Read Last Month`s Issue


Read Last Month`s Issue
Boiling Springs
october 2014
Vol. 22 Issue 10
Inside this issue
The Casebook of MacTavish
by Dan Harmon
Day Trip Destinations
by Dan Harmon
Coaches Corner
by Dick Cox
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Maria Brady
Images Unlimited Photography by Debra Adams
Steven Reizer, D.C.
Dan Harmon
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by Michael D. Brady, Publisher
Praise be to God and please be with us.
Well, Praise the Lord!! He has given us another magazine issue to publish. I want to thank our readers and advertisers for the
many e-mails, calls, personal visits supporting our magazine, the
information we print to educate our readers, and my publisher’s
We have a friend, Mr. Don Either, who is now selling advertising for us in an effort to continue this community magazine. Thank
You Don! I would also ask that our readers please continue to support the advertisers in this magazine by giving them your business.
Please tell them that you are doing so because they advertise in
the Boiling Springs Today. I know that not everyone accepts, believes, or wants to believe in the information that we print. However,
if you do, please tell our advertisers; many of them advertise with
us because of the messages we put forth.
I am going to treat each issue from this point on as if it will
be the last and praise my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, for the
outcome either way. I am going to hit the issues as hard as I can
with the facts to substantiate the issues facing each of us that love
freedom and liberty. At the end of this article I am going to give the
only solution that I believe will save this country at this late date. It
will take much commitment to learning, diligence, preparation for
survival, and personal sacrifice from each of us; more than some
may be willing to give.
Our broken immigration system?
Folks, we do not have a broken immigration system. What we
have is a government that is not enforcing the immigration laws
Fax: 864-278-2691
we have enabling people to come into this country legally. This
Congress and Administration is breaking the law by not closing our
borders and protecting its citizens from the onslaught of diseases,
gangs, and terrorists coming across our southern border. Yesterday, I received a call from a fellow patriot reporting that they were
on Interstate 85 north bound in the Gaffney area when two white
tour-type buses, loaded with what “looked like” Mexican or Hispanic people on board. This group was escorted by a black Suburban
with blacked-out windows and federal plates, and a flashing blue
light, passed them. I realize that I am speculating that these buses
were carrying illegals. I do not think they were Diplomats. Reports
such as this are coming in from all over the state. People are even
calling into radio and television stations with similar sightings. We
already know that each state has been ordered by the federal government to take a certain amount of these illegals, which are being
called refugees by this administration. We just sit back and wonder
why our government is allowing this to happen. They are not just
allowing it; they are promoting it! Remember the “Dream Act”, I
wrote about last month? Look, I am a Christian, and I believe in
helping my fellow man but I do not believe in breaking the laws of
our country. We have a church that is offering to teach English to
those who cannot speak it located right here in Spartanburg. Such
an offer is wonderful for legal immigrant. IF the powers-that-be
are not acting in a responsible manner by not checking immigration
status, then they are aiding and abetting law breakers, simple as
that! I will do my civic duty by stopping in at this particular church to
Continued on page 6
Cline Brandt Kochenower
& Co., P.A.
Certified Public Accountants
Inside This Issue
145 Rogers Commerce Blvd.
Boiling Springs, SC 29316
From the Publisher .................................................. 5
Around Town........................................................... 8
Fax 864-541-0221
The Casebook of MacTavish . .................................. 10
Day Trip Destinations ............................................ 12
• Taxpayer representation
• Auditing
• Bookkeeping
• Payroll
• Estate Planning
• Business Consulting
• Corporate and Individual Tax Preparation
The Coaches Corner .............................................. 14
Insight into Pineal Gland Decalcification.................... 16
Chiropractic Corner ............................................... 18
Essential Oil of the Month....................................... 19
Business Directory ................................................ 20
Church Directory ................................................. 21
Photo by Joyce Beaubeau
  From The
Boiling Springs Today
We want to be your most trusted Business Advisor.
Specializing In You!
Boiling Springs Today
Continued “From the Publisher” from page 5
ask this question and report back.
The following comes from The New American and Breitbart
News. Please keep in mind that the main stream media WILL
NOT report this to any extent. Only the independent news agencies will and we should thank them for the courage to do so, remembering that Andrew Breitbart was found dead last year while
uncovering a scandal within the government.
An intelligence report compiled by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection agency (CBP) reveals that large numbers of immigrants originating beyond Latin America are illegally crossing the
southern U.S. border. The report, which was leaked to Breitbart
of Texas by a source within the CBP who spoke on the condition
of anonymity, records the numbers of individuals being caught or
turning themselves in to Border Patrol agents from 2010 through
July 2014. The illegal immigrants originated from more than 75
different countries. Although the current spotlight on the illegal
immigration front is on the large number of unaccompanied children from Central America who continually cross the border into
South Texas, the CBP report indicates that the problem is more
widespread. Among the overseas destinations listed in the report
are Syria and Albania. Smugglers from these countries send
immigrants first to Central America and then northward across the
U.S. border. Among other nations from which immigrants were
caught entering the United States illegally:
• 1,443 people from China were apprehended while crossing the
U.S. border so far this year, with an additional 1,803 people either
turning themselves in to U.S. authorities at official ports of entry,
or being caught attempting to illegally enter at the ports of entry.
• Twenty-eight individuals from Pakistan were apprehended while
crossing the U.S. border this year, with another 211 individuals either turning themselves in or being caught at official ports of entry.
• Thirteen Egyptians were apprehended while crossing the U.S.
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  border this year, with another 168 either turning themselves in or
being caught at official ports of entry.
• Four individuals from Yemen were apprehended while crossing
the U.S. border in 2014, with another 34 individuals either turning
themselves in or being caught attempting to illegally enter at the
ports of entry.
• Four individuals from Somalia were apprehended while crossing
the U.S. border in 2014. Another 290 either turned themselves in
or were apprehended at official ports of entry.
Since it is not possible to know how many people crossing
our border illegally escape detection, the above figures suggest
that many more people from across the globe have crossed our
southern border, including some with terrorist connections or
originating in nations where the current Ebola virus outbreak
has occurred. Breitbart reports that the CBP data reveals that at
least 71 individuals from the three nations affected by the Ebola
outbreak have either turned themselves in or have been caught
attempting to illegally enter the United States between January
and July of this year.
It is usually assumed that most illegal’s caught crossing the
US/Mexican border are South Americans.
You may be surprised to learn, however, that thousands of the
illegals caught crossing the borders are classified as “OTMs”
(Other Than Mexicans). A substantial number of these OTMs are
Muslim terrorists.
Records from a detention center near Phoenix, AZ, show illegals
from Afghanistan, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Sudan, and Yemen in custody.
Former Arizona Congressman JD Hayworth said in an interview, “There are definitely people out there who mean to do
us harm who have crossed that border.”
An Arizona rancher, who lives right near the border, found a Muslim prayer rug on his property. He said, “This is a good indicator
that there’s a whole lot of people other than just Mexicans coming
into the United States.”
“The American public has been kept in the dark about this
whole issue,” said Dave Stoddard, a former border patrol
agent with 20 years of experience.
