Representative Advertising and Social Media Guidelines


Representative Advertising and Social Media Guidelines
Advertising and
Social Media
Using Advertising and Social Media to
Grow Your Business the Right Way
Representative Advertising and Social Media Guidelines
That’s how long Avon has been around. More than 125 years.
Generation after generation of amazing opportunities for women.
Avon was built on a foundation that was meant to last, a foundation
of belief, respect, humility, trust and integrity – all of the same values
that you share as an Avon Representative. Values we know so well of
Trust, Respect, Belief, Humility and Integrity.
Over those 125 years, how Avon Representatives connect with Customers
has changed. Even in just the past five or 10 years, communicating
with possible recruits and Customers has expanded from doorbells
and brochures to websites and Facebook.
All of these new ways to advertise and promote your business
are fantastic – they boost sales and save you time, but it can
be a little confusing when you try to determine what is okay
and what isn’t okay to do to keep the Avon brand strong.
That’s why we created this simple guide. From
the proper wording on a business card to what
can or can’t be used as your email address,
we’ve tackled these issues for you and have
provided the most successful advertising ideas
and useful online tools to make your
business thrive and protect Avon’s legacy.
Using Advertising and Social Media to Grow Your Business the Right Way
In the next few pages, we will show you how to:
Help keep Avon’s reputation strong so
it remains a beacon of beauty, trust
and commitment.
Properly use the Avon name and trademark
in advertisements, marketing materials and
online while enhancing your sales and
expanding your Customer base.
Increase your business by leveraging your
Avon eStore and tapping into the power of
social media, such as web pages, Facebook,
YouTube, Twitter and more.
Let’s get going!
Representative Advertising and Social Media Guidelines
Using Advertising and Social Media to Grow Your Business the Right Way
Protecting Avon’s Legacy Together:
Using the Avon Name and Trademarks
That goodwill we’ve all worked so hard for may be damaged if
the Avon name is used in a way that isn’t consistent or doesn’t
represent Avon in the best light possible. To protect Avon’s brand
and your Avon business, we developed easy-to-follow guidelines
Think of the world’s most memorable brands. You can
on how to use the Avon name and trademark when you create
picture the logos and names of these companies so clearly
your own advertising materials and marketing tools.
because they are always the same. Everywhere.
As you look over these pages, think about what you’re
A successful company’s logo and its name have to be
already doing to grow your business and note
consistent -- in advertisements, on store windows, and on
what could be a new idea (or two) you can
packaging materials. This consistency reinforces the
use to connect with Customers!
essence of that company.
The same goes for Avon.
It’s why we are one of the most recognizable brands in
the world. When folks see our logo or read our name in
its familiar type -- whether in Salt Lake City or Saigon -it creates a certain feeling for them, a familiar emotion.
That’s the goodwill all of you and the generations of
Representatives before you have built together.
Just like the
Avon name and
our tagline are
trademarks, so
are many Avon
symbols, icons,
and product names,
and ANEW.
It’s how your
Customers know
they are getting
a true genuine
Avon product.
Remember, all Avon Representatives across the US have to
follow these guidelines when advertising and promoting their
Avon business. If not followed, it may result in removal. Avon
may alter, modify or discontinue these guidelines at any time,
and Avon Representatives will be notified of any changes.
Representative Advertising and Social Media Guidelines
Steps You Can Take to Protect
the Avon Name When Advertising
Using Advertising and Social Media to Grow Your Business the Right Way
3. When advertising Avon products, promote
only truthful and accurate statements.
Build goodwill and protect Avon’s reputation!
by your name followed by “Avon Independent Sales
For example, you CAN use:
“Avon Skin-So-Soft is a great moisturizer.”
1. Make a good habit of always clearly identifying yourself
“Avon Skin-So-Soft is the most sensitive
Representative.” (You can abbreviate it as Avon Ind.
moisturizer on the market.”
Sls. Rep. if you want to.)
is not supported by Avon testing and not approved.
For example:
Jane E. Smith, Avon Independent Sales Representative.
2. Use advertising or promotional materials provided by
Avon, which are free and created by the fabulous Avon
professional design team. Many of these tools are found
online at and click “Resources.”
Many Representatives
have other businesses
aside from selling Avon.
Remember to keep any
form of advertising and
marketing (including email
signatures and business
cards) for your multiple
businesses separate to
maintain the goodwill and
tradition of the Avon name.
Some good places to find blurbs that are
accurate and supported by Avon testing:
performance and/or ingredient claims found in
product brochures and catalogs; the Product Reference
Guides (read it online at;
and current Avon advertising.
