January 2015 - Alabama Hospital Association
January 2015 - Alabama Hospital Association
ALABAMA COUNCIL OF HOSPITAL AUXILIARIES The Communicator VOLUME 27 ISSUE 1 JANUARY, 2015 It is hard to believe another year is almost gone! When you read this Christmas will be over and we will be ge"ng ready for a New Year. We have new members on the ACHA board this year. They are Wanda Berry, District I Vice Chairman; Marty Staggs, District II Vice Chairman; Hope Hundley, Program Chairman; Charles & Joyce Purple, Historian; Yvonne McElderry, Newsle#er Chairman. I am looking forward to working with each of them along with the rest of the ACHA Board. Beverly Commander, ACHA Chairman Inside This Issue Chairmen 2—7 District 1 8-10 District 2 10-17 District 3 18-24 District 4 24-29 2014 Fall Conference Award Winners 30-32 Fall Conference Pictures 33 FYI 34 Happy New Year! Our Fall Conference in Mobile this last year, 2014, was a great success! If you missed it please put November 1-4 on your calendar for next year, we will be in Birmingham. Don Pugh did an outstanding job of putting our program together. Thank you Don! Sarajane Pugh, Shirley Brocato, Faye Burns and Elinor Ott were on the Program Committee, they did a great job assisting Don with the conference. A big thank you goes to Teresa Stubblefield of the Alabama Hospital Association who kept everything running smoothly and to Carol Hunter for picking up the pieces and being a great leader until I arrived on Tuesday. We had several people go off the ACHA Board this last year; I would like to thank them for their leadership and service these last two years. Billie Simpson, Past State Chairman will be greatly missed this next year. A huge thank you goes to Billie for her leadership, friendship, and willingness to help make the ACHA Board a success. Eunice Stagner, District II Chairman; Elinor Ott, District IV Chairman; Don Pugh, Program Chairman; Johnnie Knott, Gift Shop Chairman. We have all been through many changes this last year with our hospitals redefining the “H”. Thank you for being willing to except these changes and help in new areas of our hospitals. Your Auxiliary is an integral and important part of the Hospital and staff. Please remember when someone enters the hospital the auxiliary member is usually the first person they see when they come in and the last person they see as they leave. Your tone of voice, facial expression and kindness will be what they remember. If I can help your Auxiliary in anyway this next year please call or email me. bevcommander@gmail.com 256-276-0839. I am looking forward to working with you. Blessings to each of you this next year, Beverly Commander ACHA State Chairman PAGE 2 ACHA Board Chairmen Carol Hunter, Chairman-Elect Happy New Year ! Reflecting on 2014, I believe it was a happy year for Auxiliaries in the state of Alabama ! The evidence of success of ACHA members was clearly demonstrated during the Fall Conference held in Mobile in October. Conference attendees shared ideas while participating in outstanding programming and strengthened friendships by enjoying time together. As Chairman-Elect, I extend a special welcome to our new Board members : Wanda Berry, Marty Staggs, Joyce and Charles Purple, and Yvonne McElderry. As we get to know and understand one another, we will work together to effectively lead the ACHA. The Board members serve as the connection between the American Hospital Association and Alabama Hospital Auxiliaries. We are committed to providing information that enables auxiliaries to help improve healthcare across Alabama. Faye Burns, Project Chairman Cold and Flu medications can increase blood pressure. If you’re ringing in the holidays with a cold or the flu, you should know that over-the-counter drugs taken to control the symptoms can also raise blood pressure and strain the kidneys. The culprits? Pseudoephedrine and other cold medicine ingredients that may increase blood pressure. The flu can have serious health risks for people with high blood pressure, and patients with cardiovascular disease are more likely to die from influenza than patients with any other chronic condition, according to the American Heart Association. While controlling the symptoms is important, so is knowing the potential side effects. Always contact your Doctor or discuss with your Pharmacist before taking any over the counter drugs for a cold or the flu. Information from The American Heart Association blog.heart.org Fay Burns, ACHA Project Chair Fburns1119@charter.net 334-559-4010 VOLUME 27 ISSUE 1 ACHA Chairmen (cont.) PAGE 3 Linda Patterson, Past Historian 2013-2014 I wanted to close out my tenure as Historian, by thanking all of you that submitted entries for Newsletters, Yearbooks, Tray Favors and Special Programs at the Fall Conference in Mobile. I think that we had a good turnout of entries, but would love to see more next year. VOLUME 27 ISSUE 1 I also want to give you a very brief summary of some of the Judge’s comments as I think that it will help you for next year. I will be giving a more detailed report to the District Chairs at our meeting in January in Montgomery and will ask that they get a copy to all our local Presidents. Newsletter – “I thought there should be more upcoming events listed. If there were a calendar, this would get a perfect score”. “The layout is fantastic. Great use of photos and big text headlines.” “Needs more photos and less clipart. Spacing was off in some editions.” “It looks boring. I thought I was looking at financial information”. Yearbooks – “The yearbook was very well thought out”. “Very informative”. “An interesting summary”. “There were a number of things that might have been done in a more effective manner”. “Enjoyed observing the approach used to document the year”. Tray Favors – “Good use of combining store bought and handmade effort”. “Handmade tray favors offer that special touch.” “Good use of display board” “Display not bad but could use a little TLC”. Special Program – “The Documentation of Special Program sheet explaining the program with photos or graphics would have been a help in telling the story”. “The feedback of staff and patients show how successful the program has been”. “Photo and graphics would more effectively display the project results”. “The scholarship program from a small hospital seems a great way to pay forward the spirit of giving”. Again, I enjoyed my year as Historian/Awards Chair and thank you for all you did to make my year so special. Joyce & Charles Purple, Historian We want to hear from you! PAGE 4 ACHA Board Chairmen (cont.) Shirley Brocato, Gift Shop Gifts shops are very busy starting at the end of September when many have tailgate parties. Tailgate sales are