Winners 2012 - DoDifferent Awards
Winners 2012 - DoDifferent Awards Welcome to the Best Awards. We are are living in an era in British marketing where differentiation, imagination and creating value for consumers to create value for clients has never been so vital. We need to help our clients be seen, be sought and be talked about. This is why the Best Awards is so important. The Best Awards are a celebration of ‘the best’. The weird, the wonderful, the most innovative, the most effective. We have to see these awards as a sort of laboratory for innovation and invention. A way of testing our metal and in evaluating our progress and our prowess. Our industry is very competitive and always under pressure to demonstrate it’s ability to return on investment. For me this is why the theme kindly developed by Draftfcb is so important. In challenging times, we need find ways to carry on being the inspiration our clients need, and to be more ambitious for the work we do together. Have a great night…enjoy the work, and win, lose or draw, we will all need to do our very best to come back even stronger next year. CHAIRMAN, MAA Ian Millner, Chairman of the MAA, CP/MS CREATIVE PRINT & MAILING SOLUTIONS The lightbulb logo, the MAA logo and best awards are registered trademarks of the Marketing Agencies Association. The Marketing Agencies Association is registered in England & Wales No. 03779878. Great ideas can only escape, if one key factor is in place. A brave client willing to buy them. Bravery though, only comes through trust. Trust in an agency’s instincts and trust that creativity will deliver results. Too frequently though in tough economic times, fear overrides trust, the value exchange with consumers is forgotten, and agencies are squeezed into creating work that falls into a forgettable no man’s land. What would happen if every nervous flyer tried to take control of their plane? Or worried patients took over their own surgery? Exactly. Having entrusted an agency to do the best by a brand, it makes sense to let them do just that. Creativity is a profession that deserves to be listened to and valued. Valued with trust. Because it can achieve great things for any business when allowed. All our winners tonight have obviously managed to create great trust with their clients and should be congratulated on their joint achievements. CREATIVE JadUof DIdeaGs,ES Alistair Ross, He Draftfcb London The standard of creativity this year was higher than previous years, but noticeably less self-indulgent. Tighter times had forced agencies to think rather than spend their way towards results for their clients. We’d all like to work with larger budgets, but maybe it takes a recession to help us realise again what we can create with less. Debate amongst the judges was passionate, but consensus about the winners was universal. So if you’re sat here tonight thinking you could do better, then walk the walk. You have about seven months before entries close for next year’s MAA Best Awards. Other judges: Jon Ashwell, Creative Director, Dialogue • Garry Munns, Creative Director, Arc Worldwide • Geoff Gower, Creative Director, Archibald Ingall Stretton, Jim Thornton, Creative Director, Arnold KLP • John Treacy, Creative Director, Elvis Communications • Ian Kerrigan, Executive Creative Director, gyro • Leroyson Figueira, Digital Creative Director, Haygarth • Nicky Bullard, Creative Director, Lida • Dick Dunford, Creative Director, TBWA Paling Walters •Jo Cruickshanks, Creative Director, We Are Folk • Robert Hollander, Creative Director, Wicked Web • David Harris, Creative Director, Wunderman Last year the economic climate brought its challenges, yet the standard of work we reviewed for the client judging of the MAA Best Awards was certainly strong as in previous years. Brands are clearly seeking cut-through work and true consumer engagement; we especially liked work in the digital categories, where we saw powerful innovative campaigns exploiting social media channels. In the experiential category it was great to see consumer insight applied to deliver outstanding brand engagement. As judges we applaud those client-agency relationships that deliver great work and we were delighted to have such a broad spectrum of campaigns to judge. Debated amongst the judges was passionate on occasion which is always a good sign and I would like to thank all of them for their time and working hard to ensure the most deserved campaigns won on the day. Finally, I would like to congratulate all those who have been acknowledged in this years’ Best Awards. I look forward to seeing more of this great work next year. CLIENT JUDGES Simon Tilden, G loba Advertising, Mar l Category Director keting Prod SmartBrand, Dia uction & geo Other judges: Carolyn Anderson, Head of Marketing & Partnerships, Samsung Mobile • Julie Constable, Agency Selection Consultant, Marketing Agencies Association; Peter Fennell, Head of Brand and Advertising, Tesco Bank • Richard