March Parent Update with Devotions
March Parent Update with Devotions
Aftershock Student Ministries @FBC The End is where WE Begin Micah Roddy Planet Wisdom was awesome! We took a group of 23 students and adults. We had a blast and as a youth group we are now sponsoring Rinku! The end is where we begin. These are more than just lyrics to the Thousand Foot Krutch song, but is also our tagline for Disciple Now. Often times we hear the Easter Story, but we forget why we have an Easter Story. Sometimes We'll hear it and the repetition numbs the pain of the cross. Throughout DNow students will go through different hands on stations from the last few hours Christ's life. There, their small group leaders will say this statement, "The end is where we begin; this is not the end". This points students to the resurrection of Jesus and will be our anthem as we continue with our lives. UPCOMING EVENTS Disciple Now Friday, March 25, 2016 at 5:30 PM to Saturday, March 26, 2016 at 9:00 PM DNow 2016 ALIVE! Cost is $25 which gets you a T-Shirt, all meals, two concerts from the Micah Tyler Band and brings in Tiny Dominguez as a guest speaker! We'll be lead in small groups through the last hours of Jesus' life by students from WTAMU! Youth Bake Sale Fundraiser Sunday, April 10, 2016 at 12:00 PM to Sunday, April 10, 2016 at 1:30 PM Students will be baking items to raise funds for their upcoming summer mission trip and summer camp. Please come out and get some great tasting desert and support Aftershock! Bounce Mission Trip Monday, June 13, 2016 at 9:00 AM to Saturday, June 18, 2016 at 6:30 PM Aftershock means to have an impact on the world around us and to boldly speak the name of Jesus. Sometimes that means getting your hands dirty. We'll be going to Dallas Texas for Disaster Relief through Bounce Missions! More info to come Need more info? Email me at or visit us at Salva%on Overview Le)er Dear Parents, Salva3on is a concept that’s pre)y familiar to the teenagers in our youth ministry. And this isn’t a bad thing! But I wonder how deep an understanding they have of why they need salva3on? And if the truly grasp what they needed saving from? We’ll get a chance to answer these ques2ons very soon! We’re beginning a new study called Salva%on, and I am pre=y excited about it. In this study, your child will learn how God was focused on salva3on from the very beginning of His interac3ons with humankind, how salva3on is only found through faith in Christ, and what it means to show the world the richness of a life that has been redeemed. You’ll be receiving follow-‐up reminders from me as we teach each of these topics. I’ll provide you with an overview of what we studied, as well as some follow-‐up ques3ons you and your child might use to con3nue this important conversa3on. Below you’ll see some %ps on what you can be doing to help your child be:er understand the concept of discipleship and why it’s so vital to our faith. • • • Pray for your child each week, and for the others in our Bible study. Watch for follow-‐up le)ers and engage your child in conversa3ons about what he or she is learning. Look for ways to improve the communica3on between you and your child, especially as it pertains to spiritual ma)ers. Thank you for leOng us share this valuable 3me with your child each week! As always, I value your prayer and input. If I can help with anything at all, please let me know. Ser i esOver vi ew DearPar ent s , I fyouhadt ochoos et hemos ti mpor t antas pectofat eenager ’ sl i f e, r el at i ons hi pswoul dbeneart he t op. Rel at i ons hi psar et het hr eadst hathol dourt eenager s ’ l i vest oget her . Yetasweal lknow, t her e ar enoper f ectr el at i ons hi ps . Whenwel i vel i f ewi t hot herpeopl e, wewi l li nevi t abl ygethur t . How do wedealwi t hbei ngwr ongedbyot her swheni t ’ ss odi f f i cul tt oaddr es sandt hedamagei ss or eal ? Goodt hi ngJes ushadat ont os ayaboutt hi s . henextf our weeks ,we’ r egoi ngt obes t udyi ngwhatJes ushadt os ayaboutf or gi venes s . Thi s Overt Bi bl es t udywi l lhel pours t udent sunder s t andwhatr ealf or gi venes sl ooksl i ke, whyt hei rf