popular and very profitable. Then we move on to Christmas Open House and the season begins. Hospital gift shops started out as candy, gum and so forth, but are now more like boutiques. Most gift shops now carry clothes (jackets, tops, pants). Handbags, scarves and gloves are very popular. Be careful with seasonal items, sometimes you lose your profit with markdown. Hope everyone has a busy Christmas season. I will start visiting gift shops in January. MERRY CHRISTMAS to all of you! Hope Hundley, Program Chairman We want to hear from you! Yvonne Estell McElderry, Newsletter Chairman HAPPY NEW YEAR! The holidays are behind us and we are full speed into the new year. I hope everyone had a happy holiday and are back to reality...the real world...the working world… the life of volunteering. Thanks for all the wonderful articles and pictures you have been sending in to me. I have really enjoyed reading them and TRYING to put everything together. If you didn’t get your article in to me for this publication, I put you a little reminder to be sure we get it in next time. We want to hear from all our auxiliaries. With your continued help, I hope I will be able to maintain the high standard of excellence with which our previous newsletter chairmen have published our Communicator. If I misspelled a name, placed a picture under the wrong article or even failed to include an article, PLEASE charge it to my head and not my heart. I promise to always strive to do my very best to make our newsletter, “The Communicator” the best in the whole US of A. I am waiting for ideas, suggestions, corrections...Just let me hear from you. I need you to critique me. Special thanks goes out to Sarajane and Don, Betty, Johnny and Beverly, to name a few. Thanks to all of you. Be sure and look out for FYI. VOLUME 27 ISSUE 1 ACHA Chairmen (cont.) Board Chairmen 2015-2016 VOLUME 27 ISSUE 1 Past Board Chairmen 2014-2015 PAGE 5 PAGE 6 ACHA Board Chairmen 2015-16 Beverly Commander Chairman (256) 276-0839 bevcommander@gmail.com Carol Hunter Chairman-Elect (205) 879-2015 clairol55@aol.com Vacant Past Chairman Joyce & Charles Purple Historian (256) 539-7296 purpleatal@bellsouth.net Yvonne Mcelderry Newsletter Chairman 256-362-2232 yemcelderry@yahoo.com Shirley Brocato Gift Shop Chairman (256) 381-0964 shirlbro@bellsouth.net Hope Hundley Program Chairman (205) 641-0217 Hundley.hope@gmail.com Fay Burns Project Chairman (334) 821-0577 fburns1119@charter.net Belinda Baggett DVS Liaison Betty Hendrix District I Chairman (256) 586-6394 bwhendrix@gmail.com Wanda Perry District I Vice Chairman (256) 383-4172 whberry@peoplepc.com Sarajane Pugh District II Chairman (205) 242-3667 ezzzlife@peoplepc.com Marty Stagg District II Vice Chairman (205) 622-3841 whberry@peoplepc.com Flo Mcintyre District III Chairman flobud@charter.net Cheryl Webb District III Vice Chairman (256) 846-5007 ccwebb1@hotmail.com Constance Taylor District IV Chairman brandci@bellsouth.net Linda Patterson District IV Vice Chairman (251) 634-1278 Teresa Stubblefield ACHA State Office bbaggett@usouthal.edu (256) 234-4462 (251) 456-5951 (334) 272-8781 (800) 489-2542 jppandlfp@att.net tstubblefield@alaha.org ACHA Board Chairmen (cont.) VOLUME 27 ISSUE 1 THANKS FOR ALL YOU DO! VOLUME 27 ISSUE 1 PAGE 7 Page 8 DISTRICT 1 This is my first report as District I Chair and I am looking forward to working with all the auxiliaries in District I for the next two years. The fall conference in Mobile was great and very informative. I know I was motivated to do a better job and I hope all of you were, too. Betty Hendrix, Chairman Since the conference, I have been working with Shirley Brocato, former District I Chairman, to gather information as to my new duties. One of the first duties is to arrange for the quarterly meeting places and dates for 2015. Our first District I1 meeting of ‘15 will be at Highlands Medical Center in Scottsboro on January 27. Everyone has been so cooperative and several have volunteered to host these meetings. When everything is finalized, the information will be sent to the local Presidents and/or DVS’s. If you have any questions or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at bwhendrix@gmail.com Crestwood Hospital Crestwood Medical Center volunteers have been participating in several exciting events around the hospital. In October, they toured the new Emergency Room additions which will hopefully allow much faster in-and-out for patients. A new concept in joint replacement surgery has been introduced at CMC. Joint Journey is a comprehensive program based on a national best practice model for hip and knee replacements. It includes both pre-op and post-op education, group physical therapy, and is structured around the fundamental principle of wellness. A Grand Opening and Ribbon Cutting ceremony were held on October 30 on Third East Orthopedic Floor, with local dignitaries as well as graduates of the program in attendance. Volunteers assisted with the program by escorting guests. Our quarterly meeting was held on November 10.. RN Nancy Hequembourg gave a presentation on knee and hip replacement and arthritis causes, relief and treatments. Volunteer Director Melanie Manson conducted a training session on Code of Conduct Compliance. On the social side, volunteers continue to hold frequent Bingo gatherings and have a Pot Luck lunch and gift exchange planned for December 9. CMC volunteers are proud t be part of a Top Performer on Key Quality Measures awarded by the Join Commission, the nation’s leading accreditor of health care organizations. CONGRATULATIONS, Crestwood. The entire group wishes all fellow volunteers a happy, safe and blessed holidays! VOLLUME 27 ISSUE 1 DISTRICT 1 PAGE 9 Records funds were raised for Liz Hurley Breast Cancer Fund at the 11th annual Ribbon Run sponsored by the Huntsville Hospital Foundation. The event was an amazing success with more than 6,500 participants lacing up their shoes to join in the fight against breast cancer. The Main Gift Shop hosted a sale of pink merchandise for runners and family members. Many found meaningful gifts with encouraging messages that offer hope and encouragement to those facing breast cancer. Huntsville Hospital The Auxiliary provided funds for the purchase of a cart to be used on the Behavioral Health Unit. Members of the Auxiliary filled the cart with personal donations which included: markers, puzzle books, jig saw puzzles, cards, adult coloring books and board games...to name a few. Best of all, Auxilian, Bob Barker is volunteering his time to serve on the unit and use these supplies to entertain patients. Staff has reported his visits have reduced the anxiety and depression that many of these patients are experiencing. WOW...a