Furness, Head of Sales & Marketing, Guardian News & Media • Bernadette Kennedy, General Manager Global Fuels Marketing, Shell International Petroleum Company • Marc Michaels, Director of Direct and Relationship Marketing and Evaluation, Central Office of Information • Russell Morris, Commercial Director, Lovefilm • Miranda Sambles, Marketing Director, Walkers • Sheridan Thompson, CRM Director EMEA, The Walt Disney Company, Europe, Middle East & Africa The MAA would like to thank Dominic Bray and Abigail Tumulty of law firm K&L Gates and Nick Hudson of the ASA for checking that entries complied with the industry codes of practice, rules and UK regulations. The ASA can be contacted on 020 7492 2222. K&L Gates can be contacted on 020 7648 9000. ChildLine presents best campaign Final Verse client NSPCC’s Chi ldLine agency acco In partnership with Livity Kate Brund unt team le, Debowska, Jo McCarthy, Maja Charlotte Li vingstone creative tea Callum McG m eoch The NSPCC’sLOGOS_80X80_01.indd core male teenage target group are very difficult to reach and yet this campaign got them promoting and talking 1 06/10/2011 14:04 about ChildLine issues. Urban music, MC-ing and performing is at the heart of their culture and NSPCC were able to authentically exist in their social media world with this campaign. Devlin’s bespoke music video felt fully invested in and was put into the centre of sharing/liking by this community. It has brought ChildLine into the contemporary moment as fully relevant to all young people.” merit campaign xury Loos Femfresh V.I.Pee: Lu s die La For ly ive Exclus client Ltd Church & Dwight UK agency SMP Ltd best of the best best breakthrough agency of the year Forever Beta is built on the belief that everything is evolving. Their creative and planning methodology is centred on delivering ‘Proposition Propagation’. The way they co-opt and share likeminded thinking and stimulate insights from clients, scientists and academics means they have a strong platform to stay at the forefront of innovation and challenging business situations.” best agency Forever Bet a Iris is twelve years old and a fiercely independent agency, now set for their biggest ever trading income and profit across their network. They absolutely prove that to stay at the top you have to constantly ‘up your game’. Its been an incredible journey of ups and downs but to achieve the outputs they have for their clients, through intense focus at every level of operation in their business is really impressive.” best agency of the year best agency iris best campaigz Ben anz What do Hein mean to you? client Heinz agency BD Network best international campaign A great campaign which tapped into the heritage Heinz has. It evoked memories for people and got them to think about the multiple uses of the brand. So for some people it was about warming, for some people it was about energy, for some people it was about having a quick snack. It enabled creation of lots of content which was well used; they put it onto cans and sold those cans; they rewarded people with money, they also used social media effectively in terms of getting people to tell and share what they liked about brand, which then evoked memories and a reason to purchase. It enabled great brand differentiation for one that has been around for a long time among newer competitors.” merit cam Get that paign Fes Pringles tival Feeling/ Speaker Cans client Pringles agency G2 Joshu a best campa ign NIVEA ‘Million M oments Of Closen ess’ client Beiersdorf UK Ltd agency Life Agency account te am Mark Broughton, Nikki Johnson, Eve Davies creative te Martin Tripp, Loui am Justine Davies, Na se Almond, talie O’Donnell merit campaign Mint Revolution client Havana Club Nivea’s ‘Million Moments’ was an interesting position for a brand to take based on real consumer understanding: a great effort was made through bespoke research to get under the skin of the audience and how they might relate to the brand position of ‘owning’ closeness.” best strategic thinking for a campaign agency The Lounge Group merit campaign THT: Stop Talkin g client Terrence Higgin s Trust agency G2 Joshua P&MM is proud to be associated with the MAA Supporting agencies and their brands for over 30 years Contact: Susan Speller at P&MM M: 07825 170184 T: 0845 054 3333 E: best campaign Let’s Grow c Wm Morris lient on Superm arkets plc agenc Billington y Cartmell account te Jo Eskell, am Jamie Make r creative te Beri Cheeth am am Morrison’s Lets Grow campaign has evolved every year,04/10/2011 its built extra 14:23 benefit each year and retained the consumer interest all the way through that time. It was a stand out piece of work, a phenomenal and impressive campaign that keeps giving back to the audience but also to the brand and builds that relationship between the consumer and the brand forever.” 