July 24, 2016 - Holy Trinity Avon
July 24, 2016 - Holy Trinity Avon
Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 24, 2016 JOHN MOROG 8:00 A.M. 2 COR 4:7-15 CRAIG & NANCY STOLDT MT 20:20-28 8:00 A.M. "And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened." - Lk 11:9-10 CHARLES MCWEENY JER 14:17-22 MT 13:36-43 MARGARET MCWEENY 8:00 A.M. Wedding Banns MARIE BEEBE JER 15:10, 16-21 MT 13:44-46 8:00 A.M. JEANNE KALT JER 18:1-6 MT 13:47-53 MONROE FAMILY 8:00 A.M. JER 26:1-9 PARISHIONERS JN 11:19-27 5:00 P.M. BOB SATINK JER 26:11-16, 24 MT 14:1-12 SUE SATINK 7:30 A.M. EMY SKUFCA ECCL 1:2, 2:21-23 COL 3:1-5, 9-11 LK 12:13-21 GRAHOVAC FAMILY 9:00 A.M. PARISHIONERS 10:30 A.M. GEORGE HOPKINS PAT & KEVIN DEJEAN GRACE & PLACIDO GRILLO NOON III. James Mieskoski and Michele Stiffy NANCY BRZEZINSKI NICOLO GRILLO NOTICE: If you are having a Sunday Mass offered for a particular intention and would like to bring up the gifts of bread and wine, please notify an Usher before Mass begins. Thank you. July 17, 2016 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 9,468.50 Wednesday Masses will be at 8:00 AM dur ing the months of June, July and August. The Noon Mass on Wednesday will resume when our school children return. BAPTISM We welcome Benjamin Nicholas Hallal in the Sacrament of Baptism. May the Light of Christ, given in Baptism, shine on this little one forever. HOLY TRINITY BOOK CLUB The Holy Trinity Book Club will meet on Monday, July 25, 2016 at 7:00 PM in the Parish Center. Our book for this month is ”The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto” by Mitch Albom. All are welcome to join us. PSR CATECHISTS NEEDED……. Consider this Valuable Opportunity Our PSR program is in need of Catechists (teachers) for the upcoming school year. If you can help, please contact the Parish Office at 937-5363. COMPASSION IN ACTION The Compassion in Action group would like to again invite parishioners to assist at the St. Mary’s Choice Food Pantry in Lorain this weekend (7/23 and 7/24). We stock the shelves on Sunday from 11:15 until about 1:00. On Monday we assist shoppers and distribute food from 4:30 until about 6:30. If you have questions or are interested in helping either day call 440-8235726 or email me at donnatomlin5@aol.com for details. Liturgical Minister Schedule MON—T UES WEDNESDAY THURS - FRI SATURDAY SUNDAY JULY 25-26 JULY 27 JULY 28-29 JULY 30 JULY 31 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 8:00 AM 5:00 PM 7:30 AM 9:00 AM 10:30 AM NOON LECTORS A. HARVANEC N. OBRAL C. CZARNECKI L. CZARNECKI M. HOFFMAN T. PABIN J. WRIGHT J. BEATTY J. HOBBS R. WILCZEWSKI EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST N. HOLLIDAY K. SCHNEEBERGER J. SCHNEEBERGER K. SCHAFFER T. FRANK B. GAUTHIER T. HARTE B. ADAMICH J. ADAMICH G. BERGER B. BURZANKO A. BATTITSONI P. PERZ G. PERZ B. AMATO S. HOBBS J. HERDA M. FLANDO SUB NEEDED P. BERGEN L. CASPER L. BRIAN D. LORINCZ T. LORINCZ S. KELLER E. KELLER M. FOX SUB NEEDED ul ALTAR SERVERS SUB NEEDED C. FOX C. HARVEY H. MCLAUGHLIN K. MCNULTY T. VRABLIC C. MILLER E. BURKE K. PACHECO SUB NEEDED SUB NEEDED C. DILLON A. FLANDO Holy Trinity Parish KELLY MILLER CIRCUS The Knights of Columbus, Father Ragan Council #3269 of Avon/ Avon Lake is sponsoring the Kelly Miller Circus on Saturday, August 6, 2016 at the Shoreway Shopping Center on Lake Road in Sheffield Lake. Performances are scheduled for 2 PM and 5 PM. The Circus will delight children and adults with aerial acts, clown shenanigans and animal acts. Pre-Sale tickets may be purchased at the following locations: Apples Market and Driftwood Café in the Shoreway Shopping Center, Bob-O-Link Golf Course, Joe Firment Chevrolet and One Stop Beverage in Avon…. in Avon Lake tickets can be purchased at Fenik’s Frozen Custard and at the St. Joseph Parish Rectory. Presale tickets are $6 for children and $12 adults. Tickets will also be available the day of the performance. LOOKING AHEAD TO OCTOBER The Isabella Guild of the Fr. Ragan Council, Knights of Columbus will be hosting an Oktoberfest on Saturday, October 22, 2016 at the Knights of Columbus Hall located at 1783 Moore Road in Avon (next to BJ’s.). A variety of beers will be available by the bottle or tap. Bratwurst with all the toppings, sauerkraut and homemade German Potato Salad will be served. This fun evening will include polka music, 50/50 Raffle