Dial Gauge revere pressure cooker
Dial Gauge revere pressure cooker
CONTENTS Gunrllntcc l' (lilT 2 . Pr~~surc :,)()ker 0111 11Indin~ Fl'lltuTcS 3 4- Directions Read Befurl' You Cook Hi II Allilude Cool..err 9 Don'ts. 01 ookinK lit 15 Pound 10-12 ooking 1I1 5-IQ Pounds. 13-14 (tecipos lind Time TlIbl • E Frc h Yegelables , 15-[9 Frozen \ egetables . 19-21' ~leats, E PoullT)' lind Fi-h 21-2 Frc h Fruit 2 Dried Beaos, Rice, Mncaroni and 'pllghctli . s Dried Fruil~ 2H-:10 . 31 :32-34 OUps . Ccrenls :36-:39 Ot:-'iSCrls Tlti,' Trade/lI"rl.. i" ,'/fll,,/wd (1/1 tI,,· /J{JIlOIJl of "l'!'n' H"l"'f'(' Jrl,re GI/'/1- Give Them Thi si L, Look f 01' ; I 11-/"'/1 ."011 /1/1 y, ., . /'-5 ,'our Gllaranlee of QIIIILityl How To .el Your Budget Dnwn For The Vel'} 40 oung 41 REVERE COPPER AND BRASS INCORPORATED ROME MANUFACTURING COMPANY DIVISION ROME, NEW YORK Copyright 1949 RevlS'rc COpPEr ond 8relS' l"corporclted Da~' Replacement Parts llegular newre WlIr' -l2 43 -~ G Ii :"-(., .:\ ~ Lad, Re,'cre \,'are Pressure Cooker w." !horou/-:hl, in~p<:ct<:d in accordance \vlth Revere's c:xac.:tillgslandards before i[ lefl lhe faclOry, \'\'e guaranlee each cooker lO be free from dc-, feCls in malcri"l and workman,hip, \'\'e agree 10 replace, Lo,b" al lhe original poilH of de,l;n,l(ion of shipmenl all pans gi,';ng ou[ under normal sen'ice in consequence of defec[i, c malerial or workmanship and relurned lO us, lr:lnsponalion charges prepaid, within ,i" monlhs frol11 d'lle of purchase of cooker: This ,hall be the lim;l of our r....spon,illili[j' and liability hereunder, .'; HIt \ ~' I CO It I' lilt TIn 1 dt: I ..der I'm""." I'dl 01 BfiW-_ 1Ilnu I'.ll<nl\ Pending lun 1-11... (III' P' 1\ Palenc 2ln(~l') n ,) ',) ~eJte4 '3f)~ ----THE EW REVERE WARE PRESSURE COOKER IS OUTSTA DING o Dial weighl" gallgc. The Tk"('n' dial gauge: mak,·s presstlrc cooking as simplc as operating your dial tel"phone or radi'l . .1"St dial tlw cooking pressure you ch;sire. \\'hen the cooking pn'ssllH' i, rcachl,d, it- signal" you to turn the heat low. "'ith the Hen're dial gaugl', there is no I)('('d to 11OH~r OH'1' I"he rangc during thc cooking ope,ration. The He\'en; dial gaug" ('nables you 1"0 cook by sound. As long as tlwn' is a slight hissing sound issliing fr'JllJ \'ll1lr cooke:r. you can be SUi"<' you ,'Ire cooki.ng at the propcr pressuH:. Vent hole. The \Tnt hole in the mdal "ah'c scat allows air and stealll to cscape "'hcn ('xhallsting HH: cookcr bc.for(· cooking bcgins, 'lnd allows steam to escape bcfon.: cooker is opene·d. Over-pressure ping. The fusihle n,,~lal o\'cr-presstlre plug is a safetv (h~\'ice "'hieh automaticalh- rl'Ie'Lscs 'xv"s st.·alll when pres;tlre in the pan "xc('cds sak iimits I"hn"'gh clogging of the \'ent hole or O\'crhcating if water in cooker becOlllcs entirely c\'aporaLed. Gasket. The gash'l" in tlIe cm"'r of ~'our cooker scals th(: cm'cr 1"0 the cooker bod~'. It is made of a speCial eOlllposition 11Iat(>dal which is n'sistant to I"'at and grease, It- slips inl"o position "asil", Care sl10uld be tak<'n to ""~. tklt th.. ,rasket is n'-'.ither inside out nor npsidc do\\'n, OLIIerwis(', it \\'ill not ",·al. I'Ltc' , in tl,,· cooker in tbe position s!lO\\'n in the ,kdc]" PllES!llJ1l! too~!!, >'~ o GASKE. Bod~'. '1'1", hody of th" cooker is lllad" ,jr IWCI\)' stainless steel, tl'e g1<-clIl1ing metal that retains its highly polished surhee and cbllls so eaSily. It is stlll'd~' ;tnd durable. Th" stainless sted resist., the ac:lion of food a 'ids, ,TS \\'<:11 as staining and pitting. It cannot rust. The hotl't>m is clad with thick cnpp,'r, the h"st l,eat c"ndlldur of cooking '"dals. Tri"cl. "!atlt' of the salllC high 'l'lalit)' stainless st,'<:1 as \lour cooker, It is used when "ooking \·(·getah1<-s and nwats as indicalc,l inl the recipes. CO\er handle Body handle. Thc hCll1d1<-s of the H,'\'"r(' " are Pressnre Cookcr are made of cool, hlar.:k Bakdite. -J-(,)uaJ'1 (;ajJacit!/ o Flange. '1'1'1,. m"rhanging flang(' of th" cooh'r allows the c()\'er to slip easily into tlH' pan amI scal "'ith a simple op(·ration. J\o lo"k or threads to engage, nu specLtI ,tarting points. 5 I PORTANT... ~ead ~ ~ eoo~ Because the lten're \\"Ire l'n'ssurc Cooker is a speCial sallc('L,all. it is lH'l'CSsarv to folio\\' SOllie slwcia) rllJc.:~ ill IIsilJ<f and takin to>er care of it .CookilJ" .' b ' : ; " ill tIl Hc\'ere \\'are Prossun; Cooker is \ elY casil~' mastercd hilt to CllSllre cOllll'ldc success it is pnsiti\'·I~' IIceessary lhat ~Oll r~,'ad all of the o[lITatil'g i1lstfllCtious ]Jdore n)u cook. b~' letting a steady flow of steam escape througb the \'Cllt 11O[(~ lor about (1lIChalf minllte hefore placillg the dial gange over the \'(mt hole. If you do Ilot exhaust the air from the cooker, you \\'ill not altain the proper cooki.ng temperatures and tilt: food "'ill uot cook ill the times spec'ifi/;:!d. 4. Jn cooking at 5, J() and 1.5 pOUllds, there is likely to be a small amount of water on the eO\'er where the handle is attached to the cover. This is not a leak but a normal operating occurrcnce. This is excess steam which condensed when it came in contact with the boll om of the \\'eight ((auge when it \\'as pill' into place over the vent hole. \"'hen the gauge and cover beeomc hot, the water will evaporate. GENERAL INS RUCTIONS 1. Before lISi1lg the Ih;",;n: \\'ar' l'n;ssur~~ COOhT L!H' firsl tillH'. \\ a,sh Ilj()r- ollghh' \\ith soap ;lI,d \\all'r to n'mO\I' all p;ll'killg dllst ;lIld dirt. 5. H steam escapes aroulld tll1'~ ('(wer of the cooker, it may he that ( 1.) The gasket is not in the propcr position in the cover. (2) \ Valt::r may have colleded around the gasket before cooking 2. Op\:'11 a1ld close till' cIH,ker a 1I1111Iher of lioll'S Ilotillg ho\\' simpl," til(' e(}\ er slides illto p);,C(' a1ld jocks. OhselYu IHI\\' easih- the cooker opeOs \\'it]1 thc slight I'rcssnre exertt·d h~' the thullll, and forefingcr. '1'111: !In;ere '''!Ire Pl'eSSlIl'C (.'lIlIkn leill {i1,ullls IIIWIl {IS {'!I,d'i !IS Illis ,elII'll II/('rc is III! IJrcsSIIre i/l IIII' cllllkn, !f IIII' cO[,CI' S{'{'IIIS III slick {Ifln 111(' cooker 111/8 lIel'/I ('ooled, the di!ll c~'c1c began, (3) The g,lsket is worn, , PRESSURE COOKER LID 7 _ _ _ _ _ _ _G_A_S_K_E_T !I!1Il 1'I:llIl'IlI'd III ,:CrI! !l1II1 IIII' dial gill I,!.!,! , liflcd 1011/1 IIlnighl !JOsitioli. it illllicat!:s till/I tllI'l'I: is slill !IITS-I/II'I' ill IIII' ('ookc! !l1II! il s!lIIlIld 1/1' c(loll'll !lgaill, sl{'(/(I~1 j/Oll: of SICIIII/ ('Oll/illg /mlll tIll' ['c/ll IlOlc 1J('{01'l' ,~clltillg Ihe gllllg{', 1'n'ssllre ('()(,killg is a 1III'aiiS 11\' \\'hidl foods an' cookl'c! at a lelll[wraturl' I,iglll'r th;1I1 lhe hoi'liJlg poillt 01 \\aler. III the ordinar~' ('ookillg 3. cHII;IIYs 11111'1' !I IllellsiJ. 