Technical Info Pack - Main Auditorium
Technical Info Pack - Main Auditorium
TECHNICAL INFORMATION PACK Main Auditorium Carrick Street Ayr KA7 1NU TEL:01292 288235 Contents Page History and General Informa4on 3 Stage Informa4on 4 Dimensions and Standard LX Rig 6 Orchestra Pit 7 Load In/Load Out 7 Parking 8 Backstage Layout 8 Ligh4ng Informa4on 9 Sound 10 Comms 11 Power 11 Pyrotechnics 12 Crew 12 Useful Contacts 13 Health and Safety and General Informa4on 14 Fire Evacua4on 16 Safety Informa4on Sheet 17 History and General Information The Ayr Gaiety was built in 1902, reconstructed aTer a fire in 1904, its façade remodelled in 1935, and further reinstated aTer a fire in 1955. In 1995, an annex was constructed, including a new café, box office, dressing rooms and studio space. ATer a faltering start, which saw several years as a cinema aTer WWI, the theatre was bought by Ben Popplewell, from Bradford who already had a track record of success running the Pavilion theatre on Ayr seafront. For fiTy years the Popplewell family ran the theatre – la_erly as part of the Glasgow Pavilion business. During this 4me the Gaiety developed a reputa4on as a variety theatre with a ‘summer’ variety show – the Gaiety Whirl – which ran for 26 weeks at its height. Many Scocsh and UK stars appeared regularly on its stage, and several started their careers there. The programme offered more than a summer show however, with several weeks of Shakespeare and regular transfers from Glasgow Ci4zens theatre, being part of a varied offer. ATer seventy years in private ownership the local Council acquired the Gaiety theatre freehold in 1974. In 2009 The closure met with considerable opposi4on and dismay among many Ayr residents, par4cularly since it appeared that the required capital and revenue investment to reopen the theatre would not be available. In 2012 the charitable organisa4on Gaiety Partnership (AGP) re-‐ opened the theatre. The Gaiety is unlike most theatres in the UK because it is largely run through voluntary effort. Most of the people undertaking front of house, technical, fundraising, marke4ng and maintenance are doing so on a voluntary basis. The Gaiety's current full-‐4me staff team consists of just eleven employees University of the West of Scotland (UWS) and the Gaiety Theatre officially launched Scotland’s first Learning Theatre on Friday 19 September 2014. The launch event, which saw representa4ves from UWS, the Gaiety, as well as Na4onal Theatre of Scotland in a_endance, marks the first stage in the development of the Learning Theatre, which will provide a centre for educa4on, training and research in the area of performance and theatre craT. Stage Information Stage SpecificaKons Meters/Feet Proscenium Opening-‐ 7.15/23.51/2 Proscenium Height-‐ 6.4/22.11 Depth from Pros wall to last hemp bar 7.94/26 Depth from Pros wall to front of stage 0.7/2.3 Depth from last bar to back wall 1.17/3.8 SL -‐> SR Dip Traps 11.1/36.41 Height from Stage to Under FlyFloor 6.39/20.96 Height form Stage to FlyRail 7.69/25.22 Distance Between Flylfoors 10.83/35.53 Grid Height 13.96/45.8 SL Wings 24.37 Square M SR Wings 19.06 Square M SR Dock 18.27 SquareM SR Dock Entrance 2.88/9.44 SR Dock Height 5.5/18.04 Dock Door Entrance 2.7/8.85 Dock Door Height 3.37/11.05 Front of Stage to Back of Auditorium 14.3/46.91 Stage Rake 1:30 -‐ The Gaiety has a standard defending Safety Iron -‐ The Gaiety can provide a black box with legs and borders. -‐ 4 sets of hard masking -‐ Only lightweight fixings are permi_ed into the floor -‐ The Stage is painted black and has a slight rake Flying -‐House tabs are operated onstage DSL -‐House Tabs are Red Valour -‐36 hemp bar posi4ons -‐Hemp SWL 250kg evenly distributed -‐4 Electric Pile Winch Bars -‐Electric winch Bar SWL 500KG -‐Access to the grid can be reached from SR flyfloor only in house technicians and riggers are permi_ed in the grid area Stage Inventory Borders 1x 26’ x 3’10 / 7.9 x 1.8 1x 33’ x 6’ / 10.05 x 1.82 1x 32’ x 6’ / 9.75 x 1.82 Legs 3x 14’ x 7’ / 4.26 x 2.13 4x 19’ x 88’ / 5.79 x 1.76 2x 19’8 x 7’2 / 6.03 x 2.19 Clothes-‐ Painted Clothes -‐ Sunset swirls/Blue Swirls Silver Tabs Blacks Split Blacks Star Cloth 8ch DMX House Blues Pink/orange Mesh Dimensions/LX Orchestra Pit The Orchestra Pit Can be reached from under the stage via two small doors SL and SR 13 Amp power supply line the pit 6 single Lit Rat stands 1 Double Lit Rat Stand Loading Bay Load In and Load Out to the main stage can be found on boswel street via the large blue double dock doors. There is a single small step up and down to reach the main stage. The