President`s Corner... - City of Grand Prairie
President`s Corner... - City of Grand Prairie
The Talk of Westchester A publication of the Westchester Association of Homeowners May 2010 Inside this issue: President’s Corner... WAHO Bylaws 2 Dear Residents: Recipes of the Month 3 Mother’s Day Gift Ideas 5 I want to wish a Happy Mother’s Day to all our members. Yard Tip of the Month 6 Crime Watch Tip 9 Grand Prairie Upcoming Events 10 Digital Health Dept. 19 Storage Facilities 23 Keep Grand Prairie Beautiful 26 Our quarterly meeting that was set for May 4 th at the Betty Warmack Library has been postponed until May 26th at 7pm. If you are interested in running for any office please come. We need everyone to do their part by volunteering their time to the association. The annual garage sale seemed to go well for our residents. The city has been getting a lot of complaints in the past years from our garage sale about people blocking driveways and the stopped traffic on Carrier. The construction did not help the situation this year. We tried something new this year with the parking signs directing people to the area beside the YMCA to park. We did have some people go down to the lot and park and walk to the garage sales. Most of the people did what they have done in the past. The city code enforcement was going to monitor the situation and get back with us. If we do nothing about the complaints, the city could decide not to issue our annual garage sale permits. WAHO and code enforcement will be working on these issues again for next year. We are seeing a lot yards that are not being mowed since winter. Spring is here and the dormant grasses are now growing. These people need to get back into the mowing routine again. If you see homes that are in violation, please report them on our website. Westchester is 841 acres, and our HOA is 550 acres with 2300 homes. We need every one’s help monitoring our community. Our violation chairperson does a wonderful job, but she cannot do it all. All of our time is voluntary. If everyone would keep an eye on their street and report any violations, we could easily cover the entire community keeping Westchester beautiful. I want to thank all our new members for supporting their community by joining WAHO. We need to keep Westchester beautiful, viable and strong. New Members: Yard of the Month 27 Subdivision Map 28 Craig Cartwright on Hampton Circle Ronald Ward on Mercer St. Glenda McCray on Showdown Lane Angela Wooley on Paintbrush Crt. Carl Dimon on Cooper St. Page 2 The Talk of West cheste r WAHO Bylaws…. Vote for new board members at our next Quarterly meeting May 26th at 7pm at the Betty Warmack Library. Page 3 The Talk of West cheste r Recipes of the Month... Breakfast Recipe for Mother's Day One way to make Mom feel like a million on Mother's Day is by having Dad rouse the kids and whisk them to the kitchen to prepare breakfast in bed for her! Make Mother's Day special for Mom by serving her breakfast in bed One Week Before: Come up with the menu and make a grocery list. Have the kids make a card or draw a picture for Mom. (If desired, pick up an inexpensive photo frame for the drawing.) Look at home for a breakfast tray or pick one up from the store. You don't have to use a tray with legs...any tray (even a plastic one for outdoor entertaining) will do. Two Days Before: Stop at the grocery store for any needed items. Put marbles in a drinking glass. Surround with a ponytail holder and crayons if desired. Hide the glass from Mom! Mother's Day Morning: Get up early with the kids and let Mom sleep in! Have older kids add water and fresh-cut flowers from your yard to the marble-filled drinking glass; set on the breakfast tray along with the kid-crafted greeting card or framed drawing. Make Fruit Smoothies or pour Mom a cup of coffee, orange juice or her favorite morning beverage. Serve Mom breakfast in bed! The Talk of West cheste r Page 4 Recipes of the Month (cont)... Spring Has Sprung How-to Guide Marshmallow Flower Petals With kitchen scissors, cut pastel marshmallows in half. Dip each cut side in colored sugar. Arrange marshmallow petals on cupcakes, forming