or gi venes s i st i edt ohow t heyf or gi veot her s , andhow f or gi venes sdr amat i cal l yi mpact st hel i vesoft hef or gi ver andt hef or gi ven. I ti ss ur et obeameani ngf ult i meofs t udyf orbot hourl eader s hi pandours t udent s . I ’ ml ooki ngf or war dt ol ear ni ngwi t hyourt eenagerwhatJes ust eachesusaboutf or gi venes s .To pr epar et oengagewi t hyourt eenager ,t hi nkaboutdoi ngt hef ol l owi ng: Dur i ngt henextweekasyouhavet i met ot al kwi t hyourt eenager , r emembert hatonewayt hat wi l lhel phi m orhert ounder s t andandappl ywhatheors hehasl ear nedi st oexpl ai ni tt os omeone el s e. Us et hef ol l owi ngques t i onst ogui deyourconver s at i on: •Pr ayf oryourt eenagerandt hegr oupoff r i endsi nhi sorherBi bl es t udygr oup. •Thi nkabouts omeofyours t r uggl esandvi ct or i esi nhow youdeal twi t hf or gi venes si nyourown l i f e, bot hasanadul tandasat eenager . •Cons i derl eadi ngyourt eenagert ot hi nkofawayt het woofyoucans how t hel oveofChr i s tt o ot her si nt hef or m ofami ni s t r yact i onbef or et hes er i esi sover . Thankyouf orencour agi ngyours t udentt obei nvol vedi nt hes es t udi es . Pl eas el etmeknow i fIcan ans weranyques t i onsyoumayhave. How to Create a Family Constitution Jim Burns The Constitution of the United States of America documents the foundational laws for governing our country. These are the basic, or essential, rules from which our government derives other laws. If a constitution is important for a country, then why don't more parents create a family constitution for their families? I encourage you to gather your family and create your own family constitution. How? Here are some ideas and an example of what your family constitution might look like. First, be sure to let your children take an active part in the process. Next, brainstorm a list of your family's values and desires and then find words that describe what you want your family to stand for. Then, when you complete your family constitution, post it on your refrigerator where everyone can be reminded of it. Don't be surprised if from time to time, a family member needs to be reminded of the commitments your family has made to one another to live by the constitution. Example: The Burns Family Constitution We, the Burns family, believe that God loves us and has demonstrated His love to us in many ways, including His provision of standards that should guide our own attitudes and behaviors. Therefore, seeking to both please God and to benefit our family, we enter into and agree to pursue the following ideals in our relationships with one another - as well as with those outside of our family. - We believe in the importance of respecting, honoring, and affirming one another. - We believe in the importance of expressing warmth and affection towards one another. - We resolve to believe the best about one another. We will strive to maintain an atmosphere of trust. When trust is broken, we will provide opportunity for trust to be regained. - We believe in the importance of truth and integrity. - We shall pursue maturity in our spiritual lives, evidenced by the Fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. - We resolve to provide support and encouragement to one another in both good times and in bad times. - We value spending time together. - We believe that everyone in our family must make contributions and at times, even personal sacrifices to benefit the family, keeping us healthy and strong. - We resolve to display a spirit of generosity towards one another. - We resolve to maintain our family values and follow our moral code. Five Ways Busy Parents Can Reprioritize Their Lives Jim Burns Of the 24 hours - the 1,440 minutes - available to us each day, parents actually spend very little time with their children. Remember, all we have is right now. So, how about you? What does how you spend your time say about your priorities? Do you need a little help getting your priorities straight? Here are five ways you can reprioritize your life: 1. Ruthlessly Eliminate Stress. No one can get their priorities straight if they're constantly