Topeka Tinman Athlete Guide
Topeka Tinman Athlete Guide
36thAnnualTopekaTinman Amanda Ehrhardt Page 1 6/15/16 TopekaTinman AthleteGuide 35thAnnualTopekaTinman 2 ScheduleofEvents *SCHEDULEOFEVENTSISTENTATIVEAND SUBJECTTOCHANGE. Friday, June 19th 2PM – 6PM: Saturday, June 20th Packet Pick Up & Late Registration Lake Shawnee, Topeka, KS – Tinman Circle *Late Registrations are highly encouraged to come Friday, due to long lines Saturday Morning for Packet Pick Up. 6AM – 7AM 6AM – 7:15AM 7:15AM 7:30AM 7:45AM Packet Pick Up /Late Registration Transition Open to participants Transition Closes to all participants Topeka Tinman Long Course Starts Topeka Tinman Short Course Starts *There is not an award ceremony for Topeka Tinman. Awards are handed out from the awards table for each event, as timing confirms the final results. All awards must be picked up on race day; awards will not be mailed. 35thAnnualTopekaTinman 3 Pre–RaceInformation Athlete Check-In Athlete Check-In Parking Lake Shawnee – Tinman Circle 3315 SE Tinman Cir, Topeka, KS 66605 Friday, June 17th: 2p.m.-6p.m. Same Day Check-In available Saturday, June 18th (6 a.m. – 7a.m), however Friday check-in is highly recommended. If you do not check-in during the designated Athlete CheckIn hours, you will not be able to race. *Participants must pick up their own packet. Enter Lake Shawnee via SE Croco and follow parking signs around Tinman Circle. Parking is available in various grass fields and parking lots around the circle. Please be courteous; and only park in designated parking areas. Lake Shawnee – Tinman Circle 3315 SE Tinman Cir, Topeka, KS 66605 Required at Athlete Check-In: • Photo Identification • Current USAT card or $15.00 to purchase a (1)-day USAT membership (USAT requirement). (1)-day USAT memberships were available for purchase with online registration and should be on your receipt. We also have records of online USAT purchases at packet pick up. • If you are a USAT member and forget your card, you will be required to sign the USAT waiver and purchase a $15.00 (1)-day USAT membership. • On site event registration can be purchased with a credit card or cash. Please Note: Athletes competing in the 36th Annual Topeka Tinman event are required to check-in at the venue during the dates and times listed in the Athlete Guide and Event Schedule. Athlete Check-In is not available outside the posted times. LEGEND Endurance will try to accommodate an athlete, if there is a legitimate emergency, to the best of our ability as long as the athlete informs LEGEND Endurance. Athlete Check-In is designed to allow each athlete the opportunity to become familiar with the venue, acclimated to the area and receive all necessary information for a successful race. It also allows event organizers to set up all safety measures, according to actual participants. Athlete Wristband All participants receive a wristband at Athlete Checkin. This band identifies participants and must be worn for the duration of the event. The wristband is required and helps staff, medical personnel, and volunteers identify participants along the course. Personal Safety When training, please bike and run on the shoulder without moving into the traffic lane. Be courteous and aware of others. The people sharing the roads with you may be the volunteers or medical personnel on race day. Ride single file, as biking side by side is illegal. Respect and obey the traffic laws during your training practices. Violators will be cited. You are required to carry proper I.D. at all times. If you are stopped, you must present your I.D. to the inquiring officer. Failure to do so may result in race disqualification. Your cooperation is appreciated. Pre-Event Swim Advisement Athletes MAY NOT swim the swim course prior to race day. 35thAnnualTopekaTinman 4 RaceDayInformation Race Morning Procedure Do not wear your bib number during the swim, put it on before heading out on the run course. The bib will not hold up for the duration of the race, if it gets wet. Course Reminders: The popular open water swim is held on the North East side of Lake Shawnee, at Tinman Circle. Swimmers start based on their wave (please see wave schedule). Remember to start at your designated wave time. Please remember the bike and run courses are both open to traffic. For your safety, please stay inside coned lanes when available, be alert to motorists and follow the rules of the road. Arrows, signs, law enforcement and volunteers will help you throughout the bike and run courses. If any items are misplaced, please see the transition area director for a replacement. The