OTAKUTHON 2009 ANIME CONVENTION PARTNERSHIP KIT WWW.OTAKUTHON.COM FEBRUARY 2009 | VERSION 2.0 OTAKUTHON Since its first edition in 2006, Otakuthon has placed emphasis on a new cultural trend whose magnitude spans the four corners of our planet: contemporary Japanese culture. Pulling in over 3 000 participants of all ages, it has allowed fans of Japanese animations (anime), comics (manga) and video games to gather to celebrate their passion. During the last three years, while paying close attention to its target audience, Otakuthon has also become an occasion during which Quebecers can celebrate and learn about Japanese culture, both traditional as well as modern. The convention activities can be divided into four general categories: anime and manga, gaming, Japanese culture and exhibitors AMANDA ARRIZZA ANIME CONVENTION MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRWOMAN Otakuthon is a rapidly growing non-profit convention entirely organized by volunteers. This one of a kind event has brought a wide range of interests linked from anime and manga to an expanding audience in Montreal since 2006. Traditional Japanese culture, cutting-edge video gaming and Japanese pop music are examples of some of the activities that will be available at the convention. Last year, Otakuthon attracted over 3000 attendees across Quebec. This year, our organization team is planning for an even better event. This will be reflected by an expansion of both the exhibition hall and the main event stage, as well as a wider variety of activities. An intensive marketing campaign will also be launched in the spring to attract more participants. This exciting event is the first and largest bilingual anime convention in North America. Its growth has exceeded expectations every year, making it a unique marketing opportunity. Come join us to experience firsthand an energetic weekend of dynamic activities, culture and surprise. Sincerely, OTAKUTHON 2009 WI LL TAKE PL ACE FR IDAY, JULY 31 TO SUNDAY AUGUST 2 AT THE PAL AIS DES CO NGRES DE MONTRE AL AMANDA ARRIZZA, Chairwoman Otakuthon 2009 WITH AN E XPEC TED PARTICIPATION OF 4 50 0 AT TENDEES 1 ORGANIZATION N COMMITTEE AMANDA ARRIZZA, Chairwoman JOHN ZMROTCHEK, Vice-president MARC NADEAU, Treasurer VICTOR YAP, Secretary JUDY LIM, Registration Coordinator TONY FERNANDEZ, Programming Coordinator RUPERT BOTTENBERG, Main Events Coordinator ANIK MISHRA, Operations Coordinator MINHTÂM TRÂN, Partnerships Coordinator ALEX FONG, Communications Coordinator EMMANUEL HÉNAULT, Translations Coordinator LAUREN FILIATREAULT, Volunteers Coordinator 2 3 THE ACTIVITIES AN I M E AN D MANGA 4 JAPANESE CULTUR E Japanese animation (anime) and comics (manga) have been at the core of the convention since its beginning. Some well-known examples of anime and manga would be: The Mysterious Cities of Gold, Captain Harlock, Astroboy, Akira, Princess Mononoke, Dragonball, Sailor Moon, Gundam and Naruto. Both traditional and modern Japanese culture hold an important place in the convention’s programming. When thinking about Japanese culture, things like temples, tea, kimonos, Zen gardens usually come to mind, though there are also Japanese pop music, anime, and manga which are equally (if not more) popular. • Masquerade (anime character costume “cosplay” contest) • Anime Music Video Contest • Anime Karaoke • Manga Library • Cosplay Café • Panels and Workshops • Anime Screening Rooms • Origami • Tea Ceremony • Arashi Daiko (Japanese storm drums) • Go and Shogi (strategy games) • Awa Odori (traditional Japanese dance) • J-Pop Concert (Japanese pop music) 5 THE ACTIVITIES GAM I NG Video games form an integral part of modern Japanese culture. An example of this would be the successful series Final Fantasy, which was available on the Nintendo Entertainment System, Super Nintendo Entertainment System, PlayStation, PlayStation 2 and will be on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 platforms soon. In addition to video games, role playing games, board games and collectable card games inspired by the universe of anime are also in the program. E XH I B ITO RS Throughout the duration of the convention, there will be an Exhibition Hall where over 20 different merchants and over 40 amateur artists will be selling their merchandise, all encompassing the theme of the convention. This area is by far the busiest throughout the whole weekend.. • Gaming Zone • Dance Dance Revolution • Video Gaming Tournaments • Card Games • Roleplaying • Miniature Figurine War Game 6 7 WHY ? BECOME A PARTNER OF OTAKUTHON 1 B E N E FI T FR O M T H E V I S I B I L I T Y G A I N E D FR O M A L AR G E P O O L O F YO U T H S: • Ranging from ages 16 to 25 • Students • From different parts of Quebec • Computer savvy • Interested in new technologies • Interested in video games of all sorts • Impassioned by Asian culture, particularly Japanese • Impassioned by anime and manga • Artists 8 2 H AV E T H E N A M E O F YO U R CO M PA N Y A SS O C I AT E D W I T H T H E L AR G E S T B I L I N G UAL (E N G L I S H / FR E N CH) JAPAN E S E AN I M AT I O N CO N V E N T I O N I N N O R T H AMERICA. 