Fall/Winter Leisure Services Guide (September 1 - March
Fall/Winter Leisure Services Guide (September 1 - March
Leisure Services Guide FALL & WINTER September 1st, 2016 – March 31st, 2017 Leisure Services and Parks Department Contacts ….… Page 2 Community Events ……………………………………………….…. Pages 3 & 4 Children Recreational Activities ………………………………. Page 5 Aquatics ...……………………………………………………………….. Pages 6 & 7 Skating …..……………………………………………………………….. Page 8 Adult Recreational Activities …..………………………………. Page 8 Active Living ……………………………………………………………. Page 8 Arts & Culture ...………………………………………………………. Pages 9 - 12 Library .……………………………………………………………………. Page 13 Museums .………………………………………………….……………. Pages 13 & 14 Fitness ………………………………………………………..…………… Pages 14 & 15 Saskatchewan Lotteries Community Grant Program .. Page 15 Sport, Culture & Recreation Directory ….………………… Page 15 Leisure Guide ………………….………………………………………. Page 15 Tatagwa Parkway ……………………………………………………. Page 16 City of Weyburn Leisure Services and Parks Department Contacts Visit us at www.weyburn.ca Leisure Services Department Mathew Warren Director of Leisure Services Phone: (306) 848-3217 Email: mwarren@weyburn.ca Wendy Neiszner Administrative Coordinator Phone: (306) 848-3218 Email: wneiszner@weyburn.ca Greg Button Facilities Manager Phone: (306) 848-3270 Email: gbutton@weyburn.ca Tina Clay Weyburn Leisure Centre Aquatics Manager Phone: (306) 848-3281 Email: tclay@weyburn.ca Stefany Walliser Weyburn Leisure Centre Head Lifeguard Phone: (306) 848-3266 Email: swalliser@weyburn.ca Alice Neufeld Arts & Cultural Director Phone: (306) 848-3278 Email: aneufeld@weyburn.ca Regan Lanning Curator Phone: (306) 848-3922 Email: weyburnartscouncil@weyburn.ca Parks Department Claude Morin Parks & Works Superintendent Phone: (306) 848-3290 Email: cmorin@weyburn.ca Linda Prokott Parks Manager Phone: (306) 848-3290 Email: lprokott@weyburn.ca 2 COMMUNITY EVENTS WEYBURN CONCERT SERIES 2016-2017 Hotel California Date/Time: Tuesday, September 20, 2016 (7:30 pm) Everything Fitz 2016-2017 Series Ticket Prices Date/Time: Thursday, October 20, 2016 (7:30 pm) After May 31/2015 Total Single Ticket Price Regina Symphony Orchestra Adult $125.00 $180.00 Date/Time: Wednesday, February 15, 2017 (7:30 pm) Child/Student $35.00 $90.00 Fortunate Ones Date/Time: Tuesday, March 28, 2017 (7:30 pm) 2016-2017 Single Ticket Prices Adult Advance $28.00 Jake’s Gift Child/Student Advance $12.00 Date/Time: Saturday, April 22, 2017 (7:30 pm) Adult at Door $30.00 Jack Semple – BB King Tribute Child/Student at Door $15.00 Date/Time: Monday, May 1, 2017 (7:30 pm) All concerts will be held at the Cugnet Centre (629 King Street). For more info visit www.weyburnconcertseries.ca. TERRY FOX RUN Date/Time: Sunday, September 18, 2016 (Registration 12:00 – 1:00 pm, run starts at 1:00 pm from the River Park Campground office) Location: River Park Walk, run or bike and help support cancer research through this community event. Visit www.terryfox.org to find out how to participate and donate. For more info or to volunteer contact Jessica Dovichak at (306) 861-9695 CULTURE DAYS (SEPTEMBER 30, October 1 & 2, 2016) SIGNAL HILL ARTS CENTRE (424 – 10th Ave. S) Event: “Exploring Language, Loss & Identity through Painting” (Instructor: Audrey Dreaver) Date/Time: Friday, September 30; 5:00 – 6:30 pm Cost: No Cost (must pre-register by calling (306) 848-3278) In this workshop you will focus on Indigenous art telling a story. You will create an art piece depicting language and/or language loss. Event: “Grid Painting” (Instructor: Regan Lanning) Date/Time: Friday, September 30; 7:00 – 8:30 pm Cost: No Cost (must pre-register by calling (306) 848-3278) Join us in creating a giant collaborative mural using the photograph of a local photographer. The finished piece will be displayed for 1 year at the Signal Hill Arts Centre. For more info or to pre-register contact the Signal Hill Arts Centre at (306) 848-3278 or email aneufeld@weyburn.ca Event: Date/Time: Art Display & Sale entitled “Diverse Endeavors” Friday, September 30; 10:00 am – 4:00 pm, Saturday, October 1; 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Sunday, October 2; 1:00 – 4:00 pm * Public Reception from 2:00 – 4:00 pm The Hill Top Painters & Weyburn Artists Workshop will have their artwork for sale on the 2nd floor of the Arts Centre. CAPTAIN’S HALL (122 – 4th St. Weyburn) Event: Ukraine Pavilion – “MAGIC OF KARPATY ZABAVA” (Hosted by the Weyburn & District Ukraine Canadian Culture Club) Date/Time: Saturday, October 1 Doors open 6:00 pm with entertainment beginning at 6:30 pm ZABAVA (Dance) 8:00 pm – 12:00 am Entertainers: Nadia Babchouk violinist, Bogdan Dobovyy soloist and more. Host Dance Group: Regina Ukraine Dance Ensemble Supper available For more information contact 306-458-2420 3 SOO LINE HISTORICAL MUSEUM (411 Industrial Lane - Located on Highway #39 East) Event: Tours (free admission for Culture Days) Date/Time: Friday, September 30 & Saturday, October 1 – 1:00 – 5:00 pm For more info contact the Soo Line Historical Museum at (306) 842-2922 or email slhm@sasktel.net. WEYBURN PUBLIC LIBRARY (45 Bison Avenue) Event: The Weyburn Public Library in conjunction with the International Women of Weyburn will be hosting a Multicultural event on Saturday, October 2 in the afternoon at the Library featuring food and displays from various cultures within our community. For more info contact the Weyburn Public Library at (306) 842-4352 FOUR FESTIVAL FLOORS ART SALE (Presented by the Weyburn Arts Council) Date/Time: Sunday, November 20, 2016; 1:00 – 6:00 pm Location: Signal Hill Arts Centre Join us for this pre-holiday sale! Local artists and artisans will fill four floors at the Signal Hill Arts Centre with wares available for purchase. A perfect place to find that one of a kind gift. For more info visit www.weyburnartscouncil.ca, contact (306) 848-3922 or email weyburnartscouncil@weyburn.ca. PARADE OF LIGHTS Date: Thursday, December 1, 2016 Location: Downtown Weyburn For more info contact Weyburn Chamber office at (306) 842-4738, email marketing@weyburnchamber.com or visit www.weyburnchamber.com SKATE WITH SANTA Date/Time: Sunday, December 11, 2016 – 2:45 – 4:45 pm Location: Tom Zandee Sports Arena Admission: Free skate and goodie bags for the kids (Sponsor: City of Weyburn & Sask. Lotteries) For more info contact the Weyburn Leisure Services Department at (306) 848-3218 or email leisureservices@weyburn.ca NEW YEARS EVE FREE SKATING / SWIMMING Date/Time: Thursday, December 31, 2016 – 1:00 – 5:00 pm Location: Tom Zandee Sports Arena & Weyburn