Dear Hne0tanl Parent (s), ue are s0 manffil mat yOll ate tanmg me
Dear Hne0tanl Parent (s), ue are s0 manffil mat yOll ate tanmg me
(s), Parent Hne0tanl Dear meilmeto atetanmg ueares0manffilmatyOll Unata readourprollle.It lsnardt0lmaglne Ine lhrougn. Degolng musl tlmeyOu illlfi0ult ffi ma[e$ auoptlon are00n$lf,eilng ldeathatyOu youilreaverycailng andunselllsh Detleve peN0n and petsOn. area$lr0ng It $nOw$ vOu yourchtld's il nearl.Ueleel lntetest De$t have me0nan0e l0nave experlen0e ftt$tsanamadng two toDilng Htrt our I 1Z - .IT --':--.right away' Even Mom-Teri,daughter-Shallyn: We met througha mutualfriend and connected Dad-Joe, Teriis a "town girl" who likesbeing thoughwe wereopposites-Joeis a farm boy at heartandloveshorsesand live in a smallcommunityin northeast we closeto everyoneand not gettingdirty-we complimenteachother. with lots of smallchildren.Teri'sparentslive a few blocksawayso Shallyn SouthDakotain a neighborhood ridesher bikethereoftento visit with GrandmaandGrandpa! softball,golf,and dance' she lovesschoolandalso swimming,iceskating,basketball, shallynis in gymnastics, is alwayswantingto be out ridingher lovesbeingwith her friends. she is an "outdoor"girl. In the summershe and bakewith her Dad. Theyalways bikeor playingwith the neighborhoodchildren.shealsolovesto read BakingDaY. havea Christmas Hewas born at 38 weeksandwasso we losta little boythis springwhichwasvery hardfor our wholefamily. and he kept me from perfect.We foundout in surgerythat he had savedmy life. I hada rupturein my uterus thankfulfor that. Hewill alwaysbe a bleedingout. we were ableto spendsometime with him and I am very part of our familY. with' our homeandheartsare so readyto welcomea childto shareour lives |oe(finmTor|)lsavorlhadtorlrerandbel|ogs|ndoln$lt dgfit t He and Shallyt hart a gfsat rclaflonshlp' the can't ualt for hlm to get home at nlght. They do a lot of thln$s together. foo ls a middle child. He has one sister and onG bruiftGF. He,has tlro nleces and 5 nephe*t. He ls aGtlYeln his Gommunlty. He belongs to ffre Ghanrberof CommGnG{G grGat and helps out wtth many fundralserc. foe is a husballd and father. aontractorandstaysvery busy. He lovesworkingoutside Joeis a self-employed sheloves to helphimwhenshecanbecause and shallyntakeseveryopporh.rnrty he cansethis the outdoors.Joeis ableto attendall of shallyn'sactivitiesbecause morning.Joeand own hoursandit alsoallowshim to takeherto schoolin the parentsfarmin shallynridehorseseverychancetheyget. Joehasa horseat his andShallyncannot wait for himto NorthDakota.Theyhavea goodrelationship comehomeat night" re - :-.....: ':" Teriis employedin a schooldistrictandworkswith preschool children.Sheloves job her whichinvolvesteachingthem their basicsto preparethem for elementary # ffi school.Shehasher summersoff so sheis homewith Shallynandthey areableto do m a n ya ctiviti ess. hal l y nandTerien jo ys h o p p in g a n dwa t c h in gm o v ie s t ogeth e ra n dJ oepi c k sup the bak i ngc la s s efso r S h a lly nT. e r ie n jo y sr u n n in g ffi s S ha l l yn to a l l o f her manyac ti v i ti esS. h elo v e sb e in ga m o m - it ist h e c e n t e ro f h e r trffi f lle. € Terl (from Joe) grcw up In Nortleast Bouth Dakota.Shehas a brother who is a Phplclan,cllcslstantufro is very handy to haveIn the family. Shespendsa lot of frmewith her ffi fantily. Her Fnents own a local businessand the family meetEthere a lot to have meal$and let the kids spend time to$ether. Teri's best attributes are her abilities to be a lovin$ and carinB mother. She likes to watch moyiesand spcnd time with shallyn and l. she also cnioys getting to$ether with her friends to have lunch and celebratc their birthdays. she is the mainstayof our family. * * r\r 11: :\i,t \ =. r - \ \ ' /J\.tr,..g. \rwd/e ffi € # I N I w I t\ j* I, 3{+' S * ffi @ s S w w ffi # ffi .- ,^ 'l f vill, 3l I, L.l 't l\ -J !rrl r - i e li r r c l\-fllt-'t ir'1 ll -1 h e r b i keo r \,i L*';"*' lilr il" ...- rE \ \ J ,t - E - tttP e - n "'n - .zl u ^n \V *\ ry 7 - t-- th ffi"*'*tarr { \G- brr ,,-' u -7 shaltynis 8 years old. she participatesin a lot of astiriues" __....-' Shelovesgoingto the pn,ol,I can hardh keepher home in the surnmer,Streis a-n-ouLr,ide'gn{i Sher+^ould much ra t herh e r i d i n gh e r b i h e ,h re l p i nhgre d r a d ,or plalinEwith her friendstfian belngin tie hol.lse,Shegggi,lesa lot! She has ah*ars lowd bahie.s t"ftlireru[s a babr ar"oulndshaltyn is there. / ; J s1il ffit^s-ff h,ff -T US.'>t\ \C fot b-s9 bcotr$' Tt'ffff# e time ,T f or takingth ogoin ThonkYou Wa areveryclose profile' our to read We other deePlY' each tor e ondcqr comfort in knowlng hoPeYouhove ondloves welcofire would we thot being' f tber of our evarY wit h c h ild Our hobbiesincludetaking Shallyn from one eventto the next. She is the centerof our life and keepsus on our toes.It may be Joetaking her fishing,Terirunning her to gymnastics.ortogetherrvatchingher play softball:butwith our familv and friends bv our side we cherisheachmoment life handsus. - - FE- m t re E rurE EEM w E re W ffi ffi w ffi p # rc ff EF I K-& xdB:F V W :' :i R