March 2016 - Francis Asbury United Methodist Church
March 2016 - Francis Asbury United Methodist Church
All the News Francis Asbury United Methodist Church 1871 North Great Neck Road, Virginia Beach, VA 23454-1110 Rev. Edward S. Martin, Jr. March 2016 Sunday, March 27th The path to EASTER prepares and purifies us; the day of EASTER raises us to new life! The path to EASTER takes us through these remaining days of LENT as we seek to follow our Lord in humility and dependence. This is Holy Week when we will travel to the upper room and share in the Lord’s last supper with his disciples. We will also travel the Via Delarosa to the cross and discover the “way of suffering” that belongs not only to Jesus, but also to all true disciples. While Christ lies dead within the tomb, we will ponder our own sense of “dying to self.” Finally, on Easter morning we will rejoice in the power of God to raise Jesus from the dead and to deliver all God’s people from sin and dead raising us to new life in the Lord!! This year Easter is celebrated on Sunday April 5th! This is a date that changes from year to year, but it is always the first Sunday after the full moon following the first day of spring (established by the church in 325). Easter is the highest holy day of the Christian year, and we have three wonderful services of worship planned! (7:00 am - Sunrise - / 9:00 am / 11:00 am) Please be sure to mark your calendar and plan on joining us to worship the RISEN savior. The message of Easter is simply: Jesus Christ is risen! He has conquered death and offers new and eternal life to all who believe in him. Easter is a great time to invite a friend, neighbor, co-worker, relative, or even a stranger to church! You might even offer them a ride as we discover an empty tomb and worship Jesus who is alive and in the world. Easter is all about celebrating life and spreading the word! “Christ is risen – He is risen indeed!” Pastor Ed FAUMC AT A GLANCE Our Mission To Make Disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. Our Vision We are called to be a Beacon of Hope to our community by Belonging, Believing and Becoming disciples of Jesus Christ. --Belonging: Worshipping to celebrate Jesus Christ and openly invite others to God’s love. --Believing: Studying the Scriptures to provide Spiritual Light and grow as disciples of Jesus Christ. --Becoming: Serving others to reflect our hope in Jesus Christ to our community and world. Worship Services 8am (Seasonal) – Outdoor Chapel in the Woods (Memorial Day through Labor Day Sunday) 9am – Contemporary - Social Hall 11am – Traditional – Sanctuary 10:30am* – 5th Sunday Combined Service – Sanctuary *(Only occurs when a month has five Sundays. The 9am & 11am services will not be held and there will be one combined service in the sanctuary at 10:30am.) Church Staff Pastor: Rev. Edward S. Martin, Jr. Associate Pastor Outreach Ministries: Rev. Bob Friend Executive Church Secretary: Mrs. Liz Needham Music Director: Mr. Kenneth Smead Organist: Mrs. Nancy Probert Youth & Young Adult Director: Family Ministry Director: Mrs. Trisha Mundell Nursery Director: Mrs. Amy Balzer Preschool Director: Mrs. Anna Chevalier Office Hours Tuesday - Friday 9:00am – 12:30pm Church Phone: (757) 481-5016 Church Fax: (757) 481-7216 Church Email: Church Website: CELEBRATIONS / REMEMBERENCES Happy Birthday to: 03/01 Camden Rehak 03/02 Wes David 03/02 Paul Leon 03/02 Carla Kavula 03/03 Cindy Burton 03/03 Stephen McKenzie 03/05 Greg Law 03/05 Christopher Cooke 03/06 Justin Bray 03/07 David Broun 03/07 Paige Gregory 03/08 Bertie Edens 03/08 Lynda Waddell 03/09 Elena Mello 03/10 Donald Meekings 03/10 John Nankervis III 03/12 Jonathan Harris 03/12 Betty Fullerton 03/12 Price Wootton 03/12 Nathan Lundstrom 03/13 Robert Davis 03/14 Roberta Lemburg 03/14 Catherine Nolan 03/15 Kaydence Himes 03/16 Bonnie Wilson 03/16 Greg Barnes 03/17 Barbra Stehlik 03/18 Tim Journigan 03/18 Michele Damon-Billings 03/18 Charlotte Fuchs 03/19 Pat Kellett 