2012 - Eastside Parishes, Wausau, WI


2012 - Eastside Parishes, Wausau, WI
We Remember
The parish
community of
St. Michael
was founded in 1887
and this year
celebrates 125 years
as a faith community
on the
Eastside of Wausau.
Our celebration
with the bishop
will be Sunday,
November 18, 2012.
We Celebrate
The St. James building
was dedicated in 1912
and this year celebrates
100 years of Catholic
downtown presence
in Wausau.
The Church of the
will celebrate
with the bishop
on Sunday,
December 16, 2012.
We Believe
Resurrection and St. Michael Parishes
Wausau, Wisconsin
Heart Works is a publication of the Eastside parishes;
Church of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ
and St. Michael Parish in Wausau, Wisconsin.
It is published twice a year.
Inquiries, comments, and submissions should be
directed to: maryann@eastsideparishes.org
Heart Works St aff
Mary Ann Lenzner, Gretchen Egan, Sherry Kieffer,
Laurie Gering and Phyllis Burclaff.
Liturgical Schedule
Anniversary Mass at St. Michael
Sunday, November 18: 10:30 am
(The 4:00 Saturday and 8:30 Sunday Masses are cancelled.)
Wednesday, November 21: 7:00 pm - St. Michael
Ecumenical Service with Immanuel
Thursday, November 22: 9:00 am - Resurrection
Liturgical and Devotional Schedule
CR—Church of the Resurrection
SM—St. Michael’s
Weekend Masses
SM 4:00p.m.
CR 8:00a.m.
CR 10:00a.m.
Daily Mass
CR 5:30p.m.
SM 8:30a.m.
SM 10:30a.m.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
3:00p.m. St. Michael’s
4:30p.m. Resurrection
Our Lady of Perp etual Help Novena
5:30p.m. Resurrection
Church of the Resurrection of O ur Lord Jes us Christ
621 Second St. Wa usau --------------------------- 715-845-6715
St. Michael’s Paris h
611 Stark St. Wausau ------------------------------ 715-842-4283
The Heart Works Newsletter Committee is
looking for volunteers to write articles for
upcoming issues.
If you enjoy writing, or would like to help
in other ways, please call
Mary Ann Lenzner at 715-842-4283
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
Friday, December 7: 5:30pm — Resurrection
Saturday, December 8: 9:00am — St. Michael
Communal Reconciliation Services
Thursday, December 6: 10:00 am — Resurrection
Thursday, December 6: 6:30 pm — St. Michael
Anniversary Mass at Resurrection
Sunday, December 16: 10:00 am
(The 5:30 Saturday and 8:00 Sunday Masses are cancelled.)
Solemnity of the Nativity of Our Lord
4:00pm — St. Michael
5:00pm — Resurrection
7:00pm — Resurrection
*9:00pm — St. Michael
*Note - This replaced the former 10:00 pm Mass.
9:00am — Resurrection
10:00am — St. Michael
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
Monday, December 31: 5:30 pm - Resurrection
Tuesday, January 1: 9:00 am - St. Michael
Find out what is happening in the Eastside Parishes
by checking our website:
Weekly Bulletin and Liturgical Schedule
Events & Announcements
Parishes Directory
Parish Council Minutes
FALL 2012
In Memoriam
May their souls
and the souls of all the faithful departed
through the mercy of God
Rest in peace.
G alatians 3:27
For as many of you as have been baptized into
Christ have put on Christ.