man filled with love and compassion for others combined with gifts from Auxilians and a small financial investment has proven to make a BIG impact on the lives of others. Marshall North Since the fall conference we have been busy with our regular fall activities, as well as preparing he holidays. Several of our members have been ill, some have moved away from this area, and others have retired or gone on inactive service. On December 4, we had a short auxiliary meeting and then enjoyed our annual Christmas Luncheon. Attendance was great, decorations were beautiful, and the catered meal from Marshall North was delicious! Each auxiliary member received a gift bag of Georgia pecans from Diane Butler, our DVS, and a goody bag from Anita Ryan, one of our members who has been ill but still spoiled us with her usual generosity. We participated, for the first time, in the Festival of Trees at the Guntersville Museum, an annual event featuring a display of trees each decorated according to a chosen theme. Our tree was decorated by our Craft Committee who used samples of all the unique tray favors from this past year. It was so beautiful and we received many compliments on it! No wonder the patients love these tray favors! PAGE 10 Helping Hands 2014. DISTRICT I (cont.) The Helping Hands Association hosted 3 events in the last quarter of Shoals Hospital hosted a Masquerade Jewelry sale October 27 - 28 with sales totaling $4,880 and a bake sale on November 25 with $300 in total sales. ECM Hospital Volunteer Manager Roberta McKinney, has been busy speaking to various organizations for volunteer recruitment this quarter. The auxiliary donated non-revenue producing items to various departments at ECM and Shoals hospitals. A donation also was made to a local non-profit organization, Hospice of the Shoals. Shoals Hospital welcomed Santa Claus on Tuesday, December 2, at the Shoals Hospital open House for employees, volunteers, providers, and their families. The festive event was a big success with children young and old enjoying “Jolly Ole Saint Nick”, great food, a lighting of our Christmas tree on the front lawn, and lots of Christmas Kylie Taylor, age 6, her sister Kaylee, age 4, and brother Kaeden, age 3, visit with Santa at Shoals Hospital Open House. Helping Hands volunteers/board members, Joan Tucker, left, and Jean Banks, right, enjoy Santa at Shoals Christmas Open House. Oct.—December 2014 - 2 new volunteers were added and 8 were taken off membership. Total Helping Hands auxiliary members - 186. Total Volunteer Hours worked the fourth quarter of 2014 were 7,404. VOLUME 27 ISSUE 1 DISTRICT II Page 11 Sarajane Pugh, Chairman As 2014 comes to a rapid close, I want to reflect upon District II for the past year before setting some goals for 2015. First, I would be remiss if I didn’t thank Eunice Stagner for her great leadership of our district for the last two years. She was always very organized and prompt to remind us all of what we needed to do, when things were due and to arrange for fantastic meetings at the various hospital auxiliaries across our district. It was very enjoyable to visit and see some of the hospitals and the hospitality of each auxiliary was tremendous. Also, I want to thank each of the auxiliaries for sharing and participating every day and every month. Each of the members of your auxiliaries should be congratulated for the many hours of service they provide to the patients, staff, hospitals and to their communities. ACHA would not be successful without each of you! For 2015, I hope to continue to build upon the “Solid Foundation” which Eunice and others have laid. We need to continue to recruit new volunteers and work with them to provide for a bright future of our auxiliaries. This past year’s theme at the fall conference was “Leadership” and hopefully we were able to assist each of you by providing some new ideas to bring back to your hospitals and implement in your organizations. Any time I can help your local auxiliary, please contact me. Finally, as your representative along with Mary Staggs, District II Vice Chairman, I will be attending the various ACHA meetings in Montgomery and WE WANT your ideas and input in order to take YOUR ideas to the Board. Your auxiliaries may have ideas for changes or new ways of doing things that need to be shared across the state, so let us hear from you. We look forward to seeing you at the first District II meeting on February 4th at Children’s of Alabama Hospital in Birmingham. See you there! HAPPY NEW YEAR! Page 12 DISTRICT I I (cont.) UAB Hospital Greetings from UAB Hospital Auxiliary! UAB Auxiliary members were busy throughout the fall and on into the holiday season. Shortly after returning from the ACHA Conference, we readied ourselves for our annual Fall Seminar and luncheon. This year’s program featured Dr. Helen Krontiras, Professor of Surgery, Medical Director of UAB Breast Health Center, Co-Director of Norma Livingston and Lynne Cohen Preventative Care Program for Women’s Cancers at UAB and Cancer Liaison Physician of the UAB Health System. Dr. Krontiras provided an informative Breast Cancer Update. In November, the hospital began to sparkle with holiday decorations and auxiliary efforts focused on activities and needs specific to the season. The hospital Christmas tree, a gift from UAB Auxiliary, adorned the North Pavilion Atrium Our annual Pecan and Candy Sale got underway and we hosted a pecan-themed Bake sale. Three of our members continued a tradition of hosting a meal on Thanksgiving Day for families of ICU patients. By partnering with the hospital’s Department of Food and Nutrition, these holiday “elves” provide a meal of sandwiches, chips, drinks and cookies to folks otherwise stranded at a time when restaurants are closed and food is scarce. They provide meals at Christmas and Easter as well! In December, UAB hospital hosted the much-anticipated annual Holiday Coffee for the volunteers. Volunteers, hospital staff and administrators enjoyed the festive surroundings, delicious treats and the opportunity to socialize. Wishing all a beautiful and productive New Year! Kyle Wick VOLUME 27 ISSUE 1 Bibb Medical Center DISTRICT II Page 13 The Auxiliary at Bibb Medical Center have been extra busy preparing for their annual Tree of Lights-which is to be held on Saturday, December 13th...This gives the community the chance to place a strand of lights on the tree for a donation of $5.00. This donation is done in memory or in honor of their loved one. This year’s tree is dedicated in memory of 2 Auxiliary members who passed away this year, Mr. Avery Nichols and Mrs. Ann Williams. Mr. Nichols was also a resident at BMCNH and Mrs. Williams was the treasurer for the