Shomrei Torah - Wayne Conservative Congregation January, 2012
Shomrei Torah - Wayne Conservative Congregation January, 2012
Shomrei Torah - Wayne Conservative Congregation 30 Hinchman Ave. Wayne, NJ 07470 Candle Lighting Times January 6 13 20 27 4:26 4:33 4:41 4:49 Contents From the Bima…… ....2 President’s Desk……..3 Religious School….....4 Men’s Club…………..6 Sisterhood News…......7 Volunteer……….……9 Golden Cards…….....10 1 January 2012 Tevet/ Shevat 5772 January, 2012 Tevet/ Shevat 5772 973-696-2500 Executive Board 2010-12 Chai Club/Jr. Congregation Update Here at Shomrei Torah we have a service attendance requirement for our students leading up to Bar/t Mitzvah. It is expected that they will attend Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, Simchat Torah and Megilla reading, 3 Friday night and 10 Shabbat morning services which we encourage them to do in Jr. Congregation. At the same time we hope that the parents will be in the main service while their child(ren) are in Jr. Cong. Then, when Jr. Cong is over, the students can join their parents in the main service and help lead the end of the service on the Bima. So simply by attending the required services every student at Shomrei Torah should be a member of the Chai Club. Occasionally, we have a student attend a daily minyan or a Shabbat minha service or a Bar Mitzvah at another synagogue, we want to recognize this too and so those services count towards the Chai Club total, but not the basic requirements which are intended to familiarize our students with our Shabbat service. Of course, once someone makes Chai, the challenge then becomes Double Chai or even Triple Chai – yes, it is possible to attend 36 or even 54 services and some years we have students achieve these milestones. At this time we would like to recognize those students who are our service leaders at this point: 7 Services – Scott F 8 Services – Brooke T 9 Services – Noah K, Zackary & Joshua S, Carly & Samantha S 10 Services – Lauren R, Jordan G, Mandy K, Brianna & Isaac G 11 Services – Eric R & Jason R 12 Services – Kayla B And leading the pack with 13 Services – Joshua B! Sheryl Sarin President Karen Weiss Executive Vice President Roberta Ort Vice President Education/ Ritual/ Youth Randy Reiser Vice President Membership/ Programming Ed Seradzky Vice President Finance/Fundraising Jamie Burr Treasurer Phil Nuccetelli Financial Secretary Andy Simon Communications Secretary Cindy Merker Recording Secretary Karen Weiss Janet Simon Sisterhood Co-Presidents Andy Simon Men’s Club President Andy Lieb Immediate Past President Shomrei Torah’s Annual Gala Honoring Stuart Skolnick Shomrei Torah’s Annual Gala will be held Saturday March 3rd. This year’s honoree is Stuart Skolnick. Who is Stuart Skolnick you may ask? Stuart is the voice you know as our cantor for the high holiday services, the force you may not know behind the ritual committee and a mentor to many of our bar and bat mitzvah students. His many contributions to our synagogue have helped make our congregation what it is today. So please join us on March 3rd to honor Stu, to get to know your fellow congregants a little better and most of all to have a great time. We look forward to seeing you there. 2 January 2012 Tevet/ Shevat 5772 Randall Mark Rabbi Nadia Massuda Administrator Karen Weiss Principal Donna Davis Secretary Kathy Todd School Secretary Prayer, People and Potential! A n i mp o r t a n t go a l o f Conservative synagogues today is to provide vital and dynamic communal prayer that engages and inspires. Meaningful prayer experiences help create sacred communities, drawing participants nearer to God, one another, Judaism and the Jewish people. I just returned from San Diego, where I spent four days at the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism (USCJ) Kallah (convention). It was an enriching and wonderful experience. Many of the presentations focused on helping congregations understand and create meaningful prayer, tefillah, and conversations about God. Rabbi Wernick, CEO and Executive V.P. from USCJ, spoke about the five barriers to prayer in our synagogues today: 1. Hebrew literacy: Unfortunately, our knowledge of Hebrew is on the decline. 