Leisure Centre Admission: Free skating and swimming for all ages For more info contact the Weyburn Leisure Services Department at (306) 848-3218 or email leisureservices@weyburn.ca SASKENERGY HOCKEY WEEKEND Dates: January 20 - 22, 2017 Location: Crescent Point Place & Tom Zandee Sports Arena A time to recognize the parents, officials, fans, coaches, managers, rink staff, players, and the many other volunteers for their help, time and commitment to make hockey such a great part of our lives. Come and cheer on all of our Weyburn teams. For more info email wmha@sasktel.net. “WINTERFEST” FAMILY DAY Date: Monday, February 20 2017 Location: Jubilee Park, Weyburn Leisure Centre & Tom Zandee Sports Arena A variety of family focused activities will be offered including cross country skiing, showshoeing and skating in Jubilee Park (1:00 – 3:00 pm), free public swimming at the Weyburn Leisure Centre (1:00 – 5:00 pm), arts & craft activities at the Weyburn Leisure Centre Sun Room (2:00 – 4:00 pm) and free public skating at the Tom Zandee Sports Arena (1:00 – 5:00 pm). For more info contact the Weyburn Engineering Department at (306) 848-3230 or email kpaul@weyburn.ca. 8th ANNUAL DANCE NATION DANCE FESTIVAL Date: April 7 – 9, 2017 Location: Cugnet Centre Bringing dancers and families to our community from all over Saskatchewan, Manitboa and the USA. This event draws 3000 people and more each year. Dancers from ages 5 & up perform for awards, medals & scholarships while raising money for charity and families in need. For more info contact (306) 842-4943 or email thedancezone@sasktel.net. 4 CHILDREN RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES SUN COUNTRY KIDS CLUB BEFORE & AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM Dates/Times: Locations: Cost: 7:30 am – 5:30 pm during school year (closed on all stat holidays) Souris School, St. Micheals School and Haig School (APES students can attend at this location). Full-time (20 hours or more) - $235/month; Part-time (20 hours of less) - $130/month There is a one-time membership fee of $25 for new member to the club For more info call (306) 842-3215, email suncountrykidsclub9@gmail.com or visit our Facebook page. THE FAMILY PLACE (24 4th St NE) Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday; 8:30 am – 3:30 pm Free Weekly Programs (Space is limited, call to register!) PROGRAM/EVENT DESCRIPTION Monday to Friday, 8:30 am – 3:30 pm, with two large playrooms From crafts to baking to swimming. We also offer free adult programs. These will begin in the fall. Sign up for these programs is required, space is limited, call to register Offered three times a year, this course costs $40. Students are required to be 12 years of age. Registration paperwork must be completed and fee must be paid in order to guarantee your spot. For parents and their babies under 1 Smile & Tears Preschool designed to meet the needs of children/families who may be experiencing greater challenges. Mini Go School Our aim is to provide children with the building blocks needed to succeed in their school years. 3 years old - Program cost is $80/month, meets twice a week, 1:00 – 3:15 pm Little Learners Preschool 4 years old - Program cost is $80/month, meets twice a week, 1:00 – 3:15 pm Home Alone Safely Course Offered three times a year, this course is free and is for students who are 10 years old or older. Please stop by for children’s clothes if you are in need. There is no cost for these items. If you would Clothes Closet like to donate clothing, we welcome your donations. Thank you! For more info or to register call (306) 842-7477 or visit us on Facebook (www.facebook.com/Weyburnfamilyplace) or check out our new webpage at www.thefamilyplaceweyburn.org Drop-in play Child/Parent-centered weekly programs Babysitting Course BIG BROTHER BIG SISTERS OF WEYBURN Big Brothers Big Sisters of Weyburn offers mentoring programs to youth between the ages of 7-18. Youth are welcome to enroll as a Little and will be offered a chance to take part in a one to one mentoring and/or group mentoring programs such as Game On and Go Girls. These programs meet after school and evenings and focus on healthy living and making positive life choices. For more info or to enroll your child contact Sharla Sept at (306) 842-4050. THE DANCE ZONE SCHOOL OF DANCING (744 Mclelland Street) Providing 12 years of Dance Excellence to Weyburn & area families. Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Lyrical, Hip Hop, Contemporary, Musical Theatre and Acrobatics. Registration August 29 & 30 (4:00 – 8:00 pm). Registration deadline September 30, 2016. Ages 2 to Adult Beginner to Advance levels. For more info contact (306) 842-4943 or email thedancezone@sasktel.net. MARLEY’S DANCE EFFEX (15 6th Street) Fall registration dates are August 24, 25 and 30, 2016. We offer competitive, examination and recreational classes to students ages 18 months to adult. We offer qualified instruction in jazz, tap, ballet, hip hop, lyrical, contemporary, musical theatre and tiny tots. For more info contact (306) 861-4855 or email Mdeffex@hotmail.com. WEYBURN SYNCHRONIZED STARS For more info contact Tracey Rothwell (306) 848-2034, email weyburnsynchrostars@gmail.com or visit our Facebook page. KIDSPORT KidSport™ provides support to children in order to remove financial barriers that prevent them from playing organized sport. For more info visit www.kidsportcanada.ca. JUMPSTART Canadian Tire Jumpstart is a national charitable program that helps financially disadvantaged kids participate in organized sport and recreation. For more info visit jumpstart.canadiantire.ca. 5 AQUATICS Weyburn Leisure Centre - Indoor Pool (532 – 5th Street N) Our Junior Olympic sized pool is equipped with a 90-foot waterslide, hot tub, sauna, teach pool and the Cenovus climbing wall. The indoor pool will be open starting September 6th, 2016 Admissions Child Youth/Senior Adult Family 5 & Under (6-12) (13-17)(65+) (18-64) General $4.50 $5.00 $6.00 $16.00 Free 10 Punch $40.00 $45.00 $55.00 $150.00 1 Month $40.00 $45.00 $55.00 $150.00 3 Month $105.00 $120.00 $140.00 $330.00 6 Month $190.00 $210.00 $265.00 $575.00 9 Month $275.00 $300.00 $385.00 $850.00 1 Year $350.00 $380.00 $475.00 $1,050.00 Swim Schedules Please call the Weyburn Leisure Centre at (306) 848-3280 for daytime Public Swim information or visit www.weyburn.ca Schedule may be adjusted due to program needs. Children under 6 must have an adult or responsible youth within arm’s reach of them, in the water, at all times. All children 8 & Under MUST be accompanied