The Tomb of Tutankhamun`s Mother?
The Tomb of Tutankhamun`s Mother?
fi\ a ':t i9' The Tomb of Tutankhamun's Mother? An l Sth Dynasty Chamber in the Valley of the Kings .i'!t' After over eight decodes of quiet, uneventful work in the Vølley of the Kings, almost 'l 00 years after Howard Corter found the rcmb of the golden boy-pharaoh, 'King Tut', a mojor díscovery wos recently made, ln 2005, on unknown shoft, which turned out to leod to an underground chomber contoining seven coffins and o variety of pottery ond olaboster vessels, wos found neor the tomb of Tutonkhamun. This is indeed on omazing find - no one believed that anything more could be dÍscovered in the Vølley of the Kings. .r. Memphis was working in the tomb of Amenmesse, one of the explaining it to me, including pictures. But as it did not look very impressive, just a shaft covered with stones, I did not think it kings of the 19th Dynasty (around 1200 ac). Normally, Schaden worth making an announcement at that stage. The story began when Otto Schaden from the University of would not have worked outside this tomb, since it is the only place he had permission to excavate. However, when I became Secretary Ceneral of the Supreme Council of Antiquities, initiated site management programmes to protect the monuments in the Valley. We wanted to make sure that the area around the tomb of Amenmesse had been cleared down to bedrock in order to re-route floodwater, and asked Schaden to carry this out. Thus the discovery of the shaft came about, as so often, through a mixture of planning and accident. What is especially remarkable is that this area had been excavated before. Howard Carter and Theodore Davis (a wealthy American who sponsored excavations in the Valley of the Kings in the early 20th century) had found workmen's huts, but neither had stumbled across the shaft of KV 63. When Schaden discovered the top of this unrecorded shaft, he wrote a letter I Schaden began excavating the shaft in January 2006. Every day, he would email me about the progress of the excavation, step by step, until he was at a depth of 5.24 m (1 7 ft) below the surface. Finally, lvisited the work and told Schaden that I could only smile at his discovery, because I still believed that the shaft was not intact. When the excavators reached a chamber, they sent another email asking me to the official opening. On Friday, 10 February, I woke at 4.00 a.m. and flew to Luxor. When I arrived in the Valley, I discovered hundreds of film crews and journalists - an indescribable scene! The atmosphere was full of mystery and anticipation. I slowly climbed down the ladder and found myself in front of a niche closed by stone rubble with no seals. Schaden followed, and we began to remove the stones until we had opened a small hole. Now came the incredible moment when I took a flashlight and looked inside. I can still see ;ür left --t The shoft of KV 63, discovered by orchoeologist Otto Schoden of the Un¡versity of Memphis, descencls deep into the bedrock of the Volley of the Kings. At the bottom wos o ':-tr chomber conta¡ning seven coffins ond 28 large pottery jors. 'l s''-. -'+"-. t,' J.l,',rn tii Ì¡' t Ii \:,¿ -" I 'r4tf ," Tombs, Graves and Mummies " '.: flr'|.'* .lt rl oppos¡te Most of the coffins found in the tomb chomber were bodly destroyed by termites ond hod to be corefully conserved before they were moved. The foce of the most beoutiful of the seven is shown here, representing a womon, her feotures reflect¡ng the ortistic style of the period thot includes the reign of Tutonkhomun ì -l{ \r¡Il , "..jî*@, .. ,.ntl' a * -' the scene in front of me - a chamber hidden for more than 3,000 years, but soon to be known around the entire world. So far the excavators have found seven coffins and 28 large pottery jars (most of them sealed), Of the coffins, five were for adults, one was for a child and one was for an infant. Most are in bad shape, as they were covered with resin and have been eaten away by termites, but we can tell that they were once very beautiful. The biggest surprise was to find that there were no mumm¡es inside. lnstead, they were used as containers for miscellaneous objects - sherds from small and large vessels, miniature vessels, two alabaster vessels, natron (a salt-like material used in mummification), the bones of small animals, linen, small sealings and bits of wood. The youth-sized coffin held six down pillows, some inscribed with hieroglyphs saying such things as 'life, health, stability', and an exquisite miniature coffinette (about 42 cml16.5 in long) of gilded wood. Twelve of the jars have been opened and their contents examined: they also contained various objects, including smaller vessels or fragments, resined bandages, natron, chaff, pieces of twine or rope, clay'trays' used in embalming, and mud seaì impressions. 