Notice dated 4th February, 2016 regarding CoA elections
Notice dated 4th February, 2016 regarding CoA elections
F. No.4-15/2015-TS.VI Government of India Ministry of Human Resource Development Department of Higher Education **** New Delhi dated the 04th February, 2016 NOTICE The Council of Architecture consists of members , amongst others , five persons elected from among themselves by heads of architectural institutions in India imparting full time instructions for recognized qualifications under clause (c) of sub-section (3) of section 3 of the Architects Act 1972. 2. The Central Government vide Notification No . 4-15/2015-TS.Vi (i) and (ii) dated 11.01.2016 has appointed the undersigned as the Returning Officer for holding election under clause (c) of sub-section 3 of section 3 of the Architects Act, 1972. According to this section, five persons are to be elected from among themselves by the Heads of Architectural Institutions in India imparting full time instructions for recognized qualifications as members of the Council. The elected members shall hold office for a term of three years. 3. The Heads of Architectural Institutions in India are, therefore , call8d upon as per Ru iG 6 of the Council of Architecture Rules , 1973 to elect from among themselves five members of the Council of Architecture. On the basis of information made available to the undersigned by the Ministry of 4. HRD , . Electoral Roll for election under clause (c) of sub-section 3 of section 3 of the Architects Act , 1972 has been prepared and is annexed to this Notice. If any question arises as to whether a person is or is not entitled to vote at or to stand for the election , the question shall be referred to the Returning Officer for his decision as per Rule 7 of the Council of Architecture Rules , 1973, alongwith the following ; Documentary proof that person claiming the right to vote and stand for election (i) is Head of an Architectural Institution in India ; and (ii) Documentary evidence in support of the claim that the Architectural Institution in question is imparting full time instructions for recognized qualifications . In this connection , section 2(d) , 14(1) , 14(2) and Schedule under the Act may be referred to for giving specific documentary evidence. 5. (a) (b) The date , the time and place forthe receipt of nomination papers and their scrutiny the dispatch of voting papers to the eligible electors (c) (d) receiving of the votin g papers scrutiny, counting of votes and decla ration of the result will be notified under Rule 8 of the Council of Architecture Rules , 1973 in due course . 6. Objection s, if any , in this regard should be sent to undersigned not later than 25th February , 2016. ~ (Am it Shukla) Returning Officer Director Room No. 100-A 'D' Wing , Shastri Bhavan , New Delhi- 110001 Tele No. 23385365 Copy to ; 1. Web Master, Ministry of Human Resource Development with the request to upload this notice on the MHRD's website with immed iate effect. 2. The Registrar, Council of Architecture , India Habitat Centre, Core, 6A , 1st Floor, Lodhi Road , New Delhi with the request to upload th is notice on the COA's website . 3. All Architectural Institutions as per the list enclosed . \ Ai\1 AI f: X\) p_f_ Dc:tai!s of In stitut i on imparting Architectural f:ciuc<lti on in t he Country along-with inform at ion of H e ad of Inst itution No:T~~~~"tioo [ 1 APOl 2 APOZ 3 AP03 4 AP04 5 APOS 6 AP08 7 AP10 8 9 10 APll AP12 I lo>tiMioo Nome School of Planning & Architecture Jawaharla/ Nehru Architecture and Fine Arts Universi ty (JNA&FAU) Mahaveer Marg, Masab Tank HYDERABAD- 500 028 (A ndhra Pradesh) Faculty of Arch itecture, College of Engineering Andhra University, Waltair VISAKHAPATNAM- 530 003, (Andhra Pradesh) Schoo l of Architecture CS/Ins titu te of Technology Wesley Boys' Degree Campus Opp . Anand Theatre, 145, Macintyre Road SECUNDERABAD- 500 003 (Andhra Pradesh) Sri Venkateswara College of Architecture 86, Madhapu r, Nr.High Tech-City Jubilee Hills HYDERABAD-500 081 (Andhra Pradesh) S.A.R. College of Architecture Revenue Survey No.l32 Agiripally Village & Mandai KRISHNA DISTI.- 521 211 {Andhra Pradesh) ANU College of Architecture & Planning Acharya Nagarjuna University Nagarjuna Nagar GUNTUR-522 510 (Andhra Pradesh) Vaishnavi School of Architecture & Planning Survey No.8 & 11 to 15, Gafor Nagar Circle 11, West Zone, GHMC Area Madhapur, Hyderabad-500 081(Andhra Pradesh) School of Architecture Gandh i Institute of Technology and Management (GITAM), (Deemed to be University) Rushikonda Visakhapa tnam-530 045, Andhra Pradesh Maestro School of Planning and Archi tecture 3-109, Next to Wipro Gopanapalli Vattinagu/apally Lingampally to Kondapur Road Hyderabad-500 075 Deccan School of Planning & Architecture (An Un-Aided Muslim Minority Institution) Dar-Us-Salam, Nampally Hyderabad-500 001 (Andhra Pradesh) Head of Inst itut io n Detail with COA Registration No. & Validity Conta ct Det ails of He<Jd of In stitution Ar. D. Vijaya Kishore Principal CA/90/13375 Valid upto=2021 Mobile:9177224418 Email: d rdvij aykishore@gmai /.co m Ar. Allu Re vathi Devi HOD CA/96/2046 Valid upto=2019 Mobile:9849349020 m Ar. P J Dh arma raj Directo r CA/82/7141 Valid upto=2018 Ar. Kalpa na M. Principal CA/93/16329 Va lid upto=Z020 Te/.:08912844974 Mob ile:9000577740 Ema il Te/.:04027819021 Mobile:98663898 88 Ar. Swapna T Principal CA/2006/38 51 6 Valid upto=2018 Mobile:8125474424 Tei.:08656-224770/1/2 Ar. G Baburao Principa l CA/79/5406 Valid upto=2009(0TP) Mobile:9849082055 Email Te/. :08632346526 Ar. K.J.A. Bulli Babu Principal CA/88/11350 Valid upto=2018 Mobile:9948788823 Ar. G V S Sai Director CA/76/ 2982 Va lid upto=2015 Mobile:9866449926 Em Ar. Milind Kollegal Dire.c tor Mobile:9848059791 Emai/:mapehyd@yahoo .com CA/82/6874 Valid upto=2020 Ar. Syed Ziauddin Principal CA/93/16068 Va lid upto=2009(0TP) Mobile:984990 9720 Em ail: zia uddin @deccanschoolof arch itectur·e. ac. in Tel. :04024802635 - 1 Dci=>:is vf Institution imparti ng Architectural Education in th e Cc un try along-with information of Head of Institution :n,ritu t i~ n-r Institution Name s: \.) . Code Hea d of Institution Deta il with COA Registration No. & l I I I 1 V;;rah ;; College of Architecture & Planning i j I AP14 I AP15 12 .' CA/ 93/16 394 C4/2003/32544 / Hyder;;bad-500034 Vali d upto=2024 Ar. J Ga yatri Director i Vij ;;yaw<;da I Ar. Sri kon da Rames h I · 1/ C Director CA/84/8571 Vali d up t o=2024 I Sy. No. il/1, NH-5, Nidam ;; nunu Vijava\':ada - 52.1: JL, Dist. l(rishna I A n a·~~~r c: p :cae.s . ~h , AP15 ·c; :'v i. R. K .Co li e~e ~ I i I I 1 I APZO 1 o: -4:-c'lite~ure - - -- ce . . e . a ; c~~ ~ / .::- .-:. I Ar. M Subrahmanyeswara '":c ~ : c ::--- Valid up to=2017 Ar. V.Ram Moh an Rao Principal f AP21 Department of Arc" itec:u re K.L.E F. Universit) , Green Fields Campus / Vad::!c:s ::aram , Tacepa IF Mandai I Guntur -522502, Arc f.: r;; ?rccesh I Tel: 0853-2399999, F;;x:0863-2388999 E-mail: regisrra r@kl university. in I I II I ·-- CA/78/4477 V;:!li d upto=2020 Department of ~rch.tecture and Planning in dira Ga1dhi Techrc logic;;l and 1 M edica l Sciences Uni•;ersity Nea• \'\ 'cod l;:;nd S:c'Jo oi 1 Ziro-791120, Arur;:;cha i Pr;:;desh -4ROZ / School of Dlann irg, A.rc hi:e~ure & Desig .. , , Apex Professio..,a l l' ~ i ,e rsity, NH52, Pasighac, : :s t. .:ct. : est s:c. . s·-s:.:. :C2/ Arunacha l N-- _ _ _ ~:: .~' /.:_.,...~ ~..... ()/ \ - '· : - .- -... _"'"" - :: r c:; ........ ..., --- -- · - [L0::: v /-.... ~ ·-- -- _ ' ;~, ' ... .. ) ..... ....,':. ·... 20~, ~-rrc :1 : '""E 5 ! s:rcr .~ c pe x ur1 i' i n G::'.\' ~ 1 ot i Cc ''ege :;: ~ r ..:~i~e cture ;:;- ,-""' --· c-,..v .-. .., ""i- '-=~ ~~ ::~ , 'J ;:-.':h ...... • 1::' r ::- '"" .--:. . rl ..... 1 :;~ , -~ \::.:·.·: :; -": ..._ Ar. Harper leonard Joseph Principal AR01 : > -;:;: es\ -:-el· 0368-2222 223, 2222 - CA/1985/009227 Valid upto=2021 t..nchra Pradesh Mobile:9848039993 Email:maestroarch14 m i Tei 09 848039993 / E-mai l: mc;estroarch l.:! I ::= -:::- \ Mobile:9885206464 Em;:;il: r;:;o64ma dda li ?ri •,cip;:;l "1aestro Schoo l o: ?Ianning and Architecrure Vijay;;wada Vij a y a·.vc;da-52~1 0..: , -·~ Mobile:9676404850 Email Te/.:08662469452 I CA/88/11914 West Goda ·:a~; : ts:-i;:t-534 2.15, Andhra Pracies 1 O.No.l-15/1, SurYe', ·'lc.210/ 4, Gud;;valli - ' Mobile:9949002627 Em ail :g_joganp 1 -- :6 Mobile:9885970834 Vali d upto=2021 I Schoo ~ of P!;;:1ning and Architec~u-e, APlS Email:vcap Te/.:9440878289 6rh Floor, Budc ha Sha·.van, M.G.Road 1 Secunderabad-500003 (Andhra Pradesh ) J.8.R. Architecture College 6-3-248/1/1/A, 2nd Floor, Bha skar Plaza Road No.1, 8;; njar;; Hills AP16 I ~L Mobile:9849311337 Directo r Ar. Mohd. Abdul Rawoof Director (J t..;l.\5) I Ar. Bonu Bhaskara Rao CA/ 90/13344 Valid upto=2014(0TP) I School of Planning & Architectu re (SPA) I I I Gcpc: /ape: tnam Vis;;:;hapc:tnam-530027 (And hra Prades h) I Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Advanced Studies I l Validity 1 57, Division, Ncr;;\ 2 I Contact Details of Head of Institution - - - - I Ar. Jetaban Kachari • HOD I CA/2009/46 248 Te/.:0863-2399999 l\llobile:96504 77696 Em ail:ind iragandhiuniversity@g mail. com Tei.:098731241147 1Vlobile:995861 i760 Ema il:jeta ban @gmai Tel.:: 0368-2222 223, 2222 202 I Valid upto=2015 I Ar. Biswa Datta Director C\(89/ 12555 C: . -;s::. :::.: ::·---' - Ar. Pr;:;nav Ku mar HOD CA/95/18898 Valid upto=2007(0TP) Mobile:9440175630 Email : registra r@klun ive rsity.i n Mobile:98640687 53 Tei.:03612131612 I '.'alid upto =2020 ---- -·- ------------------------J---------------------------~ 2 Details of Institution imp artingArc bitectura l Education in th e Country alon g-with information oJ Hea d o f Inst itution 51 No. Institution Code 1 Hea d of In st itution Deta il wi t h CO A Re gistrat ion No. & Valid ity ··con tact Details of Head of Inst itution 21 AS02 Royal School of Arch itecture Betkuchi Opp.Tirupati Balaji Temple, NH37 Guwahati-781035 (Assam) Ar. Anita P. Yammiyavar Principal CA/94/17186 Valid upto=2019 Mobile:9435119002 22 BR01 Faculty of Archit ecture National Institute of Technology (Deemed University) PATNA-800 005 (Bihar) Ar. Kamin i Sinha HOD CA/99/24612 Valid upto=2012(0TP) Mobile:9431648901 Email :kamini@ 23 BR03 24 CG01 25 CG03 26 CG06 27 I Inst it utio n Name CG07 Department of Architecture Birla Institute of Technol ogy (Deemed University), Patna Centre Patna (Bihar) Ar. Anamika HOD CA/99/24762 Valid upto=2022 Faculty of Architecture Ar. Abir Bandyopadhyay National Institute of Technology, G E Road, RAIPU R- 492 010 (Chattisgarh) Dean CA/89/12062 Valid upto=2019 Dignity College of Architecture NH -6, Anjore Opp. Govt. Veterinary Hospital Durg- 491 001 (Chhattisgarh) IDEAS-Institute of Design Education & Architectural Studi es Village-Nakti, PH.No .112 Rajaswa Niraksh an Mandai (Revenue Circle) Raipur (Chhattisgarh) Phone:09823097688,09422105688 E-mail: design .society@rediffma Chanakya College of Art & Architecture, Ring Road No.1, Near Sarona Bridge, Tatibund, Raipur-492 001, Chhattisgarh 28 CHOl 29 Dl01 30 I DL03 Chand igarh College of Architecture Sector 12, CHANDIGARH - 160 012 School of Planning & Architecture (Deemed to be Uni versity) 4, Block-s, I.P.Estate NEW DELHI-110 00 2 College of Arch itecture Vastu Kala Academy Secu lar House, 9/1, lnst. Area Opposite JNU East Gate Ar·una Asaf Ali Marg, NEW DELHI- 110 067 Ar. Q.H. Kapadia Principal CA/8 2/6961 Valid upto=2015 Ar. Ajay Sahebrao Tho mare HOD CA/95/18094 Valid upto=2020 Mobile:9835062724 Email :nan danana mika2@gmail .c om Mobile:9826131726 Email :di rector.n itrr@ rediffm ail .c om Te/.:0771-22554 75, 2254200 Mobile:9425507752 Mobile:98609S1852 Email :astca Ar. Shanta Dash HOD CA/2007/40148 Valid upto =2018 Mobile:9981503622 Email :chan akyaa r·ta nd architectu Ar. Pradeep Kumar Bhaga t Mobile:9988643769 Te/.:01722741400 1/C Principal CA/8 5/9003 Valid upto=2023 Ar. Chetan Vaidya Director CA/2014/63472 Valid upto=2015 Mobil e:9811311436 Email: dir·ector@ spa .a c. in Tei.:Oll-2370 2395, 23702398 Ar. R. K. Safaya HOD CA/83 / 7928 Valid upto=2019 Mobile:981037706 6 Em ail: rksafaya@grna il .com 3 Details of Instit ution imparting Architectural Education in the Country along-with informati.o.n of Head of Institution 51 N·; . ll~~ti l ution Head of Institution Detail w ith COA Registration No. & Validity Institution Name Code I DL04 I 3: I I I'-· Mobile:9868848748, s Tei.:Oll-26983169, 26981717 Ar . Neeraja Lugani Sethi Dean Mobile:8130822966 Email :neerajaluganisethi@gmail .com I Universi ty Schocl of .J.rch itecture & Plann ing II Guru Go bi nd Singh lndrap rasth a University 1 · Kas"mere Gc;te, De:f:i- 110 403 DL07 I J MBS Scho ol of Planning and Arch itecture ; PSP Are a, Secrcr-9, Dwark a 'E\V DELHI-110 07 5 / Ne'.'' Delhi -110 0.:13 CA/2011/ 53303 Val id upto==2023 ! I Department of )rchi~ecture, I DL09 -c ~~ .- _ -~ < __ . -: : -.:. ..... .'Z - ~:--· -~ I .= I Ar. Ani! Kum ar Sharma ·.:-:·:ersity "or • -::-.::: - -- - • -: :. :; CG6, Te :. c::- : :3369525. 23900220, 23900221, Fc: x: 23869.197, E-mail: vc@igit. c: ~ Je~ II 36 I I I I Goa College of .tvchitecture GAOl I I T 8 Cunha Educc:t:cnal Complex ' P·.lti ~"Jc , PAN..;_ I- -'03 001 (Goa) I ' 37 GJOl 1 FacLit'f of Arch itec:ure 1 I i GJ02 i\e~r 6.~aikaka Mobile:9822485810 Email:gca Te/.:08322227144 Mobile:9898300392 Email :inmsuarch Te/.:02652788814 Mobile:9824023979 Em HO D CA/84/86 22 Vali d upto ==20 18 Ar. Rashik Shah Director CA/75/138 3 Valid upto=2015 Librar;, Tei.:O ll-23869525, 23900220, 23900221 HOD Ar. Bimal Hanshmukhbhai Pa tel Arvind bhai Patel institu te cf Environmental ......c.>:;;· - , Mobile:9811050847 Ema il in Ar . Ashi sh Kumar Rege HO D Faculty of Architecture Ce'ltre for Environmenta l Planning & !e c'-ro 1o5',· Uriversit'1 CE =- Ur ivers i:',) - -- 5 Mobile:9891087865 Email:kagha@pluto.krmangalam .org CA/20 11/ 52144 alid upto==2022 '< .L.Cc:mpus, U1iversi:y Read, Navrangpura AHMEDABAD-380 .:J09 (Gujar::t) D.C. Date! Schoo! of A-cl-i: ec~ure G;03 :_..;_ 82t 7312 Vafid upt o==2 020 Ar. Shishir Rajankumar Raval l'v1. S. Un ivers ity of 3;;r:Jca D. 'J.f-lall Campus, P-;;;:a:J5Jri '/t.uO DARA- 390 C:>: 1Guj arc;t) :38 -CD CA/85/ 9149 Valid upto =2019 I Mobile:9899075605 Email:ilagupta123 CA/ 2004/ 34679 Va lid upto=2015 Ar. Kul soom Agha Director I Pla·ming, N-Bicck, Gre ;; ~er Kail ash-1 I Ar. !Ia Gupta Director I K.R.Mangal am Sch ool of Architectu re & [)L08 1 34 I CA/ 89/ 12574 Val id upto==2017 I 3~ I Ar. S. M. Akhta r Dean CA/ 89/ 12717 Valid upto==2020 I OL06 32 I Faculty of Archi t ectu re & Ekistics Jamia Milli a lslamia, Jamia Nagar ~~~',\! DELHI-110 025 I I Contact Details of Head of Institution Mobile:9825139005 Email :rashi k.shah @apied .ed u .in Te /. :02652344006 i Vaflabh Vidhyanagar - 388 12·J {Gujarat) .; F;c·. .:'t',, of Arcf-;ite;':--tJ ... e GJC 4 I~ .-,_. . ':_. b~ Or. .~-._ ~ /b"~ -~ ~ lv <: ~l-:::. \ ..;:::_ r· - 1{_,. \~ ~~~ y ~y 'J"; I "' '-= ·- c ~ ~--:i~ Ccdo?.=:.:: :: :r:~:n~erirg & Tech ""'::c: '.'C'5 , s . _ -:: :-~::~c(· •,·""~.•,;_·~::5 ~-=··;;· / Ar. Persi Engineer ology i Principal M o bile:9825147653 Ema il :pe rs i. engineer@ . in ' D ,'98/ 22643 1/alid ucto=2020 -.- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - ---....L- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - ' 4 Details of Instit ution impartin g,Architectural Education in the Country along-with informa,tl_on_o.f Head of In stitution 51 No. In stitution Code J GJ05 41 College of Architecture Sardar Vallabhai Pate/ In stitute o f Tech nology At-PO-Vasad DIST. ANAND- 388 306 {Gujarat) Ar. Pragneshkuma r Navnitla/ Shah 1/C Prin ci pal CA/99/25054 Valid upto=2017 Contact Details of He ad of Institution Mobile:9825485152 Em ail:ar_p Te/.:02682527254 GJ06 Vyavasay Vidya Pratishthan's lndubhai Parekh School of Architecture Vajdi-Virda, Kalawad Road, RAJKOT- 360 005 {Gujarat) Ar. Devan g H. Parekh Principal CA/97/22048 Valid upto=2020 Mobile:9428200 798 Em ail Te/.:02812783701 43 GJ07 Schoo l of Architecture Vado dara Design Academy Behind Banco Products, Padra Road, VADODARA- 390 020 {Gujarat) Ar. Nirav Hi rpara Principal CA/94/17321 Va lid upto=2020 Mobi/e:93771 73831 Em ai 45 GJOS GJ09 46 GJlO 47 GJ11 48 GJ12 30 He ad of Institution Detail with COA Re gistra tion No. & Validity 42 44 49 I Institution Name GJ13 Institute of Architecture Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University Univers ity Road, Post Box No .21 PATAN-384 265 {Gujarat) Ar. Mayank Bhai Kanj i Bhai Patel HOD CA/94/ 17415 Valid upto=2017 Mobile:9904565918 Emai/: Shri Gijubhai Chhaganbhai Pate/Institute of Architecture, Interior Design and Fine Arts Veer Narmad South Gujarat University University Campus, Udhna-Magadalla Road Surat- 395 007 (Gujarat) Ar. Shivrao Rajrnohan Channapattan HOD CA/2002/292 51 Valid upto=2024 Mobile:8238023078 Em ail:s Te/.:02616061111 Grow More Sch ool of Architecture Ahmedabad Udaipur Highway, Hirnatnagar Ta-Himatnagar District Sabarkantha -383 001 {Gujarat) Ar. Vis ha/ Sorathiya Principa l CA/2006/38985 Valid. upto=2018 Mobile:9727773772 Em ail :sora thiya. vis hal @gma if. co m Ar. Vibha H. Gajjar 1/C Principal CA/96/19769 Valid upto=2018 Mobile:9426720866 Anant Institute of Arch itecture Sanskardham Campus At & Post-Godhavi, Ta.Sananad Bopal Ghurna Road, Nr.Manipur Ahrnedabad-382 115 {Gujarat) School of Design and Architecture Navrachana University, Bha yli Vadodara-39 1410 (Gujarat) Parullnstitute of Architecture and Research P.O.Lirnda, Ta/ .Waghodia Vadodara-391760 (Gujarat) ITM School of Architecture Art and Design ITM Un iverse Campus, Dhanora Tank Road Paldi Vi llage, Behind Hotel Supreme Halo/ Highway, Taluk a Waghodia Ar. Gurdev Singh Dean CA/79/5040 Valid upto=2020 Mobile:9879114223 Em Ar. Chandravinod Damodar Pathak Director CA/85/8991 Valid upto=2020 Mobil e:9879627746 Em ai/ Ar. Udaykumar H. She/at Directo1· CA/8 1/ 6137 Valid upto=2010{0TP) Mobile:97120877 78 Em ai l: udaysh elat@g m m 5 Jt:tc:ils of Institution :r.t parting An:hit e ctural Educat ion in the Country along-with informat,l().opf Head of Institution I Head of Institution 51 No. -" lr.s:itt..:tic~--~stituti on Name Cb-ritact Detai ls of Head of I Detail with I Code I Institution COA Registration No. & Validity District Vadodara-390510 {Gujarat) -Sl- · GJ15 I I I, 52 I Ar. Ms. Preety ' C:'ld liesearch in A-ch itecture and Interior Rameshchandra Shah Principal CA/8 9/ 12028 Valid upto=2013 m Instit ute of Design, En\'ironm ent & Architecture Ar. Bhanupratap Sharma HOD Mobile:9638790836 Emc:il:b .s harma .idea@indusuni. CA/2007/39519 Vc:lid upto=2019 ac.i n Ar. Shroff Cha itali C. Mobile:9879517706 ;. I I GJ16 i Indus Universicy, 1.-:cus Campus ' Village: Rancharda, Ta luka: Kalal District Gandh inagar-382115 (Gujarat) I '~ I Bhag".van Mahavir College of Architecture ' GJ17 I 1 i s~ - Director CA/98 / 23795 Va lid upto=2019 Surat-395017 {Gujarat) I i I 1 ' Ar. Mr Himanshu Thakker l.J.Campus, S.G Be;-,•:ee:l Sarkhej -Sanand Circle •,:.... .............. -:... . . . -=R ........ ,.., c:-c~c:c_ <.; ___ _,, 1 ,...,_ ----·-------- r: ,,·;l ~~J-ra --------- i Ar. Sumeshkumc:r I l'vlah eshchandra Modi I District Scrct Guj orc~ Institute of A.rchitacture Nirma U;;iversity -,·-G-rdh ·,-=--r H'-'--,.,-y -c;--t·h CI ,,, .t:. ·c •• C:_:,C: ·5 0 GJ20 II Ar. Utpal Kumar Sharma Director CA/85/89 75 Valid upto=2023 o <f" o .L-rr.e::!abad-382 .181 - - GJ21 I r Mobile:9825129961 Email: sumesh.modi / Director CA/97/21254 Valid upto=2023 Ta~saci-39-1 35 0, Ta iuka: Mahuva 1 Mobile:9825033303 Email :a Directo r CA/2009/46528 Valid upto=2021 f\a:·1c:-: :: ,·a~ ~a :0: -·: :. c:' ..:.r::h;acture Maliba Ca r'lpu~. Gcoa l 1/i.:ihyo:no:gar Bc;rdoli 1\lahu v<: P.oad GJ19 1 Survey No.l49, Nr.AshirNad Village Ne•.·. City Light ~cad , E/ h. Heena Bunglows Bh<: rth ana-Vesu I U. School of Archite~ura -~ GJ18 5G Mobile:9426559622 Des ign Ne .'1 Vallabh Vidyc:nag ar-383121 Distt.Anand {Gujarat} J : ] / Shantc:ben Manubhai Patel School of Studies Lax-ni l'lstitute of A~ciitec:ure Dcst Bag '4o. l5, S;;rigam P.O. I.A.r. Falguni Desai Director '.'a,sad-396155 , Gujarat / CA./200 3/ 31803 Mobile:9825082808 i n Tei.:07930642311 Mobile:9825144644 Email: director.l ia in Valid upto=2024 I :~-- · GJ22 GJZ3 / Kalolln stitute of Arch itecture & Design Ar. Kartik K. Vora Mobile:9925460806 / .'<alol, 1\/RC Campus Ahmed;; bad-f\lehsa:1a Highway <alol, Ta i: Kale! : Jisrt.G hand i1inagcr- .3.S2721, Guj arat '- e-"us Institute of Design&. Architecture '. ii'age Bhoyan Rc.thod. Op:J.IFFCO !::;'aj-Kalo/ Hih1·. .;:·. Director CA/ 2006/ 37647 Valid upto=2018 Ar. Chintan Dahyabhai Patel Principal Mobile:9979971569 Email: principalvida 14 @gmai l. co G:: - c'-i-ag=r- 38242 0 Guj2rat G.:.: ~. S:: sc·-::.:;1 of ~ / ..........-..... ~ ~ .... ~ __:---.. ·'~~-..' r::v . ~ . ..-::::- .; .. ~-~-'~©t '~ ._,__.. J.:::. .~ :. rc."' :e:~u-;e _ ::... 3: e· . ·:e Ci:-;'. :c'; t::c:::: ... -: .. ::. m CA/ 2011/52186 Valid upto=2023 I Ar. Dhaval Chauhan I 1 Director o. / :014/64785 1 '/2'id upro =2 015 I Mobile:9376207424 I m 6 Details of institution impar_tiog,Ar_c hi_tectural Education in the Country along-with info.rmi:J_t4JJip_f. f:Jead of Institution 51 No. /Institution Code GJ25 61 62 GJ26 63 GJ27 64 HPOl 65 HP03 66 HP04 67 HPOS 68 HR01 69 HR02 I institution Name Institute of Architecture Ganpat University, Ganpat Vidyanagar, Mehsana-Gozaria Highway, Kherva Mehsana-384 012, Gujarat, Tel: 0276-2286819, Fa x: 0276-2286080, E-ma il: VJKM institute of Architecture and Design At-Vadu (Near Kalal) Ta-Kadi Distt.Mehsana, Vadu-382705, Gujarat Tel: 02764-283945, Fax : 02764-283055 E-mail: Vidyamandir College of Architecture for Women, F.P.No .165, T.P.Scheme No.1, Behind Someshwar Enclave, Vesu, Tal: Choryas i, District Surat, Surat-395007, Gujarat, Tel: 0261-2476049, E-mail: info@vidya mandi Faculty of Architecture National institute ofTechnology {Deemed University) HAMlRPUR- 177 005 {HP) IEC School of Architecture lEC University Baddi Campus: Plot No .7 & 10 Atal Shiksha Nagar Baddi-171403, District Solan (Himachal Pradesh) Maharaja Agrasen School of Architecture & Design, Maharaja Agrasen University Atal Siksha Kunj, Alat Nagar, Kalujhanda Near Barotiwala, Baddi District Solan -171103 (Himacha l Pradesh) APG School of Architecture APG Shimla University Shogi Mehli By Pass Road Pantha Ghati Shimla-171009 (Himachal Pradesh) Sushant School of Art & Architecture Ansa! University, Sector- 55 GURGAON- 122 003 {Haryana) The Chairman Department of Architecture Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science & Technology Murtha/- 131 039 (Haryana) Gateway College of Architecture & Design Gateway Campus, Sector- 11 Sonepat -131 001 (Haryana) Head of Institution Detail with COA Registration No. & Validity ·confatt Deta ils of Head of in stitution Ar. Manoj Jos hi Principa l CA/0092/014517 Valid upto=2023 Mobile:9898702727 Email :manoj .jos hi @ganpatu nive Tel.:0276- 2286819 Ar. Bhavesh Patel Director CA/2009/045613 Valid upto=2021 Mobile:9662086892 Ema il :vjkmarchitecture@gm ail. c om Tel.:02764-283945 Ar. Leena Garg Mobile:9427137654 P~incipal Em ail:ajayleenaga rg@gmail .com CA/94/17493 Valid upto=2020 Ar. lnderpal Singh Dean CA/89/12443 Valid upto=2015 {0TP) Email:ipsinghOS@gmai Tel.:01972-254914, 222530 Ar. Basant Bhutani Principal CA/2007/2 1830 Valid upto=2020 Mobile:7832902922 Em ail :bas an tbh uta ni @iecun iver Ar. Neerja Babbar Director CA/92/14500 Valid upto=2018 Mobile:7832929205 Email :di u .arch @gma il. com Ar. Mamta Singhal Director CA/97 /2 1135 Valid upto=2018 Mobile:98266478 71 Email :director.akriti @gmai Ar. Tapan Chakravarty Dean CA/87/11208 Valid upto=2020 Mobile:9818550644 Email :tap a nkc@ansal university. Ar. Jyoti Sharma HOD CA/91/14319 Valid upto=2020 Mobile:9466844658 Email'arma Tel . :0130-2484003-009 Ar. Ani! Kumar Chotmar·ada Mobile :972810023 8 Em ail :a ni! kcarch@yah oo .com Te/.:9728100239 Director CA/79/4881 Valid upto=2010(0TP) 7 Details of lnsticution imparting 8rchitectural Education in the Country along-with inform_ a_tLo.n _of.Head of Institution I 51 No. I Institution j Institution Name Coc e Sat Priya School of Arch itecture and Design 0.5 km. Milestone. Jind Road 1 ROHTAK-1 2L 001 (Haryana) HR04 / j_ I 72 HROS ' ~ HR06 74 HR07 75 I HROS I I ~i:--g.:va's U n ·v ersi~'s C School of Archite~ure -:-- ::::.:-; ... . CSC""~C ;, 23C: I Om Ins t itute of Architecture & Design ; :2 K.-n Stone II.!H-65 Chand igarh Road ; Jug!;;n J His:r-125 001, Ha;y ;;na HR09 I Mobile:9416201584 Em ail: Tei.:01748251612 Mobile:9780037536 Em Mobile:9431015344 Ema il:biplabchakravaty@yahoo. com Mobile:9996789860 Em ai l :nagender2007 m Ar. Rajendra Kumar Director CA/2005/36826 Valid upto=2017 Mobile:9891433584 Email :architecturesavera @gma il .com Ar. Gagan Garg Director CA/99/25499 Valid upto=2021 Mobile:8860003830 S:hcoi of Arc 'lir ec~u r c l\1 ahari shi 1\tJ ark;; r c!e s!--:.·: or Un ivers ity VPO Sad opur Amba la-134007 (!-' ;;~/ a -a; Ar. Aradhana Princi pal CA/ 89/12 751 Valid upto=2021 Mobile:8059933365 Te1.:01 713041558 Ai.:i~; Sch ool of ~ rc hit e : r ure &. =>!a nning .;";-:; Uriversity, f-1 o= r;c; na Ar. Sangeet Kumar Gupta Director Mobile:8800718280 Email:skgupta@ggn .amity .edu "-<..,..i-:/ cd'Jcat' on /c;l/ e·, Viflag e-G .valier, P>nchgaon (Near \ lanesar) CA/ 77/ 4213 Valid upto=2015 / Ga nga Institute of Arch tecture & Town ' Plann ing Kablana, Bahac urgarh-Jhajjar Road Distt.Jhajjar-124:0.1 (Haryana) HRll Ar. B.N. Cha krava rty Oe;;n • CA/8 1/ 06209 Valid upto=2021 Mobile:9050005169 Email:tayalnk Ar. Nagender Narayan Principal CA/2007/ 40834 Valid upto=2020 S;;·. era College of Arch itecture .i. Ki,1 Sone, Ha i!y M andi Road Farwkh Nagar, Gurgaon-122001, Hc;ryana HRlO :; Mobile:9728350044 Email:principalspsad@gmail .co m I Fcriao=:J aC-l2: ::: : ,- ;;:---1 21 2 ) I Ar. Om Pra kas h HOD CA/ 2007/41128 Valid upto=2019 Ar. Sanjay Gupta School of Arch itecture R.P. Educational Trust Group of Institutions Director I Vill age Bastara, Near M adhuban CA/89/12110 C: .T.Road, Teh~il: C:harc unda Valid upto=2019 Karn al-132 001 (Har; ana) , ICL lns t i tu~e :Jf Arc:, i re~ure anc Town Planning Ar. Nitin Dogra Vill age Sc unt!i, P.O. Shahzadpur Dean CA/2007/41297 Nation al Highway No.72, Tehsil: Naraingcrh, DISTT.AMBAL.A-13<1 202 (Haryana) Valid upto=2019 '.~- - ~-: 76 Contact Details of Head of Institution Ar. N K Tayal Di rector CA/77/4165 Valid upto=2010(0TP) Budha College of Architecture lndri- Karnal Road, Rambha Distt.Karnal-132 001(Haryan;; ) I ' Head of Institution Detai l with COA Registratio n No. & Validity I f-'R:2 I ' '- R:3 (,r:. ~~ . .~ .s-~ "-- ~~ -~-· !~.- ~~01" ~\ "'l" '\. y,._-.. , \J,...oo'' '-'---",! :-'_'~- '.,..._e -....___::_..: : :!T;:: Gurgccr- -::: .::.: -cr-:cnc ...._ ,, ... ·- - - - - ---- -· 8 Details of Institution imparting,A rdJLtectural Education in the Country along-with informatJ~n .pJ Head of Inst itution I nst itution·Na·me 51 No. Institution Code 81 HR14 Hindu School of Architecture Industrial Area Sonepat-131001 (Haryana) 82 HR15 State Institute of Urban Planning & Arch itecture Rohtak Institutional Campus, Sector-6, HUDA Rohtak-124001 (Haryana) Ar. Harish Gupta HOD CA/2000/26166 ·Valid upto=2017 Head of Inst itution Det ail with COA Registrati on No. & Val idity -cc>ntact Det ai ls of Head of In stitu t ion Ar. Rashm i Ashtt Director CA/2002/29658 Va lid upto=2023 Mobile:9728231244 Ern ail:ashtt888@gmail .co m Te1. :+919868903060 - - Mobile:8968771113 Ema il:ba laji_arharish@rediffmai I. com 83 HR16 South Point School of Architecture Sector-20, Purkhas Road, Near Sugar Mill Sonipat-131001 (Haryana) Ar. Mona Chandra Principal CA/92/14542 Valid upto=2018 Mobile:986 85 1293 9 Emaii:M_CHAN DRA @HOTMAIL. COM Te /. :01302216823 84 HR17 CCLS College of Architecture & Design VPO.Hassangarh, The: Sampla Rohtak- 124404 (Haryana) Ar. Chhote La/ Gupta Mobile:9416226404 85 HR18 P.M. College of Architectu re Kami Road, Sonepat-131001 (Haryana) Principal CA/2011/53789 Valid upto=2023 m Ar. Anubha Director CA/200 5/ 36334 Valid upto =2017 Mobile:9728110097 Email :d i1·ector@ pm kami .com Te/.:09812816666 Mobile:9911127215 Emai l:ashok.rtiad@gmai 86 HR19 Rabindranath Tagore Institute of Architecture & Design, Tigaon Road, Jasana Faridabad-121101 (Haryana) Ar. Ashok Kumar Sinha Director CA/93/16649 Valid upto=2023 87 HR20 Narendra College of Architecture Village Harphala Seekri Ballabgarh -1 21004, Haryana Ar. Chetan Verma Director CA/2012/056954 Valid upto=2023 88 HR21 School of Architecture & Planning K.R.Mangalam University Sohna Road, Gurgaon- 122 103, Haryana Ar. Govind Rawat Dean CA/80/5459 Valid upto=2016 Mobile:9811536293 Email:govindrawat19@ya m Te/.:09910932490 :9 HR23 P.D.M. School of Architecture & Town Planning, Sector 3-A, Sarai Aurangabad, Bahadurgarh, District Jhajjar, Haryana Ar. Himanshu Chandra Principal CA/93/15833 Valid upto=2015 Mobile:9933674076 Email:himanshu .chandra74@gm J South Point College of Architecture Rattangarh, Gohana Road Sonepat-131001, Haryana HR24 ~ Ar. Surender K. Arora Principal CA/78/4350 Valid upto=2015 Mobile:9319641154 Email: patelfm Mobile:9813243778 Emaii:SOUTHP OI NTBARCH06@G MAIL. COM ~ J~ f'7'] \~ ~~/ 9 I Details of l n s titu ti o ~ imp ar tin g A r ch it ect u ral Ed ucation in t he Country along-with of Institution -~ Instit ution I Instit ution Na me Coce I I c. I HR25 I I I I I I I HR26 92 I ! ! Delhi Institute of Architecture & Planning i Village Firoz epu r Kal;;;n I Ba! 1abgarh Faridabad-121004 (Haryana ) / Faculty of Planning an d Arch itecture j Manav Rachna lntern;;;tional University Sector-43, S ura;~und Delhi Road / Faridabad-1210Cl, Haryana I I I I 93 I School of Architecture & Planning G. D.Goenka University G.D.Goenka Educarion Gty, Gurgaon Sohna Ro;od Sohna-122 103 (Hary;;;na) HR27 I I Head of Institution Detail with COA Registration No. & Validity Contact Details of Head of Institution Ar. Chh abi M ishra Dean CA/ 83/ 7418 Valid upto=2018 Mobile:98117895 76 Email:chhabi.mishra@gdgoenka Ar. Nida Hasa n CA/ 2013 / 62109 HOD Va lid upto=2025 Ar. Jatinder Kum ar Saigal Di rector Mobile: 8882460681 Email:delhiinstit ute. hr@gma il.c om ditmr.fbd @gm CA/ 85 / 9024 Valid upto =2021 Mobile:7042402091 Email Tel. :012941984 70 I I I l 9t HR28 ' Faculty of Architecture & Planning Jagan Nath University Bahadurgarh-Jh ajjar Road Jhajjar-124 507 (Haryana) HR29 I t,J-F;:;I;;~ I I . c.:: """~ 1 I I lI JHOl I 9. I Schoo l cf .:rci-]itecure & Des ign r~·. := . . : ~. JH02 c:: JKOl : KAOl - ~:.02-- -,~ ,·(.·~~:- .. ~· CA/ 2010;50255 alid upto =2023 I Ar. Debojyoti Bisw as CA/8 3/0 7870 Valid upto=2 019) Ar. Surojit Dass Principal CA/9 1/ 13 795 Vali d upto=2022 l IJ Scheel of j,rchi:eca;re U:1iv:=rsiry Vis':es\'araya C0llege of Engineering 1 53'1galcre ur.;\ersity, Jn;;;na 8hcrathi BXJGALORE- 560 056 (Karnataka) l-1"'i ·: · ."=--~L. .lrd11:ec~ure & P:anning . =rs :·, s-s: :..: f~c:--r'c~c::!-.c1 q Tei .:01 29-2400600 M ob ile:7250342292 Em ail: hod architect ur e@ bitmesr Tei. :0 651-227558 8 Mobil e:7872508811 Em ail:a wadharch 2014@gmail .c om Tei. :0657- 2902029 Ar. Ad itya Ku mar Singh Di rect or CA/97/2113 7 Vali d upto=2020 Mobil e:9622000695 Email: ngh @s m vdu .a c. in Ar. S.V. Ra vindra Princi pal CA/80/6066 Valid upto=2011(0TP ) Mobile:966308329 5 Email:a rc hka0 1@yahoo .com, 1 Ar. Nishant H. Manapure 1 tC~ ~C©t~:... 1 I Fcri:'cbc:- : 2:.CO~, r.crycr.c Te 1: 0129-2402oCO, F;;x: 0129-24C 501 E-mail: jasiddiqui@rediffm I Facultv of Archi : ecrure 1 Birla insjwte of TechnoiOg'f, j (Oeemed University) : 1\lesrc, RANCH!