03/20 George Marion 03/20 Lynsi Long 03/20 Zach Gibson 03/20 Gavin Workman 03/21 Ron Ripley 03/21 Ashley Bray 03/22 Bob Rice 03/22 Vickie Greatwood 03/23 Ramona Maloney 03/24 Dan Waddell 03/24 James Chevalier 03/25 Mackenzie Sanson Happy Birthday cont: 03/26 03/27 03/27 03/28 03/28 03/28 03/29 03/29 03/30 03/30 03/31 03/31 03/31 03/31 Kelsey Yates Dave Johnston Melissa McKenzie Jeff Floyd Jim Miller Niel Mason Phil Gray Pawel Malyszko Robin Strohsahl Hannah Langley Betty Stoy Nathan Owen Pete Santos Hannah McEwen Happy Anniversary to: 03/01 Michael & Tasha Hasty 03/04 Ian & Conni Rasmussen 03/16 Greg & Laura Roy 03/17 Andrea Lawson & Donald Snodgrass 03/18 Glenn & Sylvia Campbell 03/20 Bill & Ramona Maloney 03/30 Clyde & Marcia Perry 03/31 Harry & Bridget Hampson Remember In Prayer: OUR MILITARY Prayer Chain: When prayers are needed, please call Barbra Stehlik at 481-6142 to activate the prayer chain. Home Bound: Ginger Anderson Mary Blackburn, Lou Bunch, Evelyn Hamblen, Mildred Joyce, Win Lawson, Joy Longworth, George Marion, Sarah Martin VOLUNTEERS SUNDAY March 6th March 13th March 20th March 27th Snacks 9am GIRL SCOUTS OPEN OPEN OPEN Greeters 9am GIRL SCOUTS OPEN OPEN OPEN Lector 9am Snacks 11am GIRL SCOUTS OPEN OPEN OPEN GIRL SCOUTS OPEN OPEN OPEN Greeters 11am GIRL SCOUTS John & Cindy Burton Christy Mayo & Rachael Roush Hollie & Carol Tiedemann Lector 11am GIRL SCOUTS Mrs. Sue Rice Mrs. Carol Haenni Mrs. Kay David Acolytes Cailyn Gregory & Lizzy Tierney Camden & Kelly Rehak Maddy Harris & Maeve Hickey Gunner Lyon Flowers Barbara Tierney IHO Girl Scouts OPEN OPEN EASTER LILIES Head Usher Kristen Gregory Kristen Gregory Kristen Gregory Kristen Gregory Sunday Nursery Schedule 8:45am – 12:15pm To volunteer in the nursery, see Amy or email at Special Services Palm Sunday Cantata & Luncheon Sunday, March 20th, 11am, Sanctuary Mrs. Amy (Nursery Directory) Ms. Brown, Shirley Drye Maundy Thursday Tenebrae Service Thursday, March 24th, 7pm, Social Hall Easter Sunday Services Sunday, March 27th, 7am – Chapel In The Woods, 9am – Social Hall, 11am Sanctuary Reception Committee Co-Chairs Cindy Burton Bertie Edens Team Leader: Carol Tiedemann Joy Grushkin Barbra Stehlik Lorna Godfrey Judy Creighton Dana Striffler Sue Rice The 2016 Volunteer Signup Book is available on the Welcome Desk in the Welcome Center and in the Social Hall. PLEASE SIGN UP! There are many OPEN opportunities. FINANCIALS 2016 Financial Report Needed Weekly: $8,853 Income to Date: $ 59,930 Expenses to Date: $ 59,200 Income vs. Expenses: $ 730 25% of our contributions come through e-Giving! 2016 Apportionment Report Va. Annual Conference Apportionments for 2016: $ 62,925 Elizabeth River District Apportionments for 2016: $ 5,136 As United Methodist we are a “connectional” church. Each local congregation is a part of the greater ministry of the church both near and far. Through our giving to the “Apportionments” we are able to accomplish more in ministry together than any one congregation would ever be able to do alone. We share our gifts and resources to the glory of God and in service to Jesus Christ. FAUMC Endowment Fund “Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” Warren Buffett The Endowment balance in the Virginia United Methodist Foundation is now $70,130.78! Prayerfully consider contributing to the FAUMC Endowment as we build for the future. All contributions remain as “principal” in the Endowment and continue to grow. The interest from the Endowment may be drawn upon to fund the mission and ministry of our church as we seek to make disciples for Jesus Christ. For information on how you can contribute and/or remember our church in your estate, contact our pastor or Mr. Dan David. You may access the Virginia United Methodist Foundation website at: SERVING THE LORD Francis Asbury United Methodist Church 1871 N. Great Neck Road, Virginia Beach, VA 2016 LENTEN Lunches Each Wednesday – 12:00 noon to 1:00 pm (Free to everyone - Invite a friend!) III. Wednesday, March 