flowers. Cookie Pop When making the Cupcake Cookie Pops, place lollipop sticks 2 in. apart on foil-lined baking sheets. Place cutout cookie dough on each; press down gently. Decorate Cookies with Royal Icing Using a pastry bag and plain Royal Icing, outline each cookie; let dry. Tint remaining icing with colors of your choice. Working one cookie at a time, fill in the center with tinted icing; spread to the edges of the outline with a toothpick. Repeat with remaining cookies. Let dry completely. Cutouts with Candy Centers Place cutout cookie dough on foil-lined baking sheets. Cut out and remove centers of each. Carefully fill the centers with crushed hard candy. Page 5 The Talk of West cheste r Mother’s Day Gift Ideas... While a hand-drawn card will be treasured, these easy crafts add polish to homemade gifts. Video playlist The gifts that Mom cherishes most are the ones hand-crafted by her own kids. When you present Mom with a mouth-watering breakfast in bed or a lovely lunch at the kitchen table, have the kids make their mark with a one-of-a-kind tray or table topper. Make a card Instead of buying a greeting card, enlist the little ones to make a card at home. Or have them draw a pretty picture and place it in a frame. (Inexpensive canvas or paper-covered photo frames are available at craft stores.) Fresh flower arrangement Fresh-picked daisies bring a touch of spring inside ... and a kid-crafted vase is the perfect way to display the bright bouquet! While you start making the meal, have the kids hunt down some of their marbles and place them in a regular drinking glass. Tuck daisy stems into the marbles, and then fill with water. For an even more colorful arrangement, place a decorative ponytail holder around the marble-filled glass. Slide crayons between the glass and holder until the entire glass is covered. The Talk of West cheste r Page 6 Yard Tip of the Month... Spring Yard Maintenance Tips - Spring Cleaning First the bad news: if you neglect spring lawn care you could end up paying for it the rest of the year. Now the good news: spring lawn care doesn't entail nearly the amount of work that you'll have to invest in mowing alone throughout the summer months. In fact, most of you will need to implement only about half of the following ten tips for spring lawn care, depending upon your own unique circumstances. Furthermore, I point out in a few instances below that the task in question is better performed as part of your fall lawn care, if you can wait that long. Spring Lawn Care Tip #1: Raking Raking will be your first task of spring lawn care. Okay, I can hear the groans coming from all lands near and far, wherever grassy carpets are cultivated: "But we already raked leaves in the fall!" Sorry, but raking is for more than just removing leaves: it's for controlling thatch, too. A thatch build-up of more than 1/2 inch is considered excessive. Thatch is the reason why I recommend that, when you rake leaves in the fall, you make the effort to rake deeply. Don't just skim the surface, so as to remove the leaves. A deep raking will remove thatch, too, allowing you to kill two birds with one stone. Even if you followed this advice in fall, I still recommend a spring raking: it will remove grass blades that died over the winter -- dead blades that are just waiting to become thatch! But there's often another good reason for a spring raking. As you survey your lawn in spring, see if there are any matted patches, in which the grass blades are all stuck together. This can be caused by a disease known as "snow mold." New grass may have difficulty penetrating these matted patches. But a light raking will be sufficient to solve this problem. Just when you should perform any of these spring lawn care tasks will depend upon the climate of your own region. But Mother Nature provides palpable cues in some cases. For instance, when you're pretty sure the snow season (if you have one) is over in your region, begin raking. Applying preemergent herbicides (see Tip #6) should be done sometime between the time the local forsythia bushes stop blooming and the time the local lilac bushes begin blooming. Spring