Auxiliary. Residents News: They are looking forward to a special Christmas luncheon on Tuesday, December 9th and a special visit from Santa Claus on December 15th. Hope you will enjoy photos from last years visit from Santa. Cathy Frith-President St. Vincent’s St. Clair Our auxiliary sent 4 members to the conference in Mobile and we thoroughly enjoyed attending and appreciate Don and everyone else for all their hard work. Our card party that was held in September was successful and everyone stated they were looking forward to next year. We netted $1,720.00 which will go toward our scholarship for 2015. We had a yard sale in November which is a lot of hard work, but successful. It takes 2 days of setting up and then the sale is for 2 days. We all had a good time working this and netted $1,302.90 toward our scholarships. In November we also had a Scented Candle sale with other products available. There was not any work done by the Auxiliary. The company’s representative sat everything up. We netted $71.60 from this sale. We had our largest jewelry sale ever and raised $5,369.00. Peggy Crosswell retired after 35 years and 11,500 hours of volunteer service. She will be missed. She was presented a cake and flowers at the general meeting. We wish Peggy a happy and well deserved retirement. Others receiving pins for their service was Karen Dawson—1,000 hours, Charlene Eason—15 years, Dorothy Hill– 2,000 hours, Frances Matukas-1,000 hours, Ruby Stasko-500 hours and Edith Woddard-500 hours. MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone! Edna Daffron, President PAGE 14 DISTRICT II (cont.) Brookwood Medical Center This fall has been as busy as nay other for the Brookwood Medial Auxiliary. Fall holds sales to fund our many hospital and community service projects, our annual Reorientation, and special activities for the many holidays-all against the backdrop of our regular day-to-day duties. However, this fall marks the end of the current Board’s two year term and the formation of a new Board. Janis Cole, outgoing President, appointed a nominating committee in September to develop a proposed slate of officers for the 2015-2016 term. The slate was presented to the whole Auxiliary at the annual Reorientation, and the floor was opened for additional nominations. Attendees offered no additional nominations and the Auxiliary voted their approval of the proposed slate. The newly elected officers will be installed at the Annual Christmas Luncheon in December, and these include Barbara Pemberton (President), Susan Alshouse (Vice President), Sally Smith (Vice President), Kathy Finch (Secretary) and Martha Hester (Treasurer). A poignant photo was captured at the Reorientation. This photograph captures the wonderful legacy of previous Boards even as it looks forward to the good things to come. We welcome the new officers and the Board that will support them! Seated is Barbara Pemberton (right) along with a Past President, Dee Triantos (left). Princeton BMC Hello and Happy Holidays to everyone! The last part of August we held our Uniform Sale and as always it was a great success. On the 15th of September all of the volunteers completed our Annual Education Updates. It’s always good to keep up with all the changes in the hospital. We held Orientation in September where we gained 1 adult volunteer and 1 college volunteer. On November 5 & 6 we held our first Dillard’s Department Store sale. This was a huge success. All the employees loved all the different items to choose from in one setting. As December roles around we have already held an art’s & Craft/Bake Sale with about 38 craft vendors from around our community and the Auxiliary sold baked goods. This is always fun and enjoyed by all. The Auxiliary already has prepared 40 adopted Angels for the Salvation Army Tree Project. Submitted by Barbara McDonald, Auxiliary President Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year! VOLUME V O L U M 27 E ISSUSE 2 7 I S S1 U E 1 District II (cont) Page 15 DCH Medical Center It has been a busy fall for our auxiliary at DCH Regional Medical Center. In October we had eight of our auxiliary members and Pam Kirkley, DCH Volunteer Coordinator attend the ACHA Fall Conference in Mobile. It was a great conference and we would like to thank our very own Don Pugh who was the Program Chairman for all his hard work in helping to put together such an informative, educational and enjoyable event. We would also like to thank Dr Gary Harrelson, Denise Stricklin and Xan Fields from the DCH Health System Department of Organizational Development and Education (ODE) that presented an excellent one day Leadership workshop at the conference. In addition we had the honor of bringing home the 1st Place ribbon for Yearbook and 3rd Place for Newsletter!! Also in October we had the installation of our new officers for 2014-15. They are: Kristie Scott, President; Tom Hunter, Vice President of Membership; Terri Scott, Vice President of Projects ; Margaret Crowell, Secretary-and Linda Southern, Treasurer. On November 20 the hospital hosted a wonderful Thanksgiving Dinner for the volunteers held in the Willard Auditorium and on December 10 they hosted a beautiful Holiday Luncheon for us at the Cypress Inn Restaurant Pavilion. Everyone had a great time and enjoyed the fellowship and Fantastic Food!! As the new president here at the DCH RMC I just wanted to say that I am looking forward to working with you all this upcoming year and I hope that you all had a happy Holiday Season! Kristie Scott, President Pickens Pickens County County Medical Medical Center Center We have had two very successful fundraisers this fall. Britches and Bows Sale in August provided us with children’s clothing and added ladies clothing as well. Our Masquerade Jewelry Sale in November was the best sale in our history. A member of our auxiliary provided Halloween goodies for the patients and they were delivered on Halloween by two volunteers. Tray favors were delivered for the patient trays on Thanksgiving Day. Christmas Open House for our Gift Shop was held in our hospital lobby on December 2. We have made several purchases and donations for specific departments within the Hospital. We are currently providing funds for Marketing to advertise services provided by the Medical Center. We have also purchased advertising merchandise for gift bags that are delivered to our patients by our Interim Administration. Our Auxiliary project for 2015 is to deliver hand-sewn cotton dolls and hand-sewn monkey socks to our Senior Care, Geriatric-Psychiatric patients. Barbara Lancaster, President PAGE 16 DISTRICT II (cont.) Trinity Medical Center The Auxiliary’s annual contribution of $4,000 to Trinity’s United Way campaign