2. Theology: The language in our siddur is from medieval times and it is difficult to relate to. We need prayers to speak to the relevance in our lives. 3. Time: Fewer are willing to commit the time to attend a service that is not meaningful or understandable. 4. Music (not instruments): Melodies change the way we feel when we pray. We need to experiment with different melodies to see what speaks to us. Always using the same tunes is not good for our soul. 5. Demography: We need to balance the needs of different generations. Rabbi Brad Artson and Rabbi Naomi Levy expressed the importance of incorporating conversations about God into our services. Over the years, their experience has been that people are spiritually hungry and have a need to share, with others, their experiences with God. They believe, as does the Conservative movement, that we should not be constrained by the way we have 3 January 2012 Tevet/ Shevat 5772 always done things. They offered some thoughts: We need to open up, let in new wisdom, and find some new aspect to make our services more meaningful. Judaism is not the repetition of our ancestors. It is also so important to communicate, in our services, how Torah relates and is relevant to our everyday life. I found it very interesting when Rabbi Artson and Rabbi Levy reminded us that God did not write our tefillah, and the siddur should be read as a human text. Many feel the language in our siddur is crippling us. We need to feel a sense of wonder, marvel, joy and awe in our chest when we pray. Many rabbis mentioned that we can, and should, express the way we feel by writing our own prayers. (Rabbi Naomi Levy wrote a wonderful book - Talking to God: Personal Prayers for Times of Joy, Sadness, Struggle, and Celebration.) I am so thankful I was able to go to this Kallah. It gave me the opportunity to connect with other Conservative leaders; rabbis, cantors, presidents, committee chairs and friends from Sulam (USCJ President’s Training) on a spiritual level because we prayed and studied together. These people love their synagogue as much as I love Shomrei Torah. The potential for learning was amazing. Since I couldn’t be in two places at the same time, I spent much of my time involved in workshops on leadership training programs. I am excited to implement all I have learned and experienced so that every member of this synagogue can feel a spiritual connection to this community. With gratitude, Sheryl Sarin We wish to thanks our Shomrei Torah family for their outpouring of love, well-wishes and acts of kindness, that has been extended to us, during a very difficult time in our lives. Shomrei Torah’s support has been an incredible source of comfort and for that we are deeply appreciative. With love, The Razen Family Sandi, Ken, Jeff, Gary and Meredith Razen Soup Kitchen Dear Parents, Shalom! I just came in from the Chanukah Chagigah ( Chanukah Party) here at Shomrei Torah and what a wonderful feeling to have lit the Chanukah candles with all of our Shomrei Torah friends and family. The students started off the day with a chocolate program where they made their own Chanukah lollipops and chanukiahs and let’s not forget the chocolate version of iron chef where the kids created their own edible masterpieces. A good time was had by all! On another note, if any of you have been in the building and walked by the religious school Bulletin Boards you would have seen one board specifically designated for Junior Congregation/Chai Club. Here, the students can see how many of the 10 required services and 3 Friday Night services they have completed. Also, any service that they have gone to outside the synagogue is counted after the 10 services toward The Chai Club (18) but it will not count toward their 10 requirements. If you come to the Megillah reading, which is in the evening, we will count it toward one of your three Friday night services. There are 2 choices for Shabbat