Shomrei Torah - Wayne Conservative Congregation 30 Hinchman Ave. Wayne, NJ 07470 Candle Lighting Times 973-696-2500 February 2015 Sh’vat/Adar 5775 www.ShomreiTorahWCC.org Celebrating Tradition, Embracing the Future! February 6 - 5:02 PM 13 - 5:11 PM 20 - 5:19 PM 27 - 5:28 PM Contents From the Bima……..2 WORLD WIDE WRAP AT SHOMREI TORAH Sunday, Feb. 1st - See p. 22 for details Words from Our President………...….3 Vol. of the Month…..4 Gala……………….5-6 Sisterhood News….....................17 TU B’SHVAT AT SHOMREI TORAH Men’s Club………...21 Tuesday, Feb. 3rd - See p. 27 for details Religious School.…..11 Passover Candy Sale ……………………..13 Israel Tour with Rabbi Mark………………..25 Golden Cards……....33 Calendar..…………..35 1 February 2015 SHOMREI TORAH ANNUAL GALA Honoring Beth & Dr. Ed Julie Sat. March 7th See pp. 5-6 for details FROM THE BIMA Israel – always in our hearts, always on our minds! Trip – Have you signed up yet to come to Israel with me? WZC – Have you voted yet? Mercaz – Have you joined yet? Tu B’Shevat – Are you coming to our Seder? Have you planted a tree in Israel yet? Executive Board Cindy Merker President Roberta Ort Executive Vice President/ President Elect Beth Julie Vice President of Education, Ritual & Youth Karen Weiss & Sheryl Sarin Co-Vice Presidents of Membership, Program & Social Action Tu B’Shevat, the New Year of the Trees is on Feb. 3rd and 4th this year. We have a seder scheduled for Tuesday night Feb. 3rd following minyan. If you’ve never before enjoyed one, then here is your chance. If you’ve done it before, then you know what you’ll be missing! Mark Kass Vice President of Finance & Fundraising It is also nice in honor of Tu B’Shevat to plant trees in Israel; we have a link to the JNF website from our shul homepage. Doing it this way benefits both Israel and the shul! Tova Friede Financial Secretary We are in the midst of the World Zionist Congress elections. Literally, millions of dollars are at stake! The more people who cast their vote for Mercaz, the more money will be allocated to groups and projects in Israel that promote religious pluralism, something that we feel Israel desperately needs. Again, you get to the voting page from our website homepage. It only costs $10 and only takes a few clicks of your mouse and a few minutes of your time to do. Now that you voted from Mercaz, take the next step. Go to the Mercaz.org website and join Mercaz. This will cost you a little more, but still not much - $36 for an individual, $54 for a family or splurge and for $500 you can be a Benefactor! Howard Hook Treasurer Carla Rudow Communications Secretary Gary Lesser Recording Secretary Karen Weiss Immediate Past President ————————- Clergy Randall Mark Rabbi —————————- Staff Now is the time to go to Israel – join me on our congregational trip – May 12-22, 2015! Melody Sandor Synagogue Administrator It may be February, but it is time for all of us to be thinking Israel! Judy Jaffe Director of Congregational Learning Rabbi Randy Mark Donna Davis Synagogue Secretary Suzanne Zofi Administrative Assistant If you know of a Shomrei Torah member who is ill, hospitalized or homebound, please contact Rabbi Mark to let him know. Shomrei Torah members are our source of information! 2 February 2015 Gloria Millan Shabbat Staff Manny Vargas Custodian Words from Our President... What a night…..the par king lot at Shomr ei Tor ah was filled and the Social Hall was buzzing with activity! No…it wasn’t the High Holidays….it was Comedy Night! On Saturday, January 17, due to the hard work and efforts of Howard Hook and his committee, 170 people had a most enjoyable and laughter-filled evening. There were young members, older members, those inbetween and outside guests. How amazing to have a strictly social event at the synagogue so well attended and received. Thank you to all who supported this successful fundraiser. During the month of February we have many interesting and varied events planned which I hope you will support and attend: Feb. 1 at 8:45 AM is the Wor ld Wide Wr ap—Bring your teffilin and join in Feb. 3 at 8:00PM is a Tu B’Shevat Seder led by our own Danny Schlossberg Feb. 20 r ight after 6:00PM ser vice will be a Gr eekJewish dinner and discussion by Jackie Helfand about the Jews from Greece and her family’s Romaniote background Feb. 21 at 9:30 AM is the Boar d of Tr ustees Shabbat 3 February 2015 Feb. 21 at 8:00 PM is a Sister hood Ballr oom Dancing event which includes instruction and dancing Don’t forget to support Sisterhood’s Mishloach Manot (Purim Boxes) and have your orders in by Feb. 20. Gentle Chair Yoga which will occur on Feb. 12 and 26 is always a relaxing and enjoyable experience. The planning of our big fundraiser of the year, which includes our Gala and Ad Journal, is well underway. The Gala will be a bit different from past years, since it will include dinner, dancing and the Purim Shpiel, but I assure you it will be