by an Adult or responsible guardian, age 14 or older. Red Cross Swimming Lessons Fall Registration forms will be available online at www.weyburn.ca or at the WLC on September 8, 2016 Registration forms can be mailed in or dropped off September 12 & 13, 2016. Drop off hours: 6:30am-8:00pm. All registration forms must be accompanied by Cash or Cheque only. Debit is not accepted. You will receive confirmation and your receipt by email. In person registrations will be accepted beginning September 16 o Saturdays (September 24 – December 10, 2016) No lessons October 8 or November 12 o Sundays (September 25 – December 11, 2016) No lessons October 9 & November 13 o Mondays (September 26 – December 5, 2016) No lessons October 10 o Tuesdays & Thursdays (September 27 – October 27, 2016 or November 8 – December 8, 2016) Winter Registration forms will be available online at www.weyburn.ca or at the WLC on December 7, 2016 Registration forms can be mailed in or dropped off December 12 & 13, 2016. Drop off hours: 6:30am-8:00pm. All registration forms must be accompanied by Cash or Cheque only. Debit is not accepted. You will receive confirmation and your receipt by email. In person registrations will be accepted beginning December 16 o Sundays (January 8 – March 19, 2017) No lessons February 20 o Mondays (January 9 – March 20, 2017) No lessons February 21 o Tuesdays & Thursdays (January 10 – February 9, 2017 or February 28 – March 30, 2017) Spring Registration forms will be available online at www.weyburn.ca or at the WLC on March 29, 2017 Registration forms can be mailed in or dropped off April 3 & 4, 2017. Drop off hours: 6:30am-8:00pm. All registration forms must be accompanied by Cash or Cheque only. Debit is not accepted. You will receive confirmation and your receipt by email. In person registrations will be accepted beginning April 7. o Saturdays (April 29 – June 3) o Mondays & Wednesdays (April 24 – May 29) 6 Aquatic Leadership Courses COURSE Water Safety Instructor DATES COST September 10, 11 & 17, 2016 $350.00 Red Cross Swim Kids 10, 15 years old and one of ALG, First Aid or Bronze Cross 12 years old & Red Cross Swim Kids 10 Red Cross Assistant Lifeguard, 15 years old and First Aid, CPR-C & AED Red Cross Swim Kids 10, 15 years old and one of ALG, First Aid or Bronze Cross - Pre-course assignments mandatory prior to Sept. 10 - Registration deadline Aug. 1, 2016 Assistant Lifeguard Lifeguard February 21 – 24, 2017 May 6 – 8, 13 & 14, 2017 $200.00 $265.00 Water Safety Instructor May 20, 27 & June 3, 2017 $350.00 - Pre-course assignments mandatory prior to May 20 - Registration deadline April 15, 2017 Aqua Fitness COURSE Aqua Combo (20 Classes) DATES & TIME Monday, Wednesday & Friday: 9:00 – 9:45am September 12 – October 28, 2016 PRE-REQUISITES COST Adult: $120.00 Senior: $105.00 Adult Drop in: $7.00 Senior Drop in: $6.00 No Classes October 10 Easy Moves (13 Classes) Monday & Wednesday: 9:50 – 10:20am September 12 – October 26, 2016 Adult: $55.00 Adult Drop in: $7.00 Senior: $49.00 Senior Drop in: $6.00 Adult: $120.00 Adult Drop in: $7.00 Senior: $105.00 Senior Drop in: $6.00 Adult: $59.50 Adult Drop in: $7.00 Senior: $52.50 Senior Drop in: $6.00 Adult: $108.00 Adult Drop in: $7.00 Adult: $51.00 Adult Drop in: $7.00 Adult: $120.00 Adult Drop in: $7.00 Adult: $59.50 Adult Drop in: $7.00 COST Senior: $94.50 Senior Drop in: $6.00 Senior: $45.00 Senior Drop in: $6.00 Senior: $105.00 Senior Drop in: $6.00 Senior: $52.50 Senior Drop in: $6.00 No Classes October 10 Aqua Combo (20 Classes) Monday, Wednesday & Friday: 9:00 – 9:45am October 31 – December 16, 2016 No classes November 11 Easy Moves (14 Classes) Monday & Wednesday: 9:50 – 10:20am October 31 – December 14, 2016 Winter Session – Registration begins December 1, 2016 COURSE DATES & TIME Aqua Combo Monday, Wednesday & Friday: 9:00 – 9:45am (18 Classes) January 9 – February 17, 2017 Easy Moves Monday & Wednesday: 9:50 – 10:20am (12 Classes) January 9 – February 15, 2017 Aqua Combo Monday, Wednesday & Friday: 9:00 – 9:45am (20 Classes) February 27 – April 12, 2017 Easy Moves Monday & Wednesday: 9:50 – 10:20am (14 Classes) February 27 – April 12, 2017 Upcoming Events at the Weyburn Leisure Centre EVENT DATE TIME COST Sept. 6 – Dec. 20, 2016 1:00 – 3:30 pm $2 per parent/guardian (Ages 5 & under Free) Jan.3 – Mar. 21, 2017 September 19, 2016 1:00 – 3:30pm $2 per person (Ages 5 & under Free) Toonie Swims October 17, 2016 1:00 – 5:00pm November 25, 2016 1:00 – 3:30pm January 30, 2017 1:00 – 3:30pm March 24, 2017 1:00 – 3:30pm April 17, 2017 1:00 – 5:00pm December 31, 2016 1:00 – 5:00 pm FREE New Year Eve Swim February 20, 2017 1:00 – 5:00 pm FREE Family Day Swim For more info contact the Weyburn Leisure Centre at (306) 848-3280 or email tclay@weyburn.ca. Parent & Tot Toonie Tuesdays 7 SKATING CRESCENT POINT PLACE/TOM ZANDEE SPORTS ARENA (327 Mergens Street NW) This multi-use facility is able to host a variety of programs and events throughout the year. The arena schedule can be found at www.weyburn.ca under Leisure Services “What’s New”. FREE PUBLIC SKATING (Sponsored by the Weyburn Young Fellows) Date/Time: Location: Every Sunday (October 2, 2016 – March 26, 2017) - 2:45 - 4:45 pm Tom Zandee Sports Arena FREE OPEN DAYTIME SKATING (Sponsored by the City of Weyburn) Date/Time: Every Monday to Friday Afternoon (September 14, 2016 – March 24, 2017) - 1:15 - 2:30 pm (No daytime skating on December 25, 26 or January 1) Location: Tom Zandee Sports Arena For more info contact the Weyburn Leisure Services Department at (306) 848-3218 or email leisureservices@weyburn.ca OUTDOOR SKATING RINK (Located in Jubilee Park) For more information contact the Weyburn Parks Department at (306) 848-3290 or email lprokott@weyburn.ca ACTIVITY DATES & TIMES ADULT RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES LOCATION COST Badminton Fridays & Sundays at 7:00 pm Mid October 2016 to Mid April 2017 Weyburn Comprehensive High School (Eagle Gym) Adult Recreation Hockey NonCompetitive Volleyball Oct. 16, 2016 – Mar. 2017 Crescent Point Place & Tom Zandee Sports Arena Queen Elizabeth Elementary School Tuesday League Oct. 18, 2016 – Mar. 2017 Wednesday League Oct. 19, 2016 – Mar. 2017 Annual Member Fee - Adult - $100 - Student - $40 Drop-in - Adult - $4 - Student - $3 Approx. $4,000 per team. Team info must be supplied by Oct. 1, 2016 $325 per team (includes $50 damage deposit) Registration starts Sept. 15 at 5:00 pm (Weyburn Leisure Centre). *Games 7:00 pm, 8:00 pm or 9:00 pm (depending on schedule) CONTACT Doug Giroux (306) 848-0559 the.girouxs@sasktel.net