80 x 80.indd 1 merit campaign rves Lurpak Good Food Dese client Arla Foods agency BD Network 3 YEAR ‘GOOD FOOD DESERVES LURPAK’ CAMPAIGN best and most effective long term campaign best business to business campaign The Apprentice is well known and iconic in terms of the whole format of the show, but applied to a sales incentive programme, where there is generally very little differentiated activity, this really stood out. Using this theme excited the people that sell mobile phones in O2 stores. Bombarded with different mobile manufacturer campaigns they can get cynical about the messaging, but this campaign actually excited them and got them interested in what Palm were doing, resulting in fantastic engagement and understanding of the brand. They were incentivised so when people were walking into a store saying “I’m thinking about getting a Smartphone” the Palm was one of the ones that came to mind.” best campaign The Palm Sales Appre ntice client Hewlett Packard agency Haygarth account team Steven Gray, Polly Bu rke, Tom Cooper-Smith creative team Steve Rogers, Tony Gr oth ChildLine presents best campaign Final Verse client NSPCC’s Child Line agency Livity accoun Kate Brundle, t team Jo Debowska, Ch McCarthy, Maja arlotte Livingst one In partnership with creative team Callum McGeo ch Top urban music act Devlin composed, wrote and recorded Teardrops, a bespoke music video completed except for LOGOS_80X80_01.indd 06/10/2011 14:04 the final verse, with the invitation for their1target audience to complete this in their own performance. Final Verse was self-promoted by their target audience calling for their communities to “like” their entries. Social media using Twitter has since extended this campaign legitimately to a corporate marketing audience and engaged a far-reaching wider community to great effect.” best consumer campaign In partnership with merit n seness’ campmaeig nts Of Clo lion NIVEA ‘Mil Mo clienUtK Ltd Beiersdorf agenecnycy Life Ag See how we can help your brand at best camp Experimen aign ters Wante d client Heineken UK agency acc exposure Emily Wilks ount team ,S Lindsay M tephanie Cunningha itcheso m, Dave Benn n, Tanya Weller, ett, Ben B ailey creativ Robin Ek, Ja e team Dawn Card mes Cleary, y, Hayley In glis The Bulmers activity was founded on the insight that people interested in buying their cider are experimenters who like to try new things. This was combined with very singular-minded brand assets championing Bulmers as being innovative with pioneering flavours. Driving this through so many channels cut through the market and delivered the sales they hoped they would achieve. It was very well done and ticked all the boxes that we wanted to see from an integrated campaign.” best integrated merit campiganigVirngin Media Will work for cheese. mpa Speedy Ca clienetdia Virgin M agenBcy DD WIPXXXX_MMA_AWARDS_VirginSpeedy_80x80.indd 1 06/10/2011 15:27 best campaaigWnish 2010 - e Fairy and Mak dmother Go y ir Fa a Be client mble Procter & Ga agencyLondon, Dialogue, Grey hum Landor, Ketc team accounn Grt eg ory Caroly creativarerotwehaawmke, Wayne Sp ar, Nick Wing Stefan Klasen best collaborative campaign This was a great collaboration on two levels. Firstly collaboration between a charity and a brand working together beautifully. Then, looking under the skin of the work, it was evident many different agencies had collaborated well together to produce a very cohesive programme, which ultimately motivated and really engaged the consumer.” merit campaign Social Shower ing client Unilever UK age The Lounge Gr ncy oup, Min Mischief, TMW dshare, best campaig Toughest n Test client Land Rov er agency ac Wunderm an Laura Pain count team ter, Ben C ook, Annie Gass creat David Harr ive team is Fiona Cla , Sophie Clark, rk, Chris Farmer Its not about X million packs or how many different variants for a successful DM, it’s about working on an insight that resonates with your customer base. The Land Rover DM wasn’t a particularly big campaign but it was extremely well targeted and by using the equity from explorers like Ranulph Fiennes and Ray Mears the customers really responded to that. Nobody can deny an 8.6% conversion rate for such a premium brand in a year like we’ve just had.” best direct marketing led campaign merit merit campaig-n Well Red Global Newsletter client nes Virgin Atlantic Airli agency gyro campaig Tropicana.Your n Daily Ray of Sunshine. client Pepsico UK & Ireland agency Initials Marke ting Ltd All brands are relevant. But our brands are more relevant than others. Creating revolutionary, relevant brand activation 020 7479 0329 best cam Wethersp paign oon Unlo cked Bacardi B client rown-Form an Brand s agency OgilvyActi on accou Jason Wa nt team ll, Lau Lindsay J ra Keates, essup crea Greg McA tive team linde Ric Blank n, Nick Corbett, Jessica C , Tarik Bedevi, hodosh, M ark Alton It’s very hard to stand out with the student market, who are widely targeted with student-friendly deals. The combination of mobile technology and augmented reality was used extremely well and this campaign created a real buzz that