a most enjoyable evening honoring a most deserving couple, Beth and Ed Julie. I hope to see you, Saturday, March 7, dressed in your festive attire ready to have fun and be entertained! Your support of the Ad Journal, which honors Beth and Ed and the cast of the Shpiel, is vital to the synagogue in meeting its’ fundraising goals for the year. We need everyone to do their part by placing an ad in the Journal and soliciting businesses and friends, family, etc. to do the same. Thank you for your anticipated support of these events! Amazon will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to Wayne Conservative Jewish Congregation whenever you shop on AmazonSmile. AmazonSmile is the same Amazon you know. Same products, same prices, same service. Support your charitable organization by starting your shopping at: smile.amazon.com Todah Rabah to… Stacy Gerstein Shomrei Torah’s February Volunteer of the Month! gym, but at the end of a normal hectic day she is grateful to have the chance to “chill, watch meaningless television (she has followed the sagas of “General Hospital” since 3rd grade!) and be “brainless” for a few hours at least! Stacy credits her parents and her Grandma Frances for having a profound influence on her life. Her parents have a very happy, very strong relationship and the ties between them and her and her sister are strong and comfortable. Her paternal grandmother, Frances, is still active and vibrant at 93 (going on 83) and inspires her to follow in Grandma Frances’ footsteps. Stacy contemplated the question of what being Jewish means to her. First and foremost, she Juggling the many commitments and schedules would say “Family.” She elaborated by saying inherent in raising a young family can be overthat she never went to Hebrew school andnever whelming, as many can agree, but Stacy makes became a Bat Mitzvah, but her Jewishness was it seem simple...and even fun. As this vivacious transmitted by family. Holidays meant being with young woman states, maybe it is because her family and celebrating together. Ivan, she said, parents made it all look easy! was raised in a more traditional Jewish structure Stacy grew up in Princeton Junction, New Jerand that is what he seeks out and is comfortable sey, and attended the University of Maryland, with. For her, Judaism and being Jewish is tied where she majored in Education and received a with the social and cultural aspects of communiMasters in Elementary Reading Education. For ty. She incorporates Judaism‘s ethical values as 11 years she taught 4th grade, becoming an aca- her “moral compass.” demic intervention specialist for reading recovThe combination of traditional Jewish structure ery, helping at-risk readers performing below and finding a family-friendly community is what grade level. For the last few years, she is a pridrew them to Shomrei Torah. When they moved vate tutor for Kindergarten – 5th grade students. to Wayne and sought o be part of a Jewish comShe met her husband, Ivan, at a friend’s wedding munity, she was impressed by the warmth that (she was a bridesmaid…he was a groomsmen) was extended to her and her family. She has aland they married in 2006. Living first in West Or- ways felt Shomrei Torah has a welcoming and ange, they moved to Wayne almost four years comfortable atmosphere and her girls are happy. ago, looking for a place that had the diversity They have friends and Maya enjoys going to Hethey wanted, but still had a significant Jewish brew school. This has encouraged Stacy to becommunity within which to raise their two daugh- come more and more involved – she is on the ters. First grade daughter, Maya, and younger Education committee and is a co-chair, along sister, Jocelyn, who is in pre-K, have made with Marissa Smith, for the Chaverim (K-5) youth friends and are flourishing in the community. group. Being involved has become a “family affair,” with Ivan on the Shomrei Torah Board and When asked about her interests during her spare Finance Committee. time, Stacy laughed at the idea. Besides her increasing role at Shomrei Torah, she is involved She smiles when asked about her goals for the at the PTO at her daughter’s elementary school future. She says ,“My life is an open book....no and is constantly chauffeuring the girls to their secrets!” She would love to have time to travel, various activities (gymnastics, dance, Girl but she laughs and says that a short term goal Scouts, play dates, etc). would be to just survive life when her daughters enter those “pre-teen” years! She tries to make time for herself by going to the 4 February 2015 5 February 2015 6 February 2015 7 February 2015 8 February 2015 9 February 2015 THANKS TO A W.I.N.NER When you read this we'll be in the heart of winter. Winter and summer tend to be the toughest times of the year for stocking the W.I.N. Pantry. You have likely already received at least one request for various