April - Lake Shawnee Club
April - Lake Shawnee Club
APRIL 2013 VOLUME 6 ISSUE 4 The Lake Shawnee News President’s Message April 2013 70’s in March last year, 20 & 30's this year. Go figure! After making a few emergency phone calls, we just had our required 50 members in attendance at our annual meeting to give us the quorum we needed to conduct official business. I have to say, it was one of the shorter meetings we have had in some time. As I mentioned at the meeting, I had been telling most that it would be a quick meeting as it was a pretty uneventful year. As I began to prepare for the meeting, I was amazed at all things that have been accomplished over the past year. Especially as the Board and its’ committees presented their reports to the membership. As always, we had many people to thank over the past year for all their time and effort spent around the lake. Thank you all for attending. INSIDE STORY: Contacts 2 Calendar 3 Trading Post 4 Social Committee 6 Board Minutes 8 The Board stayed intact for the upcoming year. We reported that Board Member Bill Carroll will be on leave for the next year. Bill serves as a Captain in the Army National Guard and is being deployed to Afghanistan. We thank Bill for his service and hope all will keep him in their prayers for a safe return. Our annual work day is scheduled for April 27th. As always, we need volunteers to help get the club properties ready for the season. Please consider coming out for an hour or two to help out. We generally have a light breakfast at 8am and head out to the properties thereafter. If you are not sure where to go or what you can do, just stop at the clubhouse first. We have our new member mixer scheduled for April 14th. Invitations are being sent out and we hope our newest lake members can attend to meet the Board, to ask questions and to hear about all the activities our club has to offer. Dues notices have been mailed. In addition to member badges, we will be offering rubber wrist bands to our members, especially members with children. They can be worn all season and you don't have to worry or remember to pin a badge on your clothing or be bothered by our beach security to show a badge. We are testing them out this year and we will see how it goes. They will be issued only upon request and they are only for members. None will be issued to guests. Please keep an eye out for our walkers, runners and bikers when traveling through the lake. With the Weldon Road bridge under construction, we have seen an increase in traffic coming off Route 15 to gain access to Route 181, especially truck traffic attempting to get to the Weldon Quarry. I have extra police patrols monitoring the traffic and stop sign violations at Hurdtown & West Shawnee (so make sure you stop!) The Township will be passing an ordinance to place a weight restriction on West Shawnee Trail to deter trucks from using the exit as a cut through. I have also requested that Township Public Works Department install some new signage at Mallard and Hurdtown to keep unfamiliar motorists from getting lost in our "Lake Shawnee loop". Last, just a reminder to use non-phosphorus fertilizers on your lawn this season (It’s the law!). Eric Wilsusen Club President ericwilsusen@lakeshawneeclub.org Highlights: April 20 Vendor/ Craft Fair 9am-1pm April 20 Wine Tasting 7pm April 27 Work Day 8am Breakfast April 27 Swim Team Registration 10am-12pm The Lake Shawnee Clubhouse is located at 4 West Shawnee Trail Wharton NJ 07885 For Club Business and Rentals please contact our Office Manager, Lisa Peter at 973-663-1307 or officemanager@lakeshawneeclub.org The Office is open during the hours of 8:30am-12pm on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Board of Governors Officers President Executive VP Membership VP Treasurer Secretary Eric Wilsusen Vince Matrisciano Milt Felter Marc Sanderson Kristeen McConnon 663-0596 663-5964 663-1565 663-9434 663-5937 Members At Large Jeff Keith Al Gebhardt Kirsten Child Dina Troha Al Gazdalski Bob DenBleyker Lise Meisner Bill Carroll 663-4230 663-0014 663-2441 663-6737 663-4698 663-3970 663-4553 288-1886 Property Maintenance Chairs: First Beach Club House Second Beach Third Beach White’s Cove Beaver Cove North End Committee Chairs: Eric Wilsusen Lise Meisner Vince Matrisciano Al Gazdalski Al Gebhardt Milt Felter Milt Felter Swim Team Debbie Gamble Social Committee Dina Troha Fishing Committee Mark McCormack Recreation Committee Bob DenBleyker Membership Milt Felter Summer Night Patrol Eric Wilsusen Lake Ecology Jeff Keith Life Guards Carolyn Sior Website Robert