The Nova News 01/16/15


The Nova News 01/16/15
Community Consolidated School District 46
Avon Center School
Mr. Chris Wolk, Principal
1617 N. Route 83, Round Lake Beach, Illinois, 60073
Phone (847) 223-3530
FAX (847) 223-3532
January 15, 2015
Dear Avon Parents and Guardians,
It was great to see all of the smiling faces last week when we came back from Winter Break.
Unfortunately, the weather did not cooperate and we needed to take a few extra days off to
ensure the safety of the students. The sun is coming up earlier and staying around later in the
afternoon, which signals Spring is right around the corner. We have a very busy Spring ahead of
us, so please check the Important Upcoming Dates below and keep in touch using our Facebook
page for the most updated news.
Please make sure that students are sent to school with the appropriate jackets, hats, and
gloves. We do not have any extra clothes. Please see the CCSD 46 Parent Handbook
p.37 for details on Recess during the Winter.
o 1/16 – Half Day, AM K attends
o 1/19 – No School, MLK Jr. Birthday
o 1/23 – 2nd Grade Coffee with the Principal ** NEW DATE**
o 1/23 – PTF Bingo Night
o 2/6 – Bilingual Parent Advisory Committee
o 2/9 – 2/12 – Parent Teacher Conference Week
o 2/12 – Half Day, PM K attends
o 2/13 – No School
“Like” us on Facebook at Avon Center School.
Educationally yours,
Mr. Chris Wolk
Community Consolidated School District 46 will provide an educational environment that maximizes the potential of
ALL students to be prepared for life’s opportunities while developing a lasting appreciation for learning.
Community Consolidated School District 46
Avon Center School
Mr. Chris Wolk, Principal
1617 N. Route 83, Round Lake Beach, Illinois, 60073
Phone (847) 223-3530
FAX (847) 223-3532
15 de enero del 2015
Estimados Padres y Tutores,
Fue fantástico ver todos los rostros sonrientes de la semana pasada, cuando volvimos de las
vacaciones de invierno. Lamentablemente, el tiempo no coopero y tuvimos que tomar unos días
adicionales para garantizar la seguridad de los estudiantes. El sol está saliendo temprano y se
queda en torno a finales de la tarde, lo que señala de que la primavera esta a la vuelta de la
esquina. Nos espera una primavera muy ocupada, por favor tome en cuenta las fechas venideras
importantes a continuación y manténgase en contacto con nuestra página de Facebook para estar
al día con las noticias mas recientes.
Por favor asegúrese de enviar a sus niños a la escuela con la ropa apropiada como con
chamarras, gorras y guantes. No tenemos ropa extra en la oficina de la escuela. Favor de
ver el Manual de Padres de CCSD 46, pagina 37 para detalles acerca de el recreo durante
el invierno.
1/16 – Medio Día de Escuela – Kindergarten AM asiste
1/19 – No hay escuela, día del cumpleaños de MLK Jr.
1/23 – Café con el Director para los padres del 2nd grado
1/23 – Noche de Bingo organizado por PTF
2/6 – Junta de BPAC (Programa Bilingüe)
2/9 al 2/12 – Semana de Conferencias de Padres y Profesores
2/12 – Medio Día de Escuela – Kindergarten PM asiste
2/13 – No hay escuela
“Like” Avon Center School en Facebook
Educacionalmente suyo,
Mr. Chris Wolk
Community Consolidated School District 46 will provide an educational environment that maximizes the potential of
ALL students to be prepared for life’s opportunities while developing a lasting appreciation for learning.
16 Early Release – AM-K
19 No School
19 ACCESS/ELL Testing
23 Coffee with the
Principal (Grade 2) 8:30AM
23 PTF Bingo Night
Avon School
Family Bingo Night!
03 Market Day Orders Due
06 BPAC Meeting 6:30PM
07 Market Day Pick Up
8:00-9:30AM @MV
09-12 Conference Week
09-12 Book Fair
10 Birthday Breakfast
12 Early Release – PM-K
13 No School
16 No School
18 Board of Ed Meeting
21 Coffee with the
Principal (Grade 1) 8:30AM
Come hear your favorite teacher call bingo numbers!
Lots of fun prizes to win!
Pizza, water and soda will be sold.
Friday January 23, 2015
Avon Multi-Purpose Room
6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Cost: $1 per Bingo Card
We need volunteers for selling bingo cards and food sales.
Please contact Sheri Perkins at 847-975-6406 or
The Scholastic Book Fair will be
at our school February 6th-13th
Any Questions?
Sign up to help at the Book Fair!
¡Cuenten conmigo para la Feria del Libro!
La Feria del Libro de Scholastic se celebrará en
nuestra escuela Febrero 6 - 13
From the Avon Office
Tardy -If your child is tardy, please escort them into the office and sign them in.
Forgotten lunches/lunch money-Please make an effort to send in your child’s lunch or lunch
money each day. The office prefers not to disrupt classrooms to notify them that a child’s lunch
has arrived.
Absences/Tardies-Please call in absences and tardies to the District Absentee Line at (847)
223-3540 and follow the voice prompts for attendance to Avon school. This line is open 24 hours
a day. This will help decrease the busyness of our office each morning.
Illnesses-To preserve everyone’s health; please keep your children home when sick and/or when
they have a fever of 100 degrees or more. Before returning to school, they must be fever-free,
vomit-free, and diarrhea-free for 24 hours. Also, children cannot carry their own medications-these
must be turned into the office.
Easy Ways You Can Help Raise Funds for Avon!
Target REDcards
(Avon recently received a check from Target for over $500 through the following program!)
How? Use your Target REDcard when you are doing your normal shopping at Target, and
designate Avon through their Take Charge of Education program-this provides Avon with
much needed funds .