non-perishable items since the start of the year. All donations are greatly appreciated. This is being written while the congregation joins Sol Schwartzbard in mourning the loss of of Sally. What a wonderful lady! Whenever she would see me she'd call me aside and ask, “Do you need anything for the Pantry? Just give me a list and I'll have Sol drop the items off at the synagogue." Or she'd excitedly tell me, "Shop Rite had a sale on ______________this week so I bought a bunch and Sol left it in the barrel. I wanted to make sure you know it's there." One time, during the summer a year or so ago, she summoned me at the municipal pool when she saw me walk in. "You must send an e-mail to the congregation right away! Shop Rite is having their Can-Can sale!" This morning, the day of her funeral, I went to pick up The Record. I couldn't help but smile when I saw a huge ad on the front page of the paper for the first Shop Rite Can-Can Sale of 2015! And when I got to Shomrei Torah a few minutes later, there were about 8 bags of items for W.I.N. Coincidence? Could be. But maybe not. I will miss my "Shop Rite Sentry,” but I know that many of you already give generously when the sales are running and I encourage you to continue in helping to provide for our Wayne neighbors. And next time you shop, pause for a moment and remember Sally. She'll probably be looking over your shoulder, making sure you find all the good sales for nonperishables! Betty Singer, Shomrei Torah Representative to the Wayne Interfaith Network SHOMREI TORAH BOOK DISCUSSION GROUP The next meeting of the Book Discussion Group will be on Monday, March 2nd to discuss REPLACEMENT OF LIFE by Boris Fishman (a graduate of Wayne Hills H.S.!) Please contact Sue Feldman (Telemom28@aol.com) for information 10 February 2015 century, the kabbalist RabbiYitzchak Luria of Safed developed a Tu B’Shevat seder. The main idea was that eating specific fruits and drinking four cups of juice/wine in a specific order while reciting the appropriate blessings would bring human beings, and the world, closer to spiritual perfection. Reflecting on this learning, I developed and created a special Tu B’Shevat seder for Religious School, using the map and where our traditional fruits and grains still grow. Over a decade ago, The Jewish National Growing up in Manhattan, Tu B’Shevat was as forFund (the tree people) liked it so much, they posted it eign to me as riding on the back of a pick- up truck in on their website where educators can access it. With the countryside. Yes, our teachers distributed bokser any luck, our students will understand our connection and we talked about planting trees. Tu B’Shevat hard- to the geographical, modern and Biblical land of Israel ly heralded the beginning of spring. It was regularly and partake in delicious fruits (not nuts, anymore!) to marked with ground snow and the flat, hard, woody, celebrate Tu B’Shevat. tasteless "fruit.” It was years before I discovered that bokser was really carob and could be delicious when The Gan/Kindergarten, 1st Gr/A lef, and 2nd Gr/Bet eaten fresh. classes will enjoy a abridged Tu B’Shevat Seder on Sunday, January 25th at 9:30 am. Our 6th/Vav and 7th/ So, fast forward, I am the Jewish educator. How will I Zayin students will lead the seder for the Religious create an experience to embrace in honor of Tu School on Tuesday, February 3rd. B’Shevat? I knew I wanted to reimagine and not repeat the bokser tradition. Praying one morning, I real- While this incredible map is in our synagogue, we will ized that I absolutely missed the lesson since I was so be hosting the Shlicha/Israel emissary as well as offerfocused on ‘what is this black thing?’ As Jews we al- ing lots of map specific programs and activities. ways think about Israel in our daily and holiday pray- Please be sure to stop by to see it! ers, but unfortunately we teach Israel in May in honor of Israel Independence Day/Y om HaA tzmaut. This was my answer. Somehow, I needed to connect directly our collective longing for Israel to our Jewish ArSunday, February 1 bor Day. World Wide Wrap – Families of 6th /Vav and 7th / Zayin, please plan to join us at 8:45 AM. Following In Israel, Tu B’Shevat is real. It is visible and palpaservices, everyone is invited to breakfast. Regular ble. Signaling the end of the rainy (winter) season, it class will continue at after breakfast. welcomes the first buds. In New Jersey, bare branches Tuesday, February 3rd still silhouette the sky and we continue to shiver. 