Ayr Gaiety Theatre Tech Spec
Ayr Gaiety Theatre Tech Spec
VENUE INFORMATION Main Theatre THE GAIETY THEATRE CARRICK STREET AYR, KA7 1NU KA7 1NU T:01292288235 CONTENTS Stage Stage Inventory Orchestra Pit Load In/Load Out Parking Dressing Rooms Wardrobe Backstage Layout Lighting Lighting Plan Lighting Inventory Sound Communications Tie Lines Power Pyrotechnics Crew Contacts Venue Photographs Health and Safety PPE Policy Tallescope Fire Evacuation Procedure Visiting Company Info Sheet Declaration (must be signed and returned) Page 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 6 7 8 8 8 8 9 9 9 10 11 12 13 13 16 17 19 2 Stage Specifications Proscenium Opening - 7.15m Proscenium Height - 6.4m Stage Rake - Not calculated Depth from Proscenium wall to last bar - 7.94m Depth from Proscenium wall to front of stage - 0.7m Mean Height from Stage to under fly floor - 6.39m Mean Height from Stage to fly rail - 7.69m Distance Between Fly floors - 10.83m Distance from last bar to back wall - 1.17m Grid Height - 13.96m Maximum Bar weights - 250kg Maximum Motor Bar weight - 500kg The Gaiety theatre has a standard descending safety Iron The House tabs are red valour with a centre gap and fly on a counterweight bar operated SL The Gaiety has 36 Hemp flying positions and the maximum weight is 250kg There are a further 4 motorised winch bars which are used for LX and the maximum weight is 500kg The Stage is raked and painted black . lightweight fixing with screws is permitted. Access to the grid can be reached from the SR fly floor only in house technical staff and riggers are permitted in the grid area We can supply black legs and borders. There are also four sets of hard masking. n 3 Stage Inventory Borders - 1x 26' x 3'10 / 7.9 x 1.8 1x 33' x 6' / 10.05 x 1.82 1x 32' x 6' / 9.75 x 1.82 LEGS - 3x 14' x 7' / 4.26 x 2.13 4x 19' x 88" / 5.79 x 1.76 2x 19'8 x 7'2 / 6.03 x 2.19 Silver/white swipes 22' Black White Cyclorama House Blacks House Silver House Reds 1x 1x Pair Pair 1x 14'4 x 13'10 / Large Full Full Full 4.38 x 3.99 Black PinkMESH OrangeMesh 1x 1x 1x Full Full Full Star Cloth Legs Borders 2x 2x 2x 2x 1x 18' 19' 20' 31' 31' Clothes GAUZE - - x x x x x 50" 48" 28" 58" 53" / / / / / 5.48 5.79 6.09 9.45 9.45 x x x x x 1.27 1.21 0.71 1.47 1.34 BLACK GAUSE AND WHITE CYK have to be booked before arrival. 1x Tallescope 1x Zargies Orchestra Pit The orchestra Pit can be reached from the Pit the orchestra pit will be covered by deck unless stated otherwise in advance. We have a number of rat stands aswell. 4 Load In/Load Out Access to the theatre is through large blue double dock doors on Boswell Park PARKING There is no parking at the Gaiety but there are two PAY AND DISPLAY PARKING sites next to the theatre and several side streets nearby Backstage FACILITIES LAYOUT Ground Floor Theatre Dressing room 1 - Small 2persons Dressing room 2 - Small 2persons UNISEX TOILETS 1st floor Studio Wardrobe - 2x washing machines/ 2x Tumble dryers Dressing Room Dressing Room Dressing Room Dressing Room Dressing Room Dressing Room Female Toilets Shower - Small Single shower GREEN ROOM - currently used as storage 5 LIGHTING The Gaiety does have a large stock of generic in house lighting which is pre rigged if you need any changes to the rig please call the technical manager prior to companies arrival The Gaiety has a range of gobos and iris’s and holders Lighting Inventory Strand 530i Strand Backup Avolites Titan Mobile (Can be hired at a small charge please contact Tech Manager in advance for availability) 80 Analogue D54 dimmers 3x Martin Mac 550 6x Lanta Fireball Quad Par 25 Par64’s 4 S4 JNR 23 -50 6 Pat 23’s 15 1k Harmony Profiles 30 1k Harmony Fresnels 12 birdies (paired) 2 Followspots 1 Hazers 6 Lighitng Plan (NEEDS TO BE REVISED CH Numbers) 7 SOUND Mackie TT24 Nexo system Ohm Subs Monitors - Bose 402 (flown) 4 x sm 58 2 x sm 57 2 x stereo DI’s STAGING AND ROSTRA 6 sections of Prolyte stage DEX 2x1 Various amount of Scaff legs Communications and Comm Lights Can-ford Master Audio System -Comm Packs - Lighting sound Flys SL wing SR wing 2 Followspot Cue lights - Flys SL Pit Lighting Tie Lines SR Audio XLR -> Sound Desk (CIRCLE) SL DMX OUT -> LX Control (CIRCLE) SL FLYs DMX OUT -> LX Control (CIRCLE) 8 POWER General 400v CAMLOCK out 125A 3PH (Ceeform) 63A 3PH (Ceeform) 32A 3PH (Ceeform) 8x 16A 1ph (15amp) Sound 63A 3PH (Ceeform) 63A 1PH (Ceeform) 13 amp DSR Pyrotechnics and Special Effects Haze and Smoke may be used in this Venue please inform venue technicians for building isolation Company must provide risk assesment for All pyrotechnics used and be installed and fired by a competent technician CREW The Gaiety can provide Technical Crew for your event. Please specify if you are needing crew well in advance of your event. 