Booklet 2016 - Tanbridge House School
Booklet 2016 - Tanbridge House School
to Tanbridge House Schoo l “Exceptional Every Day” Dear Parent / Carer My colleagues and I would like to extend the warmest welcome to you and your child as you join Tanbridge House School and embark on this tremendously exciting period in your child’s life. This is a wonderful time to be joining Tanbridge House School. Our number one priority is to ensure that every single student feels safe, cared for and secure, above all else. As a parent myself, I know that youngsters will only thrive if they can work in this type of environment. You can be assured that under my leadership, these conditions will prevail. At Tanbridge House School, we learn together and care for each other and this has been officially recognised through our prestigious Unicef Level 2 Rights Respecting School Award. The fact that we are the most oversubscribed school in West Sussex gives the school additional confidence and momentum and we continually strive to improve and ensure that opportunities – academic and extra-curricular – abound for your child. Whilst it is my job to ensure that all students reach their full academic potential, it is my passion to ensure that students at Tanbridge House continue to develop the social skills that allow them to become good citizens. We aspire to be ‘Exceptional Every Day’ here at THS and I strongly believe that Tanbridge House School provides an outstanding education for every student. This includes support and initiatives that are available to a number of identified groups, including those with particular needs (SEND), Pupil Premium, and High Performing students – we work hard to ensure that a range of different learning styles and needs are catered for. I firmly believe that the best schools are underpinned by the strongest foundations. That is why at Tanbridge House School, I will only accept the highest standards of care and student conduct. Our superb school culture and ethos does not happen by accident; we must continue to work together in partnership with you and your child in order to maximise trust and ensure that common goals are achieved. From this starting point, learning (curricular and extra-curricular) will grow and flourish. I hope that you will spend some time going through this booklet so that you are fully aware of the opportunities and expectations across the school. It is vital that we work together and communicate effectively across all strands of school life. Again, the starting point is a basic two way process where your child can expect to be well taught by well-prepared teachers and in return, all students come to school on time, fully equipped and ready to learn. I hope that you will quickly take the opportunity to get to know your child’s form Tutor and Leader of Year so that personal relationships with these key members of staff can be developed and maintained. I am also a highly visible presence around the school and I continue to enjoy meeting both students and parents as they come to Tanbridge House. I look forward to embarking on this exciting journey with you. Mr Jules White, Headteacher Preparing for your child’s first day The School Day School Uniform We oversee a formal supervision programme from 8:25am and students are expected to arrive from 8:30am. If students require an earlier arrival time, they are allowed on site (but not into the buildings) from 8am. Please be aware that this is entirely at your own risk. • • • • 8:40am Morning Bell All students must be in their tutor bases by 8:45am 8:45 - 8:50 Registration If students arrive after 8:50am they must report to Student Reception to sign in Lesson 1 9:55 - 10:55 Lesson 2 10:55 - 11:25 First break 11:30 - 12:30 Lesson 3 12:30 - 1:30 Lesson 4 1:30 - 1:55 Lunch break 2:00 - 2:20 Registration / Tutor Time or Assembly 2:25 - 3:25 Lesson 5 3:25pm End of the school day Students are allowed to eat during break times in designated areas. The school canteen offers the following services: 8:15am - 8:40am 10:55am - 11:25am 1:30pm - 1:55pm Students may have a clearly named bottle of water with them in lessons - several drinking fountains are situated around the school. Equipment Students are expected to have the following basic items of equipment with them for all of their lessons: • • • • • • • • • • • • 8:55 - 9:55 Breakfast First Break Lunch Break • • • Student Planner (provided by the school) Pens (black ink only) Pencils, eraser and sharpener Pencil case School bag Scientific calculator Ruler Earphones (IT lessons) Navy blue blazer with school logo White school shirt School tie (available in house colours) Standard plain tailored grey trousers or plain grey knee length skirt (girls). Skirts must not be jersey material. No other colour/fashion/skinny styles are permitted, including additional belts/buttons etc White socks, natural or navy blue tights (girls) Dark coloured plain socks (boys) Black leather/vinyl school shoes (no trainers, plimsolls, canvas shoes, sling backs, stilettos, boots or high heels) Navy blue sweater with school logo (optional – only to be worn under blazer in cold weather) Plain black or grey belt (optional) Plain, dark