6th/Vav-7th/Zayin lead the Tu B’Shevat Seder for 3rd/ There, almonds are almost suddenly visible on trees Gimmel – 5th/Hey and the earth reawakens. So, I ditched the bokser and Saturday, February 7th rented the 40’ x 20’ map of Israel. I sat down and fo- Junior Congregation lead by Morah Etty from 10:30 – cused on the seven fruits and grains, shivat haminim, Noon that the Torah teaches us that Israel has been blessed: Mini Minyan for children ages 3 through 2nd Grade, "a land of wheat and barley, and (grape) vines and figled by our amazing teens, from 11:15 – 11:45 AM trees and pomegranates; a land of olive-trees and – with a mock ufruf. (date) honey." (Deuteronomy 8:8) and an old new tra- Sunday, February 8th dition was born. 5th/Hey - help get married. Details (invitations) will follow for our Mock Wedding In the Middle Ages, Tu B’Shevat was celebrated with Sunday, February 15th a feast of fruits in keeping with the Mishnah, describ- No Religious School classes. Remember our Presiing this as one of the four "New Year"s. In the 17th dents. 11 February 2015 Saturday February 21st Junior Congregation led by Morah Etty from 10:30 – Noon Mini Minyan for children ages 3 through 2nd Grade, led by our amazing teens, from 11:15 – 11:45 AM. Sunday, February 22nd Gan/Kindergarten, 1st/Alef, and 2nd/Bet Family Challah Program Youth Activity TBA - Judy ******************************************* Eileen Painter, Manager of Volunteer Services of the American Red Cross-North Jersey Region, visited Shomrei Torah Religious School to thank the students for the wonderful “Thank you for giving blood” cards given to blood donors. She discussed what the Red Cross does and the students anxiously want to do more. January 10, 2015 Young Families Havdallah Program 12 February 2015 Dear Shomrei Torah Members and Friends, Religious School tuition only covers a fraction of our running costs so our exciting fundraisers become increasingly important to our students, our families, and our community. Please consider ordering Barton’s Passover Candy through our Religious School PTO. Ask your family, your neighbors and your friends. Need a hostess gift or an Afikoman present, look no further. Kindly complete the attached order form and return it to the office to Hindi Golden’s attention, with payment, by Sunday, February 22, 2015. Late orders cannot be accepted. Please be sure to make your checks payable to Shomrei Torah PTO and include your name and phone number on the back of the envelope. We will notify you promptly when your order comes in. Questions? Additional forms? Information? Contact Hindi Golden at hindi830@gmail.com or Karen Goldberg at kareng_71@hotmail.com. Thank you for supporting our good work. Hope this sweetens your Passover and our Religious School. Hindi Golden and Karen Goldberg Passover Chocolate Co-Chairs 13 February 2015 14 February 2015 TIMELESS TREASURES Salad Spinner Chocolate Covered Cherries/5oz. Box Milk Chocolate Coconut Classics/6oz. Box Library Tin w/Choc. Chip Cookies/6oz. Cell Phone/MP3/iPod Holder Cookies & Cream Clusters/5.5oz. Boxed Sugar Free Coconut Macaroons/8oz. Dark Chocolate Mint Delights/6oz. Box Breakfast Box & Spoon w/Cold Pack 3-Section Glass Seving Tray Boot Supports - set of 2 Dog Bone Treat Jar Satin Padded Hangers - set of 6 Butterfly Scarf Hanger Dec. Wall Plates/Rack, Love, Beauty & Joy Chicken Cutter and Deboner Zebra Zippered Bags - set of 3 Plastic Straw Cups - set of 4 Oil, Vinegar, Salt & Pepper Set Pancake Pen Dispenser Microwaveable Soup Bowl 20oz. TOTAL COLUMN A = ITEM # 192 510 545 700 725 770 825 852 1143 1160 1208 1282 2001 2012 2108 2138 2214 2574 2716 2719 2778 QTY. QTY. PRICE $12.00 $9.50 $9.50 $13.00 $6.50 $12.00 $10.50 $9.50 $12.00 $12.00 $7.00 $10.00 $9.00 $10.00 $20.00 $9.00 $14.00 $7.00 $15.00 $13.00 $8.00 PRICE $9.50 $14.50 $11.50 $11.50 $13.00 $13.00 $16.50 $ TOTAL $ $ $ $ GRAND TOTAL = PRICE $7.00 $9.00 $16.00 $10.00 $6.00 $14.00 $8.00 $8.50 $8.50 $9.00 $9.00 $8.00 $8.00 $12.00 $14.00 $7.00 $12.00 $7.00 $8.50 $12.00 $14.00 PRICE $11.50 $7.00 $13.00 $11.00 $16.50 $14.50 $17.00 $14.50 (Transfer from left )TOTAL COLUMN A = QTY. QTY. TIMELESS TREASURES Ice Cream Super Scoopers - Set of 4 Dark Chocolate Raspberry/5oz. Box Family Candle Holder Little Guppy School Days Memory Album Silicone Funnel Salad Bowl Kit Ramen Noodles Cookbook - 80pgs. Milk Chocolate Covered Raisins/7oz. Bag Milk Chocolate Covered Cashews/5oz. Bag Cashew Halves/5oz. Bag Cranberry Trail/6oz. Bag Flowers & Gardening Hints - 2 Pack Set Kitchen Scale Milk Chocolate Pecanbacks/7.5oz. Box Plastic Ice Cream Bowls w/Spoons - Set of 4 Blue Stainless Steel Tongs Milk Chocolate Almond Bark/6oz. Boxed Crock-Pot Cookbook 5 Ingredients or Less Dark Chocolate Covered Almonds/5oz. Bag Boot Supports - set of 4 COMBO Microwaveable Soup Bowl 20oz. - set of 2 TOTAL COLUMN B = PASSOVER ITEMS - DAIRY Cashew Butter Crunch Milk Chocolate Lollycones Milk Choc. Almond Caramel Clusters Milk Chocolate Caramel Daisies Milk Chocolate Matzah Almond Kisses Milk & Dark Chocolate Assortment Milk Chocolate Almond Butter Crunch Email : ___________________________________________ Phone #: _________________________________________ ITEM # 2897 2911 3017 3029 3084 3512 3605 3652 3671 4265 4351 4557 4617 5105 5605 7138 7750 8000 9365 9750 9825 ITEM # 2508 2531 