9 CONTACTS Venue Manager Vince Hope vince.hope@ayrgaiety.co.uk Operations Manager Sally Rennie sally.rennie@ayrgaiety.co.uk Technical Manager Doug Paisley doug.paisley@ayrgaiety.co.uk 10 VENUE PHOTOGRAPHS 11 Health and Safety and General Working Practice Prior to arrival at The Gaiety the following documentation must be received : Production rider (4 weeks in advance of performance) All risk Assessments Method statements Hanging plot detailing weights of flying pieces Details of all certification with regards to the production The correct PPE must be worn at all times. All visiting staff must adhere to in-house health and safety guidelines, the Duty Technician has the right to remove any member of visiting company staff from a working area who is not complying. Prior to arrival in the building a signed copy of the Fire Evacuation procedure must be signed by the Company Manager (or his equivalent). It is there duty to make sure the company are informed on fire procedure at the Gaiety. Access to the building must be arranged prior to it being granted. Rehearsal/maintenance calls should be called prior to your arrival at the venue. The venue must be kept up to date with any changes in schedules (failure to do so may result in extra charges) The Duty Technician has the right to stop any performance by whatever means necessary in the event of an emergency situation arising. The visiting company manager is responsible for providing a signing in sheet for the visiting company. This must be given to a full time Staff member when you first arrive on site. The Company Manager must ensure that all visiting staff sign in/out when they enter and leave the building. (if sign in sheet is not available visiting company can ask for a temporary sign in sheet ) All work carried out by visiting companies must be carried out safely and professionally by competent persons The Gaiety's equipment must be respected and maintained if used. Any in house equipment must be asked for before using. 12 PPE POLICY All staff should visually check PPE for signs of damage before and after each use, any signs of wear and tear/damage must be reported to a full time member of staff. Safety boots must be worn: At all times while working in technical areas. (The only exception to this is when there is absolutely no risk to staff – e.g. when working a performance where there are no trucks moving or the need to manually handle heavy objects) High Visibility Jackets Any staff required to work on the public highways (pavements/roads) must wear a high visibility jacket. These are available for all resident staff Hard Hats Hard hats must always be uses when there is any overhead work going on in the theatre, when any staff are in the grid and when footing a tallescope or ladder Harnesses Must be worn FOH where there is a risk of falling while working at height. Tallescope It is recommended that at least one of the personnel involved in the operational use of the Tallescope has received accredited training and hold proof of competency from an approved training body and/or the person carrying out work activities in the basket must have received accredited training and hold proof of competency from an approved training body. 2. Prior to use Prior to use, a visual inspection should be carried out on the Tallescope, the following key items must always be checked: All four wheels turn freely. All four brakes work. All four leg extension locks work. Both end braces are locked in position. Base platform is fitted on ladder side of base. Both outriggers are fitted (one either side). Both outriggers extension clips are fitted and locate. Both outrigger extension feet move freely. All four ladder base upright locks locate and hold. Both ladder extension hooks locate on rungs and lock. Ladder extension line is in good order and runs through correct pulleys. Ladder extension moves up and down smoothly. Lifting basket rail is fitted and locates on latch. Tool bag is empty of all objects and is secured to a pulling line. Once the Tallescope has been visually checked the following checks should be made to the working environment: The area should be checked that it is as clear as possible of all obstructions (nuts, bolts, battens and tools). Any other personnel in the working area should be informed and made aware of Tallescope use. 13 Revolve operators and elevator operators must be made aware of Tallescope use and cease any conflicting activity. Isolate stage machinery where possible. If there is a noisy environment and communication is difficult and not clear then radio communication should be used. Light levels must be sufficient and may be increased during movement to ensure good visibility. A formal annual thorough inspection of the Tallescope is recommended; the manufacturer’s instructions are regarded as a minimum standard. Visual checks against a checklist should be made at regular intervals. 3. Raking the Tallescope Once the Tallescope is on the working area a minimum of four people are required to rake the Tallescope. The Tallescope must be unoccupied and any tools and fixtures and fittings removed from the basket. Four staff should be positioned, one upstage, one downstage and one on each corner that is to be adjusted. Check that all four brakes are on and the ladder is not extended. Unlock the leg extensions that are to be adjusted. The person on the downstage edge should lift the Tallescope at the centre (one hand on the horizontal rail the other above head height on the ladder) The person on the upstage edge should brace the scope from going too far. The extensions should run freely and the Tallescope should be levelled by using the levelling bubble at the centre of the base. Once level lock both extension locks firmly. Check the level of the scope once again. Then set the outriggers in position and take off the brakes. 