Gaiety have two ramps for easy access. Dock Doors Dimensions -‐ 2.7m wide by 3.37m High Entry to the the theatre must be arranged 7 days in advance. Parking The Gaiety have no Parking Facili4es for trucks or buses. The closest parking can be found behind The Gaiety it requires Pay and display. £1 -‐ 1 hour £2 -‐ 2 hours £3 -‐ 3 hours £4 -‐ 24hours £2 -‐ 6pm to Midnight The Gaiety will refund 4ckets if mutually agreed beforehand with the visi4ng company. Please see FOH Duty Manager with any queries Backstage Layout Ground Floor Stage Access Kitchen/Cafe Dressing Room 1 -‐ Small with Shower -‐ 1/2 persons Dressing Room 2 -‐ Small with Shower -‐ 1/2 persons Male Toilet 1st Floor Dressing Room 3 -‐ Small with Shower -‐ 1/2 persons Dressing Room 4 -‐ Large with Shower -‐ 6/8 persons Dressing Room 5 -‐ Large -‐ 6/8 persons Dressing Room 6 -‐ Large -‐ 6/8 persons Dressing Room 7 -‐ Medium -‐ 4/6 persons Dressing Room 8 -‐ Small -‐ 1/2 -‐ persons Dressing Room 9 -‐ Small -‐ 1/2 persons Wardrobe -‐ Small 1 x washing machine GreenRoom Female Toilet Lighting General Info The Gaiety’s standard rig is a 4 colour wash with a FOH wash/specials and 6 x Lanta LED Quads. Any changes to the Ligh4ng plan must be agreed prior to the companies arrival with the Technical Manager. The Gaiety has a total of 80 dimmer ch spread around the stage and auditorium. If you require an LX op this must be agreed before arrival. Lighting Inventory Control Strand 530i ETC GIO Titan Mobile (Must be booked prior) DMX -> D54 convertor DMX splitter Lanterns 4 x Mac 500 3 x Mac 550 6 x LANTA Fireball Quad 8 x ETC Fresnels 10 x CCT Fresnels 12 x CCT Profiles various zooms 4 x S4 Profile 15 - 30 2 x S4 profile 25 - 50 16 x Patt 743 8 x Patt 63 2 x Coda Single cell 4 x Coda Three Cell 4 x Coda Four Cell 18 x Par 64 cp62 ( we have a couple of CP60s and 61s) 2 x Followspot Effects Le Maitre Neutron hazer (CONTRA CHARGE) Cable 15 amp 13 amp 16 amp ( limited quantity ) 3 pin/5pin XLR Various Jumps Sound General Info We are happy for visi4ng companies to 4e into the house system via a stereo feed. Any modifica4on to the Gaiety’s system must be discussed with the technical manager. If you require the Gaiety in house staff to do sound for your show this must be agreed before hand. Control I-‐Live T112 Macckie TT24 SoundcraT 12/2 IDR32 FOH 4 x Nexo PS10 2 x Bose802 2 x Ohm Mr Whoofers Monitors 2 x RCF Ac4ve speakers Microphone 2 x Sennheiser -‐ g3 100 Handheld (Need to be booked out) 14 x sennheiser g3 headsets (CONTRA CHARGE) 3 x SM58s 2 x D9s 2 x SM57s DI 2 x Stereo DI Comms Can-‐ford Master Audio System Comm Pack -‐ DSR -‐ SM DSL -‐ Tabs Aud -‐ Lights Aud -‐ Sound SR Flys -‐ Flys 2xFollowspot Cue Lights -‐ LX Tabs Flys Power General 400v CAMLOCK out 125A 3PH (Ceeform) 63A 3PH (Ceeform) 3 2A 3PH (Ceeform) 8x 16A 1ph (15amp) 4 DSR + 4 SL Flys Sound 63A 3PH (Ceeform) 63A 1PH (Ceeform) 13 amp DSR Distro 63A -‐ 3 x 32 1PH Special Effects/ Pyrotechnics Use of Haze, Smoke,Oil Crackers and Pyrotechnics must be cleared with the Management. Failure to do this may result in a fine from the Fire Brigade. The Use of Pyrotechnics must be cleared with The Gaiety Management. All Pyrotechnics must be stored correctly and come with the relevant paper workand risk assessment. Pyrotechnics must be set up, loaded and fired by a competent technician. Crew The Gaiety can Provide crew however this must be arranged at least 7 days before the event. Useful Contacts Ayr Gaiety Vince Hope Ar4s4c Director Sally Rennie 01292 288 235 (ext3) Opera4ons Manager 01292 288 235 (ext2) Michael Stewart FOH Manager 01292 288 235 (ext4) Suzanne McLellan Marke4ng Manager 01292 288 235 (ext5) Doug Paisley Technical Development 01292 288 235 (ext6) Fraser Emslie Deputy Technical Manager Sean Mckenzie Deputy Technical Manager Technical Enquires -‐ Programming -‐ General Info Marke4ng Info Local Technical Companies Smalltown Audio (Lights, Sound and staging) 0788 1740 822 Hotels Mercure Hotel 0844 815 9005 Travel Lodge 0871 984 6321 Premier Inn 0871 527 9416 Music Shops Ayr Guitar 01292 260001 Health & Safety and info All paperwork rela4ng to your show must be sent at least 4 weeks in advance failure to do this could result in charges and or failure to complete all aspects of your show on the night. We require at minimum:-‐ An up to date Technical Rider All Risk Assessments and Method statements The correct PPE must be worn at all 4mes. All visi4ng staff must adhere to in-‐house health and safety guidelines, the Duty Technician has the right to remove any member of visi4ng company staff from a working area who