- 835 215 (Jharkhard I Awadh College of Architecture, :H -33, Danga, Bh il.o'pahari \:;;~gc-, Jamshedpur-83 : 0:. 2 , /-:ar'<1and Tc:l: 065/-2902029 Fax: 0657-23 66601 E-mail: Schcol of A rc~itecture & Landscape Des ign, Faculty of Engineerirg Shri \ ·lata Vais'lno Devi University Kakryal, Katra -182320 (J&K) · . ·~~ICc' ~ ,-,(Q \' ge-:Jhauj, F<::e"::Jr -aga Ro2d •'. !a; cal School cf Mobile:98105 29683 Ema il :til akraj .jnu @gm ail .com Tei.:01276699701 Ar. Mohd Ar q;;m Kha n /. .. ..:: ::: '- I 96 Ar. TIIa k Raj Dean CA/7 5/ 0029 Va lid upto=2023 Director CA/9 1/ 14299 Mobile:886 1107755 Ema il :nis nipal.e du Tel. 0998604482 8 Valid uptc=2020 -- - - - - - - - · - - - -- - - - - - 10 Details of Inst it ution imparting)~J_chitectura l Education in the Country along-with infor!TIBtiouofH ea d o f Institution 51 No. Institution Code 101 KA03 102 KA05 KA06 103 Inst itut ion· Name ···· · contact Detai ls of Hea d of Inst it ution Head of Inst itution Deta il with COA Registration No . & Validity School of Architecture BMS College of Engineering Post Box No.1908, Bull Temple Road BANGALORE-560 019 (Karnataka) Ar. Mamatha P. Raj Dean CA/89/12308 Valid upto=2021 Mobile:0984S584003 Email:mamatha_raj @ya m Te i.:08026622130 School of Architect ure B V Bhoomaraddi College of Engineering & Techno logy, Vidya naga r HUBL/-580 031 (Karna taka) Ar. Guru raj 5 Joshi Principa l . CA/90/13431 Valid upto=2024 Mobile:8970212404 Email School of Architecture Poojya Doddapp a Appa College of Engineering GULBARGA-585 102 (Karnataka) Ar. Vajrakumar B. Meh t a HOD CA/92/14737 Valid upto=2020 - 104 KA07 School of Architecture Dayananda Sagar College of Engineering Shavige Malleswara Hills Ka naka pura Road, Kumaraswamy Layout South-end of Jayanagar BANGALORE-560 078 (Ka rnataka) 105 KAOS School of ."'.rchitecture BLDE Association's V.P. P. G. Halakatti College of Engineering & Technology As hram Road,B IJAPUR-586 103 (Karnataka) Ar. Vithal P Tanksal i HOD CA/86/10287 Valid upto =2020 106 KA09 Malik Sandal Institute of Art & Architecture 424, Naur_aspur, Nea r New District Court Bagalkot Road, Hu dco Cross BIJAPUR-586 101 (Karnataka) Ar. lrshad Ahmed Punekar HOD CA/96/20297 Valid upto=2021 107 KA11 School of Architecture MS Ramaiah Institute of Technology Vidya Soudha, M .S.R. Nagar, M .S.R.I.T. Post BANGALORE-560 054 (Karnata ka) Ar. Rama R. Subramanian HOD CA/8 6/ 1020 Va lid upto=2019 Ar. 5atish Yeshwantrao Kulkarni Principal CA/92/15210 Valid upto=2010(0TP) - . Mobile:9448126778 Email:mehta_asso_glb@rediffm ail. com Mobile:9845139810 Email:hod.dsarch @gmai Te/.:08042 181734 Mobile:944814116 8 Ema il :vital_ t anks @yah Te/. :08352263039 Mobil e: 988041579S Email:architectimpun eka r1 @gm ail. com Tei.:08352276185 Tel. (0): 080-2360693 4 & 36, 23600822, Fax:080-236031 24 E-Mail: admn@m, Mobile:9448071524 Ema il:principa l @rvca. in Tei.:08022717807 .08 KA12 R.V. College of Architecture (RVCA) CA-1, Banashankari 6th Stage 4th Block, Nr.Chikagowda napalya Village BANGALORE-560 062 (Ka rnataka) Ar. 0. P. Bawane Principa l CA/84/848 4 Valid upto=2022 09 KA13 Schoo l of Architecture Siddaganga Institute of Technology Campus B.H.Road, TUM KUR - 572103 (Ka rnataka Ar. K.C. Tanuja HOD CA/ 2009/ 44082 Valid upto=2015 Mobile:9342932159 . Email:tanuja yogees h @gmai m .0 . KA14 Ar. Pratap Dinkar Patil Principal CA/97 /2 1325 Valid upto=2020 Mobile :9880077070 Email :pf'incip Tei.:08312405500 Tel. (0): 0831-2498500, 5711632, 2441104, /a~ ~ ~ '-~> '*. ~J. it,~ ~~'/ School of Architecture Karnataka Law Society's Gogte Institute of Technology "Jnana Ganga" Udyambag, BELGAUM-590 008 (Karnataka) 11 I Details of Institution imparting Architectural Education in the Country along-with info_rm~_ti_onaf Head of Institution ·- I Institutio n 51 No. Head of Institution Detail with COA Registration No. & Validity / Institution Name Code I I The University School of Design I Acharya's NRV School of Architecture Soldevanah<:fli, Hesaragharta Main Road Chikkabanav<:ra Post ; 8<:ngalore-S60 090 (Karnataka) Ar. Vasanth K Bhat Dean CA/84/8157 Valid upto=2018 Mobile:98867544 71 Email :vasthu.arch II Ar. Sapna Papu Director CA/ 93/ 16589 Vc;lid upto =2025 Mobile:8867273807 Em m Tei.:08028463208 Bh2rath Seva Dal's Dr.M.C.Modi Memorial Aakar Acc:demy of Architecture No.112/ 113, Thanisandrc; Main Road . R.K.Hegde Nc:gar Ba:-galore-560 045 (Karnatc;ka) T'le Oxford School o< Architecture - ~-= :-..:::-r"c :: =s~ : .: ~ . . gi~e~~r; n0 5UI ~ ·JCG 1 5..:,..... ._C~C..,C ii Ar. Chandran Rekha Jetty Principal Mobile:9880315065 Email :c rj_rey@yahoo .com Tei.:08025437602 I University of l'viysore, 2nd Flo or, : Sen<:te Bhavan, Tv1anasagangotri P.O. MYSORE-570 005 (Karnataka) I I I- I KA16 I I I I I I I 1u BM S School of Architecture Post Box No.E-448, SMSIT Campus KA17 I Doddaballapur i\lain Ro<:d · Av2iah alh, Yelahc:nka l Sc:ngalore-560 064 (Kamataka) KA18 114 I 115 1 K..l.19 I I CA/ 91/14004 Vc;lid upto=2018 i I I Institution Mobile:944895 7979 m I :~2 -----. Ar. H N Nagendra Director CA/2010/49909 Valid upto=2021 KA15 I ·-·- - ~-- contact Deta ils of Head of / Ar. S. Sathish HOD · CA./2009/459 76 I I oa r.galore--56C068 1Kc:: -nc::t.:;ka) I Mobile:9945561554 Em ail:sathis h1953@gmail .com Valid upto=2020 i I I 116 I I · Scrool of Architecrure Srinivas Institute of Technology Srinivas Campus, Valc:chil, Fa rangipete Post .t. c:,agc:lore- 574143 (Karanatc;ka) 1 KA21 I . I i:3 I SchJol of .A.rchitecrure Dayc;nanda Sager Academy of Technology and I 'l cnagement 1 Kan2kpura Road, L'd;;ypura i Op~. to Art of Livirg lntemarional Centre S:ngalore-560082 (Kc:matakc;) 1 SJS Scheel of Archirecture & Planning KA24 #67 BGS ~ealth & Educa~ion City Uttc::rc:halh Road, Kengen Sangalore-560 060, Kamaraka I IMPACT School of ~rchitecture KA25 I Impact Campus, Sahc;l.:aranagar Banga lore-SEO 092, Karnc;takc; -- ~ <· ·( ~ .J-,'-: :.:::.-'-::: c"'S~ School cf t\rchtectl.!re Lircir;ere Road, Bel;: g-unba - ~...:""~"'~ur-5 ...,2 104.. Kcr; "';:--;:;l(c; i ·-::: (~_ ~;(Q'l ~ .·~...... ~-.../ \. .. '< -. 7 ,, .,c~v :--.c.,.. ~-- Ar. K S Mukunda Dean CA/75/206 Valid upto=2021 Mobile:9731896224 Email:kadabamukund@yahoo.c om Ar . Cha ndrashekar M.N. Dean CA/99/24645 Valid upto=2020 Mobile:9483974133 Ema il in Ar. Sudhir Director C!\/2005/ 36953 Valid upto=2018 Mobile:9886456000 Email Ar. Pre; navvi K. HOD C!\/20111/ 6588 7 Valid upto =2 015 Mobile-:7026627471 ---- ;:.:.2:: /(J. ~ '<:: Mobile:9845085138 Em I KA22 I I HOD CA/ 99/ 13106 Valid upto=2016 I -·--·-- ::7 Ar. Kumarchc::ndra Mr I ---- ' ------~~-------------------------L----------------------------~ 12 Details of Institution impa r_tjog8rchitectural Educ.ation in the Country along-with info.rrnatioJJ_oJ Head of Institution ;_ ·_ .•..•.:L:'..:-. :.::_ 51 No. j lnstitution I lnstitutibn ~ Name Head of In stitution Detail with COA Registration No. & Val idity Code 121 KA27 Gopalan School of Architecture and Plann ing, 181/1, 181/l(Part) of Hoodi Village, K.R.Puram, Whitefield Bangalore-560 048, Karnataka 122 KA28 R.R.School of Architecture Raja Reddy Layout, Nr.Chikkabanavara Railway. Station, Chikkabanavara . Bangalore -560 090 123 KA29 124 125 126 127 128 29 KA30 KA31 Mysore Schoo l of Architecture CA-01, Uni ve rsity Layout Lingabudi, Near Dattagalli Ring Road Mysore-570 008, Karnataka BGS School of Archi tecture and Planning BGS International Residential School Campus Nityananda Nagar, K.Gollahalli Post Bengaluru South Bengaluru-560 074, Karnataka Tel: 080-284375 82, Fax: 080-28437657 E-mail: Bearys Enviro-Architecture Design School BIT Knowledge Cam pus Lands End, Boliyar Mangalore-574 153, Karnataka Tel: 080-22270747, Fax: 080-2227434 E-mail: directo r @bitma nga lore. ed u. in KA32 KA33 KA34 KA35 Nitte Institute of Architecture Nitte Campus, Kodakka l NH75, Kannur Mangalore-575 007, Ka rnataka Tel: 0824-2275861, Fax: 2275863 E-mail: reg@nitte K.S.School of Architecture #15, Mallasandra Off.Kanakapura Road Bangaluru-560 062, Karnataka Tel: 080-28425012, Fax : 080-2 8425164 E-mai l: .in Centre For Architecture 1011, CH20, Krishnaraja Boul evard Chamaraja Mahalia Mysuru-570 005, Karnataka Tel: 0821-2334999 E-mail: Aditya Academy of Architecture & Design Survey No.2/ 1 & 2/ 2, Ka makshipura Village Hesa raghatta Hobli, Bangalore North Taluk Bangalore-560 064, Karnataka Tel : 09620218101,098 44132826, Fax :080- 285 71294 Ar. Anitha Dharampal Principal CA/84/8702 Valid upto=2021 c•" ' ·~c ontact Deta il s of Head of Institution Mobile:8022277121 Ar. Sriraj B Director · CA/2005/037129 Valid upto=2016 Em ail: architect ure@ rrin stitution Te/.:080--28391553 Ar. Sapna Srinivasa Principal CA/98/ 23572 Valid upto=2017 Mobile:9886039980 Email :sapna_sri n ivasa @yahoo. c om Ar. Ajai Chandran C.K. Dean CA/2002/29586 Valid upto=2023 Mobile:944 8466022 Email:2014bgssap@gmail .com Te/.:080-28437582 Ar. Nelson Joe Vijai Pais De an CA/2006/38394 Valid upto=2017 Mobile:9880011667 Email:director@bitm angalore .e Te/.:080-22270747 Ar. Vi nod Aranha De an CA/88/ 11684 Valid upto=2021 Mobile:9483457410 Em Te/.:0824-2275 86 1 Ar. R.Jagannathan Principal CA/88/11626 Valid upto=2016 Em ail :so a@kssem. ed u. in Tei.:080-28425012 Ar. Anand Krishnamu rthy Mobile:9845028499 Director CA/ 90/ 13059 Valid upto=2022 Em ail:designfoster2014@gmail. com Tei.:0 82 1-2334999 Ar. Atul Jayantilal Ked ia Principal CA/86/10032 Valid upto=2024 Mobile:9167566262 E-mail: ~ " · ,cwo~:'-~./ ___ __.... 13 Details cf lnsticution impartin g Ar_c h it ect ural Edu cation in the Country along-with infonri~ilo.,n _of Head of Institution ---- SJ~;~ -l~stltutlon Code I I I I School of Architectu re, Reva Universi ty, Knowledge Park, Kattigenaha!li, I I I KA36 130 I Instituti on Name Ru~mini 1 ~ KA37 1 l Sc!-ool of .1\rchitecture O!.R University. # 132, AECS Layout ITi'L Main Read, Kundalahalli Bangalore-560 037, Kamataka, Tel: 080-28524466/77, Fax: 080-28524630, E1 mail: School of Architecture College of Engineering, 1 Eng'neering College P.O. if-'IKUVAN.ANTHAPURAM-685 016 (Kerala) I I "- I Kl.Ol 1~~ I 133 I KL02 _.:.- ! KLJ3 Yelah c:nka, Bangalore - 560 064, Tel: -'-918066226622, E-mc;il: I I School of Architecture TKf'.-i College of Engineering . Thangal Kunju Musafir, TKMCE{P.O) ' KCL:_A M-69:!. 005 (Ke rcla ) i I I ... Head of Institution ----- --- - ._, ___!,Co'nta ct Details of Head of Detail with COA Registration No. & Valid ity Institution Ar. B.S. Jagdeesha Chandra Director C.A./ 81/ 06503 Val id upto=2021 Mobile:8066226622 Email n Ar. K.S . Anantha Krishna Dean C.A./ 83/ 7349 . - . Valid upto=2018 Te/.:080-28524466/ 77 Ar. Neena Thomas Principal C.A./ 91/ 140 73 Valid upto=201 9 Mobile:9895642569 Email:neenasenap athy@gm ail.c om Ar. Sumam Panji karan Principal CA./9 2/ 14468 Val id upto=2009( 0TP) Mobile:944 7018792 Email:sumampanjikaran @gmail. com I I '--:: -- ·.·::s :: .. ::g~ ' I I I I 1 1 KL04 =r-:s I Prasc;nna T K .. 2 ;:~~r"rg Kct:I;:crcm, -nri;~kcncpuram P.O. DiSI:\JCT-679 573 (Kerala) F.;c u1t', of Architecture of Tech no'cgy C;;licut ( :'ee~ed University), i 1 _ _I KLC S ~-~ ~ .::.:- -_ ~:3~' -:Jn;;llns titute I ·-r :- M~L~?;:UPJ. '.i I 135 .--:.. N1-:--Calicut Campus P.O. KCZf-iiKODE-673 601 (Kerala) School of Architecture Go·:errr:'e'lt :: ngineering College C''E'"Jr KLG7 I I KLOB KLC? ~ /~~10 ~~ .... - ~:~_, . , ~. !P-1 : \ \3,1\ ,..........\..'\-.: \Ql -§ /-'-- . '-,t~,~ " ... ~Y --::.·.... Ar. A. K. Ka sthurba Dean C.A./90/1 2959 Valid upto=2019 Ar. Bejene S Kothari HOD CA/96/ 19728 Valid upto=2014(0TP) T:.JC: iSSUR-680 009 (Kerala) 1.:> Direcro r CA/9 1/14130 Valid upt o=2022 Deval<i Ar1m2's Guruv;;yurappan / College of Archirecture Ci->e 1eT.bra, F J:liparar.:ba P.O. :.:a :aocurar.1 Distt.-673 634, Kerala, Mobile:944 7672 513 Em ail:pra sann atk01@gm Te/.:0494 -3051270 Mobile:9946006309 Em ai I: kl04@ nitc. ac. in, hod arch @ Te/.:0495-22 86204, 2287447, 2286241, 2286 115, 2286101 Mobile:8547635436 Ar. Sales Eapen Princi pal CA/97/213 58 Vali d upto=2019 Mobile:9847030691 Email:saleseapen@gm ai Bis~cp Jercme School of Architecture & Design Bishco Jerome lnstirution Catholic Cent~e. Fathima College Road Kc l' a,....,-691001, Kerala Ar. Ashok John Oommen Principal CA/96/20656 Valid upto =2019 Mobile:98472664 70 5c ~ : c 1 ~f t>,rch itecture Ar. Binumol Tom Raji·: :Jandh· llstitcte of Technology .',::Jf '2 r .;; 0 ., Pcmpnr. v <: .. LC ·~;-:-ESESC: Ke--c :a' HOD C.A./96/19676 Vali d upto=2022 Mobile:944659219 6 Ema il:binumoltom 14 Details of In st itution tmp_aQ:i_p gA rchit ectural Education in th e Country along-wit h jof_oliPA:t Lo_tJ of Head o f ln s.t i.tution ··· ·- Sf No. / Institution Code I KL10 140 I Holy Crescent College of Architecture Ma lipu ram Nagar, South Vazhakulam Alwaye-683105, Kerala 141 142 1 KL11 I KL12 143 I KL14 144 I KL15 145 KL16 146 KL17 l47 48 KL18 KL19 19 I KL20 :- VTJ< /~-"' ~ yY Q'C.\..'"'' // ........ ~_,..,....... // 1 _,__ , ........ -~ - -.~ -- · · I In stitutio-n Name TKM Schoo l of Architecture Musa lia r Hills, Karuvelil (P.O.) Ezhukone Ko//am-691505 (Kerala) - Details of Head of Insti t ut ion Ar. Rajesh Antony Dean CA/95/18306 Valid upto=2019 Ar. George Jacob P. Principa l - · CA/2000/25999 - · Valid upto=2020 _·...... · ·- ~~• -~cont ac t Head of Institution Det ail with COA Regist ra t ion No. & Validity Mobile :944 7166050 Email:hccof arch@gma Tei .:0474-27131021,2732133 Mobile:9645082664 Emai ~ - College of Archite cture Trivandrum Thinavila, Mulayara-P .O., Via. Vellanad Tfivandrum-695543 (Kerala) Ar. Jayakumar J. Principal CA/81/6116 Valid upto=2020 Mobile:9946852251 Tei.:0472288822 IES College of Architecture Chittilappilly P.O. Thrissur-680551, Kerala, Ar. George K.K. Director CA/78/43 12 Valid upto=2016 Mobile:9447170571 AI Salama Institute of Architecture Chirattamala Road Palachode PO, Ma lapa ramba Malappuram District-679338 (Kerala) Ar. As if Renu Khan Principal CA/2005/35973 Valid upto =2020 Mobile: 9846163636 Email: ar. asif.k@grnai l .corn Sneha College of Architecture Attayampathi, Govinda puram P.O. Palakkad District-678 507 Kerala Ar. K.5 . Rakesh Director CA/96/20497 Valid upto=2015 Mobile:944 79722 84 Em ail:ksrakeshnair@grnai School of Architecture College of Engineering and Technology Payyanur, Kaith apram, Mathamangalam, Kannu r District-670306 (Kera la) Ar. P.T.Karunakaran Nambiar Principal CA/78/04711 Valid upto =2016 Mobile:8606723085 Em ail:cetpayyanur@gmai Tei.:04985279632 Asian School of Architecture and Design Innovation (ASADI), Sil ver Sand Island, Near Vyttila ;.~ -Cochin-682019 (Kerala) Ar. Klaus Peter Gast HOD CA/2007/39680 Valid upto=2021 Mobile:8129223777 Email:kpga st@ya Global Institute of Architecture Peradikunnu, Nagaripurarn P.O. Patharipala Palakkad District-678 642, Kerala Ar. Abhimod Kesavankutty I Mobile:8590450001 Email:abhirnod@ gmai l. com Principal Tei.:0491-2872285 CA/98/22578 KMCT College of Architecture Manassery P.O., Kozhikode-673602, Kerala Valid upto=2022 Ar. Rarnesh E. Principal CA/84/08040 Valid upto=2008(0TP) Ema .in Te/.:0495-2299288 15 De ta :is of In st itution imp_ar:Nn_g Mchit ectu r a l Educat ion in the Country along-with io+,o~-~_JLon of Head of Institution I Institution Name 51 No. Tlnstitution 1 L I I II I 1 KL24 J I I 154 Mobile:9037464114 m Ar. Santhosh John Director Mobile:9447251533 Email:sanjonsl@yahoo .com CA/87/10577 Va lid upto==20 22 I I ~>ia rian Coll ege of Arc!litecture & Planning ;~.:;: . - · . ,~ . . - :~ :: :; ......., Mobile :9847083348 Email :mescoaclt@gma Te/. :0495-2762080 Ar. Rajina Rah im an V. Principal CA/2005/ 35813 Val id upto==2017 I I I KL26 [_ Ar. K A Sha msudeen Director CA/90/ 1307 3 Valid up to==2022 I I II KM EA College of Architecture Ku zhi veli pady, Edathala P.0 . Aluva, Erna ku lam Di5trict 1\:;>c'- i-6835 61 (Ke ra la) Sch ool of Arch itecture Mooka mbika Technic;; ! w mpus 1 Ambika N;;gar, E;;t;:c:pilly \1c;nnathur . 