27-07-2016 L‟armée de l‟air aura enfin des Mirage 2000D rénovés


27-07-2016 L‟armée de l‟air aura enfin des Mirage 2000D rénovés

L‟armée de l‟air aura enfin des Mirage 2000D rénovés
2016 - 07 - 19 - www.latribune.fr
Bonne nouvelle pour Dassault Aviation.
La direction générale de l‘armement
(DGA) a notifié au constructeur du Rafale
ainsi qu‘au missilier MBDA le marché de
rénovation à mi-vie du Mirage 2000D,
mis en service à partir de 1993, ainsi que
La Tribune l‘a annoncé ce mardi.
―Ce marché porte sur la rénovation de 55
avions‖ de l‘armée de l‘air sur les 71
qu‘elle emploie actuellement, a expliqué
la DGA. Le Mirage 2000D est spécialisé
dans l‘attaque au sol. La décision avait
été prise lors d‘un comité ministériel
d‘investissement (CMI) du ministère de la
Défense en fin 2015. De son coté,
Dassault Aviation a estimé que ―cette
décision témoigne de la confiance que
place la DGA dans le savoir-faire de
Dassault Aviation et de ses partenaires
industriels en matière de modernisation
Les modifications qui vont lui être
apportées (pod canon, missiles Mica,
amélioration du système d‘armes)
―illustrent les capacités d‘évolution des
avions Dassault en fonction des retours
d‘expérience opérationnelle‖, a expliqué
Dassault Aviation. 225 avions de combat
dans l‘armée de l‘air L‘objectif de cette
rénovation est de permettre leur emploi
en complément des avions Rafale audelà de 2030, a souligné...
Lire la suite
Maintenance en garantie totale des
onduleurs au profit des ateliers industriels
de l‟aéronautique de CP et de la BAN
d‟Hyères, et de Bordeaux et son annexe de
Croix d‟Hins
2016 - 07 - 23 - www.boamp.fr
Ref: Avis n°16-108025
Organisme: MINDEF/AIR/SIAé
Date limite: 15.09.2016 - 14:00
Lieu: Cuers-Pierrefeu, Hyères, Bordeaux, Croix d‘Hins
Contact: Nadine DIDIER
Tel: +33 4 73 42 43 08; Fax: +33 4 73 42 45 50
Lire la suite
Provision, supply, repair and return of
materials and specified services needed for
two (2) KDC-10‟s and Simulator
2016 - 07 - 23 - http://ted.europa.eu
Ref: 2016/S 141-256056
Organisme: Royal Netherlands Air Force
Date limite: 29.08.2016 - 14:00
Lieu: NC
Contact: R.F.M. Theunisse
Tel: +31 164695204; Fax: +31 164695219
E-mail: PROCLCW.ADMIN@mindef.nl
Lire la suite
Achat de moyens de mesures pour DGA TA
pour le compte du MINDEF de Balma
2016 - 07 - 22 - www.boamp.fr
Ref: Avis n°16-110148
Organisme: MINDEF/DGA
Date limite: 20.09.2016 - 16:00
Lieu: Balma (31)
Contact: M. Barjou Alain
Tel: +33 5 62 57 53 85; Fax: +33 5 62 57 50 53
Lire la suite
Spares for the Repair and Maintenance of
PZL W3-A Sokol
2016 - 07 - 21 - philgeps.gov.ph
Ref: PB-PAFBAC-187-16
Date limite: 09.08.2016 - 09:00
Montant: 362 160 EUR
Lieu: NC
Contact: Richard Domingo Cuchapin
Tel: +63 2 8546701 Ext.6051
E-mail: avia2r_134@yahoo.com
Lire la suite
Spares for the Repair and Overhaul of
Various Components of UH-1H Aircraft
2016 - 07 - 21 - philgeps.gov.ph
Ref: PB-PAFBAC-112-16
Date limite: 09.09.2016 - 9:00
Montant: 482 170 EUR
Lieu: NC
Contact: Richard Domingo Cuchapin
Tel: +63 2 8546701 Ext.6051
E-mail: avia2r_134@yahoo.com
Lire la suite
Repair of KF 101 Mirage 2000 aircraft
2016 - 07 - 20 - eprocure.gov.in
Ref: 2016_IAF_125925_1
