March 2016 Tower Chimes - Fredericktown United Methodist Church


March 2016 Tower Chimes - Fredericktown United Methodist Church
Rev. Richard Hasley — Senior Pastor
Mike Brake— Director of Adult/Youth Ministries
Tammy Partington — Director of Children’s Ministry
123 Columbus Road
Fre d e r i c k t ow n , O h i o
MARCH 2016
“A Different kind of church for a Different kind of people.”
If you would like to help us save postage and paper, you can receive a copy of our
newsletter (IN FULL COLOR) by contacting the office at
and requesting a digital copy.
March 20
March 24
6 am -Midnight Prayer Vigil
6:15 pm
Prepared Meal
7:00 pm
Maundy Thursday Service
“The Sacrifice”
Speaker: Gregory Helinski
March 25
7:00 pm
March 27
Good Friday Service
@ Green Valley UMC
7:00 am
Sunrise Service at Kokosing Park
8:15 am
9:00 am
Worship Service
10:10 am
Sunday School
Children's Easter Egg Hunt
11:15 am
Worship Service
“To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write: The Holy One, the
True One, the One who has the key of David, who opens and no one
will close, and closes and no one opens, says: I know your works.
Because you have limited strength, have kept my word, and have
not denied my name. Look, I have placed before you an open door
that no one is able to close.” (Revelation 3: 7—8)
An open door can engender a number of reactions from different
people. To some, an open door signifies opportunity, a path to
something—hopefully better—than on this side of the door. To
others, an open door is a little scary, especially if you’re not sure
what is on the other side. An open door can also imply effort and
some might find that objectionable. After all, you have to physically
go through that door, and some would rather recline where they
It is no different in the spiritual realm. When I look at Fredericktown UMC, I see the church at Philadelphia. A church where God is
opening doors; doors of ministry; doors of opportunity to glorify
Him. God wants us to take advantage of the doors he is opening.
Is it a little scary? Yes, because only The Lord can see where he is
leading. Will it take effort? Yes, but He will be with us to strengthen
I am amazed and blessed by the doors of ministry the Lord is
opening. Let us take advantage of them, and, in love, reach out to
others in His name.
Happy Easter! He has risen! HE has risen indeed!
Pastor Hasley
The Bible Study that I attend is doing a video study from RightNow Media on the
book of Philippians. In the study, the Pastor asks the question, “What changes would need
to take place for someone to become an applier of the Scriptures instead of just one who
acquires more knowledge?” In other words, “How can I be a doer not just a hearer?”
This question cut me deep! Am I just hearing the Word and not putting it into
practice? Am I just getting knowledge and not applying it to my life? These are questions
that we, as the Body of Christ, must answer. The Bible says in James 1:22-25 “But be doers
of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. For if anyone is a hearer of the word
and not a doer, he is like a man who looks intently at his natural face in a mirror. For he
looks at himself and goes away and at once forgets what he was like. But the one who looks
into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and perseveres, being no hearer who forgets but a doer
who acts, he will be blessed in his doing.” (ESV) James says that if we are doers of the Word,
we will be blessed!
So how do we become doers of the Word? I think one of the ways we can be doers is
to get involved in Church activities. We have stuff going on all the time in our church. Another way is to get connected to a Sunday School or small group. Small groups and Sunday
Schools are a great way to get to know people and to see what kinds of things they are doing. But I think the biggest way for us to be doers is to seek answers from God. Remember
what Proverbs 3:5-6 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own
understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your
paths.”(ESV) If we want to be “doers,” we must seek Him and He will direct us!! So let’s
seek Him with everything that we have and see where He leads us!!!
Grace and peace,
Fredericktown United Methodist Church Presents:
“The Sacrifice”
A Biblical Interpretation of Maundy Thursday
Thursday, March 24, 7 PM, in the Sanctuary.
Using the Word of God as a key,
FUMC will unlock the mysteries of
ancient sacrifices and how they can
influence our spiritual life today.
Witness the Gospel message in Drama & Song,
and partake of Holy Communion in a unique
and Powerful new way!
All are Welcome.
Tickets are not required; however,
they are available in the church office
for outreach, inviting friends, and
family members to the event.
Childcare will be available for infants to 5th grade.
Donations will support
the Jr. High Youth Mission Trip.
RSVP to the office with the number of children
needing childcare.
Intercessory Prayer
No Meeting
in March
3:45 PM
2nd Monday 6:30 PM
3rd Tuesday 6:30 PM
We will be meeting on Thursday, March 3rd,
1:00 the Conference Room.
Program: Betty Smith
Prayer and Self-Denial
Mar. 10, 7:00 PM
Mondays @ 7:00 pm
Ken and Patti
Goeppinger’s home
There will be no meeting on the 24th
due to Maundy Thursday service.
