Via Hanseatica e-books now available in Rahva Raamat book store!


Via Hanseatica e-books now available in Rahva Raamat book store!
Every journey starts with the first step and ends with the last one. The Cross-Border Cooperation project “Via Hanseatica” has come to an end, having developed a unique, 580km long international tourism route promoting the development of remote areas of Estonia, Latvia and Russia by linking up undiscovered tourism pearls.
Thanks to the project, a website and simultaneously travel planner were produced for tourists or travel agents, as well as
a mobile application to satisfy every need of tourists travelling along the Via Hanseatica route. In addition, an unconventional travel guide, “Unforgettable Adventures on Via Hanseatica” written by the popular Estonian writer Sass Henno,
was released, with a tourism map in 6 languages.
In its three years, the project has released eight video clips and has improved 12 tourism objects. Altogether 208 road
signs, 41 direction signs, 22 information boards and 9 information terminals have been installed to promote the Via Hanseatica.
But for Via Hanseatica this is not the last step as news about good initiatives in Via Hanseatica destinations are coming
and coming! Read yourself about Via Hanseatica museum night in Gatchina, Via Hanseatica cycling route in Ivangorod,
activities within networks and between destinations as well as exciting news about our visitors. Can you actually believe
that Via Hanseatica is really world famous? Our VH travel planner, web and mobile users analysis just showed that we
have visitors from 96 different countries in the world!
Keep up good Via Hanseatica spirit and hold your friendship!
Via Hanseatica e-books now available in Rahva Raamat book store!
Via Hanseatica e-books “Unforgettable adventures on Via
Hanseatica” are now available in Rahva Raamat book store! Books
can be downloadad for free in 5 languages: Estonian, Latvian,
Russian, English and German.
Enjoy romantic adventures of Mark and Nadia!
Via Hanseatica fellowship stays!
Four years ago we were dreaming of Via Hanseatica as exciting, attractive, integrated, well-known and recognized
tourism product. We had in mind an inspiring tourism route between Hanseatic cities full of historical objects and
legends, beautiful villages and pure nature, different cultures and traditions, interesting activities, lots of unforgettable
tastes and smells, friendly and helpful people.
Now we know that you all are those who make Via Hanseatica alive, create wonderful emotions and experiences. We are
so proud and happy about you and look tears of joy in our eyes that communication and relationships within people,
between destinations and countries are getting warmer and warmer. We hold our fingers that friendship of Via
Hanseatica will last and good luck for new team members!
Sille Talvet, Sille Roomets and Anita Abolina, from VH project team
Project Via Hanseatica started a very active communication and cooperation between
different sectors and destinations in Russia. We have almost 60 members in Via Hanseatica
networkat the moment —everybody wants to be part of it! We carry on with joint events and
discussions about development and are waiting for new possibilities for cross-border
activities. At the beginning of year in cooperation with tour operators we complied a special
tourism route for Asian tourists and promoted Via Hanseatica package in tourism fair in
China. In May we took part in Museum night with Via Hanseatica destinations and opened VH
cycling route in Ivangorod. Step by step we work out new ideas and developments. Follow us
and our Via Hanseatica destinations on VK and Facebook.
Warm greetings to all Via Hanseatica network members and destinations! Hope to see you all
Ene Reedi,
Via Hanseatica
coordinator in Estonia
The project activities of Via Hanseatica are finished but some of the activities still continue.
This year Via Hanseatica route was introduced in Hamburgi, where special Via Hanseatica
packages were sold and in Minsk for Belorussian tour operators. In June there was a network
meeting for Via Hanseatica Estonian enterprises where we gave an overview of all Via Hanseatica marketing materials. Joint discussions lead us to smart and great ideas for marketing
activities and valuable feedback was collected from enterprises about problems to be solved
with possible new projects and development activities. In summer we will have Facebook
campaigns and visitor games, take part in international events and of course visit other Via
Hanseatica destinations and events. Good cooperation with enterprises and destinations will
continue in autumn. We are quite optimistic and plan new development projects - for destinations and for Via Hanseatica.
Via Hanseatica becomes an increasingly popular and recognizable tourism brand—the former
project partners actively use the logo, thus announcing themselves being Via Hanseatica destinations. But even more convincing is the fact that several new members have joined the network.
New municipalities are committed to the Via Hanseatica club to work jointly on the development
of the tourism in the region and direct the tourism flow towards less known but unique and valuable tourism objects. They believe in us! Hoping that there will be a possibility to develop the
tourism route further with the help of EU financial support, meanwhile an active work continues
to popularize Via Hanseatica also in Latvia. As the active tourism season has begun, tourists are
reminded of our hidden pearls. It is done with the help of social media and mass media representatives. We continue to work with tour operators and invite them to come on FAM trips. Via
Hanseatica in Latvia excites both those who have created the route and those who crave adventure! Since few weeks Via Hanseatica guide books and tourism maps are available for the passengers of the international trains Riga-St.Petersburg! We work to promote our route across the
borders! We wish for all of us to maintain enthusiasm ! Back to work!
