PP - Paparoa Village


PP - Paparoa Village
september 2016
Possum Purge
Possum Purge was held from
Thursday 25 to Sunday28
August, culminating with
the mini gala and prize giving held
at school. Although the weather
wasn’t too kind to the hunters, and
team numbers were down on last
year, a total of 631 possums were
despatched from our environment.
Summer-like weather brought the
families out for the festivities on
Sunday. The children enjoyed the
bouncy castles and car rides, and had
great fun with two new games Pin-thetail-on-the-possum and Pot-a-pest.
"Crack shot",
Tawhiti Tilby
We’d like to thank all our
sponsors, and the local
community for supporting us
Winning teams:
First: Gary Frazer’s Turkey Ticklers
(93 possums)
Second: Shane Wintle’s Out on a limb
(90 possums)
Third: Sam Hartles’ Exploding Head
Syndrome (80 possums). PP
Green Light for Golden Years
Start revving the mobility scooters or packing the motor home!
Plans for the Paparoa Lifestyle village for seniors is gaining momentum and funding to
create a Charitable Trust has now been approved by Paparoa Progressive Inc.
"This gives us the green light to
mobilise plans, the upshot of which
is a much needed development for
our seniors that will also result in the
most significant urban development
seen in Paparoa for more than 40
years” said Graham Taylor, chairman
of the planned Trust.
Regular readers of the Paparoa
Press will be aware of the proposal
to develop 14 retirement unit lots
and 15 individual residential sections
on the outskirts of the village. The
proposal has been warmly received by for the early stages to be complete by
the community and there is already keen December.
interest in the planned sale of the 15 “While we still have the consenting
residential sections.
process ahead of us and the important
“This development is really about a ongoing consultation with neighbours to
vision for the future and is good news for progress, we anticipate this development
Paparoa” says Taylor. “It means that our will stimulate local business and have a
seniors can remain in the community they positive impact on our community.
know and love".
We aim to engage with many local
Respecting elders has always been a tenet resources - from earthworks to roads,
of a healthy society and the planned building and construction. Local suppliers
Paparoa Lifestyle Village is proactively will be busy and the potential opportunity
planning a place where our seniors can that will result from 29 new residences
safely enjoy their golden years with cannot be overlooked” concluded Taylor.
the benefit of staying local. Statistically,
New Zealand’s median age is growing Anyone interested in more information
exponentially and the number of people about the development is invited to
aged over 65 nationwide has doubled contact Graham Taylor 431 7209; or
since 1980 - and is expected to double Wayne Birt 09 280 9591
again by 2036.
Next month Paparoa Press will start
Taylor says the project will have profiling the team who have volunteered
considerable impact on the district's their support for this exciting community
future and anticipates resource consent initiative. PP
Our place - can we keep it beautiful?
Our Place - our home, our backyard, our roadside, our
neighbourhood, our beach, our park, our school.
However you want to describe it, Our Place is special to Us. We
call our place 'OSOH. It's our 'slice of heaven'.
Ours is an aged bach on an elevated quarter acre section that
is full of fruit trees, ponga and cabbage trees, wild flowers and
our own kauri tree with tui in residence. Every window in OSOH
overlooks some of the mighty Kaipara Harbour - a treasure
trove of delicious kai moana with weather activity that visibly
moves and alters the view of the harbour; rainbows bowing
over the water, rolling mist creeping up the harbour, sparkling
reflections on the water.
So how do we keep Our Place beautiful?
.... continued page 2
Birt & Currie
Surveyors Ltd
Local Phone
09 280-9591
friendly &
PO Box 120 Paparoa 0543
Paparoa Press
Our place ... 4 ‘R's to keep it beautiful
We're talking about our rubbish!
provided at the
beach, along the
streets, at the park
and elsewhere. It’s
not good enough to
chuck rubbish out
the window as you
are driving. Keep a plastic bag
in the car for rubbish and deal
with it when you get home.
We need more rubbish bins
around our community too so
if you agree, please contact
Kaipara District Council to ask
for more to be provided.
Cans, bottles, cardboard,
paper and plastic products
can be recycled and made into
new products like playground
matting and so much more.
Drop them into recycle
centres. Take your cardboard
and paper there if you don’t
have a fireplace. Ask the
supermarket if they have a
plastic bag collection box and
put your excess plastic bags in
there. Collect and recycle!
Put toilet rolls,
newspapers, used
tissues and other
paper products in a
box by the fireplace
for lighting the fire.
You can remodel
milk bottles into bird feeders or
pest deterrents. A neighbour
mixes up a brew of treacle,
cider vinegar and water and
hangs the mix in a remodelled
milk bottle on her fruit trees
to kill off unwanted moths.
Use fabric bags for groceries.
plastic bags
are a danger
to our birds and fish. Grocery
containers can be used for
kids’ crafts. Schools can often
use ice-cream containers for
storage of resources. Food
waste is great for worm farms
and compost.
- Remember to reduce and get
rid of rubbish appropriately.
- Remember to recycle
household containers.
- Remember to reuse. PP
Waste that is recycled
'Kraft fibre' from cardboard is in strong demand for
remanufacture into various forms of packaging such as
cardboard boxes, egg and fruit trays and weed matting.
Becomes magazines and books, cardboard or newspapers.
Aluminium Cans
Aluminium is the most cost-effective material to recycle.
Imagine the next aluminium can you drink may have been
a can before.
Glass Bottles
Glass is uniquely sustainable as it can be recycled again
and again without loss in quality, purity, or clarity. Most
collected glass is reprocessed into new glass containers.
Steel Cans
Steel cans are 100% recyclable, over and over again into
new cans and various other steel products.
Tim and Sharlene Lord
 Carpets & Upholstery
 Interior and Exterior
Home Cleaning
e-mail - kaiparacleaningco@farmside.co.nz
Facebook - www.facebook.com/kaiparacleaningco
Phone 021 114 6729
Local council rubbish collection stations often provide
disposal points. However, it isn't so easy to get rid of your
old TV or computer for useful recycling as you will usually
be expected to pay for its disposal. Otherwise it will just
end up in landfill. Specialist recyclers can break down the
components into plastic, glass and metal for reycling into a
wide range of products, typically overseas.
Sourced from www.recycle.co.nz
Paparoa Press
'Proudly Paparoa' Festival
In a previous Paparoa Press, residents were alerted to this event
being organised to celebrate the area in which we live.
To be held on Saturday 5 and community stalls on the
November, the inaugural Village Green and an evening
event has been titled 'Proudly event for the family. Keep an
Paparoa'. This is to reference eye out for billboards, going up
the pride we feel in our district shortly, and remember to put
and the presence of our the date on your calendar and
facebook name already in use come and join us for a great
community day out.
on the internet.
Planning is ongoing with If you have ideas or wish to
art, garden, heritage and help in any way, please phone
Janice or Stu 9469 990
Still to be finalised are food
or Mary 431 7123.
Local election boundaries
Boundaries for Kaipara District Council election wards
changed in 2011 to balance the number of electors versus
councillor numbers in each area.
The boundary between the wards of Otamatea and
West Coast Central has been moved so it now intersects
Arcadia Road, Paparoa Oakleigh Road near Floranz, Golden
Stairs Road near the golf club, and others in the vicinity.
If you live in the Taipuha area, as I do, or Ararua or north
of Matakohe you may like to check your address online at
datafinder.stats.govt.nz/layer/8406-ward-2016-generalisedversion/ or contact KDC or Electoral Services 0800 922 822 to
see which ward you are in for Kaipara District Council voting.
The changes do not impact on where candidates can stand.
Hence I am standing as planned in the Otamatea ward, as this
ward is my community and the area I know best. Nor do the
changes impact on the Northland Regional Council or District
Health Board voting.
Libby Jones
Walkway gains funding
Progressive Paparoa Inc and Paparoa Lions Club have been
successful in obtaining three years funding from KDC for
maintenance of the Paparoa Bush Walkway.