Mar. 12 & 26, 6:00 PM
Wednesday Prayer Group
Sarah & Chris Alverson’s home
7:00 PM in the Prayer Room
Studying “"Secrets of the Secret Place,
Keys to Igniting Your Personal Time with
God" by Bob Sorge.
Contact Laurey Grogg or Jill Rock for
additional information.
Grief Support
2nd Saturday
10:30 AM
Reader’s Group will not meet until
April 3rd, at 5:30 PM, to discuss
our March book ”Unbroken” since
the last Sunday in March is Easter
Tuesdays at 6:00 PM
At 7:00 PM
Tuesdays at 7:00 PM
Prayers &
1st Wednesday
9 AM
Upcoming Walk Dates:
Quilt Group
2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 7 PM
at the Presbyterian Church
Men’s—March 10-13, 2016
Women’s—April 21-24, 2016
See Kathy Toms if you are interested.
Dear Church Family,
I feel so humbled by the prayer quilt delivered
to me by Pastor Hasley. It is beautiful and I
appreciate all that the prayer quilt represents.
Along with keeping me warm, it will keep me
covered in prayer. Thank you for choosing me
as a recipient of the prayer quilt.
In deep appreciation,
Carroll Snow
Haiti Mission Trip Information
Initial Meeting: March 3 at 6:30 PM
Trip Dates: November 19-26, 2016
Please contact Heather Brake
for more information
Ty Mitchell Thorne
Born January 13, 2016
10 lbs, 2 oz, 21.3 in. long
Parents - J.R. and Jamie Thorne
“You made all the
delicate, inner parts of my
body and knit me
together in my mother’s
Psalm 139: 13
Luke Bryan Kinton
Born February 16, 2016
9 lbs. 5oz,, 22.25 in. long
Parents— Shane & Aja Kinton
Grandparents—Tom & Sue Kinton
What is a Walk to Emmaus?
The Walk to Emmaus is a three-day short course in Christianity
that focuses on God's love through Jesus Christ. The participants
listen to fifteen talks given by lay and clergy persons on the themes of God's
grace, disciplines of Christian discipleship, and what it means to be the
church. The weekend is bathed in prayer by the local Emmaus community and
by fellow
Christians worldwide. The intent of the weekend is to strengthen local
churches by building stronger Christian disciples and leaders.
Looking for a way to draw closer to Christ? Have you considered going on
an Emmaus Walk. Walks are in September and March for Men and October and
April for Women. You may fill out an application for a Walk anytime and mark
which Walk you are interested in attending. You have three opportunities to say
yes or no, before you would need to reapply. Women’s Walks fill up fairly quickly,
meaning if you are interested in going on the Spring Walk you need to get an
application mailed soon. To attend a Walk you need a sponsor, someone who has
already been on a Walk. There are many people at FUMC that have gone. Check
with the office if you need help in finding a sponsor.
Upcoming Walk Dates are:
Men’s March 10 – 13, 2016
Youth Mission Dinner—Taco Bar
Proceeds support the Youth Mission Trip
Sunday, March 13, 11 AM & 12:30 PM
Are you ready for spring – but dreading all those
spring cleaning chores?
Never fear –Teen for Hire is here!
The Senior High youth will hold Teen for Hire on
Sunday, March 13th during the mission dinner.
How do you get in on this fabulous opportunity?
Glad you asked -- Just place a bid on a teen you would like to hire
to help you with your spring cleaning – inside and out! The teens will
have your spring cleaning taken care of in no time.
If you are unable to attend the mission dinner, you may drop off your
bid in the Fellowship Hall before you leave church.
Proceeds for Teen for Hire will help that specific teen raise money
for this year’s Senior High Mission trip to Cincinnati.
Any questions, please call:
Rhonda Goeppinger at 740-694-1550.
New Additions:
“Jesus, Keep Me Near the Cross” edited by Nancy Guthrie.
Experiencing the passion and power of Easter. With contributions
by John Piper, Martin Luther, Charles Spurgeon, Joni Eareckson
Tada and others.
The novel by Angela Hunt, “Risen”.
“Audacious” by Beth Moore. This is a deep dive into the message that has
compelled the author to serve women around the globe.
“Beliefs of a United Methodist Christian” by Emerson Colaw.
“Angels Silent” by Max Lucado. The final week of Jesus.
“The Elephant in the Boardroom” by Carolyn Weese and Russell Crabtree. How
to think about and create a strategic succession plan for your church.
“Where the Wild Strawberries Grow” by David and Claudia Arp. Nurturing your
marriage in the briar patches of life.
“All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Sunday School” by Cliff Schimmels.
“Wounded” by Terry Wardle. How to find wholeness and inner healing in Christ.
“Waiting for Morning” by Karen Kingsbury.