2nd Speaker: Rev. Barbara St. Jean Senior Minister Bethel UMC, Virginia Beach, VA IV. Wednesday, March 9th Speaker: To be announced Lay Leader Log Storms of Life Are you a weather tracker? My mother would call out the weather for the day so I would know what to wear. As a young teacher, I always wanted to know if it was going to rain, because on rainy days it meant inside play with rowdy and restless kindergarteners. Now I watch storm clouds, hoping rain holds off until after 3:30pm. At the school where I am a principal, “rainy day dismissal” is controlled chaos. Last week I was mesmerized by the TV reports tracking the heavy thunderstorms and possible tornadoes heading our way. On TV, the meteorologist zoomed the computer screen in and out showing neighborhoods up close and then from a birds-eye-view, while minutes ticked down telling how long it would be until the band of storms reached particular neighborhoods. As the commentary continued, I sat warm and comfortable in my recliner, planning where I would go if a tornado came toward Great Neck. What about the “life storms” that come our way? We are not watching those storms; we are right in the middle of them: Illness, Loss, Strife. Who can predict when an event will change our life forever? And honestly, who wants to know what troubles await? Sometimes I think that the trials that Christians face are just not fair. After all, aren’t Christians trying to live like Jesus wanted us to? But, in the end, we know that life is neither fair nor perfect: it ebbs and flows like the tides. However, we have assurance through Jesus that we can weather those storms. When trials come remember Paul’s words, “…this all surpassing power is from God, and not from us. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair, persecuted but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.” 2 Corinthians 4:7-9. God never abandons us no matter the storm. See you in church! In His Love, Sandi Cox SERVING THE LORD The Via Dolorosa The path to EASTER takes us through a variety of emotions and spiritual lessons. It is a path that guides us to Jerusalem during the days of LENT as we seek to follow our Lord in humility; to learn of our humanness, and to embrace our dependence upon Jesus. During Holy Week we travel the Via Delarosa toward the cross and discover the “way of suffering” which belongs not only to Jesus but to all true disciples. While Christ lies dead within the tomb, we ponder the place of “dying to self” in our relationship with God. Finally, on Easter morning we rejoice in the power of God to raise Jesus from the dead and to raise his people to new life in the Lord! As we journey to Jerusalem and contemplate all that must happen there, it is important to recall the history of the holy city. Approaching Jerusalem today, one sees the magnificent Golden “Dome of the Rock” mosque of Islam set upon the highest mound of the city. Centuries ago, Father Abraham was called upon to sacrifice his son Isaac upon a mound that some traditions believe was this site of Jerusalem. There God tested Abraham’s faithfulness and He provided a ram caught in the thorn bushes to spare Isaac’s life. Earlier in his life, Abraham gave a tithe to Melchizedeck, the high priest of “Salem,” which very well may have been the ancient location of Jerusalem. King Solomon later realized the dream of his father, King David, and built the Jewish Temple upon the mound of the gated city of Jerusalem. Jesus Christ, a descendent of David, was much later crucified on Golgotha that is a part of this very same hill in Jerusalem. Here “YWH,” the holy God whose name is so holy that it is not fully known, sacrificed the “Lamb of God”, his son Jesus Christ as a final atonement for the sins of His people. While these stories remind us of why Jerusalem is often viewed as “the” holy city, the history of Jerusalem may have an even more ancient image. Archeologists suggest that before Melchizedeck, Abraham, Solomon or Jesus, the site that became Jerusalem was actually an ancient “threshing floor.” It was there that wheat was taken and continually tossed into the air so that the winds of the hill could separate the chaff from the grain. It was a process of purification and a celebration of life. Like the grain, God continually sifts and separates us from our sinfulness. “Now we look inside, and what we see is that anyone united with the Messiah gets a fresh start, is created new. The old life is gone; a new life burgeons!” 