Sentinel MSR165 data sheet
Sentinel MSR165 data sheet
Defence Communications Systems SENTINEL MULTISERVICE SWITCH ROUTER MSR165 T !" #"$ $%"#&"''( $#) The MSR165 operates in dynamic networks, where topology continuously changes and no hierarchical connectivity can be assumed, nodes are mobile and not always reachable, bandwidth availability is poor and links are unstable. The variations of network topology are automatically recognized and managed by MSR165. The routing algorithms are selfDGDSWLYHERWKWRWKHWRSRORJ\FKDQJHVDQGWRWKHWUDIÀF variance. to withstand the challenging mechanical, environmental and electromagnetic stresses affecting the equipment inside mobile combat units. It meets the most stringent military Standards, including MIL-STD-810F, AECTP300, AECTP400, MIL-STD-461E, MIL-STD-1275. The MSR165’s ability to immediately work after a simple FRQÀJXUDWLRQZLWKRXWQHHGLQJDQHWZRUNLQIUDVWUXFWXUH allows soldiers and tanks to automatically form a network on WKHEDWWOHÀHOG versatile and reliable dual stack IPv4/IPv6 networking solution for military tactical applications on land platforms used in operational missions, such as Main Battle Tanks, armoured Fighting Vehicles, Personnel Carriers, Protected Tactical and Logistics platforms. The MSR165 is an Integrated Service Router with layer 3 switching capabilities able to support intra-vehicle communications, interfacing the on board Intercom system (Digital or VoIP) and providing Gigabit Ethernet connectivity to vehicle sensors and computing systems (e.g. BMS). In addition, MSR165 carries out external communications providing voice/data access to HF/VHF/UHF legacy radios such as to new generation radios making a wide set of interworking features available across a range of heterogeneous radio technologies. 7KH065H[SORLWVDOOWKHEHQHÀWVGHULYLQJIURP,3 technology in terms of service convergence, system openness and upgrading capabilities. It provides enhanced networking features with respect to optimized QoS for any different application or service, network mobility and resilience. T*T+,-.,T/+,*T 0+.-*12+ 345 6789:; <=>?@A5B =CDBDEAF@AG D4H=CG4ICD performances with innovative services and protocols support in an extremely scalable architecture. A wide range of electrical and optical interfaces is available to establish network connections over Ethernet. 6-wires E&M analog interfaces allow audio communications with different radio devices and towards the INTCOM system, thus enabling automatic relay of voice and data between different radio technologies. Serial interfaces assure a packet data service according to MIL-STD-188-220 data link protocol. Its integrated service functionalities and the capability to embed the Sentinel IPCS115 IP Calling Suite functionalities make MSR165 a complete IP solution to provide all voice, video and data services on vehicles, included digital conference services. ,QDGGLWLRQWRVWDQGDUG,3SURWRFROVVSHFLÀFQHWZRUNLQJ solutions are introduced for faster system topology convergence and graceful network performance degradation upon link failures or nodes disruption or rapid nodes mobility. $ORQJZLWKVWDQGDUG'LII6HUY4R6SROLFLHVDGYDQFHGWUDIÀF PDQDJHPHQWVWUDWHJLHVLQFOXGLQJWUDIÀFFRQWURODQG resources optimization mechanisms, are implemented in support of mission critical applications (real time data). The capability of providing advanced military features can be fully exploited when MSR165 is deployed in conjunction with the Selex ES Sentinel equipment family (Sentinel IPCS115, Sentinel MSR115, Sentinel MSIP115, Sentinel VoIP phone). -RTJ1K 0-T-2-L 345 6789:; BCII=HDB EMM H5M5NEAD BDEAFEHF@O5F H=CD@AG protocols, such as OSPF and BGP, in line with typical user requirements. 