and sideboards. All proceeds benefit the student scholarship fund. Tickets will be $15. For more information or reservations, please contact Mary Jane at 440-937-5283. We can’t wait to see you! 9th ANNUAL PATRICK JOYCE FUND 5K & 1 MILE WALK/FUN RUN is scheduled for Saturday, August 13, 2016 at 8:30 AM. The course will go through the West Park neighborhood and begin and end at West Park Station. The proceeds from this race will benefit the Patrick Joyce Scholarship Fund and P.A.C.E.S. which is a non-profit International group of physicians and allied professionals that conduct Research & Advocacy for cardiac rhythm disturbances, affecting children, young adults & patients of any age with congenital heart disease. Following the race at WPS will be music by “Blood, Sweat and Years”, face-painting and other activities for kids. Register at: www.hermescleveland.com or West Park Station (17015 Lorain Avenue) CALLING ALL AHS ALUMNI…..An Avon High School Multi-year Reunion celebrating 75 years of Graduates (1941—2016) will be held on Friday, August 5, 2016 from 7 PM to 11 PM at Crusher’s All Pro Freight Stadium. Tickets are available by emailing: AHSMultiReunion@yahoo.com. Special guests, Paul Pope of Molkie Cole and Phil Holowecky of Outta Dodge will be performing. All Graduates are Welcome! FIRST FRIDAY FORUM OF LORAIN COUNTY will be held on Friday, August 5, 2016 from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM in the Spitzer Conference Center at Lorain County Community College. The speaker will be Rev. Don Bosco Darsi, a moral theologian from the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium and he will speak on “The Ethics Between Rigorism and Laxism”. The cost of the session is $18. To make your reservation call 440-244-0643 or email at: ffflorain@gmail.com by August 1st. Avon, Ohio PRAY FOR OUR SICK Katie Anderson ▪ Grandpa Mike Bierek ▪ Greg Bierek ▪ Cy Bliss ▪ Pamela Boltrolik ▪ Alice Conrad ▪ Peter D’Amico ▪ Lenna Danburg ▪ Joanne Drellishak ▪ Richard Dziak ▪ Mike Fanning ▪ Anna FergusonValore ▪ Mike & Jill Flanigan ▪ Catherine Forthofer ▪ Lisa Frye ▪ Kelly Gaynier ▪ Jerry Gill ▪ Noah Gromek ▪ Diane Gugliotta ▪ Marilyn Hassel ▪ Dan & Muriel Havel ▪ Judy Henderson ▪ Albert Hoch ▪ John Humphries ▪ Joe Jackson ▪ Norma James ▪ Laura Keane ▪ Patricia Kohut ▪ Carol Kubiak ▪ Michael Lawler ▪ Janice Leemans ▪ Barb Lehnerd ▪ Don Maloy ▪ Rocco Mastramico ▪ Christine Mathews ▪ Robert Mayton ▪ Lois McFadden ▪ Tom McFadden ▪ Andrea Nagy ▪ Thomas Obral ▪ Sandra Pantina ▪ Tara Pemberton ▪ Geralynn Rikard ▪ Tim Rose ▪ Jim & Eloise Schmitz ▪ Michael Siciliano ▪ Michael Simoson ▪ Arlene Smith ▪ Gregory Smith ▪ Jim Somers ▪ Harry Soukup ▪ Roy Thompson ▪ Sandra Tomcho ▪ Donna Urig ▪ Bonnie Vezdos ▪ Peggy Viviani ▪ Greg Weller ▪ Neal Wiemels ▪ Pauline Wysocki ▪ Christine Zander ▪ Tom Zander and for all our chronically ill and homebound parishioners. Please call the parish office to have your name added or removed from this list. If anyone needs communion to be administered to a Homebound parishioner, please contact the Parish Office. PRAY FOR OUR TROOPS May God bless and protect our parish sons and daughters serving in the armed forces of the United Paul Bohnert Grace Heathcoat Jack McDonnell James Evans Mary Heathcoat Maureen Schlather Alex Leigh John J. Sutcliffe CONGRATULATIONS to the Ladies from Holy Trinity who attend St. Joseph Academy and who made the Honor Roll during the 2nd Semester of the 2015-2016 Academic Year. Way to Go Ladies and Keep up the Hard Work!!! Olivia Battistoni Emma Gassman Keira Reilly Lucy Casper Andrea Horrocks Megan Schurch Alexis DeWitt Isabella Kappler Maggie Sullivan Amando Do Madeline Kimble Cecilia Tompkins Colleen Drellishak Sophia Leonard Emily Welshhans Britta Eldrige Annaclaire Lonsway Laura Frost Family Perspective “Jesus was praying.” What a powerful example for us! He knew this was the way to stay connected to God the Father and handle all the demands being placed on Him. Jesus assures us if we put God first we will receive and find whatever we need from His infinite goodness and wisdom. But, we must make the time to stop, listen and seek God first in prayer. Pope Francis reminds us “moments of family prayer and acts of devotion can be more powerful for evangelization than any catechism class or sermon.” Make prayer a daily part of your family routine.