2 Corinthians 5:17 - from The Message Pastor Ed SERVING THE LORD CONT… March 20th - Palm Sunday Chancel Choir EASTER CANTATA – 11:00 am Service March 24th - Maundy Thursday / Tenebrae Service (7:00 p.m. beginning in the Social Hall) A special observance of the Last Supper of Jesus and the Crucifixion. (We will celebrate the Last Supper at a common table in the Social Hall and then journey to the Sanctuary to observe the Crucifixion of Jesus.) March 25th - Good Friday A day of quiet reflection recalling the crucifixion. (Traditionally Jesus died at 3:00 pm) The sanctuary will be open between the hours of 12 noon and 3 pm March 27th - EASTER (7:00 am / 9:00 am / 11:00 am) Sunrise Service 7:00 a.m. - Chapel in the Woods (By the water behind church) Contemporary Worship 9:00 a.m. – Social Hall Traditional Worship 11:00 a.m. – Sanctuary ANNOUNCEMENTS / EVENTS Francis Asbury Preschool requests your presence at our 3rd Annual Art Show and Gala Friday the 18th of March At 6:30pm Francis Asbury United Methodist Church 1871 N Great Neck Rd. Hors d’oeuvres and dessert will be served. There will be a silent auction and pre-registered childcare available. Artwork created by Ms. Tracy’s students Church Office Closed – March 28th through April 1st The Secretary Liz Needham will be out of town during this time. FA Preschool Closed – March 28th through April 1st Rev. Martin Out of town – March 28th through April 4th Rev. Martin will be out of town, March 28th through April 4th, on vacation. If you are in need of assistance, or in the event of emergency, please contact our Associate Pastor: Rev. Bob Friend (757-375-3034). STAFF NEWS Trisha Mundell Director of Family Ministry Vacation Bible School!!! We are dreaming of summer here at Francis Asbury, and we like to think that Vacation Bible School is right around the corner! Mark your calendar for Monday, June 20th - Friday, June 24th. This year’s theme is “Surf Shack; Catch the Wave of God’s Amazing Love!” Last year we had an amazing set of volunteers sharing the love of the Lord with our young ones. If you are a seasoned volunteer, this will be a great year to share your knowledge and help this be one of the best years yet! If you are new to the church, or have never volunteered before, come share your fresh ideas! Volunteers are what make this event special! Please send me an email at if you are willing to share your time! MOM’S CONNECT Are you a MOM who needs a little extra support and humor in your life? Join us on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of every month at 1030 for light hearted and Bible inspired conversation. Childcare is provided, which allows you to fill up your soul without the immediate demands from your kidlets! This fun group also meets for dinner every second Monday of the month. For more information, email or FAUMC Easter Egg Hunt!! It’s that time again! FAUMC is hosting the annual Easter Egg Hunt on Sunday, March 13, 2016, from 12:30pm- 2:00pm. There will be crafts and games, as well as hotdog and hamburger cookout provided by the United Methodist Men. If you are planning on attending, please consider bringing a side dish or dessert to share with the congregation! Please feel free to invite friends and family! Please RSVP how many people will be attending! VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! If you have a desire in your heart to help share the love of the Lord with the children, please contact me! There are so many ways you can