transition area closes at 7:15 a.m. All athletes must be out of transition and headed to the swim before this time. Aid Stations: Aid stations are located on the run course and include, at the minimum, Gatorade, water, ice, and Powerbar gels. Transition opens at 6 a.m. on race morning. Please arrive in the transition area with plenty of time to set up your gear. Transition closes at 7:15am for all participants, regardless of event. Remember to bring your timing strap, swim cap, goggles and wetsuit. Parking Information Athletes are encouraged to arrive at the race site early. There will be designated parking areas; please follow the directions of the parking attendants. No vehicles are allowed to park along the entrance/exit roads to the park, as this is the race course. Please communicate this information to family and friends planning on attending the race. Spectators: Please plan to watch the event from the race site as much as you can. Any additional traffic on the course only adds to your inconvenience and could jeopardize your safety, as well as the athlete’s Bicycle & Gear Recovery Bike and gear check out takes place in transition, directly after the event. Participants must show their wristband and/or bib for entry into the transition area. Medical Area The medical area is for athletes only; family members are not allowed. Overcrowding in the medical area prevents the medical staff from doing their job. For information on an athlete receiving medical treatment, please wait outside the medical tent for updates on the athlete’s condition. Lost And Found During race week, Lost & Found is at the Race Information Booth. After the conclusion of the event, please contact LEGEND Endurance to locate any missing items and schedule returns. Shipping fees will apply. *All unclaimed items will be donated within 30 days. 35thAnnualTopekaTinman RaceDayInformationcont. Competitor Responsibilities - At Athlete Check-in, make sure your name, age and race category are correct on both your race packet and all items have the same race/bib #. - Timing straps must be worn at all times during the event. Prior to swim start, fasten the timing strap to either ankle and leave it on until you cross the finish line. Application of Vaseline around your ankle will not affect the timing chip. Once the event starts, do not cross over any of the timing mats, unless you are racing. Volunteers at the finish line help remove the timing straps. - Participants are responsible for immediately returning timing straps to event staff in the following circumstances: if you do not start the race, if you drop out or are pulled from the race. This is extremely important, for safety reasons. - Failure to return timing straps may disqualify you from participating in future LEGEND Endurance events. It is essential that we know where participants are on the course at all times, for your safety and our peace of mind. - If transported to any medical station, medical staff takes responsibility for your timing strap. - Race straps are loaned to participants for the event only. By picking up your race number and timing strap, you guarantee to return the timing strap to timing. - Lost timing straps during the event need to be replaced as soon as possible at one of the following locations: transition, swim exit, bike exit or run exit. Volunteers have extra timing straps at the timing locations above. - Notify timing officials immediately after crossing the finish line, if timing strap is lost during the run course. NO TIMING STRAP = NO TIME 5 35thAnnualTopekaTinman 6 ShortCourse SWIM Athletes enter from the Beach and follow a counter-clockwise pattern for the swim course keeping the buoys on their left. Short Course athletes complete a 400-yard course. BIKE Athletes will be challenged by the rolling terrain of Southeastern Shawnee County. Athletes can expect beautiful countryside views and a tailwind on their way back into transition. No aid stations are provided on the bike course. Please plan accordingly. RUN Short course athletes take a LEFT out of transition and run counterclockwise around the lake on the paved running path. The run course is moderately flat with some slight climbs, giving beautiful views of Lake Shawnee. Short Course athletes complete a 3.1-mile out/back. SWIM WAVE START Wave 1 7:30 a.m. Wave 2 7:33 a.m. Wave 3 7:36 a.m. Wave 4 7:39 a.m. Wave 5 7:42 a.m. Wave 6 7:45 a.m. Wave 7 7:48 a.m. Wave 8 7:51 a.m. DIVISION Long Course M 40 & Over Long Course M 40 & Under Long Course F 40 & Over Long Course F 40 & Under Short Course M 40 & Over Short Course M 40 & Under