Church of the
S t. Michael Parish
Chloe Danielle Kroeger
Daniel and Jennifer Kroeger
Alex Scott Nowak
Christopher and Jessica
Church of the
Jaxon Lee Haboush
Jeremy and Gina Haboush
Natalie Jayne Lipowski
Steven and Nicole Lipowski
Hadley Mae Trcka
Corey and Cacey Trcka
Henry Charles Engman
Jason and Ashley Engman
Harrison Paul Freeman
Miranda Freeman
Avery Lee Ann Mroczenski
Bradley and Amber
Brayson James Nemitz
Carl and Heather Nemitz
Benjamin Bryan Mergen
Bryan and Beth Mergen
Tori Anne Howe
Matthew and Elizabeth Howe Layla Rose Daniels
David and Stephanie Daniels
Finn Levi Blum
Noah and Suzanne Blum
Cora Lynne Strehlow
Blake Craig Doering
Jason and Pamela Doering
S t. Michael Parish
Caroline Narloch
Mark Reich
Joyce Manowski
Lisa Gauthier-Jens en
Adolph Groshek
Iren e Mueller
Veronica Lucas
Anthony ‘Jack’ Essex
Thomas Lattimer
Helen Walters
Robert Smithpeter
Edna Boerke
Agnes Springer
Karen Sahr
Dorothy Rekowski
Rosemary Conrad
Raymond Ruenger
Ervin Schneider
Steven Osswald
Thomas Connolly
Cheryl ‘Sherry’ Mijal
Deloris Brown
Margaret Retzlaff
Mary Perrella
Jim Schlaefer
Mary Lou Mc Manus
Doris Gerum
Grace Keeffe
Donald O’Keeffe
Katherine Rainville
Kathryn Duskey
Mildred Noel
Jerome Schmitz
Caroline Kwiatkowski
Melvin Lang
Duane Smith
Iren e Selby
Lorinda Welton
Dawn Gering
Lawrence Kittel
Paul and Kristin Strehlow
Finley Ann Havlovic
Ryan and Kaitlyn Havlovic
1 Corinthians 13:13
And now these three remain: faith, hope and
love. But the greatest of these is love.
Tyler and Heidi (Kurtz) Johanek
Daniel and Amanda (Beese) Johnson
Jared and Laura (Seubert) M orris
Richard and Christine (Webb) Prange
Cory and Kelly (Sattler) Sillars
Adam and Kristen (Denfeld) Tuttle
St. M ichael Parish
Jerry and Laurie Knetter
A ngel Reynolds
Kaden Reynolds-Helvey
Craig and Susan Dunbar
Madeline, J ohn and Thomas
Jason and Pamela Doering
Bill and Jean Graef
Joseph and J ennifer Rudolph
Stephanie and Natasha
Cynthia and William Miller
Linda Predeth
Todd and Janell Hemaner
Jake and Johan
Johann Hebert
Terrence and Janet Bennett
Liam and Erin
Orlando and Tara A lfonso
A nnora and Michael
Chris and Rita Brickheimer
Rosalie Baierl
Church of the Resurrection
Donald Wanserski
Douglas and A ngela Cournoyer
Bryan and Beth Mergen
Jack and Benjamin
Welcome one another, then, as Christ
welcomed you, for the glory of God.
- Romans 15:7
Father Tim Welles, the
new assistant pastor at
Wausau's Eastside Parishes,
grew up in Green Bay. He
received his degree in
accounting from Northeast
Wisconsin Technical College
(NWTC), his B.A. from
Lakeland College in
Sheboygan, and his
Master's of Divinity from
Sacred Heart Seminary in Detroit .
"I decided to go on and become a priest
after the guidance received from the Blessed
Virgin Mary following my praying the rosary to
her," he said. "I felt, through my prayer life and
spiritual direction, this was the way Jesus was
calling me."
Father Tim has several goals he hopes to
meet while working at Church of the
Resurrection and St. Michael Church. "First, I
would like to work with the youth of the
Church," he said. "I hope to have them stay in
Church and attend every Sunday. It is
discouraging to see so few young people at
Sunday Mass. In addition, I want to work wit h
the Faith Formation and the Confirmation
programs." He has also been asked to chair the
Social Justice Committee for the Eastside
Before Father Tim came to Wausau he was
stationed in Wisconsin Rapids. First, he spent
two years at Our Lady Queen of Peace, and
then he was pastor for four years at St.
Lawrence Catholic Church. "I have found that
ministering is about the same in both a smaller
town like Wisconsin Rapids and a larger city like
Wausau," he said. "The people are friendly and
willing to help out when you need it no matter
the size of the communit y."
His favorite aspect of the priesthood is
participating in the sacramental elements of his
job, including the saying of Mass, anointing the
sick, baptisms, etc. "I truly enjoy these parts of
my job the most because I am doing God's
work for the people," he said. "On the other
hand, the part that I find most difficult is
having to be in two places at one time to
meet with people, attend meetings, etc.
There are only 80 priests for 165 parishes, so
it is impossible to be in two places at one
time, and this can be frustrating for both
parish ioners and the priests."