Elena Belova,
Via Hanseatica
coordinator in Russia
Ilze Liepa,
Via Hanseatica
coordinator in Latvia
Via Hanseatica in 2015
In 2015 the tourism route Via Hanseatica continues to take hearts of travelers and adventurers with confident steps! International exhibitions, festivals, blogs, social networks, participation in the international annual campaign Night of Museums
in 2015 - all these events helped to acquaint people with Via Hanseatica!
In the first half of the 2015 route Via Hanseatica was actively promoted
in the tourism fairs by our partners, such as:
* Tourism Fair “Balttour 2015” in Riga, Latvia (6-8.02);
* Tourism Fair “Reisen 2015” in Hamburg, Germany (4-8.02);
* Tourism Fair “Tourest 2015” in Tallinn, Estonia 13-15.02);
* Guangzhou International Travel Fair (GITF) in Guangzhou, China (58.03);
* Contact seminar with Belorussian tour operators in Minsk, Belorussia
* 19th International Tourist Exhibition "Leisure without Borders. Summer 2015" in St. Petersburg, Russia (3-5.04);
* «Lounge Planet. World is Outdoor» in St. Petersburg, Russia (24-
New cycling route on Via Hanseatica!
On the 31 of May an inauguration of eco-cycling routes
Ivangorod – Narva and in Kurgalsky Peninsula was held and
there was developed a cycling quest "Mysteries of Ivangorod", which is going to visit Steve Glazer, our leader and
coach in questing, Poetic of Place, in June.
The red cycling line was made in Ivangorod, and the red fox
on the bicycle from Via Hanseatica has become a real talisman and symbol of cycling adventures in Leningrad region.
Via Hanseatica Estonian network meeting
Via Hanseatica Estonian partners met on 2nd of June in
Alatskivi castle. Members of VH network were reminded VH
marketing and travel planner tools: web-page, travel
planner, mobile app, travel guide, e-books, maps, flyers,
table covers, pencils, suitcase name-tags, video-clips etc.
During the discussions about Via Hanseatica customer
journey was analysed and good suggestions were made by
enterprises for product development and quality.
Via Hanseatica summer season is opened!
Adventures on the Via Hanseatica continue! As a part of a
trip on the route Via Hanseatica an opening of summer
season of kayak ride on the river Oredezh was held.
Via Hanseatica network members and partners wish you
all nice and warm summer with lovely and kind visitors,
enjoyable time for family and friends.
Keep yourself informed about VH news and visitor games
via Facebook and add your good news - Russian, Estonian, Latvian and English pages for visitors as well as international VH community page for members.
Via Hanseatica is officially world famous!
Do you remember when we were dreaming and
hoping that some day Via Hanseatica will be world
famous? Well, do you know, this day has come.
According to Via Hanseatica app users and webpage visitors we are known in 96 different
countries in the world! Most far from us - United
States, Canada, Brazil, Argentina, Peru, Chile, Colombia, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Egypt, United Arab
Emirates, South-Africa, Angola, Kenya, Australia,
New Zealand, Thailand, Philippines, Pakistan, India,
China, Japan, South-Korea, Palestine, Singapore,
Malaysia, Taiwan and many more.
Isn´t that amazing?
Via Hanseatica study visit to Lapland, Finland
Cooperation between destinations continues. In May nature tourism planners and entrepreneurs from Cesis and Valga
County visited nature tourism objects and enterprises in Lapland, Finland to get good practices in green growth and
sustainable nature tourism development. Lapland is
the cleanest corner of the world and main reason to
visit this area is pure nature. There are not much
“artificial” or “man-made” sightseeings - people come
here to see nordic lights, white nights, white snow,
fresh air, great views to nature or just for total peace
and quiet. Taking care of the nature and natural
resources is common for Lappish people. Within five
days several organisations were visited but
participants` favourites were meetings with
representatives of Regional Council of Lapland,
museum, science centre and congress venue
Arktikum, Congress and Exhibition Centre Levi
Summit, Golden Crown Igloos, restaurant Nili who all
were the most fans of their region and its values.
Participants were amazed how smart they were using the strengths of the region in their products, catering and even
interiors. Local materials and resources were
honoured and presented in best and sustainable
way. There was a lot to learn from Lappish
enterprises in developing services and products
based on natural resources. Thinking green and
using resources in sustainable and authentic
way and developing smart products based on
regional natural strenghts.
The study visit was partly financed by NordicBaltic Mobility Programme project “Via
Hanseatica study visit to Lapland”.