was donated. Red Cross blood drives were held September 18th and November 25th where volunteers assisted with registering potential donors. Marilyn Dickson, an 18 year volunteer who recently resigned, was honored with a Certificate of Appreciation for her many years of dedicated service. On October 2nd and 3rd, the Ultimate Linen Sale was held and was a great success. The ACHA Fall Conference was held in Mobile on October 12-15 and was attended by four officers, Cathy Maddock, Marcia Warren, Sandra Whalen, and Jerry Pontibriand. It was a terrific conference. Congratulations to the state officers for a job well done. The Board of Directors held its regularly scheduled meeting in November and approved a request to purchase two motorized infant swings at $250. each for the NICU. In addition, a request to purchase acrylic Christmas angel ornaments was approved and volunteers will mail them to the families in honor of deceased patients from Trinity’s Cancer Center. Everyone was reminded of the annual drive to collect small toys and cloth bags for one of Trinity’s physicians and his team to distribute to the children and ladies in Africa while on their medical mission trip in January. Additionally, funds were distributed for the purchase of medications for the team to administer during the trip. Just prior to the Christmas holidays, the $5,00 masquerade Jewelry sale was held on December 4th and 5th. Patients in the hospital have requested a recorded copy of the beautiful harp music played by the Volunteer Cyd Dudgeon and authorization was given to purchase materials to produce CD’s for those who request it. Plans are being made for the Volunteer Christmas luncheon scheduled for December 16th. Cathy Maddock, President VOLUME 27 ISSUE 1 St. Vincent's East District II (cont.) PAGE 17 As is typical this time of year, blessing and busyness go hand in hand. October began with our Auxiliary Board attending the ACHA Confer- ence in Mobile. Kudos to Don Pugh for organizing a conference that was enlightening as well as entertaining. We all came away with a renewed sense of purpose to share with our fellow Auxilians. AND...we also came away with such pride in our own Janice Gillespi, who was awarded the “AHA Volunteer of the Year” Award. Shortly following our return from Mobile, our Auxiliary was proud to donate car-loads of non-perishable food items to a local food ministry—Trussville Ecumenical Assistive Ministries (TEAM). This is a new outreach ministry for our Auxiliary, allowing us to reach out to needy individuals in our service area. November brought the SVE Auxiliary more blessing and busyness with three successful fundraisers—our annual uniform sale, the Fall Masquerade Jewelry Sale, and our annual used book and bake sale—three great opportunities to fellowship with one another as we raised needed funds that will allow us to assist our hospital as needs arise. On November 12, 13, and 14, two of our Flower Shop Auxilians, Dee Dodd and Brenda Kay Anderson donned their camping ensembles and, with craft supplies in hand, headed for Camp Bluebird, an annual camping experience for Cancer patients and survivors sponsored by St. Vincent’s East Cancer Treatment Center. Dee and Brenda Kay guided the campers in making wonderful memories of camp as well as in making a decorative scarecrow hat to display in their homes each fall. Now December is here and Christmas is upon us. Once again, we here a St. Vincent’s East find ourselves thankful for the blessing and busyness of serving others through volunteering. As we celebrate the birth of our Savior, we wish all of you find that same joy. From our auxiliary to yours, Merry Christmas and a blessed New Year! Randy Cowser St. Vincent’s East Auxiliary PASGE 18 DISTRICT II (cont.) 18 Shelby Baptist Wow! I donʼt know how Christmas got here so fast but it is just a few days away. I hope all of you have had a great fall as we have had at Shelby Baptist...busy but great! Our annual Uniform Sale for hospital employees was very successful. Employees look forward to this sale and so does our auxiliary since we both benefit. November has been particularly busy with our $5 Masquerade Sale, purchasing furniture for the Senior Care Unit, decorating for Christmas, and overseeing our annual Bake and Craft Sale in December. Our Special Project was purchasing outdoor furniture for the patio for the Senior Care Unit. This allows those patients that arenʼt really sick, but are in need of special care, a place for them to be outdoors in a secure area. They have been delighted with their “own little place” to enjoy the sunshine. December is always busy with festivities at the hospital as well as in our own lives. We started the month with what has become an annual Bake and Craft Sale. Our auxiliary members bake items to be sold to anyone that comes by...could be patients families, friends of auxiliary members or hospital employees. We added crafts from area vendors the past two years and this has proven to be a “keeper” for our auxiliary. As the year comes to a close take time to remember those that wonʼt be able to celebrate with friends and families due to illnesses, injuries, etc. May I wish all of you a blessed Christmas and peace in the New Year. Flo McIntyre, Chairman DISTRICT III Last Quarter my Service was short, due to health problems. I worked our annual Jewelry sale. Baked cakes and help with our Bake sale. I attended our December meeting. Our Auxiliary has three new people in scholarship and received news that one of our last recipients had graduated and has already found work. Great news. We also had hand made Christmas stockings for all newborn in December, large enough to carry the baby home in. Out auxiliary treated the maintenance workers during November and December each week with special hand made goodies. Happy Holidays to everyone! VOLUME 27 ISSUE 1 DISTRICT III (cont.) PAGE 19 Vaughan Regional Vaughan Regional Medical Center Auxiliary has had a very busy fourth quarter. We are very excited to announce the addition of seven new volunteers! Most of these newbies attended the yearly orientation held on October 20, 2014. We had six volunteers attend the Fall Conference in Mobile. Vaughan placed 2nd in the tray favor category. We would like to give a big thanks to Billie Rogers and all of the hard work she put in to making such awesome favors for our patients. The uniform sale held in October was a huge success as was the jewelry sale held in November. The proceeds from these sales will go toward the 2015 scholarships. All of the Vaughan volunteers enjoyed a Thanksgiving meal with the hospital employees. We would like to give kudos to the dietary staff. The food was outstanding as always! A new Christmas