The Kaipara Konnection


The Kaipara Konnection
The Kaipara Konnection
Online Weekly News And Views
Volume 1 No 24
10 Sep 2011
This newsletter is brought to you to let you know what’s on and what’s happening in and around the Kaipara. It is
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All opinions expressed in this newsletter are the opinions of the contributors. They do not reflect the views of any
organisations or groups that the contributors may belong to. Advertisers are responsible for the content and accuracy of
their adverts.
Before you print this newsletter- please consider the environment.
The Team
John MacDonald: Editor and production
Joseph Douglas: Webmaster and web advisor
Weather Forecast
Here is an 8 day forecast from Weather Online.
Mangawhai Heads
For Updates and Other Regions Go To:
Met Service:
NZ Weather Online:
“If you can laugh at it, you can live with it.”
--Erma Bombeck
All Kaipara District Council Confusion Explained At Last.
Like millions of people around the world who use Google Chrome as their browser, the editor of this newsletter
frequently uses a “right click” of the mouse button to open an article in a new tab for reading later. This right click action
usually opens the new window shown here and you select the “Open Link In New Tab” option.
Image the surprise when using this “right click” action on the “News” section of the Kaipara District Council website a
completely different set of options was displayed.
Clearly even Google was confused by what it found so offered to translate the link into English. This explains why the
Mayor and CEO are frequently unable to communicate honestly with the citizens of this fair realm. Their English is not
what the rest of us minions (or Google) speak maybe? We rest our case Your Honour!
(This only works with Google Chrome as the Browser)
Tangowahine Farm and Rural Retreat
Centrally located, self contained - stay with us and enjoy Kaipara, Whangarei and the Bay
of Islands - or just relax and enjoy the hot spa in the bush, farm and bush walks.
TWF Darg Online advt Jun 11.indd 1
11/07/2011 10:04:47 p.m.
“Dignity does not consist in possessing honors,
but in deserving them” --Aristotle
Tonga Comes To Dargaville
On Friday afternoon, 9th Sept, the Tongan community in Dargaville staged an
‘impromptu” parade in support of their rugby team which played the All Blacks in
Auckland last night. 20 or more cars decked in Tongan flags, red balloons and with
people hanging out the windows in true “island style’ drove hooting and tooting up
and down Victoria Street.
It was really great to see this display of enthusiasm from our Tongan community, as
apart from the odd shop with red tape, and a few strings of national flags here and
there, there is almost no apparent interest in the big sporting event which of course we are not allowed to “name”
FL Computers To Close On Friday 18th September
Local Dargaville computer shop, FL Computers, will close its doors for the last time on Friday next. With no technical
staff available in Dargaville, and the probable departure overseas of the current technician, the owners have reluctantly
decided to cease trading.
All the computers, furniture, spares, and inks are being sold at knockdown prices with no reasonable offer refused. Cash
or Internet banking only. No EFTPOS sorry.
A big thanks to all who have loyally supported the business since it opened.
FL Computers.
122 Victoria Street. Dargaville. Phone: (09) 439 0496. E-Mail:
D&D Editor Resigns
Robyn Downey, the editor of the Dargaville and District News, has resigned she told Kaipara Connection. Robyn has
been a “free canary” for many years in the news industry in Dargaville and many hundreds of events and people have
been highlighted thanks to her efforts.
We wish Robyn well and hope that she does not stay away from news reporting for too long.
Kaipara District - Natures Playground
Visitor Info Line: 0800 152 472
0800 1 Kaipara
Where Having Fun Costs Bugger All!
Seriousness is the only refuge for the shallow
--Oscar Wilde
Some Advice To Margaret Mutu and John Hatfield
This is the year 2011. Lets stop trying to live in the 19th Century and get over the past. Until we do, bigots, racists, and
xenophobes, (plus the public servants and lawyers on the Tribunal gravy train) will thrive and prevent us moving forward
together – as the modern, multicultural, country that we should be.
Ka pū te ruha, ka hao te rangatahi.
(The old net is cast aside, while the new net goes a-catching.)
Excerpts From The Workboot Councillors Blog:
Another workshop at Dargaville. Yes, THE super-secret workshop on the Proposed District Plan.
Readers of this blog will know that much expense and great effort was gone to create the LARSEN Gag v2 – the
Confidentiality Deed (for background click here) especially for this event.