Short Course F 40 & Over Short Course F 40 & Under 35thAnnualTopekaTinman ShortCourseMap SHORT COURSE 7 35thAnnualTopekaTinman 8 LongCourse SWIMAthletes enter from the Beach and follow a counter-clockwise pattern for the swim course, keeping the buoys on their left. Swimmers in the TINMAN LONG COURSE race swim 1000 yards. BIKEAthletes will be challenged by the rolling terrain of Southeastern Shawnee County. Athletes can expect beautiful countryside views and a tailwind on their way back into transition. No aid stations are provided on the bike course. Please plan accordingly. RUNLong course athletes take a RIGHT out of transition and run counterclockwise around the lake on the paved running path. Aid stations are located approximately every mile along each of the courses. The run course is moderately flat with some slight climbs giving beautiful views of Lake Shawnee. Long Course athletes complete one full lap around the lake. SWIM WAVE START Wave 1 7:30 a.m. Wave 2 7:33 a.m. Wave 3 7:36 a.m. Wave 4 7:39 a.m. Wave 5 7:42 a.m. Wave 6 7:45 a.m. Wave 7 7:48 a.m. Wave 8 7:51 a.m. DIVISION Long Course M 40 & Over Long Course M 40 & Under Long Course F 40 & Over Long Course F 40 & Under Short Course M 40 & Over Short Course M 40 & Under Short Course F 40 & Over Short Course F 40 & Under 35thAnnualTopekaTinman LongCourseMap 9 35thAnnualTopekaTinman 10 SwimCourseRules Swim Course Rules & Instructions - Athletes must wear cap provided. - No fins, gloves, paddles, or flotation devices of any kind allowed. - No Aqua socks (neoprene booties) unless water temperature is 65.0 degrees Fahrenheit or colder. - Swim goggles or facemasks may be worn. - No individual paddlers or escort allowed. Boats, canoes and paddleboards adequately patrol the course. - Any assistance required during the swim will result in disqualification, if forward progress is made. Athletes are permitted to use kayaks/boats as aid, as long as forward progress is not made. Course officials and medical personnel reserve the right to remove athletes from the course, if determined medically necessary. *NOTE: ANY ATHLETE ELECTING NOT TO RACE MUST NOTIFY TIMING DESK IMMEDIATELY. ABOVE ALL, THE SAFETY OF EACH SWIMMER IS OUR PRIME CONCERN. A FULL SWEEP OF THE COURSE IS MADE DIRECTLY BEHIND THE LAST SWIMMER. THE LIFEGAURDS, DIVERS, CANOES, KAYAKS, BOUYS AND AQUATIC CRAFTS THAT LINE THE COURSE PROVIDE VISUAL AID. Wetsuit Rules -Wetsuits cannot measure more than 5 mm thick. - Full wetsuits are permitted (arms and legs covered). - Wetsuits may be worn in water temperatures up to and including 24.5 degrees Celsius/76.1 degrees Fahrenheit. -Athletes who choose to wear a wetsuit in water temperatures between 24.5 degrees Celsius/76.1 degrees Fahrenheit and 28.8 degrees Celsius/ 83.8 degrees Fahrenheit are not eligible for awards. -Wetsuits are prohibited in water temperature greater than 28.8 degrees Celsius/ 83.8 degrees Fahrenheit. Swim to Bike Transition After the swim, participants are directed through the timing chutes to the swim to bike transition. Public nudity is not permitted. Participants are required to be fully ready to race, prior to getting on bikes. Personal nutrients are permitted, if carried on you or your bike. Sunscreen is available when you leave the transition area before the bike course begins. Please inform family and friends to stay off the bike and run course. 35thAnnualTopekaTinman 11 BikeCourseRules Bike Course Rules & Instructions 1. Position Rules: a. Absolutely NO DRAFTING of another bike or any other vehicle allowed. b. Athletes must keep 7 meters (~4 bike lengths) distance between bikes, except when passing. c. A pass occurs when the overtaking athlete’s front wheel passes the leading edge of the athlete being overtaken. d. Overtaking Athletes may pass on the left for up to 20 seconds, but must move back to the right side of the road, after passing. e. Overtaken Athletes must immediately fall back 7 meters (~4 bike lengths) before attempting to regain the lead from a front running bike. f. Athletes must ride single file on the far right side of the road except when passing another rider, or for reasons of safety. Side-by-side riding is not allowed and will result in a position violation. g. Athletes who impede the forward progress of other Athletes 2. Bicycles must be racked in a manner such that the majority of the bicycle is on the athlete’s side of the bike rack. 3. The sole responsibility of knowing and following the prescribed cycling course rests with each athlete. No adjustments in times or results shall be made for Athletes who fail to follow the proper course for any reason whatsoever 4. Shoes must be in the bike gear bag, placed in the athlete’s transition spot, or attached to the pedals. Shoes and shirt must be worn at all times. 