Lawn Care Tip #2: Check for Compaction If your lawn is subjected to high levels of traffic year after year, it may eventually start to show signs of decline. In such cases, your lawn is probably suffering from compaction. For instance, the presence of moss plants signals compaction (among other things). Our next quarterly meeting is May 26th at 7pm. Page 7 The Talk of West cheste r Yard Tip of the Month (cont)... Lawn aeration is the remedy for compaction. The good news is that lawn aerators can be rented at your local rental center. The bad news is that the experts recommend postponing lawn aeration until fall. But if, during your "spring lawn checkup," you become aware of compaction, at least you can plan on setting aside some time in the fall to take care of it. Spring Lawn Care Tip #3: Liming Besides compaction, the presence of moss plants also signals acidity. But grass likes a neutral soil pH. You can solve this problem by liming your soil. But don't expect a quick fix: the effects of liming are slow to take place. But first send a soil sample to your local county extension to determine the extent of your soil's acidity. The county extension will also be able to advise you on how much lime per square foot you'll need. Apply the lime using a lawn spreader. But if your lawn has been doing fine and shows no signs of suffering from acidity, don't apply lime. Liming is only a corrective measure, not a preventive measure. A soil that is too alkaline will also cause your lawn problems, so too much lime is as bad as not enough. Spring Lawn Care Tip #4: Over-seeding Is your lawn riddled with bare patches due to dog spots, heavy traffic or neglect? If so, you may need to apply grass seed to fill in those bare patches. This solution is known as "over seeding lawns." Apply a slow-release nitrogen fertilizer when you over-seed. Five weeks after the grass germinates, apply a quick-release nitrogen fertilizer. However, spring isn't the very best time for over-seeding lawns. Fall is the preferred time, when the new grass won't have to compete with crabgrass, which is killed off by autumn frosts. So postpone over seeding until fall, unless your situation is dire. Spring Lawn Care Tip #5: Fertilizing Lawns can be fertilized organically by using compost and mulching mowers. But for those who prefer chemical fertilizers, Scotts provides a lawn fertilizing schedule. Many experts, however, recommend a lighter feeding in spring and a heavier one in late fall for cool-season grasses. Too much fertilizer in spring can lead to disease and weed problems. And if you have, indeed, already fertilized in late fall, your lawn is still "digesting" that fertilizer in spring. In addition to the above tasks of spring lawn care, don't forget weed control and making sure your mower is ready for the mowing season. For those who prefer weed-free lawns, spring grass care is as much about weed prevention as it is about fostering healthy lawn growth. Novices to spring grass care are often surprised to learn that not all lawn weeds are battled in the same manner. Depending upon whether a weed is an annual or a perennial, you will use a pre-emergent herbicide or a post-emergent herbicide against it. The Talk of West cheste r Page 8 Yard Tip of the Month (cont)... Spring Grass Care Tip #6: Applying Pre-emergent Herbicides If you know that you have a problem with the annual weed, crabgrass, then fertilization in spring should go hand in hand with the application of pre=emergent herbicides. As their name suggests, pre-emergent herbicides address weed control not "after the fact," but before their seedlings can even emerge. Pre-emergent herbicides accomplish this by forming something of a "shield" that inhibits seed germination. Crabgrass begins its assault on lawns in spring, when its seeds germinate. In fact, my suggestion on Page 1 that overseeding be carried out in autumn, rather than spring, is based in part on the threat posed by a spring crabgrass invasion. "So why not just begin by killing the crabgrass first with a pre-emergent herbicide?" perhaps you ask. Well, the trouble is that most pre-emergent herbicides work against