2013-10 Willow Point School Newsletter


2013-10 Willow Point School Newsletter
October 2013
École Willow Point Elementary
250 Larwood Road, Campbell River, BC V9W 1S4
Tel: (250) 923-4311
Fax: (250) 923-4157
Website: http://www.sd72.bc.ca/willowpoint/
Dear Parents & Guardians,
We have our new playground! That dream became a reality in September after years of fundraising and a formidable community effort spent on the installation of
the equipment. WOW! KUDOS! On behalf of staff and students, we can’t thank you
enough for the tremendous work that went into that project. It was heart-warming to
see the whole community rally and work together. It made us proud to be part of that
community. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
We had our Open House / Meet the Teacher Event last week and we were delighted to have such a good turnout. As I mentioned at the assembly that afternoon, new
staff members and families joined our school community this year so it is time for our
school to review its vision and mission. In order to do that, we would like to get your
feedback on the following questions:
How do we want to behave and treat one another at our school?
What are our hopes, our dreams for our children?
Where do we want to see our children when they leave Willow Point at
the end of grade 5?
You can respond two ways:
by email to our secretary at jeannie.wernig@sd72.bc.ca
by jotting down your ideas on the chart paper posted in the school entrance.
We are going to collect your responses during the month of October and in the following
month, we will identify themes that emerge. From that, we will develop our mission
(purpose). Staff and students’ responses will be included as well because the purpose of
this exercise is to develop a shared vision and mission for our school that will support
student learning.
We would like to highlight the impressive work of the staff during those first
weeks of school. The collaboration that is taking place in this school is amazing. Teachers
are planning reading groups, math centres, sports and community activities. We are also
fortunate to have an Educational Assistant, secretary and French Monitor who are part
of our team and who work closely with us on our projects. The research clearly says that
it is the collective effort of the community that makes a difference for children and
that’s what is happening at Willow Point. As principal and vice-principal of the school, we
feel grateful to be part of that school community. On that note, we would like to wish
everyone a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Louise Guèvremont &
Nancy Hwang
Halloween Safety Tips for Trick or Treaters
October 2013
École Willow Point Elementary
250 Larwood Road, Campbell River, BC V9W 1S4
Tel: (250) 923-4311
Fax: (250) 923-4157
Website: http://www.sd72.bc.ca/willowpoint/
Tis the season for ghosts and ghouls! But Beware, with Halloween fast approaching the safety of your children should be foremost. Keep these tips in mind before
heading out for your Halloween festivities.
Never trick-or-treat alone, Always walk with an adult or group of friends.\
Make sure you can be seen, wear reflective, bright color costumes or fasten
reflective tape to costume
Carry a flashlight so you can see where you are going, Walk, don’t run
Stay in familiar neighborhoods, don’t cut across driveways or yards.
Make sure costume does not drag and trip you, wear appropriate footwear,
Use makeup, not masks, this allows you to see better and be aware of your surroundings.
Obey traffic signals and give traffic the right of
way. Don’t crisscross the street, go up one side and
down the other. Don’t dart out from between parked cars, Watch out for cars
pulling out or backing up
Only approach houses that have outside lights on and never enter a stranger’s
home or car for treats. Don’t eat any treats until and adult has inspected them.
Stay away from and do not pet animals you don’t know
Have fun but be aware
Colder Weather
October 2013
École Willow Point Elementary
It has become much cooler outside especially early in the mornings. Please be sure your child is
dressed in layers to be prepared for unpredictable weather.
250 on
Written names inside clothing
tags has
very useful
so far
articles of clothing have
been returned to students. If your child is missing something, please feel free to have a look in our
Lost & Found.
Website: http://www.sd72.bc.ca/willowpoint/
Nathaniel Arbeau
Tanee-Dee Hill
Oct 1
Oct. 2
Skye Fredericks
Oct 5
Shelby Robertson
Oct. 9
Tomas Hudson
Oct. 9
Mackenzie Rutherford
Oct. 10
Benjamin Fontaine
Oct 12
Nolan Budgeon
Oct. 15
Ainsley Budgeon
Oct 17
Elliot Sidlick
Oct 18
Jada Pawluk
Oct. 19
Ellie Purdy
Oct 20
Ayva Heinrichs
Oct. 21
Juvio Arrizza
Oct 21
Sarah Mclean
Oct 21
Mme. Halliday
Oct 22
Rianna Potoreiko
Oct. 24
Ava Defert
Oct. 25.
Braxton St. Louis
Oct 25
Lily Ward
Oct 29
Ready to Learn (Setting Up Routines)
Setting up daily routines will help your child do
his/her best. Consider the routines below to
make your child feel more ...
Relaxed. Music can help your child avoid the
morning rush. Play a soothing tape and ask him
to be dressed and ready by the time it’s over. Tip:
On Sundays, have him put each days outfit for
the coming week on hangers labeled Monday
through Friday.