morning. You can go into the regular service where Rabbi Mark will turn over your card and you will get credit or Morah Etty will put up a sticker in Junior Congregation if you choose to go there. Either service will count towards your 10. I encourage all parents to please write down the dates your child attends in case there is a mistake with the count. Out of the three High Holy days if you came to one of those three days or all three, you only get one credit toward your Shabbat morning requirement. It is a gift and meant to start every student with at least one service. Shabbat requirements mean Shabbat attendance here at Shomrei Torah either in the synagogue or in Junior Congregation. In order to attend to the end of the year Carvel ice cream party your child will have to do 9 Shabbat mornings and one High Holy Day service and 3 Friday night services. We will be updating the Bulletin Board every week or two. I hope everyone enjoyed their vacation and I am looking forward to seeing everyone in January! Karen Weiss 4 January 2012 Tevet/ Shevat 5772 Recently some of the Hebrew High students helped out at the Men’s Soup Kitchen at St. Paul’s Church in Paterson. Each of us was assigned a different dish to prepare, such as baked ziti, salad, garlic bread or dessert. We then brought in our dishes to Hebrew School on December 6th and carpooled to the soup kitchen. Once there, the food was heated and set up buffet-style. We scooped the food, one by one, onto the plates for the men. They were very grateful and kind to everyone who helped. We had a great time and it was a very fulfilling learning experience. It was inspiring to see the joy we brought to the men and the appreciative expressions on their faces. We can’t wait to go back and help out again. Chelsea C, Dana H, Kyra H, Hannah K, Emily M, Max M and Sarah T. Sunday School Students baking Chanukah cookies. Hebrew School Students making Chanukah Chocolate. SHARING THOUGHTS OF OUR HEBREW HIGH GRADS As you know from reading this column, this past Shavuot, Shomrei Torah celebrated the Confirmation of Brad K, Zach L, Ariel O, Justin O, Laura S, and Sheila S, who not only lead the service, but also presented a unique and inspiring messages. We thought they were so good that we wanted to share them with the entire Congregation. In this edition, we feature Sheila Sdaughter of Damaris and Bill S. We wish each of the families a mazel tov for raising such wonderful children and allowing us the pleasure of listening to their insights and sharing in the naches. WHAT THE TORAH MEANS TO ME I like to think of Judaism with the metaphor of a three-legged stool. On a three-legged stool, all legs depend on each other. Without one leg, it wouldn’t be capable of standing on its own. I like to think of Judaism in this way. The legs represent God, the Torah, and the Jewish people. Without either one, Judaism would cease to exist. The topic I will be discussing today will be Torah, and what it means to me. In my eyes the Torah only means as much as whoever is that is reading it or studying it perceives it to be. My understanding of the Torah only became clear to me when I was entering Hebrew High. It had come to my attention that Judaism was completely based on faith, and belief. Up until that point, I had thought all of the stories of the Torah to be 100% non-fiction. It hadn’t occurred to me that religion was only based off of belief. Finding out that the Torah was not based on fact was the equivalent to me being a Christian child finding out that there wasn’t a Santa. I was astounded, and I had no clue what to think at that point. On the one hand, the stories in the Torah in some ways had been all that I’ve known since I had studied that in Hebrew school my entire life, starting with preschool. On the other hand, there could be so much more to realize about so many different things. It was like someone had opened the door to my open mindedness. Obviously I continued my Hebrew school education, but since then, I had matured. I had learned to pick up ways of deciphering the stories via