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Campaigns that WORK
Global Ideas
Welcome to Global Ideas, our annual showcase of
great work from around the world.
We operate in a noisy marketplace. To be successful,
our work has to have something out of the ordinary.
This year’s entries show how a combination of
behavioral insight, creativity and activation skills
make a brand’s voice clearly heard by the consumer.
Each of these award-winning campaigns has, at its
heart, a powerful idea that directly answers a brand
need. But the idea alone isn’t enough. We constantly
look for new ways to use Paid, Owned and Earned
touchpoints to build a fully integrated solution, and
create real value around it.
Our ideas are underpinned by a deep understanding
of data, analytics and insight – factors which no
one can afford to ignore in today’s communications
The goal is to achieve growth for our clients. All this
work emphatically does that.
Finally, this book gives me an opportunity to thank our
clients and, of course, everyone at MEC. Your efforts
take our work to new heights.
See for yourself.
Charles Courtier
Chief Executive Officer, Global
The challenge
Crispbread crackers are almost a forgotten food category.
Our job was to revitalize the Vita Weat brand, and make it
exciting and desirable for a new generation of food fans.
Our insight
Modern foodies want to express themselves through their
recipe ideas and love to compete with each other.
Our solution
We fired up a food category that hadn’t
been popular since the 1970s with a
campaign based on today’s food obsessions
It seems like everyone’s a foodie now, thanks to endless
cooking shows, blogs and social media. Our campaign –
“Top That” – invited food fans to dream up new toppings
for crispbread crackers and to upload pictures of their
creations to a custom-made Facebook page. In no time,
fans were competing furiously to produce increasingly
strange and wonderful ideas. We staged live “Top That”
weekly challenges on Facebook, re-posting the best
creations to drive further interest.
Our integrated multi-channel media strategy ensured the
campaign reached an audience beyond die-hard foodies,
with mainstream morning TV running live “Top That”
challenges, supported by a TV commercial. The idea was
also picked up by food magazines, which maintained the
momentum by running their own “Top That” battles. It
wasn’t long before crispbread crackers were flying off the
shelves, just as they used to back in the 1970s.
The results
• Market share up 30%
• Female buyers up 50%
• Highest recognition score of all Arnott’s
savory brands
australia: campbell arnott’s
Last summer, millions of Britons turned out onto the streets to see the Olympic
Flame on its 10-week journey around the UK. We gave those people a chance
to say ‘I was there!’ – and prove it – via a unique social media application
The challenge
For most Britons, last summer was a once-in-a-lifetime
opportunity to witness the Olympics at first hand. Although
relatively few could watch the Games in person, the Torch
relay offered millions of people around the country an
opportunity to enter into the Olympic spirit. Our challenge
was to find a way for Lloyds TSB – with no obvious sports
connection – to capitalize on that spirit and associate its
brand with the world’s largest sporting event.
Our insight
Only a lucky few could attend the Olympic Games – but
95% of the UK’s population would be able to experience
the Games via the Torch relay.
Our solution
We teamed up with the inventors of Google Streetview to
create Torchview – the world’s biggest social panoramic
snapshot, featuring the entire Torch relay route. Mounted
on the convoy bus, Torchview’s camera rig captured
every cheer, every flag and every smile along the Flame’s
journey. Over the 70-day journey, technicians worked
24/7 to process 1,800 miles of footage. A million images
were processed, stitched together and uploaded to a
bespoke Facebook app within 24 hours, at a rate of 20GB
a minute. As the journey continued, thousands of Olympic
well-wishers used the app to find and tag themselves.
The result was a panoramic record of a historic event and
shared Olympic memories for millions.
The results
United Kingdom: Lloyds banking group
World’s most tagged piece of content
3.6 million Torchview images viewed
69% sponsorship awareness
22% of the UK exposed to Facebook/
Torchview message
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The challenge
Increasing eco-awareness and rapid price inflation have
damaged the reputations of major oil companies around
the world. Caltex asked us to design a campaign that
would help restore its brand image in South-East Asia.