A Congressional report shows how most Muslims are illegally entering the country. They travel from Europe to the tri-border region of
South America. While there, many of them learn to speak Spanish,
and then blend in with Mexicans attempting to enter the US.
One of America’s most wanted terrorists was actually found
in Atlanta It is suspected that he entered the US by crossing
the Mexican border.
“If we learned anything from 911, it should have been that borders
are important,” said Hayworth.
Look, I’m not trying to frighten anyone; NO, I cannot say that
because I think it is time to be very afraid. It is time that we, right
here in Boiling Springs, do something. As I mentioned earlier in
this article, I have a solution for those who are willing to try. It will
not be easy but the price of freedom is eternal vigilance and a willingness to do whatever it takes, to secure that freedom for us and
our children. This idea, solution if you will, was rekindled when
one of our readers, Mr. Rick Brannon, stopped by our office holding the September BST issue, opened to my publisher’s column,
asking if we were indeed closing the magazine. Rick asked me
what it would take financially to keep the magazine open stating,
“You cannot find this kind of information anywhere else.” I replied,
“At least $1000.00 more dollars a month.” Rick placed $100.00
on the counter with a pledge each month for the same and offered
a challenge to our readers for nine more like-minded people to do
the same. It may sound like I’m begging but I’m not. I am just doing what I told Rick I would and offer his challenge to our readers.
Continued on next page
Boiling Springs Today
You have to understand that I had truly given up. I felt as if our
message had fallen on deaf ears. I now know that this is far from
the case due to all the e-mails and communications Maria and I
have received from our readers and people like Rick.
The Solution - an organization needs to be formed right here
in Boiling Springs that will work with, possibly spear head, all
the other patriot organizations, first state-wide then nationally
and done in short order! Our goal must be to return America to a
Constitutional Republic as our Founders and Forefathers intended. We need a citizen-watch dog group with enough clout and
strength in citizen numbers to expose the corruption which is nonpartisan. The Tea Party almost got it right; the problem was they
let the Republicans take it over. Maria and I started the Boiling
Springs Tea Party, one of the largest and best organized Tea Parties in this state and country; we watched this take-over happen,
despite our protests. Not if but because, in my mind, God is the
only way for this to happen, we should pull these patriot groups
together, not as one, but as many with one huge voice. Then we
may stand a chance to return to the America our country ought
to be. There are millions of patriots in America, but fractured into
different groups with a small voice receiving small attention. We
need a plan to pull us all together. I am putting forth this idea to
those who want to join in a think tank for ideas, in order to develop
a plan to move forward in an effort to save our country.
If you are interested e-mail me at: upstateprinting@charter.
net or call our office at 864-278-2145, leave a message that you
are interested and I will call you back.
Here is the alternative of doing nothing: we will find ourselves
in a country where we are disease-ridden, hospitals turning away
Americans who cannot afford the “Affordable Health Care” mandate, taxes that no one can pay, schools that teach our children
socialistic views and dumb down to be good little communists, our
Second Amendment rights stripped away, government corruption out of control and accountable to no one, borders wide open,
terrorist attacks increasing, children being taken away from their
parents by government agencies, churches being told what they
can and cannot preach, where our Christian God is not allowed
in schools or any public place, our Constitution perverted and
shredded into a worthless document. WAIT, I think we are almost
there!!! We need action, and we need it now! If you want, or think
you want, to be part of the solution rather than the subjection,
then contact me and we will see what God has in HIS plan for us.
I can tell you this, if we do not change the direction of this country
and I mean in a moral direction, we will see an insurgency in this
country much like the Civil War, such as what is happening in Iraq
with ISIS and is coming with lightning speed right at America. Call
me crazy like some of my friends and readers did when I said that
Obama would be elected for a second term! Well, guess what
surprise, surprise, I hit the nail on the American head! Remember
“if the going is tough (and it is TOUGH) the tough get going”. Are
we part of the solution or the problem?
May God be with us as we are with HIM.
Michael Brady
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Office Hours:
9am - 9pm Monday - Saturday
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Allana & Rick Brannon
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Boiling Springs Today
Continued “From the Publisher” from page 5
is, “BS”, and I don’t mean Boiling Springs. Do you not think that
a Senator would ask a major donor where the 3.2 million dollars
was coming from in case he was to be questioned? This is the
arrogance of Graham. I think he feels that he is above the law,
kind of like our President and his cronies.
Well enough ranting, Maria and I wanted to do our part to help
Lee Bright in our area. I asked for an interview with him, in order
that our readers could get to know him and what he stands for, if
you are not already
Question: Senator Bright, would you give me a brief over
to the differences
and 10,000
Sept. 7, between
2014 theyou
of theLee
in America
to put
Bright’s Lutheran
Answer: Church
After twenty
in invited
into action
by serving
ways fixer
has built
a sterling
as a in
love oftoGod.
who isthewilling
go to great lengths in order to accommodate
of Grace
in with
the Springs
those Sen.
John McCain, and other liberal establishment Republicans,
lead hispassed
to do
like aHobby
tiger toOutten
get legislation
like amnesty
of restoringwhile
and reconciling
for illegal
literally ignoring
the basic conservative
at the Children’s
Thrift Shop on Hwy 9 in Boiling Springs which donates money to
Incredibly, up until a few weeks ago, Lindsey Graham did not
even know what Common Core was. Now, according to his million
are ill and fightdollar ad campaign, he is “fighting to stop it.”
ing cancer. They
Although only a member of the State Senate
5 years,
also for
I have built a record as one who is willing to stand
for the
at the Boiling
conservative Republican agenda regardless of the
Springs Resource
most bitter enemies in the State Senate will tell Center
you that
to work in
be bought or intimidated.
the food pantry
At the same time, because of my reputation
as a food
shooter, I have been able to work with my those
in need.
Democrats, on issues that do not require meThe
to compromise
Center has many
One of the most important duties a United
States Senator
has is to advise and consent to appointmentsthat
to are
the beneficial
Court. Lindsey Graham has repeatedly proven that he is more
than willing to help get extremist liberal nominees, such as Elena
Kagan and Sonia Sotamayor, through the Senate and on to the
highest court in the land.
Once Lindsey Graham has gotten these judges into their
lifetime positions, they have repeatedly made rulings and decisions
which further erode our constitutional and God-given rights.
Question: Lee, if you are elected will you stand against
this administrations use of Executive orders that are by-passing
congress and legislating from the oval office and do you consider
this an impeachable offence?
Lee Bright’s Answer: Only Congress has the power to make
law. The president has no more power to make law than any other
The trend, however, over the last fifty years, among Republican
and Democrat presidents alike, has been to increasingly resort
to so-called executive orders to get their way. Over time these
Executive Orders have mutated from being mere directives given
to bureaucrats to essentially new laws affecting the lives and
liberties of ordinary Americans.