54 Tombs, Craves and Mummies The style of the coffins and the jars, as well as the seal impressions, date the tomb to the late 18th Dynasty: specifically, close to the time of Tutankhamun (about 1 320 ac). There are many impressions of the official necropolis seal - a jackal over had been born Tutankhaten, came to the throne, he changed his name and restored the old faith, bringing Amun-Re back into favour. KV 63 contains the names of both gods: that of Amun-Re is found on an alabaster jar and a seal impression, and the Aten's with embalming, including, most surprisingly, numerous collars, nine captives; this seal is also found in Tutankhamun's tomb, on another sealìng. So far, no king's name has been found. The last coffin was opened in June 2006. lt is inscribed, although we have notyet been able to read what it says because of its delicate condition. The face is beautiful, and very much in the style of the period. Everyone hoped that it might contain a mummy, but instead it held more fascinating artifacts associated full of embalming materials, but we all hope at least one of the The excavators hope that at least one will include a royal name. Other sealing motifs also have links with Tutankhamun, and the pots are similar to ones from the tomb of Yuya and Tjuya, probably Tutankhamun's grandparents. The excavators have also found a number of inscriptions, most of them fragmentary: seals that is sure to be inside is inscribed with a royal name. It seems, then, that this tomb was a place where embalming materials, possibly left over from an important royal funeral, were stored. One such cache (KV 54), discovered in 1907, contained materials from Tutankhamun's mummification and funerary feast. But who was the original tomb cut for? I do not Dr Schaden's favourite is a label on a wine jar reading 'Year 5, wine from Tjaru' (a site at the edge of the Eastern Delta). A wlne jar from Tutankhamun's tomb is also from Year 5, and contains 'wine from the estate of the Aten in Tjaru'. Could these two jars hold the same vintage? The period to which this tomb belongs was a fascinating era of Egyptian history, The man who was probably Tutankhamun's father, Akhenaten (c. 1 353-1 336 ac), had turned the country's religion upside down, rejecting the main state gods and instead worshipping the sun disc, the Aten. After Tutankhamun, who made of cloth with flowers at the edges, that would have been placed across the chest of the mummy or worn by mourners at a funerary feast. Eleven large jars are still sealed; they will also be opposite below pages 52-53 The coffins in KV 63\ chamber Dr Schaden, directot of the excovotions in KV 63, ond Dr Hawoss exomine one of, the coffins. wet e piled on top of eoch other. found o vorÌety of objects connected with nLtmmif¡cotion and funerols: cloth, notron, broken pottery, and even pillows However, no mummies were below inside lnsteod, Ihey were full of View into the burial chamber jusl after the cliscovery. The coffins ond storage iars oll sit on a bed of rubble, ntuch of which hos yet to be cleared. think it was for Ankhsenamun, Tutankhamun's wife, or the beautiful Nefertiti, his stepmother, because both of these important gueens wouid have had larger, more elaborate tombs. I like to imagine that it was built for Kiya, a secondary wife of Akhenaten's, whom many believe was Tutankhamun's mother. She disappears from the historical record at around the time he was born, and might even have died in childbirth. I believe that the Valley of the Kings still hides important secrets. Who knows what we will find next? Tombs, Graves and Mummies 55 Pharaoh's Children: The Tomb oppos¡te An ¡nscr¡ption in KV 5, Chomber 1, giving the nome ond titles of o royol son, Amenherkhepeshef, whose heod oppeors on the right. of the Sons of Ramesses ll in the Valley of the Kings Kent R. Weeks right Corridor 7, behind Chomber 3, wos in I 995 and showed thot Kv 5 wos the lorgest tomb in the Volley of the Kings. (Thß photogroph wos token