Representative Advertising and Social Media Guidelines
Steps You Can Take to Protect
the Avon Name When Advertising
Steer clear of advertising that hurts Avon’s brand!
1. Representatives cannot advertise in any type of national or regional
media outlets, but may do local advertising and are encouraged to! See
the helpful how-tos in the upcoming pages.
Using Advertising and Social Media to Grow Your Business the Right Way
2. It could hurt Avon’s reputation and may be illegal if Representatives
copy or reproduce images, graphics, product photographs or
photographs of people, models or celebrities found in Avon’s
brochures or on any Avon web site, other promotional materials or
literature. To make sure this doesn’t happen, copying images of any
sort is not allowed. Avon has provided approved images and photos for
Representatives to use on social and digital channels (check out Avon
Apps for those images and logos).
3. Remember, Representatives are not employees of Avon, and any
materials distributed should make that clear. The easiest way to avoid
Shop Avon at home
or in your office
with personal delivery and
guaranteed satisfaction.
this is for Representatives to always identify themselves as an Avon
For example, you CAN use:
but cannot use:
(Your Name Here)
Avon Independent Sales Representative
at (your phone/e-mail/web site)
If you realize you have
business cards or
personalized checks not
purchased from the Avon
Advantage Program or
any other unauthorized
promotional items that
contain the Avon name, logo
or trademark, it is against
Avon policy, so be sure to
discontinue using them.
Local newspaper
National or Regional
Independent Sales Representative.
Representative Advertising and Social Media Guidelines
The ABCs (and XYZs) of
Advertising Your Avon Business
von personalized eStore
Customers are online. Go where they are and create the
best tool to advertise your business - your own Avon eStore!
With Avon’s web office tools, you can customize your site
and make it look any way you want. If you have a Facebook page,
include the link to your Avon eStore, so Customers can head there
to purchase products with ease.
What’s even better than your web page? The fact that it is FREE!
For more information on setting up your Avon eStore, see Avon’s
Representative Policies and Procedures on Avon’s website.
Using Advertising and Social Media to Grow Your Business the Right Way
usiness cards
Business cards are a great way to not only pass along
your contact information, but that little piece of cardboard
establishes you as a professional business person. To maintain
consistency of the Avon brand and look, you may use only those business
cards purchased through the Avon Advantage program. The great thing is
we have done it all for you: the cards have an amazing look, the official Avon
logo, and space for your title (e.g., Executive
Unit Leader). The other great thing? They are
extremely affordable. To order yours, go to and click “Resources.”
TIP: Don’t forget to add your Avon eStore
web address to your business cards, so
that Customers have a way to shop
with you 24/7!
hecks – Personalized!
Personalized checks are a subtle, yet useful way to promote your
business, and are available though the Avon Advantage program.
On your checks, you can feature a variety of Avon products and
include titles (for example, Advanced Unit Leader, Honor Society Member, and
so on). To maintain consistency, the use of the Avon name or trademark on
personal checks may only be used on those checks purchased through
Avon Advantage.
Representative Advertising and Social Media Guidelines
The ABCs (and XYZs) of
Advertising Your Avon Business
tra Promotional Items
We often give you promotional items from Avon Products,
Inc. with the Avon logo and trademarks to distribute for free
to recruits and Customers. You may also purchase Avon
Using Advertising and Social Media to Grow Your Business the Right Way
ippy car signs and window decals
You drive around your area for order deliveries and more – use that
precious time behind the wheel to promote your business. Head over
to the Avon Advantage Program and customize a car sign or window
decal that Avon’s professional designers have created. As with all of
your other advertising materials, clearly identify yourself as an Avon
Independent Sales Representative and only use Avon-approved slogans.
approved logo items such as hats, t-shirts, etc.,
through one of the Avon Advantage partners, Town
& Country’s website – find details of how to order
on Be sure not to sell these
items or create your own items with Avon’s
name or trademarks.
our email signature
Why not let everyone know about your Avon business every time
you communicate online? An email signature is merely your business
contact information at the bottom of an email – it’s the easiest way to
spread your contact information to others. Be sure to identify yourself as an
Avon Independent Sales Representative and include your Title or levels (like
Executive Unit Leader or President’s Club). Always make sure you add a link to
your own Avon eStore and social media profile to the bottom of the email
so Customers can always reach you.