This trend has reached a point now where President Obama
blatantly repudiates Congress’ role as lawmaker.
to place
on the subject and scope
to helping
in the
of Executive
On Sunday Sept 7th, Springs of Grace volunteered atwould
the Vetwell within
rights SC.
if they
to impeach
in Inman,
to visit
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Veteransa and
plant flowabused
or the
and help
out withOrders
some of
work that official
to bewillfully
The men who reside in this home deserve our thanks and gratitude
will you
for serving
home. rights
The conhow this differs
from Lindsey
also baked
and delivered
homemade cookies to the Fire
Lee Bright’s
I have made
in Boiling
Work Our
us that
are a church
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Whether it’s
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our individual
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parkasor the
letters to
I have
we are aCarry,
Resolution and
in an
to reassert
does God’s work.
Continue on page 9
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50 Years of Perfect Attendance in Sunday School
Robert H. Horton of Boiling Springs
will celebrate 50 years of perfect attendance in Sunday School on October 5,
2014. His faithfulness began at Mountain
View Baptist Church on Parris Bridge
Road, where he attended for over 40
years, and continues today at Boiling
Springs First Baptist Church, where he is a
member of the Ready Men’s Class, taught
by Jerry Fowler and Javon Robinson.
In 1964, the Sunday School Director of Mountain View Baptist Church was
Mr. Dennis Wall. Mr. Wall implemented
a program of Sunday School recognition
in which those with perfect attendance received a lapel pin for each year completed.
This form of recognition has fallen by the
wayside in many churches in recent years,
yet Mr. Horton continues to collect the pins
with each passing year. Several years
ago, his daughter had the pins framed, and
today they are displayed in his home. On
October 5, he will be presented with the 50
year pin during his Sunday School class.
“My dad has served as a faithful model
of the importance of Bible Study and why
Sunday School is important”, writes his son,
Dr. Brian R. Horton, Senior Pastor of Grace
Baptist Church in Pikeville, Kentucky. “I
am grateful that my dad led our family to
church. He did not send my siblings and
myself to church, or simply drop us off at the
door. Sunday mornings were special and
sacred to our family, and it began by going
to Sunday School, together as a family. I
have no doubts that my personal salvation story is the direct result of the godly
example of both my parents to study God’s
word, and be instructed in God’s word,
through Sunday School. The faithfulness
my dad has displayed for 50 years is the
type of example today’s church needs to
celebrate in order to inspire and encourage
the church of tomorrow”, Horton says.
Representatives from the Spartanburg
County Baptist Network, South Carolina
Baptist Convention, and the Southern
Baptist Convention have also expressed
their gratitude and congratulations. “[The]
unwavering commitment to be in God’s
house studying God’s word every Sunday
for 50 years is more than impressive, it’s
downright inspiring” writes Rick Howerton, Small Group Specialist for LifeWay
Christian Resources. “It is my prayer that
that the church of today begins to exercise
the faith and persistency of the people who
have gone before them, people like you”,
Howerton continues.
Mr. Horton is certainly not alone in his
attendance. His wife of 57 years, Nina Covil Horton, faithfully attends Sunday School
as well, and both are active with the JOY
Group, the Senior Adult ministry of Boiling Springs First Baptist. “One thing our
children could always count on growing up,
was that we were going to Sunday School
as a family”, says Mrs. Horton.
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Boiling Springs Today
Boiling Springs Today
“The Ghosts at Glenn Springs, Conclusion”
NOTE: At the end of Part
One, MacTavish the crime
reporter and Spurlock, a
county detective, were setting out to explore a hilltop graveyard in Glenn
Springs. Mysterious night
sightings had the community on edge.
f there was a more
tranquil place on
earth than the woods
Springs village, MacTavish could not imagine it. He breathed deeply, gratefully, the forest air as he and Spurlock strolled the lane
and mounted the hillside path to the shaded resting plot. Sunlight
streamed sporadically through the tall trees, sprinkling headstones
here and there with golden points. But as he surveyed the graves
and the surrounding yard, his reporter’s instincts told him something was amiss.
Half a dozen graves were partially violated, some to depths of
two or three feet, though none to the level of the caskets. These
holes were still open, waiting for the descendants to arrive and rectify the intrusions. This was not extraordinary, since grave robbing,
for certain reprobates, was a way of life. Less explainable were a
number of disturbances in the earth around the perimeter, particularly along a strip of ground immediately above the graves.
“No ordinary grave robbers,” MacTavish observed.
“That’s what I thought. What do you make of those random
MacTavish was beginning to absorb himself in this strange scenario. He replied quietly, “Nothing, perhaps. Everything, perhaps.”
For half an hour they plodded around the cemetery. Finally descending the hill, MacTavish inquired, “Have you found any objects
of interest?”
Spurlock halted in the path and took a pouch from an inside
coat pocket. He produced two marbles, several bits of Indian pottery and a misshapen musket ball of 18th-Century vintage. “Maj.
Ferguson camped not far from here, you know, just before Kings
Mountain,” he explained.
Last, he took out a crumpled ball of paper and handed it to the
reporter. MacTavish opened it carefully and gazed in consternation
at the single tattered page, of standard size and weight. Seams indicated that at one time it had been folded carefully and preserved,
probably in a billbook. Smudged penciling told of years—at least a
decade—of wear. Odd letters were scattered all over the paper but
clustered near the top, where a pair of short lines, each crossed in
several places by dashes, met at a T angle. The letters, mostly in
couplets, might have been some sort of code: RK, SB, GS, UV.
“An odd thing to throw away out here, but I can’t see that it has
any bearing on this graveyard business at all,” said Spurlock. “We
picked it up beside this path, right along here.”
For many minutes, MacTavish stood scrutinizing the paper.
Then he handed it back to the official. “What do you make of the
letters?” he quizzed.
“People’s initials, most likely.”
MacTavish shook his head. “Not people.”
“You mean . . . places?”
The reporter smiled. “Let’s suppose, for example, that the ‘SB’
indicates ‘Spartanburg.’ If it does, then what might these other initials refer to?”
As he reexamined the pattern of letters, a look of enlighten-
10  By Daniel Elton Harmon
ment came over the detective’s face. “Well, I suppose ‘RK’, just
down to the left there from ‘SB’, could be ‘Roebuck,’ and ‘GS’ below
that would be . . . ‘Glenn Springs.’”
“Precisely. Keep going.”
“The ‘UV’ in the center of the page probably would be ‘Unionville.’ And if we assume the top of the paper is north and left is west,
then the ‘NB’ below and to the left of Union, as it’s now called, could
be ‘Newberry.’”
“And the ‘COL’ at the bottom?”
“Why, I figured it might stand for ‘Colonel.’ But I suppose it
could indicate ‘Columbia.’”
“And the ‘AT’ away over here at the left edge?”
Spurlock frowned. “ ‘Abbeville’? ‘Anderson’? That gives no
sense. Maybe it stands for little ‘Antreville’.”
“Try ‘Atlanta’. And notice this small, blurred, circled ‘x’ immediately below ‘GS.’ It’s the only ‘x’ on the paper, isn’t it? And the crossed
lines in the vicinity of Spartanburg and Roebuck—railroads.”
Spurlock scratched his head. “Funny sort of a map, if that’s
what it really is.”