Organisme: Indian Air Force
Date limite: 25.08.2016 - 11:30
Lieu: AFS Gwalior
Lire la suite
Repair of aero engine for PC7 MKII aircraft
2016 - 07 - 20 - eprocure.gov.in
Ref: 2016_IAF_131534_1
Organisme: Indian Air Force
Date limite: 04.08.2016 - 11:00
Lieu: New Delhi
Lire la suite
Technical training courses for Cougar
helicopter maintenance personnel
2016 - 07 - 20 - http://ted.europa.eu
Ref: 2016/S 134-242167
Organisme: Royal Netherlands Air Force
Date limite: 10.08.2016 - 14:00
Lieu: NC
Contact: Tel: +31 164695204; Fax: +31 164695219
E-mail: PROCLCW.ADMIN@mindef.nl
Lire la suite
Fourniture de rechanges et outillages
aéronautiques pour le moteur T56 équipant
les avions Hercules C130 au profit de l‟AIA
de Bordeaux
2016 - 07 - 19 - www.marches-publics.gouv.fr
Ref: 15178RC0X000
Organisme: MINDEF/AIR/SIAé
Date limite: 13.09.2016 - 14:00
Montant HT: 17 500 000 EUR
Lieu: Bordeaux (33)
Contact: Audrey GAMEZ
Tel: +33 4 73 42 41 50; Fax: +33 4 73 42 45 50
Lire la suite
NH90 inspections and maintenance
2016 - 07 - 19 - http://ted.europa.eu
Ref: 2016/S 137-249617
Organisme: Forsvarets logistikkorganisasjon (FLO)
Date limite: 19.08.2016 - 15:00
Montant HT: 10 681 000 EUR
Lieu: NC
Contact: Anders Jahr Svalheim
Tel: +47 63808189
E-mail: asvalheim@mil.no
Lire la suite
Pièces pour avions F-18 Hornet
2016 - 07 - 19 - http://ted.europa.eu/
Ref: 2016/S 130-233647
Organisme: Puolustusvoimien logistiikkalaitoksen esikunta
Date limite: 08.08.2016 - 23:59
Montant HT: 1 800 000 EUR
Lieu: Tampere
Contact: Mia Rajasalo
E-mail: mia.rajasalo@mil.fi
Lire la suite
Pièces pour les équipements avioniques
des avions de combat de l‟Armée de l‟air
2016 - 07 - 19 - http://ted.europa.eu
Ref: 2016/S 137-248226
Organisme: MALOG
Date limite: 07.09.2016 - 11:00
Montant HT: 450 000 EUR
Lieu: Madrid
Contact: Tel: +34 915032332; Fax: +34 915032030
E-mail: mesa.contratacion.dad.malog@mde.es
Lire la suite
Services de soutien pour l‟acquisition de
pièces de rechange aéronautiques
2016 - 07 - 19 - http://ted.europa.eu
Ref: 2016/S 137-248847
Organisme: Jefatura de la Sección Económico-Administrativa 62
Date limite: 02.09.2016 - 12:00
Montant HT: 287 923,20 EUR
Lieu: Madrid
Contact: Tel: +34 916493190; Fax: +34 916493192
E-mail: sea62contratacion@ea.mde.es
Lire la suite
2016 - 07 - 16 - http://ted.europa.eu
Ref: 2016/S 136-246292
Organisme: MALOG Date limite: 22.08.2016 - 11:30
Montant HT: 1 010 000 EUR
Lieu: Madrid
Contact: Tel: +34 915032332; Fax: +34 915032332
E-mail: mesa.contratacion.dad.malog@mde.es
Lire la suite
Marché ayant pour objet la fourniture de
moyens informatiques embarqués au profit
de DGA EV site d‟Istres et de Cazaux
2016 - 07 - 15 - www.boamp.fr
Ref: Avis n°16-99784
Organisme: MINDEF/DGA
Date limite: 29.08.2016 - 16:00
Montant maximum TTC: 6 000 000 EUR
Lieu: Istres (13)
Contact: Mme MATHIEU Fabienne
E-mail: fabienne.mathieu@intradef.gouv.fr
Lire la suite
Aircraft Maintenance Platform System
2016 - 07 - 14 - buyandsell.gc.ca
Ref: W0125-17LM01/A
Organisme: Department of National Defence
Date limite: 16.08.2016 - 14:00
Lieu: Ontario
Contact: Littlefield Mike
Tel: +1 613 545 8058; Fax: +1 613 545 8067
Lire la suite