Jane Doe
Jane Doe
Avon Independent Sales Representative
President’s Club
000 Anywhere Street, Everycity, NY
Phone 000-000-0000
You can find many of these items (and more!)
through the Avon Advantage Program
Representative Advertising and Social Media Guidelines
Using Advertising and Social Media to Grow Your Business the Right Way
Magical Ways to Advertise
Take advantage of Avon’s
terrific free e-mail service
and produce an online newsletter.
Remember, you are not officially employed
by Avon Products, Inc., so indicate to your
readers that the newsletter is all yours. It’s
easy to do that -- just identify yourself with your
name followed by Avon Independent Sales
Representative. For more details on how to use
an online newsletter to increase sales and
grow your Downline, check out Avon’s
Policies and Procedures and the
eRepresentative guidelines.
Those envelope packs
filled with coupon ads of local
services are another great way to
get your Avon business right into
the homes of potential Customers. If
you take advantage of this, be sure
to have yourself properly identified
as an Avon Independent Sales
When folks head to
the supermarket, they have
shopping on the brain. Those store
bulletin boards often allow advertising
for services or items for sale. It’s a prime
spot for you to place your authorized
Avon business card. If you have to
fill out a special form to post,
remember to write clearly!
Promote your
business and your role
as local Avon Independent Sales
Representative directly to Customers
in your area in local
newspapers and weekly publications
(like PennySaver, college newspapers
or online local publications). If it is a
printed publication, ask if there are
any online options also available
to get maximum exposure.
Many areas have moved to listing
numbers and information online. No
matter how it’s produced, your regular
phone book – the yellow and white pages
– remains a solid marketing option to get
your name and contact information in front of
Customers in your area. Always identify yourself
as an Avon Independent Sales Representative,
and billing information must be your home
address, not that of Avon Products, Inc.
Making Your Newsletters Fabulous
We love reading about the latest beauty trends…that’s why we
are in the beauty business, naturally! Your Customers love it
too. When you use Avon’s free e-mail service to create your
own newsletter, write up a sentence or two about the season
you are in (who doesn’t love reading about Christmas or
summertime fun?) or include a photo of yourself wearing a
new Avon product that highlights a current beauty trend.
Feel free to share Avon news too! Articles and new releases
from official Avon publications are perfect to include in your
newsletter, but remember, don’t use articles about Avon from
other publications. They may be subject to copyright laws,
and you need written permission to use them.
Making someone feel at
home and spreading news of
your Avon business by placing a
brochure, samples or contact details
in a neighborhood Welcome Wagon
package is a smart move to reach a
potential new Customer. Sometimes,
there is a cost to participate in
these local welcome services.
Where ever you advertise, you should always include your Avon
eStore web address. It gives everyone a way to shop with you 24/7!
Representative Advertising and Social Media Guidelines
Advertising Roadblocks to Avoid
All of us enjoy the benefits of Avon’s heritage
and reputation and maintaining that goodwill
takes all of us working together to avoid those
ways to advertise that could damage it.
Using Advertising and Social Media to Grow Your Business the Right Way
All Avon Representatives may not advertise in:
• Any form of radio or television.
• Any national newspapers and magazines, like
Woman’s Day, Redbook, USA Today, and so on.
• Any regional magazines, like Texas Monthly,
How to know what is okay and what isn’t?
We’ve listed below those types of advertising
and marketing that could harm both Avon
and your business that you should
The Washingtonian, New York, etc.
• Trade or Direct Selling publications, like Making Money.
• Any outdoor commercial advertising such
as transit ads, billboards, and so on.
swerve around.
• Any promotion with other companies or other businesses.
For example: You may not feature Avon in the same
promotion or offer as one for a local beauty store.
One essential way you can
help to protect the Avon
name and reputation is to
control the messages
about Avon out there
in the media.
Avon Representatives
should not contact or
respond to any one in the
press (like television, radio
newspaper or magazine
reporters) inquiring
about articles or seeking
comment on Avon news or
Representative Advertising and Social Media Guidelines
Cracking the Online Marketing Code
Protecting Avon’s reputation becomes a little trickier
when you advertise online. We’ve detailed the proper
guidelines when you set up a website or email address
and any other type of online marketing.
Using Advertising and Social Media to Grow Your Business the Right Way
The only website or web page you may create to advertise your
Avon business as a Representative is your Avon eStore. It’s so
simple to set up and customize – for details, read over Avon’s
Representative Policies and Procedures at
Web pages and Websites
To maintain consistency of the Avon brand, any website
or web page with the word “Avon” or any other Avon trademark
in the URL or domain name is not allowed.
So, “,”
“,” “,”
or “” are not okay.