not only weed seeds, but grass seeds, as well! You can appreciate the dilemma here. Over-seeding is incompatible with the application of most pre-emergent herbicides. Yet, faced with competition from crabgrass in spring, you may find it difficult to establish your new grass. So while it's still possible to over-seed in spring, it's simply easier to do so in fall. There will be no competition from crabgrass then, because the fall frosts kill off crabgrass. If you must over-seed in the spring, look for a product called, "Tupersan." Unlike other pre-emergent herbicides, Tupersan will not damage germinating lawn grass seed. But if you're committed to staying away from chemicals altogether in your spring grass care, postpone over-seeding till fall. Spring Grass Care Tip #7: Applying Post-emergent Herbicides -- Or Pulling Weeds Keep an eye out for the emergence of the perennial weed, dandelion during the spring season, unless you find the presence of their cheerful yellow flowers in your lawn desirable. At the very least, you'll want to snap off their flower stems before they produce seed. If you're more ambitious, you can dig them out by the roots. Spraying dandelion weeds with post-emergent herbicides is more effective in fall than in spring. If you do choose to spray, select an herbicide for broadleaf weeds. If you prefer weed control without chemicals and have consistently practiced organic landscaping, you can harvest these "weeds" as dandelion greens and eat them! Page 9 The Talk of West cheste r Crime Watch Tip... This article was sent in by Ben Grimes. This was a story on Fox news, a great crime watch tip. THE RECENT TRAGEDY OF A YOUNG WOMAN BEING KIDNAPPED AND EVENTUALLY KILLED; AFTER SHE HAD REPEATEDLY GIVEN THE KIDNAPPER A WRONG PIN TO HER ATM CARD . IF SHE KNEW THE METHOD BELOW, SHE COULD HAVE BEEN SAVED. I THINK IT IS IMPORTANT ENOUGH TO LET EVERYONE KNOW. HERE YOU GO. IF YOU SHOULD EVER BE FORCED BY A ROBBER TO WITHDRAW MONEY FROM AN ATM MACHINE, YOU CAN NOTIFY THE POLICE BY ENTERING YOUR PIN # IN REVERSE. FOR EXAMPLE IF YOUR PIN NUMBER IS 1234 THEN YOU WOULD PUT IN 4321. THE ATM RECOGNIZES THAT YOUR PIN NUMBER IS BACKWARDS FROM THE ATM CARD YOU PLACED IN THE MACHINE. THE MACHINE WILL STILL GIVE YOU THE MONEY YOU REQUESTED, BUT UNKNOWN TO THE ROBBER; THE POLICE WILL BE IMMEDIATELY DISPATCHED TO HELP YOU. THIS INFORMATION WAS RECENTLY BROADCASTED ON FOX TV AND IT STATES THAT IT IS SELDOM USED BECAUSE PEOPLE DON'T KNOW IT EXISTS. PLEASE PASS THIS CRIME WATCH TIP ALONG!!! Page 10 The Talk of West cheste r Grand Prairie Events Calendar May 2010 Saturday, May 1 Farmers Market 8 a.m. – 1 p.m., Market Square, 120 W. Main St. Saturday, May 1 Cinco de Mayo Fiesta City Hall Plaza, 317 College St. Parade begins at 10:30 a.m. on Main Street beginning at N.E. 14th Street and continuing to City Hall Noon-6 p.m., entertainment, food, kiddie rides and more at City Hall Plaza 972-237-8100 Saturday, May 1 Celtic Woman – Songs from the Heart 8 p.m., Verizon Theatre, 1001 Performance Place Tickets: 214-373-8000 or 972-647-5700, Saturday, May 1 Kentucky Derby Day Watch, wager and win on the 136th running of the Kentucky Derby from Churchill Downs Two $500 prizes will be awarded for the most stylish hats Lone Star Park at Grand Prairie, 1000 Lone Star Parkway For information call 972-263-PONY or visit The Talk of West cheste r Grand Prairie Upcoming Events (cont)... Sunday, May 2 Trans-Siberian Orchestra: Beethoven’s Last Night 7:30 p.m., Verizon Theatre, 1001 Performance Place Tickets: 214-373-8000 or 972-647-5700, Monday, May 3 Planning and Zoning Commission 7 p.m., City Hall, 317 College St., 972-237-8255 Monday, May 3 Quilters Guild 7 p.m., First Presbyterian Church, 310 SW 3rd, Tuesday, May 4 City Council 6:30 p.m., City Hall, 317 College St., 972-237-8035 Tuesday, May 4 Prairie Lakes Golf Academy Player Improvement Course 6-7:30 p.m., Prairie Lakes Golf Course, 3202 SE 14th St. $25 per session or $80 for all Tuesday sessions To sign up call 972-263-0661 Wednesday, May 5 Cinco de Mayo Carnival 6-8 p.m., Charley Taylor Recreation Center 601 E. Grand Prairie Road Bounce houses, arts and crafts, candy, 