0$1(7URXWLQJDOJRULWKPVWDLORUHGWREDWWOHÀHOGXVHDUH provided in order to select the best radio transmission vector to reach the destination. These algorithms are completely suitable for wireless applications, even in the absence of full any-to-any connectivity. The capability to achieve fast network topology FRQYHUJHQFHZLWKDVLJQLÀFDQWO\UHGXFWLRQRIEDQGZLGWK FRQVXPSWLRQDQGWKHHIÀFLHQWKDQGOLQJRIQDUURZEDQGUDGLR bearers make these routing algorithms completely suitable for CNR networks. Policy Based Routing (PBR) and GRE tunneling complete the advanced routing features available. J1T+K*T+P +QJ2+ 345 6789:; B5H@5B <=>IM5D5B D45 75M5U V7 WE>@MX of Multiservice Switch Routers with layer 3 switching capabilities, supplying Integrated Service Router functions. The MSR165, via embedded Sentinel IP Calling Suite IPCS115 application software, provides civilian and military VoIP services in accordance with H.323 and SIP standards. The embedded IPCS115 application software integrates high TXDOLW\9RLFHRYHU,3DQGJXDUDQWHHVWKDW065IXOÀOOV tactical operational requirements, such as indipendence from the physical network topology, management of PTT signaling, support of multilevel priority and integration of legacy non-IP assets directly connected to the MSR165 itself. The support of a wide set of interworking and transcoding functions makes MSR165 capable of end-to-end communications across different technology domains like legacy voice CNR and VoIP systems. T+2/1J2*L 0+2J.J2*TJ-1 345 6789:; @B ENE@ME?M5 @A DY= F@WW5H5AD B@O5 N5HB@=ABZ 9[ and 2U. The product is designed to meet very stringent mechanical, environmental and electromagnetic stresses in accordance with the applicable MIL-STD and AECTP VSHFLÀFDWLRQV J0 J1T+\-]J1K ^7_`Na bc_Nd c8V 3CAA5M@AG _e6Naf76 ec6_Na *PQ*12+P -RTJ1K _=M@<X bEB5F 8=CD@AG 6ghV3 8=CD@AG EMG=H@D4>B +2RJTi `@H5YEMM@AG D4H=CG4 g<<5BB j=ADH=M k@BDB l- m@WW75HN n " op&" ! )! o $oo)#$ pq !#$$#q r critical applications *PJ- P*T*LJ1] 0-T-2-L 6ekf73mf9ssfaatj *J1 *PJ- P+QJ2+ J1T+\-]J1K uv` HEF@= F5N@<5B M@w5 7ehjcg87x 8EXD45=A _7jf;x vEHH@B PRC-117 v` HEF@= F5N@<5B M@w5 75M5U V7 jh8attty3[86gx vEHH@B RF-5800H [v` HEF@= F5N@<5B M@w5 e33 vjm8x 75M5U V7 ue778 EAF 7m8 VM3 7ED<=> muby8j7 D5H>@AEMB J1T+K*T+P +QJ2+ .+*TR+ 7DEAFEHF EAF >@M@DEHX ?EB@< EAF BCIIM5>5ADEHX u=e_ services, supporting: - H.323 - SIPv2 35M5I4=A@< EFFH5BB@AG W=H>EDB E<<=HF@AG D= BDEAFEHF EAF military numbering plans: - ITU-T E.164 - STANAG 4214 Ed. 1 and Ed. 2 - STANAG 5046 7CII=HD =W E Y@F5 B5D =W N=@<5 <=F@AGBZ - G.711 A and u-law - G.726 ADPCM16 and ADPCM32 1+T\-] +QJ2+ mvj_ z{| oo'$$ }$$ }~oq"q &)~o#q _H=UX g8_ L*i+ .+*TR+ 3HEABIEH5AD ?H@FG@AG 6gj M5EHA@AGx EG@AG EAF BY@D<4@AG ?X 4EHFYEH5 ukgh E<<=HF@AG D= eVVV sta9 8EI@F 7IEAA@AG 3H55 _H=D=<=M E<<=HF@AG D= eVVV sta9F eADerVLAN routing J1T+.