It’s so simple to set up and customize your
Avon web page. Simply click the icons!
On your Avon eStore, focus just on your Avon message by not
promoting any other non-Avon products or businesses (which
includes non-Avon charities, ventures, services or activities).
Links to other non-Avon web sites or pages cannot be included,
whereas links to profiles and pages for your Avon business can.
Representative Advertising and Social Media Guidelines
Using Advertising and Social Media to Grow Your Business the Right Way
Cracking the Online Marketing Code
Email Addresses
Avon trademark that was created prior to June 12, 2007, you may
When choosing an email address to use for your Avon
of the other advertising and promotion policies and guidelines. If
business, create an email address that includes your name,
your email address was created after June 12, 2007, you need to
but be sure avoid using “Avon” or any other Avon trademarks
switch your email address.
(such as ANEW or Skin So Soft, etc).
For example: or
is not allowed, as it affects consistency
of the Avon name and trademark.
It’s always best to rely on regular, polite ways of reaching Customers. No
one wants to receive unwanted emails or text messages, also known as
“spam.” Think of “spam” like the online version of those telemarketers
that always call during dinnertime—they are just annoying. As an Avon
Representative, you may not send, transmit or otherwise communicate
any “spam” or unsolicited emails or text messages that attempt to sell
Avon products, recruit new Avon Representatives or promote the Avon
selling opportunity.
if you have an email address that includes “Avon” or any other
continue to use that email address as long as you are following all
Representative Advertising and Social Media Guidelines
Cracking the Online Marketing Code
Online Advertising and Sales
Listing for sale or advertising Avon products or the Avon selling
opportunity in online markets or other online outlets diminishes
the solid reputation of Avon we have all worked to build. This
means that no Avon Representative is permitted to sell, recruit,
create or advertise deals or coupon codes on other online sites
such sites as Groupon, Living Social or Retailmenot.
An independently-managed online marketplace or an online
marketplace on sites like eBay, or Yahoo! Shopping
is not allowed. National online advertising, creating banner ads
and purchasing “keywords” from a search engine or other online
service is not permitted whether or not it includes “Avon” or any
other Avon trademarks.
Using Advertising and Social Media to Grow Your Business the Right Way
No Avon Representative is permitted to:
• List products for sale on online marketplaces such as eBay or Amazon
• Create deals for sites such as Groupon or Living Social
• List coupon codes on sites such as Retailmenot and Coupon Cabin
• Pay for National online advertising or create banner ads whether or
not they use the word “Avon” or other Avon trademarks
• Create a website or web page other than the Avon provided personal
Avon eStore or your social media pages to promote, sell and/or recruit
REMEMBER: Not following the advertising and promotion guidelines
could result in removal as an Avon Independent Sales Representative.
Representative Advertising and Social Media Guidelines
Using Advertising and Social Media to Grow Your Business the Right Way
Avon’s Social Media Guide
Still not convinced? Here’s how Social Media will
supercharge your business online!
Facebook. Twitter. Pinterest. These and other social media
• Just imagine how many people you can reach in an instant!
sites all do the same thing – they connect people.
• Think of the time you’ll save when you can tell all your
As an Avon Representative, you know that connecting with
people is how you build a business. Your online communities
are broad reaching, powerful and FREE tools to engage with
your current and potential Customers and team members.
Facebook or Twitter friends about a great new product at once!
• You can share selling tips and connect with Representatives
all over the world!
• You can add pictures of yourself or a friend wearing or using
Your online social media communities are not the only tools in your
their new products to create excitement and make others
advertising toolbox, of course. Social media doesn’t replace
wish they had what she (or he!) is wearing too!
face-to-face or sharing brochures, but spending a few minutes
a day on Facebook or Twitter can expand your reach and help
you keep connected ‘across the miles’.
Getting started with social media and knowing how to use
Facebook or Twitter to grow your business can be daunting, but
it’s very easy! We’ve gathered some how-tos and hints to help!
• Plus if you connect with Avon on social networks you may
benefit from exclusive online offers, events and incentives.
• Helps to promote you as an Avon Independent Sales
Representative and promote your Avon business.
• Don’t forget to promote your eStore via Social Media.
A quick and easy way to make sales!