5. Athletes must wear a bike helmet number on the front of their helmet. 6. Athletes must have a bike frame number fixed to their bike and the entire number must be clearly visible from the left side. 7. HEADSETS or HEADPHONES ARE NOT ALLOWED DURING ANY PORTION OF THE EVENT 8. Do not litter. Any item that needs to be discarded, including but not limited to water bottles, gel wrappers, energy bar wrappers, broken bike parts, or clothing items, may only be discarded in the trash drop zones at each aid station. 10. No individual support allowed. Friends, family members, coaches, or supporters of any type may NOT bike, drive, or run alongside athlete, may not pass food or other items to athlete and should be warned to stay completely clear of all Athletes to avoid the disqualification of an athlete. It is incumbent upon each athlete to immediately reject any attempt to assist, follow, or escort. 11. Athletes must be individually responsible for repair and maintenance of their own bike. Athletes should be prepared to handle any possible mechanical malfunction. Assistance from official race personnel is permitted. 12. MEDICAL SUPPORT. If you need minor medical assistance, Sag Wagons will pick you up and take you to the medical tent, where you shall receive treatment. Alternatively, depending upon medical emergency, ambulances will take you to the nearest hospital to receive treatment. If you have a technical problem or have bonked, the Sag Wagons will take you to the next aid station. At every bike and run aid station, there will be rest areas and medical personnel to assist in any medical problem. Additionally, there will be radios to contact ambulances and medical assistance. If you have a problem, please go to an aid station for further assistance. 35thAnnualTopekaTinman 12 RunCourseRules Run Course Rules & Instructions 1. No form of locomotion other than running, walking or crawling is allowed. 2. Athletes must wear their LEGEND Endurance issued bib number in front of them clearly visible at all times on the course. Bib numbers identify the official athletes in the race. 3. NO INDIVIDUAL SUPPORT VEHICLES OR NONPARTICIPANT ESCORT RUNNERS ARE ALLOWED. This is an individual endurance event. Teamwork as a result of outside assistance, which provides an advantage over single competitors, is not allowed. Individual support vehicles or non-participant escort runners will result in disqualification. A non-participant escort runner includes Athletes who have withdrawn from the race, have been disqualified or have finished the race. Friends, family, members, coaches or supporters of any type may not bike, drive or run alongside athlete, may not pass food or other items to athlete and should be warned to stay completely clear of all Athletes to avoid the disqualification of an athlete. It is incumbent upon each athlete to immediately reject any attempt to assist, follow, or escort. It IS permissible for an athlete who is still competing to run with other Athletes who are still competing. 4. Athletes are expected to follow the directions and instructions of all race officials, course marshals and public authorities. 5. The sole responsibility of knowing and following the prescribed running course rests with each athlete. No adjustments in times or results shall be made for athletes who fail to follow the proper course for any reason whatsoever. 6. Communication devices of any type, such as cell phones and two-way radios are strictly prohibited during competition. Use of such devices will result in disqualification. 7. HEADSETS OR HEADPHONES ARE NOT ALLOWED DURING ANY PORTION OF THE EVENT Other Information: 1. There will be a designated tent at the event for information. The Race Information Booth serves as the information center throughout race week and on race day for spectators. Race information prior to and on race day will be available at the Race Information Booth. 2. Information about athletes on the course, dropouts, injuries, Lost and Found etc. will be available at the Race Information Booth, which is located at the volunteer booth. 3. Friends and/or family members are not permitted to cross the finish line or enter the finish chute with participating athletes. For safety, ABSOLUTELY NO FAMILY, CHILDREN, SPOUSES, FRIENDS, FANS, ETC. ARE ALLOWED INTO THE FINISH OR TRANSITION AREA. LoremIpsum YourFinishLineAwaitsYou! Ifyouhaveanyquestions,pleasecontactusat