As Act 4 Scene 1 opened, the Proposed District Plan Workshop, the issue of the LARSEN Gag v2 – the Confidentiality
Deed was duly raised. Those that had not signed were dragooned into signing this writ. The blood of their souls dripped
from the paper. And so it came to the turn of your WorkBoot. The charade of outraged group think from the old guard
was applied but Workboot was still not given REASONS why this vile and debasing act, that struck so deep at being an
elected representative, should be dignified with his blood on ‘X’ marks the spot.
Adopting my usual (albeit apparently annoying stance) of, if I don’t understand I will keep asking questions, having no
satisfactory answers, I refused to sign.
At this point the Mayor asked our courtiers from Brookfields whether if I refused I could remain at the workshop.
Unfortunately, despite their high-priced, writ-drafting, the answer, as was always clear from the LAW (here), was that
excluded I could not be.
And Some “Informed” Comments
• I used to watch TV, now I get more amusement, and education out of checking out Workboot and Kaipara
Concerns each day. KDC could solve its rates crisis and debt crisis by making a TV series. Judge Judy pulls
$25 million a year, think about it Kaipara Economic Development Officer!
Posted by Ron Manderson.
• Did the Mayor actually spend our dollars to have a Brookefields minder in attendance at that meeting? Was their
council authorisation for this, or do we expect him to reimburse us for such waste? Oh yes, and an apology
would be nice, he is expected to respect democracy! Posted by Rate-prayer
• I hear Dargaville has run out of shredders!!
Posted by Doug Bone
“Better to be forgotten than sued.”
--Dave Weinbaum
• Rodney should turn up with a contingent from the SFO and a search warrant! I bet the filing cabinets are
running red hot LOL Empty piggy banks galore !
Posted by Ralph Williams
From KaiparaConcerns
There have been suspicions that the McKerchar-Tiller regime has always been more interested in looking after the best
interests of its consultants rather than its ratepayers. There have been suggestions that Council has been “captured”
by consultants. Councillor Larsen has recently raised questions about the massive overrun in costs for the EcoCare
Scheme and where all the money has gone. No one seems to know, except the Chief Executive and he is not telling.
Ratepayers are left to speculate.
Then, out of the blue a story emerges about Beca, one of the Council’s principal consultants, allegedly underestimating
the costs of a sewerage upgrade for the Masterton District Council which could result in a blow-out of $6.6 million.
Council has instructed a QC and is now looking at suing Beca for inaccurate advice. The Mayor Garry Daniell says news
has left the district “in a state of disbelief and anger”.
Mmm. Compare the reaction of our Mayor to an overspend of at least $27 million on our EcoCare sewerage scheme
with no hint of where the money has gone. Not a whimper from him. No Q.C. No involvement of ratepayers. No concern.
No legal action. Just total acquiescence.
To read the article in the Wairarapa Times-Age go here
Legal Eagle looks at the legal liability of elected members (councillors) where a council has lost monies because
councillors failed to perform their legal duties adequately.
The Nathans Finance sentencing sends a warning to all those who owe a duty of care to ratepayers. Go to the article
Community Notices
1st Dargaville Girls’ Brigade
Come To GB
A Fun Packed Program for Girls 5 – 15 years
We meet Thursdays from 3.30 to 5.00pm at the Dargaville Baptist Community Church
1st Four Weeks Free
For More info contact Pauline (09) 439 7507
Trash Or Treasure
Open Saturdays and Sundays 10.00am - 2.00pm
Murdoch Street, Dargaville.
Pre-Loved Goods
At Great Prices!
“Not all chemicals are bad. Without hydrogen or oxygen,
for example, there would be no way to make water,
a vital ingredient in beer.” --Dave Berry
Kaihu Valley Music Club
The regular club day is the second Sunday of each month at the Kaihu Memorial Hall.
Starting 1.00pm.
Gold coin admission. All are welcome.
Local and visiting musicians will be attending.
Inquiries to Esma at (09) 439 7293
Zumba Classes
Classes are held in Dargaville on Mon & Wed
6.15pm – 7.15 at the Country & Western Hall
next door to Subway
Casual $10.
Contact Person – Lee.
Voted TUANZ Best Carrier Of The Year 2009
For Best Prices On All Your Phone, Dial Up,
Broadband, & Mobile Connections. 0800 89 2000
“Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to
be thought half as good. Luckily, this is not difficult.”
--Charlotte Whittond
Senior Net.
For people 50+ to learn about technology and computers.
Open Day: 3rd Monday of month
For More Information Ring:
Heather (09) 4394452 or Francie (09) 439548
Letters To The Editor.