Wendy Neiszner (306) 848-3218 wneiszner@weyburn.ca Wendy Neiszner (306) 848-3218 wneiszner@weyburn.ca Registration deadline Oct. 9 or when leagues are full. ACTIVE LIVING WEYBURN IN MOTION Weyburn is proud to be an in motion community! Did you know…? Canadian physical activity guidelines state: Children and youth should accumulate at least 60 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity daily. Adults should accumulate at least 150 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity per week in bouts of 10 minutes or more. (Source: The Canadian Society for Exercise Physiology www.scep.ca/guidelines) How can you be active in Weyburn during the Fall/Winter? • Indoor swimming • Indoor Soccer • Hockey • Rec. Volleyball • Snow sledding at River Park • Bowling • Curling • Water polo • Dancing • Synchro Swimming • Snowshoeing • Figure Skating • Martial Arts • Badminton • Cross-country skiing • Winter walking along the trails • Skating (indoor or outdoor) For more info email weyburninmotion@gmail.com or visit us on Facebook and Twitter. 8 ARTS & CULTURE th SIGNAL HILL ARTS CENTRE (424 - 10 Avenue S) This unique heritage facility provides a rich cross-section of arts, culture & heritage activities for all ages. Hours of Operation Monday - Thursday; 9:00am - 12:00pm & 1:00 - 10:00 pm; Friday; 9:00 am - 12:00 pm & 1:00 - 4:00 pm Memberships Signal Hill Memberships give you 10% off on all classes. Visit www.weyburn.ca for more information. Children Programs COURSE Mini Artists (Ages 3 - 5) Instructor: Kassandra Lawrenz Crafty Kids (Ages 3 - 5) Instructor: Kennedy Loreth (Fall) & Leslie Dempsey (Winter/Spring) Paper Mache’ (Ages 6 - 8) Instructor: Regan Lanning Play with Magic Mud (Ages 6 - 8) Instructor: Terry Creurer DESCRIPTION DATES/TIMES/COST Your preschooler will try a variety of art mediums such as collage, painting & drawing. This class encourages exploration, self expression, logical thinking, self-esteem, imagination and creativity. Arts and craft activities will stimulate your young child’s imagination and creativity. They will learn to cut, paste, paint, and will experiment with different mediums. A different project will go home each week. Saturdays, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm (4 wks) October 15– November 5, 2016 or January 28 – February 18, 2017 Cost: $50.00 This fun medium will allow for 3 D adventures with paste, paper and paint. You will create a project to hang in your room at home. Mondays; 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm (4 wks) October 3– November 14, 2016 (no class Oct 10, 24 & 31) or February 6 – March 6, 2017 (no class February 20) Cost: $50.00 Wednesdays, 5:30 - 6:30 pm (5 wks) October 19 – November 16, 2016 or March 1–29, 2017 Cost: $80.00 Create exciting hand built projects that are fired, painted and ready to take home. Instruction will focus on the development of good clay building techniques. Fridays, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm (4 wks) November 25 – December 16, 2016 or Saturdays, 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm (4 wks) March 11 – April 1, 2017 Cost: $50.00 you enjoy painting, you will love abstract painting. You will Abstract Expressionism Ifcreate a series of abstract paintings using a variety of different Mondays; 6:30 pm – 7:30 pm (3 wks) November 21 December 5, 2016 or March 13 – 27, 2017 Cost: $45.00 Paper Mache’ Mondays, 7:00 pm -8:15 pm (4 wks) October 3 – November 14, 2016 (no class October 10, 24 & 31) or February 6 – March 6, 2017 (no class February 20) Cost: $50.00 Tuesdays, 700 pm – 8:00 pm (6 wks) October 11 – November 15, 2016 or February 7 – March 21, 2017 (no class February 21) Cost: $70.00 Thursdays, 7:00 pm – 8:15 pm (6 wks) October 13 – November 17, 2016 or February 9 – March 23, 2017 (no class February 23) Cost: $75.00 Wednesdays, 7:00 – 8:00 pm (5 wks) October 19 – November 16, 2016 or March 1–29, 2017 Cost: $80.00 (Ages 6 – 8) Instructor: Hannah Grieve (Ages 9 - 12) Instructor: Regan Lanning Mixed Media Fun (Ages 9 - 12) Instructor: Linda McMurdo Painting Through History (Ages 9 - 12) Instructor: Regan Lanning Create with Magic Mud (Ages 9 - 12) Instructor: Terry Creurer Clay Birdhouse (Ages 6 -8 & 9 - 12) Instructor: Regan Lanning Afternoon Painting Party (Ages 6 -8 & 9 - 12) Instructor: Regan Lanning Tea Bag Folding (Ages 9 – 12) Instructor: Laura Sabados abstract techniques. * Check out Hannah’s exhibition in the Signal Hill Gallery for the month of November and December Enter the art world of 3D and create a paper mache’ creature to call your own. Explore different mediums and create a variety of different projects. You will try acrylic, collage, charcoal, watercolor, graphite, print making, gel mediums, pen and ink. Learn about artists from the past as you paint their style. Each week you will be inspired by a new artist from the past. Some artists include: Van Gogh, Picasso, Sargent, Monet and more… Explore clay projects that incorporate hand building and sculptural work. You will also touch on projects that include slab and coil work. Projects will be fired, glazed and ready to take home. Try your skills at clay and create a decorative clay birdhouse from scratch. A guided step by step painting party with acrylics. Each child will leave with a finished canvas ready to be hung on a wall. Tea bag folding is a paper craft also known as miniature kaleidoscopic origami. It was originally done with tea bag wrappers. It consists of folding little squares of decorative paper in a specific pattern and arranging the folded pieces to form a round motif or medallion. 