4. Anti-raking the Tallescope Once the Tallescope is on the working area a minimum of four people are required to anti-rake the Tallescope. The Tallescope must be unoccupied and any tools and fixtures and fittings removed from the basket. Four staff should be positioned, one upstage, one downstage and one on each corner that is to be adjusted. Check that all four brakes are on, the ladder is not extended and the outriggers are folded back. The person on the downstage edge should lift the Tallescope at the centre slightly (one hand on the horizontal rail the other above head height on the ladder) The person on the upstage edge should brace the Tallescope from going too far. Unlock the leg extensions that are to be adjusted. The extensions should run freely and the Tallescope should be gently allowed to drop forward until all leg extensions are equal. Once level, lock both extension locks firmly. Check the level of the Tallescope once again. Then set the outriggers in position and take off the brakes if the Tallescope is to be used or return it to its storage area. 5. Tallescope manning levels Static 14 On a flat surface with someone in the basket, one supervisor (who does not participate in moving the Tallescope), two people at the base - one either end, with outriggers floating a maximum of 10mm off the floor. On a raked surface with someone in the basket, one supervisor (who does not participate in moving the Tallescope), three people at the base - one at either end and one at the lower side of the raked surface, with outriggers feet set firmly on the floor. Mobile - On a FLAT surface with someone in the basket: As of July 28th 2010, until further notice, It is not recommended to move the Tallescope if the basket is occupied. It is recommended that the person in the basket descends the mast prior to moving, and ascends when the Tallescope is stationary. This should be repeated each time the Tallescope is moved. It is important to take appropriate measures to avoid fatigue of the person climbing the mast i.e. use extra personnel, take appropriate rest between ascents. One supervisor (who does not participate in moving the Tallescope), two people at the base one either end, with outriggers floating a maximum of 10mm off the floor. The long axis must be aligned with the direction of travel. The person in the basket must wear a helmet (for example meeting BS EN 397 with a chinstrap) or a bump cap (meeting BS EN 812) The people at the base, moving the Tallescope must wear hard hats (in accordance with ATG’s Health & Safety Policy. The person on the leading end of the Tallescope should look up at the basket to ensure that there is nothing to obstruct or catch the basket while it is moving. The person at the rear of the Tallescope should be looking behind the leading operator to see that the path of travel is clear and free from obstruction. Mobile - On a RAKED surface with someone in the basket: The Tallescope must never be moved on a rake if the basket is occupied. 6. Lifting a tallescope onto a stage or raised platform Check that the basket is empty. Drop the mast to the horizontal position where possible, this helps to keep the centre of gravity low and aids balance while lifting. The staffing level can vary depending on the height of the lift but enough people must be used to ensure the stability of the Tallescope. Where possible one end of the Tallescope should be on the ground. One person should call the lifting manoeuvre 7. Tallescope General Guidelines Extreme caution should be taken when moving a Tallescope sideways across a raked stage. Never stand on kick boards or any basket rails. Never sit on the side of the Tallescope with someone at the top. Never stand inside the base while it is moving. Never go over a trap door without checking it is strong enough to take the load and then observe extreme caution when doing so. Observe extreme caution spanning a gap on the stage or other working areas. Never have one end on a moving truck, revolve stage or elevator and the other on fixed flooring without the operator/s of the stages knowing there is Tallescope activity. Never use packing, rostra or shims to gain height or level. 15 FIRE EVACUATION PROCEDURE PROCEDURES IN THE EVENT OF A FIRE 1. ON DISCOVERING A FIRE If you discover a fire raise the alarm immediately, operate the nearest fire call point. If you have been trained and feel that it is safe to do so, attempt to fight the fire using the equipment provided. Do not put yourself at any personal risk. If you find yourself using more than one extinguisher – leave. If you are not capable of fighting a fire – leave. If you cannot deal with the fire, evacuate immediately. Ensure that no-one is left in your area and close any doors behind you. Do not stop to collect personal belongings. Do not use the theatre lift. Play your part in the roll call so you are safely accounted for. 2. FIRE ALARM The fire alarm, is a klaxon in backstage, dressing rooms, administration offices, studio theatre, café and box office areas. The Main Theatre has a red flashing light at the rear of the stalls and the circle. These alert staff/volunteers and prevent panic from the public, allowing them to be directed by staff to evacuate – make yourself aware of where these lights are. Public areas, during performances, are alerted by the Duty Manager. 