tree has been purchased by the volunteers and placed in the lobby for all to enjoy. Also, the Christmas part was December 8th. The volunteers enjoyed food, music and door prizes. Food items were brought to the party to donate to the local food pantry. In addition, $106.00 was collected to donate. Lastly, an Auxiliary brochure has been created to be used as a tool to recruit new volunteers. The brochure lists program requirements, how to apply, etc. The Vaughan Volunteers would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Health New Year! S Submitted by Kay Davidson, DVS V O L U20 ME PAGE DISTRICT III District III (cont.) 20 Coosa Valley Medical Center From Our Auxiliary to your Auxiliary MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR! October was a very busy month for us. We had our Annual Awards Banquet with the installation of officers for the 2014-2015 year. The CVMC administrative officers joined us for a great meal with entertainment. The Fall Conference in Mobile was attended by five of our board members. We all had good things to say about the meeting, food, and vendors’ show. It is always good to spend time with other Auxilians to see and hear about what is going on in their group. The week following the Fall Conference we had our two day Masquerade Jewelry Sale. We had several of our Auxilians volunteer to help with the sale. Our annual TB Skin Test and flu shots were given in October and November, and we were all fitted with the N95 Mask. The Mask was a first for us but we did great with it. December 4 we had our Annual Christmas Party and the Tree of Love lighting. The party was held at the Hickory Street Café with dinner and gifts for everyone. The Tree of Love lighting was held in the lobby of the hospital. The CVMC Choir sang several Christmas songs, Rev. Looney gave a very touching devotion, and Mr. Lucas sang and played guitar as our special guest. We had a great representation of our auxiliary and our lobby was filled with guest. Refreshments were served after the lighting. CVMC was the Grand Marshall of the Sylacauga Christmas Parade this year. Two of our Auxilians rode on the float to represent our auxiliary. We have purchased an exercise bicycle for the Health and Wellness Center, and a bicycle for the cardiac rehab department. We give the CVMC Nursing East Alabama Home a gift of $500 to purchase Christmas gifts for the residents in the Home.. Submitted by: Cheryl Webb, 1st Vice President , State Board Vice Chairman VOLUME 27 ISSUE 1 DISTRICT III (cont.) PAGE 21 Citizens Baptist Medical Center In October, to help promote breast cancer awareness, we gave beautiful pink umbrellas to every woman who came in to have a mammogram done. The response was overwhelming. A memorial was held in remembrance of Dolores Morrow who passed after a long illness. Dolores was our Vice President and overseer of the Gift Shop. Her family was invited to come and join us for the ceremony. A plaque was presented to the family which will later be mounted on a wall within the Gift Shop. Refreshments were served in the banquet room. Dolores was a volunteer from January 2002-June-2014. She is missed and will always be remembered. Money was donated to renovate our cafeteria. New pub style tables and chairs, booths, new flooring, overall painting as well as wall and table decorations were part of the new look. A plaque will be placed in the cafeteria showing that the Volunteer Auxiliary did help to fund the renovations. Fundraisers for the quarter were great. We had Books R Fun, $5.00 Masquerade Jewelry Sale and a Cookware sale for the first time.. We did a great job of promoting our events and the results were very profitable. We are very happy to introduce to you our newest volunteers. This quarter we had six new members to join us. Harriett Hart, Shelia Walker, Annie Worrills, Rosa Wallace, Juanita Horn, and Marquilla Gooden. We were very excited to have had our DVS in attendance during the Fall Conference. She along with three other members attended. We had a wonderful time. The programs were very informative and interesting. We look forward to seeing everybody at our next conference. We also look forward to seeing all District III Volunteers on February 25th when we will be hosting our District meeting. Happy New Year to all! Submitted by Yvonne Estell-McElderry, Secretary PAGE 22 DISTRICT III (cont.) The EAMC Auxiliary has been very busy the last few months with various activities. On October 1st the Open Board meeting was held and officers for the 2014-2015 year were installed. At this meeting representatives from the Lee County sheriff department presented the Yellow Dot Program and Senior Safety, which was very informative to all. Six volunteers attended the ACHA Fall Conference in Mobile where our own teenage volunteer of the year, Searam Park was named the State Teenage Volunteer of the Year. East Alabama On October 27th and 28th our annual Masquerade Jewelry Fundraiser was held with much success! With the support of volunteer, employees, and community sales exceed previous years and was one of the best sales ever! On November 5th a board Retreat was held for the Executive Board and all Service Chairs. Julia Pipes, Foundation Director and Mary Weaver, Volunteer Coordinator lead the group in a program called SWOT (strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Treats). This is a program where all participants interact and discuss ways to improve the Board as well as the Auxiliary. Everyone left with a feeling of accomplishment and some great new ideas. As we go into the holiday season, we at EAMC Auxiliary would like to wish everyone a V O and L U Merry M E Christmas! very safe, happy, blessed PAGE 23 VOLUME 27 ISSUE 5 DISTRICT III (cont.) Bryan W. Whitfield Memorial It has been a busy fall for BWWMH Auxiliary members. President Johnnie Knott attended the Fall Conference, held in Mobile in October. Several fund raisers were held: Britches & Bows (children’s clothing), Jewelry Sale (Masquerade), Uniform Sale, Love Lights (in memory or in honor of loved ones) placed on five trees in the hospital lobby, and Corporate Wreaths to decorate the hospital hallways during the months of November and December. These sales brought in approximately, $11,550.00 that is being used to buy equipment for the hospital. The Auxiliary has recently purchased a Standing Frame for the Physical Therapy Department and heavy duty furniture for the Geri/Psyche day room. In addition to fund raisers, the auxiliary held a Blood Drive and collected 29 units. On December 3rd, the auxiliary held its 25th Annual love Lights Tree Lighting Ceremony in the hospital parking lot. This event kicked off the Christmas on the River activities