9 Saturdays October 22,2016 or March 4, 2017 6 – 8 years; 9:00 am – 12:00 pm 9 – 12 years; 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm Cost: $35.00 Saturdays, October 29; 2016 or February 11; 2017 6 – 8 years; 10:00 am – 12:00 pm 9 – 12 years; 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm Cost: $35.00 Saturdays, November 5, 2016 or February 18, 2017 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Cost: $30.00 Princess & Mermaid Crowns (Ages 9 – 12) Instructor: Nicole Griffin Arm Knitting (Ages 6 – 12) Instructor: Regan Lanning Zentangle (Ages 6 -8 & 9 - 12) Instructor: Hannah Grieve Want to make a mermaid crown? Learn how in this fun class where you will be making a crown from sea shells, beads, gemstones, pearls and chains. Saturdays, November 19, 2016 or February 4, 2017 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm Cost: $30.00 Learn to knit using this simple method. Participants will create a scarf. Saturdays, November 26; 2016 or April 1, 2017 1:00 pm – 2:30 pm Cost: $25.00 Saturdays, December 3, 2016 or March 25; 2017 6 – 8 years; 10:00 am – 12:00 pm 9 – 12 years; 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm Cost: $30.00 A form of meditative drawing that you can use to express yourself. Adult Programs COURSE Culture Day Workshop “Exploring Language Loss & Identity through painting” Instructor: Audrey Dreaver Culture Day Workshop “ Collaborative Mural” Instructor: Regan Lanning Adult Clay Instructor: Weyburn Pottery Club Mixed Media for Those with Special Needs Instructor: Elizabeth Guest Learn to Dance Instructor: Lyle Grainger Beginners Oil Instructor: Corina Tobin Paint in the Pub Instructor: Regan Lanning International Cooking Instructor: Newcomers Iris Folding Instructor - Laura Sabados Tea Bag Folding Instructor: Laura Sabados Beginner Cake Decorating Using Butter Cream Icing Instructor: Wes Lonoway Photography 1 (Camera Operation) Instructor: Lori Bowering Clay Press Moulds Instructor: Regan Lanning DESCRIPTION DATES/TIMES/COST This workshop will focus on Indigenous art telling a story. You will learn how art symbols are used to represent words/language and will also discover the diverse languages found in Sask. Including Sask. Nine Indigenous cultures. Create an art piece depicting language and/or language loss. Join us in creating a giant collaborative mural using the photograph of a local photographer! The finished piece will be displayed for 1 year at the Signal Hill Arts Centre. Friday, September 30, 2016; 5:00 pm – 6:30 pm No Cost but MUST pre-register by calling 848-3278 *All supplies are included This fun, educational session on clay techniques will focus on hand building. All projects will be fired and glazed. Tuesdays; 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm (5 wks) October 4 – November. 1, 2016 (October 18 free studio time) or February 28 to March 28, 2017 (March 14 free studio time) Cost: $145.00 *Includes supplies & tools Thursdays, 7:00 – 8:00 pm (5 wks) October 6 - November 3, 2016 or March 2 – 30, 2017 Cost: $75.00 *Includes supplies Tuesdays; 8:00 – 9:30 pm (6 wks) October 11 – November 15, 2016 or March 7 – April 11, 2017 Cost: $145.00 per couple *This class is a pre-requisite for anyone interested in taking out a Studio Membership to continue in the Pottery Studio at Signal Hill Arts Centre Participate in a variety of challenging art projects that are sure to please. Some new projects will be tackled. Projects will be made to take home. *A volunteer may be required Have fun learning some good old dances including waltz, polka, two-step, and swing just in time for weddings and special functions. *Must register with a partner *Wear non marking shoes This is an introductory level class in oils using the layering technique. Students will complete a painting at the end of the 5 weeks. This class is a partnership between the City of Weyburn, Weyburn Arts Council and Detour Bar & Grill. You will complete a painting on a stretched stcanvas. This class will take place at the Detour Bar & Grill (13 – 1 Ave. SW) In this cooking class, you will learn to make different dishes from various countries. Food includes Indian, Singapore and Philippine cuisine. You will make 6 dishes in 2 weeks. Recipes are included. Iris folding is a paper craft technique that involves folding strips of colored paper in such a way to form a design. A paper craft also known as miniature kaleidoscopic origami. It consists of folding little squares of decorative paper in a specific pattern and arranging the folded pieces to form a round motif or medallion that can be used for scrapbook embellishments or on homemade greeting cards. You will learn artistic processes of design and creation in this basic cake decorating class. Learn step by step techniques and special secrets that make decorating your cake a lot of fun. Learn to operate your camera by exploring mechanics, modes, menus, functions, metering system and creative controls. Emphasis is placed on analyzing the variables that control exposure, depth of field and motion. Pick your mould and press in clay to create a wonderful souvenir to keep. Choose from our huge collection of moulds and finish it up with paintable glazes. You will finish one project that will be fired at a later date 10 Friday, September 30, 2016; 7:00 – 8:30 pm No Cost but MUST pre-register by calling 848-3278 *All supplies are included Wednesdays, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm (5 wks) October 12 – November 2, 2016 Cost: $85.00 *Plus supplies. * Paints are supplied Tuesdays, 7:00 – 9:00 pm October 18; 2016 or November 22; 2016 February 21; 2017 or March 21, 2017 Cost: $35.00/class *Includes supplies Thursdays, 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm (2 wks) October 20 and 27, 2016 or March 2 and 9, 2017 Cost: $140.00 *Includes supplies *Bring cutting board, chopping knife, apron and empty container to the first class. Saturday, October 22, 2016; 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Cost: $35.00 *Includes supplies. *Bring scissors Saturday, October 22, 2016; 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm or Saturday, February 18, 2017; 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm Cost: $35.00 *Includes all supplies. *Bring scissors Mondays, 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm (6 wks) October 24 – November 28, 2016 or February 6 – March 20, 2017 (no class Feb 20) Cost: $80.00 *Plus supplies Saturday, 12:00 pm – 6:00 pm October 29, 2016 or March 4, 2017 Cost: $115.00/day * Bring digital camera & a snack Saturdays, 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm November 5, 2016 or March 11, 2017 Cost: $35.00 * Includes supplies, glazing and firing Needle Felting Instructor: Melanie Monique Rose Improve Your Cooking Skills Instructor: Wes Lonoway Social Media - CARFAC Instructor: Michelle Brownridge Christmas Wreath Instructor: Frances Cartier Simple Machine Sewing: Pajama Pants A partnership between the City of Weyburn, Southeast Connection for Sport, Culture & Recreation and the Weyburn Arts Council. Introduce participants to the art/craft of needle felting with wool. Melanie will lead demonstration on how to work with felting needles, and how to use them with wool. Each student will create their own felted artwork. Learn to cook exciting new dishes that are easy and fun. You will cook items from these categories during each class: Soup, side dishes, pasta, salad, entrée’s, desserts. You will also do some classic dishes and some with a