212 c!l'grl'l's F, is the highest tl'lIl[wra(1II'l' \\'aler can reach ;it sea len·J. \\'hen a pall is s(';ill'll tighth- so the sl,'alll] C;lIlllot eseape. as in a pressure cooker. thc presslln' raj,,·s the 1('lIJperatlire 01 the wall'r and steam in the pall, Thl'se lligller ll'lllp('rallln's ;lIT \\'hat Il1ake Ih(· lood cook laster in " pn'sslln' eooh'r, In order to ,'!IS1\rt' th;lt \'Oll ;lI'l' n'alh- cookillg ~lt thes(' highlT teillperatlll'es. it is 11(','('ssal'\' to I'xh;lml ;111 01 till' air fmlll the "Illlk,'r. This is a('eoillplisll('c] (j To remc(,h' (l) Check wilh illustration to see that gasket is in proper position ill the cookcr. (2) Dry the gasket and dry the C()\'er to remo\'(~ excC'ss moisture. (:3) If these do not correct lhe Situation. the gasket is worn and sbould be repbced. A new He\'ere gasket Illa .- be sccured through yOIll' 11c\'(.:re \Van: Dealer. 6. After each use, wash tbe body of the cdoh:r in hot. soapy water. Hemm'e the gasket ,IUd \\'ash it thoroughh, ]\lake certain yOIl rcmO\'e all food parlicIt'S. Hinse, \Vash eon"r. Be sure the \'ellt hole is clean. Hold it up to tire li~hl and look through it to be ccrLlill, 7. To remove hcat discoloratiOIl from the copper bottom and keep the stainless steel gleaming like silver, we reoommend Sa mae Mirade Cleaner. It is made by Coppcr Clad Products, Inc" Newark, Now Jersey, and may be obtained through your Hesere \,Vare dealer. 8. \Vhen storing the cooker, leave the co\'er open to permit circulation 01 air. The gasket may be left in its proper position. in the cover. o '" try to remove the cover of your He\'cr(' \\lan~ 1"re'5l1re Cooker until ti,t· cooker has been cooled, the dial ann has h""n turned to zern and the gauge l"iS h<I<'n placed in an upright position, O()1'\[ try to rcmo\' , the cO\'cr with force. If the cover does not open easily with slight pressure exerted by thumb and forefinger. there is pressurc in the cooker and it should be cnoled again. ))0:'\'1' cook appl ' sauce, pea soup, split peas, rhubarb, pearl barley or cercals in tIl(' pr<'ssure cooker. These foods tf"l~' f'roth and block the v<mt hole. HIGH AL TnUDE COOKERY I ()" fill VOII1' cooker more than two-thirds full of any food, and not more tl,an half full wl;'en cooking rice, dried vegetables, dried fr;lit, macaroni or spaghetti, Altitudes amI barometric pressures ,,<try considerably so you must make allowances if you live in an altitude of O\'or 4,000 feet. \Vhcn the Hevere time table calls for 10 pounds pressure, usc 15 ponnds pressure but ~11l0\V the same cooking time sholVn in the table. For cxample, the time table for Beef Chuck noast (page 22) specifies cooking at 10 pounds pressurc for 1 hOIlr. Therefore, yOIl shollld dial J.5 pOllnds pressure and cook for I holll', ))( :-IT turn the dial hand to zero ()r lift the weight gallge without first cooling the c()oker by sdtillg in a pan of cold water or selling in the sink and running cold wat '1' around it. • v\ hen the Hevere time table c~llls for J.,) pOllnds pressure, use the 1.5 p01lnd pressure but increase the cookiug time. For example, the time table for Asparagus (page 16) specifies cooking at 15 pounds pressure for 2 minutes. Therefore, yOIl should dial] S pounds presslll'e and cook a little longer. A little experimcnting will gi\'e >·ou the proper limes for your altiLu(h DO,' place the cover in position without ehccking to see that the \'cnt hole is clear. Hold it up to the light and look through it to be sure. D N' usc your Hevere \Van: Pressure Cookcr as an ordinary sam;epan. Thc COH~r of tIl(, cooh'r contains a gasket which, when in posi.tion under the flange, seals the pan and pressure is immediatel)' built up. Th >rdore, ti,er<' is only olle way to liSe this pan and that is as a pr<"ssure saucepan. It is all rigl,t to use the hody only as you would a sauccpan without a cover. Howe\'er, once you put thc CO\'er into the body, it is a pressurc cooker and all instructions contained in this bookld for tlw operation of a prussure cooker should he followed. 1 ,,'T replace the cover on the cooker with the dial gauge o\'er the \'cnt hole to ke.p foods warm. Pressure will be built up again From the steam from the f()od. Alwa~'s leave cover ajar and dial gauge iu upright position after cooker has be n cooled and CO\'er has b('ell remo\'ed. bring press nrc np O\'<~r hi~h heat when coo]..;ng spaghetti or macaroni. Usc IlwdiulIl heM to prcn'nt hea\'y Froth from rising enotlgh to dog tIl(· H'nt hole, ])0 '"1' DO '"T lay the cover of thc Hevcrc \Vare Pressure Cooker on a hot bmn"r aft"r the cover'is 1'CIIlo\'cd from the cooker. Direct I,eal' will ruin th<.' gaskd and till' o\'erpressnre pIng. 8 5. Turll th' gas burner on 1'1111, '~Cl'pt \'II 'n p!'c:paTing lIoodk" . paghctti or macaroni, in whie], c,I$<', I"ollow cook-inrr ill,tructiolls for Ihose [ odo, For operating the Revere Ware Pressure Cooker at 15 pounds pressure over Gas and Electric 6 6. \ It'll a otcad)' Jlu", ut' 5[":1111 is 'om;1'''' 0111 of the \' nt hole on the 0\ cr, put the gauge dowlI illtn position, thus eoverin" tI,C venL I,ole, Ranges or Wood and Coal Stoves 7. GAS RANGES 2 \\'hcn lit" prcsslll'c in the 'ooh,r reae:h<.:s upproxiI11ately is',! pounds the: gallg' will fllltter. This i, an audibk oi<'nal loud envlIgh to attmct VOlll' att 'nl;on. 1. Pill the food 10 he cooked illio tl,,' hody of tl,e cooker, following thi' re;cipe" in the hook, :'oIE'\'er fill it more' lhan two-third" filII. So....e pcipes e:a]1 for filling onl\' olH'-I,alr fill\. 2. Tum the poinLn On th' dial gallg~' ()fl til<' C()\','!' to l!,) pOllnds. 3 3. 7 8. The JllIltc1'ill"r 01 the gallg mcallS thal you have reached ,lighLly in cxC'c" of 15 pOllnds prcssure and ~'ou sholll,1 ;11111' "diah'l~ tllrll the gas to Yen' low. This will l-akc the: f1nlt(:ring aclioll out of II'e "'ei~'ht "allge, X,"V tIll' fhull ' I'igh cliough tv lIwjlllain a sliglll I,i,~sill<' sound, Tl,;~ iudie:ate )OU arc cookin~ ,)1' IS p' unds I'rt',surl', jll~t 9. Lifl tJH' dial t!;,"'g(' 10 all "prigl'l position, Ti,rdng b(.:.gins as :oon :15 the gallg(~ . .:tarts to f1ntter ''em] 'Oil have turned tl,C' "as ",'ry l(l\\', To open your cooker when the cooking cycle is finished 4. Slide til' front of tlw ,'()\'e!' forward into plac" IIl1der th· o\'l'rhan:-:ing lIangc of the cooker hody. Lower <:0\'('1" into p,)silion sliding tl1(' e:over first toward the right then toward tl](' ldt. Bring handks logeth('r, one dir('ctl~T ovcr tl,,' olhcr. SCI that t\,,· hook on til(' IInderside of th" klIldk ('lIgag," till' hody l'ovk, 10. PL"", I'll<: Gouker in a basin of 'old water, or set tJ", cook 'rill Illc ~illk ,1JJeln,n cold "'ater arolll,d it.. The ,;ooling actioll condenses the ~leall1 IInlil no prcssll1" remain"; ;n the cooker. This lI)a} takp froHl 10 sec uel" to two or thrc' 111;11111<',. d"l)('nding "p"n th' ,'<lIIlI-lils alld 1')1<' volume of fOild in the cooker. 11 10 11 11. Thcn gr,\duall~' lurn the cli,d ulllil th· point 'I' rests at zero (0), If the cooker i~ cooled properh·, no stcalll will c~eap(' as Ihere will be uo pressure left in the eook r. If SOl Ill' st"am do s 'SC'\pC, cool the cook"r again, For operating the Revere Ware Pressure Cooker at 12 13 12. Th n witl, the point'r rcsting at zcro, lift th.