
Elizabeth Morris
Scotty Morris and Martina Migenes
Page 8
James Morrison and Riad Galayini
Ronald D. Morrison
Stephen Mullennix
Teddy Mullennix
Laila Muller
Michael Muller and Adrienne Hoskins
Stephen E. and Martha Mullis
Paul Murk
Mark and Shira Musicant
Ian Mussman
Stephen and Karen Myers
Mohammad A. Namvar
Matthew Nava
Melissa Navarro and Julien Griffault
Nancy Neal
Ron and Lisa Neely
Gina Nemo
Jennifer O’Day
Cameron O’Steen
Anthony and Angela Ocone
Ojai Home
Arne Olof Olofson
Gary Olsavsky
Elias Olson
Kelley O’Mara
Tom and Mary Orsini
Theresa Ortega-Simpson and Melvin Simpson
Eva Ortoft
Yoichi Otani
Jeff and Liz Otterbein
Sarah Otterstrom and Rick Rutherford
Sylvia Overton
Deena and Bruce Pace
Cheryl & David Palmer
Michael Palmer
Jemma Parsons
Shuly Partush
Deborah and Sumeet Pasricha
Gia Pasricha Alvarez and Victor Alvarez
Devendra Patel
Lalji and Arvinda Patel
Mark Patterson
Krystal Pearson
Benjamin Pecht and Banks Staples
Evan Pecht
James Pecht
Karen and Thomas Pecht
Kyle Pecht
Matthew Pecht
Tonya Peralta
Nancy May and Glenn Perry
Hara Peruri
Claudia Soto and Warren Petersen
Tom Petersen
Dennis and Christina Petrucci
Charles W. Philp
Christa Piantadosi
Thomas Pietruszka
Bob and Diane Porter
Shannon Ports
Joseph and Georgia Pozycinski
Anand Prakash
2013–2014 Oak Grove School Annual Report
Bill Prather
Yvonne Promel-Hohner
Sheri Pruden
Bo and Kamala Qalandar
Tim Quinn & Jennifer Smith
Marcelo E. Quinonez
Marcelo A. Quinonez
Roshi Rahmati and Amir Manzur
Rainbow Bridge
Janette Rainwater
Joseph Raiola
Nanda G. Ravipati
Real Cheap Sports
Michael and Karissa Reardon
Gene and Marcia A. Rector
Alan Reiman
Thomas and Robin Ribero
Meredy Benson Rice and Dennis Rice
Winston Richards
Dass and Peter Richardson
Jere and Faye Richardson
Wendy Richardson
Hila Risfeld Mor
Lynn Rivard
Sage Rivard
Serena Rivard
Kenton Rivas
Leah Rivera
Robert and Diane Rutherford
Dawn Robinson
Lorena Roblee
Erika Romer
Bill and Carolan Romey
Marcus Romey
Debra Rose and Peter McClurkin
Gary and Diana Ross
Michael and Carrie Rubalcava
Sterling Ruby and Melanie Schiff
Sterling H. Ruby
Violet Ruby
Sandra Ruch
Shirley Rumbaugh
Karen Rumfola
Chris and Jodi Russell
Edward and Nancy Ryan
Lisa Sadowki
Kelli and Ajay Sahgal
Emi Sakai
Wanda and Kurtis Sakai
Denise Salazar
Issa Salet
Lalita Salins
Gloria Sanchez-Najera
Bonnie J. Sandefur
Yoko Sato
Simone Scharff
Max Schermerhorn
John Schick
Byron and Janet Schiff
Jonathan Schiff
Joanna & Ron Schindel
Sam and Betty Schindel
Paul and Bonnie Schlachte
Jeanne Schmitt
Tracey Schmitt
Matthew and Taralee Schoen
Richard and Patricia Schraeder
Sara Schraeder
Mike and Lori Schwartz
Diane Scott
Sarah Scott
Shelley Scott
Larry and Joan Secor
Suzi See
Linda L. Selmer
John Staples
Penn Staples
Stacey Staples
Keri and Charlie Starbuck
Robert and Cynthia Steele
Robert and Patricia Steele
Ann Stein
Karen Stein