in Demopolis. Jacob Saelins, the 2014 Special Child, pulled the switch to light the tree atop the hospital, and the children’s choir from Demopolis First United Methodist Church entertained the crowd with Christmas songs. Afterwards the hospital furnished delicious refreshments in the lobby for all those in attendance. The auxiliary will also sponsor and man a float in the COTR parade on December 6th. BWWMH Auxiliary has recently welcomed four new members: Lorene Vice, Cindy Malone, Olivia Daniels, and Alma Null. We look forward to working with them in 2015. PAGE 24 Russell Medical Center DISTRICT III (cont.) 24 Happy holidays and Merry Christmas from Russell Medical Center. It has been another very busy season for RMC Auxiliary. The annual Awards and Recognition Luncheon was held in October. Mr. Jim Peace, CEO of Russell Medical Center, was present to extend appreciation on behalf of the hospital for the 16, 576 service hours and announcing Mrs. Sarah Dunnham as the 2014 RMC Auxiliary Volunteer of the Year. September and October were packed with fun. Sixteen Auxiliary members were our representatives at the RMC Breast Cancer Awareness Luncheon. Along with several hundred ladies from our community, we all enjoyed a wonderful lunch and a delightful program presented by Brenda Ladun, news anchor for ABC 33/40. RMC Auxiliary members were on hand to assist local doctors and businesses in hosting health screenings in the community. Several of the Board members attended the annual ALAHA Fall Conference in Mobile, Alabama. The annual Masquerade Jewelry Sale raised over $7,000.00 for the Scholarship Fund. This money is used to help qualified and deserving students pursue an education in the health care field. In mid November Auxiliary members posing as Santa’s helpers showed up to decorate the Christmas Tree of Lights which shines brightly in the lobby of the hospital until the end of the year. Hundreds of beautiful lights adorn the tree, but the focal point is the ornaments bearing the names of friends and family members being honored or memorialized by loved ones. All funds collected from the sale of the ornaments will be used for the Scholarship Fund. The newly renovated Auxiliary Gift Shop is filled to the brim with lovely and whimsical Christmas items of all shape and form. The gift shop ladies do a great job all year long in making sure there is always a fantastic selection of gift ideas. It has been a wonderful year at Russell Medical Center and we all look forward to seeing what 2015 has in store. Happy New Year! Submitted by Helen Walton, Secretary VOLUME 27 ISSUE 1 DISTRICT IV PAGE 25 Constance Taylor, Chairman District IV was well represented at the Fall Conference held in Mobile. The Presidents in the District had been busy for the past year as evidenced by their reports given at the meeting. We have three auxiliaries that have agreed to host a meetings for the coming year, USA Medical Center, Thomas Hospital and USA Children and Women Hospital. We are looking forward to a great year and doing great things in our hospital and in our communities. The Providence Hospital Auxiliary has had a very busy and active Fall and early Winter. We sent 7 representatives to the ACHA Annual Conference held at the Marriott Hotel in Mobile in mid-October. The programs and speakers for the conference were excellent! In keeping with our project of Heart Health, Providence Cardiologist, Dr. Benjamin Citrin was one of the speakers. He did a wonderful job discussing heart issues and heart disease. Our President and CEO, Mr. Clark Christianson, installed the new officers at the Wednesday morning session. Linda Patterson, immediate Past President of Providence Auxiliary, was installed as District IV Vice-Chairman. We’re extremely proud of Linda! Providence Our November luncheon was held on the 17th in the DePaul Center. The DePaul Center was used as a temporary location for the cafeteria while renovations were underway in the cafeteria. Those renovations are now complete and it looks wonderful! We are pleased with the On-Line service for the Gift Shop. It is proving to be successful and we hope it will increase sales in the future. Employee and Volunteer Appreciation weekend was December 5-7 and was very successful. We have had a number of fund-raisers recently. Books R Fun October 30-31, Uniforms 2 U November 13th, $5.00 Jewelry Sale December 1, 2, 3, and our Christmas Tree Lightning Ceremony on December 4th. Yes, you read that correctly, the $5.00 Jewelry Sale and The Christmas Tree Lighting in the same week. Our Volunteer Coordinator, Karen Dixon, DVS Mary Ann Townson, and Ways and Means Chairman, Judy Fearn have yet to recover. Those ladies are amazing! For the months of September-November 2014 we had an average of 263 volunteers contributing an average of 2639.33 hours. The renovations in the waiting areas and lab areas of Building B that were funded by the Auxiliary are complete and look terrific. I wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and the best of everything in the New Year! PAGE 26 DISTRICT IV (cont.) 26 Springhill Memorial As 2014 winds down, our Auxiliary is acting up. We have been busy with the traditional activities as well as some “extras.” Our hospital is undergoing major renovations. In conjunction with the new labor and Delivery suites, we donated $30,000 toward the security system that will be in place there next year. It’s a much needed addition. We also purchased an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) for emergency use at Springhill Senior Residence. Several fund raising events also took place during this period: Masquerade Jewelry, Uniforms 2U, Books R Fun and Pink Party. The Pink Party is a fundraiser that contributes to breast cancer research; our volunteers, plus many employees, give their time to this event. In addition to fundraisers, October also brought a very special honor to our Auxiliary. Clara Damp, our newsletter editor, won first place in ACHA’s annual newsletter contest. Last, but not least, the hospital held Tech Day on October 30th which is a fun day. The theme for the event was “Heroes.” Heroes are not only those in the armed forces, but also those behind the stethoscope. The booths were manned by various companies displaying new products and procedures to staff. Volunteers worked the check –in desk and gave out quizzes to be filled out by employees visiting each booth. December was extremely busy. On Decembr 1st we decorated the Christmas tree in the hospital lobby. December 2nd we decorated the tree at the Springhill Senior Residence followed by caroling and refreshments. Acting jointly with SMH, Volunteers added their gifts to the Wishmas List for the Springhill