· gallge to an upright po,<ilioll. This le,\\(·s Ihe \ ent hoi,' open. Thcre' shoukl he no ,t('anl ('seaping frOln the YCIlI hole. U Ilwr" is, furlh,'r cooling is nCl:l'~sary. \\'hen no ste'Ln-t i~ ('scaping, 1'('1110\'1' tlk eo\'(·r. 13. Now the C(IV,'r call he rClllm'cd easily will, the thlllnh and for ·fjugm as indicaled in the illustration. ]f the coycr app 'ars to slick, there pruhahl~' is pressurc in the cookcr and it should bc cooled again. Also check 10 Inake cl'rtain the gang> is in an upright position hdon,· altemptin" to OpCD the eo"er. The cm cr will op"n easil, if th,·r<.: is no pn'ssun' iu the cooker. FOR COOKING ON elECTRIC RANGES Follow all clin:ctions ";\"(:n aho\'(' ('X('('[1I- 1. 2. \\'hen inslrue cl t lurn ga~ hUlIler on full. tum elcctrie unil ou hi!,(h. \Vhen iu~lrud('d 10 lurn !!a~ 10 [ow, IllnL electric IInil 10 th . low <,<[ui\al('fll 10 a low gas /lame so that sligh't hi. sinO" :iOuud will he ,nainlaincd, FOR COOKING ON WOOD OR COAL STOVES Follow all directions a~ stated abo\'c 'xcnptPlace eookcr on hottest part of tlw rang" until ('ooking pr('~. me i.- reach ,d. Then 1lI0\'C 10 a ('ool(~r part of stove 10 Illainlain II slight hiss. 5 or 10 pounds pressure over Gas and Electric or Wood and Coal Stoves 1. Pnt food to be eook d into the body of the cooker, follOWing the recipes in the book. Nc\'cr fill it more than two-thin\,; hdl. Some recipe. call for filling only one-h,,)f fnll. 2. Tum the poillter in tI,e redpe. 3. Oil the dial gallg'" Ilt(~ co\'(;r to 5 or Jl) pOlllld, a.' illdicated Lift thc (Hal gauge 10 an npright position, 4. Slid" the front of Ule cm'er of th cooker body, Lower CO" ri rht then to\\',ud th kft. Brin(1 so tkll the hook on U,e undcrsid S. 011 forward il110 place LUKler thc ovcrhanging flange r into position Sliding the cover first toward the U,e lmnelles togctlwr one directly m'cr thc other, of 11ll' handle en":l,reS the boely hook. Turll the gas buruer on full. 6. \\,1"'11 a stead' flow of sl ,nil is c lIIing out of the \'cnl 1",1" 011 Ihe cm ,'r, pul th' 'aug(' down inlo pO'ition, Ihns ('0\'Cri1,(1 th n:lIl hoic-. 7. \\ hen ill the cooker n'aches :lpproxilllal<'ly 5)~ pOllnds wlll'll Ihe Im~ pounds whell the dial is S('t at 10 p Ilnds, a cOIII;lIuOilS loud hiss of escapillg ,I,'a," is 110ard or the gange Ill:l)' evell f1nller. This is a sigllal to tmn th" ga, bnrn 'r dO\\'11 to V('f) 10\ illlll,ediately. "'hen :l sliglll hissing sOlllld is hcard, it indicates tklt c'ookin'l prcssme is heilltr Illaillt, illL' 1. tl'e pr,'ssur li,tI is set at .5 poullds, or 8. Timing begins as 'OOn, tl,e gauge starts to lliss and you turn Ule 'la to low, DIRECTIONS FOR 5 OR 10 POUNDS PRESSURE-CONT. To open your Cooker when the cooking cycle is finished 9. Place tht' cooker in a basin of cold water. or sd thc cookN in the sink and cold water arollnd it. Thc cooliug action condense': the st"all' IIntil no pressure n;IJlail'. in ti,e cooker. This may take from LO s(:eolld, to two 01 tlm'e miootb. dependin~ IIpon tIl(' conlenls aod the \'olull1l-' iu ll,l' cooker. 1'1111 10. TI1<'n graduall~, lum til(' dial IIntil tl'e l)(liulN n:sts at z('ro (0 If till' eook(~r is propcrl~' cooled, no ,te.lln will cscape as thu" will \'" uo presslll'l' Jdt ill the cookcr. If SOl'le ,t<,::1I1l docs cseap". cool 1·lle cooker agailL '1'1,1;:0 \\ ilh tillo' poin!cr restiug at zero, lift the g:nlge to an IIprigl,t po,siuou. This Iea\ <:S the \'('ot hoI,' opeu. 1'1, 're sl,ould hl' no stl'alll c,caping from the \ ,'nt Iwk. If llH:r<' is, fllrllwr cooliug is lI(:cc,sar~'. \\ h~'u uo slealll is escaping. n'IIHl\ e the em ('r. 11. ll,(, CO\tT call 1)(,' rl'ull)\','d easi1\' wilh th,· tl"lIl1b alld forcfiu"er as iudicated in the illustration (page J:2). If the ·CO\ er appcars to stick, tl1('r' ~roh;d)ly is pn;ssur' in the cooker a1l(1 it ,hould 1)(' coole I again. Abo check to Illak,' Ct'rtain the g:ll.I"e j, ii, ;Ill upright position bdore att,'mpting [0 open the COH'r. Tht, I;over will opeu t'asil~' if llwr' is uo pl'l'SSllrl' in tl",> (;(Joker. Fresh vegetables cooked in a pressure cooker are tml)' deluxe editions of familiar foods! Cooked quicklv in a small amount of water and in the ahsence of air, \'egetables retain their garden fresh flavor, their bright naturnl color and their nutritive value. Because such a short len rth of time is re,]uircd for cooki.ng vegetables in a !\O\\' pressure cooker. accuratc timiug is nccessary. \Vatch the c ()ck c;nefuLly! ),[inutes are important! The cooking times suggest(;d for \·egetaol~·s in the ft)lIo"'ing tables are based Oil careful coOk.illg tests conducted ill thc Heven; kitchen. These direc- FOR COOKING ON ELECTRIC RANGES Follow all directiolls gi\l'" alll)\'" c~<:L'pl- 1. tiOllS arc for vogct:lbles cooked until just tcnder. Because of difkn:llces in found:, preferenccs. as well as difFcrenccs ill \'aricty, maturity and freshness of vegetables, yOIl may \\'ish tn \'ary the cooking times slightly. \\lI't'1i i"s[nl('lcJ tu IlIrn gas IH,nll'f Oil filII. 111m ('1('Uri" ,,"it Oil I'igh. Vcgetables may be salted before or after cookinO', whichever is preferred. 2. \\·h<.:11 i'I"lllIcll'd to tlln, g;" til 10\\, till'll ('Iectric Ullit to till' IIJ\\ ["I"i\;,It'nt to a low gas [I:\llle so lhal a slighl hissillg SOUl"! willlJ,· Illainlaill"d, ]\'lost P 'ople find that Jess salt is needed on pI' ssure-eooked vegetables becall,e the natural flavor of the \'cgetable, is so well conserw;,c1, little salt is neul('t! Lo make them palatahle. FOR COOKING ON WOOD OR COAL STOVES Folio\\! all dircdiOlls as ,l:",·d ;,)Jl)\,' "M:l'pl- Place cooh'f on hOUe,1 part or 1111' r:lIlg" until ('ooking prl'ssnrl' is rea"hed. TllI'n nlll\ c to a (;(,,>1,,1' part of sl'r)\'l' tu Illaintaiu a sliglll I,is,. J ·1 Vegdahlcs (except he't,). having the Same cooking time. mav be cooked together in the pressure cooker. There \\'ill be no objectionable intermingling oi Ha\·ors. ]5 FRESH VEGETABLES COOKING TABLE Vegetable Water ASI'ARAGUS ARTICHOKES BEANS (GREEN OB "VAX) Whole French Cut ill 1" pieces BEANS, LI]\IIA BEETS, YOUNG ''''hole, 2-2)f" di,lmet(~r J~ inch slices. Diced. }~ Cl1p )f cup 'RESH VEGETABLES COOKING TABLE Pounds Cooking Pressure Cooking lime aller cooking pressure is reached 1511>. ISlh. 2 min. LO min. )f cup )f cup )f Clip )f cup ISlh. J 511>. ~5 cup )f Clip J31b. IS lb. 151b. J SIb. L51b. )f cup -r- Vegetable PAHSNIPS Sliced g inch thick. .J BRUSSELS SPROUTS CABBAGE 2 inch wed <Tes CARBOTS \-Vhole, medium Large, qllartered lengthwise Sliced )~ inch thi -k . 20 mill. S min. 16 .I.Slb. 1511>. 1.'1lh. 1511>. ] 2 mill . J () mill . 8 min. 5 mill. :f ellp )f Clip )f Clip 1.'5 lb. 15 mill. 1.5 Ih. 15 JlJ. '12 rnill. ,S min. )f ClIp 151b. 2min. )f cup 1.5 lb. 'J 111 J1l. v '20llp J51b. " mll1. )f cup 1311>. l' '2 Clip I' Clip l3lb. J.'5lb. 4 min. :3)f min. 2)f min. IS lb. .3 min. 151',. 1 min. F2 .~ n . PUMPKIN ClIt in :3 inch pieces 14 Clip 15 II>. 8 mill. . UUTAl3AGAS J if inch \\. dges. J. inch slices . Diced )f inch t-hick . )f cup Jf Clip if Clip 1511>. 15 lh. .1511>. 