is not complying. Access to the building must be arranged prior to it being granted. Rehearsal/maintenance calls should be arranged prior to your arrival at the venue. The venue must be kept up to date with any changes in schedules (failure to do so may result in extra charges) The Duty Technician has the right to stop any performance by whatever means necessary in the event of an emergency situa4on arising. The visi4ng Company Manager is responsible for providing a signing in sheet for the visi4ng company. This must be given to a full 4me Staff member when you first arrive on site. The Company Manager must ensure that all visi4ng staff sign in/out when they enter and leave the building. (if sign in sheet is not available visi4ng company can ask for a temporary sign in sheet ) All work carried out by visi4ng companies must be carried out safely and professionally by competent persons The Gaiety's equipment must be respected and maintained if used. Any in house equipment must be requested beforehand and returned at the end of the show. PPE All staff should visually check PPE for signs of damage before and aTer each use, any signs of wear and tear/damage must be reported to a full 4me member of staff. Safety boots must be worn: At all 4mes while working in technical areas. (The only excep4on to this is when there is absolutely no risk to staff – e.g. when working a performance where there are no trucks moving or the need to manually handle heavy objects) High Visibility Jackets Any staff required to work on the public highways (pavements/roads) must wear a high visibility jacket. These are available for all resident staff Harnesses Must be worn FOH where there is a risk of falling while working at height. Fire Evacuation Policy PROCEDURES IN THE EVENT OF A FIRE 1. ON DISCOVERING A FIRE If you discover a fire raise the alarm immediately, operate the nearest fire call point. If you have been trained and feel that it is safe to do so, a_empt to fight the fire using the equipment provided. Do not put yourself at any personal risk. If you find yourself using more than one ex4nguisher – leave. If you are not capable of figh4ng a fire – leave. If you cannot deal with the fire, evacuate immediately. Ensure that no-‐one is leT in your area and close any doors behind you. Do not stop to collect personal belongings. Do not use the theatre liT. Play your part in the roll call so you are safely accounted for. 2. FIRE ALARM The fire alarm, is a klaxon in backstage, main auditorium, dressing rooms, administra4on offices, studio theatre, café and box office areas. The Main Theatre has a red flashing light at the rear of the stalls and the circle. These alert staff/ volunteers and prevent panic from the public, allowing them to be directed by staff to evacuate – make yourself aware of where these lights are. Public areas, during performances, are alerted by the Duty Manager. 3. IF YOU HEAR THE FIRE ALARM Operate any essen4al shutdown devices, e.g. machinery. Immediately leave using the nearest available fire exit. Report to the assembly point which is in the car park at the rear of the building for a roll call. If you are with a visitor, ensure they accompany you. 4. DURING PERFORMANCES If an evacua4on is to take place during a performance, the Duty Manager will make an announcement from stage, and FOH staff/volunteers will assist theatregoers from the Main Theatre/Studio Theatre as detailed in FOH training. Other staff and Visi4ng Company members or visitors should leave the building using the nearest designated fire exit and make their way to the assembly point in the car park at rear of the building. The Visi4ng Company Manager should do a roll call of company members. The audience will be evacuated by FOH staff/volunteers to the car park at the rear of building. SAFETY INFORMATION SHEET University of the West of Scotland (UWS) and the Gaiety Theatre officially launched Scotland’s first Learning Theatre on Friday 19 September 2014. The launch event, which saw representatives from UWS, the Gaiety, as well as National Theatre of Scotland in attendance, marks the first stage in the development of the partnership Learning Theatre, which will provide a centre for education, training and research in the area of performance and theatre craft. GAIETY THEATRE CARRICK STREET SOUTH AYRSHIRE KA7 1NU Telephone: 01292288235 Web: The Ayr Gaiety was built in 1902, reconstructed after a fire in 1904, its façade remodelled in 1935, and further reinstated after a fire in 1955. In 1995, an annex was constructed, including a new café, box office, dressing rooms