If you already have a Target REDcard, you can participate in the Take Charge of Education
program and help our school! Target donates up to 1% of purchases made using the REDcard to
eligible K-12 schools designated by Target consumers. Avon has received over $6,030.34 over
the past few years through this giving program. If you are interested in designating Avon on your
REDcard, go to and click on the “enroll now” link, then enter our School ID
(46818); this will lead you to Avon’s information page. Click on “designate school” where you will
then be asked for your information and REDcard number. Please note that Avon is listed as Avon
Center Elementary and our School ID is 46818.
If you don’t yet have a REDcard, you can go to Target and apply for one directly, or you can apply
online at If you apply in store, you can take our school ID (46818) and they can add
that to your application the same day. Or, once you have your REDcard number, you can
designate our school online at
To learn more about designating Avon, applying for a REDcard, or about the program, visit or call 1-800-316-6142.
Abbott Labs’ Employee Giving Campaign
Do you or someone in your extended family work at Abbott Laboratories or Abbvie? The Avon
Office would like to tell you of a way you can help support Avon. Each year in the fall at Abbott &
Abbvie, there is an Employee Giving Campaign, where Abbott & Abbvie will donate matching
funds to donations made by its employees. You can designate Avon School as your recipient
organization, and help raise needed funds for our school!
PTF Executive Board
Sheri Perkins
Linnae Rutkowski
Jen Schild
Carmen Heflin
Vice President
Community Consolidated
School District 46
565 Frederick Road • Grayslake • Illinois • 60030
(847) 223-3650
FAX (847) 223-3695
Ellen Correll, Superintendent
Dear Parent/Guardian,
During the week of February 9-12, at your child’s conference, teachers, parents, and students across Illinois will have an
opportunity to participate in the third annual statewide Illinois 5Essentials Survey. This survey is designed to generate a
detailed picture of the inner workings of your child’s school. As a parent, this opportunity will allow you to share your
thoughts on the important elements of school effectiveness in a survey about your child’s school.
On behalf of the Illinois State Board of Education, the Illinois 5Essentials Survey will be administered online by
UChicago Impact at the University of Chicago. The survey gathers data related to five indicators that can predict
important student outcomes, including improved attendance and larger test score gains. These five indicators that affect
and predict school success are:
Effective Leaders
Collaborative Teachers
Involved Families
Supportive Environments
Ambitious Instruction
Prior research in more than 400 schools has shown that schools that were strong on at least three of these “5Essential”
indicators were 10 times more likely to improve student learning gains in math and reading than those that were weak on
three or more Essentials.
All teachers and 6th through 12th grade students will be responding to this survey. 5Essentials Reports will be generated
for schools if their teachers and/or students meet the response rate threshold of 50 percent. These reports will be sent to
schools and districts in May 2015 and will also be included in the State School Report Card.
Additionally, your district has chosen to provide the optional 5Essentials parent survey. If at least 20 percent of parents
complete this survey, a parent supplement will also be generated. The parent data will not be reported on the State Report
Your participation in the parent portion of the survey will help us understand the conditions at your child’s school and
guide improvement. Your identity and survey responses will be kept completely confidential and will never be connected
to you or your child.
The Illinois 5Essentials Survey will be conducted February 9 through February 12, 2015. To take the survey please visit and select the appropriate survey to begin.
For more information about the Illinois 5Essentials Survey, or to view 2014 Reports, please visit If you have any questions or concerns, please contact 5Essentials Client Services at 1-866-440-1874 or
Ellen Correll
Community Consolidated School District 46 will provide an educational environment that maximizes the potential of
ALL students to be prepared for life’s opportunities while developing a lasting appreciation for learning.
Join Fun Fluency on an afterschool aventura of
learning a new language—the way your brain was
meant to learn it! Don’t miss out on your child’s window of opportunity to learn a language with ease
at a young age. Classes are taught by native speakers
and experienced/certified Spanish teachers.
“This is my son’s favorite class” Elizabeth B. WHAT ARE FUN FLUENCY CLASSES LIKE?
Students learn Spanish naturally through immersion,
movement, games, songs, rhythm, reading, and acting
out/listening to stories. Our storytelling-based method
focuses on long-term retention, not just
memorization. Students will quickly see how fun and
easy it is to understand, read, and write in Spanish
while being immersed in language, play, and laughter.
This opportunity introduces your student to the many
advantages of becoming bilingual and culturally
aware at a young age. Check out all the fun we’re having with fluency at
Note: Great for native speakers wanting to
learn to read & write in Spanish
Anne Dunn, Owner/Founder/Woodview parent
Thursdays at Avon from 2:15-3:20
February 26th – May 21st
K-4th grade
Cost: $175 (includes book)
Class sizes are limited! To ensure a spot in class, please
send in your registration & payment as soon as possible.
• Registration deadline February19th
Would a scholarship help your family?
The foundation 46 supports families wanting to participate in
extracurricular activities. Check out their website to apply for a Fun
Fluency scholarship!
Fun Fluency Spanish Registration Spring 2015
Please return the completed registration form to the school office or mail to Anne Dunn 1037 Ellsworth Dr. Grayslake 60030
Include payment in full, checks made payable to Fun Fluency. Scholarships are available if needed, please see above.
Credit card payment is accepted, but a single full-payment transaction must be made ($175).
Email Anne at indicating your plans to attend Spanish class so we know to expect your form.
Student First Name
Student Last Name
School Attending
Emergency contact/alternative pick up
Parent Name(s):
On the back of this form, please describe any previous Spanish experience so we can place your child in the most appropriate class:
Credit Card Info (if paying with card): Card#
Exp. Date
Billing zip code