Battery pack assembly and transmitter
2016 - 07 - 14 - eportal.nspa.nato.int
Ref: ARO160256B
Organisme: LA - Aviation Support
Date limite: 22.08.2016
Lieu: NC
Contact: E-mail: procurement75@namsa.nato.int
Lire la suite
Upgrade of TyAMPA to v7 to Support P3E
(Voluntary ex ante)
2016 - 07 - 12 - http://ted.europa.eu
Ref: 2016/S 132-238717
Organisme: Ministry of Defence (FAST)
Montant HT: 8 477 982 EUR
Opérateur: Hewlett Packard Enterprise Services
Lire la suite
Aide à la définition et à la rédaction d‟un
cahier des charges pour de la soustraitance d‟activités logistiques sur la flotte
C130 de l‟Armée de l‟air française
2016 - 07 - 12 - www.boamp.fr
Ref: Avis n°16-104562
Date limite: 02.09.2016 - 11:00
Lieu: Clermont Ferrand(63)
Contact: Jean-Marc Dieudonné
Tel: 06 89 81 07 07
E-mail: jean-marc.dieudonne@intradef.gouv.fr
Lire la suite
Pièces pour avion C-212
2016 - 07 - 12 - http://ted.europa.eu
Ref: 2016/S 132-238104
Organisme: MALOG
Date limite: 30.08.2016 - 11:00
Montant HT: 1 080 000 EUR
Lieu: Madrid
Contact: Tel: +34 915032332; Fax: +34 915032030
E-mail: mesa.contratacion.dad.malog@mde.es
Lire la suite
Pièces pour avions d‟entraînement
2016 - 07 - 09 - http://ted.europa.eu
Ref: 2016/S 131-235979
Organisme: MALOG
Date limite: 16.08.2016 - 11:00
Montant HT: 3 200 000 EUR
Lieu: NC
Contact: Tel: +34 915032332; Fax: +34 915032030
E-mail: mesa.contratacion.dad.malog@mde.es
Lire la suite
2016 - 07 - 08 - http://ted.europa.eu
Ref: 2016/S 130-233438
Organisme: 3 Regionalna Baza Logistyczna Wydział Techniki
Date limite: 16.08.2016 - 12:30
Montant HT: 135 000 EUR
Lieu: Kutno
Contact: kpt. Piotr Pudlik
Tel: +48 261430291; Fax: +48 261430189
E-mail: wtlkutno.zamowieniapubliczne@wp.mil.pl
Lire la suite
Acquisition de matériel informatique et
logiciel pour avion F-16
2016 - 07 - 08 - http://ted.europa.eu
Ref: 2016/S 130-233645
Organisme: Forsvarsministeriets Materiel- og Indkøbsstyrelse
Date limite: 05.08.2016 - 09:00
Montant HT: 2 016 600 EUR
Lieu: Ballerup
Contact: Tanja Goth-Eriksen
Tel: +45 72571135
E-mail: fmt-ja17@mil.dk
Lire la suite
Procurement of 14 lines common tools for
retrofit task for MiG 29 aircraft upgradation
2016 - 07 - 08 - eprocure.gov.in
Ref: 2016_IAF_127906_1
Organisme: Indian Air Force
Date limite: 11.08.2016 - 10:00
Lieu: Ojhar
Contact: DY CLMO (PUR)
Lire la suite
Annual inspection of aircrafts, check of
professional competence of pilots and
procurement of spare parts, tools,
consumables and aircraft equipment
2016 - 07 - 07 - http://ted.europa.eu
Ref: 2016/S 129-232367
Organisme: Protection and Rescue Directorate
Date limite: 438 480 EUR
Lieu: Skopje
Contact: Meri Hristovska
Tel: +389 2433384; Fax: +389 2433325
E-mail: nabavki@dzs.gov.mk
Lire la suite
La fourniture et la maintenance préventive
de systèmes de récupération de gaz à effet
de serre sf6 au profit de l‟AIA BR et de la
2016 - 07 - 06 - www.boamp.fr
Ref: Avis n°16-99251
Organisme: MINDEF/AIR/SIAé
Date limite: 18.08.2016 - 14:00
Lieu: Clermont-Ferrand (63)
Contact: Frédéric DE BELAY
Tel: +33 4 73 42 44 35: Fax: +33 4 73 42 45 50
Lire la suite
Fourniture d‟équipements, de pièces
détachées et de consommables pour
groupes électrogènes