“You’re right. It isn’t the sort of map anyone from these parts
would be likely to make. No reason for these distant references to
Columbia and Atlanta.”
“Unless it was made by a stranger who wanted to remember
the overall bearings.”
“Exactly. So we can determine that if it’s a map, it was penciled by an outsider—and some years ago, I would say, from the
faded lettering and the worn seams. And we can judge that it was
kept neatly folded and pressed for a long time, but recently it was
crumpled and discarded. Suggestive, don’t you think?”
“You’ve gotten beyond me,” said Spurlock. “What do you see
in this?”
“Before we draw conclusions, there might be even more information for us to glean here. We can see—not just by the grouping
of locations but by the railroad markings and the little ‘x’, that the focus of the map is here in Spartanburg County. Would you agree?”
Spurlock nodded.
“Why, then, these particular identifiers to the south: Union,
Newberry, Columbia? Why not towns to the east—Chester or Yorkville—or to the north?”
The lawman was nonplussed. “What do you make of it, Mr.
“I think it suggests the mapmaker’s direction of travel. This individual spent some time in this vicinity and then moved southward
toward Columbia, probably by train or stage. Alternatively, the person may have come up here from Columbia by way of Newberry and
Union—again, by train or by stage. . . . Or could it have been. . . ?”
The chronicler’s jaw dropped as a greater meaning of the
map suddenly took form in his mind. For several minutes longer he
stared blankly at the paper, absorbed in thought, while the mystified
Spurlock waited beside him.
“I have to get back to the hotel,” MacTavish exclaimed, turning
to hurry down the path. He called over his shoulder, “Meet me in the
lobby tonight, nine o’clock. Bring a couple of your men.”
By 10, the four of them—MacTavish, Spurlock and two other
officers—were secreted in shrubs at the foot of the path that led up
to the graveyard. And there they waited in vain as their hours of rest
passed without rest. They shivered in the autumn chill, lapsed into
sleep, shook one another awake, and from time to time conversed
in low voices. MacTavish was the epitome of wakeful silence. Spurlock occasionally attempted muted conversation. He had heard of
the reporter’s savage beating by Mort Kendrick and his bullies up at
Brooklyn. “Are you down here for the healing water?”
MacTavish scowled at the very mention of the sulfuric libation
Boiling Springs Today
of the nearby spring, of which so many came from afar to partake.
“I wonder that the odor alone hasn’t healed me already,” he intoned
“You don’t believe in ghosts and devils and spirits and that
sorta thing, do you, Mr. MacTavish?” one of the deputies inquired,
a trace of apprehension in his voice.
“I certainly believe in the Holy Ghost. No others need apply, I
think. Although. . . .” He reflected. “There were the demons cast out
by Christ. There was the ghostly handwriting on the wall. And there
was the witch at En Dor.”
“The Witch’n Who?” the lawman asked.
“Brush up on your Old Testament,” MacTavish chided. “First or
Second Samuel, and the Book of Daniel.”
Weary hours later, pale light began to brighten the eastern sky.
They understood that their all-night vigil had been for naught.
“Tonight,” MacTavish said, unperturbed, as they parted. “Nine
The disgruntled Spurlock was in no mood to commit to another
sleepless and likely fruitless night. Yet, the newspaperman’s comportment told him it would be unwise to protest.
Eyelids again were heavy among the watchers the following
evening. Midnight had come and gone when MacTavish chose to reveal the reason for their secretive presence in The Flat. He muttered
quietly to Spurlock, “Are you familiar with the Arthur tragedy?”
The official remembered accounts of a sad episode at the end
of the war. “Are you talking about the plantation killings?”
“I am.”
It was an evil page from the area’s history. In advance of the
Union Army’s sweep upstate from Savannah in 1865, plantation
mistresses hid their silverware and other valuables from marauding
soldiers and, especially, from deserters of both sides who became
ruthless scavengers. Before Mrs. Arthur finished disposing of her
heirloom treasures, her home was attacked by a small band of ruffians. They bagged all the valuables they found at hand, and demanded more. When she and her house slaves resisted, the thieves
murdered the mistress and one of her servants. At that juncture, a
patrol of Union cavalry troops, part of Sherman’s advance corps,
came upon the plantation house. The criminals dispersed and never were caught.
The meaning of MacTavish’ interpretation of the crude map
now began to dawn on Spurlock. Looters, trending northward as
they pillaged the defenseless state, would have had few clear bearings as to their whereabouts, roaming from plantation to plantation.
Had they wanted to remember their movements, they might have
fashioned a guide such as this. Still, Spurlock could not finish the
connection. “You figure all that has to do with this?”
MacTavish moved his head, but Spurlock could not tell if it was
a nod of assent, a negative gesture or merely the circular flexing of
a crick in the neck from their stiffening postures. “We will see,” the
reporter said. “We will see.”
They had only a little longer to wait for the denouement. Slight
sounds at the base of the hill told of the approach of someone . .
. or something. In the deep darkness, the officers and the reporter
vaguely made out forms ascending the path. A tiny light gradually expanded to illuminate two figures . . . human-like—but were
they living humans? Even at a distance, the anatomies appeared
abnormal. They passed swiftly by the hidden beholders, settled a
lantern atop a tombstone, and after a brief, mumbled discussion,
began to dig with spades. For a quarter of an hour, they furiously
attacked a small area of turf at the upper end of the graveyard.
Spurlock watched them incredulously, while MacTavish looked on
triumphantly with a satisfied smile.
There was a sudden movement among the team of observers. A deputy, acting of his own accord, rushed to the top of the
hill. Another followed, and the trap—to the dismay of MacTavish
and Spurlock—prematurely was sprung. As they converged around
Boiling Springs Today
the stunned toilers, lantern lights bathed the scene. The Glenn
Springs ghosts were revealed ingloriously: two men stripped to the
waist, their upper bodies smeared in chalk and coal, glistening with
The miscreants were cuffed and, at MacTavish’ suggestion,
taken to separate rooms at the hotel for questioning. The oldest,
a tall, scar-faced man of 50 whose name eventually would be disclosed as Oliver, refused to speak. He answered no questions and
made no requests. At length, he shut his eyes and lolled his head
onto a shoulder, as if to sleep. Spurlock realized his interrogation
would be futile, at least for the time being.
The younger man, Morgan by name, was only too eager to tell
all—and to implicate his companion as the deviser of their plan.
He never had known the names of the plantation victims, but he
acknowledged he’d been at the scene in 1865—a disapproving
member of the murderous party. He’d watched—powerless, he insisted—as his leaders had punished the resistance of the household with death. And at the sound of approaching horses, he’d fled
on foot with the other robbers through the woods behind the Arthur
house and exterior kitchen. They had evaded capture but had become disoriented and lost. A few, reconnoitering at a small cemetery in the darkness, had buried their loot as deep in the ground
as they could dig, just above the headstone of a central grave. The
sounds of soldiers searching the woods had compelled them to
cover the hole hastily and scatter.
The pillagers never had been able to regroup. Forced from the
area in different directions, they all vanished, their secret with them.