associated well with the Wetherspoon brand. It gave a really clear reason to students to keep returning and to keep using the App: the offers got better and more frequent and there was a really clear social aspect to this campaign so offers also got better the more the App was shared.” merit n camphaSig cotch ® Say it wit arcel. Pass the P - client 3M agency n OgilvyActio best digitally led campaign In partnership with ChildLine presents best n campVeaig rse Final client ldLine NSPCC’s Chi agency Livity m accou, JontMtcCearathy, Maja le Kate Brund rlotte Livingstone Cha a, sk ow Deb m creative teoeach In partnership with Callum McG best social media led campaign LOGOS_80X80_01.indd 1 The NSPCC campaign deserved this award because it was an absolutely inspired piece of work. It06/10/2011 was built14:04 on a genuine understanding of their core male teen target group who are very difficult to reach and to get talking about ChildLine issues. Urban music, MC-ing and performing is at the heart of their culture and they created an authentic highly shareable idea which made it so successful in social media.” merit campaig X Lift Pit n ch. cli Saatchi ent & Saatch iX age Saatchi ncy & Saatch iX Frijj and the young team behind the campaign did a really good job of connecting the brand with the audience. It was a very simple, easy to understand activity and it had a great element of viral, using humour to spread impressively through social networks. As an industry digital is constantly changing all the time, literally week after week with new trends and new ways of using data, but this was cutting-edge when it launched and we felt it was a clear relevant use of the technology to drive engagement. It married the commercial need in the brief from the client together with the use of the latest technology but it did it in a way that was seamless.” best digital innovation within a campaign best campaign FRijj LOL client Dairy Crest agency iris acco Clementine unt team Imparato Nic Baird, Cal , Ian Bradbury, um Ward creative Tarik Fatihi, team Tom Prenderg Joe Stamp, as Bill Adcock, t, Kim Taylor, James Vango, Dylan Coyne , Kevin Blake , Nick Jones We never stop producing award winning work (187 awards to date). smp best campa Femfresh V.I.P ign ee: Lu Exclusively For xury Loos Ladies client Church & Dwig ht UK agency Ltd SMP Ltd account team Matt Beech creative team Rob Ellingham A great example of some clever strategic thinking evidenced here. The Femfresh work shows they really understood the target audience, and what’s going on in their heads. They managed to ‘normalise’ the product into being an everyday consideration for a younger audience. Their approach enabled a very direct intimate conversation with the consumer and yet it was funny and compellingly relevant to festival-goers.” merit camprbaaign Snurf Naked U clientIreland & Pepsico UK agencetiyng Ltd rk Initials Ma best experiential marketing led campaign Shampoo your hair with baked beans, or hurl abuse at a head of lettuce, and you’ll find standing out at the shops is easy. What’s hard is getting attention for the right reasons. We relish the challenges of our work, so it’s a genuine thrill for us to be singled out by our peers. Although, nothing competes with the delight of massaging a cold can of beans into one’s scalp. Seriously, try it. Saatchi & Saatchi X are experts in getting our clients noticed. We create ideas that connect with shoppers, whether they’re at home, online, on the bus or in a store. To talk beans or business, call Rachelle Headland, Managing Director, on 020 3036 9710. best campEAaigLSnON WHEELS’ S ‘M HAIRY BIKER nt clie ort Centre Supp un Comm ity agencatychi X Saatchi & Sa m accouhlnodtdeter,aPhilip Slade n Sc Linda-Ailee m creatrgiviaeBtarereata-Whiteley, Geo Tim Clegg, ma Congdon Em This was a tremendously tough brief: trying to convince both local councils and the general public to get behind Meals on Wheels and to attempt to rescue it for the nation. The execution and the development of the campaign was very powerful and they turned around volunteering to the national website, getting great PR through the Hairy Bikers TV show.” best pr led campaign merit campaign Remember A Charity One Stuntman, One Legacy client Remember A Charity agency DDB best campaign FRijj LOL client Dairy Crest agency iris count team ac o, Ian Bradbury, Clementine Imparat Ward lum Ca , ird Ba Nic creative team , Tarik Fatihi, Joe Stamp , Taylor Kim t, as erg nd Pre m To ngo, Dylan Coyne, Bill Adcock, James Va k Jones Kevin Blake, Nic best campaign by agency youth The Frijj campaign was for young people created by young people. You can spot campaigns that are written for youth when they’ve been done by a grey beard or thirty something copywriter. This had none of that, it was insight-driven and the language it used and creative work was spot on. The interactive element especially added value rather than overpowering the idea. It almost compelled you to