This $1650 annual grant and Taylor said this contract is a
Contract for Service will pay real commitment from KDC to
local contractors to mow the support the volunteer efforts
and that go into keeping The
maintain the track. Both PPI Walkway open to the public. It
and Lions contribute a further is a great attraction and we are
$1000 each to cover the actual fortunate to have such an
costs of maintenance and pest asset right in the heart of our
control. PPI Chair, Graham village. PP
14 Sept
Saturday, 17 May 2014 Waking
Paparoa and
The fundraising luncheon
for Paparoa andStarting
3 pm
supporters of Hospice
Narrative Therapy
Wairoa Hotel
Kaipara willNorthern
be Wednesday
and Creative Therapy
14th September $10.00
at the
Matakohe Hall. There will
early bird registration by 8/5/14
be a great lunch (cost is
Member of NZAC
$12.00 onmulti
the day
just $20), numerous
439 3330
or 027 8608 351
draw rafflesPhone
022 172 3640
to listen to and
meet the
Email: office.hki@xtra.co.nz
Dargaville based staff, plus a
local speaker. Doors open at
11am for mix 'n' mingle. It's
a great social time, and the
chance to support a very
Roger Price
worthwhile cause.
This year's goal is to
help provide funding for
specialised pressure air
mattresses to give better
patient care and comfort.
Tickets are available from:
of Fitness
- Skelton's Drapery, Paparoa
- Maungaturoto Pharmacy
Paparoa Valley Road
- Hospice Shop, Dargaville
next door to G.A.S,
- Ruawai Beauty and Health
- Dianne McCracken, Tinopai.
Phone 431 6620
Good people – Having fun – Doing good things
Maungaturoto and Districts Rotary Club
(Serving the area of Mangawhai, Kaiwaka, Maungaturoto,
Matakohe, Paparoa and Waipu)
Presidents Scholarship 2016
We are pleased to invite applicants for a $1500
grant known as the ‘Presidents Scholarship’.
The grant is intended to assist those who wish
to further their education with a recognised
provider of tertiary education
i.e. university, polytechnic.
Areas of consideration when awarding the
Presidents Scholarship could be involvement
in community work, sport, arts, academic
achievement or financial need.
Application format available - website www.rotarymgto.club
Applications close 10 September 2016
All applications and attachments to be sent by
email to bnelder@slingshot.co.nz.
“No job too small”
Ross Latto
House construction, alterations,
renovations, general repairs
Ph 09 431 7442 021 772 766
PO Box 17, Paparoa
Carpet Layer
20 years experience
Paparoa Press
Ian Ross
09 431 6939 a/h
027 4996 413
Local elections
Penny Smart - NRC candidate
Local dairy farmer and second generation Northlander Penny
Smart is putting her name forward as a candidate for the
Northland Regional Council in the upcoming local body elections
in October this year.
Penny and husband Hal Being a dairy farmer and
Harding own a dairy farm female is a good mix as
just outside of Dargaville. She females will often have the
has experience as farmers’ softer skills of listening first,
representative on the Fonterra and add essential diversity
is on any governance board.
Chair of Northland Dairy Diversity brings balance to a
Development Trust, a Trustee board, different perspectives,
on the Kaipara Hospice Trust and produces good debate
and is involved in Toastmasters resulting in good decisions
International. She is also a made.
member of the Institute of “Here in Northland the
Directors and the Governance timing’s good to move ahead
New Zealand group. Highlights both environmentally and
for her this year have been economically, especially now
participating in the Kellogg’s that we have some central
Rural Leadership programme government attention and
and being chosen as Associate resources coming our way.
Director to the NZ Ospri Board. Compliance will be ongoing,
“NRC is what I have been we need to make it positive
working towards; gaining for all involved and avoid
experience in my other roles unnecessary
and in the governance training Within the confines of the
that I have undertaken. It’s Resource Management Act
about making sure Northland there is room for tailored
is moving forward sustainably, solutions that meet the needs of
both environmentally and communities, iwi, businesses,
councils and government."
Meet the
September 12th, 7.30pm
at Paparoa Hall is an
opportunity for the public
to hear aspiring local
speak of their plans for
Kaipara District.
Four Mayoral candidates,
eight Ward candidates
and four Regional Council
(Kaipara Ward) candidates
will be present. PPI is
sponsoring the evening and
after the presentations a
cup of tea will be served.
Make sure you attend to be
better informed when you
vote. This election is very
important for Kaipara! PP
“I'm very keen to hear people’s
issues and solutions. Northland
has a lot going for it and it
would be great to be involved
in its future by being elected."
My web page is:
penny smart nrc candidate
Penny Smart
Paparoa Press
Local elections
Local elections
Mark Vincent
NRC candidate
Libby Jones
Libby Jones is standing for both the
Kaipara District Council and the
Northland District Health Board.
With her governance experience
background, she wants to see the
various local bodies work together
more effectively.
It is vital to ensure Kaipara has
strong representation on the
Northland District Health Board, and of the 21 candidates
standing for the health board, she is the only candidate living in
the Kaipara district.
Libby stands for transparency, health initiatives that work,
listening to our communities, such as Healthy Homes,
fresh ideas, building strong integrated health centres,
sound and improving timely access
business sense that is to quality services especially
responsive to people and their for rural people. She wants
needs. She is determined to to
make Kaipara a better place negative health statistics and
for us all to live and to ensure will continue to advocate
honest communication with for the health needs of the
our communities.
more vulnerable populations
She wants to make sure each - children, young people
ratepayer dollar is spent as and older people, as well as
wisely and as effectively as supporting our hard working
possible while encouraging health sector staff.
development, Libby believes that Kaipara and
including tourism, and building Northland are great places to
strong cohesive communities. live, and we need energetic,
Her experience of living on an committed people to help
unsealed, poorly maintained move us forward.
road with sub-standard phone She would love to hear what
connections and internet also is important to you in terms
motivates her to advocate for of the local council and health
better services.
issues in our region.
Her goals for health are
See www.libbyjones.co.nz
to increase the focus on
FB: Vote Libby Jones
prevention through supporting
or call Libby 021 208 0093
I want to tell you why I chose
to stand for the Kaipara seat
on the Northland Regional
Council. An important reason
is the passion I have a passion
to improving the health of the
Kaipara Harbour. I have been
doing something practical
about this on our own
property over many years, with
foreshore fencing and planting.
More recently I formed the
Society as a way of helping
farmers do their own waterway
protection work. It has been
an outstanding success as it
continues to grow, and has
encouraged me to engage this
interest in a bigger framework.
Also, as I was a KDC senior
manager for many years,
I would love to have the
opportunity to represent
the best interests of Kaipara
people as the NRC completes
its Regional Plan. I want to
ensure that the Plan has
the right settings to enable
improvement of the physical
environment but at the
same time support existing
businesses and encourage
innovation. I am well aware
that farming is the heart of our
economic engine.
council losing its sovereignty,
there are gains to be made
by each working more closely
with the others in representing
government and its agencies.
We have a fabulous back yard
and we need to make the most
of it. Better co-ordination with
the other Northland councils
can help make that happen.
Mark Vincent 021 0829 8037
New season's Vassalli
has arrived
Jazzin' it up at OHS
Otamatea High School had a
Jazz Band from ACG Strathallan
visit on Friday 12 August. The
Jazz Band, directed by Heather
Revell-Knighton of Tinopai
were on their way to perform
at the annual Bay of Islands
Jazz and Blues Festival.
The band has performed at
the festival for about seven
years now and it was very
cool to be able to perform for
students at OHS on their way
north. OHS students enjoyed
numbers such as Putting on
The Ritz, Alley Cat Strut, Zoot
Suit Riot and many more Jazz
numbers. The crowd was very
enthusiastic and showed a
lot of respect for the visiting
musicians and their talents.
Skirts Shorts Jeans Crops Tops
During September buy any Vassalli garment
to go in draw to win a large Vassalli Bag and
a $25 voucher off next purchase.
Many thanks to the Principal,
staff and students at OHS for
making our visit so enjoyable.
Heather Revell-Knighton
ACG Strathallan
Skelton’s Paparoa Drapery
Mon-Fri 8.30am to 5pm Sat 9am to noon
Ph 431 7306
Paparoa Press
Local elections
What’s on at your Museum
What’s on at your Museum
Kaipara Art Awards & Exhibition
An open-themed
- 18 JUNE
- 19 JULY the
of Kaipara region art groups.
‘OTAMATEA’ Primary
the use of traditional and
6 August
- 18
non-traditional materials to celebrate the Maori New Year.