2016 - 07 - 05 - www.marches-publics.gouv.fr
Organisme: SIMMAD
Objet: LOT 1: Fourniture de moteurs, d‘alternateurs et
d‘accessoires pour groupes électrogènes LOT 2: Fourniture de
pièces détachées pour groupes électrogènes LOT 3: Fourniture de
filtres pour moteurs de groupes électrogènes
Montant minimum HT: 810 000 EUR
Date limite: 02.09.2016 - 11:00
Lieu: Merignac (33)
Tel: 05 57 53 60 00 poste 24 446 Fax: 05 57
Lire la suite
Maintenance support contract Mirage 2000
2016 - 07 - 01 - eprocure.gov.in
Ref: 2016_IAF_125929_1
Organisme: Indian Air Force
Date limite: 25.08.2016 - 11:30
Lieu: AFS Gwalior
Lire la suite
servomoteur d‟hélicoptère Super Puma
2016 - 07 - 01 - diavgeia.gov.gr
Ref: Ω4ΥΕ6-ΩΔ6
Organisme: Ministry of Defence
Date limite: 26.08.2016 - 9:00
Montant HT: 150 000 EUR
Lieu: NC
Contact: Commander - Georgios Georgiadis
Tel: +30 210 8705015
Lire la suite
Multi-Supplier Framework for the provision
of Engineering Support and Services for
the RAF BAe 146
2016 - 06 - 29 - http://ted.europa.eu
Ref: 2016/S 123-221300
Organisme: Ministry of Defence, Air Support
Date limite: 01.08.2016 - 14:00
Montant HT: entre 4 273 504 EUR et 8 547 009 EUR
Lieu: Outer London — West and North West
Contact: Hywel Willmot
Tel: +44 3067986333
E-mail: DESC17CSAE-CSAT-COMM@mod.uk
Lire la suite
Typhoon Fighter Savings
Could Pay To Upgrade
the Jet
2016 - 07 - 13 www.defensenews.com
Around £500 million expected to be
saved in a new deal between BAE
Systems and the British Ministry of
Defence to support Royal Air Force
Typhoon fighters could be reinvested
in upgrading the jet. The support deal,
announced at the Farnborough air
show, is set to run for 10 years and is
valued at £2.1 billion, said the MoD in
a statement.
The agreement is expected to
generate efficiency savings of around
£500 million, a substantial part of
which could find its way back into
upgrading the jet. Under new rules
agreed to by the Treasury last year,
cost efficiencies generated by the
armed forces can be recycled and
used help fund spending requirements
across the MoD.
Defence procurement minister Philip
Dunne said the support contract will
sustain hundreds of jobs and
represent a substantial change in the
way support is provided ―It will not only
provide more efficient support and
Lire la suite
Roketsan, Airbus, and
Lockheed partner for
C295W, F-35 aircraft
weapon systems
2016 - 07 - 18 - www.airforcetechnology.com
Roketsan Missiles Industries has
reached an agreement with Airbus
Defence and Space to design and
integrate weapon systems on the
C295W surveillance and transport
aircraft. As per the agreed terms,
Roketsan‘s weapons including the
70mm laser-guided missile Cirit; laserguided long-range anti-tank Missile
Lumtas; and laser-guided bomb Teber
will be tested and integrated on the
Airbus-built aircraft.
The companies will begin weapons
carriage and release trials on the
aircraft in the near future. Airbus
Defence and Space military aircraft
head Fernando Alonso said: ―We are
fully committed to continuing to
develop new applications for the
C295W and to enhancing its existing
systems to ensure it retains its marketleading position.