If you have a complaint about something we publish, a brickbat or bouquet, or some general
comments that you want to share - this is the place to do it. Please ensure that we receive your
letters no later than the Thursday morning before publication. As with other news media, we don’t
publish or respond to letters that have no real name, address, and contact phone number. If you
don’t want your name to appear please tell us. All letters are published in full as received. Please
keep them to no more than 250 words if possible. Thanks!
Miss Piggy Lifestyle Assistance Quote(s) for the Week
Moi has always possessed a charm that is lethal to men.
Electrolux! I have found it! The anti to my dote!
Technologie, moi must admit, is not moi's cup of java.
The early bird gets the worm – which is what he deserves.
If you place an ad in the “Personals,” Moi has only one word of advice: lie
New Books In the Dargaville Library
The Fat Years – Chan Koonchung
The Last Gift – Abdulrazak Gumah
It Happened in Paris – Molly Hopkins
The Stranger’s Child – Alan Hollinghurst
Gamble – a Dick Francis Novel – Felix Francis
The Measure of the Magic – Terry Brooks
FL Computers.
122 Victoria Street. Dargaville. Phone: (09) 439 0496. E-Mail:
“Adorable children are considered to be the
general property of the human race.
Rude children belong to their mothers.” --Judith Martin
The Ashford Book of Hand Spinning – Jo Reeve
The Ashford Book of Carding – Jo Reeve
Florence: Art and Architecture
The Urban Cook – cooking and eating for a sustainable future – Mark Jensen
Sticky, Chewy, Messy, Gooey – desserts for the serious sweet tooth – Jill O’Connor
On China – Henry Kissinger
World War II in Photographs – David Boyle
Keep Up To Date With Events at the Library Phone (09) 439 3150 or visit their web page
Dargaville Museum Events Calendar
FL Computers.
122 Victoria Street. Dargaville. Phone: (09) 439 0496. E-Mail:
“Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes.
Art is knowing which ones to keep.” --Scott Adams
Northland Events Calendars
To see what is happening around Northland, you can visit:
Kauri Coast:
Daily Trivia Quiz Online.
Done your daily trivia quiz today?
This Week In New Zealand History
1928 First trans-Tasman flight
The editorial in The Press on 11 September 1928 observed that if Australian pilots Charles Kingsford Smith and
Charles Ulm successfully crossed the Tasman that day, the rejoicing in New Zealand would be even greater than
that in Australia. New Zealanders had yet to ‘see a plane arrive from another country except as freight’, and their
own countrymen’s attempt to cross the Tasman in January 1928 had failed. They remained excited at the prospect of
someone reaching their country by air for the first time – even if it meant their Australian neighbours won the plaudits.
New Zealanders could take some consolation from the fact that one of them was among the crew that made the
journey. T.H. McWilliams, a teacher at the Union Steam Ship Company’s radio school in Wellington, joined the crew as
radio operator when Kingsford Smith and Ulm’s crewmates from their Pacific crossing returned to North America. After
McWilliams and the new navigator, H.A. Litchfield, passed a test by making the first successful non-stop crossing of
Australia in August, they were deemed ready for the Tasman crossing.
The men took off from Richmond Aerodrome, Sydney, on 10 September at 5.34 p.m. (New South Wales time). They
were in a Fokker VII trimotor monoplane named the Southern Cross – the same aircraft that Kingsford Smith and Ulm
had successfully piloted across the Pacific and Australia. Though the group had delayed the flight for a week while
‘awaiting favourable conditions over the Tasman’, they struck thunderstorms throughout the night and early morning.
While McWilliams struggled against the turbulence to repair the radio equipment, which had failed shortly after take-off,
Kingsford Smith was forced to fly blind for much of the journey due to the heavy rain and ice coating the windshield.
When the weather finally improved at about 3.30 a.m. Ulm relieved Kingsford Smith, who had done practically all the
flying to this point.
Approximately 240 km from the New Zealand coast the men dropped a wreath in memory of the two New Zealanders
who had disappeared during their attempt to cross the Tasman earlier that year. As they neared New Zealand the good
weather continued and, finding they were early, they decided to circle over Wellington at a height of 300 m before
following the east coast of the South Island to their destination, Wigram Aerodrome, Christchurch. They landed at 9.22
a.m. (NZ time), having covered 2670 km in 14 hours 25 minutes.