serve the amazing young ones we have in our congregation here at Francis Asbury. I would love to help you find the fit that is right for you! We especially have a need for Sunday School teachers, as well as volunteers for Vacation Bible School! YOUTH NEWS We are still actively searching for a new “Director of Youth and Young Adult Ministries!” In the meantime, Pastor Ed and Margaret are working with the youth and we are looking to build an Adult Youth Support Team of folks who will help with our ministry with our youth! We want for our Youth Ministry here at FAUMC to grow and become even better as we follow Christ together! Please be in prayer for the Lord to provide the right person as our new Youth Pastor. SUNDAY NIGHTS! 6:00 - 7:30 pm - at the church!! Who? All middle school and high school youth Bring a friend!! What? Dinner, Games and Lesson! Leader? Pastor Ed NOTE: No meeting on March 27th or April 3rd (Spring Break) YOUTH SUNDAY SCHOOL 10am - in the youth room Leader: Pastor Ed If you would like to work with our Youth Ministry, please contact Pastor Ed at 695-0134 (cell). There are opportunities to help with providing Sunday evening dinner, transportation, chaperoning, Sunday School, teaching, etc. Francis Asbury Preschool Digest Volume: 1 Issue: 6 757-376-8394 Spotlight on our staff! This dynamic duo create a fun learning experience for all Pre-K little ones in their care! Between these 2 ladies there is 40 plus years of experience, knowledge and truly expertise in how little one’s minds work! However, these ladies see the importance in growing professionally and do so through ongoing training. FAP is lucky to have this pair! What’s Happening?? March 18 – FAP CLOSED March 18 – Art Show and Gala @ 6:30 March 23 – Easter Presentation @ 9:00 March 24 – Easter Presentation @ 9:00 March 25 – April 1 - Easter Break FAP CLOSED FOOD FOR THOUGHT… DO YOU HAND YOUR CHILD A CRAYON, PENCIL, PEN OR MARKER AND LET THEM “DOODLE”? HOW ABOUT KEEPING A PEN AND PAD IN YOUR BAG? ONE OF THE BIGGEST PIECES TO OUR SCHOOL DAY IS DEVELOPING THE PINCER GRIP. THE CHILDREN, IN THE 2’S CLASS, OFTEN COME TO US USING THEIR FIST GRIP. THIS IS COMPLETELY AGE APPROPRIATE. IT IS OUR JOB TO HELP THEM PROGRESS FROM THIS GRIP TO THE “4 FINGER GRIP” FOLLOWED BY THE “PINCER GRIP”. THE FINAL GRIP IS THE CORRECT PENCIL GRIP USING THE 3 DOMINANT FINGERS. WE DEVELOP THESE MUSCLES THROUGH MULTIPLE OPPORTUNITIES TO STRENGTHEN THESE MUSCLES, IE LACING, WRITING IN SHAVING CREAM, DRY ERASE BOARD WRITING, WRITING UNDER TABLES, CUTTING AND FINALLY THROUGH JOURNALING. WHILE WE CONTINUE TO WORK ON DEVELOPING THIS SKILL HAVING CONSISTENT EXPOSURE AT HOME AS WELL WOULD HELP STRENGTHEN THOSE MUSCLES MORE QUICKLY. SO, CONSIDER KEEPING A DOODLE PAD AND PEN IN YOUR BAG! IF YOU HAVE TIME CHECK OUT THE LINK BELOW FOR MORE IDEAS! DEVELOP THE PINCER GRIP Donation Requests Thank you for assisting us in ending hunger!!! We made a significant donation towards Society of Saint Andrew in Ending Hunger. This month we will honor those who have been stricken with cancer by partnering with Relay for Life. Please help us fill our purple cups with pocket change! Be on the lookout for the beginning date! THANK YOU for your support! Don’t forget to use your key fob at Farm Fresh! To date we have collected 29,112 points!! Don’t forget to clip those box tops!! The next deposit date is this month! We would love to be able to collect $70 worth! There are labeled containers in the school office, welcome center and church office. MARCH 2016 For updated calendar information: Church website, Weekly Announcements, or contact Liz Needham ATTENTION: All requests, changes, and/or cancellations to the calendar and/or use of the church facilities must be communicated to Liz Needham. Thank you for your cooperation. Hard copies of the Newsletter are available in the Welcome Center. March Newsletter Deadline: Tuesday, March 29th Please email your articles to: or you can leave them on the secretary’s desk.