1\ll;\·;;ttupuzha 1 Ern akul;;rn C•strict-686 723, Ker;; la I MES College ~f ...\ rchitecture : i\eduma la Ku nnu, K;;nn adi Chaal Ki z'lkkum ld ur i Pos t, Via K;; kkodi ! Kozh iko ce-673 611, Keral a KL23 153 Mobile:9447127676 Em .in Te/.:0495-3265888 iI I 152 Ar. P Praveen Chandra Principal CA/9 2/1 541 5 Valid upto==2019 I I I KMCT College of Archi tecture Ka llanthode, NIT (PO ) Ko zhikode Oistrict-6 73601, Keral a I ' KL22 151 I Institution Validity 1 KL2 1 ' 150 ~~ J cco~tact Details of Head of J He ad of Institution c ' Det ail with CO A Registration No. & Cede - ...... j Ar. Baby PaulK. M obile:9447241014 Em c; il :bc: bypa ulk@ gr.o :.= il .com Te/. :0471 2704405 ;, , irc:p;; l . ;:~:: - ~:-~: ... - ~---: -;3 :; .).)_: 2 , <: :::rC IO I D / 81/ 66 Ll Valid upto==2021 L : 15S Kl2 7 I M;; ngc; lam Schoc l of Architecture and Pl anning at rvi angc;l;;rn, Coll ege of Engineering Ca mpus Vettin:;L-;; 1 Do, Ettum.=noor Po I / Kct: c: .,.c:n-68.S 631, Ke ral a - 150 I KL28 I 15, KL29 I 1 Niz;;r Rahi m c; nd Mark School of Architecture F\o;;cvila, Oyur ' clla m-691516, Ker;; l<: 1 -- Er<: n;; d Knowledge Ciry Co ll ege of Arch itectu re, Era nad Knowledge City, Che rukul;; rn El;; nku r Po, fvlan ;eri i, ' a!c: ;::;:: uran Ois:ri ct -E7E122. Keral a Ar. Narayan;; n K. Principal CA/ 81 / 6615 Va lid upto =2026 Mobile:9446432193 Tei. :048 12311964 Ar . Jayakrishnan G. Principe;! CA/ 2006/ 38438 Valid upto==2 017 Mo bi Ie: 944 70 203 77 Ema il:gj Tei.: 0474 6065555 Ar. Roh ini Prasad Di rector CA/ 1983/00 7652 Vc;lid upto== 2019 Mobile:9895870744 Em ail: barch@eran adknowl edge ---- ' L3 0 I SCMS Scroo l of Arch itecture ; Vid·;a Nagar, <arJkutty I Ernakul ;;m -683582, Kerc; lc: Ar . Kurien Abraham Pri ncipa l C.A./99/ 24156 Mobile:9447797 83 1 Email:kuri en abrah arn 65 @gmail. com Valid upto ==2023 Te/.:0484 2204131 - ----- - ----..,----,---- - - - - -- -+-- - -- - - -- - - +-..,---- -- - - - - - - :\ ~3: ,, • eJa•:y;;sc; College of .l.rc,~i te crur e Ka c; cpar;;m!Ja (P.O.) ~.or'lJr c: t~ uk c; ·a /.~ ,...o_ -- - - ;\ i2; ' · - :;--:: .... ... C""':i JJ~:ric ~ . !(er c ~a ;~ :. /} ' ©©1 -~ -\~L · / ., ;,r~'-·/ ......._ -. - '.::::-~, ~ ~ ...... Ar . C S Anish Prin cipa l CA/ 98/022 894 Va lid upto =2018 Email :vca@ved avyasa .org Te/.:048 3- 2832157 I I - ---- - ~--'-------------'------------~ ~ ~- 16 Details of lnstitutioll_iD!_~4Jog_~rchitectural Education in th e Country along-with I~.tB~~~Lan of H ead of Institution Sl No. 1 Institution Code I Insti tution-Name Head of Institution 160 KL32 Thejus College of Architecture Ve/larakkad Thrissur-680584, Kerala Ar. Sam eer I K Director CA/2008/042265 Valid upto=2019 161 KL34 DC School of Architecture and Design Pullikkanam, Vagamon ldukki District-685 503, Kerala - - Ar. Tarun Gupta Principal 162 KL35 ""'"·~-~-~ -, ~ contact Deta ils of Head of Detail with COA Registration No. & Validity Institution Mobile:889329138 9 Email:architectsameerik @gmail. com Mobile:9846187286 Email :tarun @dcschoo l. net Tei.:04869202110 · - - - · CA/99/25494 Valid upto=2021 Avani Institute of Design, 5/2759D, Kalipoika, Pothiya ra (PO), Mini Bypass Raod, Ar. Tony Joseph Principal Calicut-673004, Kerala, Tel: 0495-2771102, CA/89/12738 Valid upto=2020 Email:architecttony@gma Tel. :0495-2771102 E-mail:, info@avaniinstitute .com 163 KL36 Talent Institute of Architecture (TIBA), P.O.Mudur, Ed appal, Malapuram District, Ed appal-679578 TeVFax:0494-2690218 E-mail: talent .iba @gmail .com 164 165 MH01 I MH02 Sir J.J.College of Architecture 78/3, Dr.D.N.Road, Fort MUMBAI-400 001 (Ma harashtra) I L.S.Raheja School of Architecture Raheja Education Complex Opp.Colgate Palmolive Ground Kher Nagar, Sandra (E) MUMBAI-400 051 (Maharashtra) 166 I MH03 I Academy of Architecture 278, Shankar Ghanekar Marg Prabhadevi, MUMBAI-400 025 (Maharashtra) l67 I MH04 I Faculty of Architecture Visvesva raya Nation al Institute ofTechnology (Deemed University), South Ambhazari Road NAGPUR-440 010 (Maharashtra) 68 I MHOS I BKPS College of Archi tecture 2043, Sadashiv Peth, Tilak Road PUNE-411 030 {Maharashtra) S9 MH06 School of Architectur·e Co ll ege of Engineerin g & Technology At Post-Babhulgaon (Jh.) N.H.No.6 Near Shri Shivaji Park AKOLA-444 00 1 (Maharashtra) Email:talen Tei.:0494-2690218 Ar. Hema Sree Director CA/91/13982 Valid upto=2025 Ar. Rajeev Rampher Mishra Principal Mobile:9869212690 Email:mishrarajiv@gmai CA/90/13 194 Valid upto=2019 Tei. :02222632831 Ar. Arvind Mahohar Mobile:9821148797 Khanolkar 1/C Principal Email:khanolkararvind@gma il .c om CA/79/5086 Valid upto=2020 Ar. Suresh Mahesh Singh Principal Mobile:9869032 737 Ema CA/88/11563 Valid upto=2019 ~~ ...... Ar. AI pan a Dongre Dean CA/9 3/16286 Valid upto=2024 Email :di rector@vnit.a Tel. :0712-28013 76,28013 70, 2222828 Ar. Pushkar M . Kanvinde Mobile:9822021433 Email:pmkanvind e@gmai 1/C Principal CA/ 83/7909 Valid upto=2020 Te1.:+919423582528 Ar . Di/ip LJade Principal CA/86/10135 Valid upto=2021 Mobil e:9960593589 Em ail :sdshilparatn a @gma i l. com 17 s: Details of Institution. impacting Architectura l Education in the Coun try along-with intoJ::_Qlati.on of Head of Institution .. --- - Head of Institution Contact Details of Head of r\c~T institution / Institut io n Name 1 Code 1 I School of Architecture 0 Y.Patil College of Engineering & Technology ! \as ab;; Bavada, i KOLHAPUR-416 006 (Maharashtra} MHO ? :70 I MHOS 171 j G S.Mandal's Marathwada<lnstitute of 1 Technology Pest Box No .327, Sa tara Village Area, Seed By Pass Road, AURANGABAD-43 1028 (Maharashtra ) j Shri Prince Shivaji Maratha Boarding House's Cc llege of Arch itecture, _C61-'A' Ward, Sh ivcji Peth KCLHAPUR-416 012 (Maharas ht ra) I I MH09 172 I 173 • Marathwc; da M irra M anda i's MH10 / College of Archi t ecture 302-A, Deccan Gymkhana Of=. F.C.Road, Nr.Gokha le Institute 1 .:- : ' IE-1:! 00.1 (1\'i c;h;;ras htra l I Institutio n Ar. Ravindra Savant HOD Mobiie:9422581197 Email :arrgsavant@gmail .com Tei.:02312650997 CA/86/9580 Va lid upto=2016 I School of Architecture I I Detail with COA Registration No. & Validity Ar. Sanjay Vishwanath Mhaske Principal CA/ 92/14698 Va lid upto=2016 Mobi le:9422705878 Em ail:svmarch@gmail .com Ar. Sandeep G. Dighe Principal CA/ 91/ 13602 Valid upto=2022 Mobile :93 71100437 Tei.:02312620431 Ar. Aparna Kusum Dudwadkar Principal CA/92/ 15053 Valid upto=2020 Mobile:9422000612 Tei.:02025652 689 I Sc:-: ::::ct J - ;...r:;"" :ec::t;r·e MHll :1.74 Ar. Cha kr::deo Shashank Shantaram HOD CA/86/9742 Vali d upto=2018 ! 1\-l anohc:rbhai Patc:ilnsr:t ute o f engineering & I Techno logy K;;dw c:, (Dist.Bhar.dara ), GON DI.A.-441 614 (Ma harashtra ) II 175 I School of Architecture MH12 Ar. Vijay N Tawde Principal CA/76/2812 Valid upto=2021 Ja'.•:ahar Lal Nef-t ru Engir eeri ng College I N-6, CI DCO, I A l..'~.;..N GAS.-l D-431 003 (1\l ah;, rashtra) -· ~ I NDMVP Samaj's Co llege of Architecture : MH13 Ar. Prajakta Shailesh Baste Principal CA/96/20199 Valid upto=2021 Mobile:9422774038 Ema Tei.:02532570822 / Bharati Vidyapeeth 's Co ll ege of Architecture , Secror-7, Belpada Comp lex C5D (Belapur), Opp.Kharghar R;;il way Station, .'!A VI MUM BAI --100 514 {M aharashtra) Ar. Ritu G. Deshmukh Principal CA/95/18309 Valid upto=2017 Mobile:9881023279 m <a mla Raheja Vi dyanidhi Institute for Archit ecture & Environmental Srua ies 'ii c'~· a ., i c hi M arg, Off. 10th Road, Juh u Scheme ',; u~/ 6,11 -..! 00 049 (l'vlahcrashtra) p,r. Aneerudha Paul Director CA./ 92/ 15510 Valid upto=2008(0TP) Mobile:9820891736 Emaii:ANIRUDH.PAU L@GMAIL.C OM Udoji iviarctha Boarc ing Hc use Campus I ; " "g:0ur Roa d ·JASIK-422 002 {IV!ahcra sh tra } I 177 I I MH14 1\1 H15 - - -.;1-':E - 1 i';, dnashree Jr. D. " Palil :::allege of -'':,';, ,e~ure /-':·\~3,.; _c ~- -....,_ ., 4 I -~ .A,f. .• n,,_, ·..;::_~ ------ Mobile:9657715350 ::- ::- 71 :: : ; l. 1 i'. :;;-.p ·.1s , '. 'e-ra ··!;;5;:: r ~·c·-- - '.~r·.. I Ar. S.V. Chaudhari Mobiie:9821025241 Principal Emaii:principaldypca@gma / CA/8 9/ 12768 IJali d uc to=2021 m Tei.:02224184234 ~-:_:_:?- ·.E3 . .o '.:...: :: ::_:s~. i::h a-;;:;1-,ra..:.l____~'_ __ · _ _ _.:___ _ _- " - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ' 18 Details of lnstitutionJrp~¥J i.Dg ArchitecturaLEducation in the Country along-wit~-~~:ation of Hea d of Institution 51 No. / Instituti on Code 180 MH17 181 MH18 182 MH19 183 MH20 184 MH21 185 186 .87 g8 MH23 MH24 MH25 MH26 I Institution Name Head of In s titution ·"··==-· ~= ! Contact Deta ils of Head of Detail w ith Institution COA Registration No. & Validity Mahatma Edu cation Society's Pillais' College of Architecture Dr.K.M.Vasudeva n Pillai's Campus 10, Sector 16, NEW PAN VEL-410 206 (Maharashtra) Rizvi Coll ege of Architectu re Rizvi Education al Complex Sherly Raj an Off Carter Road - . Sandra (W) MUMBAI-400 050 (Maharashtra) Ar. Merchant Arif Noman Principal CA/81/6509 Valid upto=2025 Bharati Vidyapeeth University's College of Architecture Dhankawadi Campus Off Pune-Satara Road, Katraj, PUNE-411 043 (Maharashtra) Women's Education Society's Smt.Manoramabai Mundie, College of Archite cture, L.A .D.College Campus, Seminary Hills, NAGP UR-440 006 (Maharashtra) Maharshi Karve Stree Shikshan Samstha's Dr.Bhanuben Nanavati College of Architecture for Women BNCA College Campus Karve Nagar PUNE-411 052 (Maharashtra) Shri Siddeshwar Shikshan Mandai's Coll ege of Architecture Sr.No.63/ 1A, F.P .No.34, Ujani Colony (Behind T.V. Tower), Kumatha Na ka SOLAP UR-413 003 (Ma harashtra) Shri V.B.Patil Trust's Appasaheb Birnale College of Architecture South Shivaj i Nagar, Sangli-Miraj Road SANGLI-416 416 (Maharashtra) School of Architecture Kaviku lguru Institute of Technology & Science, K.K.Nagar, Ramtek DI5T.NAGPUR-441106 (Ma harashtra) Priyadarshini Institute of Arch itecture & Design Studies Pryadarshini Campu s, Digdoh Hills Off. Hingna Road, Nea r CRPF Campus NAGPUR-440 019 (Maharash tr a) Ar. Akhatarhusain Mohammedbhai Chauhan Director - - Mobile:9820 737935 Email:merchant Mobile:9820059792 Te/.:02228353997 CA/79/5075 Val id upto=2022 Ar. Kiran Shinde Principal CA/95/18745 Valid upto=2023 Em ail :co arep un e@bha rati vidya p Tel.: 020-2437568 7 Ar. Ujwala Ch akradeo Principal CA/86/9735 Valid upto=2018 Mobile:9890601461 Email:ujwa!a.chakradeo@smmc .in Ar. Anu rag M. Kashyap Principal CA/8 4/ 8291 Valid upto=2018 Mobile:9822014323 Email :dranuragkas hyap@gmai l. c Ar. As hwini Nagesh Katgaonkar 1/ C Principal CA/2004/345 18 Valid upto =2018 Ar. Vijay Baburao Sambreka r 1/C Principal CA/ 2003/32567 Valid upto =2024 Ar. Kalpana Narayan rao Kawathekar HOD om Mobile:7620122262 Email :ashwi ni katg aonka r@gmail .com Mobi le: 9823040506 Tel. :02332302 203 Em ail :m h25@, princi pa I@ kits .ed u Tel .:07114-255309 CA/1999/024435 Valid upto=2019 Ar. Khan Habeeb Ahmed Mohd. Ahmed Khan Directo r CA/8 9/ 12757 Val id upto =2021 Mobile:98222 00300 Em ail :director. pi ads@ gm ail . com 19 Deta ils of ln sti tution _imparting Architectural Educat ion in the Country along-withofJJi9.rmation of Head_of_lnst itution ····· I Institution Name 51 No. -Tf~st it ut ion · Code / Indian Education Society's College of j Architecture Vi\10 lotilkar Vidya Sa nkul 79l,S.K.Marg, Sandra Reclamation, B.::ndra (W) MUMBAI-400 050 (1\ol aharashtra) 1 Dr.Baliram Hi ray College of Architecture ; Sr.No.341, Next to New English School C:o\1. Colony, Sandra (E) MUMBAI-400 051 (Maharashtra) T MH27 190 MH28 191 MH29 • 192 I MH30 , I 1 Contact Details of Head of Institution Ar. Gau ri sh Y. Chandawarkar 1/C Principal CA/ 93/ 16635 Valid upto=2021 Mobile:9821098642 Tel .:02228650229 Ar. Aparna Joshi Principal CA/99/24121 Valid up to=2021 Mobile:9892747064 Em ail:hirayarch - Pravara Rural College of Architecture Sadatpur Road, At Post: Loni Ta l. Shrirampur DIST. AHMEDNAGAR-413 736 (Maharashtra) Ar. Joshi Shital Padmanabh 1/C Principal CA/2004/33999 Valid upto=2016 Mobile:9423785738 Email :principalprca@ n Tei. :02422274295 Vivekanand Institute of Technology 's Padmabhushan Dr.Vasantdada Patil College of Architecture 27t../ 2, 275/ 2, 282, Adirya Nisarg at Post Ar. Prasanna Atmaram Desai Director CA/82/6802 Valid upto=2020 Mobile:9822021148 Em ail :desaiprasa nna. pvpco a08 Tei. :02020291299 Ar. Lina N2th 1/C Principal CA/96/19646 Valid upto=2023 Mobile:9423040251 Tei.:02026433202 Ar. Dhan2njay Chaudhari 1/C Principal CA/95/18107 Valid upto=2021 Mobile:9422027467 I i --- Detail with COA Registration No. & Validity 1 I 18S ~ He ad of Institution -===-- -- :- ·,.c r:g u ~ -= . . . . ; . '.:~.\ ?u ~·4c:-.1.:..21~3 la- MH31 ~;) ~,;c:;c;c.;h:rc ; :.•i C.E.Soc:er./s Allan a Co l! ege of ..\rchiteC:ure I 23 90- B, K.B.Hiday2tull :h Road Az:m Campus, Camp, I I j PUNE-411 001 (Maharashtra) Padmashree Dr.D.Y.Patil College of .11.rchitecture Sectcr No.29 Nigdi Pradhikaran 1 Necr Akurdi Rl y. St;:;tion, Pimpri Chinchwad FUN E-411 044 (Maharashtra) Sinhgad College of Architecture STES Campus, S.No.ll!!/ 1, Vadgaon (Budrak) Cff. Sinhgad r\oad, FC\ E---1~1 042 (Maharcshtra) I L 1:"4 MH32 I :. ss I 'I I I MH33 MH34 Late Shri Bapuraoji Deshnukh B.D.Coflege of Engineering Campus At & Post Sewagram DISTT. WARCn ...:.....:.c2 102 U.laharashtra) Asm:ta College of Arch i ~ecture t N.H.English Academy Campus • Asn'ta Enclave, Mir;; Road (Ea st) , T:-1,.',\lE-aO: 107 (f\lc;harashtra) 1 ' MH39 Mobile:9822679588 Tei. :02024351439 Ar. Dhananjay J\11. Deshpandl Mobile:9822802437 Offtg. Principal Email:d.m.deshpande ca/ 95/18206 m Valid upto=2018 j Degre e College of Architecture __ - Ar. Milind Vasant Telang Principal CA/87/ 11029 Valid upto =2013(0TP) Ar. Rupali H. Gupte Principal CA/97/21063 Valid upto=2022 Mobile:9930401070 Email:principa laco Tel. :+2228126464 ~~2 ~~~:;~~~~~:::~;d"~~;---------ti~~;;;,;;;~~hho;.---~::;.;::::::::::-~~~~~0 I . / -~, '~ ~~:-- ~ fC , ~~ ,·-_.~' -~~-=~\g8-L ·:: .~ "' ~ ....._ ' - .-. ...-I ..;. ' ~ I cr: :::=; · .-:.... , ,__ _ • -'"'·'; n:. · •~ ·s_c.,c~lor ~· rch' ... ,ec:t.:re :-"' o - o ~ • -:. Sret~ ~ -"' -'' '"'' · ,:--~~c:::.