coloured coat (optional) Plain, black scarves may be worn to and from school during inclement weather (optional) A wristwatch and one small, plain gold or silver ear stud per ear may be worn. No other jewellery or piercings are acceptable. Girls may wear discreet make-up only in Years 10 and 11. Nail varnish is not permitted. Hair must be of natural colour. Extreme styles and brightly dyed hair are not permitted. Long hair (collar length or longer) must be managed in such a way so as to be safe and tidy. Hair must be no shorter than a No 2. PE Kit Our PE kit is the same for boys and girls: • • • • • • • • • • • • Plain navy shorts (shadow stripe) White polo shirt with school logo Navy rugby shirt with school logo Navy blue tracksuit bottoms (worn at the discretion of the PE teacher) Long navy hockey socks Short white socks Football boots Training shoes Shin pads (optional) Hair band/tie (for long hair) Gum shield (optional) Sports bra (optional) Uniform Stockists Broadbridges, 6 Piries Place, Horsham RH12 1EH 01403 259 620 Osbornes (LOZ Design Ltd), Enterprise House, Foundry Lane, Horsham RG13 5PX 01403 262 453 Textbooks and specialised equipment will be issued on loan. Students will be required to pay for any loss or damage to those items. If you are unsure about any of the information above regarding school uniform, equipment, or any other information contained in this booklet, please contact the school in the first instance for clarification. Key Contacts and Term Dates School Contact Details Absence Telephone: 01403 263 628 24 Hour Absence Line: 01403 248 111 If your child is absent or late for any reason, please phone the 24 hour Absence Line stating your child’s full name, Year and Tutor Group, your relationship to the student and the reason for absence. Email: (Email addresses for individual members of staff can be found on the school website) Website: Address: Tanbridge House School, Farthings Hill, Guildford Road, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1SR Key Contacts & Support Student Reception This area assists students with signing in and out, lost property and access to the Medical Suite. Parents should collect their child from Student Reception when signing them out during school hours. Medical Suite The Medical Suite is staffed by a qualified first aider. If you would like to discuss any medical matters concerning your child, please see the member of staff here or contact the school. If your child requires special arrangements for medication to be given at school, please complete the Authorisation for the Administration of Medication Form (available on our website under About the School/School Policies/Medicines in School Policy). This form is to be handed in with the medication to the Medical Suite. Tutors, Leaders of Year and Pastoral Assistants Your child’s tutor will normally be your first point of contact for any concerns you may have. Tutors can be contacted via your child’s planner or email. Further support can be provided by contacting the relevant Pastoral Assistant or Leader of Year. Please contact your child’s class teacher if the matter relates to a particular teaching subject. School Counsellors A trained School Counsellor is available to students who require their support. Please contact your Pastoral Assistant or Leader of Year if you would like to arrange for your child to see the Counsellor. School Communications Tanbridge House uses services called Schoolcomms and School Gateway to communicate with parents/carers via app, text and email. In the event of an Emergency closure, you will be notified as soon as possible via the school website, Schoolcomms (email) and School Gateway (app). You can also access a wide range of protected information related to your child via the School Gateway app, such as attendance, achievement and their timetable. Full details on how to access School Gateway will be provided when your child starts at Tanbridge House. It is important that parents contact the 24 Hour Absence Line on 01403 248 111 before 9:00am. Please note that if a student signs in late and we have not received any notification, a break time detention will be issued. If a student needs to leave school during the day for an appointment (eg medical, college interview) they must provide a signed letter from their parent/carer and then have it signed by their Leader of Year or Pastoral Assistant (or other senior member of staff). This letter must then be handed in at Student Reception when signing out. Students must sign in and out at Student Reception to be accounted for in case of emergency. In accordance with Department for Education regulations, Headteachers may not grant leave of absence during term time unless there are ‘exceptional circumstances’. Therefore, Parents are requested not to arrange family holidays in term time. Term Dates Autumn Term 2016 INSET Day Monday 5 September Integration Day Tuesday 6 September (Year 7 only) First Day Wednesday 7 September (All students) Half Term Monday 24 October to Friday 28 October Last Day Friday 16 December INSET Days Monday 5 September Spring Term 2017 First Day Tuesday 3 January Half Term Monday 20 February to Friday 24 February Last