Father Tim lives at the rectory at Church
of the Resurrection, and he is teaching
himself to cook. "I concoct my own recipes
and then sometimes I will download some
from the Internet," he said. He enjoys
bowling, golfing, and snowmobiling and
hopes to take part in these activities when
he has the time.
“Are any among you sick?”
- James 5:14
If you are hospitalized, anticipating hospitalization or are
homebound and would like a visit; would like to be placed
on the prayer list; or would like to receive a monthly
communion call visit; please contact your parish office.
Our Pastoral Care Team wants to be certain that we meet
your needs.
Prayer Chain
The Eastside Parishes have volunteers who have offered their time to
pray for the needs of others as they
arise. If you have a need that you
would like prayed for please contact
your parish office with your request.
If you would like to be a member of the prayer chain to
pray for other’s needs let your parish office know.
Have you changed your phone number?
Have you moved?
Please contact the parish office to update y our family
record if you hav e recently made changes to your phone
number or address. With so many people now using cell
phones rather than land-lines, it is much appreciated if you
share y our current contact number with the parish.
Thank y ou.
FALL 2012
Eastside Parishes Celebrate
Special Anniversaries
St. Michael Parish was established as a parish
community on Septe mber 4, 1887. St. Michael will
celebrate their 125 years as a faith community on
Sunday, November 18, 2012, at the 10:30 Mass with
Bishop Callahan.
The 4:00 Mass on Saturday,
November 17, and the 8:30 Mass on Sunday,
November18, will be cancelled.
The St. James Church, now Church of the
Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ, was dedicated
on Dece mber 17, 1912. Church of the Resurrection
will celebrate St. James Dedication in 1912, with a
100 year Anniversary Celebration with Bishop Callahan
on Sunday, Dece mber 16, 2012, at the 10:00 a m
Mass. The 5:30 Mass on Saturday, December 15, and
8:00 Mass on Sunday, December 16, will be cancelled.
All parishioners from the Eastside Parishes are
invited to each of these Anniversary Masses. A social
will follow each Mass. There will be me morabilia,
pictures, etc. on display at each parish, as well as
Historical Personalities from some of the major events
that took place in our parishes. Tours of the church
will also be available.
An Eastside Parishes History Book covering the
beginning of Catholicis m in Wausau, beginning in
1849 with St. Mary’s (Church of the Immaculate
C once pt ion) and f ollow
through St. Michael, St. James
and Church of the Resurrection, which brings us to the
current Eastside Parishes, is
being written to comme morate these special anniversaries. The History Book will
include some Wausau history
to put the events in our parishes in context to what was
happening in Wausau, and
the world.
If you would like to be involved in these
anniversary celebrations, please contact your
parish office.
Anniversary Celebration Invitation
Join your fellow parishioners in celebrating
our special anniversaries with
Bishop William Patrick Callahan.
125th Anniversary of the founding of
St. Michael Parish
Sunday, November 18, 2012,
10:30 am Mass.
100th Anniversary of the dedication of
St. James Church
Sunday, December 16, 2012,
10:00 am Mass.
Social and historical presentation will follow.
All are invited….
Invite family members and former
parishioners to revisit our parishes.
Postcard invitations will be available
in the back of church.
Ecumenical Service
Wednesday, November 21
St. Michael Church
The Eastside Parishes
gather with
Immanuel Lutheran Church
to pray in thanksgivin g
for all we have received,
and to share in
pie and refreshments.
Please be sure to come and
join in prayer,
and bring a pie
to share, for this
special feast of thanks.
The Family Life Committee of the Eastside Parishes is the
“social” committee. We are charged with enriching the life
of the parish family as well as parishioners’ families. We
are excited to offer programs for marriage preparation, new
moms and the homebound. We are also involved with parish festivals, anniversary celebrations, funeral lunches, coffee and donuts after Mass and family outings.
November is Family Life Stewardship Month. Our committee currently has only 5 members. To be more effective,
we would like to add a few more members from each parish. Please fill out and return your stewardship form and
join us in serving your parish effectively.
If there is an area that you feel needs attention please let
your parish office know and they will be happy to pass the
information along to me.