· ~ --,l " - co ~-:- "'"'' •:.' Deoo 1 -. I ' - -- - - Mobile:9920233882 Tei.:02242332082 Ar. Tnlochan M Chh · ''' CA/77/ 353S I, Valid upto=2019 ---- 20 Details of fnstitu t i_o_Jl:fmp_ai tin g Architectura l Education in t he Country alo_ng::W-itb::W.ormation of Hea_d_o_f Inst itution 51 No. j Institution Code 199 200 201 202 MH44 MH45 MH47 MH48 ! ·Instit uti on Name Samyak Sankalpa College of Architect ure Durga Nagar; Near Relax Hotel -- - - - Next to An mol Garden, Nandivali Village Malang Road, Kalyan (East) Tai-Kalayn, Distt.Thane-421 306 ( Maharas htra) IDEAS-Institute of Design Education & Architecture Studies Gat No.124/3, P.H.No.37, Mouza-Hudkeshwar, Taluka-Nagpu r, Outer Ring Road Junction Point, Hudkeshwar, Post Pip/a Nagpur-440 034 (Maharashtra) Vidya Va rdhan's Institute of Design Environment and Architecture B-38, NICE, Industrial Area Near ITI Circle, MIDC, Satpur Nashik-422007 (Maharashtra) Ar. Hanumant Bhogle Director CA/93/16163 Valid upto=2022 Ar. Vijay Shrikrishna Sohoni Director CA/8 2/ 7143 Valid upto=2015 Mobile:9822055188 Tei.:0253235103 3 Vidya Pratishthan 's School of Architecture Vidyanagari, Bhigwan Road Barama ti Distt. Pune-413 133 (Maharashtra) Ar. Harshad Raisoni Principal CA/ 2009/44385 Valid upto=2021 Email :director@idea. edu .in Tel.:02112-239500 204 MH50 ADA's Minerva College of Architecture Sr.No.512, Ambi, Talegaon MIDC Road Taluka Maval District Pune-410 507, Maharashtra 205 MH51 P.R.Patil College of Architecture P.R.Patil Education Premises Kathora Road, Amravati Post-Via Camp-444 602, Maharashtra J7 I MH53 In stitution Ar. Varsha Kesarimal Kotecha Principal CA/98/22817 Valid upto=2015 MH49 MH52 Contact Deta ils of Head of Shrikrishna Educational & Cultural Mandai's College of Architecture Gat No.56/2, P.B.No.113, Shirso li Road Jalgaon-425 001 (Maharashtra) 203 :06 Hea d of Institution':'· Det ai l w ith CO A Registration No. & Validity Ra dhikatai Pandav Institute of Architecture Bahadura, Near Dighori Naka Umrer Road, Bahad ura, Post Vihirgaon Nagp ur-411204 (Maharashtra) VIVA Schoo l of Architecture VIVA Campus, At.Shirg ao n, Virar(E) Tal: Vasa i, Thane-40i303(Maharashtra) Ar. Abhay V. Purohit Director CA/8 7/10800 Valid upto=2009(0TP) Ar. lndra Kumar Singh 1/C Principal CA/2007/40095 Valid upto=2018 Ar. Sanjay Wamanrao Deshmukh Principal CA/2001/28122 Valid upto=2022 Ar. Yuvraj Puroshottam Meshram Mobile:9130379297 Em a il:pri ncipal @sgdcoajalga on. org Mob ile:9930232784 - - ' -Email:thoratpaddy Mobile:9422105688 Email:puroh it.av@gma Mobile:909636440 Email :architectind ra @gmail. com Tei.:02144311399 Mobile:9960791991 Tel. :07212530342 Mobile:9764305123 Em HOD CA/2006/39205 Valid upto=2020 Ar. Ch akor A Mehta 1/C Principal CA/97 /21023 Valid upto=2018 Mobile:98693 30802 Email: mehtach akor@gm ail .com Tei.:0810838.0451 21 Det ails o f Inst itu t i on impa r ti ng Architect ural Educatio n in the Cou ntry al on g~_wit iHofor m at ion of Hea.d of Instituti on 51No. ) Instit ution ' Institution Name Cede ! I I I MH54 208 I 1 I ' School of Architecture I Anjuman-1- lsl am's Kalsekar Technical Campus 21 0 M H55 : Plot No.2&3, Sector-16, Kha nda Gaon ear Than a Na ka, New Panvel I Nc; vi Mu mbai-4 10206, Maharashtra 1 Dr.DY Patil School of Architecture Dr.DY Patil Pc;til Knowledge Oty Charholi (Bk), Vic; Loh egaon Pu•e--412 105 (Maharashtra) 211 M H5 7 - 1 Ar. Harish Nama krishnamurthy Setty Principal CA/93/16143 Val id upto=2022 Mobile:9820681415 Ema il:principal.ltia ds @grnail .co m Te/. :0222 7542442 Ar. Sa nj cy1\"c;dhu IVI cdh uka rrao Kopulwar Principal CA/96/19806 Va lid upto=2020 M obile:98222 37827 Email :tgpca .nagpur@grna rn Tei .:09763711 372 Ar. Jyotsna 5 Gad ad Pri ncipal CA/2003/ 031276 Valid upto=2019 Mobi le:9823189994 Em ail :oys terj uniorcollege@yaho in Ar. Sanjay Deshmu kh Principal CA/2001/ 28122 Vali d upto=2022 M o bile:92234345(3 1 Ema il :swc. mumb ai@grn I Lot: m a n~'2 TI Iak Institute of Architectu re & I :C:o :· •. <::-:::;;::· . . c- ~e :: ..:re : rvlh 58 I /213 / V.'c~.:" ha ~oad, r\r.- 7, Mohga cn I i Oi·stcc Col! ege of Arch itecture Gat No.613 , Mouza -Golc:tgaon M H59 . , I I. I I , , _____ r61 MH62 21 5 ~: =~·=:• I Na g~u r-4411.C8 (1\~ aharashtra) I J Mobile:9819194746 Mobil e: 98235Zl3 86 Em ail :sh ubh ada @dyp ati larch .co m Te /. :02030619495 I J Mobile:9833991711 Ema il :phcarch Ar. Shubhad a Ch apeka r Director Cll./93/16119 Valid upto=2021 I I Ar. Sangeeta Prakash Prin ci pal Ar. Preeto Pansare 1/C Dean CA/2005/ 36026 Valid upto=2016 Design Studies, Sector-4, Vikas Nagar Kop erkha irane Navi M um bai-400 709 212 Co nta ct Details of He ad of Institu ti on CA/ 2000/ 26454 Vali d upto=2018 MH55 209 I M ahatma Edu cation Socie ty's Piil ai's HOC Coll ege o f Architecture Pi lai's HOCL Education campus, Rasayani Tc: l- !<h c:l <= pur, Via-Panvel Rc: igc;d-410207(M ahara shtra ) Head of Institution -Detail w ith COA Registration No. & Validity Naginachi W adi I Ja!na Road, T<:h. & District I Aurar.gabad-431201 (M c;harashtra ) · St. Wilfred's Institute of Arch itecture Survey No.92A/ 1, Opposit e Ayush Resort l ea r Shedung Tollnaka J Old 3ombay Puna High w c; y, Pa nvel, Sh edung Oistricc Raigad-410 206, M aharashtra Ac;yojan School of Arch itecture and Design G2t \lo. 289, Vill age-W ara w adi Tc;IL.'<a-?urar. da r / Dim .?urie--412 301, Maharashtra Ar . Uday C Gadkari Director CA/ 86/95 92 Valid upto=2023 Mobil e:9766782223 Email :gad ka ri. uday@ r ediffm ail.c om Ar. Abhijeet An i! Mahajan 1/ C Prin cipa l CJ\/ 2010/ 50163 Valid upto=2021 M obile: 9766645361 Email :oj aswani.caad m Tel. :025 72241128 I -- : MH 63 ~ r,Jf-:c .! ,.~ -c:\·,-., ~. :- >::. Krarcesh College E du ca ~ion Soci ety' s Ojasv:ini College of Archirectu re and Design '.J .Coll ege Cc;mpus J;;'g::~-..! 2 5 0( 1 (.'vlaharash tr a) S1ri Shar.:d;:; Bhavan Ed ucaton Sc ciety's \ :;;ce:"ly of tlrchitec'L · e c:: ::: S C::'lrt:s. Br::Ccnega ... ·. -: ~.:=:~~~::.:;~.:2, \~~f~.c rc_ .... ~ ... c ·-i ·~IR\ ~ ::c ~~ -·~ ·:::~,_. '"=17~;:"':-r --\·:::·--.~' :·..:---. -r;·.: ~ .. _... __ '" . - -- j Ar. Jagdish Shiwla l I Chandak Di re cto r Mobil e:9422176369 Em ail :j sch an da k@ red i ffrn ai /.co m 1 C.ll./80/588 7 Va lid up to =2019 - - --- - - - · 22 Details of losti_tu.tion.imparting Ar ch i_teJ:tura l Education in the Country alo.og:::.WLtlLLoJormation of Head of In stitution . -:· . . .,;!"".;... ':;.=....;•. -.~ :. Hea d of ln s titiit iUFi~ Deta il with COA Registration No. & Validity Contact Detai ls of Head of Institution Pat el College of Architecture Jatwada Road G.No.36 Auranga bad-431008 (Maharashtra) Ar. Subhash Shridharsa Bahekar Principal CA/76/02890 Valid upto=2020 Mobile:9822096007 Em ai Satish Misal Educational Foundation 's BRICK School of Archi tecture - - - -- - - --- -- Ar. Poorva Keskar Principal - - - - Survey no.S0/3/2/2, Mauje Undri, Tai.Haveli, Distt.Pu ne-411028, Maharashtra CA/89/12286 Va lid upto=2017 Sl No. ! Inst itution -- I- Institution Name Code MH65 218 219 220 MH66 I Aditya College of Architectu re I MH67 C/o Aditya Edu cational Cam pus R.M.Bhattad Marg, Ram Nagar, Boravali (West) Mumbai-400 092 (Maha ra shtra) 221 I Pravara Rural Educat ion Society's I MH68 College of Architectu re At:Mohu, Post:Chinc holi, Tai:Sinnar Discrict Na shik (Maharas htra) Mobil e:9764535255 TeL:0 2060123700 Ar. Aparna H. Surve Principal CA/9 4/ 17245 Valid upto=2022 / Mobile:9757427801 Tei. :02261106134 Ar. Sh armis htha Nitin Surajiwala 1/C Principal CA/ 2000/ 26830 Va lid upto=201 6 Mobile:9423787402 Tei .:02551 271161 I 222 I Smt.Pr·emalati Chavan College of Architecture I MH70 At-Pos t- Wa gheri, Tai.Karad District Satara (Maharashtra) 223 I MH71 I Akh il Bharatiya M aratha Shikshan Pa ris_had's Anantrao Pawar College of Architecture Sr.No.1 03, Parvati Pune-4 11009, Maharashtra 224 I MH72 1 225 I MH73 I Thakur School of Architectu re & Pl an ning 8-Biock, Tha kur Educational Campus Shyam nara yan Th akur Ma rg Th akur Vi llage, Kandivali (East) IDEAL Institute of Architecture Got No.40-1&2 Pimplaz Road Posheri, Tal uka :Wada, Thane-421303 , Maharas htra Mumbai-400 101, Maharashtra 226 27 I MH74 MH75 I Pimpri Ch inchwad Edu ca tion Trust's S.B .Patil College of Architecture & Des ign Vastu-Kimaya, Sector No.26 Nigdi Pradhikaran Pune-411 044, Mahar·ashtra Dr.D.Y.Pati l Schoo l of Architecture Sr.No .124 & 126, A/ P Ambi Talegaon, Dabhade, Tai-Maval Distr·ict Pune-410506, Maharashtra I Mobile:9850488016 Ar. Va rshal i Mahesh Patil 1/C Principal CA/2 007/ 40554 Valid upto=2018 Mob ile:9822572133 Tei.:02024218901 Ar. Nishant Madh avrao Gawande Director CA/2006/39048 Va lid upto=2019 Ar. Sanjay Chaurasiya Principal CA/ 2006/037632 Va lid upto=201 7 Email :ide a linst.architectu re. mh 7 Tei.: 022-25262 12144 Ar. Sarita Abhijit Deshpande Principa l CA/9 1/13681 Mobile:98 33665446 Ern ail:tsap .principal @tha kured u ca ti Valid upto=2022 Mobile:9730756557 Em ai Ar. Ujjawala Palsuley HOD CA/2003 /31129 Valid upto=2019 Ar. Bages hri Kadam Director· CA/2008/42367 Valid upto=2020 I Email:svp.amb i @grna il. com Tel.:211430226 23 Details of lnsti~ u_tjon . imparting Arch ite ctural Education in the Country .along:.witi;J_information of. !:lead of Institution lsi No. !Institution- - ~ Institution / Head of lnstitutron Detail with COA Registration No. & Validity Contact·Details of Head of Institution School of En vironmen t and Architecture Suvidyalay,;, Eksar Road, Borivali West / o\'umbai-400 091 Ar. Ra vi nder Ajit Pun de Director CA./82/7053 Valid upto=2020 Mobile:9811060841 Tei. :02228337582 C.T. E.S.College of Architecture C/o.N.G .Achc: ryc: & D.K.Marothe College N.G.Acharya Marg, Chembur ' ~. lcmb,;i- I!OC 071 Ar. Ani! Yogendrapal Nagrath Directo r - - - Mobile:9820188495 Email:anagrath Tei.:022-25217344 ecce Name 1 I 228 MH76 22S I MH77 I ! j J I CA./7 5/01115 Vali d upto=2021 Ar. Supriya Nene Principal CA./2002/303 61 Valid upto=2013(0TP) / Shree Chanakya Education Society's , Indira Co llege cf Architecture and Design, 5~ 65, Gat .'Jo.276. Pa randwadi, , - a' -V!aval Distt.Pune, 1 Mobile:9272212312 Em ail:icad@i ndira oure-410 506, Tel: 09272212312, I Fax: 09272212311, / E-mail: icad@indircedu .com 1 Trinity College of Architecture / Surn:v No.2S & 247, Kond hwa-Saswad Road i Eocde•: Gh;:t _ _ -~- ..: : : i ~_:; ·: 2 -;-cs-:~c I lc :. .:::-C5259CC:::, 2..:9;..:..;.2;, i=ax. 020 :-:~3..:~~ I E-rrc: il: • I MH82 I ".1''33 ... c -· (' VI-'S~ .... /~ 3 t. .~ ~ {_:.-3\ 'CiiL\ ~l ·~i ,'~ · (., ....; _,, .,::: s >...---'-- ,~- ... ~~~-.; Email m Tei.:020-65269009, 24934423 Valid upto=2020 I Jai Shri Siddhivin ayak Foundation Trust's B. R. Hc:rne College of Arch itecture Village-Kara v, Vangani (W), Dist. Thane, c:narashtra, Tel: 0251-2483344, 24855555, E! il ·js iddhivinayakf@gmail. com 234 Ar. Uma Kundalikrao Jadhav Principal CA./98/ 2.:767 : r.u 'e! al lnsritute of Architecture '< H. '..68 & 72. Off Koradi Road L:;-ncra !:gpur-441 111, lvlaharashtra 1 :-el: 0712 -2668233 Fax: o-12-2668234 E-mail: jia.ssa@gm ail. com Ideal Coll ege of ArchitectUre R.S.No.377/A., At-Kondigr:: T<:I-S'lirol, lchalkaranji-4::6 102 ! Distt.Kolhapu', Maharc; shrra e!:02 32-225515J, Fax: 0232-2255155 I E-ma il: Datta Meghe College of Architec ture, W anadongari, Hingr.a Road 1 Na5i= '..!' - 4J1:10, 1\lahar.;shrr<l Te : -~:~ :. C4235C8.1 :: --e ;l · ~ y s s ~'~stngp@gmc ! Lcom Ar. Vivek Kamlakant Vilekar Principal CA./96/19359 Valid upto=2015 Email:jsi ddhivinayakf@gmail .co m Tei.:0251-2483344 Ar. Ravi Nafde Principal Email :jia.ssct@gmai !.com Tel.: 0712-2668233 CA./86/9590 Valid upto=2021 Ar. Sunil Tatyasaheb Nitwe Principal CA./97/21157 Valid upto=2020 I Ar. Purva Mange Principal CA./2007 / 39742 Valid upto=201 8 v :; si-Jda Ccllege of Architec::ure Sa tara I Ar. Suhas Shankar Taleka r 5 ~.c :.12/ : , ~'!....; ~ ..:. , \/:'2Cr.e ~~e t c ! .. ·c-, s~·= -~- ~:: c :: . .'.:~ r·arasntra - c- -- ~'":' - - -.;· - ~l:._~·~ --- - - - ~...,L..·- · , •• 6--L ~- -f .Lt-.5_ --,-a I IJ·I·d Pri ncipal I CA./86/9647 c I Mobile:9823132325 Email:icakondigre@gmail .com Tei.:0232-2255154 Mobile:7104235084 Ema il :nysstrustngp@ gma il .com Mob ile:9049800808 Emai l:admin@yspmsa Up t 0 -2012(0TP) - 24 --~ .------------------------------ Details of lo_ s.tltu_tio_o imparting Archltectural Education in the Countr:y,-___a_t9_Dg~~tb_i nformation ofJjead of Institution ., ._\:=::_ .... . -;.~t;;:·.~"';', , ,..:....:!....; .. 51 No. / ln sti tutiok "l ~' ln st itution Name Code MH85 237 ML01 238 I Amity Universi ty Mumbai-Pune Exp ressway Bhatan, Post-Soma thne, Panvel Mumbai- 410206 (Ma harash tra) Telephone: 02143- 205037/38 Em ail: admissions@ Department of Archi tecture Schoo l of Techn ology - - -- - - - --- -- - North-Eastern Hill University Shillong-793022, Meghalaya 239 MP01 240 MP02 241 MP04 242 MP05 243 MP06 244 MP07 45 MP08 ~6 I MP09 ;, " \. ~~ College of Architecture SOPS Wo m en's College Opp. Bilawal i Tank, Khandwa Road lndore-452020(M.P.) Hitkarni College of Architecture & Town Pl anning Hitkarini Hill s, Dumna Road Tembha r, P.O.Kham aria Jabalpu r-482 005, Madhya Pradesh Bagulam ukhi Coll ege of Architecture & Plann ing, Mugaliya Kot, Near Sukh i Seva ni a Vidisha Road Bhopa i-462010 (Madhya Pradesh) Amity School of Architecture & Planning Amity University, Madhya Pra desh Maha rajpu ra Dang Gwalior-474005 (Madhya Pradesh) School of Archit ecture & Design ITM Univers ity, Gwalior NH75, Turari (Sithouli), Jhansi Road Gwalior- 475001 (Madh ya Pradesh) Contact Deta ils of Head of Institution Ar. Ab hijit Shirodkar Director CA/86/ 9761 Valid upto=2019 Mobil e:9823351617 Ar. Banbh alang Swer HOD _ _ ________ _ Mobile:8794711771 Em ail :fegtroffice@ n-en u~a"C. in Tei. :03642721012 CA/ 2009/45296 Val id upto=2020 Faculty of Architecture Maulana Azad Nati onal Institute of Technology (Deemed University) BHOPAL-462 007 (Madhya Pradesh ) School of Arch itecture Madhav Institute of Techno logy & Science Race Course Road, Go/a Ka Mandir GWALIOR-474 005 (Mad hya Pradesh) I.PSAcademy's School of Architecture Rajendra Naga r, Agra-Mumbai Road INDOR E-452 012 (Madhya Pradesh) ~:. •• Head of ln'stitTition Detail with COA Registration No. & Validity Em ail:mpOl_manit@ red iffmail.c Ar. Man Mohan Kapshe HOD CA/90/13534 Valid upto =2020 om Tel. :07 55-4051103 Ar. Rajindra Kuma r Pandit HOD CA/8 5/ 9370 Valid upto=2015 Mobile:9826254902 Tei.:07512409305 Ar. Dr G V Kulkarni Principal CA/89/12539 Valid upto=2008(0TP) Mobile:9826707161 Em ai l Ar. Vishal Dattatreya Yardi Principal CA/ 2000/25679 Valid upto=2022 Mobil e:7566669898 Email :vishal. yard i @sdps.ed u. in Ar. A.J. Sanyal Director CA/7 6/3 233 Valid upto=2019 Mobile:9424309749 Email :hitarch@hitkarini _co m Ar . Dinesh V. Belgaonka r Pri ncipa l CA/1987/10 746 Valid upto=2022 Mobile:9424796720 Em Ar. Y.P. Singh Directo r CA/81/06259 Valid upto=2020 Ar. Rebecca Jadon HOD CA/98/11783 Valid upto=2021 Mobile:9407566888 Email:ypsin Tel. :075 1249 6053 Mobile:9425308934 Em ail : regis t rar@itm university .a ~) *~/ ~~ 25 ~;.:i >·"·' ··2t2i ~~of ~~~s~' -·· .- ~· Sl No: /' lh-stii:utic:o 1 Cod'? I :_:..; ' 1 School of Planning MPlO J I I ::48 1 'a c~lty I I I of Architecwre L1niversity, Gandhi N3gar t..i rport Road, Bhopal-462033, Ma dhya Pradesh - OROl I I ' Mobile:9425372714 Email:richarkdf@rediffm I , Mobile:9338202683 Email: .in 1 I I I Ar. 5angram Mohanty I of Ted111c!cgy ::> :o : r..:- 11/1/A, Sector-C.D.A. Cl l ;..::K-753 014 (Odisha ) I Mob_ile:73089705~5 . Email:emerenthlel Ar. KL:;1ia 3 i~a .. : ,.v1oh apctra I D. . . 1rec;:or Ct:>./7 6/ 3298 Valid upto=2018 ~ja, -3'"1;;'1 i rst:~L;:c OR03 Ar. Emeline Zodingliani Renthle1 HOD CA/2011/52471 Valid upto=2022 HOD CA/2000/25806 Valid upto=2024 ;; ··-: :: . c:, :: :=;:= :i .:.. r-ct... .:ec-i...;e i O R:J2 252 Ar. Richa Pathe Dean _J CA/2003/31682 _ Valid upto=2022 Oeoart'Tlent _of Pl_anning a~d Architecture, / M1 : oram Un 1vers1ty, Tar.hnl, 1 Aizwal -796004, Mizoram, • Te!: 07308970585, 1 E-nail: mzuc;rch@5mail. com, , registra r@•· , Facult'/ o' Architecture c;nd Des ign I Col!ege of Engineering & Technology Biju Patnaik Ur.iversity of Techro logy - e:hno Campus, K;:li~ga Nager I ? C. Gr:at:ka :- _ ? ..: ·.=s·.l.. :...~-75 : CC3 ~c ::s:-c l · ""1{"1 Contact Details of Head of ,·Institution Mobile:9755590393 Email :director@spa bhopal .a c. in I / MZOl LJL ,_ _-;;; Ar. Ajay Khare Director CA/92/15088 Valid upto=2017 & Architecture, Bhopal Neefbad Roa::J Gf"3"'1 Sahuri, Tehsil Huzur ShJo ::l-462030 (Madhya Pradesh) ! ~i<OF I 250 IHead~ri;;3titl!tion I iv':P11 I j 249 ' l r~titl!\i0:1 ,'\Jame Detail with COA Registration No. & Validity I : : ~~.:<. <:~ c ;';rcl: i tec~ !~ rc; i !:ducation in th-2. Co.untr:\' .::?,!one-with i nfcrmc;tlon of He-ad of Institution ... .... . . .. · ··' ·· -·-'-· . School of A. rchitecture and Planning K'IT U r.ivf:rsi~·· Ar . Soumyendu Ra y Pri ncipal .:: ' ='0-'' - CA/86/ 10321 Valid upto=2008 (0TP) ~-Lt:c;., , Odisha Tei.•D674·2386075,:J Mobile 9338105154 Email: Mobile:9437035988 Email :soumyenduray123 @gma il .com I ORO-+ '-:53 I 25.1 " I OROS Mobile:9937344181 Principal CA/ 98/ 23013 Valid upto =2016 Tei.:06742492495 Ar. Snehalata Dash Principal CA/ 95/18527 Valid upto=2019 Mobile:9437020695 Email :a rsnehad Tei.:06716616696 SGI School of Architecture t-Nachhipur, Po-3hc;tapatana Sh uoareswar-75 2115 C·s~';ct Khorcl- a, Orissc I. ORO€ or::c7 Ar. Ratnamala Roy 1 National Institute of Technclogy Rourkela-769 008, Odisha I _ _ __ _ I School of Architecture, Pl;:rning & Design ' Panchandrapur J;;:-i-7520::0, Khurdc (Odis~ a l _ -~c:..:ll\ of Architecture, Sri Sri L'nivers ity, Sr; Sn Vihar, Bidyadharpur Arllo, P.O S~4isahi, Ward No.3, CuttJ:xl <:,., ' 06, Od;sh;:, Ar. Ankhi Banerjee CA/ 2009/ 44634 Valid upto=2020 A~. Shripal Kishore Munshi Principal CA/ 91 /14 157 I Valid upto=2019 I -:-~· ~'S'~q~.::z-~<':"02, Fav· os;.:.:::s::o12. =~~-. ,l~-a •.