Axemen legends of Northland
A presentation
the origins
& evolution
Entry to the on
for residents
of theofOld
Now open visit
Free entry to the Museum for residents of the old Otamatea District
5 Church Road, Matakohe, Northland. p: 09 431 7417 w: www.kaurimuseum.com
Open Invitation
Warm up to Springtime 2016
with St Mark’s Café series.
10am St Marks Anglican Church
23 Hook Rd, Paparoa
September 11th - October 9th - November 13th
Our theme for the DVD & discussions this year -
Jesus: the Game Changer
Whether you agree with his teaching or not;
Jesus Christ made an indelible mark on human history.
#1 Sunday Sept 11th
- Why does Christianity still matter today?
#2 Sunday October 9th
- What about Jesus and democracy?
#3 Sunday November 13th
- What about Jesus; Reason and Science.
In this series, host Karl Faase interviews authors,
Academics and modern-day Game Changers about how
the life and teaching of Jesus changed the world of his
time and why it matters.
Why not join us
for coffee .. cake .. conversation
You’ll be very welcome
Coffee served 10am - Video starts 10:10am
Further info: Richard or Colleen
phone 09 486 7578
or email Binnsco@clear.net.nz
Ground Cultivation, Silage and Hay, Fertiliser and Muck Spreading
Fencing and Firewood (WINZ)
Peter Wethey - KDC candidate
Semi-retired Mangawhai resident, Peter Wethey, is standing
for the Otamatea Ward in the upcoming Local Body Elections
in October under the tag line 'A Fresh Start for Kaipara'. Peter
emphasizes the importance of building on the turnaround in
Council performance achieved in recent years.
“There is no 'one
Council must be
size fits all' for the
focused on KaipaKaipara
ra's future not
We have areas of
its past. Elected
high growth and
councillors must
areas of no growth.
governance and
the district are a
range of business
to Council Execuand
tive, focusing on
activities. Council
Kaipara’s maxifaces issues from
mum potential.
all these sectors. I
Peter hopes this election will support planned development
deliver a strong Council with and infrastructure (a key
forward looking councillors consideration
who have the ability to communities within Kaipara),
consider district wide issues which must be under-pinned
without being ambushed by
by conflicts of interest or policies. I have a keen interest
pet project agendas. “I in responsible environmental
stand for transparency and matters.”
accountability; consultation, In recent times, Peter has
collaboration and communi- voluntarily given his time and
cation,” said Mr Wethey.
experience (with a degree
He has spent most of his in chemistry), to assist the
working life in the corporate Kaipara DC with water quality
world, holding senior executive trials in Mangawhai Harbour.
positions in the pulp and Peter is committed to
paper and meat industries. representing the interests
Peter has experience and of the Otamatea Ward while
understanding of governance advancing those of the wider
and its boundaries. He also has Kaipara community.
strong financial literacy skills.
Ponies and riders welcome
Ararua Pony Club is a small, friendly club, based at the Paparoa
showgrounds which is looking to expand their numbers.
Our registration day will be We will planning for the new
held on 8 October, 11am and season start date and events.
onwards at the showgrounds. The 2015/16 season saw our
Everyone of all ages and children grow and improve,
stages is than welcome to and we are looking forward
come down and join us for to next season. For all queries
info about our club and for a and information contact:
Zara:280 9698 or 021 263 0922
bbq lunch. Registrations will
Renee:431 6336 or 021 309 742
be taken on the day.
Club Prizegiving (left to right): Piper Culpan (performance and effort),
Emma Philips (most improved) Baxter Culpan (sportsmanship),
Hunter Connett (most points overall), PJ Powell (most promising).
Paparoa Press
The next community dinner
hosted by the Paparoa Sports
and Recreation Association will
be at Paparoa Sports Pavilion
Saturday 10 Sept. Food will be
a range of delicious casseroles,
curries, and desert cake with
great entertainment and great
company. We look forward to
seeing community members
wanting an enjoyable and
affordable night out. Only $15
adult, $10 child or $40 family.
Bookings: Libby Jones 431
6822 or Jane Bailey 431 6148
Paparoa Tennis starts
their summer season on
Tuesday 27 September
with adults' play from
Social tennis continues at
9.30am on Fridays.
Children’s tennis will start
in term 4 on Tuesday
18 October. If children
are interested in playing
please contact local coach
Sue Skelton 4316 224.
Flax Weaving
This year's Harakeke class is
to be held 8-9 October at the
Paparoa Sports & Rec. Pavilion.
The class will cover preparation
of flax for weaving, make flax
kete and flax baby bassinets.
Tutor Geraldine Jenkins is an
enthusiastic flax weaver with
much artistic experience in
Maori arts and design.
Bookings are essential. You will
need to bring cut flax stems,
lunch, and your enthusiasm.
Anne Shanks 431 6229
Geraldine 022 195 1364
Sponsored by Creative NZ and Arty
Farty's Community Connexions Inc.
Lions tree planting
Ken Urquhart
09 431 8705
021 161 2344
A1 Cats
Boarding Cattery
Ken & Faye
548 Pahi Rd
Ph 09 431 7477
The miserable weather didn’t put off a few hardy Lions and some
of the families of past Lions as they braved the rain and cold wind
to plant some native trees in the clearing between the two blocks
of bush on the Lions walkway.
The trees were planted in club but had resigned from
remembrance of Lions who Lions before they passed away.
had passed away whilst still The photo shows members of
active members of our club.
Ron Skelton’s family, Robbie
Each tree has a small plaque to Hinch’s family, Murray and
commemorate the particular Lindsay Hames’s families and
Lion and the years of service other Lions being briefed by
they gave to Lions.
Lion Mark Pilkington.
It is hoped that in future years The afternoon wound up with
we will be able to plant more a nice warm cuppa tea at the
trees to remember those who sports pavilion.
Pete Hames
gave years of service to our
Proudly Supporting Paparoa
Monday-Saturday 7am-6pm,
Sunday 9am-5pm
Property Maintenance – Driveways – Building Sites
Stump & Tree Removal – Hole Boring – Chain Trencher
Calf Shed and Stockyard Cleaning
Phone Matt: 021 199 6677
Email: mprabrownecontractors@gmail.com
DVD’s $1 to $8 per night
Phone / Fax 431-7320
Cnr. Franklin Road and State Highway 12
Paparoa School news
August has been another busy month at
school culminating in our annual Possum
Purge held from 25th-28th. We especially
enjoyed the mini gala on Sunday!
The Year 1 class
were keen to learn
about tiger worms
when Eden Hakaraia,
facilitator, visited us
at the beginning of
term and now have
a worm farm in their
Monday 8 August we all went
to Matakohe School to see
the Taonga show performed
by the Kahurangi Maori
Dance Theatre Group. It was a
fantastic event and it was great
to join both Matakohe and
Tinopai Schools for this.
The senior class
visited the science roadshow
High School to
learn about fabrics and fibres.
Years 3 and 4
students had a
great afternoon
playing Rippa
were all keen
to watch the
Olympic Games
and felt very
proud when our
athletes were successful.
To celebrate our learning
we held our own fun, mini
Olympics on Friday, 19 August.
We enjoyed working in mixed
age teams for this. Now we
are looking forward to the
Rippa Rugby Tournament and
the Kids Can Dress Up Day at
the beginning of September.
Julie Harper
Paparoa Press
Mullet muster
The Mullet Muster was a grand success, 40 tickets were sold
compared to the 30 last year, and there was a wonderful crowd.
The many raffles, prizes, the beer and the live music (thanks to
Sam Taylor) were loved by all.
Darren Sheppard with the catch in the smoker
The heaviest mullet caught in
the competion was by Peter
('the German'), the longest
was Santana's fish at 47cm
and the fattest was Joshua's
with a girth of 29.5cm. For the
kids competition we awarded
prizes for the heaviest fish
caught. Finn took out first, and
Shannon second and third.
Our last competition was the
fastest mullet which had an
awesome number of entries.
Teams of two had to carry a
mullet in a running race and the
winners were picked creatively.
Fastest team was Kaine and
Brent, the wisest team was
Dave and Kerry, and the girliest
team was Janine and daughter
Stevie. We also had two ladies
with a wheelchair that deserve
a mention (you know who you
are), and there might have
been a bit of rule bending!