The welcome in Christchurch was tremendous. Those ‘tied to the city by their occupations’ stood on the roofs of high
New AsiaN
AsiaN Restaurant
73 Victoria Street Dargaville. Phone (09) 439 8388
Dine in - Takeaways - Open 7 Days - Licenced
“Facts are stupid things.”
- Ronald Reagan
buildings; others found vantage points on Sumner or New
Brighton beach to watch the Southern Cross come in. About
30,000 people made their way to Wigram, including many
pupils from state schools, who were given the day off, and
public servants, who were granted leave until 11 a.m.
The men were honoured by the reception they received,
but also exhausted by their long journey. They eventually
made their way to their accommodation at the United
Service Hotel in The Square, with Litchfield reportedly
escaping from the enthusiastic crowd by grabbing a lift in a
furniture van. The attention continued unabated in the days
that followed. During their numerous interviews Kingsford
Smith and Ulm were quick to point to the contribution of
McWilliams and Litchfield. They hoped, for example, that
those listening in had heard the few short messages that ‘Mac’ had been able to transmit towards the end of the flight
‘by dint of very hard and uncomfortable work’.
The Southern Cross returned safely to Richmond Aerodrome from Blenheim on 8 October. Like the New Zealanders
they had honoured during their Tasman crossing, Kingsford Smith and Ulm eventually disappeared while flying: Ulm en
route to Hawaii in December 1934 and Kingsford Smith over Burma the following year.
1939 PM declares NZ’s support for Britain
When New Zealand declared war on Germany on 3 September the Prime Minister, Michael Joseph Savage, was
recovering from an operation forcolon cancer. Acting Prime Minister Peter Fraser issued a statement in his place.
Two days later Savage addressed the public from his sickbed at his home in Northland, Wellington. The address was
broadcast across the national radio network that evening, and was widely reported in newspapers in the days that
In his address Savage observed that New Zealanders had no particular ‘hatred of the German people’, pointing to
his country’s ‘admiration and affection’ for ‘their songs, their poetry and their music’. He acknowledged that ‘there are
many millions of German people who want to live in peace and quietness as we do, threatening no one and seeking to
dominate no one’. But those in power in Germany ‘despised and rejected’ such a way of life.
Savage’s address was at once an attack on Nazism and an expression of the country’s loyalty to and support for
Britain. He highlighted the benefits New Zealand had received from its association with Britain, and argued that New
Zealanders, more than anyone else, should see what was at stake if they did not take up arms against Nazism:
I am satisfied that nowhere will the issue be more clearly understood than in New Zealand – where, for almost a century,
behind the sure shield of Britain, we have enjoyed and cherished freedom and self-government. Both with gratitude
for the past and confidence in the future, we range ourselves without fear beside Britain.
Where she goes, we go. Where she stands, we stand. We are only a small and young
nation, but we are one and all a band of brothers and we march forward with union of
hearts and wills to a common destiny.
At this time the country was unaware just how serious Savage’s condition was. He briefly
acknowledged his illness during his address, but only to point out ‘how quick to kindness
the people of this country can be, and how easily political and other differences are
New AsiaN
AsiaN Restaurant
73 Victoria Street Dargaville. Phone (09) 439 8388
Dine in - Takeaways - Open 7 Days - Licenced
“The first thing you lose on a diet is brain mass.”
--Margaret Cho
extinguished by sympathy and good will’. He died just over six months later, on 27 March 1940, and was succeeded as
Prime Minister by Fraser.
1948 New Zealand citizenship established
On 6 September 1948, the British Nationality and New Zealand Citizenship Act was passed. Before this act came into
force, people born in New Zealand were British subjects but not New Zealand citizens.
From 1 January 1949, New Zealand citizenship could be acquired by birth in New Zealand, descent, registration, or
naturalisation. Registration was the process which citizens of the Commonwealth or Ireland underwent in order to
take out citizenship. Naturalisation was the analogous process for immigrants from other countries, or ‘aliens’. The
requirements for naturalisation differed from those for registration, particularly in terms of length of residence. This dual
system remained until the Citizenship Act 1977.
The situation of those classed as ‘enemy aliens’ during and after the Second World War was particularly difficult.
Herbert (Bert) Roth fell into this category, even though he had arrived as a Jewish refugee from Nazi-occupied Austria.
Restrictions on his ability to hold office in public organisations in New Zealand led him to apply for naturalisation in 1944.
