April 2016 Tower Chimes - Fredericktown United Methodist Church
April 2016 Tower Chimes - Fredericktown United Methodist Church
TOWER CHIMES FREDERICKTOWN UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Rev. Richard Hasley — Senior Pastor pastorhasley@freddieumc.org Mike Brake— Director of Adult/Youth Ministries mikebrake@freddieumc.org Tammy Partington — Director of Children’s Ministry tntpartington@embarqmail.com 123 Columbus Road Fre d e r i c k t ow n , O h i o 43019 740-694-5806 APRIL 2016 “A Different kind of church for a Different kind of people.” If you would like to help us save postage and paper, you can receive a copy of our newsletter (IN FULL COLOR) by contacting the office at freddieumc@rrohio.com and requesting a digital copy. “He who has ears to hear, let him hear” (Matt. 13:9) Scripture Reading: Matthew 13: 1-9, 18-23 Communication is so important. We are constantly looking for better ways to communicate here at Fredericktown UMC. There are 3 facets of communication. First, there must be a person who sends a message. The second factor is the medium used. We are constantly looking at new and better ways to communicate, such as the church electronic sign. The third factor is the receiver. If any one of these 3 are missing, communication is impaired. In the parable of the sower and the seed, Jesus lists a variety of responses to the Gospel. For some, the message is immediately cast aside. Some respond impulsively without thinking it through. Some have a divided response, and the cares of life eventually crowd out the message. Only one section of ground, or hearers responds in the right way and bears much fruit for the kingdom. It can be discouraging to understand that not everyone who truly “hears” the Gospel message will say yes—and persevere in their faith, but that should not hinder us in sharing. Here at church I am sometimes amused because no matter how many times we announce something, someone inevitably misses the announcement. But that doesn’t keep us from continuing to share announcements. Likewise, we are responsible to sow; the increase is up to the Lord. So in this season of planting, let us not forget to plant the Gospel seed, knowing that our labor is not in vain. There will be an increase for His Name’s sake. So keep on getting the Word out! See you in church! Pastor Hasley As I’m writing this, the sun is just peaking above the trees on a beautiful March morning. I’m not a morning person (just ask Heather) but when I do get up early, I love how life just seems to start without anyone’s direction. The sun comes up on its own and the birds start chirping. I love the passage in Lamentations 3 that says, “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Sometimes we wake up with regrets from the day before. Those regrets can be anything from cheating on your diet for the thousandth time, to going to bed mad at your spouse or child, or not fulfilling what God wanted you to do the day before. We all have regrets! I have had regrets about everything I just mentioned! Lamentations says that we get a “do over” every day! Isn’t that awesome? God’s mercies never end! His mercies are new every day!! If that doesn’t deserve an amen then I don’t know what does! He forgives us of those regrets every day! Psalms 103:12 says, “as far as the east is from the west, so far does he remove our transgressions from us.” I want you to do an experiment this month. Before your feet hit the floor each morning, I want you to praise God that He gives you a “do over” every day. Praise Him for being a loving God that makes you brand new every day!! And when your feet hit the floor and you start your day, walk in the confidence that the regrets you had yesterday are in the past and forgotten!! Trust Psalms 103:12!! Mike WOMEN’S MINISTRIES / MEN MINISTRIES Intercessory Prayer Mondays JOY CIRCLE April 12, 2016, 12:00 PM Devotions/Program: Beth Prince 3:45 PM IN THE PRAYER ROOM CONGREGATIONAL CARE 2nd Monday 6:30 PM TRUSTEES 3rd