So that all created a lot of
hilarity and laughter. Come
along next year especially if
you are a hunter and gatherer
or if you prefer, just enjoy the
aroma of smoking and cooking
of the catch. Elarna Sheppard
Pin-the-tail on the possum!
Brooke Healey
attempts to
'pin-the-tail on the
possum' whilst
at the
purge gala
and prize giving.
The featured art
work of possums
in the trees is by
Corban Gilberd.
Paparoa Medical Centre
Tuesday & Friday 8.30am-1pm
09 431 9062 or 09 439 1656
Maungaturoto Medical Centre
Mon/Thur/Fri (pm)
09 431 9062
Paparoa Press
Indoor schedule online
The Paparoa Show website is up and running
with the new schedule for the indoor section. Note that
the decorative flower section has changed. It's time to put
in vegetable seeds so they'll be ready in time for entry in
February's show. Remember multiple entries are allowed!
Have a look in the art or sewing and knitting sections to see
what to create while we wait for summer to arrive.
Dorothy Simpson
Highway to replace bridges
A public Information day for 'The Bridges' was held at Matakohe at
the start of August. Pictorial displays outlined the proposed road
changes. Quite a large group of locals came away impressed with
how the new straight line alignment will make a huge difference
to road safety and travel time.
NZTA and KDC staff were road. NZTA is very much in
available and more than happy favour of developing pathways
to answer questions, which to make it safer for pedestrians
made the afternoon most and cyclists on state highways.
informative. Construction is If you are keen to give local
planned for during 2017.
people somewhere safe to
There was also a display walk or cycle, please take the
showing a walk/cycle pathway time to give positive feedback
using the old bridges, with a to NZTA. They have funding for
pathway alongside the new this purpose. PP
Update on
cycleway plan
At a recent Ruawai Drainage
Board meeting I outlined
the proposal for a walk/
cycleway along the stop
banks. Subsequently, a
group of interested Ruawai
people and myself met
to draft out the proposal
so that the Board can
further discuss this. The
Far North District Council
is also helping us with their
experience in these matters.
People of Paparoa, do you
have any suggestions on
how we could connect
Paparoa to the proposed
Matakohe bridges walk/
cycle way? Wouldn't it be
great to be able to have a
traffic free place to cycle?
If you have ideas and would
like to be part of this, email
quality Extra Virgin
olive oil
Grown on the Kaipara
Winners of Gold & Silver Awards
Oliveti Northland 2012
From Paparoa Farmers Market weekly
Or our Olive Grove located at
46B Merril Rd (off Petley Rd)
Ph 431 7572
need a
Dairy Diary
... the farming scene
I'm writing this after a fairly full day. A bit
of time for reflection while walking a large
part of the farm was not planned, but given
the spell of weather we are having, it's not all that bad.
Milkings are starting at 4:30am now with 230 lovely and
not-so-lovely-bovines to milk. (Cheers for the lessons in
patience - heifers). I have three herds consuming three
hectares of grass, three bales of grass silage, and 250kg
of palm kernel per day. The PK is a great way to get extra
magnesium and calcium into the girls and help support
their milk production.
I'm sitting on a 55-day rotation at the moment which will
hopefully be maintained when I introduce the annual grass
that was planted in May. A dressing of ammonium sulphate
at 100kg per hectare early in August should be of huge
benefit through September.
By the time this morning's milking was over and all animals
fed and fenced in correctly, it was getting on for 11 and
breakfast time. Today I was helped by my lovely wife so we
could make it to the market before all the stalls sold out (I'm
serious). The market deserves a mention here. What a great
way to do your weekly shopping and catch up with some of
the locals. It's a real asset to Paparoa.
Later, after two hours at singing lessons, we were home by
3 ready to get into afternoon jobs, namely shifting cows and
feeding calves and pet lambs. While getting the yearling
heifers out of the back farm hills I managed to get the quad
stuck around 5.30pm and so had to finish the job on foot.
On my way home I shifted a mob of milking cows and also
the last 30 cows left to calve.
At last, everything happily fed for the night, I headed for
the comforting smoke drifting out of our chimney and a hot
shower and meal.
Sam Hartles
g.a.s. Paparoa
Open 7 days
Mon-Sun 6am - 8pm
Petrol, Diesel & Oil
Fresha Valley milk $3.50 2L
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Great variety of snacks
Pet food - incl. dog rolls
Great variety of Bait and all
fishing requirements
■ Top ups & prepay
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■ Firewood
g.a.s - Aman & Lucky 09 431 6302
Paparoa Press
Musical notes
with Heather Revell-Knighton
Glass Guy
Phone Colin
09 431 6595
Over past decades there has been a lot of research on
the benefits of music in the development of the brain.
Scientists have tested brain reactions in children as young
as three days old with MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)
scanners. When music was played the babies brains lit up
like fireworks.
It's clear that babies are born musical and it has been
established that the music we are born with is what helps us
make sense of language. Scans revealed massive connections
happening in the babies’ brains when mothers spoke and
sang to them. This tells us that to be musical is not to be
talented; but that we are born musical and therefore every
child born needs to be exposed to good music experiences
and education regularly throughout their lives.
A further step in research shows that a child's first seven years are the best years to be involved
in regular musical activities to encourage the best language, maths and cognitive development.
Some activities we can do at home with our 'littlies' include:
Sing to your baby - any song will do
Rock your baby as you listen to music
Lay them on their back and sing Heads Shoulders Knees and Toes to your baby as you gently
move their arms to those parts of their body or touch their head, shoulders, knees and toes as you sing.
Talk to them a lot. Turn your talking into singing as often as you can. For example, sing what
you are doing at the time ... use nursery rhyme tunes like London Bridge or Ring a Rosie.
Dance to music together. Watch your little groover in action.
Move rhythmically - stomping, clapping, hopping (older pre-schoolers), skipping, stepping
side to side, up high and down low.
Give them pots and pans and a wooden spoon to play along with music or create their own.
Have fun
From our family to yours
Noisy silence
I must be giving the impression that I am never
home, as at the end of July I was away again,
experiencing a Vipassana retreat.
For ten days I lived, essentially how thoughts rampage like
like a nun, in total silence with 'drunken elephants' through
4 am starts, just two strictly our mental space, which
vegetarian meals a day, and a can lead to projections of
whole conversations and to
plethora of rules.
The reason; to learn a 'hollywood-esque' productions
meditation technique that of future or past events, we
promises a beginning point to realise that to admit to being
mind purification. It's probably crazy is the sheer truth.
not everyone's idea of a great What is empowering for life
holiday. And it was neither is also the wisdom to know
relaxing, nor fun (sometimes), that we hold the choice over
but it was deeply rewarding.
whether we actively allow
people the mind to rampage, or
expressed consternation at whether we choose to let its
the thought of the silence, the nonsense blow away like a
harder part was sitting on my leaf in the wind. (Bear in mind
bum for up to 12 hours a day this is a lifetime's journey of
whilst being assaulted by a learning, rather than a oncebarrage of loud madness that off decision)
the mind is usually engaged in. Now I have my voice back
With no outlet, such as the I could rant on for a while
internet or even a book to about this, but there is power
distract the mind, you have in silence, there is beauty in
no choice but to look at the all things, and there IS peace
within, when we stop, and
craziness within.
allow it to be. Jenny Longdon
When we sit and watch
Paparoa Press
Hey, kids . . . Just for you
Yay! Spring has arrived. It is an exciting time of year - trees
that have been bare are sprouting new leaves, blossom is
appearing on fruit trees, and flowers are popping up. Have
you seen the beautiful kowhai flowering in the village? And,
of course, there are lots of young animals around - lambs,
calves, kids, chicks, ducklings ...
So to celebrate spring, why not have a go at sowing some
seeds. Sunflowers are easy to grow and only take 8-14
days before they sprout. If you plant them now they will
be flowering in early
they have finished
flowering you can collect
the seeds and store
them in a paper
bag ready for next
If you want to make
your own paper pots
you can find some great
website Pinterest. The
best thing about these
pots is that you can
Why is the letter A like a flower?
plant them straight in
.... A bee (B) comes after it.
the ground. PP
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Letters from the Old Post Office
' The House Husband
The man in the shed has unwillingly been the man
in the house for the last few weeks. A few weeks
with no apparent end, days that saw a constant
repetition of dishes, wiping, washing, hanging
clothes on the line, taking clothes off the line, ironing and the
making of beds.