and studio space. EMERGENCY The new Ayr Gaiety is unlike most theatres in the UK because it is largely run through voluntary effort. Most of the people undertaking front of house, technical, fundraising, marketing and maintenance are doing so on a voluntary basis. Although the volunteering effort overall is led by the Executive Director and Board- each volunteer team is supported and led by one of the staff team members. SERVICES 999 The Gaiety theatre expects a high level of professionalism and health and safety work ethic from its Staff, Crew, visiting companies and contractors. The Gaiety is subject to visits from local authority inspectors. Any Damage or faulty equipment should be reported to your line manager and the building management team straight away. We hope you enjoy your time at the Gaiety and If you have any Safety concerns please speak to a member of the building management team. Emergency Procedures If the fire alarm sounds while in the Gaiety please make your way to the nearest available emergency exit and gather at the assembly point which is in the Rear car park behind the Gaiety. Follow the Instructions of Risk Assessments Risk assessments, specific to the Gaiety theatre should be carried out and suitable measures put in place to control significant risk. Vehicles Vehicles unloading onto stage will park on Boswell Park which turns into a 30mph one way street. Vehicles unloading on Carrick street for stage door and the studio. A banksman should always be used when parking up and unloading at the Gaiety. Please use caution at all time as it is busy with pedestrians, buses and other vehicles. Hi Visibility clothing should be worn when working outside of the Gaiety. Use of cherry pickers Only persons with the relevant training and competence should operate plant. Suitable harnesses and line must be worn and attached when using a cherrypicker. Ensure the plant is in good condition and the daily checks for the plant are carried out. Check the ground conditions . Use any outriggers as directed by the manufacturers instructions. Be aware of the movement path in relation to fixed structures. Consider the risk of being struck by any other vehicles in the vicinity. Use the correct type of plant for the job Do not overreach the basket. Do not overload the safe working load for the plant. Temporary Structures During the erection and dismantling of any structure. Unauthorised personnel should not enter designated work spaces. Whomever is responsible for erecting structures is also responsible for ensuring that theres is an exclusion zone and unauthorised personnel are excluded. Hard hats must be worn in designated hard hat areas. Working At Height Avoid working at height where possible. Use suitable work equipment or other measures to prevent falls where you cannot avoid working at height. Check there is a safe method of getting to and from the work area. Make sure work platforms and any edges from which people are likely to fall have guardrails, toe boards or other barriers.. Make sure that whoever puts access equipment together is trained and knows what they are doing. Make sure that those who use the equipment are supervised so that they use it properly.Check any equipment provided another company to make sure it is safe before using it on site. Only when other methods are not reasonably practicable or when work platforms cannot comply with all requirements for safe work should a way of arresting falls be used. Appropriately anchored harness (personal fall arrest) should be worn if collective measures cannot be implemented.. However, whenever fall-arrest harnesses are used, a rescue procedure method statement must be available should the user fall and be left suspended in their harness or the user become ill at height and require medical treatment. Ladders Ladders should be in good condition. Industrial use rated ladders only. Leaning ladders should be positioned at the correct angle to allow a 1:4 ratio. Be secure to prevent slipping sideways or outwards. Rise a sufficient height above the landing place or work platform. Be correctly positioned to prevent over stretching. Rest against a solid surface. Do not work off the top three rungs – this provides a handhold. Short duration work (maximum 30 minutes). Light work (up to 10 kg). Do not work off the top two steps of a stepladder (top three steps for swing-back/double-sided stepladders) unless you have a safe handhold on the steps. Avoid side-on working. Do not overreach – make sure your belt buckle (navel) stays within the stiles and keep both feet on the same