15 min. SPII"ACH I' ;2 Clip 151b. 1 min. If cup 151b. 5 mill. h cup L511>. t; min. )·f IS lb. 151b. Clip I~ cup 1,-11>. I:i min. if cup 151b. 151b. ] ~ n in. 8 min. 6 min. .S min. SQUASH, SUMj'vlEH Sliced )f inch thick. SQUASH, ACORI" Halv'd 3 min. lJf min. SQUASH, HUBBAllD ,~ ,) iJ1C'h pieces TURNIPS Whole, mediulll Sliced. OU 1/11, 11/111 Jf cup i. cup Jf cup )f cup POTATOES, SWEET o mll1. ONIONS III lJf mill. Sliced. ). Clip Cut from cob IMPORTANT: 1511>. \'\ hole J lalved )f Clip )f Ollp CORN On the cob )f cnp \Vhole, mediulll Bah'ocl, Jar""' Quartered Diced. CA ULIFLOWEB \'\ hole (cored). 1'10\\ erettes 4 mill. 'mill. POTATOES .1 BROCCOLI Large staIb split several times so none Over )f illch thick I.SIL. 1511>. PEAS. 2 mi'll. 2 miu. Cooking lime aller cooking pressure is reached )f Clip )f Clip ClIt Il,lIgthwise. hah'es " mill. . . 111111. - -- .J .~ Water Pounds Cooking Pressure )f Clip )f cup ('lIl1l ('001., /tI1Il/IU!.! r ill\llllIl1" fl!I ~dllllg III ("ItT WIll, r 111,'(1/1'/ ii, (l 1;) lb. 8 min. 151],. 3 mill. IJIIIl fli ,'pltT fl'uler /lr ,drlrlll/; I \-\ hoJe 2-2Jf inch pi '(:-'S Onartered l\ll'ORTAI"T: IIlI,; and {II 1/11 l' ;2 Clip .ltd "lI,d,'" III Irlll/ly by \111111:': III a IIUIl tJj roM U'utu or film illg c"fd l~u/Lf mtlllllrl", rUllIIlIlg YALE BEETS VEGETABLE PLATE Put iu Pressure Cooker 1>lace ill Pressure Cooker. \Vilh tri\'el ill place, add. O,ok at . POTATOES AU GRATIN ~~~nllick, stinill<J I!" cups milk cOllslantJv. )~ pound diced sharp chec c SWEET POTATOES G Ul <Iinm sweet potatoes \\'at 'r . maple syrup or corn S~TIlP J.'l ppullds pr('ssure for 12 millutes ~; cup )~ ClI]! _ Cool cooker... \f~!lJ"{!. ill a 1)(JIl of cold Icoler 01' 1)lacill/; ill II,e sillk olld rulllling C~f<rJ~~"~~,d it. Jh'trIO\,e co\'(;'r, a 'al!sspoollS butler, place mer medium llt,al ulltil s 'Tllp thickens. Stir gUlltl ltil all p tatu~s are cuated with s)'l'lIp. 18 ClipS pared beets, sliced f. in, thick or diced Add . !; cup water Cook at 1.'5 pounds pressure for 5 minutes Cool cooker illSlolLl'ly I)y sellin{!. ill a }Jon of cold. lcaler or plocillg ill ti,e sillk alld rlInnin" cold lcater arOlllld it. Drain beets sa\'ing )" cup beet liqnid. To beet liquid add It cup onlIlge juice Blend together. ;3 tablespoons flour or J)" tahlespoou corustarch I tablespoon su"ar 1 teaspoon salt Add to beets aucll.it!uid and cook, stirrillO' until thickened. ;3 Frozen \'cgetables, like fresh vugetables, retaiu thcir fresh lla\ or alld bright color when cooked in the Hevere \\ ar Pressure Cooker. The cooking times for frozen vegetables in the followiug table are bas·d Oil vegetables frozen io pack. gcs, thus forming a solid block of vegetables. \'ccr tables frozen in a solid pack 1I1ust be parlially thawed before pressure cooking, L t thcm stand at rOom temperature uutil \' 'g tables C:l1I bc separated into srnaJl pieces. Loose-pack froz n "eget,lblcs (those frozen <llltl then packed) arc not as compact as the solid-pack, and do uot, therefore, have to La thawed bel-ore cooking. It has Leen found iu som6 cooking tests, that loose-pack vegeblbles llnthawed rcquired about half as 1011" to cook ;lS the solid-pack \'E'gdahles \\'hic.h have heen partially thawed. I ~l FROZEN VfGETABLES Waler Pounds Cooking Pressure Cooking lime after cookin& pressure is reached )~ .1. Clip Clip 151h. 151h. 1 mill. I mill. BEANS, VV AX, GHEEl\ Cut ill I in. pil:'ees French stvlc )f Clip ). Clip 151h. 1.5Ih. 1 mill. J mill. BEANS, LIMA Bahy Large, FOr(llJook )f CU)! )f Clip 151b. 151h. 1 mill. n . .) mill. BROCCOLI J. Clip 151h. 1 mill. BRUSSELS SPROUTS Jf cu P 15 II>. 1 mill. CA ULIFLOWEH ). Clip ].') II>. I' CORN Whole kernel Cob l' )f Clip [.') lh. 151h. I mi II. :3 mill. MIXED VEGETABLES ,2 Clip 151h. 1 mill. PEAS )f Clip 15 II>. I min. PEAS AND CARHOTS . "" Clip 151b. I min. Ve&elables ASPARAGUS Spc~lrs llts '2 I' Clip Do SQUASH lIut mill. cook in Pressure Cooker. SUCCOTASH 12 Clip I.') Ih. l)f min. SPINACII ,2 l' Clip LOlh. I mill. ~MPOR~'Ai\T: ' 11,( r·/,ph·, i"l/rllll/!! bll wIll,,/! ill II {,l/tl 11'11/ , .Jrlll/IUI /I. III tltf] Sill!. lIIul rllIllll,,:,; 20 " !'tlll ,,/ (·"Id 1I',II!'r lit 1I/IIdllg Pressure cookery of meats is thrifty luxury indeed! Tender, jllicy pot roasts with rich brown gravy, delicious stews with meat that melts in your mouth and vegetables bright in color and fresh in llavor can be prepared in the Hevere \Vm'e Pressure Cooker ill a fraction of the time required by older, slower methods. The Pressure Cooker is especialJy lIseful in preparing appetizing meat dishes using the tOllgher cuts and lower grades of meat which require moist heat cookery. These include: Beef: Pot roast, flank steak, short ribs, meats for stew, swiss steak, hrisket. Veal: Veal for stew, steak and chops. Lamh: Lamb shank, lamb neck slices. Pork: Pork chops and steaks. Chick n: Fowl for fricassee, stewing alld I' r~ing. Variety!\[eats: Tongue, heart. The texture of meats cooked at 10 pOllnds is judged to he superior to that cooked at 15 pounds pressure. A pressure of 10 pOllnds is, therefore, recommended for all meat. \Vhen meat calling for 10 pounds pressure is to be cooked with vegetables calling for 15 pounds pressure, cook mixture at 10 pounds pressure and increase the cooking time of thc vegetables slightly over that showlI in the yegetable chart. Thorough browning of meat before pressure cooking will ensure rich grayy. fine flavor and attractive brown color. Cooking time of nleats in the directions which follow are based on the thickness of the cut of meat rather than the lIumber of pounds in the piece. Frozen meat should be defrosted before cooking. Lea,'c o"ernight in the lower section of the refri<Yerator or at room temperature for se"eraI hOUTS. A fan tmned on the meat wil\ speed thawing. 21 MEATS, POULTRY, AND FISH Meal ImEF Pot Boast 3 ind1Cs thick Chuck Boast. Rump Boast . Water Pounds Cooking Pressure --- Cooking lime alter cooking pressure is reached Page number Meal 30 min . 15 miJl. 50 min. :26 I hr. 1 hI'. J.j min. 24 24 ), Clip 10 lb. 40 min. 25 CLAMS Steamed )f cup 15 lb. 3 min. ." ClIp LOBSTER 1 cup 151b. 7lnin. 28 SHRIMP. 1 c.up 151b. 5mbl. 27 RABBIT. 1 cup 10 lb. 25 min. 28 24 24 STEW 1 inch pieces I Clip 10 lb. 1.5 min. 23 TONGUE, BEEF, SMOKED. 