Troha LSC News Editor Kristeen McConnon lsnews@lakeshawneeclub.org Newspaper Deadline 20th of the month 663-0596 663-4553 663-5964 663-4698 663-0014 663-1565 663-1565 663-4430 663-6737 663-1639 663-3970 663-1565 663-0596 663-4230 663-4156 663-6737 663-5937 Interesting in advertising in the LSC News go to www.lakeshawneeclub.org/clubhouse.html Page Page22 CLUB HOUSE RENTALS Rates and Terms Members only Full Day Rental: $170 Any day of the week Half Day Rental: $85.00 Mon-Fri Only Daytime Rentals end at 5pm Evening Rentals begin at 6pm A deposit of $175 and a signed agreement are required to secure your rental date. Call 973-663-1307 Board meetings are held on the first Friday of every month at 7pm All members welcome!! Visit our website frequently for the most up to date information: www.lakeshawneeclub.org Lake Shawnee Community Garage Sale Reserve your space today!! Saturday May 18th from 9am - 4pm Cost is $20 per table. Please call Lisa at the clubhouse: 973-663-1307. Page 3 FOR SALE: Exercise equipment: Weslo Arc SkierPlus (similar to Nordic track) $50 Lateral Thigh Strider $50 In-Home Bike $50 Folding Gravity Air Walker $50 Call 973-229-2485 (Lake Shawnee resident) FOR SALE: Reddy Heater Pro 200 (200,000 btu) electric/kerosene heater $85.00 Portable forced air heater thermostat $15.00 Firearms locking display case (2 glass doors/ 2 storage drawers) $65.00 Call Sue @ 973-945-1747 FOR SALE: Pelican Pedal Boat All New Hardware, New Cover $300.00 Rich 973-663-2992 or 201-486-2196 FOR SALE: Traditional Broyhill couch and love seat in good shape. Camel back with rolled arms, neutral tan with a green and light burgundy strip approximately every 18 inches apart. Asking $125 or BO. Please contact Denise @ 973-809-3431 SPRING WORKDAY IS APRIL 27TH. LIGHT BREAKFAST AT 8AM. BRING GARDEN TOOLS. PLEASE COME AND HELP WineTasting Saturday April 20th at 7 PM Showcasing the wines of South America, specifically Argentina and Chile, and will be pairing them with traditional food found in that area. Advanced reservations and payment are required by contacting Vince and Gina at 973-663-5964. The Cost per person is $25 and Space is limited to 42 seats. Page 4 ABLE TREE SERVICE Tree removal - pruning - stump removal Hedge trimming - 24 hour emergency service Storm Damage - Land Clearing - Crane Service Available Free estimates - No job too big or too small Firewood Fully insured - Residential - Commercia 10% off any job $300.00 or more 973-713-8488 Lee Murphy Page. 5 Social Committee Calendar Page 6 Page 7 Summary of Lake Shawnee Club Board meeting March 1, 2013 It was reported that member Carol Kopacz of West Shawnee Trail passed away recently. The Social Committee reported that recent February events were very well attended including a new Lego Building Day. It was reported that Yoga has moved to Thursday evenings from 6:15-7:30. Upcoming March events include Texas Hold ‘em on March 9th, Easter prep night on March 20th and the Easter egg hunt and brunch on Sunday, March 24th, which includes the Great Egg Drop. Spring Vendor and Craft Fair is April 20th It was reported that repairs to a failing septic at a house near North End will begin shortly and the Board will monitor the progress. The swim team reported that they held their first parents’ meeting of the season. Sign-up will occur again on Spring Clean-Up Day. New swimmers will get free registration this year, but still must find a sponsor for the golf outing. The 25th Annual Swim Team Golf Outing will be on June 7th at Mine Brook Golf Course. They are still in the process of hiring a new assistant coach for the 2013 swim season. The Board further discussed the ongoing civil suit with R&R Construction. Members of the Board recently met with the Club’s attorney to decide on a settlement offer. The offer was unfortunately rejected and the Board has decided to move forward with the suit at this time. It was reported that the yearly inspection of the dam has been completed by Mr. Gerry Remsen. The Board discussed and finalized details for the upcoming annual meeting on March 10th. It was reported that volunteers are needed for the summer applications of the flight control this year. The Board will ask at the annual meeting and place an ad in the next edition of the LSNews. 