972-264-6890 Page 11 Page 12 The Talk of West cheste r Grand Prairie Upcoming Events (cont)... Thursday, May 6 Grand Prairie Genealogical Society 6:30 p.m., Main Library, 901 Conover Drive, Friday, May 7 Mother’s Day Dinner & Dance 7-9 p.m., Bowles Life Center, 2750 Graham St. $5 per person includes dinner and dancing to great music 972-237-7529 Friday, May 7 Master Composter Class 6-9 p.m., City of Grand Prairie Development Center, 206 W. Church St. $5 registration fee for Grand Prairie residents, $10 registration fee for non-residents To register, e-mail or call 214-212-7958 Saturday, May 8 City Election Visit or call 972-237-8035 for information Saturday, May 8 Farmers Market 8 a.m. – 1 p.m., Market Square, 120 W. Main St. Saturday, May 8 Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection Day, 9-11 a.m., Development Center, 201 NW 2nd St. Register:, 972-237-8055 The Talk of West cheste r Grand Prairie Upcoming Events (cont)... Saturday, May 8 Master Composter Class 9 a.m.-5 p.m., City of Grand Prairie Development Center, 206 W. Church St. $5 registration fee for Grand Prairie residents, $10 registration fee for non-residents To register, e-mail or call 214-212-7958 Sunday, May 9 Mother’s Day Diamond Dig Lone Star Park at Grand Prairie, 1000 Lone Star Parkway For information call 972-263-PONY or visit Monday, May 10 Police Department Memorial Service, in honor of Peace Officer Memorial Week 5:30 p.m., Grand Prairie Police Department, 801 Conover Drive Tuesday, May 11 Prairie Lakes Golf Academy Player Improvement Course 6-7:30 p.m., Prairie Lakes Golf Course, 3202 SE 14th St. $25 per session or $80 for all Tuesday sessions To sign up call 972-263-0661 Wednesday, May 12 Foreigner, Styx and Kansas 7:30 p.m., Verizon Theatre, 1001 Performance Place Tickets: 214-373-8000 or 972-647-5700, Page 13 Page 14 The Talk of West cheste r Grand Prairie Upcoming Events... Friday, May 14 AirHogs vs. Pensacola Pelicans – magnet schedule giveaway to first 1,500 fans 7:05 p.m., QuikTrip Ballpark, 1600 Lone Star Parkway, 972-504-9383, Saturday, May 15 Farmers Market 8 a.m. – 1 p.m., Market Square, 120 W. Main St. Saturday, May 15 Mayfest 9 a.m.-3 p.m., Kirby Creek Nature Center, 3303 Corn Valley Road 972-264-8729 Saturday, May 15 AirHogs vs. Pensacola Pelicans – fireworks, wear Hawaiian shirt and get $2 off game ticket 7:05 p.m., QuikTrip Ballpark, 1600 Lone Star Parkway, 972-504-9383, Saturday, May 15 Preakness Stakes from Pimlico in Maryland and live music Lone Star Park at Grand Prairie, 1000 Lone Star Parkway For information call 972-263-PONY or visit Sunday, May 16 AirHogs vs. Pensacola Pelicans – Mascot Ace Bacon’s birthday - $1 hot dogs and $1 sodas 2:05 p.m., QuikTrip Ballpark, 1600 Lone Star Parkway, 972-504-9383, Page 15 The Talk of West cheste r Grand Prairie Upcoming Events... Sunday, May 16 Tangle Ridge Golf Academy Ladies Clinic 3-4:30 p.m., Tangle Ridge Golf Course, 818 Tangle Ridge Dr. $20 per student or three sessions for $50 For more information call 972-299-6837 or 972-740-1032 Monday, May 17 AirHogs vs. Sioux City Explorers - $4 from every ticket will be donated to the Red Cross for Haitian Earthquake Relief 7:05 p.m., QuikTrip Ballpark, 1600 Lone Star Parkway, 972-504-9383, Tuesday, May 18 AirHogs vs. Sioux City Explorers – high school senior night 7:05 p.m., QuikTrip Ballpark, 1600 Lone Star Parkway, 972-504-9383, Tuesday, May 18 City Council 6:30 p.m., City Hall, 317 College St., 972-237-8035 Tuesday, May 18 Prairie Lakes Golf Academy Player Improvement Course 6-7:30 p.m., Prairie Lakes Golf Course, 3202 SE 14th St. $25 per session or $80 for all Tuesday sessions To sign up call 972-263-0661 Wednesday, May 19 AirHogs vs. Sioux City Explorers – GPISD Education Day 10:30 a.m., QuikTrip Ballpark, 1600 Lone Star Parkway, 972-504-9383, The Talk of West cheste r Grand Prairie Upcoming Events (cont)... Thursday, May 20 Bellatour Fighting Championships 8 p.m., Verizon Theatre, 1001 Performance Place Tickets: 214-373-8000 or 972-647-5700, Friday, May 21 George Lopez 8 p.m., Verizon Theatre, 1001 Performance Place Tickets: 214-373-8000 or 972-647-5700, Friday, May 21-Saturday, May 22 Mira