2 cups ]0 lb. 1 hr. 25 1 Clip 10 lb. Scc Beef Stew 20 min. J, Clip ]Olh. 20 min. 25 '; ('II,p ]() lb. ] 0 mill. - l, Clip 10 lh. 10 lib. 30 min. 20 ntill. - Clip 1 cup 101h. 1 hI'. )2 I the/Ilk 1111/1 TIOIll/lld (',,1,1 II lilt" I ("IP J, Clip 10 lb. 10 lb. 10 lb. 10 lb. I\IPORTANT: ('(1,,/, (,ok('/ /,,\/1/111/,/ "1/ I'/Ijll~ III ,/ In tltl' ,tIll" (mel rllllllill!! rr>/rl I/rll\ I ,;ro';fl/I il fll/II 20 min. 20 min. :20 min. :30 min. • ill . Ponr off exeess fat. Add. - of (·,Iltl Ifill, r 26 ClIp 11'"111111 /I IJlIII rt'U«', or "/lIcillg U. 1 lb. beef ste\\' meat cut into]" pieecs, :2 tahlespoons hot fat lJ~ cups ,,'ater or I J~ ClipS tomato jniCe I teaspoon salt ,I~ lc:aspoon pepper 2. bay lea\'cs (optional) \'cgetablcs (carrots, potatoc,', vnions, celery, parsnips, peas, tnrnips ,1S uesb·,'d) cutin 1" pieces 10 pounds pressme for l,j minutes Cool wohr installtly by setting in (/ pan of cold ruller or placing 'in the sillk cold IDater arollnd il. - (/lid rllnning - Add to hot broth a thin past' of - - :2 ta blcspoons floill' Ji cup cold water Stir \\'elland cook without cover 2 minutes. Selye: six. ", /I/llr ifl~ III ""lei 26 B'EEF STEW BI'()\\Tl Cook at . J, Clip ), cup J, Clip .J () Ih. J 0 lb. 10 lb. J:! Clip }:1 IMPORTANT: (.001 rool.:1'r Im/lll/llII bll ,\I'llillg ill ill VEAL Birds Of inch thick steak) Chops. Ste\\' Ton<Yue b Page number 1(J lib. 10 lb. 30 min. 4.j min. ]-n, Cooking lime aller cooking pressure is reached Clip ;, cup )~ 10 lb. 10 lb. PORK Chops I-lJf inches thick. Ham, sliced, precookc>d inches th ick Ham, sliced, uncooked ] -nf inchcs thick 1 inch thick Ham. shank end 3 inches thick Pounds Cooking Pressure CmCKEN Fricassee. Frieu Stewed l, Clip LAl\fB STEW I iuch pieccs Water - STEAK Flank Steak. Swiss Steak 1 inch thick. inches thiok lJ, MEATS, POULTRY, AND FISH 23 POT ROAST FLANK STEAK WITH VEGETABLES Brown . 3 ponnd rump or ehu<:k roast :)" lhick 2 tahlespoons hot fat in Cooker III STUFFED Holl , 1 flank ste;lk. Icn lT th\\'ise Stnffing made of 2 cups bread cubc~'._-.:::=---. 1 onion mincG~bl(~ ;.; cup celery diced me )~ teaspoon pal'slcy /lioL'1\;'1;;:':"".w-~~ )2 cup milk 2 tahlespoons hot fat in H around Ponr off excess fat ~:~( eat 01:, trivet... - .' . . ] ted spoon s,tlt CJ:) ;~ cup water Put tri,'ct in \dd, , , ~ ,;r ~~ ~ ~_ -- 3 peppercorns (optional) 1 bayleaf (optional) 10 pounds pressure for 1 hour lily by setting 'i11 a pan of cold lcoter or placing in the sink 'B~ rcater al'O/lnd ,it. an --:.=-- ~. • • • • 6 medium potatoes quartered 6 small onions I:. ,..... 6 small carrots. whole C . ~..,.. 10 pounds pressure for] 0 minutes. CQ..~"J¥J0kJ:l:i!lstantly17Y settin rf in a pan of cold !wter 01' plaCing in ti,e sink a~ rUIlI cold water arol/nd it, Olo,'i!JIII4'IUj_ .I R Hrown sleak ill Place tri"ct in 'pIaC(~ amI place steak on tri,·ct. Add . Cook at , ] cup water 10 pounds pressure for 30 111' Cool cooker illstolltly hy ,s'etling ill a pall of cold (;(Iter or /170 O/l([ nllllling cold (cotCr al'OImd it, HClTIm'e meat allCl tri"et from eooker. i\lakc sauce by adding densecl tomato soup to U(]nid in cookn, Heat for 1 minute. Sh:'~~it=;;~ifl( serve with saucc. ~~ - -:-~f Sen'es six. ~ r etables and meat to hot platter and thieken gravy if (lesircd. PORK CHOPS SWISS STEAK in g pounds round steak cut into serving size pieces 2 tablespoons hot fat in Cooker _Q PourVx Add fat. '--,,_0' 1_0 . - 1 cup tomato juice 0 1 teaspoon salt )~ teaspoon pepper :2 slices of onion and 2 rings of green pepper on ~ :~ O ... each l)jec of ~tei:lk 10 pounds pressure for 40 minutes. Cool cooker ins1iii1rrfli-+Jtj..,_~ti~n a. pan of cold (ClIter 01' placing in the sink and I'llllning cold - r~¥!:Jt. Serves four l<) fh·c. 'tuted for tomato juice. • SOUl' cream may be su Cook at . ~(I ~_- c:b 24 {()-I ~ :._~ Brown in Cooker, in Sprinkle with, Add , Cook at , pork chops I" thick __ :2 tablespoons hot fat ~ I~ )f teaspoon salt J; cup water __ ~ 10 pOllnds pressure for 20 minu =: • Ilk Cool cooker ill,l,tolltiy by settillg ill a pan of cold tcater or p/(/{;ill l and I'll II/ling cold Il;ater ol"Olllld it, 00.-- SMOKED BEEF TONGUE I medium sized smok ~ Place jn Cooker . :2 cups watcr _= Cook at, , , , , . , , 10 pounds pre~-I _ Cool cooker i'/.'>tantly by set/illg ill a pan of co~1ijl rand /"lIll/ling cold lcater orolmil it, c::b del. , , , . , , , Hem()\'e tonguc and peel ofr skill. ~ ~:::O UE' VEAL BIRDS Uave :'2 pounds of ycal steak )f" thick Cllt into rcct'lJlgles approximately 3" x 5". Stuffing ~Iclt in Cooker . . . . . cup butter ;: cup diccd ouion I' Add . . . . ~ . Saute until orlie is "cUo " Atld, ~~6)",' .t ClipS blead eubes J ~,.. 1 teaspoon sage -=..:: 'j:' J, te,lSpOO!l salt ~: tcaspoon pepper ,.. :'2 t'lblespoons horserac\isll, _ -::-1 table. POOII \ \ orc 'stcrsll1l'c To , ~wellmjx 'd, SrI' SFt~~n \'eal rect'lIlgles It -:-.. . with tooth!Jieks, skewers or string. t:::\ .. n!"e>~~~urc Cooker 111 :2 tablespoons hot f.lt A.9'ft..:--- ).5' , " . 1. Cll P \\'ater ~k ,It /!!;.~' , . . . ' 10 pOlll1ds pressmE' f'Ol 20 minlllcs aWl' il/stal/lly liY sel/il/g iI/ (J pon of cold ((;lIter or pl(/(.:il/g in Ihe silik ~~ , , . '~ cold waleI' arol/nd it, FRIED CHICKEN Brown ill Cooker in Add, J. Cook at. Cool cooker il/stlll/tly by seWII" in II IIl1d rUlll/illC! cold lcater IIrol/nd it. P"",, ,}(/II of cold :~o~:,::c Co"k" : l(;O{ 'or pia ~l~1: I ~~:~~L~(~(~l~\:,~\~r r",I"h,imp I ~?~~ ~0 . .-: 15 pounds jJr> 'sure for 5 min _~-.;Cool cooker il/stal/tly hy .·eUin o in I/. pan of cold waleI' or plac·~'~~~~~>J.; 1/./111 rUllning cold [(;ater aWl/nil it. J""'\r-;::;: Draill, rell1o\'c shells and blaek vein rUJluin<r do\\"u l'lle back, -_---:=Cook at , 'b Cook in Cookel' , CHICKEN FRICASSEE 2 strips bacon ClIt illt small pieces ·1 to 5 poullds chicken, ellt into sel'\"ing-sized pieces 1 frying chickell cut illlo 'en i.liCf-sized piece' :'2 tablespoolls hot fat Clip water 1 teaspoon s,tl t 10 pounds pres 'J dependin cr on aO'e f ChIC' in llutil ollioll is \. Uo\\" Add, . !; CLIp water 1 teaspooll sa It Cook at SH R \~I~OIl~S~C~~ L E ~ -f n~- & J.: cup CTreen pepper, diced '-.>-J • J "artie clo\ e, miuc>J ~/ 2 tdblcspoons bacollor olhel Ll~ A I t >aspoo!l , alt 1 teaspoon sugar 1 teaspoon chili powder ~-_1lI ~ Fj--' ·u()OOS1 ;.;abl 'spoon \i~egar :.," ClipS tomato jlllce _ 1,- pounds pressurc for 5 mill tes - _.:- Cool cooker installily by setting in (/ pal/ of cold rcater or and rlinnillO cold waleI' OrOl/lln it. del , .t ta b1CSpOOli sink in )5 'up water Cook ulltil thickened \\ ithout ('O\·,er. . ", "R(~ Add . , , , 2 pOllnds Sbll"'l? ~~~~Ied aud \'('ill remo\'cd, oeb\ I • Ill. shrimp Stir \\' ,11 and cook un ove.red for 2 millutes, 0 Serve ()\'er cooked rice, '. 3 tablespoons [10m ] cup \\"ater :W 2 LOBSTER Place in Cooker Add, ' , . . Cook at ' , . I h\'e lobster . 