Image: Certificate of Naturalisation (Te Ara)
Read more:
FOOD! This week it’s “Chicken Lickin” Suggestions
800gm chicken pieces (or enough for 4 people)
1 packet of Creme of Chicken instant soup
1 can of pineapple pieces in juice
1 Tbsp soy sauce
Place all ingredients in an oven bag, and mix to coat the chicken.
Tie top of then oven bag with a twist tie, leaving a finger-sized hole for the steam to vent.
Cook in oven at 180 degreesC for one hour or until chicken is cooked.
Shift chicken around in the bag once during cooking to prevent sticking to the bag.
Serve with rice and salad.
New AsiaN
AsiaN Restaurant
73 Victoria Street Dargaville. Phone (09) 439 8388
Dine in - Takeaways - Open 7 Days - Licenced
Statistics show that of those who contract the habit
of eating, very few survive. ~ Wallace Irwin
4 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves
6 g garlic powder
4 g seasoning salt
2 g onion powder
45 g butter
Melt the butter in a large skillet over medium high heat.
Add the chicken and sprinkle with garlic powder, seasoning salt and onion powder.
Saute about 10 to 15 minutes on each side, or until chicken is cooked through and juices run clear.
2 Chicken pieces per person
1 420 or 10oz tin crushed pineapple
1 small tin mushrooms (optional)
1 pkt cream of chicken soup
1/4 cup rice per person
Put Chicken into microwave safe bowl.
Drain pineapple keepin g juice.
Pour pineapple and mushrooms over chicken ensuring evenly covered.
Put juice in measuring bowl so there is 1 cup, add water to make up 1 cup if needed.
Whisk in soup mix and pour over chicken.
Cover and cook on high for 15 mins then turn chicken and stir sauce mix and cook a further 15 mins.
Serve chicken with rice and sauce on top of rice.
Read More:
Gary and Lisa at the New Asia Restaurant in Dargaville who sponsor this page are running a Gary Special.
Walk in, sit down, don’t ask for a menu –ask for a Gary Special. Simply let the chef prepare your meal! You will be
amazed at the fine, affordable, treats and tastes that will be served to you.
Give them some advance notice and they will be happy to meet any special requests!
New AsiaN
AsiaN Restaurant
73 Victoria Street Dargaville. Phone (09) 439 8388
Dine in - Takeaways - Open 7 Days - Licenced
“Dreaming permits each and every one of us to be quietly
and safely insane every night of our lives” --William Dement
Musical Notes For This Week
Events in Music
1959 - “Duke” Ellington wins Springarn Medal for his musical achievements
1962 - Beatles cut “Love Me Do” and “PS I Love You” with Andy White on drums
1962 - Drummer Ringo Starr replaces Pete Best of the Beatles
1964 - Beatles are paid a then record $150,000 for a concert (Kansas)
1965 - Beatles’ “Help!,” album goes #1 and stays #1 for 9 weeks
1965 - Beatles release “Yesterday”
1965 - Beatles win 1st Grammy, for Best Group of 1964
1966 - Rolling Stones perform on Ed Sullivan Show
1967 - Beatles’ Magical Mystery Bus driven around England
1969 - Plastic Ono Band’s (John, Yoko and Eric Clapton) 1st live performance
1976 - Ringo releases “Ringo’s Rotogravure” album
1980 - Paul McCartney releases “Temporary Secretary”
1988 - Fish leaves rock group Marillion
1989 - Singer Natalie Cole marries record producer Andre Fisher
Birthdays in Music
1923 - Hank Williams, country singer (Cold, Cold Heart, Hey Good Lookin’)
1938 - Charles Patrick, rocker (Monotones)
1939 - Lamonte McLemore, St Louis Mo, rock vocalist (5th Dimension)
1940 - Bernie Dwyer, rock drummer (Freddie and The Dreamers)
1941 - Joe Butler, Glen Cove NY, rock vocalist/drummer (Lovin’ Spoonful)
1943 - Mickey Hart, drummer (Grateful Dead)
1944 - Peter Cetera, Chicago, lead singer (Chicago-25 or 6 to 4, Old Days)
1944 - Betty Kelly, Detroit, rocker (Martha Reeves and Vandellas)
1946 - Dennis Tufano, Chicago, rock guitarist/vocalist (Buckinghams)
1947 - Jon “Bowser” Bauman, Queens NY, singer (Sha Na Na)
1948 - Kenny Jones, London, rock drummer/vocalist (Small Faces)
1949 - Mark Knopfler, English rock vocalist/guitarist (Dire Straits)
1950 - David Bellamy, Darby Fla, singer (Bellamy Bros-Let Your Love Flow))
1951 - David Clayton-Thomas, singer (Blood Sweat and Tears - Joy to the World)
1952 - Karen Wyman, Bronx NY, singer (Long and Winding Road)
1952 - Nile Rodgers, Bronx NY, rock guitarist (Honeydrippers)
1952 - Steve Sanders, Richland Ga, country singer (Oak Ridge Boys-Elvira)
1954 - Barry Cowsill, Newport RI, rock bassist (Cowsills-We Can Fly)
1956 - Brian Robertson, Glasgow Scotland, rock guitarist (Thin Lizzy)
1957 - Jon Moss, rock drummerer (Culture Club-Do You Really Want to Hurt Me)
Deaths in Music
Today FM. - 87.7 & 106.7 Mhz
Bringing Back The Memories in Dargaville
“A bit of lusting after someone does wonders for the skin.”