Lagos Neighborhood Garage Sale For more information call 817-473-6787 or e-mail Saturday, May 22 Farmers Market 8 a.m. – 1 p.m., Market Square, 120 W. Main St. Saturday, May 22 Open House and Sneak Peek The Summit Adult Activity Center for ages 50 and older, 2975 Esplanade 972-237-8243 Saturday, May 22 Games of Grand Prairie, sponsored by the Grand Prairie Chamber of Commerce 8 a.m. – noon, Loyd Park, 3401 Ragland Road 972-264-1558, Saturday, May 22 Tangle Ridge Golf Academy Open Clinic 4-5:30 p.m., Tangle Ridge Golf Course, 818 Tangle Ridge Dr. For players ages 16 and older, $20 per student or three sessions for $50 For more information call 972-299-6837 or 972-740-1032 Page 16 Page 17 The Talk of West cheste r Grand Prairie Upcoming Events (cont)... Monday, May 24 First Day of Operations The Summit Adult Activity Center for ages 50 and older, 2975 Esplanade 972-237-8243 Tuesday, May 25 AirHogs vs. Shreveport-Bossier Captains – Bring your dog dressed in a fancy outfit, Sex and the City Trivia Night, DFW Humane Society pet adoptions 7:05 p.m., QuikTrip Ballpark, 1600 Lone Star Parkway, 972-504-9383, Tuesday, May 25 Prairie Lakes Golf Academy Player Improvement Course 6-7:30 p.m., Prairie Lakes Golf Course, 3202 SE 14th St. $25 per session or $80 for all Tuesday sessions To sign up call 972-263-0661 Wednesday, May 26 AirHogs vs. Shreveport-Bossier Captains 10:30 a.m., QuikTrip Ballpark, 1600 Lone Star Parkway, 972-504-9383, Thursday, May 27 AirHogs vs. Shreveport-Bossier Captains – $1 beer night and Texas Motor Speedway ticket giveaway 7:05 p.m., QuikTrip Ballpark, 1600 Lone Star Parkway, 972-504-9383, Friday, May 28 AirHogs vs. Fort Worth Cats – AirHog souvenir T-shirt giveaway for first 1,500 fans sponsored by Parkland Community Health Plan, United Cerebral Palsy fundraiser 7:05 p.m., QuikTrip Ballpark, 1600 Lone Star Parkway, 972-504-9383, The Talk of West cheste r Grand Prairie Upcoming Events (cont)... Saturday, May 29 AirHogs vs. Fort Worth Cats - fireworks 7:05 p.m., QuikTrip Ballpark, 1600 Lone Star Parkway, 972-504-9383, Saturday, May 29 Farmers Market 8 a.m. – 1 p.m., Market Square, 120 W. Main St. Saturday, May 29 Barbecue Cookoff Tyre Park, 2327 Tyre Street, 972-264-7670 Monday, May 31 Memorial Day, city offices, schools closed Monday, May 31 Memorial Day Ceremony Grand Prairie Veterans Memorial 10 a.m., 925 Conover Dr. (behind the Grand Prairie Senior Center) 972-237-8100 Monday, May 31 Studs and Suds Micro Brew Festival and Harley Davidson Giveaway Lone Star Park at Grand Prairie, 1000 Lone Star Parkway For information call 972-263-PONY or visit Page 18 Page 19 The Talk of West cheste r Welcome to the Digital Health Dept... The Environmental Quality Division conducts inspections of all food service establishments in the city. These inspections are unannounced and performed at regular intervals throughout the year based on risk levels. For example a low risk level facility, such as a grocery store, is inspected once a year. A high risk level facility, such as a nursing home cafeteria, is inspected 3 times a year. Most food services, like fast food restaurants, are inspected twice a year. Each food facility is inspected and scored on a demerit/point system based on the type of violation the inspector witnesses. The fewer the violations, the lower the demerit accumulation, zero is a perfect score. There are 28 items on the Inspection Form from which demerits are given. Some items, such as not keeping food at the right temperatures, have higher demerits. The final score provides a total of the demerits. The deficiencies are classified as either critical or non-critical. Critical Violations - Violations that present a potential or immediate health hazard. These violations directly involve food hazards, such as contamination, or temperature violations. Whenever possible, critical violations found during the inspection are to be corrected immediately. Examples of critical violations include temperature abuse of food, improper cooking, cooling, refrigeration or reheating temperatures. Other critical violations are improper handwashing, using bare hands on "ready to eat" food, and poor