pass it on and that’s what really delivered for this campaign. It’s a deserving winner.” merit campaign Sported client Sported agency Draftfcb best campa John Smith’s ign Grand Nationa l client Heineken in th e UK agency Aesop account team Joe Rolls creative Nick Spink, St team ephen Graham Gran Lynch, ger John Smiths took an existing property and leveraged every one of their assets across that campaign really hard. It made consumers smile, keeping their brand tone of voice and keeping it fresh for the future as well. They really own this property, there’s no other brand that could be associated with racing like John Smith’s are now.” merit campaamigesn’ - ‘Future Fl h Olympic Torc aCoc Cola’s n Campaign atio Relay Nomin clienta Coca-Col agencoryk BD Netw best sponsorship led campaign best campa Pants or ign Prizes client Coca-Co la agenc BD Netw y ork It was a brilliant execution. It felt like a really simple idea but proves that those are often the best. It was vibrant and quirky with lots of energy, highly engaging for the young target audience and simply fantastic fun. Every judge wanted a pair of pants. This promotion was the most successful ever on-pack Coca-Cola brand promotion which is really saying something when you look at the brand heritage.” 3 YEAR ‘GOOD FOOD DESERVES LURPAK’ CAMPAIGN merit campsaPigronmotion rb Lurpak He client s Arla Food agentwcoyrk BD Ne best sales promotion led campaign merit best data led campaign campaig Well Red - Global n Newsletter client Virgin Atlantic Ai rlines agency gyro merit campaign otion Lurpak Herbs Prom client Arla Foods agency BD Network best shopper led campaign merit campaign WORLD CLASS COLLE CTION client Diageo agency Saatchi & Saatchi X 9 Best Advertising-Led Campaign, Lumix G3 30” TVC part 1, Yosemite, photographer David Eustace best 30” TVC part 2, New York, photographer Will Cooper-Mitchell campa Small Camer ign a: Epic Shots client Panasonic Lumix Lifestyle homepage - campaign website agency Brave Press Online display - MPUs account Stefan Kann, team As Zoe Potter, Ca h Bendelow, rl Gonsalves Panasonic UK - YouTube Channel iPad coverwrap,T3 Brand: Lumix G Compact System Cameras. Campaign: Small Camera. Epic Shots. Objectives: To engage with hobbyists and photographic enthusiasts, and inspire them to trade up to a compact system camera, as well as building greater Lumix G equity and credibility in the system camera arena. Solution: We developed a testimonial-style campaign where we put the new Lumix G3 in the hands of two professional UK photographers, David Eustace and Will Cooper-Mitchell, and captured their natural reactions to test-driving the new camera in two stunning 30” TV commercials. This was supported through-the-line by press, in-store visits by the photographers themselves, a coffee table-style photobook detailing all the photographic data, a showcase website and over 60 minutes’ worth of additional rich content beyond the key spot advertising, produced bespoke for multiple-channel delivery. This included video tutorials by the featured photographers on YouTube, behind-the-scenes footage from the TVC shoot, as well as streamed video content via Aurasma technology, which was activated on print and POP. There was a real honesty about the Panasonic campaign that really resonated with both hobbyists and enthusiasts trading up to a new camera. A lot of brands like this would seek famous celebrities to front a campaign. Panasonic used highly professional photographers to give a truthful voice of experience but foregrounded the photographic capability of the product in contrasting styles. Using a variety of media and with a reportage showcase it felt very approachable for any budding photographer, plus this campaign was beautifully executed. Going up five places to number three in the standings for Panasonic speaks for itself.” Media: TV, Online, Press, Mobile Personal Device (featuring Aurasma app). merit campaigVirgnin Media ign Speedy Campa creative team Chris Westo Liam Fenton, n, Colin Jones, Rob Butcher, Oli Geal Results: The campaign resulted in a record sales uplift and increased the Panasonic Lumix market share in not only the compact system camera category, but across the entire interchangeable lens category. (259% YOY sales increase; Panasonic climbed 5 places to No.3 in the interchangeable lens camera category and is now No.1 in the compact system camera category.) best advertising led campaign merit Will work for campaig cheese. n TiVo Campaign Virgin Media client client Virgin Media Virgin Media agency agency DDB DDB WIPXXXX_MMA_AWARDS_VirginSpeedy_80x80.indd 1 06/10/2011 15:27 best campaign Boob Hijack client CoppaFeel! agency archibald ingall stretton account teieam Powell, Liz Barnsdale, Natal Sarah Gray creative team rson, Steve Stretton, Paul Pea ar, stid Da hi Ris w, rro lbo Laila Mi Darren Rackham best small budget campaign In partnership with The idea of targeting young men with the breast cancer message was