2542 2553 2562 2590 2593 3577 TOTAL $ You can also order online and have the products shipped directly to your home or office. Go to www.misschocolate.com and click on the ONLINE STORE and use our SCHOOL CODE ______________ when ordering. You can view additional items available thru the online store for purchase. All purchases will be credited to our organization to help raise additional funds. Thank you for your support! Please bring or mail in this order form with your check payable to our organization. Address:__________________________________________________________ Name: ____________________________________________________________ NOTE: All items can be viewed on our website: www.misschocolate.com PASSOVER ITEMS - PAREVE Coconut (Vanilla) Macaroons Fruit Slices Dark Chocolate Seder Mints Dark Chocolate Almond Bark Dark Chocolate Covered Macaroons Dark Chocolate Raspberry Jellies Dark Chocolate Cov. Matzah Crackers ITEM # 2501 2529 2541 2560 2564 2591 2642 Dear Congregant: We will be conducting our annual PASSOVER CANDY SALE during the months of January & February. This year we are pleased to offer Barton’s Kosher for Passover candy and a second (non-Passover) catalog featuring “Timeless Treasures” for your kitchen and Home . All are perfect for your own holiday table or as gifts. If you are interested in purchasing please fill out the order form below and return it with the correct payment on or before February 22 nd. Your check must accompany your order. Please make check payable to Shomrei Torah. Thank You for your support! 15 February 2015 16 February 2015 You are all in luck. If you are reading this article (this way I will know if anyone outside of Sue Feldman, Betty Singer and Jackie Helfand truly are reading these articles), you are still in time to RSVP for the Sisterhood Ballroom Dance AND contribute and/or volunteer for Sisterhood annual mishloach manot. Please let me first start by thanking our designated phone person and Chair Extraordinaire, Maxine Berger, for helping to make Sisterhood Shabbat into what I assume will also be the best service of the year. Maxine calls and we all listen — davening and noshing in English or Hebrew — as we partake in this heartwarming service. Thanks, Maxine, for all your hard work and dedication. Back to the Ballroom Dance. Sisterhood is offering one hour of ballroom dance lessons and then your choice of dance for the rest of the evening with our DJ Max. Drinks, eats, music and friends! If you RSVP by the early deadline, February 1, tickets are only $20/per person, $25/per person, if you respond February 2 through February 19 (we do need time to get the food and stuff). Look for the flyer in this L’Chaim. And, please donate your time and monetary contributions to help keep our mitzvah of giving Mishloach Manot going. Judy Krantz is the captain of the Purim Basket team. Please look for the flyer on page 19 and help make this the success it always is. We are planning another joint Chocolate Seder with the Women of Chai from Temple Beth Tikvah on Tuesday, March 24. We are also looking to do a charity event and are open to suggestions for charities and chairs. If you see a Sisterhood member, just grab her and suggest a non-profit or take the lead for your own event. In the past, we’ve walked for the American Cancer Society and are looking to do something involving community outreach. And, finally, more luck! We are still selling Scrip. IT IS DEFINITELY THE EASIEST FUNDRAISER WE HAVE!!!!! YOU PAY NOTHING MORE than the price of a gift card than you would already pay. You buy gift cards at their face value and, for the same price you’d pay anywhere, Shomrei Torah benefits with a percentage of each purchase. Check out our vendor list, including Fairway, ShopRite, Stop and Shop, Bloomingdales, Starbucks, Dunkin’ Donuts, Macy’s and a host of others to see how and where you can shop and support Shomrei. Please look for Renee Lesser in the synagogue lobby on Sundays, February 8 and 27. Or contact the temple office for your purchase. -Carol 17 February 2015 18 February 2015 19 February 2015 20 February 2015 Men’s club news FEBRUARY 2015 It’s a new secular year, and recently we transitioned from Bereshit to Shemot, the story of the Exodus. As we write this column, the world is reeling in the aftermath of events in Paris, France, where the blood of 17 innocent victims was spilled by terrorists professing to defend their prophet Mahomet (that’s the French spelling). Back here on the west bank of the Atlantic, Shomrei Torah Men’s Club ran a successful Blood Drive on December 23rd. We had 31 donors, typical for this time of the year. Those donations can be used to save 100 lives. This is the essence of who we are and what we do – giving blood to save life, rather than spilling blood to take it. The blood drive was open for community participation but ,once again, it was Shomrei Torah members who