1 cup bOiling w;lter . . . . J ,'5 pOlllids presslll'c for 7 millutcs Cool cooker imtantly LJ'.I seNillg in a pan of cold LUlter or placing in tile si/lk and wlI/ling cold (cater arol/II<./ it. RABBIT J medium rabbit, cut into seniug-size pieces -3 tablespo( ns hot hit J" CLIp \\'ater I tablespoon p;lrsley flakes, miuced ouion !" teaspoon celery salt, paprika. thyme Cook at . . , . . . . J.'5 ponnds prc;ssnre ':or 25 minutes Cool cooker ins/alllLy by seftilll!, ill a pa'/1 of colclwat0r or placing in the sink BrO\\'J} in Cooker. in Add. and HI/wing cold 'Icater arol/lld il. Thickeu gW\")', D/Zkd BUiM ~ Riee ~ and S;xtfhet!i' Many hours are saved by cooking dried beans in the Revere \-\Tare PressuJ'e Cooker. Dried beans should he soaked in water on::rnight before cooking. To soak, cover with water to a depth of at least one inch above the level of the beans. Drain and cook, using part of the sOHking watcr ill cooking. Since dl'i .c! beans, ricc, macaroni and spaghetti expand when cooked, the following will aid you in estimating how much uncooked foocl you will need to obtain the amount of cooked food yon desire. Volume Before Cooking 1 cup Lima Beans 1 cup Kidney Beans 1 cup V,Ihite Beans After Volum.e Before Cooking 2)f cups 2 cups 3 cups 1 Clip Rice 1 cup }.lacHroni 1 cup Spaghetti After 2~ cups 2 to 2Y. cups 2 cups Du Not Fill The Pressllre Cooker More 1'//(1/1 /flllf Full DRIED BEANS COOKING TABLE Amount Before Soaking Beans Since most fresh fruits are cooked lor (~ry short pedods of lime, aud tliell usually in a sugar syrup, in which it is desirable that c\'aporation takc place to thicken the syrup, homemakers lIsually 11refer to coOK fruits in ;1 Revere Copper-Clad Stail'iless Steel Saucepan. However, fmits llIay be cooked in a Revere \Varc Pressure Cooker and <lddcd to a sugar syrup after cooking. He do /lot recomlllend tlwl applesallce ur rll/dJarl) be cooked ill the ]J res- sl/re Cooker. c0- fruil APIUCOTS PEACHES PEARS PLUMS 1511>. 15Jb. IS lb. 13 lb. 1 cup Clip )2 cup 2. cups l' n IMPOHTANT, "ul 1"l/I1"'1 III I(mlly /I!/ \lltlll~ III tI" )III~ u",l Wltmll" I (,ftl Iftl"" 1lr,'IIIul it. 2B Pounds Cooking Pressure Waler ill IJ /"111 "1 ('ultl I CODking time aller cooking pressure is reached )2 miullte .1 III iuu tcs 3 minutes )" minute twit l' IJI 1,lut'lllp, Lima Beans, Babv J Lima Beans, Large Red Beans, Chili or Kidne\' \Vhite Beans, Navy or Pea. J cup J Clip 1. cup 1. cup Water Pressure ])" cups ])~ cups ]() 25 ]0 30 ] ~" eups :2 cups 10 ]0 :35 40 Time Hecluce pressure hy allowing cooker to stand lIntil there -is 1'10 spllrt steam I.chen dial is tllmed to :::ero. Lift dial gauge. Hemove cover. 01' MACARONI Place in Cooker . 6 cups boilint; w.lter Add. 2 eups elbow macaroni, 1 teaspoon salt Bring to boil. Placc cover on cooker. 15 pounds prcssure for 5 minutes Cook at . COQI cooker instantly by setting in It pall 01' cold tcaler or placitlg in tllc sill/.; and running cold tcafer aroulld it. 29 BAKED BEANS, 'BOSTON STYLE Sank on'rnierht ,... in Drain Ileans. resrr\'illg !~ Clip I>rowlI sligar ] le,lsp Oil dr~' mllsLlIll J: teaspooll pepper S,IIt P . r A( Cg~1f 11: . 1 cup rice .It:-....:z cu ps \\'Mer f1J. . . .. ]5 pOllnds pressnr for:'3 minlltes ~N/II~l(Ire.I·"l/n: b!J 1>lIinf!. cooker stund l/l/til then' is (~~S tumed to zel'(J. I Lift §!.ollf!.e. Remove 110 ,Iplll't of stcam COCel'. steom SPAGHETTI l:lffit' m p. Gcups boiling: \\'at 'r 8 ()III1C('S spa"hPlli J.5 plllllids pressure for Co 1 • )(~llSta/ltl!J by setting ill an ,. 11/lIffcold u;of --:~ ~, -. '1 ~ >1' 0 pan p/acir/{!. ill til(' sink )~ Clip I11l1shrooms '(' cans tomato paste J ::: 2 can tomatoes :z (i-olin ~rlic ion Parmesall '}I(;('S(' Olil(~~~~'~\'areSkillet. Add garlic and (;(10k IIntil lightly &tolliolls and cook IIntil \'ello~,', \dd ~Ical,. pcpste and tomatoes. COI'er pall. Cook for ::>0 mllJutes Ice o\'er spaghetti and sprinkle with cheese. ·c. fumed to zero. Lift gouge. minllles ;2' cup grcclJ pcp per " (iI ed ~)~)"=--- 30 I) of cold wall~1' or SPAGHETTI SAUCE erround Rnp Reat Oroll'l1<'d. Discar pel's, mushrooms. t over low heat. Pour dial is Water lor each cup ollruil Frull arolllld it. OJ'l 1J ' . \ 1/)/11'11 ]lemucc cOGer. DRIED FRUITS COOKING TABLE Do 1I0t usc t ri\'(~l ill cooh;r er Oil cooker CQ~I' ·:jlt=17J. . . . . . Cooking time js grcatl~, shorl'lwel \\'hen dried fmits arc coo~('d in a Bel'ere \\'are Pressure COl)ker. TI Jrnils are aU owed lo cool 111 tbelr JUIce, they plump Ill' allJ'Llctil'eI.v and hold their shape well, It is not Ilece~sal'\' lo sonk dri ·d rruits before pressure cooking but be SILre that the\ are cookccl in sufficicnt W;tter - remelllber dried fruils absorl> \\,alpr! Cook' dried fruits in the pressure cooker wit/IOU/: tilt: trir;et in the ("ooker so lhal tbe fruit \\'ill ha\'() a bett"r opportunilv to ahsorb liquid in coolillg. Do lIol fill the pressure eook'r Illore than half-fllll or dri ··d fmil. Reduce pre.I'sul'(' Inl Oll/lleillg ('(wker to stOlid 1II11i1 lh£'l'e iii 110 s/Jllrl of Pounds Cooking Pressure ---- Cooking lime alter cooking pressure is reached nlin. APHICOTS :2 cups 151b. FIGS 2 ClipS I.') II>, /) mjn. PEACHES 1 cups I.Slb () IIlin, PE\HS 2 ClipS I. lb. :) Inill. PRUNES :2 151h. lll1in. Ibi,c pn-"ur" to j:') "hOI e. 1'0(lIllk .\s S,)()II ", CIIJlS o () g"II~" 1I11[["r,. n·dll('c pre'ssllr" '" (Iir('ckd CHICKEN SOUP Place' in (Joker. and heart water Jbaylcaf ~ 1 teaspoon salt _ J2 teaspoon pepper ~~ J.: eup celer:v. diccd . I LU PZI. Cook at . . , 10 pOlluds pressure for 30 IDn1e ,.~~~ C.,oul coo~er in. f(mlly hy setth", i~l (I IlIlIl of cold rcafer or l' Ie sink " and rnlllllllg cald waleI' arol/lld If. Add. Delicious and nutritious soups eau be made in a mattcr of miuutes with the Hevere \Vare Pressllre Cooker. The meat [tl\'or is rieher and the vegetables keep their shape, color and taste better than when cooked by the old slow method which was so expensh'e in terms of fuel and of the homcmaker' time. In cooking soups never fill the cooker more than two-thirds full. VEGETABLE SOUP 2 pounds beef marrow bOlle 4 cu ps wa ter 1 eup tomato juice ). cup carrots, diced ). eup celery, diced 2 medium potatoes, diced :2 teaspoons salt :2 bay leaves 4 whole cloves 4 peppercorns !. teaspoon thyme Cook at . 10 pounds pressure for 40 minutes Cool cooker illstantly Ily setting in a pan of cold rcater or placillg ill the sillk and 1'IInning cold tcater amrmel it. Place ill Cooker . FRENCH ONION SOUP Saute in Cookcr until browll. 2 pOUllds of small onions, sliced thill ;3 ta blcspoons bacon fat Add. 4 cups bOiling water 6 houillon cubes 5 peppercorns Cook at ] .'5 pouucls pressure for .'5 minutcs Cool Gouker il/stlll/lly Ii!! .\dtillg in (l pan of cold rcaler or placing. olld /"IlIlllilla cold w(Jler arollnd it. ScI' e with Parmesan Cheese. Sel'\'es six Lo eight. 32 ill 11/{! sillk L [~I'C('~S, O'bizzard L II L . t)ac " CIIi<:"cn ('e", WlIlgS, , .,. , ·1 (;UPS R,m",·, ,hi"" from bon,., ""d .'''~ i"'o'm"l1 pi"". ~~ ~ Strain stock and return to prcssIII e eook I, __ :\dd (;hiekell meat . _~ -- .-.. J,; ellp rice ~..... [)o\lnds [))'essure for 10 min~~ C 00 k <l't • • , • • "J 0. • . ' k Cool cooker i/'lsl'<lIItly hy setting i~1 ({ ]J({n of Gold rwter or !JZacl/ I ~~~ ({/'Id fllIlning wid waleI' nronnd It, ~~ ~~ s,,,·,.«i,. Saute ill Cooker III CHICKEN SOUP SUPERB J ellp chopp~d mushrooms 2 onions sliced thin 2 taulespoolls of fat ~I ~-fu \lllti) onions are t.ransparent --~ " , ' - " , - - -....... :0 Hcmo\'e onions and Illnshroollls from cooker. . C()01."I· chicken lI('ek, Will'S, and back 1)\ ac III • ,,~ . . . . . . . . 1p <rizzaI'd aud heart, II dcslre( 3 ('lIpS \\';)ter _ __ Add I teaspoon salt ~ ). teaspoon "'hite pepper ~ ] 0 [)Ollllds l)ressurc for=- n C no k a t . , . , . Cool cooker installtly hy selling ill a ,)(/n of cold rwle 7 and I'IInning cold (caler orOlllld if. . , -~(~ HemO\'c chicken hOIll boncs alld cut JJ) small pI s. .