--Elizabeth Hurley
1977 - Marc Bolan, rock vocalist/guitarist (T Rex), dies in a car crash at 29
1988 - Peter Tosh, reggae singer shot dead at 43 in Jamacia
Today FM. Timeless Music Always on 87.7 and 106.7 in Dargaville
More Paraprosdokian
A paraprosdokian is a figure of speech in which the latter part of a sentence or phrase is surprising
or unexpected in a way that causes the reader or listener to reframe or reinterpret the first part. It
is frequently used for humorous or dramatic effect, sometimes producing an anticlimax. For this
reason, it is extremely popular among comedians and satirists.
Some Paraprosdokian not only change the meaning of an early phrase, but they also play on the
double meaning of a particular word, creating a form of syllepsis. Here are a few more examples
to ponder:
I saw a woman wearing a sweat shirt with "Guess" on I said "Implants?"
A bank is a place that will lend you money, if you can prove that you don't need it.
Why do Americans choose from just two people to run for president and 50 for Miss America?
The voices in my head may not be real, but they have some good ideas!
Hospitality: making your guests feel like they're at home, even if you wish they were.
I always take life with a grain of salt, plus a slice of lemon, and a shot of tequila.
You’re never too old to learn something stupid.
A bus is a vehicle that runs twice as fast when you are after it as when you are in it.
Some people hear voices. Some see invisible people. Others have no imagination whatsoever.
You can always count on Americans to do the right thing - after they've tried everything else.
More Interesting New Zealand Facts For Our Visitors
The pavlova, a meringue dessert, was invented here and named after the ballerina, Anna Pavlova.
Little Blue Penguins visit NZ from other Oceania waters. They come ashore at night.
Tourism accounts for 10% of Wellington's annual income.
People have been admiring the glow-worms of Waitomo Caves for over 100 years.
Election day is not a set date. The PM decides the day for each election.
Legend has it that the Beehive, the legislative building in the capital city, was actually designed on the back of a
cigarette pack as a joke and was never intended to be built.
Hokey Pokey ice cream is a national favorite.
The Buzzy Bee was originally made in NZ.
Baldwin Street in Dunedin has the steepest grade of any street anywhere.
The last time a prisoner was put in irons in NZ was in 1897.
New Zealand has the world’s longest place name that is still in day to day use:
Today FM. - 87.7 & 106.7 Mhz
Bringing Back The Memories in Dargaville
“We have 40 million reasons for failure
but not a single excuse” --Rudyard Kipling
• The world’s smallest marine dolphin, The Hector’s Dolphin, is only found in NZ waters, as is the Hooker’s sea
lion, the world’s rarest sea lion.
• The Tohunga Suppression Act of 1907 made it a crime to mislead Maori by professing to possess supernatural
• Almost 1/3 of the country is national parks.
Read These Notices Carefully!
Great spirits have always found violent opposition
from mediocre minds --Albert Einstein
Want a StReSS-FRee
Join the Club!
Join our 2011 Christmas Club today!
Start saving now for next Christmas:
for every $30 you save, we’ll reward
you with a $2 bonus stamp.*
*Conditions apply. See instore for more details.
FL Computers.
Dargaville Four Square Discount Supermarket
111 Victoria Street, Dargaville 0310 Phone: (09) 439 1083
Open 7 Days
122 Victoria Street. Dargaville. Phone: (09) 439 0496. E-Mail:
Ron Manderson’s View
A Page For Kids
Feel No Guilt - Print It Out