living "under the gun." If there's so much stress in your life that you're finding it difficult to keep your priorities in order, lighten your load first - and now! 2. Make Daily Solitude a Priority. Don't let guilt make you feel like you're "avoiding your family" for taking time for yourself each day. It's a must, even if it's just 15 minutes in the morning for "quiet time" with the Lord. No one will miss you if you "take 5" for yourself every now and then. 3. Develop a "Blank Slate" Approach. Begin and end each day with no agenda. Come before the Lord with open arms, hands, and an open mind and heart each morning. Let Him set your day in motion and then give everything back to Him at the end of each day - all your worries, cares, successes, failures. Exchange them for a good night's sleep. (See Psalm 91:1.) 4. Give Your Family Your Best, Not Just Your "Emotional Leftovers." It may be noble to "give your all" at work. But what does that leave for your spouse and kids? Not much? Not good! Your family deserves the best you have to offer. They need you healthy, rested, happy, or perhaps more importantly, content. Don't just leave "table scraps" from your heart for them. Give them the main course. Then, watch how your priorities change by themselves! 5. Don't Wait. This is your life and these should be your priorities. If you're waiting for someone else to come alongside you and tell you how to live your life, you're in for a long wait. The time to make the changes is now—so get to it! Reprioritizing your life doesn't have to be difficult. But, if you're like most of us, it does need to be done every now and then. And, with God's help, you can do it! Now What? Teens with Strong Religious Worldviews are Less Likely to Use Drugs and Alcohol By A recent study by researchers from the University of Florida and published by the American Psychological Association found that religious teens display a stronger sense of worldview than nonreligious teens, and are less likely to report use of drugs and alcohol. Researchers defined "worldview" as "an explanatory way of seeing the world," and they were not concerned about the content of the students' beliefs, but focused on how strongly the beliefs were held. Worldviews were not all religious, but were found to be stronger among religious teens in four key areas: meaning in life, moral compass, integrity, and ethics of lying. The researchers concluded that the likelihood of substance use was most reduced for students with the strongest worldviews. Now What? - Parents should be proactive in seeking to make the most of the worldview "advantage" when it comes to helping kids avoid drug and alcohol use. - Engage your kids frequently in morals, values, and faith conversations. These discussions help to transfer, build, and cement your teen's developing worldview. The stronger the worldview, the less likely she or he will use drugs and alcohol. - Engage in conversations with your teen about the dangers of drug and alcohol use. Don't avoid the topic. You may not think drugs and alcohol are problems for your kids, and they may not be, but discussing the issues and appropriately connecting it to morals, values and faith will help build your teen's worldview in this area. - Be sure to set clear expectations and consequences regarding drug and alcohol use for your teen. Lesson 1 Dear Parents, This week begins our series called Salva&on. The first lesson was en:tled “ The God Who Saves.” In this lesson, we focused on how truly remarkable it is that God offers salva:on to humankind. We challenged your child to express praise and thanks to God for His unfailing desire to offer him or her life. We looked at the following Scripture passages: • Genesis 2:15-‐17, 3:6-‐7 • Romans 5:12 • Romans 3:23 • Psalm 40:1-‐3 Next Steps . . . During the next week as you have :me to talk with your child, consider asking the following ques:ons: • Salva:on is one of those concepts that we feel like we know all about. What did you learn this week that was new to you? • Why is it some:mes hard for us to fully realize how badly we need the salva:on that God offers? • Can