rung or step throughout the task Lifting Equipment All lifting equipment, including wire ropes, winches, chain hoists, shackles, span sets etc., should be suitable for their purpose. Every lifting operation should be planned by a competent person, supervised and carried out in a safe manner. Lifting equipment should be inspected and maintained in accordance with the relevant guidelines and legislation the required documentation should be available to support such maintenance and inspection. First Aid Anyone working onsite must familiarise themselves with the location of site First Aid points and arrangements on site. Information can be obtained from the main Office Fire Contractors should familiarise themselves with the nearest fire fighting equipment point. If a fire is discovered the alarm should be raised by notifying the nearest Steward or radio the site office. On no account should the fire be tackled unless it is safe to do so. Do not attempt to use a fire extinguisher unless you have been trained in its use. Accident /incident Notification All accidents/incidents or near misses, which could have caused an accident, in addition to being notified Electricity No alterations should be made to the Gaiety electrical installation without the authorisation. Work on the venue mains system should only be carried out with the consent of the House Electrician. A competent person should regularly inspect all portable electrical equipment to be used by individual contractors on site. Visual checks should be carried out prior to use. Defects should be remedied or equipment withdrawn Manual Handling Where reasonably practicable manual handling should be avoided. If possible use mechanical means. If manual handling must be carried out, assess the operation taking into account the task, the load, the working environment and the person’s capability. Remove or reduce any risks of injury using the findings of any assessment Housekeeping / Slips & Trips Plant, equipment, materials etc. should be stored in a safe and tidy manner so as to prevent any unnecessary risks to health and safety e.g. trip hazards, obstructing exits, passageways or traffic routes, causing a fire hazard etc. Clean up as you go, if you see something sort it or report to the main office who will act on it. Ensure that you and your employees have the correct footwear for site work. Ensure any waste is tidied up and disposed of. Special Effects The use of any Pyrotechnics, Lasers, Strobes, Smoke machines etc. should be used only after the appropriate risk assessment has been carried out and approval has been given by the Site Safety Officer. Hazardous Substances No work should be carried on which would be liable to expose anyone to substances hazardous to health unless an assessment has been made to evaluate the risks to health. All Highly Flammable Substances should be stored in appropriate closed containers. PPE High visibility waistcoats/jackets must be worn during the construction and get ins/outs. Steel toe cap boots must to be worn where activities being carried out indicate there is a risk of injury. Fatigue An increased risk of accidents can occur if persons are allowed to work for such a length of time that mental and physical fatigue becomes an issue. The risk assessments carried out by Contractors will require to take account of the possible effects of fatigue, especially where employees operate machinery. Noise The Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2006 requires an employer to take certain actions depending on the levels of noise that their employees are exposed to during their work. Each employer should take account of the exposure to noise that their employees may experience whilst working and ensure that the Noise Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2006 are complied with. Permit to Work The Gaiety operate a permit to work system for any hot works, accessing the grid, confined space work etc. Check with the Gaiety Management if you are unsure. Emergency Procedures If an emergency announcement is made while in the building please follow the instructions and leave by the nearest available exit. Gaiety Staff will keep you informed of the incident and coordinate any return to work. Once at the designated Assembly Point, Visiting companies and contractors should have a system in place for accounting for staff and Reporting back to the Management . CARRICK STREET Ayr Gaiety Theatre SOUTH AYRSHIRE KA7 1NU Telephone: 01292 288 235 Web: Facebook: AyrGaiety Twitter: @AyrGaiety
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