25 Years in Business in Lake Shawnee Pavolony Construction P.O. Box 99 Lake Hopatcong, NJ 07849 Fully insured Additions, renovations, new construction, porches, decks, gazebos, clean-ups Local delivery of mulch, sand and stone No job too small just give us a call www.PavBuilt.com 973-663-0558 pavbuilt@optonline.net 92 W Shawnee Tr. Wharton NJ 07885 973-663-1070 small989@aol.com smallworld-travel.com How about a trip to Las Vegas? You can experience many worldly sights there. Page 8 It is a great place to visit. CONNECT, MENTAL HEALTH PROJECT JEFFERSON TOWNSHIP is promoting a Walk for Well-being on Sunday, April 28th from 3 – 5 pm. Rain Date: May 4th from 3 – 5 pm. Enjoy the fresh air and beautiful spring setting through the newest Jefferson Township trails – 1.6 miles of Dog and Human friendly smooth hiking trails at Prospect Point Park, 30 Florida Avenue, Lake Hopatcong, NJ 07849 . Special thanks to Drew, Nikki, Katie and Mackenzie of Girl Scout Troops 442 and 669 for blazing this trail!!! This walk is pet friendly! All dogs must remain leashed at all times. Dogs must be current on all vaccinations. Owners must clean up after their dogs. Donations collected for the Jefferson Township Animal Pound. “Let there be peace on earth and Let it begin with Me!!” Our goal of this walk is to bring peace, serenity and stress relief to all that participate! The first 50 participants will receive a pedometer. This is what the power of a peaceful walk (especially with our four-legged friends) can do: Walking can help lower your cholesterol, risk of stroke and some cancers Walking can help improve cognitive function and blood pressure Walking with a pet improves our mood through friendly interactions with our neighbors Being with our pets reduces stress levels included hypertension Being with our pets increases our self esteem through the unconditional love and companionship they provide For more information follow Jefferson Township CONNECT on FACEBOOK and the events page of the Jefferson PATCH. Any concerns, please email: jtmac@jeffersontownship.net CONNECT’S mission: Achieve greater results…break down barriers….promote positive reinforcement….discover the solution…make an impact in the community.. Together We Can!! Page 9 Vendor spaces available for July’s Jefferson Township Day The 27th annual celebration of Jefferson Township Day will take place on Saturday, July 13 at the Jefferson Township High School fields located at 1010 Weldon Road, easily accessible from Routes 23, 15, and 80. A variety of activities will take place during the daylong celebration -- an Arts’ Karts Derby race, exhibits, children’s games, live entertainment, Young Rocker bands, numerous inflatable activities, and a variety of food. Vendor spaces for the sale of arts, crafts, and merchandise are now available. A 12’ x 16’ space can be reserved for a $75 fee with participants providing their own tables, chairs, and canopies if desired. Vendors are responsible for maintaining a clean and safe booth and will be issued one parking permit per space. Food cannot be sold in the arts, crafts, and merchandise areas. Jefferson Township Service Clubs, Churches, and Non-Profit Groups interested in a vendor space may also reserve a 12’ x 16’ space at a courtesy rate of $30 if they are selling any type of item(s) or only $10 if they just want to distribute information about their organization. Applications must be received by June 13th and are available at http://www..jeffersonarts.org/ special.html Participation as a vendor should be profitable for the dealer, and the application fee will help the Jefferson Arts Committee defray the cost for this huge event. For more information on vendor opportunities on July 13 contact Jefferson Township Day Vendor Chairperson Jeanne Hantson at 973-697-9181 or email artscommittee@jeffersonarts.org The day’s events will culminate with a concert under the stars featuring Carnaby Street -- a band that takes their listeners on a musical experience of the 1960’s -- followed by a huge aerial fireworks display Page 10 IN MEMORY Texas Hold ‘em Saturday, May 11th at 7pm Registration begins at 7pm-Play starts at 7:30pm The cost is $15 per person with complimentary beer, wine and snacks. Even if you’ve never played before, come on out and learn, We have beginners each time - we’ll even show you how to play! I have lost a dear friend. Carol Kopacz renovated the old Lancaster house with the hope that she could spend many retirement years here. She was just becoming involved in our club and area organizations, when she was diagnosed with a debilitating disease and passed away on February 24th just 3 months before her 69th birthday. She was commended for her retirement after 33 years by Passaic County as a juvenile corrections officer. Anyone, who knew her, will miss her. In loving memory, Ellen Cinco de Mayo Celebration! Grab your Maracas and Head