Mornings were broken, not by the sweet sounds of blackbirds
trilling and kettles boiling, but chooks, dog and cat squalling
like needy babies for their breakfast. Needless to say, cats
being cats, Timothy signalled his demands by leaping back
and forth across the bed using the man in the shed’s head
as some sort of launch pad. The dog, being a dog, used
the pleading snuffle and cold nose under the bedclothes
approach. It was, and still is (often) claimed that mornings
were thus rendered hideous. He is at one with John Skow
who has claimed - "Housework, if it is done right, can kill you.”
Of course, she (who is usually the woman in the house)
was swanning around in the classroom engaging students
in articulate and inspirational chats preparatory to their self
directed and quiet individual focus on set work. Interval and
lunch times were spent in professional discussions centred
on the best way to develop meaningful learning programmes
for these academically driven young adults. Evenings became
a time of quiet reflection and planning for the next day; Bach
concertos playing softly in the background while she, who is
temporarily out of the house and in another, awaits a tasty meal
of stewed mince on toast prepared by her 86 year old father.
However, order is once more established. All is right(ish) with
the world. The animals back in their usual routines, waking
the appropriate person up. And, as we both discovered “After
a good dinner one can forgive anybody, even one’s own
Oscar Wilde
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Spring into gardening
Springtime should be here now with blossom on fruit trees, and hopefully less rain and cold. It's
time to get planting in a much bigger way and clear out any winter veges that have finished.
Plant everything now lettuce, beetroot, carrots,
tomato, capsicum, eggplant
and your favourites. But
unless you have a very warm
sheltered spot, don’t plant
the cucurbits like melons and
cucumber until next month.
You can also plant beans in a
warm north-facing place.
Eggplant or aubergine (their
French name) originated in
China and India. They were
thought to be an aphrodisiac
but when they arrived in
England they were called
“mad apple” as they were
considered poisonous! This
was possibly because they
belong to the same family
(solanaceae) as deadly
nightshade (which incidently
is the same as potatoes and
tomatoes) and the unripe
fruit and leaves contain low
levels of toxins. However,
they are a worthwhile crop
and they're not hard to grow.
There are many types - from
the smaller elongated pinkish
purple coloured (Asian Bride)
to the large glossy black
varieties (Early Prolific). They
do need a long warm growing
season of 3-4 months at
temperatures of over 200C.
Plant out in November about
a metre apart with lots of
sheep pellets or other manure
(similar to your tomatoes). As
they do not produce nectar,
they don’t attract bees. So
to increase pollination rates
shake the flowers gently or
use a paint brush to fertilise.
they're glossy. If left on the
plant until dull they become
seedy and often bitter. You will
only need one or two plants
as they are prolific producers.
We grew four plants one year
and were giving them away to
When all frosts are over plant
your sprouted seed potatoes.
A layer of some clean old hay
or straw or compost under
each one will help give
you lovely clean potatoes
when you dig them later.
Remember potatoes are very
hungry crops; give them a
good dose of sheep pellets or
other aged animal manure.
You have still got time to
plant fruit trees before they
start their spring growth
spurt. I read somewhere that
giving stone fruit a regular
feed of seaweed based
fertiliser can help to give
the tree some resistance to
brown rot. This is probably
worth a try in our very
humid Northland climate
as only the early peaches
and the few types that are
resistant seem to avoid it.
I am hoping we are going to
have some nice warm sunny
days this month and a little
less mud! Meantime, enjoy
your garden.
Paparoa Press
Grey Power
Otamatea Grey Power
report that they've been
busying themselves on
issues such as legalisation
of cannabis for pain relief,
the Natural Health and
Supplements Bill (as to
which health supplements
will be accessible by
the general public), and
supplies. The legalisation
of hemp foods is a further
issue currently open for
submissions. Abuse of Gold
Cards is another item of
concern for the group.
The Rt Hon Winston Peters
will attend a meeting, 1pm
28 September, to receive
OGP's petition to re-legalise
cannabis for health benefits.
Members are encouraged
to attend and community
members are also welcome.
welcomed, for further info
on any of the above, phone
Beverley 431 9188
or Kath 09 283 2052
Adventures under
the Walnut Tree
If you are caring for any children under 5years you'll know
the relief of spring and the prospect of being able to play
outside again.
We have heaps of garden space at Paparoa Playcentre and
over the next month the children will be growing an edible
garden, playing in the oak trees, building volcanoes in the
sand pit and lots more. Come down for coffee and cake,
enjoy some adult conversation and have fun with your kids Tuesday and Friday from 10am.
Iain Davies
Servicing Dargaville to Mangawhai
• Post & Batten • Post & Rail
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Call Chris Hickey on 027 561 1719
Paparoa Press
Janic J
White Rock Gallery
... numbers climbing
With three new members welcomed in July and August, things are
getting better and better for our wonderful little gallery.
two art workshops in July and in
August a mosaic workshop with new
member Pat George. Watch out for
some of her wonderful mosaic work
and ceramics in the gallery. Our sixweekly refresh took place on 14th
August with some fabulous work
from new member Tatiana White
along with work from our original
members who keep producing
new art and crafts to keep things
Mosaic Art: Sue Taylor, Barbara Lee, Janice Booth, Jeanette Holloway
Our rock-wall garden should be looking colourful for the spring and
summer. We plan to have some outside sculptures, to catch the eye
and help set the gallery and therefore Paparoa apart as a destination
and not just another `drive-through'.
You will see our hardworking members on the CommunityStall at the
market once a month so come along for a delicious bacon, egg and
hashbrown butty to assist our fundraising efforts. Our members and
`friends of the gallery' are a friendly and devoted group who are always
willing to assist you when you call. We welcome all suggestions which
will be noted and acted upon if practicable. If you would like to join
us as a 'friend' and do an occasional rostered shift, we would be very
glad to hear from you. Thanks to all who make regular visits, show
interest and encourage us, even if it's only to look and comment.
Building Practitioner
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building services
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Andrew Kenny
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51 yrs of OHS v Reporoa!
This year the traditional sports' exchange, held since 1966
between Reporoa and Otamatea, had a completely different feel
about it. Due to the new Vulnerable Children's Act the visitors
were billeted at the school for two nights instead of being hosted
in family homes. However both schools adapted to the changes
and showed the true spirit of this long lasting sports rivalry.
By the time
Reporoa arrived
included again
this year and
afternoon they
resulted in an
OHS win 3-2.
When the 1st
the turf at
Warkworth; a
Reporoa were
7-0 win to OHS.
soon up 1-0,
Basketball was
but a strong
evening. OHS
by OHS saw
showed Baylee van Dalsun for OHS netball jumps them
high to defend the shot at goal
great resilience
6-3. The OHS
netball team
hard, but Reporoa took charge dominated the game from the
and scored well to win 62- start for a final score of 55-24
15. Meantime the boys' team and a confident OHS rugby 7's
followed a perfect game plan team won easily (55-15).
to win 64-33.
The overall result was OHS six
Next day a spirited debate was wins to Reporoa's two. A great
held with the moot 'should result for the home teams. No
teenagers have a stronger doubt everyone will look
voice in society'. Reporoa forward to next year's round
held the argument and were when OHS travel to Reporoa
declared this year's winners.
for the 52nd competition! PP
Our Head Office has now moved to
2088 Paparoa Valley Road, PO Box 108 Paparoa
Ph/Fax 09 431 6331 or 09 431 8339
(Previously Powell Contracting Ltd)
For All Your Earthworks – Roading – Drainage – Siteworks
& Landscaping Supplies
WE STOCK; Bulk Compost – Topsoil – Sand – Riverstones - Lime Chip –
Blue Chip – Bark - Post Peelings – Woodchip - Builders Mix – Cement –
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Pro-max water tanks - Aqua water tanks - Drain coil – Culverts –
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Stockist of Daltons & Watkins:
• Potting Mix
• Compost
• Bagged Shell
• Pebble and Scoria
• Bark & Fertiliser
Open Weekdays
8am to 5pm
8am to noon
Paparoa Press
Spotlight on ... Alison & Geoff Gore
not just 'The Back Man'
Alison and Geoff are the kind of people you feel right at home with the moment you walk in the
door - a piece of pumpkin pie (with cream, no less) and the seat closest to the fire.