class discussion along the way. The Torah to me is ancient stories and that Jews have been studying for generations. Whether we as a people were studying 500 years ago or in the present day, these stories are timeless and have special meaning if one puts their mind to studying. As I matured, everything didn’t seem so black and white; I have found that there is a lot of gray. It really doesn’t matter whether or not the stories are real. In pre-school, we were taught the basics; to share your toys and be polite. Now because I’m a young adult, there is much more responsibility. I’d like to reach out to my community and contribute doing mitzvoth. Anyone could read the Torah, and see things as simple as sharing, and how to be a good person. Torah to some people is a beacon of hope, and to me, it is something that helped to build my character as a child, and into what it currently is today. The stool of Judaism is very strongly built. The Torah is just one of the components in it. It’s based off of the belief in God that the Jewish people see through the Torah. There is an infinite amount of interpretation to all of the stories within the Torah, and a wealth of knowledge, and lifelong pursuit of that knowledge. Sheila S 5 January 2012 Tevet/ Shevat 5772 at this time. The blood is vitally needed for premature babies, transfusions for the ill, and treatment for accident Men's Club victims. Indeed a good number of donors note that they or a family member have benefitted from a blood Happy New Year to all. donation and they know the importance of giving blood. A single pint of blood can eventually help up to 3 Men's Club just finished up a very successful blood recipients. drive. For details see the summary below written by For those people who could not attend the Drive, there Michael Greenblatt, who along with Stve Cooper, are others coming up in the next few weeks. Please chaired this event. check with Drive Chairman, Michael Greenblatt (973839-4847) to see about scheduling an appointment. On February 5th the Shomrei Torah Men's Club will host World Wide Michael Greenblatt Wrap XII. We will be joining Blood Drive Co-Chairmen Men's Clubs and Congregations around the world as they teach the Thanksgiving Update mitzvah of wrapping Tefillin. Afterwards, come join us in the This past Thanksgiving, the Wayne Interfaith Network social hall for a light breakfast while we discuss the approached the project of Thanksgiving Baskets with Super Bowl game taking place that afternoon. great fear and trepidation. As early as the week before, This year the Men's Club is also donating money the the pantry shelves were almost bare. Our weekly Shomrei Torah Religious School so our distribution was cut in half for our families. Although students can participate in the FJMC we had commitments for the components of the Build-a-Pair program. Build-A-Pair is Thanksgiving Baskets from our constituent church and a fun and educational program for 5th synagogue members, we recalled that the 2009 baskets through 7th graders, and is an adjunct to were leaner than in prior years. We just weren't sure the World Wide Wrap. Students learn what to expect for 2010. Although we would purchase about Tefillin, construct 'model' Tefillin additional foods if necessary, this would eat into a in which they place Hebrew script they write, insert their budget that was leaner than in prior years as well. 'straps' and create 'wRAP' songs to sing during the World Our client list had been growing by about a family a Wide Wrap. week since August, and we had almost twice as many March 24th is the Men's Club Shabbat. We are looking client families eligible for baskets than in 2009. Once for volunteers to help with the service and to read from again our baskets were a little leaner than we would have the Torah. Teenagers, as well as adults, are encouraged liked, but they were sufficient. Just prior to packing the to volunteer. We have opportunities for all skill levels. baskets a person, not on the Board, took it upon herself Contact Eric Weis ( our event chair to