strategically inspired. Hi-jacking a live televised sex line as a way of gaining real momentum and appeal to that audience was incredible. It created viral content that was pushed around the internet and the results were amazing against such a small budget so they totally deserve to win the best.” merit campaign The End client Quit UK agency iris merit camplaBigeen- Capita don’s bees vi Sa ng Lon nt clie n Authority ndo r Greate Lo agenAcy LID best campaign ns phere Connectio Star Alliance Bios client Star Alliance agency DDB am accountFote ggin, Tamsine Pelsoczi, Dominika Dalos- ard Hill, ch Ri st, James Hayhur Elaine Miller am creativennte i Emery, Elliot Guy Bradbury, Da rner, Andersen Ga Ryan, Anna-Louise Badgers, Spank 15 by d te en M repres The Star Alliance campaign is really beautiful, it’s almost like a piece of art. A paper artist used two tickets, folding them up and creating little pop-up worlds. The technical craft was amazing, seeing these worlds meticulously created out of the tickets which have been photographed and animated. This stretches the definition of illustration but it was the most unexpected use of illustration which we all intuitively felt drawn towards and greatly admired.” best illustration In partnership with merit merit campaign Capital Bee Saving London’s bees client Greater London Authority agency LIDA cam Magners paign Golde On-Trade n Draught Launch client Magners GB agency Elvis escape from the disappointment of creativity compromised by mediocre print production SPONSORS OF THIS YE AR’S PRINT PRODUCTI Please conta Harr y Falco ct: M: 07714 13ner E: harry@cp 6558 ON CP/MS CREATIVE PR INT & MAILING SO LUTIONS best campaign Kerry Ingredie nts clie Kerry Ingredie nt nts & Flavours agency Saatchi & Saat chi X account team Karen Simpson creativ Chris Boys, Bi e team ll Hibbins, Ge orgia Baretta-W Melissa Brisso hiteley, Gil Cocker, n, Pieter-Pau l von Weiler The Kerry Ingredients campaign was a truly arresting piece of photography. X-ray photography of fruits and vegetables is something that a lot of people would not have seen before and therefore it really stands out as unique. It tied in very neatly with their core messaging about making sure all their products taste good and are 100% perfect. Its quite a disruptive way of using photography, but this was the heart of the idea.” best photography In partnership with best typography merit In partnership with ca Mr. Jac mpaign k’s Birth day 201 1 clie Brown nt Forman agency iris best campa Orange Film ign To Go Launch client Orange agency iris account Venetia Tabo team r, Nicola Tom Edwards Way, crea Jake Fisk, Jo tive team Ant Melder, hn Maskell, Dan Stern, Simon John Abdel-M Mannion, Guy Cain, alak, Rob Sh inn best creative pos or in-store theatre merit campadeign Dnraught Magners Gol Launch On-Trade clientGB Magners agency Elvis The Orange campaign was exciting and really stood out because it was so 3D. The idea was about downloading films ‘on the go’ by bringing filmic scenes to life within the store window. But the scenes included where you might actually be whilst downloading a film; on a bus or sitting at home on your sofa. Creating windows that engage and startle passers-by as they realise they’ve just walked past a set gave Orange impact on the high street. It combined the best elements of retail and point of sale, which is a bit of theatre and something that is going to disrupt people so they take notice, It was executed very well, a really solid piece of work.” best campaign Capital B Saving Lond ee on’s bees clie Greater Lond nt on Authority agency accou LIDA Camilla Pate nt team l, Daniel Je nkins cre Nicky Bullard ative team , Christopher John Fazio Whitehead, The Bees campaign had warmth, and humour. The way that the dead and poorly bees were used to tell a very charming story showed a rare example of art direction being completely intrinsic and central to the creative idea. It was not a kind of design style laid over the top of the idea but entirely fundamental to the campaign.” best art direction merit merit campa campaign Star Alliance Bios ign phere Connectio ns client TIger Beer ow ‘Kn The Not Known’ Star Alliance client agency Heineken UK Tiger Beer UK agency exposure DDB Draftfcb AD space best campaign Sported client Sported agency Draftfcb account team Peter Park creativ James White e team , Henry Finn egan The craft in the Sported campaign, the skill with the double meaning is difficult to do and it is done really well in this instance. Sported is such a worthy winner because the writing is the idea, it’s the perfect execution within copy of the idea. For young people its saying ‘You can go one way or the other: you can get involved in sport or you can get involved in drugs or gangs, and you’ll be doing similar things but one’s dramatically more positive than the other’, and that came through very strongly indeed.” merit campBairthigdnay 2011 Mr. Jack’s clienrmt an Brown Fo agency iris best writing