-, l~_,=- , -:s-'•u:l;\'er<·~-., -:j:j - Q?\;r ~~ - .:::'- . , . - " .,,J,, -- '". l·n I ~~J:.' - --~- ~~/ -___ Mobile:9437153 285 Ema il:registrar, Email:vicechancellor@srisriuniversity.cdu.i n Tei.:0789-4424502 _L__I- - - 26 1 Details oi:Iru_t ituti on imp artin g A rchi te ctu ra l Education in the Co_untry.:.aloJJg:with informaJLo_n of Hea d of Inst itution .. :~-;;.~. ·· ~· Institution Name 51 No. InstitTitrbn Code 257 PJ01 Faculty of Physical Planning & Architecture Guru Nanak Dev University AMRITSAR-143 005 (Punjab) 258 PJ02 Schoo l of Architecture Giani Zai l Singh Punjab Technology University Campus,-Dabwali Road, - - - - - PJ03 259 -- ~.:. Head of Iristituti on Det ail with COA Regist rati on No. & Validity Contact Detai .....;,. \"'"'ls of Head of lnstitutiqn''- ';~<. __ Ar. Sandeep Dua Dean CA/94/17355 Valid upto=2020 Mobile:98722534.55 Email:duasandeep18@rediffmail .com Ar. Bh upinder Pa l Singh HOD _, ·cA/95/18894 - - - -· - - BHATINDA-151 001 (Punjab) Valid upto=2020 Indo Global College of Architecture Village Abhipur, Tehsil Kharar Distt-5.A.5. Nagar, Mohali-140 109 (Punjab) Ar. Surind er Singh Sekhon Director CA/89/12021 Valid upto =2022 Mobile:8872500267 Mobile:9872230899 Emaii:Surindersekhon_igca@ya Tei.:01602664070 260 PJ04 Chitkara School of Planning & Architectu re Chandigarh-Patiala National Highway Village Jhansla, Tehsil Rajpura DIST.PATIALA-140 401 (Punjab) Ar. lnder Jit Singh Bakshi Director CA/87 / 11276 Va lid upto=2019 261 PJ05 College of Architecture I.E.T.Bhaddal, I.E.T.Campus, P.O.Mianpur DIST.ROPAR-140 108 (Punjab) Ar. Bipin Malik Director CA/76/03210 Va lid upto =2021 Mobile:7837336414 Em ai l :di rectorsoa @ietb hadd al. e 262 PJ06 Lovely School of Architecture & Design Lovely Professional University Lovely Campus, Ja landhar-Delhi G. T.Road Chaheru, Phagwara -144402 (Punjab) Ar. Satis h Cha ndra Parashar Dean CA/76/02542 Valid upto =2022 Mobile:9876744335 Email :satishpa rashar@hotmail.c om Mobile:9814400577 263 I PJ07 RIMT College of Architecture Near Floating Restaurant, Sirhind Side MANDl GOBINDGARH-147 301 (Punjab) Ar. Ambrish K. Gupta Principal CA/78/4734 Valid upto=2022 Mobile:9781297 537 Email:ambrishgupta22@yahoo.c om Tei.:0176552325 2 264 I PJ08 Surya School of Architecture Village Bapror, NH-1,Tehsi l: Rajpu~a Near Shambu Ba rrier Dist. Patia la-140417 Punjab Ar. Renu 5aigal Principal CA/78/4569 Valid upto=2022 Mobile:9872957474 Email:info@su r Sai School of Architecture Ar. Simranjit Si ngh Mobile:9815999327 Manawala Amritsar-143115, Punjab Principal CA/2013/58732 Valid upto =2015 Email:toor.simranjit@gm Sri 5ai School of Architecture Badhani Pathankot-145001, Punjab Ar. Anuj Seth 1/C Principal CA/2009/45563 Valid upto=2020 Mobile:8968216677 Email:AR.ANUJSETH@GMAIL.CO I PJ09 265 I PJ10 ~66 ~~ ~ -R~ y~~ I~ '\:.7 M Tel. :01870-250702 ;o II") 27 De;:c;ii s, of_lnstitution impar ting Architectura l Education in the Co.un,tr=v: aloog-with informati on of Hea d of Institution . ··-. --- -- / ---51 No. 1 Instituti on I lns+Jtut ion Name 1 Code I . I I I I Univers ity Institute of Architecture (Formerly CGC Institute of Archi t ecture) V P.O. Gharuan fvloha li-140413 (Punjc;b) School of Architecture Punjab Institute of Technology, Mohali Sector-115, Kharar- Banur Highway Distt.SAS Nagar, Mohali-140301 (Punjab) Tel : 92S7222510, l\1b.09478098050 1 E-mail: ' CT Institute o f Archi tecture and Planning, Shahpur, P.O.Udhopur, Via-Jamsher Kh as, PJ11 2E7 Head-of Institution Detail with COA Registration No. & Validity I 268 PJ12 I~ 2G9 PJ13 1 1 I I PJ14 2/Q I I __I, ~- : RJ01 I r2 I ·,;;; i .:, c: N;;rionc l ir;srr:ure of Technology : (Ceerr ed University), Jc:wahar Lal Nehru Marg, JAIPUR-302 017 (Rajasthan) I RJ02 I Departm ent of Archit~ture & Town Planning I RJ03 I :.. . • ::: I 274 RJ04 , RJOS ~ ' ~·~ l . ... j ,..... ... ·~ -'\ ~- -,-., , CA/2005/ 365 14 Mobile:9041992087 Email :ahujaaakriti14 @gm m Ar. Aa kriti Ahuja HOD CA/20 12/ 56329 Valid upto=20 23 Ar . Ramniw;;s Shorma I HOD CA./ 87/ 11284 Valid upt o=2020 Mobi re :9829017260 Emai l:archi_rn s@yahoo .co .in I Ar. Viresh Jha lan ee Dean CA/ 79/5393 Valid upto=2015 Mobil e:9828262454 Email :viresh .jha l anee@ jaga nnat huniversit 1 Amity School of .Architecture & Planning Ar. Jitendra Singh Director CA/ 75/ 26 Valid upto=2028 Mobile:8559933255 Em ail Ar. Sanjeev Gupte Dean CA./83/7667 Valid upto=2017 Mo bile: 9828059090 Near Mah atma Gandhi Hospital JAIPUR-302 022 (Rajasthan) Facu lty of Architecture Jagannath University, Jaipur Village Rai7lpura, Tehsil Chaksu Jaipur-303901 (Rajasthan) ! Buddha Institute of Architecture & 1own Setr Ji !<u1dal, NH-8 1 ~\'c-=r \·1, Bc iicha ... .:;a:;; .... ~-3 :300:,. Po j cs~r.2r ~~IT" A ~·c_ ~~ Mobile:9855091232 Mobile:9829052950 Email :ksm @aayojan .ed Tei.:01412771755 F'an:":ng, ::; . ~~H I Ar. Kiran S. Mahaj ani Principal CA/91/14870 Valid upto=2022 FacLity of Engineering & Architecture Jai Narain Vya s University I Jcdhpu r-342011 (Raj;;sthan) ; Aaycjan School of Architecture ISI-4, R!ICO Institutional Area, Si~apurc, Go ner Road University Rajasthan .!.T!ity JaipLr Campus, S.P.-1 .-<ar.t <alwar lndustri;;l Area , Ja ;:;u~- 3 03 022, Rajasthan "r- ~He . . '":--~~-\ Mobile:09780811342 Email:pkau rdap@gmail .com Mobile:9414294164 Email:bohraharendra@gm m ~ ... ity PJC6 Email:principal.arch@cumail. in Tei.:01603054511 Ar. Ha rend ra Bohra HOD CA/2002/ 29 290 Valid upto=2017 IV1.5. M. Engineering College I Mobile:8146651602 Prin cipal CA/ 2003/ 31766 Valid upto=2019 Ar. Dr Prabhjot Ka ur Pri nci pal CA/85/09168 Valid upro=202o- Valid up to=2016 School of Architecture, Shah eed 8hagat Singh State Techn ical Campus, oga Ro2d, NH-95, Ferozepur- 152 004, Punjc:b, Tel/ fax: 01632-2242138, Mb.08288012001, Ema il: t=ac ..... ~.' .:T ..::-c:.. ; -~:-:-_ . . :: ' ·• - - District Jalandhar-144020, Punjab Con tact Detai ls of Head of Institution Ar. Deepak Sharma Ar. Shruti H Kapur Directo r I I ----- I I 28 Qe_tgils_p flnstit ution imp_Clr_tlng Arc hite ctu ra l Education in the .C'Cci,luit tv,_aJong-with inform ation of Hea d of Institution 51 Na. · · institut ion Code 277 RJ07 278 RJ09 - 279 RJlO 280 RJ12 281 RJ13 282 RJ14 RJ18 283 284 TNOl 285 TN02 Inst itution Name NIMS School of Architecture & Planning NIMS Univers ity Shobha Naga r, NH-8, Jaipur-Oelhi Highway Jaipu r-303121 (Rajasthan) ·- -- TN03 ''"l ~~] ~~ ::wos·/ ----- ·' Contact Details of Head of In stitutio n Ar. Vasa nta Sob ha Turaga Principal CA/95/19322 Valid upto=2021 Mobile:9314661493 Email: nims. architecture @gm ail. com School of Architecture Ar. Anubhav Mitta l Apex Group of Institution Principal IS-2018,- Ramchandrapura Industria l -Area - --- - CA/2008/38283 - - - - - Sitapura Extn . Val id upto=2020 Jaipu r-302022 (Rajasthan) St. Wi lfred ' s In stitute of Architect ure Ar. Sudesh Yadav Near Ba laj i Mandir Director Vi/1.-Gegal, Jaipur Raod CA/96/20197 Ajmer, Rajasthan Valid upto=2020 School of Arch itecture and Design Man ipal Unive rsity, Jaipur Vatika lnfotech City, Jaipur Jaipur-Ajmer Expressway, Post Thikaria Jaipu r-3 20026 (Rajasthan) School of Architecture Dr.K.N.Mod i University INS-I, RIICO Industrial Area Phase-11 Newai, Distt.Tonk-304021 (Rajasthan) School of Planning' & Architecture Poornima University, Jaipur Plot No. IS-2027-31, Ramchandrapura Sitapura Ex t ension Jaipur-303905 (Rajasthan) College of Architecture & Design, Mody University of Science and Technology, N.H.ll, Lakshmanga rh, District Sikar-332311, Rajastlian, Tel: 01573-225001, Fax:01573-225041, E-mail: reg ist ra in School of Architecture & Planning Anna University, Sar·dar Patel Road CHENNAI-600 025 (Tamil Nadu ) Faculty of Architecture Nationa l Insti t ute of Technology (Deemed University) TIRUCHIRAPA LLI-620 015 (Tamil Nadu) :86 Head ·of Institution Detail with COA Registra tion No. & Validity School of Architecture Adhiya maan College of Engineering MGR Nagar, HOSUR-635 109 (Tamil Nadu) Mobile :8696604332 Te /. :09414606780 -- -- ·- -- . - - -· -- - Mobi le:9414002409 Ar. Na res h Kumar Garg Dean CA/88/11718 Valid upto =2015 Mobile:8003599942 Email:naresh.garg@jaipur.mani Te/. :01413999112 Ar. Pramod Kumar Mishra Principal CA/81/6117 Valid upto=2020 Mobile:8875010031 Email Ar. Gaurav Mohan Mathur Dean CA/2007 /41182 Valid upto=2015 Mobi le:9166853000 Email:gaurav.mathur@poornim Ar. Ajit Kumar Mangar Email:akm808@gmail .com Principal CA/2013/60213 Valid upto =2024 Ar. Monsingh D. Devadas Dean CA/82/7251 Valid upto=2008(0TP) Mobile:9445372832 Email Te/.:04422201421 Ar. G. Subbaiyan Mobile:9486001129 HOD CA/88/ 11728 Valid upto=2019 Te/.:04312503551 Ar. Chidambara Swamy HOD CA/97 /22000 Valid upto=2020 t Mobile:9845251599 Email: hod_a r·ch @addhiyaman. a Te/.:043442610 08 - - O_e_tails of In stitution imparting Architectural Ed ucation in tbe_:f_o.uotr..y along-with information of Head of Institutio n i 51 No·. ~ ) ·Instit ution ; Institution Name Code 1 I ! . ___l - School of Ar~hitectu re & Interior Design 1SRM Umvers1ty, S.R.M . Nagar TNOS 287 Ka :tankullathur - 603 203 .4N CHEEPURAM DISTRICT (T.N. } Head of Institution Detail with COA Registration No. & Validity Contact Details of Head of Institution Ar. Thirumeni M Dean CA/ 92/15133 Valid upto=2020 Mobile:9840044179 Ema Ar. S. Rajappa Director EA/78/4606 Valid up to=2019 Mobile:9381040861 Email:soaamace @gmail .com Tei. :04182247226 - -- Ar. Ravindhar S. Email :directorarch@bharathuni I 288 TN06 259 j TN07 1 School of Architectu re Arulmigu Meena kshi Amman 1, College of Engineering / Vadamavandal, Near Kancheepuram N;;m andi Post, Cheyycr Ta luka ____ Tl-i iRUVANAMALAI DIST.-604 410 (Tar11ii_!'Jadu) 1 Scrool of Architectur e Bharat University I 1 Institute of Higher Ed ucation and Research I I CA/2003/30585 Vc;lid upto=2026 / School of Architecture Hindustan Institute of Technology and Sdence Rajiv Gandh i Salai, Old M c: habalipuram Road Padur (Via} Kelc:mbc:kkam Chennai-603 103 i\ c-.:-:2e:L:-:=~ :·.::r:::: ,-.=-:!' ;'!=·:l:... Ar. Ra vi Kum c;r Bhargava Principal CA/ 78/ 04286 Valid upto=2018 173, Agrahc:rc: m Roc:d, Selaiyur, Tambaram CHENNAI"600 073 (Tc: mii Nadu} TN08 290 291 I Sc:.J:JI of ..\:cr:.tecr~re ;,Jon;;mmed Sathc:k Engineering College : Carrpus Kil ak;; rai j RMvlANATHM URAM DIST. -623 806 (Tamil I Nc:du} I School of Arch itecture, Faculty of auilding & Envi ronment, J Sathyab;;ma University, I Jeppiacr Nagar, Sholinganallur, 1 Chennai 6001 19. Sc'lcol of Arc1itecture hiag;;rajar College of :eng in eering Tniruoarcnkundra m, r-.lADUitAI-625 o:.s (Tamil Nadu) TN09 I l 292 TN10 I ' I I ! -:~:; I TN11 I ~94 ::=5 I TN12 TN13 ---,=-;\1:1 ~-- (~~".\· /-<'' ., I \--: tooJ ~ -::::::::::<':"' '.:",',! ~<C;,-~ Mob ile :8056053154 Email :d eanarch@ hind ustanuniv. a c. in Ar. G. Muthu Sh eba HOD CA/94/1 7649 Valid upto=2015 Mobile:9486511110 Email :muthusho ba.moh an@gm ail. com Tei.: 04652276029 Ar. A. Li lly Rose Principal CA/96/ 20411 Valid upto=2019 Mobi le:9444450468 Tei. :04424501837 Ar. Jinu Louishidha Kitch ley Principa l CA/98/23552 Val id upto=2022 Mobile:9489954561 Email :h odarch@tce .edu Tel. :045 22482240 Ar. P. Jayasudha 1/C Dean CA/ 98/ 23822 Valid upto=2 019 Mobile:9944495654 Email: deansap@pm u. edu I Fac~lty of ~chit~ure _ _ Penyar ManJammc:J Umvers1ty, Periya r Nagar, '!all am, ~ -'-lANJAVU R-613 403 (Tamil Nadu) j 1 MEASI .Ucademy of Archite'.:Ture "Association Gardens", Ne•N College Campus I Peter's Road, Royar:;ertah / CHENNAI-600 014 (Tamil Nadu) Ar. N.Aitaf Ahmed Director CA/75/ 1670 Valid upto=2018 s-, .c.::·-:i Dir~pr I Ar. Suboth Thomas / Salem Schocl of Architecture \ ·~;;";:;;_2 Vtissicn's l(n.:p;;:;;;rda Var'yar : "g'r e.=:ring .Col!ege Campus '..J t ~c.-~c:-i --.:ci,... Pccc -7r: ·.; S-=er;;;J;ad: ='C s:.~:·.·-s.;s ::cs . - 3~ 1 \JacL - ---- Director C£\/99/24688 Mobile:9841041351 Email:altafandassociates@gmail .com Te i.:0442835 1126 I Mobile:9994 794549. I Email :ssa. architecture m 1 Valid upto=2013 (0TP) I -----------~----------------~ 30 JJ.:atails of Institution imparting Arch itectural Education_i.n__t!ie:""G:O_uJJtry along-with_info rmation of Head of In st itution. ·-·: ~:. ~·, .: :.. . ._... ~.::~:: :; :...: . :. . . 51 No. - Institution In stitution Name -' =- · Hea d of Insti t ution Contact Details of Hea d of Code Detail with Institu ti on COA Registration No. & Validity . 297 TN15 Tamilnadu School of Architecture TCE Campus, Karumathampatti COIMBATORE-641 659 (Tamil Na_du) 298 TN16 MeGan's Ooty Schoo l of Architecture 5/635, Perar Road, Myna/a Post Kotagiri-643 002 - --- -- - - - - - - The Nilgris (Tamil Nadu) 299 TN17 Praha r School of Architecture 11/ 4, RVP Complex, 4th Cross Bharthi Pa r k Road, Saibaba Colony Coimbatore-641 011 300 TN18 School of Architecture Meenaksh i College of En gineering No.12, Vembul i Amman Koil Street West K.K.Nagar Chennai-600 078 (Tamil Nadu) ' 301 TN19 302 TN20 303 TN21 304 TN22 .os TN23 86 Facu lty of Architecture Ka rpaga m Univers ity Karpaga m Academy of Higher Education S.F.No. SS 9, Pollachi Main Road Eachanari Post COIMBATORE-641 021 (Tam il Nadu) R.V.S . School of Architecture R.V.S. Nagar, Karur Road, N.Paraip_atti (PO) Dindigul-624005 (Tamil Nadu) R.V.S. School of Arc hitectu re Kuma ra n Kottam Campus, Trich y Road Ka nnampalayam Post Coimbatore-641 402 (Tamil Nadu) EXCEL College of Architecture and Planning NH 47 (New), Salem Main Road Pallakapalayam Sankari West (P0)-637303, Tiruchengode (TK) Namakkal District, Tamil Nadu Ranganathan Architecture College REC Ka lvi Nagar, Virali yur (Post) Thondamuthur (Via) Coim batore -641109 Designed En vironm en t Academy & Re se arch Ins titute (DEAR Institute) Thirupanchali Road Pandiyapuram Tiruchirappa/li District-621213 (Tamil Nadu) Ar. D. Suresh Kumar Director CA/92/14536 Valid upto=2023 Ar. D. V. Solomon Director - - - · CA/85/9246 - - - Mobile:9442208932 Email:di rector@tnsa .a c. in Mob ile:9381031326 Em ail :s olly1954 @gmai Tei.:04'424353888 - - -- - -- - Valid upto=2022 Ar. V. Venkata Lakshmi Principal CA/206 6/38110 Va lid upto=2017 Mobile :89 03411334 Email :venkatal aks hmi .arch@gm ail. com Ar. R.Priya Director CA/9 7/2 1458 Valid upto=2018 Mobile:9176655706 Email:ba .in Te/. :04423640904 Ar. Kathiravan P Mobil e:9994220004 Em ai l :arch itectkath ir@gmail . co m Dean (1/C) CA/2004/ 33681 Valid upto=2015 Ar. Lingeshwaran G. HOD CA/ 2007 / 41510 Valid upto=2018 Mobile:8098736543 Em ail:hai lingesh n Ar. Roshn i K.V. Director CA/2003/30803 Valid upto=2024 Mobile:98435969 60 Email :ros hnikv@gma il .com Te/. :04222681123 Ar. G. Tamilvanan Principal CA/2 004/ 33008 Va li d upto=2018 Mobile:8870274316 Email:excelarch Te/.:09842716900 Ar. R. Siddharthan Mobile:9884529176 Principal CA/92/14681 Valid upto=2021 Em ail :raccbe2010@gma il .com Te/. :04222619100 Ar. Mr. Rengasamy Rama Raju Director CA/8 9/12718 Va lid upto=200 9(0TP ) Mob ile:9444069 28 0 Emai I:a rchitectraju in 31 ...... . .. S~~~~n;tltuti;r-;- i Institution Name I Code I I I I : 307 ·· / SRM Ramapuram School of Architecture SRM University, R<:mapuram Campus 1 Sharc;thi Sa lai, Ramapuram TN26 I Cre·1nai-600 089 (Tamil Nadu) I ~- ,_Head of Institution · · Detail with COA Registration No. & Validity lnstitutio n Ar. M . Raajkumar Dean CA/87/10524 Valid upto=2020 Mobile:9840311101 Ema if: architect_raa j @yahoo. co .i n -- I 51/S School of Architecture J.P.N;;gar, Arasampc;layam Pollachi TaiJk TN27 308 / _ - - / Coimb ;;tore-642 109 (Tamil Nadu) I ____,I -· / TN28 L Mobi le:9994644482 Email :directora rchsvs @gmai I .co -·-· · m - 1 Chenn;;i-600 048 (Tamil Nadu) Ar. S Ravi Prin' :ioal CA/78 /4684 Valid upto=2021 Mohamed Sathak AJ . Academy of Architecture IT Highway, 34, Old rvlahabalipuram Road Egattur, Chenglepet Taluk Kancheepur;;m District-603 103 (Tamil Nadu) 1 Ar. Mohammed ldris Principal CA/94/17638 Valid upto=2021 Crescen t School of Architecture 309 ~ Ar. Aravindh U. Director CA/2005/36445 Valid upto=2017 B.S.Abdur Rah man University I Seethakathi Estate, GST Road, Vandalur I TN29 310 I I I J.K.K.Muniraj2h Schcol of Architecture I - " ?