*2+ 9 U 87aa B5H@EM @AD5HWE<5 W=H >EAEG5>5AD 9 U 9ty9tt bEB5 3 VD45HA5D @AD5HWE<5 W=H >EAEG5>5AD d U 9ty9tty9ttt bEB5 3 ECD=B5AB@AG VD45HA5D kghygh interfaces with capability to feed DC 12 V d U : Y@H5B EAEM=G @AD5HWE<5B 9 U [7b @AD5HWE<5 D=YEHFB j=>?ED h5D 8EF@= W=H FEDE applications d U CA?EMEA<5F B5H@EM @AD5HWE<5B W=H HEF@= FEDE applications according to RS232 and MIL-STD-188-114 and supporting MIL-STD-188-220C datalink protocol or alternatively a U CA?EMEA<5F B5H@EM @AD5HWE<5B W=H HEF@= FEDE applications compliant to RS232 and MIL-STD-188-114 and supporting MIL-STD-188-220C datalink protocol 9 U ?EMEA<5F B5H@EM @AD5HWE<5B W=H HEF@= FEDE EIIM@<ED@=AB compliant to RS422 MSR165-2U 9 U 87aa B5H@EM @AD5HWE<5 W=H >EAEG5>5AD 9 U 9ty9tt bEB5 3 VD45HA5D @AD5HWE<5 W=H >EAEG5>5AD a U 9ttt bEB5 kU VD45HA5D kghygh @AD5HWE<5B s U 9ty9tty9ttt bEB5 3 ECD=B5AB@AG VD45HA5D kghygh interfaces with capability to feed DC 12 V s U : Y@H5B EAEM=G @AD5HWE<5B 9 U [7b @AD5HWE<5 D=YEHFB j=>?ED h5D 8EF@= W=H FEDE applications s U CA?EMEA<5F B5H@EM @AD5HWE<5B W=H HEF@= FEDE applications compliant to RS232 and MIL-STD-188-114 and supporting MIL-STD-188-220C datalink protocol or alternatively d U CA?EMEA<5F B5H@EM @AD5HWE<5B W=H HEF@= FEDE applications compliant to RS232 and MIL-STD-188-114 and supporting MIL-STD-188-220C datalink protocol a U ?EMEA<5F B5H@EM @AD5HWE<5B W=H HEF@= FEDE EIIM@<ED@=AB compliant to RS422 *1*K++1T gCD=fF@EGA=BD@<Z - Power-on self-test - General Alarm k=<EM 35H>@AEMZ - RS232 asynchronous serial line with ASCII protocol h67 j=ADH=M D4H=CG4 EA VD45HA5D 9ty9tt bEB5 3Z - SNMPv3 protocol - Telnet protocol - &RQÀJXUDWLRQÀOHVYLD;0/ - 7)73VDYLQJDQGUHVWRULQJFRQÀJXUDWLRQ *J1 R00-T+P T*1P*P e_Nd 8`j 9 ej6_ 8`j a c8V DCAA5M@AG IH=D=<=M W=H e_Nd 8`j asd ec6_N9xNa W=H e_Nd 8`j aa: [m_ 8`j :s e_ =N5H VD45HA5D 8`j sd 3j_ 8`j g8_ 8`j sa: _H=UX g8_ W=H e_Nd 8`j 9ta mvj_Nd 8`j a99 e_N: 8`j ad:t e_Ndfe_N: FCEM BDE<w 8`j da9 ej6_N: 8`j ad: h5@G4?=H m@B<=N5HX W=H e_N: 8`j ds:9 z{| oo'$$ }$$ }~oq"q &)~o#q ^7_`Na 8`j aas bc_Nd 8`j da9 _e6Na 7IEHB5 6=F5 W=H e_Nd 8`j a:a eADeroperability standard for digital message transfer device subsystems (MIL-STD-188-220C) 75BB@=A m5B<H@ID@=A _H=D=<=M 7m_ 8`j aax 8`j a:d 75BB@=A eA@D@ED@=A _H=D=<=M 7e_ 8`j a:9 345 7e_ eh`^ 65D4=F 8`j a: 85EMf3@>5 3HEABI=HD _H=D=<=M 83_ 8`j 9ssx 8`j asx RFC 3550) va V9:d 7DEAEG da9d 7DEAEG ;td: ukgh 3EGG@AG eVVV sta9 8EI@F 7IEAA@AG 3H55 _H=D=<=M eVVV sta9F g 7@>IM5 h5DY=Hw 6EAEG5>5AD _H=D=<=M 7h6_ 8`j 1157) 7DHC<DCH5 =W 6EAEG5>5AD eAW=H>ED@=A W=H 7h6_Na 8`j 1442) 7h6_N gIIM@<ED@=AB 8`j aa: 7h6_ gIIM@<ED@=AB 8`j a; 6EAEG5>5AD eAW=H>ED@=A bEB5 W=H u5HB@=A a =W D45 7@>IM5 Network Management Protocol (SNMPv2) (RFC 1907) 35MA5D 8`j s;d 3`3_ 8`j s 0-\+ R00Li mj B=CH<5Z u=MDEG5 +1QJ-1+1T*L g<<=HF@AG D= 6ekf73mfs9t` g<<=HF@AG D= gVj3_tt - DC19V-DC34V according to MIL-STD-1275 j=ABC>ID@=A - Max. 70W Temperature: fdtj ;;j Humidity: ; A=A <=AF5AB@AG 0/iJ2*L +2/*1J2*L g<<=HF@AG D= 6ekf73mfs9t` g<<=HF@AG D= gVj3_dtt Size: :; U a:: U as>> v U U m Weight: ;wG +J+2 g<<=HF@AG D= 6ekf73mfd:9V MSR165-2U Size: 9at U a:: U as>> v U U m Weight: swG +L+2TJ2*L *.+Ti g<<=HF@AG D= jVe Vh :t;tf9 J1T*LL*TJ-1 455M5F =H DHE<w5F <=>?ED EAF <=>?ED BCII=HD N54@<M5Bx tactical logistics platforms and ships `@U5F National Defence Network ¡¢£¤ £¥ MSR165-1U MSR165-2U MOBILE SYSTEM DISMOUNTED SOLDIER SYSTEM For more information please email Selex ES S.p.A. - A Finmeccanica Company Via Tiburtina, Km 12.400 - 00131 Rome - Italy - Tel: +39 06 41501 - Fax: +39 06 413133 This publication is issued to provide outline information only and is supplied without liability for errors or omissions. No part of it may be reproduced or used unless authorised in writing. We reserve the right to modify or revise all or part of this document without notice. ¦§¨© ª «¬®¯°±²³ ´µ¶µ· ¸´ ´¹¹º¹ LND MM07687 09-13