But two, Oliver and Morgan, had stayed in touch and vowed to find
the place where a lost, buried fortune awaited. In the late summer
of 1878, they arrived at Glenn Springs and worked out which of the
several sizable graveyards had been the scene of their long-ago
misadventure. They returned for many nights but were befuddled
by the cemetery’s alterations—for new graves had been dug in the
intervening years, including six from a single family who’d died of
a plague.
Partly to conceal their features and partly to deter inquisitive
locals who might come upon them, they always worked shirtless,
smearing their faces and upper bodies with chalk and coal. In lantern light, they were ghoulish apparitions indeed.
he Arthur family had Morgan and Oliver brought up on murder
charges in federal court in Columbia, based on Morgan’s impromptu confession and MacTavish’ logical thread of supposition. Morgan at trial denied everything he had said, however, and
with no actual bounty entered as evidence, the jury had to acquit.
The local prosecutor succeeded in having the two men convicted
of attempted grave robbing, a misdemeanor. Within six weeks they
were released from jail and gone from the state, this time for good.
No valuables ever were retrieved from the cemetery above
The Flat, although for years surreptitious excavations were made
by locals and outsiders alike. Residents of the valley took it upon
themselves to protect the hallowed site. Whatever earthly, misbegotten riches it might contain, they determined, had been laid to
rest effectively in 1865, beneath the sod of “this terrestrial ball”—the
futile, finite realm of all material gain.
Next Month: “A Failure at Disguise”
For more period mystery fiction, visit the author’s Web site at www. You’ll learn about the companion series,
“The Harper Chronicles,” and the mystery e-magazette, The Illustrated Harper & MacTavish Reader. You’ll also find details of his
e-book story collections available at and his Titanic
centennial history, On a Sea So Cold & Still.
D ay Trip
Article & Photos
by Dan Harmon
Pumpkin Patches & Corn Mazes
ur family has a new October
tradition: a Saturday visit
to a pumpkin farm with the
grands. The young’ns are
enthralled by patches of pumpkins
bigger than themselves, explorations of corn mazes, hayrides, and
making friends with barnyard animals. We adults, of course, are enthralled watching them. We come
home with plenty of carvable fruit
to occupy everyone well into the
Every year, new October
venues of this sort open their
gates. These photos from Nivens
Apple Farm in Moore, our destination last October, typify what you’ll
find at many farms. Some of those
described below are free to the
public; most charge admission for
autumn events.
NOTE: This is not an exhaustive list. Go online to find similar
October destinations nearby. I
apologize if I’ve failed to identify
other local venues that are active
this fall.
* Nivens Apple Farm offers
you-pick or we-pick pumpkins
and features a corn maze, farm
animals, hayrides, a country store
and other attractions. Contact: 130
Orchard Drive, Moore; (864) 5748889;
* Wompus Woods in Cowpens
has become locally famous for
its “haunted trail” in October, but
it also offers hayrides and refreshments. Dates this year are
October 3-4, 10-12, 16-19, 23-26
and 29-November 1. Contact: 330
Parris Road, Cowpens; (864) 6804743;
* Hughey Farms has no publicized
events but specializes in autumn
pumpkins of different varieties:
jack-o-lanterns, pie pumpkins,
small decorative pumpkins, etc.
Contact: 9295 Asheville Highway,
Boiling Springs; (864) 814-2002;
* Denver Downs Farm Corn Maze
& Pumpkin Patch. Pick your own
or buy from the shop. Attractions
include a corn maze, hayrides,
cow train rides, goat walk and
more. Contact: 4915 Clemson
Blvd., Anderson; (864) 222-0336;
* Hardy Berry Farm features The
Play Patch and holds a fall festival. Pumpkin patch, corn maze,
corn cannon, hayrides, jumping
pillow. Contact: 232 Strawberry
Road, Anderson; (864) 224-5441.
* Autumn Farm & Vineyard has
pick-your-own or farm stand
pumpkin sales, a corn maze,
“haunted” corn maze and trail,
hayrides and a “bounce house.”
Contact: 2480 Pacolet Hwy, Gaff-
include a corn maze,
hayrides, pumpkin
carving, barnyard
animals, bluegrass
music and a “Roman Revenge Pumpkin Catapault.” Contact: 2575
Lowrys Hwy, Chester; (803) 581-4545;
ney; (864) 491-2032.
* The Fun Farm has activities
year-round, with Halloween
themes in October. Contact: 104
Bear Ridge Road, Blacksburg;
(864) 839-1022.
* Cotton Hills Farm presents an
annual Farm Fair, scheduled
October 11 this year. Attractions
* Fisher’s Orchard has a month-long fall festival in October. It
features wagon rides through the orchard, a “twisting tunnel” maze,
farm animals and, of course, pumpkins. Contact: 650 Fisher Road,
Greer; (864) 423-7809.
* The Holy Cross Episcopal Church Pumpkin Patch offers pumpkins
for sale and children’s entertainment such as face painting. Proceeds go to Habitat for Humanity and other charities. Contact: 109
W. Trade Street, Simpsonville; (864) 967-7470; www.holycrossep.
* The May-Lan Tree Plantation in Pelzer features hayrides, a maze,
pumpkins (already gathered), livestock area, face painting and picnic area. Contact: 156 Cooley Bridge Road, Pelzer; (864) 243-3092.
* Mini Miracles Farm offers Family Days & Fun Patch Through November 1, with pumpkins, hayrides, a hay bale maze and “bounce
house.” Contact: 708 Old Rutherford Road, Taylors; (864) 248-7752.
* Through November 9, Stewart Farms will feature pumpkins (pick
your own or buy from the store), a corn maze, “haunted” maze and
wagon rides. Contact: 6600 Highway 92, Enoree; (864) 969-7270;
they go through the road
to recovery.
Florida State’s Suspension
of Quarterback
Jameis Winston turns into
a total joke!
The Charlotte Hornets announced that the organization will host Buzz Fest, the largest
two-day jam session-style fan festival in the Carolinas to commemorate the return of the Hornets and the beginning of the team’s 201415 season on Friday, Oct. 24 (3 p.m. – 11 p.m.), and Saturday, Oct.
25 (11 a.m. – 11 p.m.) at the Charlotte Convention Center.
General admission for Buzz Fest is $10 per day and children
12 years of age and under are free when accompanied by a paying
adult. Tickets go on sale on Friday, Sept. 12 and can be purchased
at the Time Warner Cable Arena Box Office and the Bojangles Coliseum Box Office as well as online at and As one of their member benefits, Hornets season ticket
holders (Swarm365 Members) will be admitted free to Buzz Fest.
“As an organization, we wanted to kick off the monumental return of the Hornets with a unique event that not only builds excitement around our season but also rewards our fans,” said Hornets
Sports & Entertainment President & COO Fred Whitfield. “Our fans
have truly embraced us during this transition and Buzz Fest is a
great way for our entire community to celebrate the return of the
Charlotte Hornets as we embark on the upcoming season and the
next chapter of Charlotte basketball history.”