Day Friday 7 April Summer Term 2017 First Day Monday 24 April Half Term Monday 29 May to Friday 2 June Last Day Tuesday 25 July INSET Days Monday 5 September has been confirmed as an INSET Day. Further dates will be available on our website once confirmed. See Teaching and Learning Teaching and Learning Performance Review & Target Levels Our curriculum and teaching provision ensures that each student is able to access work that is challenging and motivating. Each student is expected to work hard to achieve their personal best. Please see our Teaching and Learning Policy on our website for further information. Teachers review the performance of individual students three times a year in performance reviews. These show how students are progressing and include targets for improvement. Teaching Groups Key Stage 3 Year Groups are divided into three timetable blocks called T, H and S. The ability spread in each block is designed to be as close to identical as possible. When students arrive at the beginning of Year 7, they are initially taught in tutor groups for most subjects. During the course of the first term, students will be set according to ability for most of their lessons. Students study a two year Key Stage 3, before making decisions about their Key Stage 4 subject preferences at the end of Year 8. Homework Students are given a Student Planner in which to record their homework. Students will complete one learning homework per week in core subjects and one per fortnight in foundation subjects in KS3. Additional tasks will also be set. KS4 students will receive at least one piece of homework every week in every subject. Homework is often linked to coursework and assessments. Therefore, some homework may span a longer period of time and these will not be set as separate tasks. Homework will take the form of a variety of tasks, as appropriate for the subject. Structured learning reviews will also form a key element of homework. Tasks and deadlines for completion are set by teachers and students are responsible for writing this information in their planner. Students’ homework is also recorded on the e-planner. Students can log-in to monitor their own individual tasks by entering their school email address. You can support your child with homework by providing suitable conditions in which they can work, setting regular times during which homework is done, checking the e-planner, signing the Student Planner every week and giving reasonable help with difficult tasks. Tanbridge Learning Portal (TLP) All students can find learning and revision resources for every subject through the new Tanbridge Learning Portal (TLP). Details of how to access the TLP will be made available at the start of the academic year. Useful School Terms for Parents A glossary of common words and terms that we frequently use in school can be found on the school website under: Current Parents/Useful Terms/Glossary. Grades from Outstanding (1), Good (2), Inconsistent (3) and Not Adequate (4) are awarded in a range of categories. These grades are based not only on individual pieces of work, but on the effort shown in all areas over a period of time. In their first term students will be assessed through Cognitive Ability Tests (CATS) and teacher assessed pieces of work. Early in the spring term students will then be assigned an expected outcome to GCSE grades 9-1 for the end of Year 11. This will be based upon KS2 prior attainment and assessed work during the first time. As students enter KS4 in Year 9, refined GCSE targets will be issued based upon performance throughout KS3. Target grades will be reviewed to reflect the student’s actual performance and need for further challenge. They should not be considered a ceiling to performance. Marking and Assessment Each term: • Students will be provided with a Knowledge Organiser from each subject that summarises the term’s core content and homework tasks, allowing students and parents to personalise their own homework timetable. • Weekly (core subjects) and fortnightly (foundation subjects) learning homeworks will be set in relation to this core content. These tasks will be shared with students and parents at the start of each term on the online studentplanner, alongside support and challenge tasks. • Learning homeworks will be assessed by means of 10 minute in-lesson tests, marked in a variety of ways including self and peer assessment against success criteria, and recorded by the teacher. The above is the minimum requirement for homework tasks. However, some subjects may set additional or different tasks to the above – these will be recorded on the electronic student planner. Where underperformance is apparent, additional homework may be set at the discretion of the teacher, along with out of lesson intervention. Students will complete four substantial pieces of work each term in Core subjects, and three in Foundation subjects: • Two extended pieces of writing in core subjects, one in foundation subjects • One structured Learning Review- a piece of work designed to help students reflect on previous work. • One assessment The extended writing and assessments will be formatively marked by the teacher, and