Our insight
By driving change at community level, we could
demonstrate Caltex’s commitment to social responsibility
and create positive noise around the brand.
Our solution
We devised a branded content campaign so positive that
it changed lives in five countries – Hong Kong, Malaysia,
Singapore, The Philippines and Thailand.
“Driving Change” set celebrity presenter Henry Golding a
series of five community tasks, such as rebuilding a school
library, renovating a sports field, distributing food hampers
to the elderly and raising money for school supplies.
In just 15 days, Henry raced across the region, galvanizing
support along the way. In each location, we harnessed the
power of social media to attract volunteers. We generated
more media buzz with homepage takeovers and local
press/TV/radio coverage. Our team filmed each entire
challenge, uploading videos to Facebook in real time to
stir up online conversations around the activation. An
hour-long program was broadcast free by Star World on
New Year’s Day and subsequently repeated twice. Digital
content went on air with the National Geographic Channel
and Star World across the region. “Driving Change”
made a real impact, even prompting the Malaysian Prime
Minister to tweet his support.
The results
singapore: chevron Caltex
Sales up 6%
Benefited over 20,000 children and the elderly
Brand preference up 5%
Over $1 million in PR value
A nationwide mass communication
campaign gave new energy to the UK
government’s drive to reduce smoking
The challenge
There are still eight million smokers in England. Most of
them have tried to quit but it’s tough and it’s lonely, so
more often than not they fail. As a result, they lose faith in
their ability to stop. Our challenge was to restore that faith
and to give them back the motivation to quit.
Our insight
If smokers give up for 28 days, they are five times more
likely to stop for good.
Our solution
We needed a ground-breaking idea that would motivate
every smoker to quit outside the now-traditional January
window. Our solution was Stoptober, a month-long mass
participation event that would inspire the country to kick
the habit.
Rather than hammering home the health message,
we used media to create a social movement which was
positive and supportive, giving smokers the sense that they
were not alone in their efforts to quit. Initially, we used paid
broadcast media to achieve scale. We created partnerships
with major employers, thousands of pharmacies and with
every single local authority in the country. Social media
kept the ball rolling with constant updates throughout
the month, reinforcing the idea of Stoptober as a 24/7
nationwide movement. Constant monitoring of chatter and
feedback provided a stream of ideas that were turned into
engaging content. Every day throughout the campaign, we
ran new ads with different copy based on these ideas.
Stoptober captured the nation’s imagination, inspiring
hundreds of thousands of smokers to participate. More
people quit in October than in the previous January.
The results
• Estimated saving to health service:
$20million in year one
• 234,000 quit attempts
• 168,000 smoke-free after 28 days
• 1.3 million visits to the dedicated website
united kingdom: department of health
In just two months, Pulsar’s 135cc motorcycle broke seven world records,
attracting massive publicity throughout Colombia
The challenge
Our solution
We had to position the Pulsar as the best motorcycle in
its category.
Motorcyclists are a skeptical group. They only believe
what they can see. We created “The Pulsar Power
Tour” to appeal to thrill-seeking bikers by attempting
to break seven Guinness world records in different
cities across Colombia. The sensational stunts, which
involved challenges such as pulling an aircraft and riding
through glass plates, were an ideal way of catching the
imagination of the target audience.
Our insight
Motorcycles are usually promoted by focusing on their
technical specifications. But we wanted to create a buzz
by showing what a small bike can do.
We adopted an integrated approach for the campaign.
To kick-start coverage, we seeded press, radio, TV and
outdoor, driving respondents to a custom microsite. As
the tour progressed, we achieved additional impetus via
activity on Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and blogs.