1.28 billion
50% of small businesses
monthly active users
on Facebook *
say they gained new
Customers just using
social media
802 million
85% of all businesses
increase their exposure to
potential Customers when
they use Facebook or
Twitter or Pinterest
daily active users
on average on Facebook *
609 million
mobile daily active users
on Facebook *
69% of people that go on
255 million
Pinterest find items or
services they bought or
want to buy
monthly active users
on Twitter †
70 million
users on Pinterest - and
steadily gaining momentum
outside the US ‡
As of March 2014; Source: Facebook. †As of March 2014; Source: Twitter. ‡As of June 2013, Source: Semiocast
Wondering how being active on
social media sites will help your Avon
business? Check out these stats:
77% of business to
consumer companies
gained Customers by
having a Facebook page
Representative Advertising and Social Media Guidelines
Using Advertising and Social Media to Grow Your Business the Right Way
Avon’s Social Media Guide
Getting started in 4 easy steps
Start listening
See what people are talking
about and sharing to get a
feel for what topics and
Create your profile.
conversations are relevant.
Read the rules and privacy
guidelines of each Social
Media site before creating
your profile.
HOW TO create a
Facebook profile
HOW TO create a
Twitter profile
HOW TO create a
YouTube profile
Join the
Jump right in. Avon Representatives are encouraged to
promote their businesses by posting in groups, leaving
with Avon
comments, replying to someone,
or sharing messages
and photos.
Get the latest news, events,
offers and lots of great content
to share with your friends
and Customers.
Keep reading to
learn more!
Representative Advertising and Social Media Guidelines
Understanding Facebook
Profiles, Pages and Groups
Using Advertising and Social Media to Grow Your Business the Right Way
Facebook Page: is for businesses, brands, companies and celebrities.
You should create a Facebook Page for your Avon business that is
separate from your Profile and invite people to ‘like’ your Page.
When promoting your business on social media, it’s important to clearly
identify yourself as an Avon Independent Sales Representative so that your
friends, fans and followers know that you are speaking in this capacity.
Personal Profile: a personal summary of who you are, giving friends an easy
way to see your hometown, where you’re working and more…it’s a great way
to get started in social media and build your network!
It’s against Facebook policy to promote your business through a personal
profile, so please ensure you clearly identify yourself as an Avon Independent
Sales Representative.
Facebook Groups: link to your Profile and are a perfect way to stay in
touch with your Avon business. You can add friends and start sharing
content, promotions and even sales tips in a matter of clicks, you can
also post updates and poll the group. There are also three privacy settings
you can create for each Facebook Group - Public, Private and Secret.
Representative Advertising and Social Media Guidelines
Using Advertising and Social Media to Grow Your Business the Right Way
Avon Apps
Creating Your Profile and Social Identity
Kick start your success by visiting Avon Apps where you will
Can I use “Avon” in my username?
find many social media tools to help you build your business
Sharing Avon content online is quick and easy!
We have created free apps to help you boost sales through
Many social networks require the use of your given name when
you create a personal account. For example, Facebook may delete
personal accounts if they are found not to contain real names.
Social Media channels like Facebook and Twitter. Check out
the “how to” step by step guide in the Avon Apps section here.
Wrong usage
Unauthorized use of the “Avon” registered
trademark in a Facebook Profile.
Correct usage
For accounts that require your given name,
you should use your actual first and last
name. Facebook requires you to use your
first and last name in your personal
Facebook Profile.
Representative Advertising and Social Media Guidelines
Using Advertising and Social Media to Grow Your Business the Right Way
Creating Your Profile and Social Identity
For accounts that do allow use of business or nicknames
How do I show my association with Avon?
you may use your Avon title and/or level in your user name.
You may use the “Avon” registered trademark in conjunction with
(e.g. Facebook Pages (not profiles) or Twitter accounts),
your Avon title and/or level to show your association with Avon.
Correct usage
For accounts that allow the use of
business or nicknames, you may use
See the box below for title and/or levels.
your name, Avon title and level (e.g.
Facebook Pages or Twitter accounts).
Most social networks also have a “bio” or “about me” section
in your profile where you should indicate your Avon title and/or level.
Ann Huber, AVON Rep @maikosan
As an AVON Ind Sales Rep and Beauty
Advisor, I provide the ultimate personalized
shopping experience.
Wrong usage
You are not authorized to use the
“Avon” registered trademark paired
with any geographic location such
as a city or country. It could cause
confusion with Avon’s official
corporate accounts.
Correct usage
You may indicate your association with Avon
in any “bio” or “about me” fields using your
Avon Title and/or level, in full or abbreviated.
Can I use Avon Logos & Images?
Yes! You may use any Avon logos or images provided
to you by Avon, but not any unauthorized images or
logos. Using Avon’s approved images can enhance
Avon Title and or levels for Independent Sales Representatives:
the professional look of your account.