Buzz Fest will be a highly interactive jam session atmosphere
that will feature musical performances, a youth basketball tournament, meet-and-greets with former Hornets and NBA greats and a
kids zone. Each day fans can enjoy live music and performances
from national recording artists (to be announced at a later date),
as well as interactive games, youth basketball and chalk talks with
Hornets legends and former NBA Greats. The festivities begin at
3 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 24, and includes Grammy Award-winning
artist and Hornets minority owner Nelly, who will be hosting the
weekend, as well as current and former Hornets and NBA players,
Hugo and the Honey Bees.
As part of Buzz Fest, the Hornets will hold an open practice at
noon on Saturday, Oct. 25. Doors open at 11 a.m. and fans in attendance will have the opportunity to receive autographs from players
and the Honey Bees at the conclusion of the open practice.
Official team merchandise will be available for sale, concession
stands throughout the 280,000 square feet Charlotte Convention
Center will be open and various entertainment elements will be on
display. A full schedule of events will be listed on
Buzz Fest is a Hornets Sports & Entertainment production in
conjunction with J.H.E. Productions and Boone-Oakley. The youth
basketball tournament will be coordinated by Carolina Courts,
while Your Event Source will manage the kids zone.
Hornets full season tickets and Half Season Pick Plans are
available for purchase now by calling 704-HORNETS. The Half Season Pick Plan is a 23-game package that includes the first Charlotte
Hornets home game in 12 years plus any other 22 games on the
schedule. Hornets full and half season tickets are currently the only
way to reserve lower-level seats for the Hornets return to Charlotte.
The Charlotte Hornets name officially returned to the Carolinas on May 20, 2014. The Hornets was the name of the city’s first
NBA franchise from 1988-2002.
The Florida State football
team suspended the Heisman
trophy winning quarterback JaFSU head coach Jimbo Fisher sends meis Winston for the first half of
Jameis Winston back to the locker
the Clemson game on September
room to put his street clothes on.
20 th for poor behavior and foul
language on campus in a public place . The day before the game
FSU changed the suspension to a full game suspension after they
found out that Winston had not been totally honest about what had
happened. Even though he had been suspended Florida State allowed Winston to be on the sidelines for the game. Winston showed
up for the game in full uniform and came out on the field and warmed
up with the quarterbacks before the game. FSU head coach Jimbo Fisher and to send him back to the locker room to put his street
clothes on. Winston was seen on the sidelines wearing his hat sideways. The ABC network turned the game into the Jameis Winston
reality show and gave him more TV coverage than the game its self.
ABC showed his reaction to every play. Winston has been in trouble
every since he had been at FSU but the school continues to make lite
of his immature behavior and poor decisions. His one game suspension turned out to be a total joke. Winston received more attention
and TV coverage by not playing that if he had played. Florida State
had the opportunity to teach Winston a valuable lesson but fumble
the ball. Athletics are supposed to be a way to better help prepare the
players for the game of life but I wonder what lessons todays athletes
are really learning.
Hornets Announce
Buzz Fest to Kick Off
2014-15 Season
Article and Photos
by Coach Dick Cox
Panthers Greg Olsen Puts His Family First
Carolina Panthers tight end Greg Olsen has been at Levine
Children’s Hospital watching over his son’s recovery from openheart surgery. I caught up with Olsen after the season opening win
over the Detroit Lions and he shared what it has been like pulling
triple duty as a husband, father and NFL player. Olsen talked about
how his wife and family are his top priority. Olsen thanked the Panthers for allowing him time to be with his family. He admitted that
times have been tough and that he has had to balance his time.
After leaving the locker room Olsen was headed straight to the
hospital to spend the night with his son.
T.J. Olsen, born in 2012 with a congenital heart defect, is recovering from four-hour surgery, the last of three scheduled procedures for the tight end’s son. T.J. was born with hypoplastic left
heart syndrome, a complex heart defect in which the left side of the
heart is underdeveloped. There is no cure for the condition, but the
survival rate is about 75 percent.
T.J.’s first surgery came two days after he was born, and he
had a second procedure last summer. On Monday T.J. underwent
the Fontan procedure, an operation that connects the veins bringing the blood back from the body directly into the lung arteries.
The surgeon who performed the procedure said T.J. is doing well.
“He was off the ventilator quickly on the first day after surgery,”
said Dr. Benjamin Peeler, Levine’s chief of pediatric and adult congenital heart surgery. “He’s made some good progress.”
Peeler said T.J. experienced heart rhythm issues that doctors
treated with medicine and a temporary pacemaker, which Peeler
said is standard in such operations.
Peelers said most children return home after two weeks following the Fontan procedure.
In the meantime, Olsen and his wife, Kara, are spending long
days at the hospital with both sets of T.J.’s grandparents.
“He’s doing well,” Olsen said. “Some ups and downs, but
mostly ups. ... He’s right on track.”
With all the negative stories coming out of the NFL in recent
weeks it was great to see a NFL player with family values and
someone that had their priorities in the right place. Greg Olsen has
played outstanding football the first two weeks of the season and
off to one of the best starts of his career but more important he has
stepped up as a man, husband and a father during tough times
for his family. Thought and prayers go out to the Olsen family as
14  Dustin Phifer and Dick
Cox Covering Carolina
Panthers Football on
Cox Sports Broadcasting
Boiling Springs Today
Charlotte Sports Foundation and Hornets
Announce Official Bid to Host
NBA All-Star Weekend
The Charlotte Sports Foundation (CSF) and
the Charlotte Hornets announced in a press conference that the
team officially submitedt a bid for Charlotte to host the NBA All-Star
Weekend at Time Warner Cable Arena in 2017 or 2018. The bid is
the result of a partnership between the city of Charlotte, local community and business leaders, and the Hornets.
A contingent of representatives including Fred Whitfield, Hornets Sports & Entertainment President & COO; Will Webb, CSF
Executive Director; Johnny Harris, CSF Board Chairman and President of Lincoln Harris; Dell Curry, Charlotte Hornets legend and
All-Star participant; and Hornets mascot Hugo will fly to New York
this afternoon to personally deliver the All-Star Game bid to NBA
Deputy Commissioner Mark Tatum and other league executives.
“On behalf of everyone involved, we are very excited to announce that we will submit an official bid this afternoon for Charlotte
to host NBA All-Star Weekend,” said Webb.“The overwhelming
support for the Hornets during their playoff run and rebranding has
proven the passion Charlotte has for the NBA. And the worldwide
fan base of the NBA makes this a perfect opportunity to showcase
Charlotte and Time Warner Cable Arena on a global stage.”
“It is our honor to submit our bid for the city of Charlotte to host
a future All-Star Weekend,” said Whitfield. “The Charlotte Sports
Foundation and other community and business leaders have urged
us to undertake this effort and have pledged their full support. We
are grateful for their backing and look forward to once again having the chance to bring international acclaim to the city of Charlotte. With the return of the Hornets name and our team on the rise,
we feel like this is the perfect time for Charlotte to host an All-Star
Game and we are confident in our chances for success.”