best campaign Volvo Winter Ty res client Volvo Cars UK agency EHS 4D account team Emma Rogers, Sam creati Tredgett Frazer Howard, ve team Tim Wal Phil Hall, Dan Ha tho, Phil Moore, nks, Tarik Ali This was an integrated campaign that was well executed, had a very strong proposition and encouraged a direct response. It’s a very difficult task to persuade people to buy different tyres when they have spent a lot of money on a car, but this campaign dramatised the need for winter tyres in snowy conditions very well. A really simple idea “when everything else slips, you won’t” in a letter where the type is actually slipping off the page was really clever.” merit campaEnigd n The clienKt Quit U agency iris best creative direct marketing best campa Pants or ign Prizes client Coca-Co la agenc BD Netw y ork The campaign stood out because of the simplicity of it. The on-pack design was really nice; it was very on-brand for Dr Pepper; and it was very appealing for the target audience. It was the easy brand interaction and pure simplicity of the campaign idea: everyone can take photos on their mobile phones, you either won an amazing prize or a pair of pants, but the pair of pants were a really funky pair of pants, so it was a nice win-win situation. It obviously worked because it was the most redeemed sales promotion that Coke have done with any of their brands in the UK.” best creative sales promotion merit gn campWaariren Win clienCrtest Dairy ageniscy ir A1 Board_Frijj_WinWarren.indd 1 12/10/2011 17:08 best innovation merit campaign FRijj LOL client Dairy Crest agency iris best creative digital merit n campaig x Choir Rap Beatbo client Channel 4 agency Numiko ON RADIO ON TV ONLINE ON MOBILE ULTI PLATFORM PRODUCTION DISTRIBUTION MULTI PLATFORM PRODUCTION DISTRIBUTION CONNECTING BRANDS WITH AUDIENCE CONNECTING BRANDS WITH AUDIENCES L DOMINICSMALES USPCONTENTCOM LUSPCONTENTCOM ROBJONES USPCONTENTCOM USPCONTENTCOM .EWMAN 3T ,ONDON 74 !7 "ROADCAST #ENTRE 'RESSE 3T ,ONDON 74 14 best campaign April Fools client Land Rov er agency Wunderm an accou nt team Simo Melanie C n Luff, Glynn Eusto hevalier, n, Sim Kate Nett one Raspagni, letonp cre Mark R ative team Watson, P oalfe, David Harris , h Terence B il Forster, Kelvin T Mike illinghast, ly, Tim Bro okes, Neil Ian Owen Barrie, , Ma Lorraine M rion Ancker, annington The Land Rover ad was fantastic because it was almost credible, and every great April fools joke should be believable. Consumers are hit with legislation and tax reminders so a new bit of legislation about having your tax disk at the right angle isn’t a surprise. Linking through to the web-site they’d actually see the designers of Land Rover at a press conference saying that this was indeed real. Any great advertising makes you feel different or definitely makes you feel something. This particular ad made us smile but more importantly it changed the way we perceive Land Rover, as feeling a bit more fun and a bit more modern and therefore it’s a great piece of advertising.” best creative advertising 60 Years of man and van in perfect harmony 60 Years of man and van in perfect harmony 60 60 Years Years of of man man and and van van in in perfect perfect harmony harmony merit campmaaign &nvan 60 years client n Volkswage agency iris Turning acultural cultural asset into acommercial commercial asset Turning Turninga culturalasset assetinto intoa commercialasset asset Turning cultural asset into commercial asset Turning aaacultural asset into aaacommercial asset How do you overcome aprice price premium ininaaacredit-crunched, credit-crunched, deal-orientated market? How Howdo doyou youovercome overcomea pricepremium premiumin credit-crunched,deal-orientated deal-orientatedmarket? market? How do you overcome price premium credit-crunched, deal-orientated market? How do you overcome aaaprice premium inin aacredit-crunched, deal-orientated market? We neutralised this short-term rational barrier with along-term long-term emotional benefit. With this lovingly-crafted TVC, We Weneutralised neutralisedthis thisshort-term short-termrational rationalbarrier barrierwith witha long-termemotional emotionalbenefit. benefit.With Withthis thislovingly-crafted lovingly-craftedTVC, TVC, We neutralised this short-term rational barrier with long-term emotional benefit. With this lovingly-crafted TVC, We neutralised this short-term rational barrier with aaalong-term emotional benefit. With this lovingly-crafted TVC, we reminded drivers the long and trusted bond between owners and the world’s greatest van brand. And we reminded drivers ofof the long and trusted bond between owners and the world’s greatest van brand. And wereminded remindeddrivers driversof ofthe thelong longand andtrusted trustedbond bondbetween betweenowners ownersand andthe theworld’s world’sgreatest greatestvan vanbrand. brand.And And we reminded drivers of the long and trusted bond between owners and the world’s greatest van brand. And we reinforced its place