=1cyc -:- {:J: ::::: - :<.;, 1 TN30 311 I I 312 f~oo 1 / TN32 / 1 I 3:4 S1ruganur . ! Ti n:ch irappalli-621105 (Tamil Nadu) I I Ar. R. Babu Director CA/ 90/ 13141 Valid upto=2008{0TP) j Trich y-Chennai Trunk Road I : ::13 CA/ 2014/65595 Valid upto=2015 I M.A.fv1. School of Architecture TN31 ' TN33 T1'J34 C.A R. E. Schoo ' of Architecture Centre for Academic Research and Education (C.A.R.E.) Campus !o. r , Tnayanur Vill 2ge, Kuttapatti Tri chy-620 009 (Tam il Nadu) • Sl!rya Schoo l of Arch itecture Surya N<:gar, GST Roc;d 1 Vikrc vandi-605 652 Villupuram T2lu k & District (Tamil Nadu) ~, ~- . -:._, -<!' Mobile:9952421933 Email in Tel . :0431-2690505 Ar. Mathankannan K Prin cipal CA/97/14985 Valid upto=2020 Mobile:9952474293 Email:mathankannan m fV'AR G lns titL:te of Desig'l and Architecture Swa rnabhoom i {M IDAS) Ar. Sridhar Rajan Principal Ma rg Sw arnabhocr.i, Vel ur Village Cheyyu r Post Kanchi pura m District-603 302 (Tamil Nadu) Rajal c!(shmi Schco l of Architectur e I Rajal akshmi Nag:r, Thandc;lam ; -602:0 5, Tam il Nadu y,r --~.:- z- 156 - 50- 5 .3, F;;·c 044-27 15 56-< 0 CA/79/4909 Valid upto=2022 Mobile:8754437025 Ema il :principal in Tei.:04427538009 I 1 C \- - Ar. S. Madhan Raja Pri ncipal CA/ 2000/26981 Valid upto=2021 Mobile:9884722837 Email: architectmadha n @gma il .c om < I - Jt r.~ ~ = . ~J ~.·r.u /"'- .~ Mobile:9443173473 Tei .:04316457812 - :. Ar. Judith Seli nda Laura T. HOD CA/2010/49236 Vali d upto=2022 II -\33 Mobile:9715070200 Ema / Ar. Thangaraju K. - ... ::: ~ ; ""' :::ckeP"\ ; c ::··, c ~ - s ; s sco t: ~;::;:!e D!s,ric: (Tam il N;;du) l Mobile:9841010060 Email:hmdidris@yahoo .com Tei.:04427470394 ~ ~ . "> ~ . .,~ . ...'<'~/ I I 32 _:.·.::__:'-· D_etails of ln stitutioJl impartin g Architectural Educatio_ojn.J:bf!_.C_ountry along-w.itb information of Head of lnstitutiaJl=.-::: ·'··-·--. ,... ,.~.;-;~_~;_.;. ·... . · -sl No. Institution Code TN36 317 Institution Name TN37 319 TN39 320 TN40 321 TN41 TN42 322 TN43 323 Contact Detai ls of Head RVS KVK School of Arch itectu re Ar. Imman uel John Nicholas lyadurai HOD CA/98/22506 Valid upto=2019 Mobile:7760588089 :~~~~t~~uhr:mmed S~~e:h _A~a~~~y ~f ________ J;;in:·i~:~t~e~s~ ~umar Nizara Ed ucational Campus Muthapudupet, Avadi. I.A. F. Chennai-600 055 CA/98 /2 3365 Valid upto=2023 RVS 'Padmavathy School of Architecture 13, Sethilpakkam Village Peppamari Kuppam Post Tiruvalluvar Dist.-517588 (Tamil Nadu) Ar. Aravamudha n A.S. Direct or CA/2012/58058 Valid upto=2024 Prime College of Architecture & Planning Main Road, Kilvelur-611104 Nagapattinam District (Tamil Nadu) Ar. A. Parisutha Raja n Director CA/94/17383 Valid upto=2020 Faculty of Architecture Ar. Sweta Madhusudan Dr.M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute University, E.V.R.P eriyar Road, Maduravoyal Chennai-600095 {Tamil Nadu) Dean CA/2 003/3 1930 Valid upto=2024 Sri Renugambal College of Architectu re C.C. Road, Ettiv<Jdi Polur-606907 Tiruvannamalai District (Tamil Nadu) Ar. K Raju Director CA/ 2002/29608 Valid upto=2024 N.R.School of Architecture Patta No.618, S.F.No.363/2 Kon dampatty Village, Kinathukadavu Pollachi Taluk Ar. Arun Karthick M . of ~~'=~- In stitution Detai l with COA Registration No . & Validity Dindigul Highway, lnamkullatur Trichy-621303 (Tamil Nadu) 318 :_~_;::.:. ·..:. ··· ·-· - · --· ' He ad of Institution Mobile:9841452238 · Em ail:amsaatn37@yahoo :com Te/.:04426842333 Mobile:9791187620 Em ai l:rvspsoa .di rector@gma il .c om Te/. :04437906060 Mobile:9443346236 Em ai l :parisutharaja n m Mobile:9840540696 Ema il :dean-arch @d rmgrdu .a c. in Mobile:98413 20280 Email: rajuarch itects @gmail .com Mobil e:9171074 701 Em ail :director.n ri nstitutions@ g Director CA/2006/38 651 Valid upto=2018 Coimbato re District-6 41505 (Tami l Nadu) 324 TN44 Skandha School of ,t..rchitecture Ar. T. Hemalatha Patta No.20, S.F.N o.256/4 Patta No.582, S.F.No.28/1 Bottireddypatty Villa ge & Ponneri Village Erumapatty Principal Mobile:9003640832 Email:skandha. soa@gma il .com CA/99/24456 Valid upto=2015 Namakkal District (Tamil Nadu) 325 326 TN45 I TN 46 ;):..-\I ·-- ~ r rr-,. */ """'nee'''/ / ;j;, DA Vinci School of Design and Architectu re Rajiv Gandhi Salai, Karapakkam Chennai-600097 Sasi Creative School of Architecture 293/28, Roja Raja Gard ens Pollachi Main Road, Myler-ipalayam Coimbato re-641032 (Tam il Nadu) Mobile:900309 7801 Em ail: rum a0007@gma il .com Te/.:04466041234- Ar. R. Uma Principal CA/87/10 793 Valid upto =2 020 Ar. Mohammed Ali Sharieff Principal CA/2002/28802 Valid upto =2017 I I Mobile 9442117369 Email:sha ri in I 33 . - · · D.etaiLs ~o f Institution imparti ng Architectural Education in the ..c;ou_ntr:_y_along-with info_rmation of Head of Institution 1 I I I j St Peter's School of Architecture TN48 327 , Tonakela Camp Roa d A-:adi, Chenn ai-600054 (Tamil Nadu) i 328 j School of Architecture 1 St. Peter's Coll ege of Engin eering and TN49 Technology 1 l Ar. Vasudevan T.J . Director CA/90/ 13009 Valid upto=2022 Mobile:9840118118 Email: hodarch @stpetersu niversi Tei. :0442655 8080 Ar. B. Murali Kishna Director CA/ 89/12194 Valid upto=2020 Mobile:9445922698 Email :soa.spect@gmail .com Tei. :0442655 8080 , - Ar. L Ma larkodi Mobi/e:9445165128 Email Tei.:04222970703 Principal CA/ 2005/36622 Valid upto=2024 I ' TN51 330 I _ _ __ _ , Ccll ege Roa d, .1\vaci i Chennai-600054 (Ta mii_I-I_ad u) School of Arch it ecture j Coimbatore Insti t ute of Engin eering and · Technology I ve.,,.rma pattm. am, Narcsrpuram . Post Thond;;;rrutu re Vi a Coimbato re-64 1109 (Tamil Nadu) . SigMa Co!fege of Archi tecture Moododu, Anducode Post I Kanyakuma ri District-629168 (Ta mil Nadu) . TNSO I 329 Contact Details of Hea d of Institution Hea d of Inst itution Detail with COA Registration No. & Validity 51 No. ''/ Institutio n / Inst itution Name Co de ! I I -;-;,:; : . 33:i. .._-= I !I i i I I I I TN55 ::J,:):) l I I i TN56 334 'Jag::·, '\;1-l-67, 0 ::= -"":; ::=:: . .:r2 '<a~ur-Coimba:ore Ar. Parra im;;n Rajukal idoss Director CA/ 2012/ 55009 Va lid upto=2024 i\oad c:ramat~i .~r;;·.-aku r i chi I Tl\53 j 332 =r Scree :::'-e-a ~ I _ _j I TN58 ;~s Kalasalingam School of Architecture l(a!as alingam Academy of Research and Ecl.!otio n (Deemed to be University) • .t.nand Nagar, Krishnankoil -626126 • Virudhunagar Distt. {T.N.) An;;rd School of Architectvre 1 Kalas;;;lingam Nagar :<aj:·. Sandhi Salai C!d Manabalipuram Road, Kazhipattur Chennai-603 103 (Tamil Nadu) . :'vFs~im al Navajee Munorh Jain 1 Sc1~c 1 of .l.rchitecture Gc:ru Maru dhar Kesari Building 1 J\·: tl;i ~agar, Thora ipakka 1 Che..,rai-600097 (Tamil ,'Jadu ) Park Institute of Architecture Avir;shi Road, NH47, Kaniyur cc:r"ba ro re-641659 (Tami l Nadu) Ar. A. Lenin Director CA/2011/ 51372 Va lid upto=2023 T:\159 ~ /""'.,. r'!.·~v,...., ,, /' ~(· n •,, ' ·-~~~ ~ . -c· iJnc;nafaksnmi Srin ivasan School of Ar;:..,'t-=cture. ?erambaiLr ::"";;-;;'aksilr.i Srin1vasan Institute of Research _ - -=c "I: :Jgy, Si,..:;vccl-ur ... :---:-= ..... -::::: ::.:3 (lcr-~il \:cC L:) I Mobi le :9489066255 ·. Em ail:arch@cheran Mobile:9841332153 Email Ar. 5. Sas irekh a Director CA./ 2001/27527 Valid upto=2023 Mobile:9025190652 Email :rekhaa Tei. :0442 7471360 /l.r . K. Bhama HOD CA/ 2013/59 793 Valid upto=2024 Mobile:9841190292 in • Ar . 5. Manoharan Di recto r CA/89/ 12583 Vali d upto=2008{0TP) I - Mobile:9843207269 Email :sigm agroup15 m I V'l'age Ta luk Karur-639111 {Tamil Nadu) I ; Ar. Joseph Newman Fernando Pri ncipal CA/8 2/ 6727 Va lid upto=2008(0TP) I Ar. Ashok J. Dean CA/2000/25950 Valid upw=2015 Mobile:8428883232 Email :a rchkin@yahoo .co m i 34 ...._ =-:. ...... --- Details of Institu tion imparting Mchitectural Ed.t Lcation in the Country along-with _. inf_q.rm_aJLoJLof He ad of Institution ., --! -":·;....:;;....-•. !.. · -:~~'"'..:::::.;.._. Institution Code 51 No. TN60 337 TN61 338 TN62 339 1nstitutio-rr-Na me Head of Institution Detail with COA Registration No. & Validity ' Contact Details of Head of Institution Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan School of Architecture, Trichy Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Institute of Technology NH-45, Trichy-Chennai Road, Samayapuram Trich y-6 21112 (Tamil Nadu) Ar. S.Sthya Vishnu Karthick I Mobile:9965848606 Email :dean .dsit@gma il. com Dean CA/2011/52231 Valid upto=2023 JK College of Architecture N.H.-7, Madurai Road, Bagampur(P.O.) - -- Ar. K Amutha Dean - -- - - -- --- - - Dindigul-624002 (Tamil Nadu) CA/2005/35191 Valid upto=2016 S.J.S . School of Architecture # 173, Agharam Road, Selaiyur Chennai-600 073, Tamil Nadu Mobile:9445494444 -Email :jkcollegeofarchitectDre@g Mobile: 9884815023 Email: hari.m ud um by@gmail. com Ar. Hari Srinivas M. CA/2010/48509 HOD CA/2006/38715 Val id upto=2017 340 TN64 Capital College of Architect ure Th irumal ayum Pala yum Coimbatore-641 012 Tamil Nadu Ar. Manikandan B Director CA/2006/38 715 Valid upto =2017 Mobile:8883510605 Em ail :ma ni kanda n ba rch @gmail. com 341 TN66 Chennai Academy of Architecture and Design Survey No.516-2, Survey No.516 Kann igaiper Village, Uthukottai Taluk Thiruvallur District (Tamil Nadu) Ar . Vinodh Vijayakumar Director CA/2005/35941 Valid upto=2018 Mobile:7299931525 Em ail :director@caad .ac. in I TN68 342 343 I TN69 344 I TN70 I TN71 45 ~-c~~' ~ m ~ . ~\ c ;o I • rr; Indira School of Architecture, No.1, V.G.R .Gardens, V.G.R .Nagar, Pandur, Tiruvallur-631203, Tamil Nadu, Tel: 044-27650440, Fax: 044-27650364, E-mai l: engg.pri ncipal @i ndi MMES Academy of Architecture Hakeem Nagar, Melvisharam Vellore-632509, Tamil Nadu Tel: 04172267387, Fax: 04172268387 E-mai l: Coimbato re Academy of Architecture No.426, Jothipuram, Mettupalayam Road Anna University Campus Coimbatore-641 047, Tamil Nadu Tel: 09790934165, 09952955557, Fax:0422-2697815 E-mail: Kongu School of Architecture Kongu Engineering College Campus, Perundurai Railway Station Road, Thoppupalayam (PO), Perundurai, Erode District-638052, Tamil Nadu Tel: 0429-4220583, Fax: 0429-4220087, E-mail: eokvi Ar. A. Santhosh Principal CA/84/08375 Valid upto=2021 Mobile:9841018787 Email :engg.pri ncipal@indiraedu Te/.:044-27650440 Ar. G.Jaya lakshm i Principal CA/2000/26230 Valid upto=2024 Mobile:9884888725 Em Te/.:417200387 Ar. V.Srinivasan Di recto r CA/90/13255 Valid upto=2020 Mobile:9790934165 Ema-il: coim batorea rch @gma il. co Ar . Kuppuswamy Sundar Principal CA/92/14624 Valid upto=2014(0TP) m Em ail: eokvitt@ Tel. :0429-4220583 f -'" -' / ~\)':/ ........... ____ _, 35 -~ Details of Institutio n im parJing Architectural Education in the Country along-with into..rm,a.t.i.on of Head ofJostitution 51 No. l lnstitution Co de I I Head of Institution I Detail with COA Registration No. & Validity I School of Architecture and Planning, Aarupadai Veedu Institute of Technology, Vinayaka Nagar, Rajiv Gandh i Sala i (OMR), Paiyanoor, Kan chi puram Dis trict, Chennai-603 105, Tam il 1 Nad u, Tei:044 -42989000, fax : 044-42989010, TN72 34 6 ·' =--= ~ ~' - Contact / Insti tution Name Details of Head of Institution Ar. Appu Prabhakaran Mobile:9962161266 Principal Email:lakshmikanth78 CA/ 81/06167 Valid upto=2008(0TP) Tei. :044- 4298 9000 m I E-ma il:principa l @avi nl73 347 Ar. Kathija Begum.A HOD - -- - - -- / V.P.M.M.Co llege of Architecture for Women 1 V.P.M. Nagar, Krishnankoii,-Srivilliputtu r1 I i I CA/ 2007/39975 Valid upto=2018 j School of Architecture, TN74 348 \ iru dhunagar Distt-6 26190, Tamil Nadu Tel: 07200 789689, Fax: 04563-289337 E-ma il: VrT University Kat;Jadi -nru vala m Road '/e!lore-6320 :4, Tam il Nadu . Te l: 04 16-2243091, Fa x: 0416-2243092 ' E-mail: regis'ircr@vi t.a ' 3ll9 ' rv1avu t hampathy Vill age, Wala yar 350 I Tl\ 76 :...!: ...: - 2..:~ :- TN77 Ar. l\ll.Asokkumar I Principal CA/98/23308 Valid upto =2024 I / : > ri rT' e Nest College of .ll,rchi tecture 2nd 1 ?Ian ning I i Mobile:9943063388 Ema il:m d@sreea ..:c.: E-ma il: svsathirvvallu r@gmai I 351 Tei.:0416-2243091 me ~ :::-e-2:r.-:n ~ il .co :n Sn '/enkataswara School of Architect ure, Thirupachur, ' Th iruv;;llu r-6312 03 , T2m il Nadu, i Te l: 044-3 76055 88, Fa x: 044-27664444, I i === · :;::~:::.:::::~ ; Email: HOD CA/ 2000/ 26417 Val id upto=2017 C::;'rnbatore-54 : 105, Tamil Nadu - ..: Ar. N.Devi Prasad Ar. G.R. Shanmugavalli Director .~cc Pirivu, Na vakkara i( PO) ~-ma i l: m Tei. :07200 789689 CA/ 87/ 10495 Valid upto=2021 i Sa n Academ y of Arch itecture TN75 Mobile:7200789689 - · Ar. 5 Rad hakrishnan Director CA/ 93/15710 Valid upto=2015 VJ.P. Carnpus, Tri chy- Chenna i Highw ay ,\J;;\;;I adiyan Nager, Sirug;; nur -:-iruchirappa fli-6211 05, Ta mil Nadu I Tel: ~984251583 0 Email :svsathiruvallur@gm ai l. co m Tei.:044-37605588 Mobile:9842515830 . 1 E-m c: il: nestsoa@gm ail. com - c- ,:)_£., I Hi ndusth an School of Archi tecture I TN78 TN79 ! P.O. Coi mbatcre-64 1 032, Ta mil Nadu Tel: 09843133333, Fa x: 04 22-2561655 E-m;;il: trus t @hindusth;; n .net J;;;y;; Schoo l of Mchi t ecture, Parivakk am Vill age. Pocr<:mallee Bye -Pa ss, Chennai-600 56, Tam il Nadu, Te': 044 -26 4925 25, Fa x: 04426L92227, E-n <: ;l: ' I i r-:s:: Jg'l i School of Archirecture and Design 'ence ·:: · :: ', iJ ~ 4 5. - ri c:- ·, Roc:d, ~Joreoorti / ~ '(_;I. .-\ ' · • .... \ .!R-:© ·, 0 ::: 3· -s l \\:0' "-:7 \:-r-~ ~ - 4.. . ._~ . . . ,.:;-, ..__ ~'. . .._ ..... ""' Ar. Raammnath A.R .R. Director CA./2007/ 41224 Valid upto=2018 Mobile:9843133333 Em ail :trust@h industh an. net Mobile:9500067592 Email:jayaarchitecture@gm ai I. c om j ayaarchitecture@gmc:, chennaiakr @,&m< ~.:::: ~ !~.---. ;. ._. ., ~·/ "r-' Ar. S.Rajalakshrni Director CA/ 2008/42251 Va lid upto=2019 O ~ h c:~ k alm a n::l a p a m . .::c;; ,_ 2 r- ·"' - -= ::: :...' ,..~ 1. Ar . Supratik Bhattacha r)rya Mobile:9443138344 Di re ctor CA/ 82/ 083 36 Va lid up to=20 19 Email:agniakf@ gmail. com I =; .. 52..! 3G 2 - c..,.., i1 :'·! c·:!.J -:: .: ..:~ .. :: :- :..: .! .: . :s~:: c ~:3l - -- ----- _ _ _ _ _._ _ _ _ _ _ _L..__ _ _ __ _ __ 36 _ __ _ , Details of lnstitution,iropa,r.ting ArchitecturaHducation in the Country along:wlth l!i.fQ"hna.tion of Head oJJostitution . ··- ·-·· .. . .... .:....:........... ,_. -~. 51 No. 1 Institution Code I TN81 355 TN82 TN83 357 358 T501 359 T502 360 TS03 361 TS04 62 UA01 53 I UA02 ~~/ I Conta ct Details of Head of Institution I Mobile:9443365445 Ar. Hemalatha K. Director CA/2001/27936 Valid upto=2022 Email:hemalathakumar@rediff Tei.:044-24893746 Nehru School of Architectu re - - - - - - - - - - - - Ar: Pritish Sam Jebaraj P ~ 451-D, Palakkad Main Road Director Kuniamuthur CA/2004/33754 Va lid upto=2023 Coimbatore-641 008, Tamil Nadu Tel: 0422-2251148, Fax: 0422-2251147 E-mail: nsa@nehrucolleges. com SVS International College of Architectu re Ar. A.Shahul Nizamudeen SF No.206/9, 40, 41, 42, 43, Kulathur Taluk Dean Melur Village Panchayat CA/2010/49432 Pudukkotta i-622501, Tamil Nadu Valid upto=2022 Tel: 09361798989, Fa x: 04322-220146 E-mail: ·1Email:nsa @nehruco lleges:·com Aurora's Design Academy Bandlaguda Hyderabad-500 005, Telangana Tel: 040-27666339, Fax: 040-27654568 E-mail: kp656@ymail .com Ar. Kalpana K. Pri ncipal CA/96/20853 Valid upto=2022 Mobile:9490749813 Email :raghavendrakalpana@gm ail. com Tel .:040-27666339 Ar. N.Gopal Krishna Principal CA/86/10255 Valid upto =2018 Em ail :pradeep@a u Tei.:040-27666339 Aurora's Design Institute Uppal, Peerzadigud a Hyderabad-500 039, Telangana Tel: 040-27666339, Fax: 040-27654568 E-m ail: pradeep@a in Ashoka School of Planning and Architecture, Maika pur Village, Choutuppal Mandai, Nalgonda District, Malkapur Village -5 08252, Telangana, Tel: 08008778777, E-mail: secretary.ashoka@gmail .co m Kasturba Gandhi College of Arch itecture Kasturba Gandhi Degree & P.G.College for Women H.No.10-1-1 to 5, West Maredpally Secunderabad-500 026, Telangana Tel: 09394552992, Fax: 040-27802416 E-mail: Department of Architecture & Planning Indian Institute ofTechnology ROORKEE-24 7 667 ( Uttarakhand) DIT-Faculty of Architecture Dehradun Institute of Technology Mussoo rie-Diversion Road Makkawala, P.O.Bh agawan tpur DEHRADUN-248 001 (Uttarakhand) 'EW Ot\..)