Best Via Hanseatica water-based summer destinations
The natural pearl of Leningrad region is Kurgalsky Reserve area, located on the Gulf of Finland and
purged by sea and salty winds.
The route on Kurgalsky Reserve area
is ideal for cyclists, who dream about
traveling on a sparsely populated
area among winding forest roads,
picturesque lakes and beautiful landscapes.
Don’t be surprised, if it suddenly
appears the sly fox, red deer or
white-tailed eagle flies over the road.
This Reserve area is home to 250
species of birds, 750 species of higher plants and 110 species of mosses.
Here is also 40 species of mammals.
It is particularly worth to mention
the gray seal and ringed seal, which
breeding grounds located on the
rocks of Kurgalsky reef. You can also
meet the brown bear, garden dormouse and roe deer.
Kayak ride on the river Oredezh is a
unique opportunity to admire the
spectacular scenery of untouched
nature with Devonian sandstones,
beaver dams, sand caves, "dancing
pines", to enjoy the clear water from
radon sources and organic food from
local farmers.
Reserved Lake Beloye with clean water – is a popular place for nature
lovers. The white-tailed eagle (listed
in Red Book) has a nest in the spruce
forests around the lake.
Ride package includes transport to
the start point and from the end
point, instructions, safety equipment, ride description and map.
After the ride we strongly recommend to ask for local additional services like sauna, open-air bath and
home-made pot-meal “plov” made
on real fire.
Come to the ride to get positive emotions and a unique natural energy!
On the islands of Tiskolsky reef you
can meet the grey seal and ringed
seal, as well as have a good time on a
beautiful and wide beach. In this sunny and comfortable place harmony
and silence always prevail.
NB! Do not forget to dress warmly—
average climate in summer is +15
but seaside is always windy.
Here on the sun it is sparkling an expanse of the "little sea", or rather, the
only one salt lake in Leningrad region. It is filled with healing waters,
and under the water live marine fish,
including flounder and lamprey.
The cycling tour on Ivangorod – is a
great opportunity to visit places,
where tourist coaches don’t drive, to
see the famous Ivangorod Fortress,
picturesque Parusinka, stunning Narva waterfalls and existing medieval
Just 15 minutes drive from bordertown Narva there is a small resort
Narva-Joesuu. It is well-known as a
town where sun always shines and
for its long sea-beach lined with a
pine forest. There's coastguard on
the beach, beach volleyball court,
playground for children, cabins,
shower, surf equipment rental and
lots of ice-cream. SPA-s with several
procedures and restaurants are just
close by. Fresh air, romantic sunset
and walk are just what you need.
In Kuremaa everyone enjoys time by
the lake! Golden beach, aquabikes
and boat hire, beachfront cafe,
playground, caravan park and more.
Water temperature is measured
constantly with information provided
on special stands. While you are here,
have a look at Kuremaa manor and
visit Kuremaa Windmill – its upper
platform opens a great view to Vooremaa landscape. Kuremaa is also
loved by motorcyclists – every year
meeting Jogevatreff takes place in
Shores of Lake Peipus are a popular
holiday destination for its natural
beauty. There are several beaches
from north to south - Kauksi is one of
the best known and most popular
beaches but more peaceful and
romantic beaches can be found on
the way through Mustvee and oldbelievers villages. A boardwalk
extends from one end of the beach to
the other, covering kilometres of
'singing sands'. You can freely do
“beach-hopping”! Near the lake there
are special places for barbecue and
camping. Do not forget to visit
concerts and local fairs.
There are outdoor beaches and
recreation areas by the main water
body River Emajogi. Visitors will also
find numerous recreational activities
and attractions around the city.
River cruises are always popular
passing some imposing landmarks
and great vies to the town as its sails
along the River Emajogi throught the
From May 2015 until April 2016
there is opened hidden world of
secret service in Ahhaa Science
Centre. Find out how real secret
agents work at exhibition „Aha, Top
Between Tartu and Otepaa there is
small town Elva with its beautiful
lake Verevi. Warm water, jumping
platform and pool for children
attracts everyone. During the summer season there is boat rental and
swimming can be safe under
coastguard look. You can stay in a
motel Verevi, Elva Guesthouse, motel
Waide or Tartu County Recreational
Centre. Here starts Elva-Vitipalu
landscape reserve with hiking tracks,
gazebo and other interesting places
included. Nearbly located Manor
Luke and Hellenurme Watermill adds
spice to any holiday.
The beautiful beach of Lake Puhajarv
in Otepaa with it`s clean sand, pier,
beach volleyball courts, playgrounds
and harbour welcomes you every
summer. Puhajarve run along the
edge of the hiking trails, which you
can walk, ride with a bike or ride
landscape push bike. In the nearby
you can enjoy the SPA facilities, swim
in the indoor pool, use the fitness
center, play tennis and bowling. After
pleasant beach we suggest you to
enjoy meal in numerous restaurants
or visit Otepaa Adventure Park, Sangaste Castle, Torva wakepark or Valga Military Theme Park.