Energized. A good breakfast increases concentration. Offer your youngster healthy choices.
Examples: a whole wheat bagel with cream cheese
orange juice blended with fruit & yogurt; instant
oatmeal. Leftovers from dinner the
night before.
Connected. Talking about the school day lets
your child know you care. Ask him to share two
good things that happened during the day.
Prompt him with specific questions, such as
“What activity did you like the best?” & “ Why?”
Prepared. Studying a little every day is the best
way to learn new material. Help your youngster
choose time for homework when he is most alert
- and try not to change it.
Rested. A set bedtime helps kids
fall asleep more quickly. Suggest
that your child get in bed 15
minutes early to read, make up
stories or talk quietly with you.
Halloween Dance & Activities
Our annual Halloween Dance will take place on October 24th from 5-8pm, ( remember… Friday is
a ProD day!)
One of our schools most popular family events, families of all our Grade K-5 are all welcome to
join the fun. FREE to attend, this is a PAC sponsored event. Come in costume, there are prizes to
be won! Dancing…..concession and coloring contest winners will be announced.
(A big “Thank You” to our new Fundraising & Events coordinator, Rhonda Bobocel, for taking
charge of this event)
Pac Meeting:
Monday October 21st
@ 6:30 PM, child care
available, please come
join us, meet the new
executive and share your
While we have a volunteer coordinator for January to May,
we still need a volunteer for October to December. Support
and guidance is available for anyone who is willing to take
this on. To learn more about what is involved with the position, please contact Sonya at ewp.pac.fundraising@gmail.com
NO SCHOOL Reminder…
Monday October 14th Thanksgiving
Friday, Oct. 25th Pro-D Day
Food Drive at Ecole Willow Point
We will be collecting canned and non-perishable items until October 11th, to support our local
food bank. Please keep in mind that cash donations are always appreciated by the
Food bank, as for every $1 collected they can purchase $3 worth of food and can put the
cash toward the items that they require the most. This is the top ten
for the food bank:
Peanut Butter, Coffee/Tea, Tuna, Rice,
Canned fruit/Vege’s Baked beans,
Pasta & Sauce, Mr. Noodle, Mac & Cheese,
Juice, Toilet paper.
Lets show everyone what a caring school we have!
“Having a child regularly participate in acts of kindness creates an anti-bullying lifestyle. Our
goal is to eradicate bullying from Campbell River.” says Paige Derouin, from the Timberline
Business Class.
The Timberline Business Class has produced an interactive calendar for children that focuses
on Daily Kindness Activities. “The calendar contains activities, recipes, craft ideas, things to
do in the community and promotes family and community interaction. In addition, there are
several pages of coupons that increase the intrinsic value of the calendar.” says Aaron Bennett.
The date of the calendar launch is November 1st.
The calendars will be sold at elementary schools and throughout the community for $10.00. The proceeds from the calendar
will be used to purchase two infant resuscitators for the Campbell River Hospital.
For more information contact Timberline’s Business class at 250-923-9500 ext 2523 or
Canadian Parents for French
A reminder that CPF’s membership drive in on now until Oct 31st
Join or renew your membership now. Becoming a member allows you
the opportunity at winning great provincial prizes and if you are new,
qualifying for the local discount prices of only $10 for one year, or
$40 for three years. There is also a $50 gift card draw for both EDM
and EWP. Applications and payment will be accepted at the office.
For more information on membership or how you can be involved,
Email Andrea Dirom at: adirom@telus.net
Thank you for supporting Canadian Parents for French,
“Proud of Two Languages”
L’atelier du Père Noël
(Santa’s Workshop)
During the month of December, Mme Hwang’s class will be hosting an event called
Santa’s Workshop. Classes will be given the chance to purchase items for their
friends and family. Everything will be sold for $2.
In order for this event to be successful,families are asked to put aside their “gently
used” items until the month of December. An example of items they are looking for
are: dvd’s, cd’s, toys, items that mom and dad no longer need, books etc.
Since Mme Hwang’s class will also be wrapping the purchases, they are also asking
families to put aside wrapping paper, ribbon, tape, bows, and gift tags to be brought
in during the month of December.
Looking forward to your participating with this event. Your help and cooperation are
greatly appreciated.
Madame Hwang
October 2013
8 K’s
16 K’s
Health &
Thanksgiv- Photo
Health & Shakeout
Screening Earthquake
6:30 PM
École Willow Point Elementary
We are in the process of reviewing our code of conduct. Please read it and let us
know your comments by emailing or secretary: jeannie.wernig@sd72.bc.ca
Our deadline is Friday October 11th. Thank you for your feedback.
Code of Conduct
2013 - 2014
All Ecole Willow Point Elementary citizens are expected to follow the Code of Conduct, which will be
posted in each classroom and near the main entrance:
I have a right to learn in my classroom.