publicize our plight. Large articles in the paper and and let him know what part you would like. letters to the editor abounded. The morning we were to pack, an amazing number of grocery bags of nonAndy Simon perishable items magically appeared to replenish the Men's Club President Pantry. Our week-to-week responsibilities would be met for the time being. Since that time the bags and generous The Men's Club held its annual Blood Drive on checks have continued to pour in far above and beyond December 21. In spite of the dismal, our physical capacity to store them within our tiny drizzly weather there was a steady Pantry. It's a good problem. flow (no pun intended) of donors and Shomrei Torah was charged with providing 30 or more at the end of the evening, 27 pints had bags or boxes of cookies for Thanksgiving been collected. This was a little Baskets. Eleven were donated and, at the very last lower than the usual number but minute, a couple of people gave the cash to go out and considering the weather and colds buy the rest. Two turkeys and one turkey breast were and flu going around, it was a good also donated by members. turnout. Blood supplies run low during the winter holidays and the Thank you to those who gave. Men's Club answers the need by running the Blood Drive Betty Singer & Lee Ann Beck 6 January 2012 Tevet/ Shevat 5772 Happy New Year to everyone! We are very excited about our first two events of 2012. Both events will take place on January 21st and we hope you can be a part of it. Our annual Sisterhood Shabbat begins Saturday at 9:30 am. We will join with other Sisterhoods throughout the world in leading the morning service as part of the Women’s League for Conservative Judaism Sisterhood Shabbat. This has be a longstanding tradition started by Mathilde Schecter in1918 and we are proud to be a part of it.. More importantly we have made this tradition our own each year by taking on Hebrew, English and non-speaking parts, reading from the Torah, and being Rabbi and Gabbi as well. It is a really special service to be a part of and we hope that you can join us. There are still parts available and if you are interested please contact Jackie Helfand at As always a delicious Kiddush luncheon will follow! The second part of our January 21st weekend takes place Saturday night. This is our third annual Progressive Dinner and we are so grateful to Carol Ramer for chairing it. We begin the evening at 7 PM by all meeting at a yet undetermined home for hors d’ouveres and cocktails (we’ll let you know whose house it is at!) We then divide up into groups of about 8 people and leave for a delicious dinner at various homes. We then all meet for coffee and dessert. Names are picked out of a hat and that determines whose house you have dinner at. That is what makes this night so much fun. Some of us know each and some of us don’t. It truly is a fun night and a way to get to know more people in our congregation. There is a flyer with all of the information in this issue of L’Chaim as well on the website. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to call Carol Ramer at 201-396-5466 or email her at We hope to see you there and thank you Carol for all your hard work in organizing this fun night! Our first meeting of 2012 will be Wednesday January 11 at 7 pm. We will be sending out an email where the meeting will take place so please be sure to check you emails for up to date information. Last, but not least, it is approaching Purim Box time again! Sisterhood will continue our tradition of sending each Shomrei Torah family a Purim Box. For $54.00 your name will be included on a card that will be sent with each box and in doing so you can participate in one of the four mitzvot of Purim – the sending of Mishloach Manot. This is one of our biggest fundraisers and we hope that you will be a part of it. Please see the enclosed flyer for details. Please remember to buy SCRIP. Sisterhood (therefore Shomrei Torah) makes much needed money on each SCRIP purchase. We will be selling SCRIP in the synagogue lobby on Sunday January 8th and Sunday January 29th. Wishing you and each of your families a year filled with health and happiness Karen Weiss and Janet Simon Sisterhood Co-Presidents Scrip Sisterhood will be Selling scrip on Sundays January 8 and 29 in the lobby. 