We all learn new things in different ways, some through reading, some
through seeing, some through experience and some through hearing, some
on their own and others in groups. As we look at how we grieve, we may notice that others grieve differently. That is because everyone copes in a way
only fitting for them, just as we do in learning.
Here, in the church there are many ways of learning to cope with losses.
We have the written books in the library, the booklets on the shelves close to
the books, we have this newsletter with ideas for grieving, we have each other
for verbal emotional support and we also have the support group to help in the
process. There are also many books in the public library for you to check out.
Of course the first step in grief processing and coping is to begin. You
can start anywhere but you must take that first step, or if you have
been trying to cope and it is not working well call (614-570-5379)
and we can talk through some ideas together. Please do not think
you must cope alone and inside of yourself.
Jackson Area Ministries – Green Thumb Gardening Seed Collection Project
It is that time of year – to think about garden planting. For several years, our
church has supported the Jackson Area Ministries Seed Collection Project in
Jackson, Ohio. You can help contribute to this project by donating packets of
garden seeds. Remember – veggie and herb seeds are needed – no flowers or
tomatoes. The display and the seed collection bin are in the welcome
area. Monetary donations are also welcome – Just write a check to Fredericktown
UMC and write ‘JAM’ on the memo line.
Peace Meals
Every Wednesday at 5:00 PM
(Check out the spring menu on our website at
Needs for 2016 PeaceMeals:
Kroger Liaison—help set up and maintain community
rewards and pick up donations.
Circulate postcards around town advertising our PeaceMeal
on Wednesday nights.
Stock the kitchen shelves after each Wednesday night meal
(30 minutes a week).
Servers—bake a dessert for 30 guests and help serve the
meal on Wednesday nights from 4:30 to 6:30.
AT 6:00 PM
The children of the Fredericktown
Christian Preschool had a month
exploding with LOVE. Mom’s Night
was celebrated by the children telling
their mothers how much they love them
through stories and a video. They also
expressed their love through singing
some favorite songs which helped to
spread the love of laughter. The
evening ended with the children expressing their love through shaving
cream art.
Even though the children have been battling many
illnesses, we have continued to work hard on the
academics in prep for kindergarten. The stories
have been read and acted out; the letters have been
written and sounded out; and the numbers have
been counted and recounted to make sure we are
up to 20 and beyond.
The afternoon class have continued to work on
learning basic colors/shapes/ letters through
stories from the Bible. They had a Valentines day party where they learned about God’s
love for each of them. The children are growing so quickly! It is amazing to see God move
through them!
The preschool will be holding a Garage Sale
during the Community Garage Sale on Saturday, May 7. If you would like to donate a toy
or an educational item for the sale please feel
free to do so. All proceeds will go to the preschool to purchase new educational toys.
More details will follow as we get closer to the May 7th date.
Enrollment is now open for the 2016-20167 school year.
We will offer our morning class for the children 3-5 which will run
5 days a week from 8:50 to 11:20 at a cost of $125 a month. The
afternoon class is for 3 and 4 year olds which runs Tuesdays and
Thursdays from 1:00 to 3:35 at a cost of $70 a month.
For an application or questions, please contact Judy Foster, Preschool
Director, 740-694-5806, Option 4.
Children’s Page
Youth News
What’s Happening with the Student Ministries?
Senior High Mission Trip
The senior high will be headed to Cincinnati on June 26thJuly 1st. We will be serving with a group called Summer Impact
hosted by Hyde Park Community UMC. We will be working with
a variety of inner city groups to do such things as serving at a
homeless shelter, working with children, or many other possibilities
of serving. Students in 8th grade now are able to go on this trip. We
Youth Group on:
have a few spots left and are asking that each student intending to
March 6,13, & 20
go pays a deposit of $50 ASAP.
MARK YOUR CALENDAR for the first fundraiserMARCH 13th. We will do a mission dinner and kick off our
annual Teen-for-Hire fundraiser!! Plan to be at church for both
services and stay after to clean up. Youth will each need to provide
a dessert for the dinner.
Junior High Summer Trip
We are excited to announce a new opportunity for the junior
high students this summer. We will be taking a trip to Indiana
Wesleyan University to a conference called Mix! This conference is
specifically geared to junior high students featuring worship,
speakers, and lots of games!! We will leave on Monday July 11 and
return on Friday July 15. If you have not yet received info, please
contact Mike or Heather ASAP because we need to get spots
No Youth Group on
March 6- Senior High
Guys OSU Hockey TripSee Mike for details.
March 13- Senior High
Mission Dinner and
Teen for Hire Kick-Off
March 18- Junior High
Fundraiser- Babysitting
at Church for War
March 30-31- Junior
High Girls OvernightMARK YOUR CALENDAR- Our first fundraiser for the trip Mark Your Calendars
will be offering babysitting at the church wide showing of War
Room on March 18th. Plan to be at the church at 6:30pm.