Senior Residents and local children’s homes. Volunteers had their own annual Christmas party at Wintzell’s Oyster House on December 3rd. It is here that we took gifts for Penelope House to be delivered after lunch. We wish everyone the Merriest Christmas and a blessed New Year. VOLUME 27 ISSUE 1 DISTRICT IV (cont.) PAGE 27 USA Medical Center . The University of South Alabama Medical Center Auxiliary board met following the Annual Fall Conference to begin making plans for the Holiday’s decoration and the Annual Dedication of Lights. The members were pleased to know that the submission of the Auxiliary's Yearbook and Special Program Project received second and third place awards respectively. The Dedication of Lights was held on Wednesday, December 3rd. Teen volunteer Shalmali Bhadkamkar was a participant on the program and performed several Christmas songs. Shalmali, is not only a teen volunteer, but also one of Mobile's famous Azalea Trail Maids. In our ongoing effort to involve the community in our activities, we had participation from the Emmanuel Seventh Day Adventist Church youth choir and the pastor of Springhill Avenue United Methodist Church. The usual $5.00 Jewelry Sale and Book Sale were held in November and were very profitable. The Auxiliary is presently moving forward on future projects that will involve the employees and the community at large. PAGE 28 District IV (cont.) USA Children’s & Women’s Hospital Tis the Season for Volunteers to spread holiday cheer at USA Children’s a & Women’s Hospital! Volunteers provided the funds and their time to decorate the trees in the hospital and the large tree on the lawn. Volunteers, including members of the pet therapy team (like Jeff and Molly pictured), participated in the annual Lights of Love tree lighting. The Volunteers held their second annual “A Cause for Celebration’ Silent Auction on November 6th and raised more than $8,000.00 for patient birthday parties and other celebrations. Pictured are some of the Silent Auction committee members: (standing) Becky Downing, Patricia Juzang, and Frances Dixon, Silent Auction Chair: (bottom row) Belinda Baggett, Katie Wheeler, and Rebekah Warren. Fundraising: Fall uniform and book sales Resulted in $1,600.00 in profits for volunteer projects! December fundraising will include a Candy-Gram Sale and a Masquerade Jewelry Sale. A team of seven volunteer council members and Volunteer services staff attended the ACHA fall conference in Mobile. It was an outstanding conference with great sessions and lost of “take-a-ways’ that are already being incorporated in the hospital. The Gift Shop is decked for the Holiday Season. New gift and decoration lines have been introduced and are well liked. Special thanks to the staff and volunteer team for making the shop a retail destination along the Gulf Coast! Volunteer Service Hours: 12,974 hours: (January—November 2014) Number of current volunteers: 160 Submitted by Patricia Juzang, Volunteer Council Chair, and the Office of Volunteer Services at USACWH on behalf of our wonder volunteers. VOLUME 27 ISSUS 1 Mizell Memorial District IV (cont.) PAGE 29 Opp Mizell Memorial Hospital Auxiliary consists of 23 members. Many were undertaken to help facilitate various needs of our small rural hospital. The Christmas Tree of Lights and Love is our biggest fundraiser. The ceiling-high tree is located in the lobby. It is on display for a month holding 500 ornaments in memory or in honor of a loved one. The tree-lighting ceremony is a community event, featuring entertainment, refreshments and fellowship. Proceeds from the Tree of Lights were over $3,000.00. The Auxiliary also sponsored a book fair, a jewelry sale before Christmas and the hospital week T-shirt sale. These financial contributions were used to enable the hospital to place two sleeper chairs on the floors, several TV sets , two wheel chairs, a commercial mixer for the kitchen, new trays and cash register for the dining room, a blood pressure machine, a lift for bed patients, dumbbells for the wellness center pool and a pledge toward the purchase of a SEXASCAN. In addition to financial aid, members average more than 3,000 hours per year contributing help in such areas as manning an information desk in the lobby, shredding papers, placing signs and doing radio spots advertising the Tree of Lights ceremony, preparing the ornaments and setting up the tree, redoing folders, manning the dining room cash register and assisting in any area where there is a need. With today’s challenges in the health care system, small-town rural hospitals are struggling to stay open. In the event a small-town hospital is forced to close, the loss of the hospital affects not only the medical care of citizens, but also the local and state economies. This is the main reason our volunteers think the help we provide is vitally important. PAGE 30 2014 Fall Conference Award Winners Small—up to and including 60 auxiliary members Medium—61 to 110 auxiliary members Large—111 plus auxiliary members Competition Category First Place Second Place Newsletter Small Trinity & Springhill Crestwood Third Place Citizens BMC (Tie) Tray Favors Yearbook Special Program Medium Northeast Alabama None None Large East AL Huntsville DCH Small Walker Baptist Southwest AL Medium Shelby Baptist St. Vincent’s East/ Northeast AL Vaughan (Tie) Large Thomas Hospital East Alabama Small Walker Baptist USA Med. Center Coosa Valley/ Trinity (Tie) Medium Princeton None None Large DCH Regional Thomas Helen Keller Wedowee None Small Wedowee St. Vincent’s St. Clair USA Medical Medium Northeast AL St. Vincent’s East None Large East AL/UAB (Tie) Mobile Infirmary Thomas VOLUME 27 ISSUE I 2014 Fall Conference Winners (cont.) AND THE WINNERS ARE !!!! PAGE 31 PAGE 32 2014 Fall Conference (cont.) ALAHA Recognizes Hospital Volunteers State Auxilian of the year, Janice Gillespie, St Vincent’s East Teen Volunteer of the year, Searam Park, East Alabama Medical Center VOLUME 27 ISSUE 1 2014 Fall Conference (cont.) Looking back... Moving forward. PAGE 33 FOR YOUR INFORMATION The COMMUNICATOR Yvonne Estell-McElderry 980 Cove Shocco Road Talladega, AL 3516 yemcelderry@yahoo.com (205)362-2232 MARK YOUR CALENDARS Communicator Deadline—March 8 June 8 September 8 December 8 2015 ACHA Fall Conference November 1-4 Sheraton Hotel, Birmingham, AL National Volunteers Week April 12-18 ACHA Board Meetings - January 21 April 15 July 15 November 1 The Communicator is ONLINE! Go to www.alaha.org. Click on AFFILIATES Stroll down to Auxiliaries, Alabama Council of Hospitals (ACHA) Open Communicator. Enjoy your reading. Share this “Communicator “ with other volunteers in your auxiliary. If you see someone without a smile, give them one of yours!