“Avon Independent Sales Representative” or “Avon Ind. Sales Rep”
“Avon Independent Sales Leader” or “Avon Ind. SL”
A variety of social
media images
“Avon Unit Leader” or “Avon Ind. UL”
are provided on
“Avon Advanced Unit Leader” or “Avon Ind. AUL”
“Avon Executive Unit Leader” or “Avon Ind. EUL”
“Avon Senior Executive Unit Leader” or “Avon Ind. SEUL”
in Avon Apps.
Representative Advertising and Social Media Guidelines
Promoting your Business and
Recruiting using Facebook
Using Advertising and Social Media to Grow Your Business the Right Way
3. Showcase the earning opportunity online. People love to explore what
other Facebook users have done whether it’s holidays, incentive trips or
your Avon business or team events.
With more than a billion users worldwide, Facebook has
unlocked a new way of connecting and sharing online. Here
are 5 ways you can use Facebook to promote your business:
1. Connect with people. Build strong and meaningful relationships
online and remember, developing close relationships with people
Ann Huber, Avon Independent Sales Rep
October 2
Not suggested
Avoid posts like this as
it’s not the right tone
of voice.
Suggested usage
Instead, showcase the
lifestyle that Avon can
bring you. Chances are,
people will want to know
how they can too!
Looking to earn extra money? You can earn $2000 a
week with Avon – join my team!
Like • Comment • Share
offline helps build peer recommendations and word-of-mouth offline.
Facebook is the global leader in connecting people online.
2. Promote, share and engage others with customized Avon content.
Jacqueline Lorem, Avon Independent Sales Rep
October 2
Post links, share images and the eBrochure to drive awareness
of your business online…and remember to link to your Personal
Webpage to your social media account. Upload Avon approved
images, video or links to products and share any of the apps
Just back from an all expenses paid trip to Las Vegas
with Avon! I love my Avon business!
Like • Comment • Share
from the Avon App store on
4. Promote your Avon eStore. Attract new Customers and sell to family
and friends far from home, while you’re open for business to everyone
24/7. Sharing your Avon eStore link to your Facebook profile allows
you to reach new Customers, spread the word and grow your business.
5. Create sales events and rallies in your area. Such events can
easily be created and managed within your existing Facebook Profile,
saving you time and money. Find out how to create a Facebook event
now, view more (
6. Online Chat. Facebook Messenger is not limited to your personal
computer; you can also reach friends on their mobile phone! Group
chat conversations make it easy to message everyone at once and
see where your business leads are.
Quick Link to create a Facebook account:
Representative Advertising and Social Media Guidelines
Beyond Facebook: Other Social Networks
to Promote Your Business Online
Using Advertising and Social Media to Grow Your Business the Right Way
There are a lot of Social Media networks but you don’t need
to be on them all. Start with one and then build on your success
and branch out to other networks once you are comfortable.
Here are 5 well known networks:
Twitter enables you to send and read messages known as “tweets” which
are 140 characters or less. Twitter can be a great support for
your business, as you can quickly let your followers
know what is happening including updates,
launches and events.
View More:
YouTube is a video sharing website where you can view, upload
and share videos. It’s a great way to promote or view product
demonstrations and beauty how to videos.
View More:
Representative Advertising and Social Media Guidelines
Beyond Facebook: Other Social Networks
to Promote Your Business Online
Using Advertising and Social Media to Grow Your Business the Right Way
Pinterest is a “virtual pinboard” which lets you collect and share
images you discover online or upload from your computer.
You can “pin” anything you find on the internet on
LinkedIn is “the world’s largest professional network”
focused on bringing together professionals to share
to a board focused on a theme (beauty or
fashion trend, favorite products etc).
contacts and job opportunities. It’s
especially useful for recruiting.
View More:
View More:
Representative Advertising and Social Media Guidelines
Using Advertising and Social Media to Grow Your Business the Right Way
Beyond Facebook: Other Social Networks
to Promote Your Business Online
The Key to Creating Fabulous
Social Media Content
So you’ve signed up on Facebook, set up a Twitter account and
created some Pinterest boards. Now you are staring at the blank
screen. The cursor is blinking. And blinking. You don’t know what
to post, Tweet or pin. Or maybe you have been driving along those
social media roads and need some fresh ideas on what to share.
Today, the only messages anyone will see
and hear are the messages they choose to
see and hear – ‘content’ is everywhere.
The key to making your messages seen
and heard? Make them stand out from
the crowd – you’ll know you’ve got it
right when you see your likes, comments
and shares soar…all of which means a
boost to your business!