on Over!! Saturday May 4th from 7pm- 10pm We’ll be celebrating with music, a Mexican feast, plenty of side dishes. BYOB! Advanced reservations and payment due by April 24th. Contact Dina Troha at 973-663-6737. Cost is $8 per person. Adults Only Please. Page 11 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED We are looking for volunteers to help spread the flight application to deter the geese at our beaches this summer. Please contact the club office at 973-663-1307. Lifeguarding for the Professional Rescuer and American Red Cross CPR Courses are being offered at the Lake Shawnee Clubhouse. Dates: 6/03 – 6/08/13 Cost: Lifeguarding: $150.00 CPR: $50.00 For the lifeguard course, participants must be 15 years of age. (First Aid is a component of the Lifeguarding Course) Instructor: Rich Groel Contact Carolyn Sior to register – 973-663-4156 and for any questions 1st Ice Contest Results 2-16-2013 Place - Don Geiss & Bob Kenyon ( Tie ) 3.5 Pickerel 2nd Place - Kevin Deforge 3.3 Bass 3rd Place - Bob Kenyon 1.3 Perch Page 13 Lake Shawnee Swim Team June 29th July 3rd Saturday July 20th Saturday at Randolph Park Wednesday (home) Vs. Shore Hills July 22nd Monday (Home) Vs. Flanders Saturday July 24th Wednesday(Home) Vs. Cranberry July 6th July 8th at Mendham 2013 Schedule (home) Vs. Roxbury - Ribbon Meet Monday at Cranberry July 10th Wednesday at Park Lake July 13th Saturday Saffin Pond July 15th – Ribbon Meet Monday July 17th July 27th July 31st August 3rd Saturday at Shongum Wednesday at Lake Forest Silvers Roxbury August 8th & 10th Thursday/Saturday Trials/Finals Host - Cranberry at Roxbury Wednesday (home) Vs. Denville Additional Dates: Parent Meetings – March 26th, April 23th, May 28th, June 25th, July 23rd, August 27th. Registration day – April 27th Saturday Team Picture – TBD Fun Day – TBD Lake Swim – TBD Pasta Party – August 7th Wednesday Swim Team Dance – July 6th Saturday Pizza Party - July 30th Tomahawk Lake – July 12th Friday Awards Ceremony – August 4th SWIM TEAM REGISTRATION Saturday April 27th from 10-12pm Registration is $50.00 per child $50.00 golf outing fee per family or equivalent sponsor/door prize New members will have fee waived the first year. Have an extra fun summer this year!! Join the Swim Team! If you are new to the swim team and are interested, you can complete a pre-registration form to get on the email list. Go to website at www.lakeshawneeclub.org LAKE SHAWNEE SWIM TEAM 2013 Accepting resumes for Assistant Coach for the Swim Team. Starting Salary $1500.00 for the Season. Must be available to work practices and meets from June 17th to August 10th. Must have Lifeguard certification and be CPR certified. Please give your resume to Lisa Peter in the club office or email them to Debbie Gamble at debbiegamble@verizon.net. Deadline April 15. 25TH LAKE SHAWNEE ANNUAL SWIM TEAM GOLF OUTING Friday, June 7th, 2013 Mine Brook Golf Club Contact Bob DenBleyker at bobdenbleyker@gmail.com Save the date come out and golf Page 14 Swim team needs your support Adult CORE Exercise Program registering for Spring session The Jefferson Township Recreation Department is accepting registrations for the new Spring sessions of its high energy, low-impact adult strength training exercise program. There will be two classes each week and individuals can sign up for one or both! A Tuesday class will begin on April 9 and continue for another nine weeks (no class on June 11) on Tuesdays from 6:45 to 7:30 pm in the Jefferson Township High School Underclassman Cafeteria, 1010 Weldon Road. The fee for this 10-week session is $35, and this session will end on June 18. The new Thursday class will begin on April 11 and continue for another nine weeks on Thursdays from 7 to 7:45 pm in the White Rock Elementary School Lower Gym, 2 Francine Place, Oak Ridge. The fee for this 10-week session is also $35, and the session will end on June 13. All participants must pre-register through the Jefferson Township Recreation Department, and registration forms are available at the Recreation Department, located at Camp Jefferson at 81 Weldon Road egular business hours. Jefferson Township's Yoga Programs continue this Spring The Jefferson Township Recreation Department is pleased to continue its three adult yoga programs this spring. Students will be instructed in one of the oldest styles of yoga -- the Hatha style by certified instructor Linda Mangan. A basic Beginner Yoga Class to learn yoga postures, principles of safe alignment, yoga philosophy, and breathing technique will be offered on Wednesday evenings and is open to new beginners, those