stepped up and performed this literally lifesaving service. For those who missed the opportunity, please contact Michael Greenblatt to see when other area blood drives are scheduled. The Super Bowl is on Sunday, February 1st, which is a sure sign that Men’s Club is running the World Wide Wrap on that day. It is a day to bring your tefillin to shul and to share the experience with other men and women. If you are rusty with the procedure, come visit and you will get a refresher course. If you are an experienced tefillin layer, come and be among the morim who are giving the refresher course. February 1st is also the day we will draw the winners of the Super Bowl Pool, so if you haven’t taken out an entry, there may still be a box waiting for you. Call the office or send an email to 2015SuperBowlPool@shomreiwcc.org. On Sunday, March 1st, the Men’s Club will run the annual Purim Carnival. Open to all children, we will have booths, prizes, contests, Purim snacks, and a great time. Rob Baron is the Carnival Ringmaster and is working with a group of active and enthusiastic volunteers. If you wish to help out (adult or youth group member), give Rob a call. We welcome all helpers. Yom Hashoah is not that far away. This year is the 70 th anniversary of the liberation of the death camps. Shomrei Torah will deliver TWO Yellow Candles to all congregants this year – one for Yom HaShoah and one for your personal yahrzeit observance. Never Forget! Never Again! Men’s Club Minyan continues on Wednesday evenings. Come join us for the 3 M’s, and find out what the 3 M’s are all about (hint – one M is for “Minyan”). Eric Weis and Michael Greenblatt, Co-Presidents 21 February 2015 SAVE THE DATE! VERITANS / SHOMREI TORAH MEN’S CLUB POKER NIGHT THURSDAY, MARCH 19TH DETAILS TO FOLLOW 22 February 2015 YOU CAN VOTE FOR ISRAEL RIGHT NOW! Israel. The hope of our ancestors for 2000 years. You hear a lot about Israel in the news, almost every day. But did you know that you are entitled to vote for Israel, right now? And that this opportunity only comes around once in a VERY blue moon? What is this all about? Why should you pay attention? What difference does it make to someone sitting comfortably in Wayne, NJ, with a tranquil Jewish life? All that tsuris is halfway across the world. So what? Here’s an answer. If you are reading this, the chances are good that you are a Jew. That means that you have a homeland, which has been created in our lifetimes, at the cost of thousands of lives of other Jews. Perhaps even hundreds of thousands, or one could even say, Six Million, who died before the British finally made good on their 1912 promise. That homeland was born in the Zionist dreams of the late nineteenth century, at a time when monarchies were disappearing and western thought – and dreams – were spreading beyond Europe and America. One of those dreams was the resurrection of an ancient idea – a state of the Jews. In 1897, in the aftermath of the Dreyfus affair in France, Theodore Herzl convened the first Zionist Congress in Basel, Switzerland. He had been a reporter at the Dreyfus trial, and wanted the Jews of Europe to come together. Germany and France refused to host the conference, and so neutral Switzerland was chosen. Herzl and others imagined a return to the land of our ancestors. And with that Congress, a dream was born. Since then, the Jewish people have convened in 36 successive Congresses of the World Zionist Organization, the equivalent of an international Jewish Parliament. In October, 2015, the 37th Zionist Congress will take place in Jerusalem. It is up to YOU to determine the makeup of that Congress. You have the right to vote for one of eleven “slates” of candidates. One of those slates – on Line#2 – is Mercaz USA – the Zionist Arm of the Conservative Movement. As a member of Shomrei Torah, it is our hope that you will vote Mercaz. Voting can be done on-line or by paper ballot (see next page). To vote on-line, visit the Shomrei Torah website and look for a link to WZO Elections. There is a cost for registration –$5 for people between the ages of 18-30 and $10 per head for all others. If you cannot afford the $5 or $10, please contact the synagogue and ask what can be done. To learn more, please visit http://www.myselfourisrael.com for information about the Congress, the election and voting. WE NEED YOUR VOTE Our Judaism, Our Israel, Our Future VOTE MERCAZ! 