―There is a clear opportunity for us to
address the global requirement for a
cost-effective armed utility aircraft and
Roketsan‘s product range and…
Lire la suite
India acquires Litening targeting pod
2016 - 07 - 20 - www.flightglobal.com
Rafael will supply 164 examples of its Litening targeting pod to the
Indian air force, for use on four types of combat aircraft including
New Delhi‘s Sukhoi Su-30 fighters. Guy Oren, director of Rafael‘s
electro-optical systems unit, says the pods will be delivered in the
next couple of years. An advanced version of the Litening 4 – the
Litening 4 I – will be supplied…
Lire la suite
South Korean navy receives upgraded P-3C
2016 - 07 - 15 - www.flightglobal.com
The South Korean navy has taken delivery of the first of eight
Lockheed Martin PC-3 Orion aircraft to be upgraded by Korean Air
Aerospace Division (KAL-ASD). The work saw the aircraft receive
improved radar, communications, acoustic devices, and other
digitized systems…
Lire la suite
Argentine Air Force takes delivery of
upgraded C-130 aircraft
2016 - 07 - 14 - www.airforce-technology.com
The Argentine Air Force has taken delivery of an upgraded C-130
aircraft from the L-3 Communications‘ Platform Integration division.
The aircraft with upgraded avionics and systems has been
delivered as part of the US Air Force‘s (USAF) foreign military…
Lire la suite
Esterline to supply PC-21 cockpit avionics
to Australia and Jordan
2016 - 07 - 14 - www.airforce-technology.com
Esterline CMC Electronics has secured contracts from Pilatus
Aircraft to supply cockpit avionics for the PC-21 aircraft to Australia
and Jordan. The contracts will see Esterline supplying cockpit
avionics for the Royal Australian Air Force‘s 49 PC-21 turboprop
trainer aircraft and the Royal Jordanian Air Force‘s fleet of eight
PC-21 aircraft…
Lire la suite
US Delivers „Sniper‟ Weapon Pods for F-16
Combat Jets to Netherlands
2016 - 07 - 14 - sputniknews.com
The Netherlands Air Force has received 14 Sniper Advanced
Targeting Pods for air-to-ground firepower support, according to
Lockheed Martin statement. The Netherlands Air Force has
received 14 Sniper Advanced Targeting Pods (ATP) for air-toground firepower support…
Lire la suite
Leonardo to study Typhoon friend-or-foe
capability under U.K. program
2016 - 07 - 13 - www.upi.com
Leonardo-Finmeccanica is working on a new technology
demonstrator program with the U.K. Ministry of Defense regarding
the Eurofighter Typhoon‘s identification friend-or-foe, or IFF,
system, the company announced Tuesday. The program will study
the benefits Typhoon would gain from a new electronically
scanning IFF system…
Lire la suite
Lockheed Martin Looks To Upgrade 500 InService F-16s
2016 - 07 - 13 - www.defensenews.com
Lockheed Martin expects to upgrade 500 in-service F-16s to a
new, AESA radar equipped, ‗F-16V‘ format within seven years,
after bagging orders for over 300 upgrades to date from South
Korea, Taiwan and Singapore. The upgrade sees the addition of
Northrop Grumman‘s SABR electronically scanned radar, as well
as a new 6 by 8 inch center pedestal display, a Link 16 data link…
Lire la suite
Reworked KC-46 Boom Refuels F-16, C-17
2016 - 07 - 13 - www.defensenews.com
The KC-46A Pegasus tanker has successfully refueled an F-16
and C-17, an important step as Boeing attempts to fix an issue
with the refueling boom that earlier this year caused a major
program delay. Two sources with knowledge of the situation tell
Defense News that the reworked boom was able to refuel both
Lire la suite
Finland: Esterline CMC Wins Glass Cockpit
Upgrade for Hawk Mk51
2016 - 07 - 11 - www.asdnews.com
Esterline CMC Electronics (CMC) has been selected by Patria,
Finland, to perform a glass cockpit avionics upgrade of a further
seven BAE Systems Hawk trainers for the Finnish Air Force…
Lire la suite
India pushes talks with Russia for 5thgeneration fighters and “Super Sukhois”
2016 - 07 - 11 - timesofindia.indiatimes.com
India is finally taking forward the negotiations with Russia on