hygienic practices. Such problems can create environments that cause bacteria to grow and thrive, which put the consumers at risk for food-borne illness. Non-Critical Violations - Violations that present minimal health risk. These items are not directly related to the cause of food-borne illnesses, but if left uncorrected, could impede the safe operation of the restaurant. Non-Critical violations, if left uncorrected, could lead to critical violations. Examples of non-critical violations include a lack of facility cleanliness and maintenance (floors, walls and ceilings). Non-critical violations do not warrant a demerit, however, the violation must be corrected within a reasonable amount of time. A food establishment fails if it receives more than 31 demerits. At that time, the Environmental Quality Division will close down the establishment. To re-open, a follow up inspection is required to ensure compliance with minimum food safety standards, and the establishment will be allowed to continue doing business only after all deficiencies have been corrected. However, a food establishment's original score will remain on this webpage until the next routine Health Inspection is performed. 0-3 demerits = A+ Excellent 4-10 demerits = A 11-14 demerits = B+ Good 15-20 demerits = B 21-24 demerits = C+ Fair 25-30 demerits = C Poor 31-40 demerits = D Failing 41+ demerits = F Failing Very Good Satisfactory City Hall—317 College St. Grand Prairie, TX 75050— (972) 237-8000 The Talk of West cheste r Welcome to the Digital Health Dept (cont)... 104 facilities found in zip code 75052 ALBERTSON'S #4278-FOOD SERVICE/DELI Cuisine Type: Delis 4126 S CARRIER PKWY STE C GRAND PRAIRIE, TX 75052 Last Inspection Date: 10/09/2009 Last Inspection Score: A AMERICAN DONUTS Cuisine Type: Bakeries 3480 S CARRIER PKWY STE 160 GRAND PRAIRIE, TX 75052 Last Inspection Date: 06/18/2009 Last Inspection Score: B APPLEBEE'S NEIGHBORHOOD GRILL & BAR Cuisine Type: American 2415 W IH 20 GRAND PRAIRIE, TX 75052 Last Inspection Date: 01/08/2010 Last Inspection Score: A+ ARBY'S #6558 Cuisine Type: Fast Food 4030 S GREAT SOUTHWEST PKWY GRAND PRAIRIE, TX 75052 Last Inspection Date: 03/22/2010 Last Inspection Score: A+ BASKIN ROBBINS Cuisine Type: Desserts 5244 S HWY 360 SB STE 390 GRAND PRAIRIE, TX 75052 Last Inspection Date: 01/15/2010 Last Inspection Score: A+ BASKIN ROBBINS #3945 Cuisine Type: Desserts 4136 S CARRIER PKWY STE 340 GRAND PRAIRIE, TX 75052 Last Inspection Date: 06/01/2009 Last Inspection Score: A BETO'S MEXICAN RESTAURANT Cuisine Type: Mexican 2530 W IH 20 GRAND PRAIRIE, TX 75052 Last Inspection Date: 04/07/2010 Last Inspection Score: C+ Page 20 Page 21 The Talk of West cheste r Welcome to the Digital Health Dept (cont)... BORICUA INCOME TAX & RESTAURANT Cuisine Type: Latin American 4683 BETTS DR GRAND PRAIRIE, TX 75052 Last Inspection Date: 04/14/2009 Last Inspection Score: A+ BOSTON MARKET #2334 Cuisine Type: American 404 WESTCHASE DR GRAND PRAIRIE, TX 75052 Last Inspection Date: 10/23/2009 Last Inspection Score: B+ BUFFALO WILD WINGS GRILL & BAR Cuisine Type: American 2315 W IH 20 GRAND PRAIRIE, TX 75052 Last Inspection Date: 04/05/2010 Last Inspection Score: A+ BURGER KING #9948 Cuisine Type: Fast Food 4025 S GREAT SOUTHWEST PKWY GRAND PRAIRIE, TX 75052 Last Inspection Date: 02/23/2010 Last Inspection Score: B+ CAPTAIN D'S SEAFOOD #3724 Cuisine Type: Seafood 2515 S GREAT SOUTHWEST PKWY GRAND PRAIRIE, TX 75052 Last Inspection Date: 12/02/2009 Last Inspection Score: A+ CARRIER DONUTS Cuisine Type: Bakeries 3007 S CARRIER PKWY STE 205 GRAND PRAIRIE, TX 75052 Last Inspection Date: 04/20/2010 Last Inspection Score: A+ CATFISH CUISINE, INC. Cuisine Type: Seafood 1801 POLO RD STE 106 GRAND PRAIRIE, TX 75052 Last Inspection Date: 11/30/2009 Last Inspection Score: A+ The Talk of West cheste r Page 22 Welcome to the Digital Health Dept (cont)... CESAR'S TACO'S Cuisine Type: Fast Food 3705 S CARRIER PKWY STE 001 GRAND PRAIRIE, TX 75052 Last Inspection Date: 10/28/2009 Last Inspection Score: A+ CHAPPS CAFÉ #7 Cuisine Type: Hamburgers 4146 S CARRIER PKWY STE 602 GRAND PRAIRIE, TX 75052 Last Inspection Date: 11/11/2009 Last Inspection