Stewart + Brown
Kirsten Stoltmann
Seigfried and Cheryl Storz
Robert Strickland
Teri & Rob Strickland
Florence Studer
George B. Severson
Jagdish P. Shah
Ganapathy VG and Sumathi G. Shankar
Pam Shapiro
Vijay Sharma
S. D. Shastri, M.D.
Alex and Sarah Sheshunoff
Michael and Shael Shevchuk
Mike and Irene Shevchuk
Ryan Shields and Sarah Grunewald
Karen Shipley
Meena & Narayanan Shivakumar
Shannon and Jason Shoup
Dmitri Siegel and Woodwyn Koons
Paul Siegel
Gwyer Schuyler & Phillip Simon
Greg Sing
Michelle Sirey
Kitty and Barry Sklaver
Jaap Sluijter and Kristy Lee
Stephen A. Smalley
Posy Smith
Sharon and Brian Smith
Anthony Soans
Ashley Solis
Jennifer Solis
Indra K. and Saroj Somani
Joaquin Soto
Donna D. Spinning
Lucia and Robert St. George
Rory Stalwick
Jamie Staples
Elizabeth Stump
Eve Sturges
Padma and Suresh Subramanian
Kevin Sudeith
Ayn Cates and John Patrick Sullivan
Earl Sullivan
Troy Sumrall
Molly Supple and Duke Stump
Sue Supple
Hina Suzuki
Hiroki and Yumi Suzuki
Lisa Wallmark & Jonas Svensson
Dan and Krista Swanner
William and Karolyn Swanner
Earl and Shirley Sween
Thomas Sween
Stephen and Christy Sylvester
Darcy Gray and Carole Sylvester-Gray
Jeanne Tansey
Madisyn Taylor and Scott Blum
The AG Educational Trust
Amy Therrien and Vaikko Allen
Raymond Therrien
Jennifer Thompson & Andrew Story
Joan M. Thompson
Juliene Thompson
Richard B. Thompson and Joy Maguire-Parsons
Wayne P. Thompson
Lila Thorsen
Joyce Tollefson
Richard S. Tomberg
P.J. and Andrea Torokvei
Sandra Torres & Christopher Bates
Joanna Totino
John and Jacqueline Tousley
Robert Towns and Jane Carroll
Karyn Trainor
Alexander and Elizabeth Treadwell
Bonnie J. Tucker
Kimberly Turner
Kiritkumar O. Upadhyay
Victorina Ureno
Dee Dee Valencia
Francesca Valle
Jacqueline Valle and Greg Romey
Ryan Valle
Stephan Valle
Aron Van Alstine
John Vasinda
Ross G. and Lenore Venokur
Victoria Volmer
Elizabeth Wallace
Marilyn Wallace
Nathan and Rebecca Wallace
Marty Walsh
Patricia Waltcher
Howard and Senobia Ward
Charles and Carol Warren
Dewayne and Toni Weaver
Terri Weaver
Guy and Leone Webster
Jerome H. Weinberger
David Welborn
Troy Lynn Wells
Dana Wheatley
Sarah White
Aaron, Deb and Lou Whitley
Neil Williamson
Craig Wilson and Tracy Hulett
Douglas and Tamara Winbury
Jennifer and Eric Wing
Patricia Wing
Alexandra H. Wolfe
Susan Wolstencroft
Sarah M. Woodward
Monica and Kurt Woolner
Donald and Joanne Worsley
Birgit and Harald Wulff
Rebecca & Alexander Wulff
George Wymer
Uday and Anuradha Yadav
Marilee Yerkovich
Yun H. Yi
Ying Zhang and Ji-zhong Xing
Petrina J. York
David and Samantha Zahringer
Alia Zaki
Lois C. Zell
Anne K. Zopfi
2013–2014 Oak Grove School Annual Report
Page 9
Oak Grove School Extraordinar y Circle of Friends
The Extraordinary Circle of Friends is a group of multi-year donors that have
pledged to donate $1,000 or more for five consecutive years.