….more info coming
Don’t forget—we have Sunday School
every Sunday at 10:10.
This is an important part of our program!
It is a great time to get deeper in the Word!!
Contact Mike Brake with questions- (740)-501-6849
March 2016
Acolyte 9 AM
Acolyte 11 AM
Acolyte’s Mother in Charge
Acolyte’s Mother in Charge
Braelyn O’Neil
Kacie Rook & Laney Wenger
Sierra Rine
Seven Kennedy & Carter Hassel
Nathan Garretson
Lauryn Baker & Natasha Tucker
Julia Partington
Blake Tucker & Michael Hassel
Ushers/Greeters 9 AM
Terry & Ellen Divelbiss
Back Door Greeter/
Balcony Usher 9 AM
Dan & Janet Burden
Mary Wolfe
Bev Edwards
Lay Reader
Monthly Ushers/Greeters 11 AM
Susan Link
Tara Finnell
Joy Campbell
Donna Baker
Bill Moody
Becky Kirkpatrick
Gary Campbell
Ryan & Shelly Wenger
Car Valet Schedule
9 AM
11 AM
06-Mar JR Thorne/Mike Prince
Kevin Lepley
13-Mar Mike Link/JR Thorne
Rob Simmons
20-Mar Mike Link/JR Thorne
Dan Stute
27-Mar Mike Link/Mike Prince
JP Murphy
KINDLY Reminder For
Welcome Table
Thank you!
MARCH Baked Goods
Ellen Divelbiss
Rita Yarman
Kathy Toms
Tammy Lynch
Lorraine Davis
Robin Farlee
Janice Clayton
Kathy Dean
JoAnn Baugher
Ellen Divelbiss
Terry & Ellen
Set - Up
Tear Down/
Rosie Smith
The Congregational Care Committee sends cards
and visits people in our congregation each month.
Other people in our congregation would like to also
send cards and letters so we are providing a lists of
members in our congregation who are currently in
nursing homes or hospitals. (if we have missed
someone you know. please notify the office).
Russell Lamb
Ohio Eastern Star
Mary Rock
Brookdale Mount Vernon
Janis Ruggles
Ohio Eastern Star
Harold Summers
Ohio Eastern Star
Jason Whipple
Country Court
03/01 Eliyana Helinski
Betty Grant
Madison Bender
03/02 Jennifer Ice
Brandalynn Howell
03/03 Paul James
Mark Dumbaugh
Gary Carter
Mark Kintner
03/04 Tammy Partington
Annabelle Kershner
03/05 Ryan Goeppinger
Josiah Hulbert
Ben Lynch
Zack Yoder
Graham Overholt
03/06 Ed Erick
Andy Toms
Justice Snyder
03/07 Amy Lake
Heather Brack
Matt Moore
03/08 Bonnie Carson
Joe Dumbaugh
03/09 Glenn Hannan
03/10 Holly Clayton
03/12 Tanner Ruhl
03/13 Meeshel Helinski
Mary Rock
Judy Allender
Brent Winget
Asher Grogg
03/15 Beth Grogg
Bill Elder
03/16 Ron Lodwick
03/17 Randy Caywood
Kyle Lybarger
Emerson Ansel
03/18 Adam McFarland
Alena Bender
Leah Hulbert
3/19 Janet Boone
Suzi Brate
Ben McClay
03/20 Inge Popham
Melanie Earnest
03/21 John Lantz
Rich Paugh
Carter Hassel
Noah Teets
03/22 Jenny Durbin
03/23 Audrey Cameron
Louise Dudgeon
03/24 Linda Bohley
Melissa Chattin
03/25 Rita Yarman
Caleb Carter
03/26 Erin Farlee
David Dumbaugh
Tony Lybarger
Austin Rock
03/28 Barry Turner
Mike Dudgeon
Mason Finnell
03/29 Renee Taylor
03/07 Andy & Jennifer Fox
03/13 Paul & Irma James
03/14 Mike & Beth Prince
03/31 Thomas & Wendy Beutel
(1) Once all villagers decided to pray for rain. On the day
of prayer, all the people gathered, but only one boy came
with an umbrella. That's FAITH.
(2) When you toss a baby in the air, she laughs, because
she knows you will catch her. That's TRUST.
(3) Every night we go to bed without any assurance of
being alive the next morning. But still we set the alarm
to wake up. That's HOPE.
(4) We plan big things for tomorrow, in spite of zero
knowledge of the future. That's CONFIDENCE.
(5) We see the world suffering, but still we get married
and have children. That's LOVE.
(6) On an old man's shirt was written a sentence: “I'm not
60 years old...I am sweet 16 with 44 years of experience.”
Submitted by Rev. Dr. Gary Campbell