you remember the circumstances surrounding your salva:on? (If needed, fill in the blanks to help your child talk about their salva:on from your perspec:ve.) Thank you for all you do. I am thankful for the role you play in your child’s spiritual development. If you have any ques:ons about anything, please don’t hesitate to call me. Lesson 2 Dear Parents, This week was our second study in our Salva&on series. This second lesson was en8tled “Jesus = Salva8on.” In this lesson, we focused on helping our students understand that only through faith in Christ’s work on the cross can they be saved from death. They were challenged to discover and live out God’s purpose for their lives. We looked at the following Scripture passages: • MaJhew 1:18-‐23 • John 14:6 • Acts 4:12 • Ephesians 2:1-‐10 Next Steps . . . During the next week as you have 8me to talk with your child, consider asking the following ques8ons: • What was one thing that stood out for you in this lesson? • Why is it so hard to overcome the idea of our good work somehow making jus8fying God’s love for us? Why is that way of thinking so ingrained in our personali8es? • In your day-‐to-‐day life, how would you describe your purpose in life? What do you think God might be calling you to do as you grow up? Thank you for all you do! If you have any ques8ons about anything, please don’t hesitate to call me. Lesson 3 Dear Parents, This week was our last study in our Salva&on series. This third lesson was en7tled “New Life, New Purpose.” In this lesson, we focused on helping our students understand that being living examples of the Gospel story, the good news of God’s giG of salva7on through Christ, is completely intertwined in the new life Jesus made possible for them. We looked at the following Scripture passages: • Romans 1:16-‐17 • 2 Corinthians 4:13 • Romans 10:9-‐15 • MaVhew 5:16 • 1 Peter 2:12 Next Steps . . . During the next week as you have 7me to talk with your child, consider asking the following ques7ons: • In your words, how would you describe what it means to live out the gospel in your life? • How is our family doing at living out the gospel? What are some ways we could be more vivid in showing the world how our faith mo7vates our lives? Thank you for inves7ng in your child’s spiritual growth. If you have any ques7ons about anything, please don’t hesitate to call me. Les s on1 DearPar ent s , Hel l o!T or emi ndyou, we’ vej us tembar kedonaf our weekj our neyt odi s coverwhatJes ushadt o s ayaboutf or gi venes s . Thi sweek’ sl es s onwasar eal l yawes omet i meoff el l ows hi pandl ear ni ng. I hopeyourchi l denj oyedi t . Thi sweek, t hel es s onwasent i t l ed“ For gi venes sSt ar t sWi t hJes us , ”andi tf ocus edonhel pi ngs t udent sunder s t andt hatt hef or gi venes swear et oext endt oot her scomesf r om t hef or gi venes st hat or i gi nat esi nChr i s t . Wechal l engeds t udent st obemor eawar eofhow t heys eet heconceptoff or gi venes satwor ki nt hei rl i ves . Wel ookedatt hef ol l owi ngScr i pt ur epas s ages : •Mar k2: 1 1 2 •Mat t hew 1 : 21 •Luke23: 34 You’ l lenj oyr eadi ngt hes egr eats cr i pt ur esands eei nghow f or gi venes st r ul ydoess t ar twi t hJes us . NextSt eps... Dur i ngt henextweekasyouhavet i met ot al kwi t hyourt een, cons i deras ki ngt hef ol l owi ngques t i ons : •Whatwast heonet hi ngt hatyour ememberf r om yourBi bl es t udyt i me. Whydi di ts t andoutt o youl i kei tdi d? •Cons i dert el l i ngyourchi l das t or yaboutat i mewhenyouhadt ochoos et of or gi ves omeone event houghi twasadi f f i cul tdeci s i on/ pr oces s . •As ki fyourt eenageri ss t r uggl i ngwi t hs omeonei nhi sorherl i f et hatt heyneedt oext end f or gi venes st o. As ki ft her ei sanyt hi ngyoucandot ohel pt hem wor kt hr oughi t . Thankyouf oral lyoudo. I fyouhaveanyques t i onsaboutanyt hi ng, pl eas edon’ thes i t at et ocal lme. Les s on2 DearPar ent s , Hel l o!Wej us tcompl et edours econdweeki nourf our weeks t udyonwhatJes ushadt os ayabout f or gi venes s . Wehadar eal l ygoodt i meofdi s cus s i onandBi bl es t udy . Ihopeyourt eenagergotal ot outofi t . Thi sweek, t hel