World flavor influence. Tips will be given on how to better spend at the grocery store, plan a special meal, use of fresh ingredients. You will not only improve your cooking skills, you will create taste sensations that your family and friends will love. *Recipes will be included. This is a CARFAC workshop that demonstrates ways in which artists can use social media as a tool for marketing, building connections and engaging with people. Designed for artists who don’t know where to begin or how to effectively use it. You will receive an overview of the most powerful and popular social media tools including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest. Complete a beautiful wreath for the festive season. All supplies are included. Bring a glue gun. Make simple flannelette pajama pants from a one piece pattern. Saturday, November 5, 2016 10:00 am – 5:00 pm Cost: $35.00 *Includes supplies Thursdays, 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm (4 wks) November 10 – December 1, 2016 or March 16 – April 6, 2017 Cost: $175.00 *Includes supplies * Bring cutting board, chopping knife, apron and empty container to the first class Saturday, November 12, 2016; 1:00 pm – 3:00 pm *No charge *MUST pre-register by calling 306-848-3278 Thursday, November 17, 2016; 7:00 pm – 9:30 pm Cost: $35.00 *Includes supplies Saturday, November 26, 2016; 10:00 am – 12:00 pm Cost: $30.00 *Plus supplies Instructor: Elaine Driver Simple Machine Sewing: Hemming You will learn simple hemming techniques that will give you the confidence to hem your own things. Bring one item to hem. Saturday, November 26, 2016; 2:00 pm – 4:00 pm Cost: $30.00 *Plus supplies Join us for a fun filled afternoon creating abstract expressive/ non objective paintings. Let music inspire your creative energy as you use nontraditional tools to create spontaneous, intuitive pieces of art. This class is suitable for all abilities. *Check out Marilyn’s exhibition at the Allie Griffin Art Gallery on display for November and December prior to taking this class This is an intermediate level class that includes all supplies. Participants will paint a winter chickadee on a precut wooden sled. Saturday, December 3, 2016; 10:00 am – 3:00 pm Cost. $85.00 *Plus supplies *Bring a bagged lunch Complete a leather pair of moccasins for yourself or make as a gift for someone your love in this 12 hour class. Diane will take you through a variety of steps, from tracing your foot to putting together and adding beadwork to your project. This project is all done by hand. Bring a bagged lunch Friday, January 27, 2017; 6:00 pm – 10:00 pm Saturday, January 28, 2017; 9:00 am – 5:00 pm Cost: $130.00 *Includes all supplies * bring material scissors, pen, ruler, thimble and an outline of the foot on an 11” x 17” paper. Friday, February 3, 2017; 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm Saturday, February 4, 2017; 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Sunday, February 5, 2017; 8:30 am – 4:30 pm Cost: $165.00 *Plus supplies Saturday, February 11, 2017; 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Cost: $65.00 *Includes supplies Saturday, March 18, 2017; 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Cost: $50.00 *Plus supplies *Bring a bagged lunch Monday, March 27, 2017; 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm Cost: $30.00 *Plus supplies Instructor: Elaine Driver Abstract Painting Workshop Instructor: Marilyn Nelson Decorative Painting on a Wooden Sled Instructor: Helen Orsted Moccasin Making Instructor: Diane Truscott Re-Upholstery Class Instructor: Gwen Boivin & Brenda Ness Ink Art on Ceramic Tile Instructor: Dorothy Whitell Simple T-Shirt Quilting Instructor: Regan Lanning Cake Decorating Refresher Instructor: Wes Lonoway Acrylic Mixed Media Express Workshop Instructor: Gerri Ann Siwek Printmaking Instructor: Monique Martin You will learn to re-upholster a small project from stripping it down to the bare wood to putting it back together like new. Bring one small item, that is still intact, to the class. Learn a step by step approach to this art with the help of Moose Jaw artists Gwen Boivin and Brenda Ness Explore color on ceramic tile and be amazed at the results. You will make approximately 2 tiles if time permits. Make a special sentimental quilt out of 15 of your favorite old t-shirts. You will need a sewing machine in good working order This is a short class for previous cake decorators….so dust off your tools and renew your skills. The class will be themed around a season. Wednesday, December 7, 2016; 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm Cost: $35.00 *Includes supplies * If you would like to do a stand –up or 3 D cake you must pre order upon registering for the cost of $12 to be paid to the instructor Express yourself creatively with new materials and methods. Explore new ways of creating a textured surface on canvas using various acrylic mediums, gels, pastes and plasters with stencils and various tools. Discover how to transform these textured surfaces by applying layers of painted transparent, translucent and iridescent colour. Learn how to embed and transfer drawn and photo images into your work. Your will create 2 works on canvas. Participants will create a 3 colour reductive technique linocut. The linocut technique taught is the same one that Picasso used in his prints which are now part of the Remai Modern Art Gallery collection. A linocut print is created by carving a lino block, inking it and transferring the ink to paper. In the reductive technique, the block is then carved again and repeated for the number of colours desired. 