3. IF YOU HEAR THE FIRE ALARM Operate any essential shutdown devices, e.g. machinery. Immediately leave using the nearest available fire exit. Report to the assembly point which is in the car park at the rear of the building for a roll call. If you are with a visitor, ensure they accompany you. 4. DURING PERFORMANCES If an evacuation is to take place during a performance, the Duty Manager will make an announcement from stage, and FOH staff/volunteers will assist theatregoers from the Main Theatre/Studio Theatre as detailed in FOH training. Other staff and Visiting Company members or visitors should leave the building using the nearest designated fire exit and make their way to the assembly point in the car park at rear of the building. The Visiting Company Manager should do a roll call of company members. The audience will be evacuated by FOH staff/volunteers to the car park at the rear of building. 16 Visiting Company Information Sheet (IF no tech rider is avaiable) We are committed to ensuring the smooth running and the health, safety and welfare of all those affected by its activities. In order to help us ensure this and the safety of our audiences and staff, we would be very grateful if you could provide us with a brief response to the following questions. Company Name Production Contact person and telephone number / email Is there a company and technical rider? If so please attach Is there any special arrangements for FOH? (FOH Mixing Position, accsess to FOH During the show, Audience on stage) If Applicable please explain what arrangements are in place for inspecting, testing and maintaining your electrical installation and portable appliances. ( ALL ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES MUST HAVE A VALID PAT) If applicable Please explain what arrangements are in place for inspecting, testing and maintaining any staging, structures or flying equipment. ( ALL FLYING EQUIPMENT MUST BE MARKED) What are your parking arrangements? Is there risk assessments for your production? (if so please attach) Do you use any special effects or pyrotechnics? (Please list items individually and attach risk assessments) On Average how long does your Get in/Get out take? 17 Will you be using any in house equipment? (Sound/Lights) Do you require Crew for your show? Do you require Flymen for your show? Do you require LX Board Programer for your Show? If Yes then roughly how long does your show take to program? Do you require a LX operator for your show? Do you require a sound technician for your show? Do you require follow spots for your show? How many people are within your production? How many Dressing Rooms will you require? Is there any other backstage facilities you require? Will Merchandise be sold at the performance? Will any house seats be required? Are any special requirements needed for your staff/ perfomers? 18 Declaration NAME PRODUCTION DATE OF PRODUCTION PERIOD CONTACT NUMBER - -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have read through this document and understand the rules, regulations and working practices of the Gaiety theatre. Name................................................................................................................ Signed.............................................................................................................. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have read the evacuation procedure for visiting companies and understand my responsibilities. Name................................................................................................................ Signed.............................................................................................................. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have read through and understand the PPE policy of the Gaiety theatre and agree of a safe working system. Name................................................................................................................ Signed.............................................................................................................. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------I have read through the tallescope safe systems of work. ( if applicable) Name................................................................................................................ Signed.............................................................................................................. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------PLEASE RETURN TO VINCE HOPE or DOUG PAISLEY vince.hope@ayrgaiety.co.uk doug.paisley@ayrgaiety.co.uk This document must be signed prior to any work onstage at the Gaiety theatre. 19