Judy Staszak, Chairperson
We will be sending care packages
to the college students from our
parishes. We will be collecting
leftover Halloween candy –please
Design by Justin Lang
drop off in the Faith Formation
Office or either Parish Office. The
packages will be mailed in early December. If you
have a college student that would like to receive a
package please leave the name and address at the
Faith Formation Office, 715-842-1810, or
The youth of the parish will again be hosting the
Giving T ree at each parish to benefit families of the
Neighbors’ Place. Watch the bulletin for details.
Bell Ringing for the S alvation Army
and Angel Tree Booth
at the Wausau Center Mall
Bell Ringing
Saturday, December 1st, 10:00AM to 5:00PM
Friday, December 7th, 10:00AM to 5:00PM
Angel Tree Booth in the Mall
Monday, December 10th, 10:00AM to 5:00PM
Thursday, December 13th, 4:00PM to 8:00PM
Monday, December 17th, 4:00PM to 8:00PM
Sign up sheets will be in the back of church the end o f
November or call the parish office.
Social Justice Committee
Our public prayer-life in these next months is fil led
with opportunities to participate in great events that
with great hope will enable us to continue to buil d the
kingdom of God. Let’s highlight some of them
(again!) just so you don’t miss the opportunity.
• The anniversary liturgies for both Eastside
Parishes. We will have only one Mass for those
days, November 18 for St. Michael; December 16
for Resurrection. What a wonderful sight and
sound it will be to have the worship space filled
with our family of believers singing and praying
together as we have for more than 125 years. (I’m
really excited because I have family his tory at all
three Eastside Parishes, going back earlier than
1915.) The document from Vatican II that covers
liturgy tells us we are called to “that fully
conscious, and active participation in liturgical
celebrations which is demanded by the very
nature of the liturgy. Such participation by the
Christian people as a chosen race, a royal
priesthood, a holy nation, a redeemed people
(1 Pet. 2:9; cf. 2:4-5), is their right and duty by
reason of their baptism.” Let’s all try to be there
and participate!
• Thanksgiving Eve and Day. The opportunity for us
to gather in prayer and thanksgiving with our
neighbors from Immanuel Lutheran Church on
Wednesday evening, November 21, at 7pm (at St.
Michael) is a wonderful way to heed the call from
the Decree on Ecumenism from Vatican II to join in
prayer with our brothers and sisters in faith. (And
the pie is really good, too.) We will also celebrate
Mass at Resurrection at 9am on Thanksgiving Day.
• Christ the King and Advent. On November 25 we
celebrate the last Sunday of our church year with
the Feast of Christ the King. The following Sunday
we herald the Advent season. It might seem
strange that our calendar at home has one more
page on it, and the church’s calendar is just
opening afresh. But, the church’s calendar really
doesn’t have pages. It is in the form of a circle. It
continues to go along without stopping, much like
our planet Earth keeps turning. We move
seamlessly from one season to the next, just like
the seasons of the Earth.
• The Season of Christmas. It begins with the
liturgies of Chris tmas and ends on January 13 with
the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. Please be
sure to note that the last Christmas Eve liturgy will
begin at 9:00pm at St. Michael this year.
FALL 2012
O pen the Windows and re vive , re discove r and
rene w your Catholic Faith!
Fifty years ago, the windows of the Catholic Church
were flung open by the Church Council. The Spirit of
God rushed in and breathed new life in Christ’s body
on earth. Vatican II, a three-year gathering of all the
Roman Catholic Bishops in the world, gave Catholics
a blueprint for living in modern society.
Pope Benedict XVI called for a Year of Faith among
all Catholics, a time for everyone to discover, often
for the first time, what Vatican II was all about … and
more importantly … what it means for us T ODAY.
Throughout our “ Year of Faith,” the Wausau Deanery
of the Diocese of La Crosse, Wisconsin, will gather
together as a family to explore this topic. We pray that
we will grow together, open our hearts wider and let
the Spirit of God breathe on us!
Mark your calendars for these faith-filled, dynamic
appointments with the Holy Spirit.
When We Are O pen…
Faith communities in Central Wisconsin have so
much common ground, human resources, and values
to share. Open the Windows provides us new
opportunities to build relationships among neighbors.
Out of our relationships we trust new collaborative
actions will emerge.
When We Share Our Gifts…
Initial funding for the Year of Faith Conversation and
Dialogue has been provided by a B.E.E.T . Grant from
the Diocese of La Crosse. Contributions by
participating churches and individuals will make it
possible to augment and enhance our Open the
Windows experiences.