culture by evoking the era which the brand became an icon (with little help from The reinforced its place inininculture by evoking the era inininwhich the brand became an icon (with aaalittle help from The reinforcedits itsplace placein cultureby byevoking evokingthe theera erain whichthe thebrand brandbecame becamean anicon icon(with (witha littlehelp helpfrom fromThe The reinforced its place inculture culture by evoking the era inwhich which the brand became an icon (with alittle little help from The reinforced Beach Boys’ classic track ‘God Only Knows’). Beach Boys’ classic track ‘God Only Knows’). BeachBoys’ Boys’classic classictrack track‘God ‘GodOnly OnlyKnows’). Knows’). Beach Boys’ classic track ‘God Only Knows’). Beach VW commercial vehicles are now number one for brand attractiveness and brand consideration and have VW VWcommercial commercialvehicles vehiclesare arenow nownumber numberone onefor forbrand brandattractiveness attractivenessand andbrand brandconsideration considerationand andhave have VW commercial vehicles are now number one for brand attractiveness and brand consideration and have VW commercial vehicles are now number one for brand attractiveness and brand consideration and have moved from fourth second the Commercial Vehicles category. moved from fourth toto second inininthe Commercial Vehicles category. movedfrom fromfourth fourthto tosecond secondin theCommercial CommercialVehicles Vehiclescategory. category. moved from fourth to second inthe the Commercial Vehicles category. moved Turning a cultural asset into a commercial asset How do you overcome a price premium in a credit-crunched, deal-orientated market? We neutralised this short-term rational barrier with a long-term emotional benefit. With this lovingly-crafted TVC, A1 Board_VW_TVC.indd 1 A1 A1 Board_VW_TVC.indd Board_VW_TVC.indd 11 A1 Board_VW_TVC.indd 1 13/10/2011 14:23 13/10/2011 13/10/2011 14:23 14:23 13/10/2011 14:23 A1 Board_VW_TVC.indd A1 Board_VW_TVC.indd 1 1 13/10/2011 14:23 13/10/2011 14:23 You do the creative, we do the build. brands we’ve worked with... some of the agencies we’ve made it happen for... It was a unique very original idea. Ambient needs to be something that you bump into, something that is unexpected or in an unexpected place. The Quit campaign makes you aware that if you smoke your life could come to an abrupt end. Books always have an ending and they cunningly inserted a piece of messaging inside a book which brought home the fact that if you don’t stop smoking ‘your’ story will end prematurely. This was also inserted digitally into kindle books, so somewhere along the line while reading it a piece of communication will pop up saying “don’t let your life end prematurely - your story doesn’t end here” which is a great piece of communication.” best campaEnigd n The clienKt Quit U agency iris m accoung Dtadtee a Gre m creatlrivath,e AtnteaMelder, Shaun McI , Nick Clement, nion Simon Man lla, Guy Cain Silvia Se best creative ambient media best development of agency talent Ogilvy Action’s identification and use of the ‘8 habits’ which unite highly creative communities was very innovative and it was also clear that they had a strategic approach to talent management. The way they integrated these ‘habits’ was meaningful for career progression and it was achieved without having a large budget.” In partnership with best agency OgilvyAction best youth initiative In partnership with BD’s Big Break experience enabled the agency to hire a talented junior creative team. They gave young talented graduates the opportunity to work on live agency briefs and demonstrated the value of this for all those who took part: both young participants being able to learn about the industry from senior experts and the impression disseminated more widely in the graduate community about the brand BD. Evaluation showed that it will be a valuable future talent pipeline.“ best agencoyrk BD Netw FOREVER BETA ® Business Change & Brand evolution Maa Best BreaKthrough agenCY oF the Year 2012 and it’s not just the judges that thinK so… “2 years ago Forever Beta sold us a vision and strategy that got us excited. 2 years on they are still delivering and keeping us excited, both strategically and creatively. and it works. Following our repositioning work and new campaign, 2011 delivered double digit top line growth and helped us achieve record market share.” daMon swarBriCK, Ceo KingFisher Beer euroPe "Forever Beta stand out because of their creative and integrated solution to our objectives: their passion and grown-up marketing approach, together with their campaign planning system which focuses on proposition propagation was strategically and creatively perfect for us.” jon danCe, MarKeting Manager For Bahlsen llP For a fresh look at your brand and to learn more about our unique Proposition Propagation® system contact the Maa Best Breakthrough agency of the Year. email robin gadsby on or call 020 7399 8668 searCh Forever Beta