“We are very confident in the strength of our bid to host NBA
Boiling Springs Today
All-Star Weekend,” said Harris. “Charlotte has proven to be a thriving center of economic growth and development. It is a tremendous
destination for both domestic and international sports fans. The
board of CSF is dedicated to impacting the Charlotte community,
both economically and socially. Hosting the NBA All-Star Game will
not only have Charlotte buzzing with excitement, but will have a
huge economic impact on the tourism industry.”
Charlotte is a leading city in the sports industry. In addition to
the Charlotte Hornets and NFL Carolina Panthers, Charlotte is home
to ESPNU, ESPN Regional, Raycom Sports, the SEC Network, the
NASCAR Hall of Fame, the Sports Business Daily/Journal, Street
& Smith’s/Sporting News, and FOX Sports1 production, as well as
the AAA baseball Charlotte Knights, AHL Charlotte Checkers and
Major League Lacrosse’s Charlotte Hounds.
The city has also hosts a number of major sporting events annually, including the Belk Bowl, the ACC Football Championship,
the CIAA Tournament, the PGA Tour’s Wells Fargo Championship
and NASCAR’s All-Star Race, Coca-Cola 600 and Bank of America 500. The coming years will mark the returns of NCAA men’s
basketball tournament games in 2015 and the ACC Tournament in
2019, as well as Charlotte’s first time hosting the PGA Championship in 2017.
Charlotte hosted the NBA All-Star Game in 1991, with the East
defeating the West 116-114 before a sold-out crowd of 23,530 at
the Charlotte Coliseum. The Hornets sold out 364 consecutive NBA
games from December 1988 to November 1997 and led the league
in attendance in eight of their first nine seasons.
The Charlotte Sports Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization created in 2013 to provide leadership for sports-based initiatives that enhance the economy and quality of life in the Charlotte
region. CSF provides unique events and business opportunities
around professional, collegiate and amateur sporting events, highlighted by the Belk Bowl and the Dr Pepper ACC Football Championship. These efforts are intended to create a positive economic
impact in the region as well as to enhance the quality of life.
Hornets Sports & Entertainment owns the Charlotte Hornets
and operates Charlotte’s Time Warner Cable Arena.
Dick Cox and Carlos Smith of
Cox Sports Broadcasting on the
air Broadcasting Broome High
School Football every Friday
night on coxsportsbroadcasting.
Boiling Springs Intermediate School has a
new school radio station. 107.7 FM WBSI.
The station can be heard within a two mile
radius of the school. BSIS is a Leader In Me
School so the students broadcast school
news, sports, weather, the weekly school
menu and various other features along with
some music. The station broadcasts 24/7.
Former Boiling
Springs and Current Gamecock
quarterback Dylan
Thompson is wearing a Gamecocks 4
Christ T-shirt during
the post game press
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introduction to the spirit world, it opens the third eye and awakens
one to their true spiritual nature. When ingested, the spirit of the
plant awakens, projecting a celestial film within the mind’s eye
of the initiate, teaching experientially through holographic vision
and divine dialog. Also ridding the body of mind-numbing toxins,
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Fluoride and the War on Consciousness
As renowned author and historian Graham Hancock explains
in his banned TED talk, The War on Consciousness there is a
deliberate effort to prevent sovereign individuals from exploring
the vast potential of their own minds. To control a population, the
masses must be programmed through spells conjured up by a
corrupt corporate media, cultural programs of self-destruction, and
the diabolical manipulation of the noosphere. The operating system of the mind is accessed through language, and one’s reality
is a combination of the filters, biases and belief systems learned
from the dominant conversations in a society. Whom ever controls
the language of a society creates the reality for its members.
To further influence the consciousness of human kind in our
seemingly backwards world, the mind is targeted and weakened
by an onslaught of toxicity. Sodium fluoride, an inorganic chemical
compound and toxic waste product of the aluminum industry, is
one of the main toxins used by the elite to increase our susceptibility to subliminal messages and mind control. By narcotizing an
area in the left occipital lobe of the brain, fluoride makes people
docile, passive, disconnected, and obedient.
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The pineal gland has been at the core of spiritual traditions
dating back thousands of years, spanning all inhabited continents.
Prominently carved onto Buddhist statues, ceremoniously painted
onto tribal faces, and deceptively displayed in the Vatican square,
the pineal gland, known as the Third Eye, or Seat of the Soul, is
still shrouded in mystery.
There is a huge bronze pine cone statue
in the Pine Cone Court within the Vatican City.
The symbolic meaning of the pine cone is to
represent the Pineal Gland, which controls the
melatonin in your body and is shaped like a
pine cone, hence the name. Some also call it
the “third eye”. Why then, is it present in the
Vatican City? What kind of meaning does the
church tie to it? In this courtyard off the Vatican Museum, designed by Bramante, stands
a huge pinecone, which was once part of a fountain, and a giant
head of Octavia (Roman matron, sister of Emperor Augustus and
wife of Marc Antony).
It is a remnant of the Old (Constantinian) St. Peter’s Basilica.
The pinecone can be found in almost every religion, there is also
a pinecone on the Pope’s Staff.
One of the culprits to the endless poverty, warfare, and illness in society today lies in humanity’s collective disconection
from their soul and their true divine nature. The key to awakening
from this destructive dream lies in the pineal gland, a crystalline,
cosmic antenna integrating multidimensional life-source into our
five sense reality. Throughout the past few decades however,
fluoride and other toxins have calcified this soul-gate, blocking
many human beings from their divine guidance and limiting their
personal power.
1 Bishop St.
An Insight into Pineal Gland Decalcification
RiCk Mize
Boiling Springs Today
Boiling Springs Today
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by Dr. Steven L. Reizer
Controlling Degenerative Disc Disease Pain
Living with degenerative disc disease can be difficult but it
doesn’t have to keep you from enjoying the rest of your life.
There are four things you can do to help control your disc degeneration:
1. Stay active to slow disc degeneration. First you need to understand that there will probably still be some pain (it probably won’t
go away completely), but once the pain is under control, one of
the most important things you can do is to stay active.
Exercises will help preserve what function you have left and
they’ll help to increase the flow of blood and oxygen back into
the discs. This helps to keep the discs hydrated and keep them
flexible. Exercise can also promote the release of endorphins, a
natural pain reliever and stress reducer.
2. Reduce lower back stress. Just as it’s important to engage in
activities that will help your back, it’s equally important to stop doing
things that will hurt your back. Here’s how you can modify some
common every day activities that can hurt a degenerated disc:
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Dilute with doTERRA Fractionated Coconut Oil to minimize
any skin sensitivity.
Helps with Allergies, Asthma, Bronchitis, Congestion,
Cough, Flu, Hay Fever, Pneumonia, and Sinus Infections.
Please join us for an
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FREE Classes Every Month
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November Classes:
nov. 10th
Spartanburg: nov. 3rd
Greenville Marriott
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Educational Classes held every month on
the healing properties of essential oils.
Call for location of class!