7 January 2012 Tevet/ Shevat 5772 8 January 2012 Tevet/ Shevat 5772 Volunteer of the Month for January Some people are daveners and some are doers – Sarah is both. We are truly grateful to Sarah for her devotion and dedication to Shomrei Torah. We thank you, Sarah, for making Shomrei Torah a great place to be! Shomrei Torah High Holiday Appeal 2011-2012-5772 After 11/8/11 Sarah Blecherman Shomrei Torah is so fortunate to have many volunteers that give their time and energy to our congregation. January’s Volunteer of the Month is Sarah Blecherman. Sarah is a native of Cheltenham, Pennsylvania, a suburb of Philadelphia. Sarah met her husband Barry while at medical school in Philly through mutual friends. They moved to Lincoln Park, NJ in 1996 and then to Wayne in 1999. Sarah and Barry are the proud parents of 4 children. Sarah is a Pediatrician in Butler, NJ and Barry is a professor at Polytechnic Institute of New York University. Sarah loves running, swimming, skiing, cooking, reading and ran her first half marathon this fall. Sarah grew up watching her mother’s involvement in the Sisterhood of their Temple. Her mother was always involved and so Sarah naturally followed her mother’s great example by getting involved at Shomrei Torah. Sarah is active in our Sisterhood, she is a Trustee, a member of the Membership Committee, and a member of the Youth Committee. Sarah has worked very hard on numerous projects for the synagogue. Whatever task Sarah takes on, she always follows through, does it well and with a smile! In addition to all of her committee work, Sarah has the distinction of being our first woman Hagba (lifting the Torah) and the woman we always turn to when we light the Shabbat candles at our Friday Night Live services. Sarah attends Friday Night Services with her family, supports our efforts in building community with her attendance at our Shabbat dinners and is a regular with her family at our monthly Havdalah service. 9 January 2012 Tevet/ Shevat 5772 Diane & Marty Albalah Lori & Jamie Burr Linnea & Dov Gorshein Deborah & Marc Kornblau Maria & Phil Nuccetelli Marsha & Steve Rolnik Lee & Sy Rothenberg Marlene & Bruce Seidman Stephanie & Howard Serber Janet & Bernie Simon Damaris Solomon Martha Young Judy & Adam Waxman SISTERHOOD GOLDEN CARDS IN HONOR OF Maxine & Barry Berger Annette & Andy Lieb Synagogue Board & Affiliates ESTHER LAMPERT WIFE OF SAM Synagogue Board & Affiliates Elaine & Sy Schlossberg RUTH YURMAN Maxine & Barry Berger BERNICE HELFAND MOTHER OF LONNIE Sue & Barry Mirsky Jayne & Noal Solomon JOSE GOMEZ FATHER OF PIADAD KIGUELMAN Elaine & Sy Schlossberg HANNAH KRESSEL BAT MITZVAH Synagogue Board & Affiliates ROZ & ED SERADZKY BIRTH OF GRANDDAUGHTER Rhita & Steve Gastwirth Laura & Marty Siegel Cindy & Perry Wolkowitz KEN & SANDI RAZEN THINKING OF YOU Elaine & Sy Schlossberg Cindy & Perry Wolkowitz ANITA PETAK GRANDDAUGHTER ALI’S SPEEDY RECOVERY ENGAGEMENT Maxine Stave RON BAUM ROBERTA & JEFF ORT Sue & Barry Mirsky JONATHAN’S BAR MITZVAH ROZ HIRSCHBERG Karen & Richard Weiss Laura & Marty Siegel KRESSEL FAMILY Cindy & Bob Brazer HANNAH’S BAT MITZVAH Karen & Richard Weiss LANDSCAPING FUND BENNETT & MONIQUE WASSERSTRUM IN HONOR OF BIRTH OF GRANDSON Cindy & Perry Wolkowitz BERNHARDT FAMILY THE JUNGREIS FAMILY BIRTH OF GRANDDAUGHTER ETHAN’S BAR MITZVAH KRESSEL FAMILY Sue & Barry Mirsky HANNAH’S BAT MITZVAHSERADZKY FAMILY IN MEMORY OF BIRTH OF GRANDDAUGHTER Harvey & Naomi Miller NATHAN COHEN FATHER OF MARSHA ROLNIK GET WELL Synagogue Board & Affiliates Elaine & Sy Schlossberg JEFF RAZEN LARRY LIEBOWITZ Harvey & Naomi Miller BROTHER OF MARSHA GREENBERG IN MEMORY OF Elaine & Sy Schlossberg Laura & Marty Siegel LARRY LIEBOWITZ Jayne & Noal Solomon BROTHER OF Karen & Richard Weiss MARSHA GREENBERG 10 January 2012 Tevet/ Shevat 5772 BERNICE HELFAND MOTHER OF LONNIE