Word has been spreading
body of work and cannot
- quickly and justifiably wait to start painting the
about Geoff's ability as an
landscapes of the Kaipara.
applied kinesiologist and
Geoff was raised in
cranial sacral therapist.
It's a tribute to 36 years
where his parents were
of helping people to heal
missionaries. He moved
themselves, though he
to NZ where his talent as
has only been practising
a violinist earned him a
a few months from their
prestigious scholarship.
home in Petley Road.
However, whilst doing all
They moved here just
manner of other work
12 months ago, and
from crab fishing and
have spent considerable time easily. They have five grown- publishing books, he was
upgrading the home since then. up children spread across the drawn to alternative healing
Ironically, this home was the globe, seven grandchildren therapies.
culmination of eight years of and three great-grandchildren. He began studying kinesiology
house hunting, which began Alison was born and raised in in 1980, and some years
in Paparoa with a viewing of Christchurch, and achieved later moved to London to
the neighbouring property, her Fine Arts degree there, complete a Diploma in Cranio
initially dismissed as being in later she completed nursing Sacral Therapy. He has a deep
the 'middle of nowhere'. From training, specialising as a child understanding of the body,
Golden Bay (also the 'middle of health nurse. My visit occurred and its multi-layered aspects.
nowhere') they eventually did on a momentous birthday,
choose Paparoa, one reason that she looks 20 years too It's clear he has a wealth of
being its relative proximity young for. Now, when not knowledge and the practice he
to airports for international landscaping the new gardens, brings as 'The Back Man' is an
children to come home more she is plotting a new artistic asset for our area. PP
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Music makers
Music Makers will start
again on Sept 14, 7pm at the
Cruiser Cafe and thereafter
every 2nd Wednesday in the
month. All are welcome.
We would would like to
thank Justin and Sam for
inviting Music Makers to
their cafe. We'd also like
to take this opportunity to
thank the Paparoa Sports
Club for allowing us to use
their facilities over the past
two years.
We are a charity based
group, having sent a cheque
to the Starship Foundation
for $531.30. Music Makers
is into its 10th year and still
going strong.
You may contact us on
09 431 6772 or email
Yours in music
Jim and Sharon
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tyres and extend your tyre life by having the
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2 Gorge Rd, Maungaturoto
09 431 8255
Paparoa Press
Focus on the market ... Raylee Over
Every Saturday Raylee is a favourite stop for lovers of mussel fritters. One of her customers
commented that having tried them elsewhere, hers are a standout. She makes them using local
Kaipara mussels supplied by Lucille of Kauri Coast Seafoods.
Looking for a change in her life, owning her own businesses,
Raylee first came to Paparoa to tutoring tech institute
to help out her brother who students in floristry and
had recently purchased the baking, and cooking at a
FLORENZ flower business. preschool. Later she owned
Now she's settled here happily, her catering business at an RSA
and although she misses the where various functions were
people and activity of the city, catered for as well as regular
she comments that once she RSA meals.
got out and about and joined The weekly Saturday Paparoa
in with various activities going market is a highlight, and if you
on, she loves it here.
haven't yet succumbed to her
Raylee has done all sorts mussel fritters, then you
during her working career should! She also has delicious
- from an apprenticeship in scones and cakes to choose
floristry in Queen St, and from. PP
Pets in the Valley
We have all seen Ross Battensby (Scooter) out and about with his amazing bullock team. Recently
one of his wonderful animals, Spider, passed away, having made it to his early 20's. Ross’s wife
Kate shares some memories of him:
'Spider was born on a dairy
farm in Ararua along with his
mate Rusty who was born in
the same year. He was named
after a character on Coronation
Street which Scooter loves to
watch. Spider and Rusty were
'best men' at Kate and Scooter's
Spider bacome world famous,
appearing in Parts 1 and 3 of
the Hobbit Trilogy. On many
occasions he travelled over the
Auckland Harbour bridge with
his mates going to many A & P
shows around the North Island,
and they appeared in four movies. He loved going for rides in Dick Tonkin’s truck, Spider could
hear him coming and would be there at the bottom of the loading race waiting. Spider passed
away last month. Rusty has passed earlier in August 2012 and they are now buried side by side
on the farm. There are many stories we could tell you about Spider but it would fill a book. Good
bye old friends.'
Thanks Kate for sharing those memories and maybe one day you could write us a book?!
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or 021 239 4251
Paparoa Press
Landsailing off to a flying start
When locals Greg Schultz and Stu Robertson began landsailing a few
months back, they quickly learnt two things. First it's the most fun you
can have with your pants on, and second it would be more fun sailing
with a group of similar minded enthusiasts.
This part of Northland
offers the perfect
scenario for this kind
of fun with access
to some of the best
'sailing' beaches in
the world.
Ripiro Beach is the
or any kind of landyacht
and are interested in
beach in NZ and projoining us, we invite you
vides perfect sailing
to make contact, and that
includes the fairer sex.
Eventually we may do
east coast beaches
some racing to satisfy
like Ruakaka offer althe more competitive
ternatives for easterly
sailors. If you don't have
a kart and wish to 'give
Both Greg and Stu sail Blokarts. Greg and Stu have put the it a go' we would be happy
Designed and manufactured in word out there and now they to provide one and some
NZ they have become a world have a fast growing group with instruction in the interim. No
wide phenomenon. Capable some coming from as far afield sailing experience is necessary
of speeds in excess of 100kph, as Whangarei and Auckland. and the basics can be learnt in
they can be disassembled Things are kept informal and minutes ... but be warned …
within minutes and packed when tides and winds coincide Blokarting is highly addictive!
away into a suitcase-size carry they make contact with one For more info: call
bag which fits easily into most another and head for the Greg 4316863 or Stu 9469990
beach. If you have a blokart email:gregitzgreg@xtra.co.nz.
car boots.
Book Review
(09) 439 2243
18 Freyberg Road, Ruawai
The Adventures of Sam Cash
author: Barry Crump
Crump’s first book, “A Good Keen Man”, remains a good read.
I still remember reading it as a kid in the country. It painted a
picture of a good keen young man relying on himself in a tough
country, and surviving. The hero seemed quite a nice young
man. It can’t be said that the central protagonist in “The
Adventures of Sam Cash” has the same qualities. He attracts
the reader because he is a vagabond with the ability to spin
some great yarns. He can turn his hand to many things and
leads a nomadic life often leaving toil and trouble in his wake.
You would never trust him, but you would like him (at least if
you weren’t his wife). Crump’s writing is very much in the NZ
bloke style, but funny and clever and well crafted.
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Paparoa Press
Skinks in the garden
Skinks - that little brown lizard around the garden that scampers under the house as soon as you
disturb its sunbathing. Something so common we can afford to take for granted as a permanent
feature of our backyards? If we take the time to look closer at our garden skink we find that they
too are in need of our help. Of the 90 species of lizards found in New Zealand, 33 are skinks found
nowhere else in the world: the common moko, ornate, and even the rare striped skink can be found
in the Kaipara.
they don’t
an unwelcome pest - the
An old log
rainbow skink, which is
a hardy, fast- breeding,
for a skink
throughout our region. It is
generally smaller than our
to make as
natives with a single large
many holes
scale at the base of the
Striped Skink
as you can
head. What species do you
as skinks are
have in your back yard?
and easy way and will not share their lairs.
for each of us Once completed plant thick
to help in our bushes, flaxes and grasses
own backyard. around your Skink home, this
be will be the skinks hunting
simple ground, a safe covered area full
finding of insects, berries and nectar
that perfect for your skink population to
garden spot flourish
Plague (or Rainbow) Skink
for an old log.
R e m e m b e r For more information on
Skinks are not only competing the following guide and you identifying skinks please visit
against an invasive pest, they will be pleasantly surprised at Doc website or feel free to
contact me on Shaunholl@
have also lost much of their what you can achieve.
original habitat and are on the Skinks are cold blooded and hotmail.com
Shaun Holland
menu for all our introduced love to warm up before getting
predators but we can make a on with their day so where
difference by creating a lizard possible start in a warm sunny
friendly garden for our native spot. Whether it is a rock pile
skinks to flourish for future or a wooden stack, make sure
generations to enjoy.
that these are permanent
A skink garden is an effective fixtures as skinks will move if
All the great things going
on in Paparoa;
new people,
new businesses,
regular events.