Tuesday 6:30 PM YO U N G A D U L T S UMW April 7, 1:00 PM Conference Room Program & Devotions: Wilma Pritchard Spring District Meeting, April 9th, Park UMC, Coshocton, OH See Charlotte Shipley for reservations. B.O.B. (BAND OF BROTHERS) BROTHE RS) Apr. 7 & 21 at 7:00 PM Mondays @ 6:30 pm Ken and Patti Goeppinger’s home Every other Thursday Night YOUNG FAMILIES GROUP April 2,16,23 at 6:00 PM Wednesday Prayer Group Sarah & Chris Alverson’s home 7:00 PM in the Prayer Room Studying “"Secrets of the Secret Place, Keys to Igniting Your Personal Time with God" by Bob Sorge. Contact Laurey Grogg or Jill Rock for additional information. Grief Support 2nd Saturday 10:30 AM Reader’s Group Reader’s Group usually meets on the last Sunday of the month in the Conference Room. 2015 APR. THE SAVINGS GRACES JUN. THERE’S SOMETHING I WANT YOU TO DO IGNITE PRACTICE Tuesdays at 6:00 PM PRAISE TEAM PRACTICE Tuesdays at 7:00 PM CHOIR PRACTICE Wednesdays At 7:00 PM FRIENDSHIP MEALS Wednesdays Meal Pickup—4:45 PM QUILTING MINISTRIES Prayers & Squares 1st Wednesday 9 AM Quilt Group 2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 7 PM at the Presbyterian Church Upcoming Walk Dates: Women’s—April 21-24, 2016 See Kathy Toms if you are interested. Jackson Area Ministries Green Thumb Gardening Seed Collection Project You can still help contribute to this project by donating packets of garden seeds. The last day to bring in your seeds is Sunday, April 3rd. Remember – veggie and herb seeds are needed – no flowers or tomatoes. The display and the seed collection bin are in the welcome area. Monetary donations are also welcome – Just write a check to Fredericktown UMC and write ‘JAM’ on the memo line. BE A READER! “Parables” by John MacArthur. The mysteries of God’s Kingdom revealed through the stories Jesus told. “The Battle Plan for Prayer” by Stephen and Alex Kendrick. Inspired by the movie “War Room” to help anyone become a powerful person of prayer. Fiction: “Whenever You Come Around” by Robin Lee Hatcher. “A Merry Heart” by Wanda E. Brunstetter. “Home Song” by Thomas Kinkade. “Going on to Salvation” by Maxie Dunnam. A Study of Wesleyan Beliefs. “Testimony” by Thomas G. Long. Talking ourselves into being Christian. “Living Sacrifice” by Helen Roseveare, who draws from her years as a missionary in Zaire to illustrate the cost of discipleship. “The Early Methodist Class Meeting” by David Lowes Watson. MOTHER’S DAY DIAPER SHOWER SUNDAY, MAY 8TH Please help us shower our new and expectant parents with prayer and diapers. Bring diapers (no newborn sizes, please) any time between now and May 8, and they will be given to the parents on Mother’s Day. Since we’ve only been blessed with a couple of births this year, any extra diapers will be used for outreach ministry for needy families and Starting Point. I would like to thank everyone that remembered my birthday! Betty Grant FUMC is excited to be part of Kroger’s Community Rewards program! It’s an easy and great way for our church body to earn money for the PeaceMeal Ministry! Visit krogercommunityrewards.com and register your Kroger Plus Card. Search for Fredericktown United Methodist Church to link the earnings to our church! Call the church office for further details or with any questions. Mark Your Calendars! Plan to join us for the 2016 Fredericktown United Methodist All Daughters Banquet. Our theme this year is “Daughters of the King” and the date will be Saturday, May 14th. Planning is still in the infancy stages for this event and more details will be coming soon. If you are interested in helping with any portion of the banquet, please contact Kristine Lindeman (419) 989-3899 or Elizabeth Napier (740) 502-7300. What is a Walk to Emmaus? The Walk to Emmaus is a three-day short course in Christianity that focuses on God's love through Jesus Christ. The participants listen to fifteen talks given by lay and clergy persons on the themes of God's grace, disciplines of Christian discipleship, and what it means