23 February 2015 24 February 2015 25 February 2015 26 February 2015 27 February 2015 28 February 2015 JEWISH FEDERATION OF NORTHERN NEW JERSEY ISRAEL FILM FESTIVAL MARCH 7-22 Go to www.jfnnj.org for more information 29 February 2015 JEWS HELPING JEWS WITH INTEREST FREE LOANS The Paterson Hebrew Free Loan Association was organized in 1900, by eight Patersonians of humble circumstances (a milliner, a grocer, and a peddler among them), but who had great humanitarian spirit to be of service to the Jewish community. They gathered between $300 and $400 and loaned small sums of money, without interest, to people they felt were deserving, typically, refugees and other “Landsmen” from Eastern Europe to help them get a start in the new world. Our mission of helping those in need with interest free loans in Bergen and Passaic counties continues to provide an invaluable service after almost 115 years. PHFLA is the only interest free loan society in our area. We are also a member of the International Association of Hebrew Free Loans, along with almost 100 other member organizations from the United States, Canada and Israel. This past year we provided 17 loans totaling $44,500; 2014 started with 30 loans outstanding and during the year 10 loans were paid off. Our default rate is only 2% of current outstanding loans, which total $121,550. Our loans are granted for a variety of reasons, including: home improvements, medical and dental bills, day school and college tuition, programs in Israel, and general financial assistance for rent and bills. PHFLA is totally self funded through membership dues and donations. This commitment to our organization is reflected by the leadership on our Board of Directors. Our President, Frank Mirchin, is a 2nd generation member, whose late father Joe was also a past president. Vice President Jeanette Wermuth’s late father, Siggy Stebezki, was president for many years. The Executive Secretary and Office Administrator, Laura Brody, is a third generation member and the daughter of Sig Westerman who was also a past president. Many people in Bergen and Passaic counties know who we are and what we do, but even more do not. As an important resource to our Jewish community, we have expanded our linkage with other organizations and their websites, including the Jewish Federation of North Jersey as well as the Jewish Family Service of North Jersey. Our membership is aging and our need for new members to ensure our sustainability continues to be a high priority. Annual membership is only $36 and a lifetime membership is $250. Please join us as a dues paying member or make a donation for a lifecycle event. Help spread the word in our community about the work of the Paterson Hebrew Free Loan Association. We are located at 10-10 Norman Avenue in Fair Lawn and can be reached at 201-791-8395. Conservative Yeshiva Online Learning Tanya Six week course beginning the week of January 25 with Yiscah Smith The Golden Calf and the Sin of the Spies Four week course beginning the week of February 22 with Vered Hollander-Goldfarb Magnificent Midrashim for a Marvelous Seder Four week course beginning the week of March 8 with Rabbi Mordechai Silverstein Join with a hevruta receive a 10% discount on tuition! Members of USCJ Congregations receive an additional 10% discount. USCJ Staff and Full-time students – register for free! New students, register at: https://uscjisrael.researchsuccess.com/programs/survey.asp?nsurvey=55 CY Alumni - please register by email - yeshiva@uscj.org. Complete course descriptions are found at: http://www.conservativeyeshiva.org/distance-learning/distance-learning-courses 30 February 2015 31 February 2015 Your ad can be here! All you have to do is call Carol Ramer 201 396-5466 or cdramer@optonline.net Husband of Gloria Millan 32 February 2015 SHOMREI TORAH GRATEFULLY ACKNOWLEDGES THE FOLLOWING CONTRIBUTIONS. THANK YOU FOR CARING. SISTERHOOD GOLDEN CARDS IN HONOR OF ED & BETH JULIE CORY’S ENGAGEMENT Carol & Jack Pomeranc ROBERT & IVY LENROW NEW GRANDPARENTS Terri & Oscar Reicher JUSTIN & STACY HARVEY BIRTH OF TALIA Terri & Oscar Reicher BOB & SUE GORDON MEREDITH’S ENGAGEMENT Terri & Oscar Reicher Elaine & Sy Schlossberg Diane & Rich Seltzer Laura & Marty Siegel RONNIE & STEVE BRASS CAREN’S ENGAGEMENT Roz & Ed Seradzky Laura & Marty Siegel Cindy & Perry Wolkowitz JILL CORON MAZZARELL BIRTH OF GRANDSON Roz & Ed Seradzky Laura & Marty Siegel ANITA PETAK DOUBLE MITZVAH Maxine Stave KRIEGER & NAHUM FAMILY TARA’S ENGAGEMENT Cindy & Perry Wolkowitz MICHELLE BEER ADAM’S ENGAGEMENTCindy & Perry Wolkowitz LANDSCAPING FUND Marlene & Bruce Seidman Diane & Rich Seltzer Cindy & Perry Wolkowitz SALLY WAXMAN Maxine & Barry Berger Susan & Bob Gordon & Family Sue & Barry Mirsky Diane & Rich Seltzer MOTHER OF ED FELDMAN Roz & George Hirschberg AMY KARSON’S GRANDFATHER IRVING Cindy & Alan Merker FATHER OF STEVE CALABRO Cindy & Alan Merker CAPITAL CAMPAIGN IN MEMORY OF SALLY WAXMAN Judy & Alan Feldman YAHRZEIT FUND SHARON TERRY Iris & Gene Fisher CHARNEY GLICK Roz & George Hirschberg BOB COHEN Roz & George Hirschberg SUE NAGLER Roz & George Hirschberg Laura & Marty Siegel Carol & Jack Pomeranc Barbara & Kevin Scott SISTERHOOD CERTIFICATE IN MEMORY OF DONALD SCHWARTZ HUSBAND OF BONNIE Laura & Marty Siegel SIDNEY GLUCKSMAN FATHER OF CINDY BURNS Barbara & Kevin Scott SISTERHOOD GIFT FUND IN MEMORY OF 33 February 2015 SALLY WAXMAN Harvey & Naomi