may include: • Success criteria • Redrafting • Targets to close the learning gap • Opportunities for students to respond to comments Results of assessments will be reported to parents, shared with students and used by teachers to identify areas of strength and areas of weakness. This will help to inform future planning, homework and intervention. Safety and Security Safety at School ParentPay® / Money in School We do everything we can to avoid accidents, injuries and damage in school. If students see anything they think is unsafe, they should report it to a member of staff immediately. We use a totally cashless payment system called ParentPay® for school meals, trips and resources which involves the use of online payments and biometric registration for the canteen. Safety & Security Online Online safety and security is very important at Tanbridge House School and we have an Acceptable Use of ICT Policy that all students are required to follow. This policy can be found in the Student Planner and on our website under: About the School/School Policies. All new Year 7 students will be registered automatically unless you have opted out. All other new students can register by completing a form available from Community Reception. Further advice/information about staying safe online can be found on our website under: Current Parents/Advice and Resources/Online Safety Child Protection / Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policies We work hard to make sure that every child is kept safe and secure at school and child protection is considered in all aspects of school life. Parents can view a copy of our Child Protection Policy and our SEND Policy on our website under: About the School/School Policies Student Well-being The well-being of our students is of the utmost importance and we have a strong Pastoral team in school, as well as links to external support, who are available to help students and families with any issues they may be facing. You can find useful links on our website for students and parents who may require further support, under: Current Parents/Advice and Resources/Student Well-being Responsibility for Learning (R4L) R4L refers to our behaviour policy and systems that recognise and reward good behaviour and progress by our students in all aspects of school life. R4L also deals with inappropriate behaviour choices in a firm and consistent way by imposing sanctions (if appropriate) and offering support and intervention personalised to each student. Details of our R4L protocols are contained in the Student Planner and the full behaviour policy can also be found on the school website. Personal Belongings Student lockers are allocated in the first few days of the academic year. A deposit of £5 is required which will be refunded upon safe return of the locker key. All belongings should be clearly marked with the student’s name, especially coats and all items in the PE kit. If a student mislays any property at school they should check Lost Property at Student Reception. Lost PE and games equipment is stored in the PE department. We recommend that students refrain from bringing valuables into school. However students are permitted to bring mobile phones/tablets (such as iPads) into school but they must not be used during lesson times, unless instructed by the teacher. Please note that the school accepts no liability for loss, damage or theft of personal property on our premises. If students do need to bring money into school (in excess of £10) they (or their parent/carer) may bring it to the Finance Office for safekeeping. School Travel Bus If your child has applied for a WSCC bus pass, it will be distributed in school within the first few weeks of the autumn term. Until then, your child can use their County Transport authorisation letter in place of their pass, which should be sent to your home before the start of the academic year. The County School Transport Co-ordination Group can be contacted on 01243 753 530 or by email at Bicycle Students may cycle to school if you give them permission to do so. Students are not allowed to ride their bicycles once they enter the school site. Bicycles must be locked securely in the cycle racks provided. We do not accept responsibility for bicycles brought onto school premises. We strongly recommend cyclists wear a safety helmet, reflective clothing and bicycles are roadworthy. Car Students can be dropped off/collected by car in the school drive. However, this is an extremely busy area, especially at the end of the school day and we advise you arrange collection off site. Please ensure that you observe all signs, road markings, and speed limits (5mph). Please do not park in the bus lane or wait in areas marked with yellow lines. Further Information Further Information Our school website contains a great deal of information for both current and prospective parents. Please visit If you cannot find the information you require online, please contact the school and we will be happy to help. Tanbridge House School Farthings Hill, Guildford Road, Horsham, West Sussex, RH12 1SR Headteacher: Mr Jules White, BA (Hons) Telephone: 01403 263628 Fax: 01403 211830 Email: Website: