March - Lake Shawnee Club
March - Lake Shawnee Club
MARCH 2013 VOLUME 6 ISSUE 3 The Lake Shawnee News President’s Message March 2013 The annual meeting for our Club is scheduled for Sunday, March 10th at 2pm at the Clubhouse. We need a quorum (10%) of the total membership in good standing, which is currently about 50 members, to conduct club business. The annual meeting is an opportunity for our Board of Governors and its’ committees to report to the membership all the activities of the Club. I am happy to report that we have no major issues to vote on this year. As usual, we have our elections, but no bylaw amendments to discuss or to approve. Just a reminder to our members, the annual meeting is an opportunity to be informed about the business and activities of your club, not a time to air out old grievances. The Board of Governors meets once a month and members are always welcome to attend to voice any concerns or pitch any ideas they have to improve our Club. As in the past, the annual meeting notice itself was mailed, which I am sure you received by now, but to save costs not to mention all the paper, the annual meeting packet has been posted online under the members’ only section of our website. The user name and password are listed on your mailed meeting notice. The Board of Governors approved the Club’s 2013/14 budget at its February Board meeting. Invoices will be going out shortly. A regular/associate membership will be $380.00 and a senior membership is $250.00 this year. We still have one of the lowest fee structures of any lake our size in the area. The increase in dues reflects an increased cost in weed control for our lake and possible legal expenses involving our pending lawsuit with R&R Construction. This lawsuit is concerning the additional expenses they incurred after Hurricane Irene during our dam construction. The Board and our attorney feel that the contractor should have been properly insured for such an event, which was stipulated in our contract. But as legal matters go, it is always costly to fight or to settle these matters once they are filed and our Club insurance policies do not cover such litigation. We hope to settle this in a timely manner and will do our best to curtail any major impact to the Club's finances. We are asking for our members to update their contact information with the Club. It would be helpful to include any new phone numbers or email addresses when returning your dues invoice. This will help us to have the most current information. We have approximately 400 email addresses in our database and many throughout the year come back as undeliverable as people change their addresses. The email distribution system has been a great tool to help keep our residents up to date on club activities and other information and proved invaluable during our last couple of storms in addition to our Facebook page. We do our best to limit the amount of email blasts we send out, so please consider providing us with your email address. It is that time of year and I am starting to see more of our walkers/runners out and around the lake and kids will be out on bikes again. Just a reminder to be alert and to please obey the posted speed limits throughout the lake to help ensure the safety of all our residents. Think Spring! Eric Wilsusen Club President INSIDE STORY: Contacts 2 Calendar 3 Trading Post 4 Social Committee 6 Board Minutes 8 Highlights: March 9th 7pm Texas Hold ‘em March 10th 2pm Annual Meeting March 24th 12:30 pm Easter Egg Hunt & Brunch The Lake Shawnee Clubhouse is located at 4 West Shawnee Trail Wharton NJ 07885 For Club Business and Rentals please contact our Office Manager, Lisa Peter at 973-663-1307 or The Office is open during the hours of 8:30am-12pm on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Board of Governors Officers President Executive VP Membership VP Treasurer Secretary Eric Wilsusen Vince Matrisciano Milt Felter Marc Sanderson Kristeen McConnon 663-0596 663-5964 663-1565 663-9434 663-5937 Members At Large Jeff Keith Al Gebhardt Kirsten Child Dina Troha Al Gazdalski Bob DenBleyker Lise Meisner Bill Carroll 663-4230 663-0014 663-2441 663-6737 663-4698 663-3970 663-4553 288-1886 Property Maintenance Chairs: First Beach Club House Second Beach Third Beach White’s Cove Beaver Cove North End Committee Chairs: Eric Wilsusen Lise Meisner Vince Matrisciano Al Gazdalski Al Gebhardt Milt Felter Milt Felter Swim Team Debbie Gamble Social Committee Dina Troha Fishing Committee Mark McCormack Recreation Committee Bob DenBleyker Membership Milt Felter Summer Night Patrol Eric Wilsusen Lake Ecology Jeff Keith Life Guards Carolyn Sior Website Robert Troha LSC News Editor Kristeen McConnon Newspaper Deadline 20th of the month 663-0596 663-4553 663-5964 663-4698 663-0014 663-1565 663-1565 663-4430 663-6737 663-1639 663-3970 663-1565 663-0596 663-4230 663-4156 663-6737 663-5937 Interesting in advertising in the LSC News go to Page Page22 CLUB HOUSE RENTALS Rates and Terms Members only Full Day Rental: $170 Any day of the week Half Day Rental: $85.00 Mon-Fri Only Daytime Rentals end at 5pm Evening Rentals begin at 6pm A deposit of $175 and a signed agreement are required to secure your rental date. Call 973-663-1307 Board meetings are held on the first Friday of every month at 7pm All members welcome!! Visit our website frequently for the most up to date information: Annual Meeting March 10th 2pm at the club house Attendance is important, we need a quorum to conduct club business. It is to your benefit to find out our plans for the year FOR SALE: Exercise equipment: Weslo Arc SkierPlus (similar to Nordic track) $50 Lateral Thigh Strider $50 In-Home Bike $50 Folding Gravity Air Walker $50 Call 973-229-2485 (Lake Shawnee resident) FOR SALE: Handmade Antique Braided Rugs Various sizes, colors, shapes, and prices. Please call for more info. 973-229-2485 or 973-663-9434 FOR SALE: Rowe love seat with pull out sleeper, beige & rose floral upholstery, 84" x 38" very good condition, rarely used, asking $60. Please call Connie 663-5755. FOR SALE: Reddy Heater Pro 200 (200,000 btu) electric/kerosene heater $85.00 Portable forced air heater thermostat $15.00 Firearms locking display case (2 glass doors/2 storage drawers) $65.00 Call Sue @ 973-945-1747 FOR SALE: Mobile Home located in Sandy Point Rental Community, lake Hopatcong. 2 BR. 8X12 covered deck, newly remodeled bath, new Pergo floor in kitchen, W/W carpet, new walls & insulation & paint in kitchen. New roof on trailer and deck. $30,000.00 Call 973-663-1606 Camp Jefferson Summer Day Camp announces its open house dates Tour Jefferson Township's 96-acre facility at Camp Jefferson on Sunday, March 10 or on Sunday, March 24 Parents/guardians and potential campers are encouraged to drop in anytime between 1 and 4 PM on either date to tour Camp Jefferson Summer Job Opportunities at Camp Jefferson The Jefferson Township Recreation Department has several seasonal P/T and F/T employment positions open for its 2013 Camp Jefferson Summer Day Camp program. To find out more about these opportunities, please log on to and click on the Camp Jefferson Summer Day Camp icon just beneath the township logo. Help Me Become a Champion For Cures! My name is Greg Geiss and I live in Lake Shawnee. I was a member of the Lake Shawnee Swim Team for 13 years and I am a 2012 graduate of Jefferson Twp. High School. I also swam for JTHS for four years. I am now a Freshman at William Paterson College and a member of the Pioneer Swim Team. As you may or may not know I was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in December. I am presently undergoing Chemotherapy treatments at Morristown Memorial Hospital. I am fortunate that Hodgkin’s Lymphoma is one of the most treatable forms of cancer and by June, I should be done with treatment and be in remission. On October 26, 2013 my family and I will be participating in the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Light the Night Walk in Morristown and I would like to ask for your support. LLS is the single largest nonprofit contributor to blood cancer research – more than $750 million has been invested in life-saving science. Critical treatment innovations have originated through blood cancer research – radiation, chemotherapy, stem cell transplantation, and new targeted therapies. Nearly 50% of all FDA approved cancer drugs in the past decade were for blood cancer. Many are now being tested for other cancers and other illnesses. Last year over 40,000 patients received financial assistance from LLS totaling over $6 million. And LLS provides information and support to patients and their caregivers all free. And to help patients during this time of crisis, LLS’s financial aid and co-pay programs are critically important. Light The Night is a special night, celebrating and commemorating lives touched by cancer. Your help will make a difference! Please consider making a donation to LLS on my behalf. To join me in the Walk or to donate online, visit If you prefer, you may mail a check to me (made payable to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society) at 121 East Shawnee Trail, Wharton, NJ 07885 Thank you for your support in the fight against blood cancer. I truly appreciate your generosity. Thank you, Greg Geiss Page 4 Page. 5 Social Committee Calendar Page 6 Page 7 Summary of Lake Shawnee Club Board Meeting Feb. 1, 2013 The Social Committee reported that upcoming February events include a Game Show Night, Lego Building, Social Committee Meet and Greet, Card Night and Yoga. It was reported that the Ice Skate Swap and Winter Carnival were both very well attended. The February Texas Hold ‘em was cancelled and rescheduled for March. The Board discussed and approved the 2013-2014 budget that was drafted by the Budget Committee. It was reported that the ice fishing contest on January 26th had a very nice turn out. The swim team reported that they are looking for a new assistant coach for the 2013 swim season, as Coach Andy has decided not to return this year. The Nominating Committee has concluded and they will present their slate at the Annual meeting. It was reported that notices will go out shortly to all members announcing the Annual meeting in March. The Board further discussed the ongoing civil suit with R&R Construction seeking payment for extra expenses incurred due to Hurricane Irene during dam construction. 25 Years in Business in Lake Shawnee Pavolony Construction P.O. Box 99 Lake Hopatcong, NJ 07849 Fully insured NJ HIC#13VH0025550000 Additions, renovations, new construction, porches, decks, gazebos, clean-ups Local delivery of mulch, sand and stone No job too small just give us a call 973-663-0558 Septic Systems Pumped • Cleaned • Repaired • Installed *Neighborhood and Senior Discounts Available* Free septic tank evaluation with every pumping. Competitor Coupons Accepted Aaron Septic Service, LLC 973-663-6058 Page 8 We extend our sincere condolences to the family and friends of Barbara Luteran Lovegren who passed away on Feb. 16, after a short illness. At her request there will be no services. Condolences may be sent to “NEW” Card Night! Tuesday, March 19th at 6:30p.m Our monthly Hand & Foot card game is growing, come out and have some fun!! Easy Game! Beginners are welcome! Please contact Karen at (973) 663-3562 to sign up. Tables of four are preferred, so please call ahead of time. Jefferson Township Rescue Squad will be holding its first CPR Saturday March 23rd 2013 at Camp Jefferson on Weldon Rd. Members of the community are invited to register and take a class with our certified American Heart Association CPR Instructors. This class promotes lifesaving skills for the everyday bystander. Sudden cardiac arrest occurs every 90 seconds and is fast becoming the leading cause of death in the United States. It can happen to anyone, anytime. All participants will receive a two year American Heart Association Heartsaver CPR and AED certification upon the completion of the class. Interested participants are invited to preregister on our website for $45 or, same day registration is being accepted for $50 per person. For more information and to register please visit Page 9 FISHING CONTEST JAN. 26TH Contest Results - 1st Place Heaviest Fish - Don Geiss Bass 5.6 lb 2nd Place Heaviest Fish - Bob Kenyon Pickerel 4.12 lb 3rd Place Heaviest Pan Fish - Jim Costigan 1.3 lb Crappie Also note that if we still have Ice a 3rd Ice Contest will be held on March 2,2013 for Pickerel only And prizes will be given out for 1st,2nd & 3rd for the Heaviest Pickerel Only - no other fish group and they all must be weighed in live to win. Everything will be the same as the 2 prior events with the exception of it being a Pickerel Contest Only. Don Geiss 5lb6oz. Bass Page 10 Bob Kenyon 4lb 12oz. The Lakeland Seniors Upcoming meetings Texas Hold ‘em Saturday, March 9th at 7pm Registration begins at 7pm-Play starts at 7:30pm The cost is $15 per person with complimentary beer, wine and snacks. Even if you’ve never played before, come on out and learn, We have beginners each time we’ll even show you how to play! Tuesday, March 5 and 19 at 1pm held at Camp Jefferson, Weldon Rd., Lake Hopatcong Bingo before meeting and refreshments, cards and socializing after the meeting. Any resident 55 or older is welcome to join. For more info. call Janet at 973-663-2559 or Emily at 973-663-1294. The seniors are also planning a bus trip to Mt. Airy Casino on Monday March 11, 2013. The Bus leaves Camp Jefferson at 9am and will return at 4:30pm. The cost is $25.00 with a $25.00 slot credit and a $10.00 coupon for food. If interested pleas call Emily at 973-663-1294 or Janet at 973-663-0841 If there is no answer, please leave a message. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Page 11 The Jefferson Township Recreation Department is pleased to announce that the Jefferson Striders recreational spring track program will return in March for a sixth season offering the program to children in Kindergarten through eighth grades during its 2013 season. The program will again be part of the Lakeland Junior Track and Field League established in 1973 and competes against the Denville, Rockaway, Mountain Lakes, Roxbury, and Hopatcong recreation leagues. Spring into Song Dessert Cabaret Saturday, March 23, 2013 at 7:00pm Jefferson Township Senior Center Brought to you by the Jefferson Township Community Chorus and the Jefferson Arts Committee At the Jefferson Township Senior Center 54 Schoolhouse Rd, Oak Ridge, NJ $10 tickets $8 seniors (62+) 50/50 and silent auction also! For more information contact Nancy Harm at 973-903-2869 Lifeguarding for the Professional Rescuer and American Red Cross CPR Courses are being offered at the Lake Shawnee Clubhouse. Dates: 6/03 – 6/08/13 Cost: Lifeguarding: $150.00 CPR: $50.00 For the lifeguard course, participants must be 15 years of age. (First Aid is a component of the Lifeguarding Course) Instructor: Rich Groel Contact Carolyn Sior to register – 973-663-4156 and for any questions Page 13 Lake Shawnee Swim Team 2013 Schedule June 29th Saturda at Mendham July 3rd Wednesday (home) Vs. Shore Hills July 20th Saturday at Randolph Park July 6th Saturday July 22nd Monday (Home) Vs. Flanders July 24th Wednesday(Home) Vs. Cranberry (home) Vs. Roxbury July 8th - Ribbon Meet Monday July 10th July 13th July 15th at Cranberry July Wednesday at Park Lake July 31st Saturday Bye – Ribbon Meet Monday July 17th August at Roxbury Wednesday (home) Vs. Denville Additional Dates: 27th 3rd Saturday at Shongum Wednesday at Lake Forest Silvers Roxbury August 8th & 10th Thursday/Saturday Trials/Finals Host - Cranberry Parent Meetings – March 26th, April 23th, May 28th, June 25th, July 23rd, August 27th. Registration day – April 27th Saturday Team Picture – ??? Fun Day – TBD Lake Swim – TBD Pasta Party – August 7th Wednesday SWIM TEAM REGISTRATION Swim Team Dance – July 6th Saturday Pizza Party - July 30th Tomahawk Lake – July 12th Friday Awards Ceremony – August 4th Saturday April 27th from 10-12pm Registration is $50.00 per child $50.00 golf outing fee per family or equivalent sponsor/door prize Have an extra fun summer this year!! Join the Swim Team! If you are new to the swim team and are interested, you can complete a pre-registration form to get on the email list. Go to website at LAKE SHAWNEE SWIM TEAM 2013 Accepting resumes for Assistant Coach for the Swim Team. Starting Salary $1500.00 for the Season. Must be available to work practices and meets from June 17th to August 10th. Must have Lifeguard certification and be CPR certified. Please give your resume to Lisa Peter in the club office or email them to Debbie Gamble at 92 W Shawnee Tr. Wharton NJ 07885 973-663-1070 Time to start thinking about your summer vacations. Sales and specials are popping up all the time now. Don’t loose out because you plan too late. Page 14 Page 15 Lake Shawnee Club Newsletter PRSRT STD 4 West Shawnee Trail DOVER, NJ Wharton, NJ 07885 PERMIT NO. 72 US POSTAGE PAID Address service Requested POSTAL CUSTOMER RURAL ROUTE #3 WHARTON, NJ 07885
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