es s onwasent i t l ed“ For gi veT oBeFor gi ven, ”andi tf ocus edonhel pi ngs t udent sunder s t andt hes omewhatcompl exwor dsofChr i s t , whenHes ai dt hatGodwi l lnotf or gi veusunl es s wef or gi veot her s . Wechal l engeds t udent st oi dent i f yanyonei nt hei rl i vest owhom t heyneedt o ext endf or gi venes s , andt ocommi tt of or gi vi nghi m orher . Wel ookedatt hef ol l owi ngScr i pt ur epas s ages : •Mat t hew 1 8: 21 35 •Mat t hew 6: 1 41 5 •Mar k1 1 : 25 You’ l lenj oyr eadi ngt hes egr eats cr i pt ur esands eei nghow Godexpect sust omodelHi swi l l i ngnes s t of or gi ve. NextSt eps... Dur i ngt henextweekasyouhavet i met ot al kwi t hyourt een, cons i deras ki ngt hef ol l owi ngques t i ons : •Doyour ememberhow youguyst al kedaboutJes uswor dsaboutf or gi venes s ?I ts eemski ndof har s h. How di dyourgr oupmakes ens eofJes uss ayi ngt hatwemus tf or gi veot her si fweexpect Godt of or gi veus ? •Ar eyouhol di ngagr udgeagai ns tanyoner i ghtnow?Canwet al kabouti t ?Whathast ohappen t ohel pmoveyout oapl aceoff or gi venes s ? •Whatar es omewaysourf ami l ycanmodelGod’ smer cyt oot her sweencount er ?Canwet hi nk ofs omes peci f i cwayswemi ghtdot hi s ? Thankyouf oral lyoudo. I fyouhaveanyques t i onsaboutanyt hi ng, pl eas edon’ thes i t at et ocal lme. Les s on3 DearPar ent s , Wel l , we’ vegotweekt hr eei nt hebooksandwhatagr eatl es s oni twas . T or emi ndyou, we’ r eal mos t donewi t hourf our weekj our neyt odi s coverwhatJes ushadt os ayaboutf or gi venes s . I t ’ sbeenan awes omet i me. Thi sweek, t hel es s onwasent i t l ed“ For gi veWi t houtLi mi t s , ”andi tf ocus edonhel pi ngs t udent sunder s t andt hatwecan’ tputanyl i mi t sonourf or gi venes s ;t her ei sneveramomentwhenwecans ay , “ enoughf or gi venes s . ”Weal s ochal l engedours t udent st oacceptt hatt heemot i onalt ur moi lcaus ed byf or gi vi ngpeopl ewhor epeat edl yhur tt hem makest hem mor eChr i s t l i ket hant heyknow. Wel ookedatt hef ol l owi ngScr i pt ur epas s ages : •Mar k2: 1 1 2 •Mat t hew 1 : 21 •Luke23: 34 You’ l lenj oyr eadi ngt hes egr eats cr i pt ur esands eei nghow f or gi venes st r ul ydoess t ar twi t hJes us . NextSt eps... Dur i ngt henextweekasyouhavet i met ot al kwi t hyourt een, cons i deras ki ngt hef ol l owi ngques t i ons : •Whatwast heonet hi ngt hatyour ememberf r om yourBi bl es t udyt i me. Whydi di ts t andoutt o youl i kei tdi d? •I st her eoneper s oni nyourl i f ewhos eemst oal waysbehur t i ngyourf eel i ngs , whet her i nt ent i onal l yornot ?How doyouhandl et hat ?I st her es omet hi ngwecandot ot al kaboutt hat r el at i ons hi p? Thankyouf oral lyoudo. I fyouhaveanyques t i onsaboutanyt hi ng, pl eas edon’ thes i t at et ocal lme. Les s on4 DearPar ent s , Wel l , we’ vef i nal l yf i ni s hedourf our weekl ookatwhatJes ushadt os ayaboutf or gi venes s . I t ’ sbeen ar eal l ypower f ult i meofBi bl es t udy . Thet eenager shaver eal l ybeenchal l enged. Thi sweek, t hel es s onwasent i t l ed“ For gi veLi keTheFor gi ver , ”andi tf ocus edonhel pi ngs t udent s under s t andt hataschi l dr enofGod, t hei ri dent i t i esasf or gi ver si swr appedupi nGod’ si dent i t yas t hei rFat her . Wechal l engeds t udent st oembr aceal i f et hats eekst os how l ove, ki ndnes s , andf or gi venes st oal lpeopl e, es peci al l yt hos ewhoar emos tundes er vi ngofi t . Wel ookedatt hef ol l owi ngScr i pt ur epas s ages : •Luke6: 2737 Whenyougett hechance, maybet akeamomentt or eadt hi sScr i pt ur epas s aget os t ayi nt ouch wi t hwhatyourt eenageri sl ear ni ng. NextSt eps... Dur i ngt henextweekasyouhavet i met ot al kwi t hyourt een, cons i deras ki ngt hef ol l owi ngques t i ons : •Whatwast heonet hi ngt hatyour ememberf r om yourBi bl es t udyt i me. Whydi di ts t andoutt o youl i kei tdi d? •Whatdoesi tmeant oyout hatGods eesyouasoneofHi schi l dr enandHeasyourFat her ? •Doyouevert hi nkofhow your epr es entourf ami l ywhenyou’ r eouti npubl i c?Doyous eet he par al l elt ohow your epr es entGodi nt hewor l d? Thankyouf oral lyoudo. I fyouhaveanyques t i onsaboutanyt hi ng, pl eas edon’ thes i t at et ocal lme.