Use the CW-catholics.org website to offer your
suggestions, volunteer help, or learn what being an
official delegate from a congregation entails. You are
welcome to future steering meetings too, as scheduled
on the website.
Our best publicity? You personally inviting others to
Open a Window—recommend our website as an easy
way to access current info: http://cw-catholics.org/
Bring the Whole Family to see
TV Star Frank Runyeon
De cembe r 4, 2012, 7:00 pm
It’s time to revive, rediscover and renew
our Catholic faith with our “ Open the Windows” series of special events!
Bring the whole family to a special evening with T V Star
Frank Runyeon as he brings Scripture to life in his one-man
play “3 ½ Stories of Christmas” on T uesday, December 4,
2012 at 7 p.m. at St. Anne Parish in Wausau.
Children and adults will be delighted as all the parts of the
Christmas story are tied together for the first time: From the
light of Creation to the manger in Bethlehem, from the origin of Saint Nicholas to the secret of the Christmas Angel
For event details, speaker bios, session podcasts and travel
directions visit: www.c w-catholics.org
Like “ Central Wisconsin Catholics” on Facebook for inspiration and conversation. Questions? Ask us on Facebook or
email: cherylm@stanneswausa u.org
January 10, 2013, “Church Ain’t Just a Building”
St. John’s, Edgar
February 21, 2012, “Living and Celebrating Liturgy”
St. Mary Parish, Marathon
March 21, 2013, “Vatican II, Scripture and You”
St. Mark Parish, Rothschild
April 18, 2013, “Doing Right in Complicated Times”
St. Agnes Parish, Weston
October 17, 2013, “What Do I Do Outside My Pew?”
St. Ladislaus Parish, Bevent
November 21, 2013, “Everyday Holiness: Hearing the Call”
St. Michael Parish, Wausau
Year of Faith 2012-2013
Pope Benedict XVI declared that a
Year of Faith will begin on October
11, 2012, and conclude on November
24, 2013. During the Year of Faith,
we are asked to study and reflect on
the documents of Vatican II and the
catechism so that they may deepen
their knowledge of the faith.
It is also an opportunity to enter
into a deeper relationship with Jesus
through prayer.
At our Eastside Parishes the cross pictured here will be
available for families to take home for a week, place it in a
prominent place in the home and pray the Year of Faith prayer
together as a family. You are encouraged to sign up for a week
on the sheets available at church.
Eastside Parishes
621 Second S treet
Wausau, Wisconsin 54403-4899
Wausau, WI 54403
Permit #534
Dear Fellow Parishioners,
There is a very beautiful hymn in our Gather
Hymnal entitled “We Remember”. We remember how
Jesus loved us to His death; we celebrate His presence in
our midst, especially when we gather to celebrate the
Eucharist; and we believe that we will see Him when He
comes in glory.
“We remember, we celebrate, we believe” is the
theme we have chosen for our two parish anniversaries
here on the Eastside of Wausau - the 125th Anniversary
of St. Michael’s as a parish community on Sunday,
November 18th at 10:30 am and the 100th Anniversary of
the Church at Resurrection on Sunday, December 16th at
10:00 am. Bishop Callahan will preside at both of these
celebrations. There will be no other Masses at the
celebrating parish on that weekend so we can truly make
it an all parish celebration.
These anniversaries will be a very special time of
remembering, celebrating and renewing our faith during
this Year of Faith called for by our Holy Father, Pope
Benedict XVI. We remember those giants of the faith who
pioneered to establish the three original parishes in
Wausau; St. Mary’s, St. James and St. Michael. The
many sacrifices they made in building the churches and
the schools to pass on the faith to future generations. It
was an awesome task which they graciously embraced
when they came from Germany, Ireland and Poland.
We celebrate how God worked through them to
accomplish all that they did---making it possible for all of
us to enjoy the rich heritage of our Catholic Faith, and to
live it each day. Finally, we believe that God is working
in our midst, guiding us as we work together to live and
pass on the faith. It may take different forms, but that is
the way it is to be as we face the challenges of our time.
We must be stouthearted and never lose heart as we do
his work.
So I ask you to mark your calendars and join us
as we celebrate these anniversaries with our Bishop,
giving thanks for our Catholic Faith and the blessing it
has been for us in our families, in our parishes and in the
Wausau Community.