=_ ~ Illllsbrooms :1I~lI 111 l d1 A,c. -'\ 1 cup hot cream 1 harcl-eookE'd egg, 'h Serves six. 00=.-- .33 MANHATTAN CLAM CHOWDER Pry in Cooker uutjl crisp. Pour mall pi Ce. oH all but . Add Add \\'l" do lIot recornmclId tl"11 cCITals he 'nokecl in th pressurf' cooker hecaus : Co Co sillk I. There is 110 sa"ing ()f timp )'('ali,ed I)\' cookin" c('rcals ill the pressure cooker. ~Iost cereals on the lIIarket tonav have bef'n II' al d hdore packaging so Ihal thev are cooked in a sallcepan iJl from one to fi,'c minnte,;. \ VbeUler cooking ccreals in a sancepan or in a pressure cooker, jt is necessary lo bring: the "'aler to a hoil hefore' c>real is addcd. Th('n the cereal wator mixlure mllst he bronghl CREAM OF POTATO SOUP lire Co ker . ~-- -ger --~OO -~ Cook~ Cool CO@'fl alld run/lill ld hack to the boiling point bf'fore closing the pressnre cooker. The cookin" lime on a cereal aftt;.r lhis seeolld hoil is uSlially so shor!. 3 CllpS hoilin<1 water i.e., oatmeal - 3 milln((;s, lhal pressure cook.ing is mediullJ SjZf·rJ polalc)('s, diced ": Clip slief~d onions ),; Cll]1 diced celery J tf'<Lspoon salt . lo San~ 1I1111C(' '!iSary lime. \Ve ft~eL th('rdore, a~ do the JlwmhC'rs of the C'real Instilllte, 1 . pepper ,,'llte Clip sliced leeks (optional 1'1 ,~ easpoon lhat most cereal manllfacturcrs ha,'e alreadv siInpHfj(' 1 lhe cookill" 1,1 method til lhe point where ecrenl can h(~ prepared in the regular 1.5 pOlillds pI' ssure' for -; minule. !5-!J seltillg ill n pall of cold lotler or /I!acillg ill l1e\'(:r' Sallccpan more ca..,ih' than in the prc~sure cooker. tI,e I'illk . am/UHf it. r ri(;t'r. 2. There is some danger of Ihe '('III 1101<: he'corning clogged whell cereal Add. hoils, after the eo,'er is in place alld hefo!' Heal wit'llOtlt co,' lhe " 'nt hole lwcomcs plugged, the cook >1' call1101 opcrale properly unlil all \dd of the food parlicles ha,-e hcell re111o\·('(1. 34 cooking pressll1'c is reaclwd. H GRAHAM CRACKER PUDDING Cream togethcr 4 tablespo ns shortening )f l:Up sugar Add. APPLE BROWN BETTY 2 cnps grabam crackf'T crumbs 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon cillllamon J~ teaspooll allspic . !~ teaspoon e]O\'es Place a layer of cmmb mixtnre in the hottom of a "reasecl l:asserol<,. or a coffee call' which will fit into the prcssure cooker. Add. . . a layer of canncd Or fresh applesauce Alternate layers of crllmbs and applesauce to fill casserole with laver of crumbs Oil top. . Cover a.lld place on triH~t in eookc.r. Add to Cooker . 1 cup of water Cook at 1.'5 poullds pressure for] 0 minutes Cool cooker illstantly by setting i/1 a ]>0/1 uf cold Il:ater or placing 'in tlw sillk ?-.!ix together . and n/1ming cold water around it. Serve with sweetened whipped cream or with thick sour cream. CHOCOLATE PUDDING Cream together :3 tablespoons blltter cup sugar 1 egg 2~; cups cake Hour 3 teaspoons baking PO\\ der }; teaspooll salt 7~l Add. Sift together Add Hour mixture altern:!telv with . 1 cup milk Add . :2J~ s(jlwres chocolate, l1wJtecl POIII' batter into a grea.q~c1 mold, cover amI place on tri\'et in cooker. Add . 2 ClipS water to cooker 10 pounds pressure for one hour Cook at Cool cooker installtly by 'clting in a pall of cold water or placing ;'1 tile sink and runlling cold IUlfer around it. SetTe hot with whipped cream or ice crcam. 3ri 3 cups graham cracker crumbs lJf teaspoons baking powder Jf teaspoon salt ~ 1 teaspoon vam a i ~~~ milk I cb~~, Pour batter into greased mold. ~ =:-~V'~l~ Cover an.d p~;:~e on trivet in He\'e~e \Vare,Pr~ssure Cookcr.1/I!Ji;. _ ~ Add to cookel . . . . . ~ cups \\ ,ttC! Cook at . . . . . . . 10 pounds pressure for one ~1 :-_ Cool couker illstalltly bysetling.in a 1)(111 of cold water or p ". I "i1 ~_ . Ilk lind rtlrwillg cold water arollnd It. . _~ Sen'e with lemon saUl:e. ~'\' '!I!fIP ~~) RICE PUDDING DE LUXE ~ --:-~ ~z... ~~ Place in Pressure Cooker 1 cup rice ~ AJd . :2 cups water . Cook at 1.'5 pounds pressure for 3 minut~ ~ Redllce pressllre l~y lettillg stOlid ulltil .110 steam escapeSldle~1l di Ili_is tllmed tu =ero. Lift gouge. Re11lol:e CUl:er. (~ \Vhen rice has cooled ;Idd . 16 marshmallow', quartered ~·U )~ Clip drained ~rush d p'ineappl~ _~ J~ doz. mar'lschmo cherrll~s cu _.~ 1 cup (Team, whipped = ~!ix lightly. rr~- a rn -9 HARD SAUCE FOR STEAMED Blltter Sugar -l tablespoolls I c:np 1. Crealll bllller 1IIIlii it is n~r~' plaSlic and a lilf~l 2. Add sligar ill small portion,.; amI be:!t al'tt'l:"l~<U.:t1 lure looks \'ery fllllr),. 3. dd fla\'oriug. 4. Set aside ill refrigerator ulltil sen·cel. o )=-- PUD~ ~~ -:c~O .,I . PRUNE PUD Sill IOl1L'th 'r DIN G .' I , Clip C ''dl - PlIrpose HOllr ~", Up sLigar _ teasllOOlJ ~'I la k' I' 'Ill" ! te'ISl)O( I " ' P°\\'C er ,. /2 del , , I' Er Ai( :; , 'l~ , ,__• u~ --'-fiCD 1Il soc a . - '"hl"p""" ~, cgg xl I ':;:J ',.. .. I _ '0.:o~ Ih' t ,. " easpoOlI s'dt ' ,,') , . Clllllamo ' 'of' ' ". g"'gc, , 'ho't",ioo c~?~nlfl~L1i~~.sb~ilti~~dn~I,~~~1 . r' >OPI''''' '''''' " r lt fine (strained ,,,,,cd) tablespoon gated rr lemOil" I 1 Inc ' ' jl<ll II \(! mix, e ( I ealldie(! I',I lilt ('111' ' ('ltrOI1' I ,mall"", 1' 1Oil, ' ,1Il< "ral)('I' ' ,'" ,(;lIl(wdchcrr'" ,'" ,'lIltjl,'elalld I' , 11.S ellt I l l' 'I Clip orall" .' , . Il U S I\TrS' , 1I1 ' I ' "c JllI(,C' Soak for I () 1l1l1l11ll'S, , I " mold, Cover ,., III 0 Jc,I Pla"e ~ 0 n tn\"t' Add,.........' 0 Cook " ,Ised ' , , :L ClipS \\"It c 111 eooh'r C C il 1 ,........ 1JJJfallfll l .e> -r~~ni~ol/l 'C w' .. ,10 pOllnds llr " , ' './ 'J!I S'lti/IO, "in,(l' pall of c cssn1"(J. for OJle h( llil, ., lcafer Id arollnt! it () rcater ' I ' '" p """'g io t1m'i"k moo , , , , , e e . · S Crcalll ( ogd I \('1' (lIp shurl('lIill" '\111 11lOWI1 . .:slI"ar I ('lip ",hite ('()J"~'l S\Tllll ' ,I elms "'ell 1 ' J~ .\dd .)1' t"b )('atell CIlPS sifted ''Ill -pllrp(' II I easpoul1 iJ' ki lSC Ul! I' I [nsi. 'I ng p()\\"(kr ,. lUClI! sa J t 1 1'''IS "I1(HlI! Cilll1;lIl1l1ll, II ",e(', cl< l\ I _,2 PLUM PUDDING _g' EJ ' :3I ClipS' coal'S<' IJrt 'ad " cup S\\TE't lIIilk ---00 .. I' 1 tahlesl10o'U ,'II (I Issoh'ed in I Clip Sifted !iclur ~ r~~-=,. \Iix ~ h Clip mobs' ,. 1 ,1(:e lalter J'II 'I '" COt ""II' SpOOJl each' "tr c up c.Io\'es ,. up nne! l,lJSlIH l ' Y ellt citroll ' ;~~ ~hopped s~~~~~ce,'~I~d I' \\~, - .-\del frllil. , _,.'" over, : .11 Add. C to ,til t''''pom''od ._ • \Iix "'ell. ( IlIInl>s, in hJ'cUI' 1Il(,lt "ec1 "horlellin,r, J' ""ok,,"- ~~"'-' \\ 0 on('. P"""" coffee ·,co,.· C L'-It ,~)-~ -,) c lipS \\'at('1 10 Cu I. Cook 00 cookel ' . ' 'I' I () pOlin I ' o"er and rll1lning ill a 1)(/ (SfPlesslire for Oil hour o Onl" 'fl <.: G!49ruulld II (! cold lliafe,. 0,. Ill" IUI/O /II ' tI,e sink , o;w,CO 0111" ilJ f' ' it )IlC~ t II1JC, , 38 Il III tht 'ooker 'It C' ' I~~_ c~t; ,,'Fifj~illg l'.s \Iix \\"l'IL 1all Puur I,altc'r Illlu ' "rc'ls ' I ( I 11 ellstard,' " IIich volcr ur( I'III) 1 b ' ,lC 1I IL'. 1\ ('I' "ith ' I\\'ill ' f'[ , ,('\ ,'1',' \\' ,(' II' ,lllIlIlllIIII]I'III'! C' e\'SI' I',d C );ll1('r tl'('1 ' ) ;IC(' (lIpS, Cu I IIll11 (II' I' s('\"('r;d la\ ., dd . 