Crime around Paparoa.
Arty Farties' generator
stolen, g.a.s and the
dairy broken into for a
few chocs and chips.
09 431 6547
Member of S.O.C.A.P U.K
to Coast
 Maungaturoto
Coast to Coast
H. Jayne Short
D.Pod.M MchS
Medical Centre
& Hospitals
Registered with
Podiatrists Board NZ
and Podiatry NZ
 Home Visits
 Dargaville
 Nursing Homes
Home Visits
020 4022 65998
R & D MacDonald
Call Ross with your
computer problems & repairs
He’ll even build a computer
to your specifications
Ph 09 431 6221
027 932 8114
email: ross@paradisebreeders.co.nz
Phone/fax 09 439 2393
31 Jellicoe Road, Ruawai
Hay Racks
- covered
or uncovered
(The new shop in Town)
Winter hours
Wed-Sat 10am-4pm Sun 11am - 3pm
1994 Paparoa Valley Rd
431 7188
020 4022 6598
Jayne Short, D.Pod.M MchS
Registered with Podiatrists Board NZ
 Maungaturoto
Engineering Ltd
Home Brew Supplies
Great Gift Ideas
Layby Available
Palm Kernel
website: cromptonengineering.co.nz
email: crompton.eng@xtra.co.nz
is open on these
from 9.30 - 12.30
Saturday Sep 3 & Sep 17
Saturday Oct 1, 15, 29
Avoid confusion and
mark these dates on your
calendar. We're only able to
be open every
Saturday fortnight.
Cameron Philips
▪ Kitchens
▪ Custom Furniture
▪ Furniture repairs
& restoration
▪ Custom run mouldings
▪ Stairs & Timber Doors
▪ Residential &
Commercial Joinery
09 431 7579
Paparoa Press
Eftpos now at Op Shop
Annual General Meeting
Maungaturoto Opportunity Shop now has eftpos available for
shoppers. It's a friendly place with great bargains. Keep an eye
out for their upcoming sale and change-over to summer stock.
Pictured are Paparoa
residents Charlee and
Dee making purchases
with Marge Paton
behind the counter.
Opening hours are:
Monday 10am-1pm
Wednesday 10am-3pm
Friday 10am-3pm
Kaipara Art Awards 2016
exhibition, The Kauri Museum.
Artworks from Kaipara artists
on display until 18 September.
Free entry to view.
Our condolences to the family
of Des Hales (lately of Waipu)
who recently passed away.
The Hales family were long
standing residents at Taipuha.
Tinopai Volunteer Emergency
Services book and cake fair
held in Paparoa last month
raised over $1700. Thanks for
all the local support.
The flagpole at The Landing
was erected by Paparoa RSA
Newspaper Advertising
Adult Learners’ Week Activities
Monday 5 September to Friday 9 September 2016
Dargaville – 22 Gladstone Street, Freephone 0800 555 635
Monday 5 September 2016 – Scavenger Hunt
 The around the town scavenger hunt begins. To participate, you will
need to visit our office to collect your scavenger hunt ‘passport’ and
begin collecting stamps.
Tuesday 6 September 2016 – Open Day at our Centre
 Come along and join in the activities set up, learn about our services
and enjoy a nice hot soup and buns.
Wednesday 7 September 2016 – Student Writing Event and Community March
 Our Student Writing Event will commence at our office.
 Community March – Everyone will meet at our office and then after the
walk their will be hot beverages and a biscuit for all participants.
Thursday 8 September 2016 – Sausage Sizzle
 Sausage Sizzle outside of ANZ Bank from 11am – 2pm.
Friday 9 September 2016 – Movie Fundraiser; Presentations for Student Writing
Event and Scavenger Hunt
 Student Writing Event and Scavenger Hunt presentation at our centre.
 Movie Fundraiser – please contact our office if you would like to
purchase a ticket.
Maungaturoto – above Four Square, 163 Hurndall Street, Freephone 0800 555 635
Monday 5 September 2016 – Scavenger Hunt
 The around the town scavenger hunt begins. To participate you will
need to visit our office (above Four Square) to collect your scavenger
hunt ‘passport’ and begin collecting stamps.
Tuesday 6 September 2016 – Open Day at our Centre
 Open Day – Come along and join in the activities set up, learn about
our services and enjoy a nice hot soup and buns.
for community use. The RSA
do not administer the pole or
the flag. If any member of the
public wishes to fly the flag
at half-mast to recognise the
passing of a loved one they
are free to do so. It should
be understood that those so
recognised would be known
to be residents of the wider
Paparoa area.
Farewell to Matakohe House
owners Alex and Lyn Tetzner
who can now retire graciously.
The new owners (from
Argentina/Uruguay) start on 1
September. Sounds like there
could be some Spanish style
foods on offer soon!
Petty crime during August
Arty Farties were most
distressed to discover their
generator was stolen and
shadehouse trashed. They
suspect locals and now they
have to fundraise all over again
in order to pump water onto
the community gardens.
In another incident, the
hall was broken into, but
fortunately nothing found to
be amiss.
The dairy and g.a.s. break-ins
appear to have been just for
food items. Never pleasant at
all for the proprietors.
Community Services
21 September 3pm
155 Hurndall St
All welcome
Wallace's Mowing
" Nothing too tough,
nothing too rough"
Call Daniel or Zoe :
09 431 6282
place your
classified here
Your header line plus two
small lines of text
(approx 16 words, $5)
The fishing is
fairly good at
the moment,
with a few
nice snapper
being caught,
not many
and a few
The talk around Pahi is
that there are not a lot
of mullet around for the
mullet muster at the
competition weekend.
So wonder how it'll go?
Happy fishing.
09 439 2020
Dry Aged Beef Specialists
Traditional Manuka wood smoked Bacon & Ham
No Retail
Paparoa Press
WHAT’S ON - september 2016
Special Events & Meetings
The Kauri Museum Kaipara Art Awards exhibition 6 August-18 September
Community Dinner (run by Sports & Rec) 10 Sept. See details for bookings pg 7
Meet the Candidates Local elections 2016, 12 Sept, Pap Hall, 7.30pm
Kaipara Hospice Luncheon Matakohe Hall 14 Sept from 11am
Otamatea Community Services AGM 155 Hurndall St, Maungaturoto 21 Sept. 3pm
Paparoa Tennis Season start Tues 27 Sept, adults from 6pm, children start 18 Oct
Arty Farties Flax Weaving 8 & 9 Oct. Booking essential 431 6229 details pg 7
Proudly Paparoa Festival 5 November more details later (see page 3)
Regular Events, Meetings
Anglican Church St Marks 1st, 2nd & 4th Sundays 10am, Hook Road, Paparoa
Ararua Church 10.30am every Sunday, All welcome ph 431 6622
Art Studio, Ruawai Mon 10-12noon ph Frances 439 2554
Arty Farties Summer Markets 9am-noon, opposite Village Green; Thur/Fri in the
‘Tile Shed’ ph Anne 431 6229; Crafty Kids Club 1st Sun of month 10-2pm at the Shed;
Beginners Patchwork Group, Mon 7pm, Te Pahi River Dr.