stalled mega projects to jointly develop a futuristic fifth-generation
fighter aircraft (FGFA) as well as upgrade its existing Sukhoi30MKI jets into ‗Super Sukhois‘ with advanced avionics and
Lire la suite
IAF implements crack fix for F-16 fleet
2016 - 07 - 18 - www.flightglobal.com
The Israeli air force has introduced ultrasound maintenance
measures to enable it to swiftly repair cracks in the wings of its
fighter fleet. The crack detection system grounds the fleet for the
shortest possible time, the IAF says, adding that the service has
used it recently to repair cracks in the wing support bulkhead…
Lire la suite
Airbus Defence and Space authorises
Turkish Air Force as regional support
centre for CN235 aircraft
2016 - 07 - 14 - airbusdefenceandspace.com
Airbus Defence and Space has authorised the Turkish Air Force‘s
2nd Air Supply and Maintenance Centre (2nd ASMC) in Kayseri as
a regional support and maintenance centre for Airbus CN235
aircraft following a detailed certification process conducted…
Lire la suite
Lockheed receives $504.3m to support
RCAF‟s C-130J Super Hercules fleet
2016 - 07 - 08 - www.airforce-technology.com
Lockheed Martin will continue to provide in-service support (ISS)
for the Royal Canadian Air Force‘s C-130J Super Hercules fleet,
under a $504.3m contract extension…
Lire la suite
Boeing gets $45M contract for KC-46
maintenance training system
2016 - 07 - 06 - www.upi.com
The company will provide an integrated contractor-operated and
contractor-supported system for all KC-46 maintenance training.
That training system will include interactive multimedia instruction,
virtual maintenance training classroom facilities and several
Lire la suite
RAAF Hawk Maintenance
2016 - 07 - 04 - www.asdnews.com
BAE Systems Australia has created 116 new jobs as the Company
starts providing operational maintenance to the Royal Australian
Air Force‘s (RAAF‘s) Hawk 127 Lead-In Fighter fleet. The
Company is directly supporting the training of Australia‘s next
combat aircrew, delivering all Hawk maintenance support…
Lire la suite
Boeing gets $71 million U.S. Navy P-8A task
2016 - 07 - 01 - www.upi.com
Boineg has been issued a $71 million U.S. Navy cost-plus-fixedfee task order against a previously awarded basic ordering
agreement for work on the P-8A Poseidon aircraft. The task order
covers the development, integration and testing of several
Increment 3, Block 1 capabilities. They include Link 16, Harpoon
II+ missiles, integrated broadcast system receiver and filtering,
high-frequency radio system...
Lire la suite
OGMA submits Hercules upgrade bid to
2016 - 06 - 30 - www.flightglobal.com
Gabon is considering whether to bring an elderly B-model variant
of the Lockheed Martin C-130 back to flyable condition, in order to
double the size of its air force‘s transport fleet. The 1976-built
aircraft (TR-KKB) is currently at the Alverca facility of Portuguese
maintenance and overhaul specialist OGMA…
Lire la suite
General Dynamics integrates
datalink system on AW159
2016 - 07 - 20 - helihub.com
General Dynamics Mission Systems–UK has worked closely with
Leonardo Helicopters, previously known as AgustaWestland, to
develop and integrate a Link 16 datalink system for the first export
variant of the AW159 Wildcat helicopter…
Lire la suite
Longbow LLC Receives $89M Contract for
Apache Radar Upgrades
2016 - 07 - 19 - helihub.com
The U.S. Army awarded the LONGBOW Limited Liability Company
(LLC) an $89.8 million contract to upgrade the Apache attack
helicopter‘s LONGBOW Fire Control Radar (FCR). The
LONGBOW LLC is a joint venture of Lockheed Martin and
Northrop Grumman. The contract includes the production of 84
Radar Electronics Units (REUs) as well as software upgrades…
Lire la suite
Russian Helicopters
Hungarian Mi-17s
2016 - 07 - 18 - helihub.com
The defence ministry in Hungary signed a contract on 7th July with
Russian Helicopters for the overhaul of their four Mi-17 helicopters.
The contract calls for all four to be completed within 24 months,
with each airframe being completed within 10 months of arrival.