The results
• Sales up 8%
• Brand awareness up 9%
• Purchase intent up10%
The challenge
into the sun
As a tourism destination, The Philippines are overshadowed
by neighboring countries. But our campaign for Beiersdorf’s
NIVEA Sun helped consumers to step out of the shadows
and show pride in their country
The sun care market in The Philippines is mature.
Consumers tend to stick to the brand they know. Our task
was to create a campaign that would generate enough
excitement around Nivea Sun to persuade people to
change their brand allegiance.
Our insight
Philippines people are fiercely proud of their country. They
want to step out of the shadows and enjoy their time in the
Our solution
While nearby Thailand and Malaysia draw thousands of
tourists every year, The Philippines remain slightly off
the beaten track. This is frustrating for many locals who
feel that their country’s own attractions are being unfairly
We tapped into this emotion with a campaign called “The
Seven Wonders of Summer”, using print media to kick off
a debate about the country’s best summer destinations.
Radio picked up the idea and we prompted blogger
engagement via a competition. At all points, consumers
were guided towards Nivea Sun’s Facebook page where
they could upload their travel photos and vote for their
favorite local destination. The campaign was extended into
retail via kiosks with internet-ready computers enabling
shoppers to take part. For the campaign finale, we
returned to paid media to announce the lucky winners.
The results
• 23% sales increase
• 100,000+ customers engaged via retail
• Facebook fans up 20,000
the philippines: beiersdorf
A lifestyle choice
On Valentine’s Day, we boosted sales
of condoms with a simple but highly
effective social media idea
The challenge
Lifestyle Condoms challenged us to increase sales of
their brand by 20% on Valentine’s Day – and steal a big
advantage over the competitor brand on an important
date in lovers’ calendar.
Our insight
On Valentine’s Day, people tend to spend their money on
chocolates and flowers. So, it’s the perfect time to remind
them that they should buy some condoms.
Our solution
We mounted a social media campaign, built around the
Chilean colloquial phrase “Tomorrow’s your turn”, which
is frequently used in the context of a sexual encounter.
Using Facebook and Twitter, we asked consumers to
tell us about their funny stories or ideas associated with
Valentine’s Day, and their views on protection and sex
education. The response was overwhelming. We received
thousands of comments via both the key social media
channels, and sales of Lifestyle Condoms rocketed on
February 14.
The results
• Sales up by 45% on Valentine’s Day
• 40,000 visits to Facebook fan page
• “Tomorrow’s your turn” trended on
February 13-14
Chile: Laboratorios Prater, S.A.
The challenge
The digital eco-system is now immensely complex. It can
produce massive amounts of data, but the real challenge
for marketers is to find a way of analyzing the information
to reveal the true value of their digital investment.
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Our insight
Current digital attribution systems deliver standard
one-size-fits-all solutions. We saw this as an opportunity
to create a best-in-class system that also customizes
results for individual clients.
Our solution
CookieCutter™ is a digital attribution technology that
assesses impact in each media channel, going beyond
conventional ‘last click’ metrics to track the full consumer
pathway across billions of online (accounting for offline)
interactions. It also shows how those pathways relate
to performance metrics. Unlike other digital attribution
systems, CookieCutter™ takes account of the nuances
of the individual client’s business. For example, optimal
allocation of a $20 million budget in retail could provide an
estimated 10-15% increase in on/offline sales. This system
represents a pioneering leap for marketers operating in
the digital environment.
The results
• Processes millions of records in seconds
• Streamlined reporting
• Customizable solutions
USA: Cookiecutter™
Two hearts,
one wish
The challenge
Rebranding always presents a challenge – how to make
the change without alienating existing customers. But
Nutricia wanted more than that. They wanted us to activate
the new Bebelac name and create a springboard for brand
growth throughout the Middle East/North Africa region.
Tasked with rebranding a baby food
product, we not only activated the
new name effectively but also drove
significantly higher sales
Our insight
All mothers want the best possible life for their baby.