Instagram lets you share photos taken from your mobile
phone with your friends. It’s a fun and easy way
to share what’s going on in your life and the
things that you discover.
View More:
Representative Advertising and Social Media Guidelines
The Key to Creating Fabulous
Social Media Content
It all comes down to what and when you post:
What to post?
Using Advertising and Social Media to Grow Your Business the Right Way
Jacqueline Lorem
6 hours ago
As an Independent Avon Sales Representative, my favorite product is an
Avon’s Ultra Glazewear lipgloss. Tell me yours! “One beauty product that
you will always find in my bag is_______.”
Like • Comment • Follow Post • September 6 at 6:20pm via mobile
Fill in the blanks. Ask friends and fans to fill in the blank, for example:
“My beauty must-have is___”. This type of post is most likely to receive comments.
Include a photo. A great photo will get more
likes and comments than any other post.
But remember to keep it relevant, fun and
professional. The occasional photo of your
children is great, but balance it with fun and
engaging photos about your Avon business.
Share a link. It might be to an
interesting article, or video which
could be relevant and interesting
to your audience.
So strike a pose!
Ann Huber, AVON Rep @maikosan
Celebrating in Hawaii with fellow Avon
President’s Recognition Program achievers.
Who doesn’t love an all expenses paid trip!
Share great offers. Spotted a great deal in
Concise messages. Twitter’s 140 character limit has changed how we
your Avon eStore – let your Customers
write messages. But believe it or not, the messages that receive the most
know and share a link to your own eStore.
‘likes’ are those with 80 characters or less. If you have to ‘continue reading’,
Who doesn’t love a bargain! Key words to
chance are your audience won’t.
include are ‘$ off’ or ‘Coupon’.
Jacqueline Lorem
When you gals host parties or open houses,what day of the
week do get the highest attendance rate?
Like • Comment • Follow Post • September 6 at 6:20pm via mobile
Ask questions. You can ask friends or fans to post, comment or tell you
something – like their favorite make-up tip. Chances are it will double the
number of comments you receive (…and give you some great tips!)
Where to find great Avon content to share?
Instagram: @AvonInsider
Representative Advertising and Social Media Guidelines
Using Advertising and Social Media to Grow Your Business the Right Way
The Key to Creating Fabulous
Social Media Content
Top 10 Ways to Get Your
Social Media Groove On
What not to post?
When to post?
1. Just do it! Log on or create your social media accounts today
• Avon logos or images that
• When people are listening.
and start adding friends and following people or brand pages.
have not been provided
This may be different whether
Include links to all of your social media profiles so people can
by Avon.
you’re talking to a team member
find you. Remember to check Avon’s and the social media
or Customer. Generally your
company’s guidelines.
• Make claims about Avon
products that are false,
misleading, incorrect or
disparaging comments.
• Pirate or unauthorized
content, such as celebrity
videos or images.
message will more likely be heard
on Wednesdays and Sundays and
in the evening after 7pm.
• But not too often. It’s not about
quantity, but quality. More people
are likely to read your posts when
you post 1-2 times a day, try not
to ‘spam’ and post 3 or more
times a day.
2. Be your fabulous self. Social networks are all about making new friends.
How do you
your social
Simple, it’s the
number of…
Friends, fans and followers – the
number of people connected to
you or your page
Comments, particularly
the positive ones!
Shares to
other profiles:
You are your best business asset. A person who inspires others with her
own experiences is someone who people want to listen to.
Jacqueline Lorem
November 1
Today I am especially grateful to be self-employed! When I look at my
boss (in the mirror) I don’t have to wonder about her motives. I know she
wants what is best for me and my team!
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Representative Advertising and Social Media Guidelines
Using Advertising and Social Media to Grow Your Business the Right Way
3. Be active and consistent. Once you set up your accounts, try to post once
5. Be professional. What you do on social media reflects on you and
a day – any more could be seen as annoying, any less and your friends may
your business. If you have misspellings or use too much text speak,
miss your post. Keep the content fresh and relevant to the conversation
people may think you will make mistakes on their orders or don’t run
with interesting photos, videos and testimonials.
a professional business.
Jacqueline Lorem, Avon Independent Sales Rep shared a link
Ann Huber, Avon Ind. Sales. Rep.
U r going to luv the new Avon mkup
palate! OMG it’s amazing.
DO: Try to post once a day and keep the
content fresh and relevant.
DON’T: Send posts with too much “text speak” and spelling
errors that could make you look unprofessional.