It is my responsibility to listen to instructions, work quietly in my desk, and to raise my hand if I have
a question or concern or need to leave.
I have a right to hear and be heard.
It is my responsibility not to talk, shout or make loud noises when others are speaking.
I have a right to be respected in my classroom.
It is my responsibility not to tease or bother other people, or to hurt their feelings.
I have a right to be safe in my classroom.
It is my responsibility not to threaten, kick, punch or physically harm anyone else.
I have a right to privacy and to my own personal space.
It is my responsibility to respect the personal property of others and to accept their right to privacy.
We believe that the purpose of any disciplinary procedure is to help the students learn appropriate behaviours as laid out in the Code of Conduct. The consequences of a student’s actions should help them practice
and/or appreciate the expectations outlined in the Code of Conduct.
In addition to the Code of Conduct, the staff will use the principles of Positive Behaviour Support (PBS)
which are to teach students social skills within the setting in which they’ll be used and to reinforce and promote positive behaviour. Those social skills are based on the school-wide values of: safety, thoughtfulness,
accountability and respect (STAR).
S = safe
T = thoughtful
A = accountable
R = respectful
We will also teach the commonly used WITS program to help encourage individual problem solving on the
playground and around the school.
W – walk away
I – ignore
T – talk about it
S – seek help
Guidelines for Implementing Ecole Willow Point Elementary’s
Code of Conduct
Statement of Purpose:
To establish and maintain safe, caring and orderly environments for purposeful
To establish and maintain appropriate balances among individual and collective
rights, freedoms and responsibilities
To clarify and publish expectations for student behaviour while at school, while going to and from school, and while attending any school function or activity at
any location
To maintain a data bank of behaviour concerns for planning and teaching purposes
as well as student records.
Conduct Expectations
Acceptable conduct:
Students are expected to conduct themselves in the following manner at school, while going to and from school, and while attending any function or activity at any location that may
have an impact on the safe, caring and orderly operation of the school.
respecting self, others and the school
helping to make the school a safe, caring and orderly place
informing a “tellable” adult, in a timely manner (in advance, if possible) of incidents of bullying, harassment or intimidation
engaging in purposeful learning activities in a timely manner
acting in a manner that brings credit to the school
Unacceptable Conduct:
These behaviours are examples only and are not an all-inclusive list.
behaviours that:
- interfere with the learning of others
- interfere with an orderly environment
- create unsafe conditions
acts of:
- bullying (including cyber-bullying), harassment or intimidation
- physical violence
- retribution against a person who has reported incidents
illegal acts, such as:
- possession, use or distribution of illegal or restricted substances
- possession or use of weapons
- theft of or damage to property
-any activity that violates a local, provincial, or federal law
Conduct contrary to:
- School Board Policy
- The Humans Rights Code including: discrimination on the basis of race,
color, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital status, family status,
physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation or age.
Rising Expectations:
At Ecole Willow Point Elementary School we expect that as children become older,
more mature and move through the successive grades, they can demonstrate:
increasing personal responsibility, self regulation and self-discipline
increasing seriousness of consequences for inappropriate behaviour
The severity and frequency of unacceptable conduct as well as the age and maturity of
students is considered in determining appropriate disciplinary action. For example:
responses to unacceptable conduct are pre-planned, consistent and fair and may
include completing a reflection sheet, a phone call home, a meeting with parents, and / or a referral to our School-Based Team
disciplinary action, wherever possible, is preventative and restorative, rather than
merely punitive
students, as often as possible, are encouraged to participate in the development of
meaningful consequences for violations of the established code of conduct
in-school or out-of-school suspension
The application of this Code of Conduct when involving students with special needs shall
take into consideration and be consistent with:
the student’s IEP and any reference to behaviour
the student’s IBP
the student’s ability to understand or comply with acceptable expectations
the need to develop an intervention and/or a behaviour plan
Our school personnel will advise other parties of serious breaches of the code of conduct.
For example:
parents of student offenders(s) – in every instance
parents of student victim(s) – in every instance
school district officials – at the discretion of the Principal
police and/or other agencies – as required by law
all parents – when deemed to be important to reassure members of the school community that school officials are aware of a serious situation or incident and are
taking appropriate action to address it
Recording of Behaviour:
Student misbehaviour will be recorded on four increasing levels as follows:
Classroom incidents will be recorded and dealt with directly by the classroom teacher or
the teacher in charge of the class at the time.
Playground, general area incidents and office referrals from the classroom will be recorded on a card file and/or an incident slip by the supervising teacher. Parents may or may
not be informed based on the seriousness and/or repetitive nature of the misbehaviour.
Incidents requiring out of school suspension will be recorded as in level two above and
will also include a formal letter to the parents, with copies to the Director of Student
Services and the student file.
Very serious incidents may also require the attendance of the student and parents at a
meeting of the District Discipline Committee before returning to school.