The work will be carried out at Novosibirsk, and the contract value
is reported as nearly 4 billion forints (approx $14.2 Million)…
Lire la suite
AW149 is now a butterfly with sting
2016 - 07 - 13 - www.shephardmedia.com
Leonardo Helicopters is debuting an armed configured variant of
its AW149 multirole military helicopter at the Farnborough
International Airshow FIA (FIA 2016). James Wang, senior VP of
helicopters and services marketing at Leonardo Helicopters, said
that over the next 12 months Leonardo Helicopters will undertake
weapon system testing and solicit customers…
Lire la suite
General Dynamics wins Royal Navy Wildcat
SMS contract
2016 - 07 - 12 - www.adsadvance.co.uk
General Dynamics Mission Systems–UK has been awarded a
contract by Leonardo Helicopters (previously AgustaWestland
Limited) to update the Stores Management Systems (SMS) aboard
Royal Navy Wildcat helicopters. The SMS update will introduce
new functionality to control two new missile types, previously
known as Future Air to Surface Guided Weapon (FASGW)…
Lire la suite
Safran, HAL to Set Up Support Center in
2016 - 07 - 15 - www.aviationtoday.com
Safran Helicopter Engines and Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. will
establish a rotorcraft support center in India later this year. The
center will provide maintenance, repair and overhaul services for
Safran TM333 and HAL Shakti engines on HAL-built helicopters.
India‘s armed forces operate a fleet of more than 1,000 engines,
including 250 TM333 and 250 Safran Ardiden 1H1 (Shakti)…
Lire la suite
Kaman to Establish Depot Level Capability
for Egyptian AF
2016 - 07 - 13 - www.asdnews.com
Kaman Aerosystems, a division of the aerospace segment of
Kaman Corporation, announced today that its Air Vehicles and
MRO (AVMRO) unit has been awarded a three-year contract with
NAVAIR for the establishment of depot level maintenance
capabilities for the Egyptian Air Force SH-2G(E) helicopter
program. The contract has a potential value of $3.6 million...
Lire la suite
Malaisie: DCI va créer
formation hélicoptère
2016 - 07 - 20 - www.air-cosmos.com
Ce mardi 19 juillet 2016, le vice-ministre malaisien de la Défense,
la société malaisienne Major Flagship Sdn Bhd et Défense Conseil
International (DCI) ont conclu un accord portant sur la création et
l‘exploitation d‘un Centre de formation de pilotes et mécaniciens
d‘hélicoptère en Malaisie. Ce centre a une vocation régionale et
doit servir aux besoins à la fois de la Malaisie mais aussi…
Lire la suite
Paramount, QinetiQ sign MoU
2016 - 07 - 19 - www.engineeringnews.co.za
South African defence and aerospace company Paramount Group
has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with UKbased QinetiQ to identify areas of mutual interest by sharing
opportunity, design, technology and global market intelligence. The
MoU is expected to facilitate collaboration in a number of areas
including rotary and fixed wing upgrades, mission systems…
Lire la suite
Tata Advanced Systems to collaborate with
2016 - 07 - 14 - helihub.com
Tata Advanced Systems (TASL) and Bell Helicopter, a Textron Inc
company have signed an agreement to work together in support of
India‘s aviation and defense modernisation initiatives with an
emphasis on ‗Make in India‘. Under this agreement TASL and Bell
Helicopter will join forces to develop both commercial and
government (including military) rotary wing markets in India...
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Certified as T56
Overhaul Facility
2016 - 07 - 12 - www.asdnews.com
Rolls-Royce has announced that the Middle East Propulsion
Company (MEPC) based in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia has joined the
global T56 Authorised Military Overhaul Facility (AMOF) network.
Approval as a T56 AMOF follows completion of a three-year
programme to establish repair and overhaul capability at MEPC‘s
engine repair facility at King Khalid International Airport…
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Rolls-Royce Holdings Plc acquisition of
outstanding stake in ITP from SENER
2016 - 07 - 11 - www.rolls-royce.com
Rolls-Royce Holdings plc announces that it will purchase the
outstanding 53.1% shareholding in Industria de Turbo Propulsores
SA (‖ITP‖) owned by SENER Grupo de Ingeniería SA (‖SENER‖)…
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