Badminton Thursday - teens & adults 7pm, Paparoa Hall ph Pete 4316 822
Crafternoons 1st & 3rd Wed in month, 10.30-4pm, Tinopai Hall ph Jo 431 7219
Exercise to Music Tue 10.30am Paparoa Hall $5 ph Rose 431 7418
Farmers’ Market Every Saturday 9-noon, Village Green
Fire Force 1st & 3rd Monday in month 6.30pm Depot Rd ph Cohan 431 6668
Gardening Club 2nd Wed of month, ph Lyn 431 6090
Grey Power Last Wed in month,1pm, Anglican Church Hall, Mgto
Library Mon 1.30-4.30pm, Wed 10am-12noon, Thu1.30-4.30pm, Fri 9.30am-1pm
Open alternate Saturdays - Sep 3 & Sep 17 - 9.30-12.30pm
Line Dancing Thurs 10am-noon Paparoa Hall ph Rose 431 7418
Mainly Music Wed 9.30am Paparoa Comm Church, ph Rebecca 431 7550
Maungaturoto Opportunity Shop Open Mon 10-1pm Wed 10-3pm Fri 10-3pm
Music Makers Second Wednesday, monthly, Cruiser Cafe, 7 pm. 4316 722
Otamatea Quilters 1st and 3rd Mon month 10am, Paparoa Hall 09 439 2262
Outdoor Bowls Maungaturoto Green ph Tony 431 6026 or Brian 431 6884
Paparoa Community Church 10.30am every Sunday, 4 Hook Road 4317106
Paparoa Hall Functions venue ph Robyn 431 7306 or a/h Loraine 431 7290
Paparoa Lions Dinner Meetings 3rd Mon in month 6.30pm, Sports Pavilion
Paparoa Playcentre Tues 9:30am-12:30pm, Fri 10am-1pm ph 0211852954 Playcentre
or Grace 0210379445 or 556-9141 or Bianca 431 6730 or 021 782 456 Visitors welcome
Paparoa Primary School Term three ends Sept 23 term 4 starts Oct 10
Paparoa Toy Library Wed 10.30-1pm, Paparoa Comm Church, Hilery 431 7330
Sacred Soul Circle 2nd Sundays, 10am-12 Marohemo hall ph Helen 021 938 024
Selwyn Centre Thurs 10am for over 65's, St Marks, Hook Rd, ph 431 8193
Sports Pavilion Functions venue, ph Vickie Owens 431 6432 for bookings
St Mary’s Catholic Church 10am Wed, 6pm Sat, Maungaturoto
Table Tennis Tues 7.30pm, Sports Pavilion $2 Pete 431 6822
Tennis Adults Fridays 9.30 and Saturdays 2.30pm ph Sue Skelton 431 6224
Ukelele Players Beginners / experts, Thur 4pm Matakohe, ph Dennise 431 7012
Waka Ama Tue & Thu 5pm, Sun 10am, Pahi Domain, ph Grant 027 474 3856
White Rock Gallery Open 7 days 10am-4pm, in Library building
Yoga - Chair Yoga Paparoa Sports Pavilion Tues & Fri 9.30-10.30am $7
Yoga - Anamana Studio $10/session ph Jenny 09 280 9694, 021 114 3370
please update us with your details: press@paparoa.org.nz PP
Paparoa Press
Square Hay Bales
For sale, $11 each. Pick
up Merril Road, Paparoa
Contact Peter 027 538 727
Neuro Stress Release
NSR the healing system
that promotes emotional
Find happiness and
satisfaction in your life.
Jel Davenport 021 165 6226
Digger & Truck
2.8 tonne machine.
5 tonne truck. Handy for
those smaller jobs.
Phone Owen 431 7123
Kaipara Water Tank
Is your tank water clean
and safe? Vacuum clean,
waterblast and scrub.
Waterblasting a speciality
for houses, fences,
Eddie 09 4392 122
or 021 1623 650
Kaipara Fuel
Full mobile service Diesel tank cleaning, fuel
transfers 24/7, marine,
forestry, farm tanks,
contractors, mobile tanks,
motor homes/R.V.
Eddie 021 1623 650
Community Directory
Maungaturoto Medical Centre: 8am-5pm Mon-Fri..... 09 431 8576
Paparoa Clinic: Doctor Tue + Fri 8.30am-12.30pm...... 09 431 7222
For urgent after hours medical service (Wellsford)...... 09 423 8086
DISTRICT NURSE Dargaville Hospital ............................ 09 439 3330
Healthline - 24 hour service............... 0800 611 116
HOSPICE KAIPARA Dargaville Hospital........................... 09 439 3330
KAIPARA DISTRICT COUNCIL Helpline ........................... 0800 727 059
Mangawhai Office............ 0800 100 388
LINKING HANDS Health Shuttle Service, Maungaturoto.09 431 8969
LIONS CLUB PAPAROA Secretary Mark Pilkington ........09 431 7369
MAUNGATUROTO CHIROPRACTIC.................................. 09 431 8019
MAUNGATUROTO PHARMACY....................................... 09 431 8045
MAUNGATUROTO REST HOME ...................................... 09 431 8696
OTAMATEA COMMUNITY SERVICES Community House. 09 431 9080
PAPAROA LIBRARY Membership free-of-charge, Wheelchair access
Mon 1.30-4.30pm, Wed 10am-12noon, Thu 1.30-4.30pm, Fri
9.30am-1pm. Open alternate Saturdays 9.30-12.30 (dates above)
PAPAROA PLAYCENTRE during session times................021 185 2954
PAPAROA PLUNKET Cynthia Keay................................. 09 431 8187
PLUNKET Helpline ....................................... 0800 933 922
PAPAROA PRIMARY SCHOOL ......................................... 09 431 7379
PARENT PORT Inc. free help for families Linda............ 09 425 9357
PHYSIOTHERAPY Lyndsay Bargh Mon/Wed/Fri from 8am...431 8576
PODIATRIST / FOOTCARE Jayne Short 020 4022 6598 09 280 9908
PUKE ARANGA TE KOHANGA REO ............................... 09 431 7089
YOUTH & WHANAU FOCUS South Kaipara, Rose .......... 09 431 7418
The Back Page
Paparoa Press
Exhibition on now!
Kaipara Art Awards
"My Great Great Great Uncle Captain John Gill"
by Rachel Lowrie
Photo courtesy of The Kaipara Lifestyer
"Billy Zen" by Kaye Cottrell
"Bedouins" by Leslie Munro
"A-risen" by John Ecuyer
The 2016 Kaipara Art Awards exhibition is on now at The Kauri Museum
and runs until 18 September, so do get along and see the latest work
from our Kaipara artists. Entry is free. With only two categories, 2D
and 3D this year, competition was strong. The opportunity to exhibit in
The Kauri Museum gallery is much appreciated and this more intimate
space shows the work to good advantage.
John Ecuyer took 1st place in 3D with his wood piece A-risen, symbolising
“nature rising to her knees”. Lesley Munro took 1st in 2D with Bedouins,
described by judge Chris Carey as showing “a gentle and universal
empathy”. Newcomer to the awards Heather Carrigan's flax piece
Tangaroa took the Judges Merit Award in 3D. Rachel Lowrie took 2nd in
2D with My Great Great Great Uncle Captain John Gill, and Kaye Cottrell
3rd with Billy Zen, described by the judge as “wonderfully whimsical”.
Alistair Morrow took Judges Merit in 2D for his work entitled Kuia III.
Thanks to organisers Mangawhai Artists Group, Dargaville Arts
Association, and The Kauri Museum for bringing the Kaipara Art Awards
to our artists and our community. And to sponsors: The Kaipara
Lifestyler, Pub Charities NZ, Westmoreland Homes, the McGarry Family,
Zephyr Oyster Farms, Lochiel Estate and Kaiwaka Cheese Shop. PP
5 Questions for ... The g.a.s. guys
Who: Aman and Lucky at Paparoa g.a.s.
What: New owner Kunal chose the pair of friends at random to come to live in whilst
running the business, a great responsibility for them.
Where: Previously both working in Auckland and they wouldn't have necessarily chosen
Paparoa as a prefered destination otherwise.
Why: They were honest even to admit they weren't sure why they were chosen, but
have risen to the challenge!
When: g.a.s is now open from 6am-9pm daily for the summer.
Regular customers can look forward to a discount, so pop in if you haven't already! PP
Kevin's Shed
panel beating & repairs
J ust
oa rkes direcetr
pa ma ood oduc
pa ers Locoaml gthe Pr
027 642 4991
09 431 6444
3245 P aparoa -O akleigh R d
at the Village Green
ph Graham 431 7209
◦ Limestone & Metal Cartage
◦ Truck & Digger Hire
◦ House Sites &
◦ Farm Roads
◦ Earthwork & Dams driveways
◦ Wrapped Silage & Hay
◦ Cultivation
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planting &
09 431 7556
 021 720 590
"Sail Light" byTerry Haines
"Alight-enment" by Aaron Ellis-Smith

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