to be the church. The weekend is bathed in prayer by the local Emmaus community and by fellow Christians worldwide. The intent of the weekend is to strengthen local churches by building stronger Christian disciples and leaders. Looking for a way to draw closer to Christ? Have you considered going on an Emmaus Walk. Walks are in September and March for Men and October and April for Women. You may fill out an application for a Walk anytime and mark which Walk you are interested in attending. You have three opportunities to say yes or no, before you would need to reapply. Women’s Walks fill up fairly quickly, meaning if you are interested in going on the Spring Walk you need to get an application mailed soon. To attend a Walk you need a sponsor, someone who has already been on a Walk. There are many people at FUMC that have participated. Check with the office if you need help in finding a sponsor. Upcoming Walk Dates are: Women’s April 21 – 24,2016 Peace Meals Every Wednesday at 5:00 PM (Check out the spring menu on our website at http://www.freddieumc.org/Missions.) Needs for 2016 PeaceMeals: • • • • • Kroger Liaison—help set up and maintain community rewards and pick up donations. Circulate postcards around town advertising our PeaceMeal on Wednesday nights. Stock the kitchen shelves after each Wednesday night meal (30 minutes a week). Photographer Servers—bake a dessert for 30 guests and help serve the meal on Wednesday nights from 4:30 to 6:30. IGNITE WORSHIP SERVICE WEDNESDAY EVENINGS AT 6:00 PM 2015 year-end totals for Fredericktown Interchurch included: • 229 households receiving some type of financial aid. • 56 new clients were added over the year. • 73 clients received utility assistance. • • 65 families were part of Turn the tide and 65 food baskets along with $15 meat vouchers were distributed at Christmas. The thrift store made $17,143.24 in 2015, which was $3,330 over 2014. Food for the Hungry money donations were up from $2,000 last year and 4,419 food items were donated, including 2,089 from the elementary school alone. Among the plans for 2016 are expanding the summer lunch program, creating a drive through food donations for Christmas in July, seeing if the mobile unit of Opportunity Knox can be utilized by Interchurch and, as always, working on plans to expand the facility. Pantry needs include: saltine crackers, deodorant, soap (bar, dish, laundry), shampoo, and toilet paper. Katie Frazier Fredericktown Interchurch Branch Manager 740-694-8110 interchurchfred@yahoo.com Children’s Page Youth News What’s Going on in Student Ministries? We are just finishing up the Easter season…..and we are reminded of all that Jesus has done for us by sacrificing himself on the cross! We are praising God this month for all that he is doing among our youth!! Praise God for the wonderful youth service and testimonies shared by the youth! Praise God for the many youth that are committing to spend time with Jesus this summer through mission trips, Lakeside, and the junior high conference! Youth Group on: April 3, 10, 17, & 24 We ask that you join us in prayer this month over the many upcoming trips that we will takeJune 26-July 1July 11-15- July 16-23 November 19-26 16 Senior High youth will travel to Cincinnati to do mission work 15 Junior High youth will travel to Indiana Wesleyan University to spend time growing in their relationship with Christ Several youth will travel to Lakeside Institute We have 6 youth that are planning to go on the mission trip to Haiti Mark your CalendarSenior High Ladies’ Overnighter- April 23-24See Keyara or Heather for more details! ….more info coming soon! Please lift all of these youth in prayer! We are excited for all that God is doing in their lives! It takes a team of leaders to lead all these trips and youth!!! Please lift our youth leaders in prayer as well! Senior HighKeyara Murphy JP Murphy Mike Brake Rhonda Goeppinger Junior HighRobin McClay Anna Yoder Helen Hassel Eric Peterson Heather Brake We