1 C""",, , . . _., ClipS ,,';1 ter t 0 presslIr" k () poulld' , coo '('I' I C I s pi t'ssurc f ,'> \I" .. . n h"",' I"",,, 1'" ,,," """",,"I." I;l p 111 elwesec)olll ' ' f",',,,,t.,,,1 '.' 'p' '" ' ' . ",ith bn I, IllmS(,'1 I( '1 ' ,\1 lllS(,'Jl ' S . m, 'm I( '\\'Itll 1,r;lltch.' 5l OW", ,tore ill airli,rlil COll't' ' \ ( :\\' lor SL'\"('11 el:\\'S ,Ill ""til, . . . )IlJ~' lour ('liSt' ,1 1(,1c1."Ior IlS,' •( , .,"w, tl~ IIt , ' ,II( ClipS \\'ill fit ill till' c(loker ;Il Olh' lilJle, "" 'c' "." ,,, 1". I"'" Itld,tl (""t! III . w, . f(/l;7k1lB4lf 4~~\ -- BROWN BREAD cup all-pllrpo~~' Aour bakiug pl)\\'der teaspooll soda teaspoou sa It cup graham crack!'r <.Tlllllbs Cllt in ::3 tablespoons shortening ,\<1<1 , )2 cup raisius l egg i.i cup huttennilk or SOlll' milk )2 cup lllolaSSCS or maple :<\ r\lp Fill gn'.lsl'd UlOid llOt moj'(' llLUI ~:; full. I () p<ll,nds pn-sSlln- j,"or Oll~' hour Cook at, Place jll a large Inixiu<' lm",I, ;'; :? I :. J. Cool cooker il/SIOI//II) Ill) ,w:tlil/I!. iI/ (/1/(/l'IIl/llil/g ('o!d 11.'0/1'1' I/fIIl/l/d it. teaspoon,~ 1/ Ilfll/ oj ('olt! 11'11/('1' or !llocil/l!. ill lite ,\illk DATE BRAN BREAD 1)2 eups All Bran ))~ eups all-purpose Hom )'; teaspoon salt :3 tahlespoous sligar 3 teaspoolls bakill!~ pm\ (kr ~:: cup oates, Cllt ill sll1all pit'ccs I ~~ cup milk 1 CU(f :? tahlesp(HlilS Illclted shortening Place in a em'cred, oiled mold or con:ce can. ,·\dd :2 ('ups \\'atcr to eookc-r 'I () pounds pn'ssmc lor OJIC holll' Cook at ' \!ix together C'J~ Cool cooker il/s/111/111) !I!! .l'dlil//!, ill I{ !lill/ IIlld 1'I1111/illl!, cold ((;1111'1' o/'lllllld ii, 40 of colt! ICC/fer or !dlll-ill,!! iI/ IIII' sillk ~.- CUSTARD ~ 0:t_-=: - • .w-"., :3 egg yolks :2 cups e\'aporatcd milk or 1 pillt I resh milk ra cup sugar ] teaspoon vanilla 1'0111' inlo gwasf'd custard cups a1ld ('O\'er cups \\'ith aluminulll foil or scn:ra] byers of wax paper ti d in placc, Plae(' custard cups in Ren're \\'are Pressure Cooker. Place ju cook"r )2 cup water Cook at , 1 0 pounds pressure for 4 mil'lutL's if J1<'a\'Y glass custard cups arc used :3 minutes if thiu glass custard cups arc IIsed :2 minutes if aluminllm custard ('ups are lIsl,d Beal lightly Add, B,eul/c(' pl'ess/IJ'r; 7Jy Idlil/g siol/d III/IiI til :l'l'il. Lift gOllgC, Rcmon' CU(;('I'. ~ eputtt I/O sl('om 1',\'f'-0JlI',\' ,elII'll dio/ is II/i'llI'd 'tetwUte 1fIau PUUWte ~e't AS A STERILIZER You'll fiud \'our Hen)re \\'are Presslll'e Cooker in\'aluahle as a sterilizer for baby bottles, nipples, small slll't,rical instmmcnts, ('[(', First wash the bottles in sudsy hot waleI' and rinse. Then plaee them un their side on the tri\'ct in ~'()\II' cooker \\'ith onc cup of water. I\ ipples and hottle caps should be placed in a eO\'crecl jar. Fasten eO\'er sCC:lII'cl~' and place cooker on hi~h heat. Haise the pressure in the usual manner to fiftecn ponnds and hold it there for ten minutes, Hemo\'(~ from sto\'(:' and :dlc)\\' pn)ssure to rehlrll to zno. .-\ftn the pressure ILlS gonG do\\'n and gang' lifted to open "ent, the cn,'er may he rel11O\,('d at onc(' or \c:ft in place nntil \'011 arc r('ad~' to lise the hOllks, 41 REPLACEME TPARTS Ilc.placemenl parts III a;' b' securcd frol11 the store where purckrsed your !1eH're \\'are Pressure Cook('r. CHINESE STEW BrO\\'I1, , iu Cookc:r, i!}... 'l.dd "' <J. Ej=_ " ,); pouud Ieau pmL m \ ' CJ ~l l ~_)~ ~, . , _ ~- V ~ -- cui ill Ihill slices COVER GASKET I cup diced u:lc.:r; '" J; cup clic('d grc('11 pcpp('r Hl'lail Pricc S,(jO 2\'0, bOO :2uwdiU!1l ouiO\lS, chopP('d :2 chickcu bouilloll culH'S cups \\'ater 10 pouuds pressuj'(' for I,) luilllll<'S " a IJt/1l of cold lw!c'r or IpaspoO\1 so;' sauce tablespoou /10111' Illi:\(·d pastc \I'ith :, labl('spoous \\'aln plal'ill.!! 1,,;1 .,- <: ) Corl'r G"SR(" [); ,'. 1111111 Ii!! "l'Ili/l;':' il/ .cr d IUllf'r aWII/1f1 ii, ,. I (';11, :2 lablespoollS fal , ~ ,", \'()\I OVER· PRESSURE PLUG ill III(' "illk ~ ,15 Hdail Price 2\'0, 60:2 BAKELITE HANDLES Sllll)"t" ()1·1',.·P",.'j.~"/"( PIII:~ (.1" ~'r ) I :(wll, ;\0, 607 I.kLtil Pri\'(. ,:)(1 : \ 0, (jOb Iktail Pri,'\' ,:;0 I\dail Prj..(· ,I-).') salt. ppppn IRISH STEW I J; pounds ra\\' lamb or Illuttou (11l'ck, shank. or /lank) cui ill I in,·1t sli('"s :2 onions. sl ie-ed :2 tablespoollS hot ral I); cnps waler ,I polalo ·S. dic(,d: ,l carrols, diccd :2 turnips. dicl'll 1 tablespoou choPlwd pars!c\' 1 teaspoon salt. I hal' I('ar ;!. It>aspoon th;'Ill(" pepp"r 10 pounds prcssIJrc: fnr 20 Illinull.'s si)Y~ il/ (J IWIl of cold !caln 0/ Illal'lIl!! III 1/'1' TRIVET ~o, If for cb :2lahlesp(H)1lS )ick('m"d, \\ .Iter f1qUI III I'" allY 1'<'!lSOII yOIl aI'<' Ill/(/hle J'('ll/au'II/('1I1 1)(lI'ls 01 II/(, "lv/'(' frol/l 10 S('CIII'<' I(),icll yOIl p"rdl(/s!'t! Ijollr Hr:t:<:rc \I'al'<' PI'<'SSII/'(" Cooker, Icril!' 10 l'rcsslIre Cook('/' Del)(/rllllr:lIl. Reccre COIl/WI' aI/(/ llf(/~,~ /1I(,(lI'poral('(l, ROIll!' ,'[0111/' sillk Of-'<!1; II --:;-tif1 b 60!) d \\ 111,:; l.thkspoons faellirill!!, COII/P!lIIY Dirisioll, HOllie. SCIC York, Specif'l alld ('lIdosr' fJrlll"wllt for 111(' IlIlI'ls yOIl T,.ied rI.'f/ll irf' ,'III( I" 't lilt ( 1 U ('II ca:" \Tilt) I OIIU~ JOIN THE H PPY MIL 10 Who do all their cooking in Revere Copper. Clad Stainless Steel Ware 1£ you are not already the fortllllate O\\'I,er of some He\'ne \\'are, Id liS urt!;l~ ~'(J~I to try thcsc rp\;)llItiouary cooking lltollsils. Theil ..\'011 will realize wL~, most women call them "Kitchen luwels." It is so milch ('asi(Jr alld more satisfactory to cook lhe Hen:re "wate;'less" way. The hea\) copper bottoms of the pailS heat lip so quickI~r aud so p\'cul,. YOII sa\"(:: lime, You sa\'(; fuel. ~dcats ,In:: luscions and hW\\·11. '-egetablps retain [-heir color. 'YOII sa\"(:: the natural \'itamius and milll'J';I!5 iu \'our food, You fed as if \'011 had discmTred a ue\\' cooking touch I Th('11. \\'h;'n yon\'c finished cookiug, He\cre "'are is so easy to clean. Hot water amI soap will restore its sih'<'ry hrightness. For special c1e'\lIillg, Samae ~liraele Cl 'allser hrings extrannlinar.\ resllits. \Vhen we ask ynn iu this \\"l~' to il1\'es[igalc coppcr-claJ stainless steel ware, \\'(l do it with thc COI,\'iction that it \\'iIl he to yoIII' ac!\'antage. To prO\c it \\'C offer as c\iden(;c the fad th'lt millious of happy women ha \'e used He\ere \\'are I'or morl' tklll ten ~'cars with no report ~'Ct of a single ut('nsil \\'earing out. .Inst the s'l\'ing on replaccll1l'nts represents an important CCOIIolflY. Bnt make sure you get the original He\'c\'(-' \\'are. Look for tl,c tradeInark on the copp<'r bottom. THRIfTY lOW HEAT COOKING WITH REVERE WARE () rell ,:(Joted rOtlSl l~"l'(:r('·l1"(/n: Uel ('1'£' U'" ('In: g(/J flume c(Joked ro.Isl C:i.",,/1'(){/J/;u}; /(et'erc rOllJliur.:. lime pf'" pound fillle ()l'l" I}flllud He\'en:: al.,o produees a full line of Chromiulll Plated Solid Copper Tea Kdlles iu two to eight quart sizes and Copper "'a"f, Boilers. :\Iwa~'s insist on genuine He\'cr(' products for unfailing qualil~' and lasting ,athfaetion. --14 4.'5