11 Saturday, April 8, 2017; 10:00 am – 4:00 pm Cost: $80.00 *Plus supplies Saturday, April 29, 2017; 9:00 am – 4:30 pm Cost: $80.00 * Includes supplies Registration Registration forms can be downloaded from the City of Weyburn website at www.weyburn.ca. * Dates subject to change Programming Sponsors: City of Weyburn, Sask. Lotteries, Southeast Connection, Sask Culture, Weyburn Arts Council & Detour Bar & Grill For more info contact the Signal Hill Arts Centre at (306) 848-3278 or email aneufeld@weyburn.ca GALLERIES Allie Griffin Art Gallery (45 Bison Avenue) Located in the lower level of the Weyburn Public Library, the exhibitions feature the work of well-known as well as emerging Saskatchewan artists on a monthly basis. Open Monday - Thursday; 9:30 am - 8:30 pm, Friday & Saturday; 9:30 am – 6:00 pm, Sundays; 1:00 – 5:00 pm TITLE AgriCulture Where’s The Love James Weir People’s Choice Becoming Human ARTIST Various Artists (OSAC touring show) Marilyn Nelson Various Artist Chris Borshowa DATE Sept/Oct 2016 Nov/Dec 2016 Jan/Feb 2017 Mid Feb/Mar 2017 Credit Union Gallery (205 Coteau Ave. E) Open Monday – Friday; 8:00 am – 5:00 pm) TITLE Photography Layers Home and Away Petals and Brushes ARTIST John Gillies Shelley van de Sype Erin Graas Joanna Fenwick DATE Sept/Oct 2016 Nov/Dec 2016 Jan/Feb 2017 Mar/Apr 2017 Signal Hill Arts Centre Gallery (424 10th Avenue S) - Located on the 2nd floor of the Signal Hill Arts Centre. Open Monday - Thursday; 9:00am - 12:00pm & 1:00 - 10:00 pm; Friday; 9:00 am - 12:00 pm & 1:00 - 4:00 pm TITLE Diverse Endeavors Out of the Box The “ARTie” Trio Local Adjudication ARTIST Hilltop Painters Hannah Grieve Soo Line Camera Club Various Local Artists DATE Sept/Oct 2016 Nov/Dec 2016 Jan/Feb 2017 Mar/Apr 2017 JAMES WEIR PEOPLES’ CHOICE EXHIBITION Exhibition Dates: January 5 – February 9, 2017 Public Reception & Winner Announcements:: February 9, 2017 (7:00 pm) Location: Allie Griffin Art Gallery Entry Deadline December 28, 2015 (Entry forms may be turned in at the Front Desk of the Weyburn Public Library) Artworks can be delivered to the Allie Griffin Art Gallery by January 3, 2017 (12:00 pm). Last day of voting: February 3, 2017. “ARTREACH” – ANNUAL LOCAL ADJUDICATION Exhibition Dates: March 14 – April 28, 2017 Public Reception & Winner Announcements: April 28, 2016 (7:00 pm) Location: Signal Hill Arts Centre Gallery Entry Accepted: February 20 – April 4, 2017 Adjudication: April 28, 2017 (2:00 – 4:00 pm) for Artist’s entered only For info on current or upcoming exhibitions or events please visit www.weyburnartscouncil.ca, contact (306) 848-3922 or email weyburnartscouncil@weyburn.ca. WEYBURN POTTERY CLUB Come out to the Signal Hill Arts Centre (4th Floor) to expand your pottery skills. Individuals interested in pottery meet Monday Nights at 7:00 pm beginning October 17, 2016 and running until April 3, 2017. For more info contact (306) 848-3278. CREATIVE KIDS SASKATCHEWAN The Creative Kids program is an initiative to reduce financial barriers for children and youth ages 4 to 19 participating in the areas of arts and culture. The vision is that all children and youth in Saskatchewan will have opportunities to realize their potential through access to creative activities. For more info please contact the Creative Kids Coordinator at (306) 780-9469 or visit www.creativekidssask.ca 12 LIBRARY WEYBURN PUBLIC LIBRARY (45 Bison Avenue) Hours of Operation Monday - Thursday; 9:30 am - 8:30 pm, Friday & Saturday; 9:30 am – 6:00 pm, Sundays; 1:00 – 5:00 pm Programs for Everyone (All programs are free) PROGRAM/EVENT Fall Spring Book Sale Saskatchewan Library Week DESCRIPTION October 13 – October 15, 2016. Visit the Weyburn Public Library for the best used book sale in Southeastern Saskatchewan. October 16 – 22, 2016. Please stay tuned for children’s and adult events and programs that will take place during this special week that celebrates Saskatchewan Libraries! Youth Programs (All programs are free) PROGRAM/EVENT Toddler Storytime Preschool Storytime Storybird DESCRIPTION For ages 2-3 and their parent/guardians. Stories, songs, rhymes and crafts will be part of the fun. Times and dates to be announced. For ages 3-5. Stories, songs, rhymes and crafts will be a part of the fun. Parents/Guardians please stay in library. Times and dates to be announced. Children can improve their writing and computer skills by signing up for this program. Age groups, time and dates to be announced. Adult Programs (All programs are free) PROGRAM/EVENT Quilting Corner Knitters’ Nook Carvers’ Niche Share the Journey Genealogy Society Alzheimer Support Group International Women of Weyburn Weyburn Writer’s Group DESCRIPTION Thursday’s (9:30 am - 3:30 pm). Hand and machine sewers welcome! Join the Weyburn Crocus Guild to learn how to quilt and make friends! Tuesday’s (1:00 - 2:00 pm). Bring projects that you are working on as well as learn from new friends! Wednesday’s (1:30 – 3:00 pm). Hand carving for all skill levels. 2nd Wednesday of the month (6:30 - 8:00 pm). A cancer support group for women. All meetings are confidential and take place behind closed doors. 3rd Tuesday of the month (6:30 pm). For more info contact Ilene Johnson (306) 848-0941 Please call the library for dates and times starting in September 1st Saturday of the month (2:00 pm). Friendship and fellowship for all who are new to Weyburn. 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month (7:00 pm). This group is for anyone interested in writing. The group consists of individuals at various writing levels from beginners to those already published. If you’re looking for support and constructive criticism with your writing this is the group for you. 3rd Wednesday of the month (7:00 pm). They are 2 ½ x 3 ½ inch little pieces of art that can be traded Artist Trading Cards internationally. This is a great way to explore different mediums in art and make new friends. Do you have a loved one who enjoys reading but is unable to get to the library to check out books? Outreach Program WPL staff will deliver books to them on a monthly basis. Call the library fo1r details. Authors, dates and times to be announced. Author Readings Please “like” us on Facebook and “follow” us on Twitter to stay up to date with all the programming at the Weyburn Public Library. You can also stop in for a monthly guide. For more info contact (306) 842-4352 or visit weyburnpubliclibrary.weebly.com MUSEUMS TURNER CURLING MUSEUM (327 Mergens Street NW attached to the Tom Zandee Sports Arena) Touted as ‘first in the world’, this unique museum is of interest to curlers and non-curlers alike. The Turner collection features many rare, historical curling pieces, and one of the largest collections of curling pins, with over 18,000! Open year round. Hours of Operation Admission Saturdays – 1:00 – 5:00 pm • Free (Donations accepted) (Additional tours available by appointment) For more info contact the Weyburn Leisure Services Department at (306) 848-3218 or email leisureservices@weyburn.ca 13 SOO LINE HISTORICAL MUSEUM (411 Industrial Lane - Located on Highway #39 East) The museum displays the largest private silver collection in the world. Collect, preserve and display articles and artifacts of the past from Weyburn and surrounding area. It is a non-profit, charitable and educational institution open to public. Hours of Operation Admission September 1-December 3, 2016, reopens March 4, 2017 Saturdays - 1:00 - 5:00 pm Audio Tour Handsets” available with admission (Additional Tours available by appointment) 5 & Under - Free Children (6-12) - $2.00 Youth (13 – 17) - $3.00 Adults - $5.00 Seniors - $3.00 For more info contact the Soo Line Historical Museum at (306) 842-2922 or email slhm@weyburn.ca FITNESS WEYBURN LEISURE CENTRE - SUN ROOM (532 – 5th Street N) CLASS Tabata Boot Camp Instructor: Kathy Erickson Ab Blaster Instructor: Kathy Erickson Fit Combo Instructor: Kathy Erickson Metabolic Boot Camp Instructor: Kathy Erickson Mommy & Me Instructor: Kathy Erickson Noon Hour Fit Club Instructor: Melissa Dubasov PiYo Instructor: Melissa Dubasov Superwomen Zumba Instructor: Melissa Dubasov CardioBox Fit Club Instructor: Melissa Dubasov Zumba Instructor: Melissa Dubasov DATES & TIMES Mondays, 9:00 – 10:00 am Wednesdays, 9:00 – 10:00 am CONTACT Kathy Erickson (306) 861-2191 ericksonfamily@sasktel.net https://youcanweyburn.wordpress.com Thursdays, 9:00 – 10:00 am Fridays, 9:00 – 10:00 am Mondays & Thursdays, 10:15 – 11:00 am Tuesdays & Thursday, 12:15 – 12:45 pm Tuesdays, 6:30 – 7:15 pm Tuesdays, 7:30 – 8:30 pm Melissa Dubasov (306) 861-7802 mdubasov@sasktel.net Tuesdays, 6:30 – 7:15 pm Thursdays, 7:30 – 8:30 pm OLYMPIA FITNESS (1623 1st Ave NE) Enjoy an energetic and positive environment in our new fully equipped and serviced facility! All ownership, employees and construction contractors are local Weyburn citizens and companies, in order to support our striving community in a positive manner. This provides a completely unique fitness center for all fitness levels. Hours of Operation: Monday - Friday: 5:00 am - 11:00 pm; Saturday & Sunday: 7:00 am - 10:00 pm Stat holidays: 8:00 am - 8:00 pm CLASS DATES & TIMES CONTACT Mondays & Wednesdays, 6:00 - 7:00 pm Olympia Fitness (306) 842-5111 Power Hour Instructor: Faye Hoium & Andrea Stepp Tuesdays & Thursdays, 6:00 - 7:00 am Olympia Fitness (306) 842-5111 Full Throttle Instructor: Lydia Niemegeers & Megan Schneider Tuesdays & Thursdays, 9:15 – 10:15 am or Sarah Satre Sarah’s Boot Camp Tuesdays & Thursdays, 6:15 - 7:15 pm sarahchurchfitness@gmail.com Instructor: Sarah Satre All classes start after long weekend in September. For more info please contact (306) 842-5111. 14 VORACITY CROSSFIT (#6 1900 1st Avenue NE) Hours of Operation: Monday – Saturday - 5:30 am - 8:30 pm Experience fitness like you never have before in our unique, fun and friendly new space! CrossFit movements are designed to be scaled for every person at any age, and our trainers strive to give you the best experience possible in your fitness pursuit. Our trainers are passionate about healthy lifestyles, proper technique and having fun! We offer beginners classes that are best suited to introduce you to CrossFit, the movements, and to kick start you on your health and fitness lifestyle. Your first class is always free, so grab a friend and come join in this amazing community of fitness! For more info about our facility and classes please contact us at (306) 842-2520 or visit www.voracitycrossfit.com. IRON BAR FITNESS (534 5th Street N - same building as the Weyburn Leisure Centre) Hours of Operation: 7 days a week from 4:00 am - 12:00 am Iron Bar Fitness has been operating in Weyburn for 30 years and has a friendly, welcoming, laid back atmosphere. Enjoy a fully equipped fitness facility with free weights, machines and cardio equipment and the lowest rates in town! Contact Melissa at (306) 842-6164 for more info on individual, family and corporate memberships. CROSSFIT Weyburn (46 - 13th Street) We will help you reach your fitness goals. We are professionals that know what works and what doesn’t in terms of getting people fit and healthy. Perhaps, most importantly, we have learned what works in order to keep people motivated and injury free so you can stay fit for life! You have individual needs that require personal attention – we recognize this and tailor our instruction to suit you best! Contact Mandi at (306) 861-9395 for more info on personal training, group classes, nutrition help, etc. SASKATCHEWAN LOTTERIES COMMUNITY GRANT PROGRAM The grant program assists in the development of sport, culture and recreation programs by providing funds to non-profit community organizations operated by volunteers in Weyburn. Programs must occur between Apr. 1, 2017 and Mar. 31, 2018. Applications can be picked up from and submitted to: Weyburn Leisure Centre (532 – 5th Street NE Weyburn, SK S4H 1A1 or City Hall 157 3rd Street NE Weyburn, SK S4H 2K6) Application deadline is Friday, March 31, 2017 @ 4:30 pm. Applications received after the deadline will NOT be considered. For more information contact the Weyburn Leisure Services Department at (306) 848-3218 or email wneiszner@weyburn.ca SPORT, CULTURE & RECREATION DIRECTORY One of the major barriers to sports, culture and recreation participation is the lack of information required to get involved. The Weyburn Sport, Culture & Recreation Directory provides information on organizations that offer a variety of different activities in the community. The directory can be found at http://www.weyburn.ca/pdfs/Leisure_Directory.pdf. If you would like to promote your organizations info in the directory contact the Weyburn Leisure Services Department at (306) 848-3281 or email tclay@weyburn.ca. LEISURE GUIDE Recreation and Cultural Services provide a number of benefits to our community. These benefits help strengthen families, build healthy communities, improve the quality of life for Weyburn and area residents, provide the healthy development of children and provide leaders. To help promote the recreational and cultural services in the community, the City of Weyburn publishes two Leisure Guides annually. The Spring/Summer edition is released at the end of March and the Fall/Winter guide is released at the end of August to the public. The guide provides information on recreational and cultural activities provided in Weyburn by both the City and community associations. The City of Weyburn will be developing the Spring/Summer edition (April 1 - August 31, 2017) of the Leisure Service Guide this winter. All community organizations may submit information to be placed in the leisure guide at no charge. All information must be submitted by Friday, February 24, 2016 to be included in the guide. For more information or to submit information for the leisure guide, please contact Mathew Warren, Director of Leisure Services, at (306) 848-3217, or by email at mwarren@weyburn.ca. 15 Tatagwa Parkway consists of over 10 km of paved multi-use trails, thousands of trees and various natural conservation areas. 15 16