are very thankful for their faithful service in ministering to the future of our church!! Don’t forget—we have Sunday School every Sunday at 10:10. This is an important part of our program! It is a great time to get deeper in the Word!! Contact Mike Brake with questions(740)-501-6849 April 2016 Acolyte 9 AM Acolyte 11 AM Acolyte’s Mother in Charge Acolyte’s Mother in Charge 3 Maddie Bender 3 Aubri Franks & Kaira Ruggles 10 Trinity Garretson 10 Ava Franks & Eliyana Helinski 17 Braelyn O’Neil 17 Andrew Kershner & Brock Stute 24 Nolan Bender 24 Cammy McKinley & Mindy Mayer Ushers/Greeters 9 AM Bill Moody Back Door Greeter/ Balcony Usher 9 AM Ken & Renee Lybarger Alan Kintner Elaine Hillier Cheryl White Lay Reader Monthly Ushers/Greeters 11 AM 3 Susan Link Kalvari Kershner 10 Beth Prince Diana House 17 Robin McClay Becky Hoeflick 24 Morris James Matt & Jess Moore Car Valet Schedule 9 AM Apr. 3 J.R. Thorne/Mike Prince 11 AM Kevin Lepley Apr. 10 Mike Link/J.R. Thorne Rob Simmons Apr. 17 Mike Link/J.R. Thorne Dan Stute Apr. 24 Mike Link/Mike Prince J.P. Murphy KINDLY Reminder For Welcome Table Thank you! Fruit Juice Cocoa Packets Rita Yarman Karen Moody Cheryl White Cheryl White Judy Leedy Carol Van Nostrand Judy Leedy Jenny Durbin Kate Brown Robin McClay APRIL Baked Goods 3 10 17 24 Elaine Hillier Set - Up Tear Down/ Coffee Karen Moody Marcia Brown Louise Dudgeon The Congregational Care Committee sends cards and visits people in our congregation each month. Other people in our congregation would like to also send cards and letters so we are providing a lists of members in our congregation who are currently in nursing homes or hospitals. (if we have missed someone you know. please notify the office). Chuck Hunt Ohio Eastern Star Mary Rock Brookdale Mount Vernon Janis Ruggles Ohio Eastern Star Harold Summers Ohio Eastern Star Jason Whipple Country Court 04/02 04/03 04/04 04/05 04/07 04/09 04/11 04/12 04/14 04/15 04/16 04/18 J. R. Thorne Matthew Glass Logan Smith Margaret Brake Mary Tier Mary Lou Andrzejewski William Kershner Emily Hules Tyler Smith Ron Hules Lee Boone Reese Hannan Silas Brack Mike Hannan Cathy Swank Holly Lodwick Kasey Grogg Patti Goeppinger Nancy Stuckert Laney Wenger Shelly Wenger Al Hansen Justin Smith Macy Thorne Katherine Hayford Ava Franks Mike McKinley Lynnea Clevenger Logan Smith Lydia Funk Ellie Kershner Jaevin Howard 04/19 Ralph Davis Dianna Partington Lesley Ruggles Emma Reed 04/21 Patricia Davis 04/22 Mary Anne Hansen Sarah Hulbert Chris Alverson Nathan Cubbage Makenna Andrew 04/23 Aubri Franks Marshall McKinley 04/24 Terri Huvler Eugene Fitzpatrick 04/25 Terri Moore Carol Ruggles Kyle Talbott Brad Talbott Zackery Luckmeier 04/26 Laura Sanders Rachel Goeppinger Brandon Simmons Zayden Luckmeier 04/27 Terry Divelbiss Sara Randall 04/28 Allyn Blakely Kara Adams Amanda Hawk 4/30 Coldan Draper Happy Anniversary! 04/11 Scott & Terri Huvler 04/25 David & Jennifer Snow 04/27 Gavin & Kasey Grogg 04/29 John & Amy Dumbaugh “A WORD OF ENCOURAGEMENT” from Rev. Dr. Gary Campbell I've just finished reading the life and teaching of the great Samuel Logan Brengle (1860-1936), Commissioner of The Salvation Army. The book, Sanctified Sanity was written by R. David Rightmire. The final page of the text carries Brengle's poem, “God's Love Immutable:” Through God's unchanging, ceaseless years, His love is burning on, More quenchless far Than shining star, Or flaming, glorious sun. Just now this love doth kindle ours, Doth make our hearts as one, To offer praise Through all our days, Until our work is done. And then for ever, evermore, In mansion bright above, We'll see His face Of wondrous grace, Who saved us by His love.
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March 2016 Tower Chimes - Fredericktown United Methodist Church
garden seeds. Remember – veggie and herb seeds are needed – no flowers or
tomatoes. The display and the seed collection bin are in the welcome
area. Monetary donations are also welcome – Just write...