in 1 997, oftet it hod been portly cleored.) dìscovered What begon os o routine excovotion of a rediscovered tomb in Egypt's Volley of the Kings soon become something very different, as we learned that it belonged to severol sons of Romesses ll and uneorthed chomber ofter chamber. lt Ís already the largest tomb in the Volley ønd we stÍll haven't reached the end. below left A fìgure of the god Osiris corved in high relief în the reor woll of CorrÌdor 7 (olso ln 1825, the English adventurer lames Burton visited the Valley of the Kings and cursorily explored the 20 tombs known there at the time. He found the entrance of one of these, KV 5 (King's just visible ¡n the bockground of the photogroph right). below right tomb number 5), filled with debris and he hired local workmen to dig a narrow channel at ceiling level. With effoft, Valley One of four skeletons from KV 5 (Chomber 2) which we believe ore remoins of sons he crawled into the tomb's first seven rooms before further of Romesses ll. progress was blocked. ln his notes, Burton wrote that the tomb had an unusual plan, no decoration, no objgcts and no particular historical interest. lt lay ignored for the next 163 years. Since 1979 the Theban Mapping Project (TMP) has been preparing a detailed map of the Valley of the Kings. lt has also gathered information on the Valley's tombs, especially those seen previously but which have since become lost. One of these was KV 5 and, based on Burton's notes, the TMP relocated its entrance in 1988. At first we were inclined to agree with Burton: KV 5 was unimportant. But in 1989 we found a wall carved with hieroglyphs with the name and titles of Amenherkhepeshef, the first-born son of the great New Kingdom pharaoh Ramesses ll who reigned in the 'l 3th century oc; a few weeks later, elsewhere, we found the name of another son, Ramesses. With these discoveries, KV 5 became a tomb of considerable interest, and we decided to explore it. Work proceeded slowly, þut by 1995 we had cleared a pathway through Chamber 3, a large pillared hall. ln its rear wall we found a blocked doorway. Clearing away the debris and crawling through, we found ourselves in a 30-m (1 00-ft) long corridor lined with doorways that led to still more corridors and rooms. Suddenly, KV 5 had become the largest tomb ever found in the Valley, with over 67 rooms. Today, 'l 1 years later, KV 5 continues to grow: we have now found over 128 chambers, and more are sure to come. Not only is KV 5 much larger than typical royal tombs in the Valley, but its plan is also completely different. lnstead of a few corridors cut along a single axis, KV 5's plan radiates off a pillared hall in many directions and on several different levels. From inscriptions on the tomb walls and on objects lying on itsfloor, we now know that Ramesses ll buried at least six, and perhaps as many as 22, of his numerous sons in KV 5. Tombs, Graves and Mummles 5 is unique in plan, unique in size and unique in function family mausoleum. But it is hard to explain why - because there is so little to compare it with we have to depend on evidence from KV 5 itself for interpretation. And this means we must be especially meticulous in its excavation: even tiny pieces of evidence may offer meaningful clues. Every one of the 900,000 fragments of pottery we have found in the tomb has been described and studied; from them we are learning about the functions of the individual chambers. Every square centimetre of exposed wall surface has been examined for traces of inscriptions, and we are now reconstructing the tomb's complex programme of decoration. Four skeletons were found tossed by thieves into a pit in the floor of Chamber 2: measurements suggest they are genetically related, and KV as a could be sons of Ramesses ll. As this meticulous work continues we are learning more about the reign of one of Egypt's most powerful kings and about the royal family. Perhaps KV 5 was dug because Ramesses ll made several of his sons his heirs, elevating them to positions of great authority and sharing with them some of his regal powers. When his sons predeceased him (he lived to be nearly 90) they were buried in a tomb indicative of their exalted position - not as elaborate as pharaoh's perhaps, but far more impressive than for most royal children. lt is thus an architectural reflection of a significant change in the structure of Egyptian kingship.