Maria Brady
10. Shingles: Mix 6 drops Breathe and 10 drops Coconut oil spritz on blisters for pain and skin recovery.
• Correct your posture and use low back supports. Degenerated
discs usually hurt more when you’re sitting. If you’re sitting and
you’re slumped forward, there’s even more pressure on your
lower back. Sitting upright and using an ergonomic chair with a
good lumbar support can help.
• Change positions frequently. Getting up to walk around for
a bit every 20 or 30 minutes is a great way to relieve stress,
increase blood flow, and prevent low back stiffness.
• Lift heavy objects correctly. Hold the object close to your body
and use the muscles of your legs to lift. Avoid bending over from
the waist.
• Sleep on a supportive mattress. Investing in a good mattress
could be the difference between waking up refreshed or waking
up stiff and sore. Choose a mattress that you feel most comfortable in.
Serving the
Since 1907
For a
Baptist Church??
Inman mIlls
BaptIst ChurCh
We Are All traditional
All the time!
• Traditional Worship Services: Sunday 11am & 6pm
• Traditional music From the Hymn Book
3. Improve nutrition. The health of your spine is often a reflection
of the overall health of your body and a healthy diet plays a role
in controlling the pain from degenerative discs. Two things to
really focus on are hydration and oxygenation. Improve hydration
by sipping water all throughout the day and by minimizing alcohol consumption. Improve oxygenation by eliminating smoking
– or any nicotine.
• Traditional Wednesday Night prayer meeting & Bible Study
• Traditional Organizations: Ra’s, Ga’s, Brotherhood, WmU
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4. Non-surgical spinal decompression. Many of our patients find
relief from degenerative disc pain by undergoing non-surgical
spinal decompression treatment. This treatment is non-invasive, safe and effectively works to increase both hydration and
oxygenation to the discs as well as reduce bulging and herniated
discs without the use of dangerous drugs or steroid injections.
Boiling Springs Today
Would you like to learn more about the History
and Benefits of Essential Oils?
Rev. Jack Hames
Come and Experience
our Friendly and
Loving Fellowship.
22B St., Inman, S.C. 29349
Boiling Springs Today
Travis Smith
Minister of Music
Business Directory
1523 Boiling Springs Rd
Boiling Springs, SC
Boiling Springs Today Magazine
Phone 864-579-8559
assisted living
Wesley Court Assisted Living
Call Krystal for a Tour
916 Wesley Court
Boiling Springs, SC 29316
auto & Wrecker
Al’s Service Center & Wrecker Service
Complete Auto Service Exhaust Systems - 2980 Old Furnace Rd.
Boiling Springs, SC 29316
864-578-2496 Al Spicer
BeautiControl Cosmetics
Skin Care, Spa
Susan Hurst - 22 years experience
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in this Directory
Call 864-278-2145
Busko Build Construction
Decks/Screen Porches/Remodel/Bath & Kitchen
Hardwood Floors/Ceramic Tile/Additions
Phone: 864-435-4646
J. G. Home Services
Additions, Kitchen Remodeling
Custom Cabinets, Decks, Roofing,
Wood Flooring and More
Free Estimates • 32 Years Exp.
864-578-4100 or 864-316-3596
Quinton Construction
Siding • /electrical • Plumbing
New Construction • Remodeling • Repair
Rent a Carpenter by day or week
864-472-0966 or 978-0914
Counseling services
C. Cartee
Individual, Couples Counseling
Prepare, Enrich, Enhance
Marriage & Relationships
(864) 706-HELP
heating and air
Boiling Springs Heating & Air
Licensed, Bonded & Insured
Sales, Service & Install
Just call Jason!
Office: 864-578-7575
Lawn Care
Hunter Lawn Care Service
Weed eating – Hedge Trimming Etc.
Most yards $45.00
Call Charles Hunter
864-573-5661 or 316-8133
Printing Services
upstate printing & Publishing, LLC
Phone 864-278-2145
Fax 864-278-2691
security systems
Elliott Security Systems
Protect your family & Business
Security/Medical/Emergency Alert Systems
24-7 Monitoring $22.00 a month
Call Phil (864) 582-2400
For Cameras call Matt Stewart at
vocal Studio
Carolina Palace Vocal Studio
Grades K4-12
5063 KVC Plaza, Hwy 9
Boiling Springs, SC
Mize Siding LLC
Windows • Gutters • Siding • Metal Roofs
Wood . Fiber Cement . Vinyl
864-599-0429 or 864-809-0563
Assemblies of God
Bethel Assembly of God
561 Upper Valley Falls Road
Boiling Springs, SC 29316
Pastor James Cencebaugh 864-599-1234
Church Directory
1641 Old Furnace Rd.
Boiling Springs, SC 29316
“A refreshing approach to life and church” Pastors Angela & Tony Didway
Church of christ
Boiling Springs Church of Christ
870 Double Bridge Rd
Boiling Springs, SC 29316
Church of God
Boiling Springs Church of God
131 Peach Tree Road
Boiling Springs, SC 29316
Rev. Michael Coward 864-599-5154
Independent bible church
Cleveland Park Bible Church
711 Asheville Highway
Spartanburg, SC 29303
Rev. Ken Casillas
(864) 612-9325
Mt. Zion Tabernacle
650 Miller Farm Road
Inman, SC 29349
Pastor Kevin Mayfield
Spartanburg ARP Church
1801 Skylyn Drive, Sptbg, SC 29307
Pastor Peter A. Waid, 583-6463
Springs Of Grace Lutheran - ELCA
7420 Hwy 9, Boiling Springs, SC
(864) 599-8802
S.School 9:30 Worship w/ communion 10:30
International Gospel Outreach
You can be involved in world missions
P.O. Box 161295, Boiling Springs, SC
Unity Presbyterian Church
750 Rainbow lake Rd.
Boiling Springs, SC 29169
909-4443 pastor M.R. (Mike)Turner
Southern Baptist
Boiling Springs First Baptist
3600 Boiling Springs Road
Boiling Springs, SC 29316
Dr. Hank Williams 864-578-2828
Fingerville First Baptist Church
4794 Highway 11 Inman SC
Pastor Andy Case
We Buy Houses
Cash - Fast No Equity?
No Problem!
Southern Baptist
Lake Bowen Baptist Church
404 Sugar Ridge Road
Inman, SC 29349
Rev. Mark Williams 864-814-6280
New Prospect Baptist Church
9321 Hwy 9, Inman, SC 29349
Rev. Matthew Bishop
Palmetto Baptist Church
105 Foster Grove Rd.
Boiling Springs 29316
Pastor Michael Edens
United Methodist
New Beginnings UMC
210 Rainbow Lake Rd. B.S.29316
Rev. Terry Fleming
United Methodist Church
of the Covenant
9020 Asheville Hwy, Sptbg,SC 29316
Rev. Dan Blair 864-578-6717
List Your church
in this Directory
Call 864-278-2145
Christmas Holiday Bazaar
November 15, 2014
8 AM until 1 PM United Methodist Church of the Covenant
9020 Asheville Highway
Bake Sale, Breakfast Available, Homemade Items for
Thanksgiving and Christmas, Children’s Items
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