Miller SAMUEL BALDERMAN FATHER OF MONIQUE WASSERSTRUM Harvey & Naomi Miller SPEEDY RECOVERY IN MEMORY OF MAJOR LANDAU FATHER OF IRIS FISHER Maxine & Barry Berger Annette & Andy Lieb Sue & Barry Mirsky Sue & Harvey Nagler Elaine & Sy Schlossberg IN MEMORY OF SIDNEY GLUCKSMAN Roby & Bruce Weiner MOTHER OF NANCI BRICKMAN Roby & Bruce Weiner ROMAN KHELEM Mark & Marina Shpungin DAVID RAMER Barry Ramer BERNICE HERMAN Rich & Stephanie Whitman JONATHAN MIRSKY Barry & Sue Mirsky JACK ROTHENBERG Sy & Lee Rothenberg BETTY MARKS Michael & Marilyn Rubin LEO KAHN Barbara & Robert Kahn DAVID RAMER Carol & Henry Ramer JOAN SHIELDS Mady Fechner MAURY SELTZER Richard Seltzer CLARA VOYTICKI Ivan & Edith Voyticki JACK GABA Linda Gaba ESTHER & LEON REINES Sheila Reines ISADORE FIENSTEIN Ellen Rubinstein ANNA MANDEL Larry Mandel MAE BRAZER Bob Brazer YAHRZEIT CONTINUED SHOMREI TORAH FUND MAHZORIM YETTA SINGER ALEX SINGER ELIA BADER IRMA STEINBERG GLORIA BADER Margo & Seth Bader NORMAN GREENBERG Paul & Marsha Greenberg EVA SHULMAN Zina & Mark Shulman MOLLIE KLEIN Paul & Marlene Klein JACK SAFRAN Anita & Steven Kaplan EDITH MARCUS David & Marcy Marcus TOBY SIMON ANNA WISOTSKY Barbara & Len Simon ARTHUR WEIS PINCHAS RADLER Eric Weis LARRY NESSMAN Leslie Nessman LENA REISBERG Elaine Schlossberg IRMA STEINBERG Margo & Seth Bader IN MEMORY OF IN HONOR OF RAY FISHLER 90TH BIRTHDAY Elaine & Sy Schlossberg SUE & BOB GORDON MEREDITH’S ENGAGEMENT Cindy &Les Burns ED & BETH JULIE CORY’S ENGAGEMENT Cindy & Les Burns TERRI & OSCAR REICHER NEW GRANDCHILD Cindy & Les Burns MAJOR LANDAU FATHER OF IRIS FISHER Emily Andreano Stephen & Anne Math Mark & Sharon Terry David & Judith Fox Jeff & Marcia Schwartz Teddy Miller Karen Cohen Ruth & Paul Singman SALLY WAXMAN Ed & Beth Julie Elliot Eisenstein Marvin & Marilyn Rogers Gen & Milt Warsaw Lee & Sy Rothenberg Doris Gordon Charlie & Iris Schwartzbard Ray & Carol Deruyter Barbara Goldstein Phil Nuccetelli Sheila Pomerance Michael & Marilyn Rubin Susan & Neil Chessin Diane & Marty Albalah Dot & Milt Brodkowitz Tamar Sierdadzky Barbara Klein Joyce Pomerance Toby Grossman Edwin & Doris Wilson Bernard & Irene Gingras Janice Molnar, Rose Sanz, Gloria Verman, Edie Gerber Gordon & Karen Braverman DONALD SCHWARTZ HUSBAND OF BONNIE Lee & Sy Rothenberg Phil Nuccetelli Michael & Marilyn Rubin IN MEMORY OF MAHZORIM SALLY WAXMAN Marsha & Paul Greenberg Noreen & Robert Deutch IN MEMORY OF Contributions FRANK TOBIN MITZVAH FUND IN HONOR OF 34 February 2015 SALLY WAXMAN Marty & Ann Kaufman Sam, Holly, Jeffrey & Daniel Eisenberg Thank You to all who made 35 February 2015 20 Sh’vat 21 Sh’vat 28 Sh’vat 3 Adar Religious School 9:30 am Shomrei Torah Challah Making event - 9:30 am SCRIP Sale Kadima - Challah Making 12:30 pm 4 Adar Purim Box Preparation 7:00 Chai Mitzvah 23 Religious School 4:00 pm TASTe 6:00 pm Men’s Club 5 Adar 24 17 Religious School 4:00 pm TASTe 6:00 pm Education Committee 10 22 27 Sh’vat Presidents’ Day Office Closed 16 Purim Schpiel 2 Rehearsal 8:00 9 14 Sh’vat Religious School 4:00 pm TASTe 6:00 pm Tu B’Shvat Seder 8 pm 3 Tue Purim Schpiel Rehearsal 26 Sh’vat 13 Sh’vat B’nai Mitzvah meeting 7:45 pm 2 Mon Religious School 4:00 pm TASTe 6:00 pm Ritual Committee 15 Purim Schpiel 1 Rehearsal 7:00 19 Sh’vat Religious School 9:30 am Daled and Hey Wedding SCRIP sale 8 12 Sh’vat World Wide Wrap 8:45 am Religious School 9:30 am Membership Committee 10:00 am 1 Sun Finance Committee 6 Adar Baby & Me 9:15 am Parent Toddler 10:15 am 25 29 Sh’vat Baby & Me 9:15 am Parent Toddler 10:15 am 18 22 Sh’vat Baby & Me 9:15 am Parent Toddler 10:15 am 11 15 Sh’vat Tu B’Shvat Baby & Me 9:15 am Parent Toddler 10:15 am 4 Wed 23 Sh’vat 16 Sh’vat 7 Adar Gentle Chair Yoga 5:00 Purim Box Assembly 7:00 26 Women's Rosh Chodesh Gathering 6:00 pm Board of Trustees 30 Sh’vat Rosh Chodesh 1 19 Gentle Chair Yoga 6:30 pm Executive Board 12 5 Thu Daily Minyan: 7:00 AM • Sat 9:30 AM • Sun 9:00 AM • M-Th 7:45 PM All weekday evening meetings begin following Minyan unless otherwise indicated. Fri 17 Sh’vat 8 Adar 5:28 Oneg Shabbat 5:30 pm Kabbalat Shabbat 6:00 pm 27 Oneg Shabbat 5:30 pm Kabbalat Shabbat 6:00 pm Shabbat Dinner 5:19 1 Adar 5:11 24 Sh’vat Rosh Chodesh 2 20 Kabbalat Shabbat 8:00 pm 13 Oneg Shabbat 5:30 pm Kabbalat Shabbat 6:00 pm 5:02 6 February 2015 / Sh’vat - Adar 5775 2 Adar Purim Carnival Setup 9 Adar Tetzaveh Shabbat Zachor 28 Sisterhood - Ballroom Dance 8 pm BOT Shabbat Junior Congregation 10:30am Mini Minyan 11:15 am 21 Extended Torah Study, noon Mishpatim 25 Sh’vat Shabbat Shekalim 14 Minha/Mariv/Havdalah 18 Sh’vat Junior Congregation 10:30am Mini Minyan 11:15 am 7 Sat Shomrei Torah Wayne Conservative Congregation 30 Hinchman Ave. Wayne, NJ 07470 NON-PROFIT ORG. U.S. POSTAGE PAID PATERSON, NJ PERMIT NO. 1169 Address Service Requested Celebrating tradition, embracing the future! 36 February 2015
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