We are grateful for the strength this group is bringing to Oak Grove School.
Brian D. Abbott
Stafford Acher
Chris Bailey and Carolyn Glasoe Bailey
Salyl S. Bhagwat
Evelyne K. Blau
Chris and Jill Borgeson
Jurgen Brandt
Daniel and Victoria Breen
Jacqui Burge
Peter and Cindy Cantle
Juanita and Joe Cervantes
Yvon and Malinda Chouinard
Noga and Gidi Cohen
Sue Conner
Stephen and Clarissa Cornwell
Robert M. Dautch and Elizabeth Pretzinger
Alexis and Thomas Davis
Peter and Melinda Farrelly
Oded Fehr and Rhonda Tollefson-Fehr
Lila and Dines Francese
David and Faith Friedlander
Mark and Lynn Frost
Andy Gilman
Jodi Grass and Kevin Doss
Friedrich Grohe
Page 10
Trudy Happ-Frohlich
Trish and Kent Hardley
H. Reed Harris
Claudia Herr
Pamela M. Hoxsey
Rachel and Hillel Janai
Daniel L. and Debra Kilpatrick
James Y.P. King
Ken and Carol Leandro
Mark and Asha Lee
John M. Marchi
Sanders and Tasha Marvin
Edmund G. McCurtain
Mary Ann O’Connor and
Stuart Meiklejohn
Byron Katie and Stephen Mitchell
Michael Montano and
Tanya Smith-Montano
Ronald D. Morrison
Sayuri and Yoshio Nakamura
Anthony and Angela Ocone
Ojai Home
Bill and Louise Paxton
Bill Prather
2013–2014 Oak Grove School Annual Report
Meredy Benson Rice and Dennis Rice
Kelli and Ajay Sahgal
Simone Scharff
Jeanne Schmitt
Matthew and Taralee Schoen
Alex and Sarah Sheshunoff
Nick Short
Rabindra Singh
Banks Staples and Benjamin Pecht
Keri and Charlie Starbuck
Francis Steen
Mary Steenburgen and Ted Danson
Troy Sumrall
Molly Supple and Duke Stump
Lisa Wallmark & Jonas Svensson
The AG Educational Trust
Jennifer Thompson & Andrew Story
Richard B. Thompson and Joy Maguire-Parsons
Nathan and Rebecca Wallace
Patricia Waltcher
Guy and Leone Webster
Douglas and Tamara Winbury
Monica and Kurt Woolner
Rebecca & Alexander Wulff
David and Samantha Zahringer
The Arts of Living and Learning
Oak Grove students learn to use their minds, their bodies, and their hearts well because the
overarching themes expressed in the Art of Living and Learning are embedded in the school’s culture,
curriculum, classroom practice, and expectations of student learning.
The Art of Inquiry
observation • questioning • fact-finding • research • self-reflection
The Art of Communication
speaking • writing • listening • collaboration
The Art of Academia
knowledge and application of academic standards, conventions,
and disciplines in core subject areas
The Art of Engagement
attention • self-direction • self-motivation • self-regulation
metacognition or learning how one learns • examining one’s own thinking
The Art of Aesthetics
sensitivity and appreciation of beauty in all forms • finding the artist within • artistic expression
The Art of Caring & Relationship:
self-understanding and awareness • making healthy choices
self-reflection and awareness in relationship • non-violent communication
service to the common good
Local & Global Communities
service and citizenship
The Environment
mindful stewardship
Oak Grove School is a living, learning community and therefore these “arts” should not be
perceived as fixed but dynamic in nature and in a constant state of review.
2013–2014 Oak Grove School Annual Report
Page 11
I cannot think of a single more important or deserving effort than
the work of this school in helping to bring about, in the words of
Krishnamurti, “a radical change of the mind and heart”.
– Meredy Benson Rice
Head of School
220 West Lomita Avenue | Ojai, California 93023
(805) 646-8236 | www.oakgroveschool.org | info@oakgroveschool.org