with limited yoga experience, those recovering from an injury, or anyone just wanting to take it slow and steady. While doing these gentle Hatha poses, you'll naturally increase flexibility, release tension, and build mental clarity. This Beginner Yoga Class will run for 10 sessions on Wednesday evenings from 7:30 to 8:30 pm beginning April 10 and ending on June 12 in the Jefferson Township High School Wrestling Room, 1010 Weldon Road, Oak Ridge, and the cost will be $35 per person. If necessary, there will be a make-up date on June 19. A comprehensive, balanced class with a steady and relaxed flow will be offered in the Open Level Yoga Class. Explore traditional yoga postures with basic to challenging options offered. Emphasis will be on safe alignment, breath, meditation, and guided relaxation techniques. This class is open to all levels through intermediate, and this class will run for 8 weeks on Thursday evenings from 7:30 to 8:30 pm beginning on April 18 and ending on June 6 in the Jefferson Township High School Wrestling Room. If necessary, June 13 will be used as make-up date. The cost will be $28 per person. A Chair Yoga Program for adults will also be offered this spring. This very gentle glass will be held on Wednesday evenings from 6 to 7 pm in the Camp Jefferson Community Lodge, 81 Weldon Road, Lake Hopatcong. Learn modified yoga postures, gentle twists, hip stretches, forward bends and mild backbends incorporating the same principles as a full yoga class but with the support of being seated in a chair. The class will also focus on breathing techniques and stress management tools such as meditation and deep relaxation. Chair Yoga Class will run for 9 sessions on Wednesday evenings from 6 to 7 pm beginning April 10 and ending on June 5. The cost will be $31.50 per person. Registration forms are obtainable by stopping by the Jefferson Township Recreation Department (9 am - 4:30 pm -- Monday through Thursday and 8 am - 3:30 pm on Friday) located at 81 Weldon Road at Camp Jefferson Jefferson Township Summer Day Camp The Jefferson Township Recreation Department is excited to announce that it s tenth season of summer day camp at Camp Jefferson will run from June 24 through August 23 in a safe and natural environment at the township's 94-acre facility at 81 Weldon Road in Lake Hopatcong, NJ. Camp Jefferson's facilities include a spring-fed lake for boating and fishing, open grass fields, an amphitheater, fire pit with seating, numerous themed cabins, a main community lodge with full kitchen, a recreation hall with table games, basketball courts, a picnic pavilion, high and low ropes courses, an archery range, a new 40' rock climbing wall with a vertical playpen and a zip line, two GaGa Pits, and a state-of-the-art playground. Camp Jefferson offers a five-day week or a three-day week (both 9 AM to 3 PM) - you choose the days! Special early bird prices offer a significant discount of $30 per week if registration is received by April 10; and a discount is offered for campers who are Jefferson Township residents and each additional sibling registered within the same five-day program week. The Pre-School program is open to all children 3 years old as of June 24 and completely potty trained, an elementary school aged program for those children entering Kindergarten through 5th grade in September 2013, a Tween program for children entering 5th and 6th grades in September 2013, and a Teen program for children entering 7th and 8th grades in September 2013. Before and/or after camp care, electives, special trips, and morning only bus transportation are available for an additional charge as well as lunch options four times a week at very reasonable prices. Log on to www.jeffersontownship.net and click on the log cabin icon (Camp Jefferson Summer Day Camp) on the navigation bar for the drop-down menu with the program information. Or on the homepage, just click on the "Residents" tab, scroll down to "Forms Center", and then scroll down to "Recreation" to download a camp brochure, registration packet, and the off-site/on-site activities handbook. All are also available in the display racks of the Jefferson Township Public Library, Municipal Building, and Camp Jefferson office. Or call the Recreation Department at 973-663-8404 to have a packet mailed to your home. Page 15 Lake Shawnee Club Newsletter PRSRT STD 4 West Shawnee Trail DOVER, NJ Wharton, NJ 07885 PERMIT NO. 72 US POSTAGE PAID Address service Requested POSTAL CUSTOMER RURAL ROUTE #3 WHARTON, NJ 07885
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