JOSE GOMEZ FATHER OF PIADAD KIGUELMAN NATHAN COHEN FATHER OF MARSHA ROLNIK Harvey & Naomi CAPITAL CAMPAIGN FUND IN MEMORY OF ESTHER LAMPERT WIFE OF SAM Alan & Judy Feldman YAHRZEIT FUND Warren & Jane Greenfield Israel Rayman Barry Milchman Stuart & Harryet Ehrlich Alvin & Mimi Lakind Bruce & Marlene Seidman Mark & Marina Shpungin IN MEMORY OF SHIRLEY & JOSEPH RUBENSTEIN Doris Gordon ROSE LAKIND Alvin & Mimi Lakind LEAH SAFRAN Anita & Steven Kaplan YETTA BRODER Doris & Stanley Berenzweig RITA BRESLAU Howard & Carol Fertig HELEN DUDELSHIK Irwin & Marie Nijaki BETTY COHEN Ed & Beth Julie JOSEPH MORRIS Harvey & Susan Nagler MOLLIE NESSMAN - YAHRZEIT CONT. IN MEMORY OF JOSEPH BANKS Aleen & Robert Klein RUTH LEVANDOV Larry & Sonia Seidman DAVID SHAPIRO Eric & Fern Weis BRUCE STALOFF Phyllis Staloff RUTH GOTTLIEB Joan & Leon Gottlieb ALLAN BERGER Barry & Maxine Berger MURRAY MARKS Michael & Arlene Marks BERNARD FRIEDMAN Robyn & Richard Weiss SAMUEL RATNER Marilyn & Marvin Rogers PHYLLIS STALLER MAX WISOTSKY Barbara & Leonard Simon WENDY BRAZER Bob & Cindy Brazer BORIS BECKER Lilia Becker ROSE & MORRIS FOX Ellen Bernstein MARVIN WALDMAN Sarah & Barry Blecherman MYRA COHEN Judy Waxman BENJAMIN REISBERG Elaine Schlossberg SAM KAUFMAN Ann & Marty Kaufman RUTH ROSEN Adele & Joel Sussman DAVID RAMER Henry & Carol Ramer Barry Ramer SAMUEL WILLNER Harold & Carol Willner JACOB GELIMSON Rimma Markhasin Florence Schulman Barry & Sheryl Sarin SHOMREI TORAH HEBREW SCHOOL FUND SHOMREI TORAH FUND IN HONOR OF 11 January 2012 Tevet/ Shevat 5772 FRANK TOBIN MITZVAH FUND SERADZKY FAMILY GRANDDAUGHTER SARAH Paul & Sheryl Schwarz Diane & Marty Albalah Ed & Beth Julie Stuart & Anita Skolnick REICHER FAMILY LARRY’S MARRIAGE Monique & Bennett Wasserstrum HARVEY MILLER RETIREMENT Diane & Marty Albalah IN HONOR OF IN MEMORY OF ED & ROZ SERADZKY & DEBBIE & NORMAN BRAUNSTEIN BIRTH OF GRANDDAUGHTER SARAH TORI MARTY & ROBERTA LEVITT 50TH ANNIVERSARY SHARON & KENNY FRIED LEAH & DAVID’S ENGAGEMENT Ken & Elaine Tobin and Family IN MEMORY OF ESTHER LAMPERT Ed & Beth Julie Ray & Rhoda Fishler LARRY LIEBOWITZ Phil Nuccetelli Diane & Marty Albalah Sheryl & Barry Sarin Elissa Baum Susan & Rob Baron NATHAN COHEN Diane & Marty Albalah Ed & Beth Julie BERNICE HELFAND Diane & Marty Albalah Susan & Rob Baron Ed & Beth Julie BERNICE HELFAND Elaine & Sy Schlossberg HOLOCAUST FUND IN MEMORY OF RABBI’S DISC FUND ABRAHAM WOLKOWITZ FATHER OF PERRY Mary & Frank Sheydwasser IN HONOR OF RACHEL WOLKOWITZ PASSING BAR EXAM ED & ROZ SERADZKY BIRTH OF GRANDDAUGHTER Monique & Bennett Wasserstrum SAM GERSHON FUND IN MEMORY OF COUSIN SETH RUBENSTEIN Henry & Carol Ramer MAHZORIM GERTRUDE ROSENBERG Jill & Jay Bernstein 12 January 2012 Tevet/ Shevat 5772 13 January 2012 Tevet/ Shevat 5772 Ha ‘Kesher (Hebrew High) will be collecting items for the Midnight Run, where we will drive into New York City and deliver the donated items to homeless men and women. We need the congregation’s help to collect all of the necessary items. Ha ‘Kesher will be collecting the following items for the Midnight Run: -Gently used men’s large size clothing, especially sweatshirts and T-shirts -NEW socks and underwear -Travel size toiletries -Gallon size freezer bags -Old towels and washcloths -Small Blankets -Backpacks, carry bags -Jars of peanut butter, jelly, snack size canned fruit, cookies, pretzels, potato chips, juice boxes, brown lunch bags, sandwich bags, and treats. -*Volunteers* to help with this project (drivers, sandwich makers, sorters, etc.) Saturday, January 28th. There will be boxes in the lobby marked for the project, so let’s fill them up! 14 January 2012 Tevet/ Shevat 5772 15 January 2012 Tevet/ Shevat 5772 Shomrei Torah Wayne Conservative Congregation 30 Hinchman Ave. Wayne, NJ 07470 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 115 Address Service Requested Celebrating tradition, embracing the future. Save The Date Shomrei Torah Annual Gala Honoring Stuart Skolnick Saturday March 3, 2012 16 January 2012 Tevet/ Shevat 5772
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