3 4 5 S H OW YO U R S U PP O R T A N D YO U R CO N T R I B U T I O N TO T H E G R OW T H O F A CU LT U R A L E V E N T W H I CH I S R E ACH I N G ACR OSS Q U E B EC . CO N T R I B U T E TOWAR DS A FA M I LY- FR I E N D LY AC T I V I T Y. B E N E FI T FR OM TH E E XPOSU R E I N CU LT U R AL AN D M AI N S T R E A M M E D IA . 9 PRESENTER $20,0 0 0 AC TUAL VALUE: $51,0 0 0 • Partner’s name associated with a main room • Partners name associated with a main event • Three advertisement banners of your company placed in strategic locations • Special mention in program booklet welcoming words • Company logo on the cover page of over 5,000 program booklets • Center fold full page (22” x 8.5”) color ad in over 5,000 program booklets • Company logo on the first page of inserts printed in over 5,000 copies • Company logo or mention of your company in all advertisement and press releases • Company logo in e-mail newsletters (min. 4 sent to 1,000 people) • Company logo on advertisement posters placed in certain metro stations • Company logo on over 500 advertisement posters (11” x 17”) • Company logo on over 2,000 advertisement pamphlets • Company logo on over 6,000 advertisement flyers • Company logo on banners listing partners placed in strategic locations during the event • Company logo on the Otakuthon website splash page • Company logo on the Otakuthon website • Vertical banner ad (160 pixels x 600 pixels) on the Otakuthon website • The option to purchase a partner space in the Exhibition Hall (600 square feet for $1,400 or 400 square feet for $1,000) • Thirty-two (32) passes for the convention (value of $1,440) 10 11 OUTSTANDINGG PARTNERS $10,0 0 0 AC TUAL VALUE: $15,0 0 0 • Partner’s name associated with a regular room (capacity of around 300 people) or a space in the Exhibition Hall • Two advertisement banners of your company placed in strategic locations • One full page (10” x 7.5”) color ad in over 5,000 program booklets • Company logo on the first page of inserts printed in over 5,000 copies • Company logo in e-mail newsletters (min. 4 sent to 1,000 people) • Company logo on over 500 advertisement posters (11” x 17”) • Company logo on over 2,000 advertisement pamphlets • Company logo on over 6,000 advertisement flyers • Company logo on banners listing partners placed in strategic locations during the event • Company logo on the Otakuthon website • Vertical banner ad (160 pixels x 600 pixels) on the Otakuthon website • The option to purchase a partner space in the Exhibition Hall (600 square feet for $1,600 or 400 square feet for $1,200) • Sixteen (16) passes for the convention (value of $720) 12 13 PRESTIGIOUS PARTNERS $6,0 0 0 AC TUAL VALUE: $12 , 50 0 • One publicity banner of your company placed in a main or regular room • One full page (10” x 7.5”) B&W ad in over 5,000 program booklets • Company logo on the first page of inserts printed in over 5,000 copies • Company logo on over 2,000 advertisement pamphlets • Company logo on over 6,000 advertisement flyers • Company logo on banners listing partners placed in strategic locations during the event • Company logo on the Otakuthon website • Vertical banner ad (160 pixels x 600 pixels) on the Otakuthon website • The option to purchase a partner space in the Exhibition Hall (600 square feet for $1,800 or 400 square feet for $1,350) • Eight (8) passes for the convention (value of $360) 14 15 ASSOCIATED PPARTNERS $4,0 0 0 AC TUAL VALUE: $11, 6 0 0 • B&W publicity banner of 1” x 7” at the bottom of five (5) pages of 5,000 program booklets • Company logo on the first page of inserts printed in over 5,000 copies • Company logo on over 6,000 advertisement flyers • Company logo on banners listing partners placed in strategic locations during the event • Company logo on the Otakuthon website • Vertical banner ad (160 pixels x 600 pixels) on the Otakuthon website • The option to purchase a partner space in the Exhibition Hall (600 square feet for $2,000 or 400 square feet for $1,500) • Four (4) passes for the convention (value of $180) 16 17 TO CO NTAC T US Otakuthon - Partnership 327 Gagné LaSalle (Québec) H8P 3P1 E-mail: WWW.OTAKUTHON.COM