Score: A+ CHEDDAR'S CASUAL CAFÉ #160 Cuisine Type: American 4106 S CARRIER PKWY GRAND PRAIRIE, TX 75052 Last Inspection Date: 12/19/2009 Last Inspection Score: A+ CHICK-FIL-A INC AT CARRIER TOWNE CROSSING Cuisine Type: Fast Food 3970 S CARRIER PKWY GRAND PRAIRIE, TX 75052 Last Inspection Date: 02/16/2010 Last Inspection Score: A+ CHILI'S BAR & GRILL #1387 Cuisine Type: American 5212 S HWY 360 GRAND PRAIRIE, TX 75052 Last Inspection Date: 10/23/2009 Last Inspection Score: A+ GO TO THE GRAND PRAIRIE WEBSITE & READ MORE! City elections Saturday, May 8th. Don’t forget to vote! Page 23 The Talk of West cheste r Storage Facilities... Westchester is a deed restricted community. We have gotten together a list of storage facilities around our neighborhood that could help you store your boat/camper/trailer at a reasonable price. Due to demand for storage, please call ahead for availability and price changes. We have provided different locations thorough out the area for your convenience. GRAND PRAIRIE Best Little Warehouse in Texas 585 Dickey Road Grand Prairie, Tx. 75051 972-264-6064 Uncovered 10x20 = $30.00 10x28 = $45.00 Allstorage 5125 Lakeridge Grand Prairie, Tx. 75052 972-602-8122 Uncovered U-Haul 1117 E. Main St. Grand Prairie, Tx. 75050 972-262-5116 Uncovered 13x20 = $39.00 U-Haul 920 S. MacArthur Blvd. Grand Prairie, Tx. 75052 972-269-4014 Uncovered 13x20 = $34.00 Sunbelt Self Storage 335 W. Westchester Pkwy Grand Prairie, Tx. 75052 972-262-1144 12x20 = $47.00 Covered(Non-Climate Controlled -- 50% for 3 months 10x20 = $129.00 $208.60 for 3 months (special) 10x25 = $149.00 $232.50 for 3 months (special) 12x25 = $185.00 $292.50 for 3 months (special) The Talk of West cheste r Page 24 Storage Facilities (cont)... Mansfield Mini Storage 1015 E. Dallas St. Mansfield, Tx. 76063 817-473-1567 Uncovered Boat = $30.00 RV = $50.00 Kennedy RV 900 S. Main St. Mansfield, Tx. 76063 817-477-5667 Uncovered 0-30’ = $60.00 C & S Boat and RV Storage 305 Smith Str. Mansfield, Tx. 76063 817-473-1982 Uncovered 16’-25’ = $47.95 26’-30’ = $52.95 Buford’s Storage 902 Mansfield Webb Hywy. Mansfield, Tx. 76002 817-473-2666 Uncovered 0’-17’ = $50.00 17’-34’ = $75.00 Covered $68.95 $73.95 ARLINGTON Arlington Boat and RV Storage 2706 W. Pioneer Pkwy Arlington, Tx. 76011 817-861-8016 Uncovered 0’-25’ = $35.00 Star Recreational Storage 401 Crowley Rd. Arlington, Tx. 76012 817-588-2050 Uncovered $75.00 = Boat/Trailer/Camper Covered 20’ = $45.00 25’ = $55.00 30’ = $65.00 Page 25 The Talk of West cheste r Storage Facilities (cont)... U-Stor-It 1720 E. Pioneer Pkwy Arlington, Tx. 76010 817-277-4433 Covered 10x20 = $108.00 10x25 = $124.00 10x30 = 137.00 Uncle Bob’s Self Storage 4320 Little Road Arlington, Tx. 76016 817-478-4509 Uncovered 0’-25’ = $99.00 July ½ price, August you name the price 26’-30’ = $110.00 31’-35’ = $120.00 CEDAR HILL Alliance Self Storage 202 S.Clark Rd.@Beltline Cedar Hill, Tx. 75104 972-291-1669 Uncovered $50.00 = Boat/Camper/Trailer Joe Pool Marina 1570 W. FM 1382 Cedar Hill, Tx. 75104 972-299-9010 Uncovered (dry) $55.00 Cedar Hill Storage King 1090 S. Hywy 67 Cedar Hill, Tx. 75104 972-263-7474 Uncovered $60.00 B/C/T Allsafe Self Storage 611 Beltline Cedar Hill, Tx. 75104 972-299-0006 Uncovered 0’-26’ = $80.00 *All prices are subject to change, call and check for new price list. *All storage facilities have their individual type of security system. Call them to find out their hours and accessibility Covered $90.00 B/C/T The Talk of West cheste r Page 26 Keep Grand Prairie Beautiful... City of Grand Prairie, Texas To Report: Illegal Dumping 972-237-8064 Street Lights 972-237-8154 Graffiti 972-237-8599 Dead Animal Pick Up 972-237-8575 Water Breaks 972-237-8400 Potholes 972-237-8525 Page 27 The Talk of West cheste r Yard of the Month... Congratulations to Chris and Pamela Jones on Lost Creek Received a $25.00 from Wingstop Hotline number: 972-943-4661 Page 28 The Talk of West cheste r Page 29 The Talk of West cheste r WAHO Officers: President—Rosemary Reed VP—Eleasia Lewis Secretary—Sandy Bonander Treasurer—Ben Grimes Please support the businesses that support our community! Page 30 The Talk of West cheste r