4. Add value. Answer questions, respond to comments and give tips from
your own experience. Commit time, energy and resources to inspire, share
Jacqueline Lorem, Avon Ind. Sales. Rep.
information and engage others. Mention a trend you’ve noticed, and then
Just got my Avon Mix ‘N Go Makeup
Palette. SO many great colors - I love it!
feel free to include an Avon product you love if it’s part of the trend.
Jacqueline Lorem, Avon Independent Sales Rep
October 2
Neutral shades are a popular trend in the
make-up industry and can accommodate to any
skin tone! Find a shade that best works for you in
Avon’s “Pretty in Neutrals” palette. Which one is
your favorite?
DO: Double-check spelling, especially on Avon product names,
and show you know your business.
6. Have the right message. Keep Customer service questions and
messages away from Facebook and use our fabulous team of agents
who are happy to help.
DO: Include an Avon product
you love if it’s part of a trend
you’re mentioning.
Avon Customer Service
for Representatives:
Like • Comment • Share
1 (513) 551-2866 (English)
1 (513) 551-4000 (Spanish)
Representative Advertising and Social Media Guidelines
Using Advertising and Social Media to Grow Your Business the Right Way
7. Don’t air dirty laundry or attack others. Getting involved in negative
9. Stay safe (and keep others safe). Be sure you are posting your
activity online will only hurt your reputation and credibility in the end. Even
business information, not your personal information and do not
when someone says something rude it’s best to move on and focus on the
post personal information about another person.
positive. Also, avoid anything that could be considered false information,
threatening, harassing, defamatory, or obscene.
Notice me Neutrals! Check out the colors at: http:
Jacqueline Lorem, Avon Independent
Sales Rep
2 hours ago
Cheap lotion from the drugstore
isn’t good for your skin.
• 34 NEUTRAL shades
for EyEs, Lips & chEEks
• perfect for ALL skiN ToNEs
• Great for DAy or NiGhT
Love the way my skin feels
after using Avon Anew!
Ann Huber, Avon
Independent Sales Rep
October 2
Jacqueline Lorem, Avon Independent Sales Rep
2 hours ago
a neutral palette
for DaY Or nIGHt.
Compliments all skIn
with shades
Pretty in
Neutrals Makeup
for eyes, lips & cheeks.
24 Eyeshadows, each .03 oz net wt., 4 Lip
Glosses, each .02 oz. net wt., 4 Blushes, each
.06 oz. net
Bronzers, each
oz. net
• wt.,
24 2Shadows
• 4.11Blushes
wt., 2 Dual-Ended applicators, 2 Lip Brush
• 2 Bronzers
•4 Eyeshadow
Lip Glosses
1 Blush Brush,1
Brush and Mirror. Pull-out drawer.
Comes in gift box. Palette, closed
61⁄2" L x 31⁄2" W x 1⁄2" D.
Like • Comment • Share
DON’T: Post negative
comments or other
inappropriate content.
Like • Comment • Share
Like • Comment • Share
DO: Post positive
24 Shadows
4 Lip Glosses
4 Blushes
2 Bronzers
DO: Link to your customized Avon web
page rather than provide personal 50
contact information.
While supplies last.
8. Don’t be a spammer. Be personal instead of sending repetitive,
impersonal messages. No one wants to keep reading the same post,
especially if it includes a link with the line “buy from me!” “visit my store”
“earn extra money”
10. Above all, have fun. Growing your business is
serious work, but the key is also to make people
feel good, have fun and smile! Sprinkle your
Ann Huber, Avon
Independent Sales Rep
October 2
posts and photos with humor to keep you
Jacqueline Lorem, Avon Independent
Sales Rep
2 hours ago
Earn Extra Money!
motivated, or link to articles about
EARNED a 6 Day-5 Night all-expense paid
trip to Hawaii. Can’t wait to see all my Avon
friends! You can be part of this, too!
Like • Comment • Share
DON’T: Post the same
impersonal messages
over and over
Like • Comment • Share
DO: Post positive
beauty trends you love.
Representative Advertising and Social Media Guidelines
Did anything make you go “Hmmm”?
Are you ready to dive into that advertising pool with some new
ideas? It’s so exciting, right? Remember, if you have looked over
this guide and found something you’ve been doing to promote
your Avon business that may not be allowed and should to be
fixed, be sure to remedy it as soon as possible. The sooner
everyone is consistent with advertising, the stronger the
Avon name and your business will be.
As mentioned before, if you are not
complying with the policies and
restrictions we covered here, it
may result in removal.
Avon Products, Inc. June, 2014