> ----.:..-- Head of In s titution -~'-'= ~,~~ Detail with COA Registration No. & Validity I Jawahar School of Architecture, Planning and Design "Saba rmathi", No.54, K.K.Road Saligramam Chennai-600 093, Tamil Nadu Tel: 044-24893746 E-mail: 356 - -~ ·• I lnstirution Name Ar. Vikram G. . Principal CA/ 2005/35205 Valid upto=2017 Ar. M.Mu navar Pasha Principal CA/88/11908 Valid upto =2023 Tei.:0422-2 251148 Mobile:9361798989 Email:svsicoa @yahoo .com Mobi le:8008778777 Email:secretary.ashoka@gmail.c om Mobile:9394552992 Email: principa I. kgca @gma il .com Ar. Pushplata Mobile:9412074172 Dean CA/ 91/14233 Valid upto=2010(0TP) Email: pushpfap@iitr. a c. in Tei.:Ol332-285143 Ar. Anubha Ka kroo Director CA/93/15923 . Valid upto=2020 Mobile:9910582277 Email: dean .archit ecture@ d itu n i 37 -- Cetails of Institution impa rting Archit ectural Education in the Country along-wltti={!ifP..r_mation of Head.o_f Institution ---· --- -- . I Institution 51 No. I Head of Institution '···'-'~~ · I Contact Details of Head of Detail with I Institution COA Registration No. & Validity I Faculty of Architecture Ar. Gajendra Mehta Himgiri Zee University . Village-Shishambara, Post-Selaqui Dehradun-246 745 (Utta rakhend) Dean CA/ 1998/0 22933 Valid upto=2009(0TP) / Institut ion Name I Code I UA03 364 I 365 II School of Architecture and Planning Graphic Era Hill University 600, Bell f3oad, Clement Town Dehradun-248002 (Uttarakhand) UA04 I I 366 UAOS I Ar. Dhenesh Kumari Kalyan HOD CA/2077/ 39573 Valid upto=2019 Droan College of Architecture, Ar. Bijoy Kumar Bordoloi Principal CA/88/11621 Valid upto=2015 I Viii & Post-Khanpur Purab, I Direshpur Road, U.S.Nagar, Rudrapur-263153, Uttarakhand, Tel/fax:0594-4261800, I E-ma il: c;: culty of Architecture Gc;utam Buddh Technical University Tagore Marg LUCKNOW-226 007 (Uttar Pradesh) I 36/ UPOl : 58 UP02 ~:: : '"'· c= ..!·-c:.·<:==::~re =::- - -.. . s.!:; ... Cc ege :.~ = ~.g:ne e r:-.g 1 Te: ... no 1og-;, ..:.ii_sarh -"vlu5li1l University II ALIGARH-202 002 {Uttar Pradesh) / Apeeja y lnst't ute of Technology's ' School of Architecture & Planning 1, Institutional Area, Gamma Sector Surajpur-Kasna Road, P.O.Aipha GREATER NOlDA-201 308 {Uttar Pradesh) 1 Faet:lty of Architecture 1 6;; bu Banarc;si Das University 1 S::ctor-1, Akhilesh Das Nagar, F;;i;:;:bac Road, Chinut 1 LUCKNOW-227 105 {Uttar Pradesh) F;;culty of Architecture I lnteg:-al University, Dasauli ost Ba s-ha, Sports College, Kursi Road / ll!CKNOW-226 026 (Uttar Pradesh) UP03 C:69 370 UP04 I I ! I r UPOS 371 I I I I 1 UP06 I I I Amity School of Architecture & Planning Amity University, Uttar Pradesh / Camp us: E-3 , Grourd Floor,Sector 125 NOIDA-20: 303 (Utzar Pradesh) Mobile:9997019460 Email:mehtagajender@yahoo.c om Ar. Jagb ir Singh Princip al CA/83/07429 Valid upto=2020 1 Ar. Sanje::v Maheshwa ri HOD CA/89/ 12468 Valid upto=2017 Ar. Vivek Sabherwal Directo r CA/94/16927 Valid upto=2015 Mobile:9997721166 Email:ardhenesh2007@red iffma - -Tei.:01332274296 Mobile:9427506725 Mobile:9415393791 Em ail:jagbirsingh_arch@yahoo .c Mobile:9927105510 Em ail:sanjeev_m aheshwari2004 @yahoo. com Tei.:05 71-2701895, 270092023,2 721142 Mobile:9810162932 Em ail :dir .a it. arch@ apeej ax. edu Tei.:01202326509 Ar. Harish Chandra Sharma Dean CA/92/15046 Vali d upto=2016 Mobile:9532469575 Email :deanarchbbdnitm @gmail. com Ar. Khurram Ashraf HOD CA/2004/ 32732 Val id upto=2015 Mobile:9838727149 Email :headarch@iul. ac .in Tel. :05222890812 Ar. Anjali Kish an Sharma Director CA/85/9214 Valid upto=2022 Mobile:9818843356 Email: aksharma3 Tei.:01204735647 Ar. Kri?hna Kant Dixit Director CA/7 5/ 948 Valid upto=2020 Mobile:9621777445 Email:kkdi xi I UP·J7 Am1ty School of Architecture and Planning A~Ity ~ c CQl .:: cl.?C.:../-:,.._ ~ (' Lniversitt Lucknow Cc;mpus ,,.~r;;; !(han d-V. Gomti 'Jagar Scheme __ :<:-cw-226 010 1 Uttar ?radesn) :-. \~ '::i -;=:. ~--;:::::..:.,.--- ~ ~-~'\_~v /I"T ' "'( ·~-:--·-' '-..';;;- ;•.· - ·~-- ~- 38 Details of l nstitutionJro P-i3-!Jio g Arc hitect ura_I _E_duca t ion in the Country alon g-w.Lth:ipfQjmation of Head oUns t itution --· Institution Code 51 No. - ~- lnstit ut icin Name .. -- - -· Hea d of Institut ion ·· "-""" ==-· - Contact Detai ls of Head of Deta il with Inst it ut ion COA Registratio n No. & Val idity 374 UP08 Sunder Deep College of Architecture NH24, Sunder Deep Nagar, Dasna 0.5 km"from Dasna Toll Chek Post Towards Hapur,Opp.Reliance Petrol Pump Ghaziabad-201 001 (Uttar Pradesh) Ar. Ish war Datt Setya Director CA/78/4836 Valid upto=2019 375 UP09 In stitute of Architecture and Town Planning Bundelkhand Un ivers ity, Kanpur Road -- - - Jhansi-284 128 (Uttar Pradesh) - Ar. San deep Kumar Mishra Dean CA/2004/34914 -- - Mobile:9418892112 Email: registrar@bujhansi .org Tei.:0510-232 0496, 232 0497 - - -- - - ·- -- ·- Valid upto=2018 376 UP10 College of Architecture Moradabad Educational Trust Ram Ganga Vihar, Phase-2 Moradabad-244 001 (U.P.) Ar. Najamuddin Director CA/75/2175 Valid upto=2019 Mobile:9532605592 Email: director. m Tei.:05912452412 377 UPll Khandelwal College of Architecture and Design 12 K.M. Stone, Bar·eilly-Pilhibhit Road Bareilly243122 (Uttar Pradesh) Ar. Nirmal Kumar Bhatnagar Director Mobile:9410788443 Email:nirmalbhatn agar20@gmai I. com Tel. :05812602109 CA/82/6890 Valid upto=2018 378 UP12 379 UP13 380 UP14 381 UP15 82 UP16 33 lru P17 if-+- ~~f~ ~~~r:~ :-- Ar. Manoj Jain HOD CA/95/14959 Valid upto=2021 Mobile:9810011901 Ernail:mjarchh itects@gmail .com Te/.:05912360222 Institute of Architecture & Town Planning Resora Sitapur Sitapur-261 001 (Uttar Prade;h) Ar. Savita Agarwal Director CA/77/4 166 Valid upto=2016 Mobile:9935167406 Email :sss. ietsitapur@gmail .com Shree Bankey Bihari Institute of Architecture Hapur Bye Pass Mee rut (Uttar Prades h) Ar. Darshan La ! Nagpa I Director CA/81/06 240 Valid upto=2020 Mobi le:9837031815 Email :dnagpal55 @ya Teerthanker Maha vee r College of Architecture Teerthanker Mahaveer University Delhi Road (146 KMs from Delhi on N.H.24) Moradabad-244 001 (Uttar Pradesh) Mobile :9415150500 Email :di rectoritm m Te/.:05222362936 ITM School of Architecture & Town Planning N.H.24, Sitapur Road, Mampur Bana Bakshi Ka Talab Lucknow-227202 (Uttar Prad es h) Ar. Sunil Kumar Srivastava Director CA/83/1645 6 Valid upto=2018 JMS School of Architecture Ar. Mohammad Zaki Ansari Mobile:9711598730 Principal CA/ 2001/ 28158 Valid upto=2022 Email: rnza kiansari @ya m Ar. AnuragVarma Dean ,. CAf9'Lf i5326 Valid upto=2017 Mobile:9810 101334 Email :de an.a rch@glbajajgrou p .o JMS Group of Institution Hans Knowledge Park, Delhi NCR 34 Miles from Delhi NH-24, Hapur by Pass Road Hapur-245101 (Uttar Pradesh) School of Architectu re G.LBajaj Group of In stitutions 23 Km Milestone, National Highway# 2 Mathura -Delhi Road PO-Akba rpu r, Tehsii -Chhata M athura-281406 (Uttar Pradesh) rg f7) ~ ~y 39 - Cetails of ln stitl.!tion imparting Architectural Education in the Country along-wi_tblufo_rmation of Head_oJinstitution 51 -:-J;:-finstitutio~;-T Institution Name Code Head of Institution I Ii . ::s~ I I School of Architecture & Planning Mobile:9213097451 Email:chanda .in I Ar. Dileep Kumar HOD CA/2012/56199 Valid upto=2024 Mobile:9023127315 Email:kumar_d I Ar. Ashok Grover Principal UV82/ 6756 Valid upto=2024 Mobile:8800225850 Email:ag .noida i Shri Ram Schoo l of Architecture Ar. Sangeeta Chhabra Principal CA/94/ 17036 Valid upto=2022 Mobile:931941663 7 Email:sangeetamadan99@gmail .com Ar. Sewa Ram Agarwal Jec;n CA/90/13459 Valid upto=2015 Mobile:9415158502 Em ai! :vastus ewa Srarcia University, Plot No.32,34 i<r:owledge Pa ·k-Ill • Gre= :er Noida-201306, Uttar Pradesh I I I' Contact Details of Head of Institution Ar. Shovan K. Saha Dean CA/75/01080 Valid upto=2020 UP18 ! ~c.'=- Detail with COA Registration No. & Validity / I I UP20 385 3S6 UP21 387 UP22 College of Architecture lnvertis University, lnvertis Village eareilly-Luckncw National Highway-24 Pcst.Rajau / Bareilfy-243123, Uttar Pradesh Sch ool of Architecture Delhi Technic2l Campus, 28/ 1, KP-111 Greater Noida-201306 (Uttar Pradesh) - .. . - - I I I Shri Ram Grouo of Colleges II , Viii. Almaspur, Pc;rikarma M arg I i Muzaffarna gar-25 : 001, Uttar Pradesh f 3SS Schcol of ,ll.r:hitec-.:u·e &. To wn Planning UP23 1 - . . rs: : ~:.!~e ..:~ ·.;.:..::: . . - -cc--: ·c;-.. ",:-; -:::..:. 2c~Sll 1~c -= :c, 5 \o;:ur i=.ocC I I I ..\rc;rd College of .l.·chirecture UPZC. 389 Luckncw -2r2 02 ( J-::2r Pradesh) I j I 1 Keetham I t.&ra-282002 (Urrar Fr2desh) I N.H.Z, Agra-M;:;:~u;c Highway . Ar. Mukul Singh Dean CA/78/4753 Valid upto=2023 Mobile:8449713839 Em ail :director.aca Ar. Mudit Goel HOD CA/1997/22021 V2iid upto=2019 Mobile:9675277757 I I I ! UP 25 390 Cen'cre for Architecture Brahmanand Group of lns;:itutions 1 \ llage-Ma ch k<:wali, Khurja GT Road I Pcs:-Agric:.Jiture 5u!c:r:dshahr (Ut-.:ar ?radesh) Accura:e lnstitJte cf Architecture & Planning 1 ?!ot no.49, Knew! edge Park-Ill I Greater Noida-201305, Uttar Pradesh I I I : --, UP27 I I I :o' Ar. Deval Kumar Rajwanshi Directo r CA/9 2/14894 Val id upto=2020 I !deal Schoo· cf A.rchitect ure (!SA) UP29 Ar. Viresh Kumar Bugga Director CA/77/3935 Valid up to=2023 i Sector-Ill, Ideal Nag;;r, Govindpuram 1 Ghaziabad-2C1 CC3 :L:tar Pradesh) J. ~s;; i 5c;-~oo l LIF.3 •J of .l•:hitec-.:ure Ar. Atul Setya Director CA/95/ 18055 Valid upto =2019 I I Sec;:or-C, Pocke:-9 ~ f.o/~ '-~ i 5Lsi-::;-r Go lf City, SL 'tanp:.;r Road _ : -:-'.-: -2:6 ~ 02 1Lttc r Pr-adesh ) I Mobile:9811078646 Email:rajwanshis@ Mobile:8800266117 Email: di r. is a@ i d eali nstitute. ac. i n Mobile:8090515551 Email:atulsetya@gma Tel. :+9198188 59636 . ~~~(Q) ~ ........~~ ,:;:. .... . - ---- ' ":.:~· :~ ..·· 40 --- ---- .' Details of ln stitutLgoJ wp_arting Architectural Education in the Country al_qng~wliJ;Wnfurma tion of He_a_d_of Inst itution ....... ·---' ··-- 51 No. j Institut ion Code 394 UP31 395 UP32 ' l~ lh s titution - Purvanchallnstitute of Architecture & Design Plot No .AL-3, Sector-9, GIDA Gorakhpur-273209, Uttar Pradesh Forth Dimension College of Architecture · Village-Kama /pur, P.O.-Chhutma lpu r - -- · -.Tehsil: Beh at, Dehradun-Saharanpur Road Distt.Sa haranpur-24 7662, Uttar Pradesh ·-·""' ~- -~ -- --- Head of lnstitutiCfrf ""~ ·- ·· Detai l with COA Re gistration No. & Validity Nam e Ar. Mr. Pramod Kumar Saxena Principal CA/88/11451 Valid upto==2018 Ar. Ripu Daman Singh Principal - - - CA/82/6792 Valid upto==2018 I Contact Deta ils of He ad of In stitution Mobile:9415016395 Em ail:p iad@ Mobile:93 190904 72 Efnail:prof.Fipuaam·ansingh@gm ail. com Mobile:975965891 5 Email:shirom any_architects@ya 396 I UP33 Faculty of Architecture and Town Planning Raja Balwant Singh Enginee ring Technical Campus Bichpuri Agra-283105 (Uttar Prades h) Ar. As hwani Shiromany HOD CA/97/2 1757 Valid upto=2023 397 I UP34 SGIT IMT College of Architecture Opp.Jindal Pipes Ltd. National Highway (NH24) Ghaziabad-201302 (Uttar Pradesh) Ar. Ka nak Tiwari HOD CA/2 003/31017 Valid upto==2024 Mobile:9311969694 Email: ti wa Tei.:01 202809200 398 I UP35 School of Architecture and Regional Plan ning Gau t am Buddh a University, Greater Naida Distt.Gaut am Bu dh Nagar-201308, Uttar Pradesh Ar. Nirmita Mehrotra HOD CA/ 95 / 19062 Valid upto==2016 Mobile:9818617933 399 UP36 Axis Institute of Architecture (AlA) Hathipur/15h uj aup ur, Rooma Kanpu r- 208001 (Uttar Pra desh) Ar. Ritu Verma HOD CA/20 04/ 03484 7 Valid upto==2015 Mobile:8222888051 400 UP37 401 UP38 402 UP41 403 UP42 ~ Ar. Vas Dev Dewan HOD CA/93/15 650 Valid upto==2020 Mobil e:98 18350361 Email Tel. :0 1202334455 Mo nad School of Architectu re & Planning Viii & Post-Office: Kastla Kasmabad P.O.Pi l akhwa Hapur-245101, Uttar Pradesh Ar. Rewat HOD CA/20 03/3 2365 Valid upto==2016 Mobile:999957234 Vivekanan d College of Architecture Ar. Gop al Swa ru p 33-34 Km. Mile St one NH24, Delh i-H apur Road, Jindal Nagar Ghaziabad-201302 (Utta r Pradesh) Director CA/1984/ 008299 Valid upto==2021 /s han Institute of Architecture & Planning Plot.No.1A/1 & 1A/2 Knowledge Park-1 Greater Na ida (Uttar Pradesh) School of Architecture Galgotias University Plot no.2, Sector 17-A, Yamuna Expressway Greater Naid a Gautam Buddh Nagar- 201301, U.P. Ar. Rajeev Garg Principal CA/98/23120 Valid upto==2020 Mobile:9213357618 Email: directorvits @vi m Mobile:997 1009798 Email: rajeev.garg@ga lgo tiasu niv ersit Tei.:01204806800 41 De'L;:;i!s of :nstitution imparting Arch it ectural Ed ucation in t he Country a! oog:;JC4tl:t inforrn atio n of _l:i ead of Inst it ution ---51 No . -----· In stitut ion Code I Institution Name ! I .:::_-.! I I School of Architecture Naid a In tern ation al University Plot No.1, Sector-17-A, Yamuna Expresswa y ! Gautam Budh Nagar Grec;ter Noida-201310 (Uttar Pradesh) Department of Architecture Institute of Engineering & Technology C/o M anga layatan University - - 33rd Km Milestone Aligarh -Mathura Highway i PO: Beswan , Aligarh -202145, Uttar Pradesh I Te l: 084 76007937/39, Fax: 05722-254220 E-mail: / Fc;cu ity of Architecture, Town & Regional P!c;n ning c2ngal Engineering & Science University Shibpur, P.O. Botanic Gardens I HOWRAH-711103 (West Bengal) Faculty of Architecture & Region2l Planning lndic;n Institute of Technology ! KHARAGPUR-721 302 (West Bengal) UP43 I UP44 ' £105 I I I Co ntact Details of Head of Institution Ar. Divya Kush Director CA/77/3910 Vali d upto=2018 Mobile:9312304765 Email:divya kush .in Ar. Ravindra Pundalik Deshmu kh - · Director - Mobile:94216802 78 Emaii: DESHMU KHR04 @YAHOO . C::O M - -- CA/86/10223 Valid upto=2023 I I I I WB01 -+06 ! I W802 4CJ7 I I II I ----..lJO J ,=cci..:i:Y of ..:.r:hitc·::ur-? !a:ic;q:: ur Univers·:y WB03 1 KOLKATA-700 032 (West Benge: !) 409 I WB04 qc;r.i R;;shmoni School of Architecture Sc:12 k2 Educationa l Trusr's Group of irs c ituti o:~s (Integrated C<:mpus) i v ·!!-i'vlalar.dighi, PS-Kanksa Durg<=pur-713 212 (West Bengal) Cm D;;yal School of Architecture Plot No.38(A), 38(P), 39A & 39(P) U'uberia lnctJstrial Growth Centre, Uluberia Dlsrt.Howrah-7 113 15 (West Bangall I .. ··- ···-····· ---. Head of Instituti on · Det ail with COA Registration No. & Validity --- ~ I I W505 I I j r::hn_~ lnd:_ University _school of Architecture / Er,-L;, -· Se'-.or-V, Salt Lcke WB06 ; Kolk<:ta-700 051(West Bengal) .~ Ar. Swati Sah a Dean CA/88/ 11634 Valid upto=2015 Mobile:9830342473 Emai l Ar. Subrata Chatto padhyay HOD CA/87/10697 Vc; lid upto=2018 Mobile:9434005801 Ar. M adhumita Roy HOD CA./92/ 15502 Vali d upto=20 19 Mobile:9830024841 Em ail :m adh um i_r @yahoo .co. in Tei.:03324572624 Ar. Vivekanand Bhuninya M obile: 8001624297 Email:i nfo Tei. :0343 2700085 HOD CA/ 2010/ 49381 Va lid upto=2024 Ar. Kalyan Kumar Mukherj ee HOD Mo bile:983 0172488 Em ail :ka lyan.m ukherjee@oders . in CA/91/ 13866 Valid upto=2019 Ar. Poulami Banerjee Das HOD CA/ 2004/034874 Valid upto=2015 Mobile:98362 22 295 Em<:il:banerjeepo ulam i1@gmail. com · --;~--~~\ ~ .. f5c..) §I ,-;--. , Jf .,.. ,-1-A' '-;_t:....,,' :-.t,\.' / J ~/ 42