Our solution
The new brand’s logo is two hearts, signifying the bond
between mother and baby. This was the starting point for a
campaign called “Two Hearts, One Wish”, in which Bebelac
gave mothers the chance to make their wishes come true,
creating a strong emotional connection with the product.
The heart of the activation was a competition in which
mothers shared their wishes for their children via a
custom-made app on the Bebelac Facebook page. We
drove traffic to it via TV commercials, digital ads, PR and
a retail partnership which enabled mothers to participate
via in-store tablets across the region. Every month the
three best wishes were chosen by online voting – and
Bebelac turned them into a reality. The “Two Hearts, One
Wish” campaign has been so successful that it has been
The results
Middle East/North Africa: Nutricia
• Overall sales up 15%
• GUM sales increased by 39%
• Brand awareness up 16%
Faced with promoting a horror movie launch over the Holiday season, we took a bold
decision to spend signifcantly more on radio than normal for a theatrical release
The challenge
Our solution
Paramount’s horror movie “The Devil Inside” was
scheduled for US general release on January 6. It meant
that promotional activity would coincide with the noisy
Christmas and New Year period – exactly the time when
the 17-34 target group would be partying, shopping and
spending time with family and friends. To make matters
worse, the movie was not a sequel and had no stars to
attract media attention.
The Holiday season meant that TV was saturated with
repeats and end-of-year specials. We needed to break
through the clutter and maximize reach. So, based on
our insight, we chose radio – ‘the theater of the mind’
– as a core channel to market. We doubled our radio
budget and used all forms of radio (terrestrial, mobile
and streaming) to capture listeners as they traveled
to and from their Holiday festivities. Over Christmas,
we ran an eerie “Silent Night/Holy Night” ad to create
tactical relevance.
Our insight
Horror imagined is more frightening than when it’s seen.
In the opening week, alongside ads appearing in regular
spots, they also broke into the middle of songs which
faded back in once the ad was over. Rarely attempted
before, this created a strong audience impact which was
reflected via social media.
The results
• $34 million opening box office weekend
• Third-highest January opening ever
usa: paramount
About MEC
Clients want growth. But finding genuine opportunity in a
world of possibilities is tough.
We help advertisers explore what’s possible, inspiring and
guiding them to the optimum solution for their brands. Then
we exploit it, delivering maximum value for clients.
Our services include:
Media planning and buying
Digital media
Performance marketing
Social media
Analytics and Insight
Partnerships, content and activation
Integrated planning.
Our 5,000 highly talented and motivated people work with
domestic and international clients in 81 countries and we are
a founding partner of GroupM.
To find out more, visit us at
Asia Pacific
1 Paris Garden
United Kingdom
18 Cross Street
China Square Central
Tel +44 20 7803 2000
Tel +65 6225 1262
825 Seventh Avenue
New York
NY 10019
Stephen Li
Chief Executive Officer, Asia Pacific
Tel +1 212 474 0000
Europe, Middle East and Africa
Charles Courtier
Chief Executive Officer, Global
1 Paris Garden
United Kingdom
Alastair Aird
Chief Operating Officer, Global
Melanie Varley
Chief Strategy Officer, Global
Caroline Foster Kenny
Chief Client Officer, Global
Carl Fremont
Chief Digital Officer, Global
Stephan Bruneau
Head of Analytics and Insight, Global
Tel +44 20 7803 2000
Alastair Aird
Chairman, Europe, Middle East and Africa
Tom George
Chairman, UK and Northern Europe
Latin America
601 Brickell Key Drive, Suite 804
FL 33131
Tel +1 786 264 7600
Michael Jones
Chief Executive Officer, Latin America
North America
825 Seventh Avenue
New York
NY 10019
Tel +1 212 474 0000
Marla Kaplowitz
Chief Executive Officer, North America
© MEC All content, logos and trademarks used within this publication
are protected by copyright and cannot be used without permission from
MEC or the permission of the relevant trademark owners.