A trip with the Gauja tram is a good
entertainment if with family, friends
or colleagues in the very centre of
entertaining excursions on Gauja
river from the Kazu krāces (Goat
rapids) to the Dzelzs tilts (Iron
bridge) to explore most famous sights
from the river. During 40 minutes
long trip the „Gauja tram driver–
guide” tells interesting tales and
legends about Valmiera. Available for
During events „Four seasons of Seda
bog” the natural values and
biodiversity of Seda bog nature reserve are introduced throughout all
year. In the summer event, on July 18
you can join educational hike along
the peat harvest area, watch
dragonflies and other invertebrates.
The tour will be guided by
entomologist Ugis Piterans. The start
of the tour is in the town center of
Seda, at 10 am.,
+371 64 715 667.
Boating along the Brasla river is
definitely is one of the best choices.
The majestic sandstone cliffs on both
sides of the river, underground lakes
and small rapids will improve your
mood for sure! Boating along the
Brasla is a real pleasure!
Nature trail of Koksi Lakes is located
in the specially protected nature
territory "Ziemelgauja". Along the
trail you can find information stands
to read more about specially
protected area and its natural riches forest and water habitats, birds and
animals. The chain of Koksi Lakes
consists of series of different tree
lakes connected with Koksupīte, the
tributary of left bank of the Gauja
river. The trail is suitable for any
capabilities - if you only choose to
walk around Lake Zalu, the distance
is 2,7 km, but if you choose to go
around all three lakes, its a 7 km
distance. Possible to go by bicycle as
The farm „Rukīsi” (Dwarfs) in early
2002 began to develop rural tourism
by building and equipping new quest
house „Saulītes”, bath house, boatyacht water channel and recreational
pond 1,5 ha large. It is a great
opportunity to enjoy a rest in a quiet
rural environment, go by boat into
the lake Burtnieks, to catch your
dream fish or simply have a leisure
ride. There is place enough to have a
party and accommodate up to 100
persons. Hospitable hostesses will
offer you delicious meals prepared
from fresh fishes coming from the
lake Burtnieks.
Leisure water activities jut right on
the Via Hanseatica in Rubene by the
water bodies Mazais Ansis and
Lielais Ansis can be enjoyed! You can
improve your wake-board skills or
try it for the first time. Experienced
wakeboard lovers will be delighted
with the longest two- tower
wakepark in the Baltics (236 m) with
more than 5 structures. For
beginners the wakeboard school is
available, totally free of charge. You
can also try a drive with SUP rowing
board or enjoy activities with the
water balls. Wake park is situated
near the tavern “Mazais Ansis” and
BMX supercross track.
The ship „Karlis” has found home in
the pond of the castle park. Guests
are offered 40 minutes long trip and
the ship captain expressively tells
about historical events and legends
of Cesis castle and the town itself.
The ship is suitable for 30 passengers
and you can rent it for a birthday
party, wedding celebration or just
nice romantic evening.
Next to the park you will be amazed
by one of the biggest middle age
castles in Latvia—the Cesis castle.
Event calendar: save the date for perfect summer vacation on the Via Hanseatica route!
Summer solstice event at Jērcēnmuiža, Strenci. County,; Phone: +371 64715667
Traditional summer solstice festival in Valmiermuiža.
Small opera festival at Ungurmuiža manor.
Mini music festival at Dikli castle.
XX Põltsamaa Castle Day.
Music of the Seven Cities, Ida-Viru County.
Peipsi Lake Folk Festival and Summer Fair, Mustvee.
Kamari Waterfun and Põltsamaa River Marathon.
Tartu Hanseatic Days 2015.
Music Festival “Peipsi Romance”.
Auto24 Rally Estonia.
Nautical Mile Race in Narva-Jõesuu beach, Ida-Viru County.
Leigo Lake Music festival in Otepää.
TriSmile Otepää Triathlon.
Cesis Castle Medieval Days 2015.
Alatskivi Castle Days.
Festival of love films “TARTUFF” in Tartu, Estonia.
Tõrva Fire and Music Festival “Tõrva Spell”, Valga County.
Valmiera Town Festival with open air cinema, market, workshops, concerts, ball.,
History Festival “The battle of Narva”, Ida-Viru County.
XI Kalevipoeg Fish and Water festival, Jogeva County.
Valga Military History Festival.
rized as either
a good time or a good story…ica!
Happy summer on Via Hanseat
This newsletter has been
produced in cooperation of Via Hanseatica network members. Thank you Teele Kaeramaa, Kristina Ernits, Annika Ojasaar, Ene Reedi, Olga Iakimenko, Elena Belova, Ilze Liepa and Sille Roomets!