
April 2013
Don’t miss…
Mar 30th
Apr 1st
Apr 3rd
Apr 5-7
Apr 12-21
Apr 21 st
May 20th June 7th
June 8-9
Easter Dinner at
the Lodge
Fireside Lodge
Summer booking
Winemaker Apres
Series in Whistler
Whistler Cup
World Ski &
Whistler Mountain
ski season ends
DORMS are not
Fireside Lodge
work party
Royal Canadian Air Force
89 years old
1924 – 2013
RIP Miroslav Hejzlar
1936 - 2013
Dates to remember in April…
Check our website for our
previous newsletters…
April 1 2013 – Easter Monday
April 1 1924 – The Royal Canadian Air Force is established
April 1, 1949 – Newfoundland becomes the 10 province of Canada
April 2, 1868 – Victoria was named capital of British Columbia
April 6 1886 – The city of Vancouver is incorporated
April 6 1896 – First modern Olympics in Athens, Greece
April 17, 1982 – Queen Elizabeth II signs the Canadian Constitution
Act, transferring control of the former British North America Act to
April 19, 1919 – First “successful” parachute jump
April 22 2013 – Earth day
Gear swap…
We had a lot of snow in March…
à Do you have ski/board/bike equipment for sale?
à Do you have condo/property for rent in Hawaii or other great
à Send us the information and we will include it in the newsletter
or on FORC’s website
April 2013
Bryon’s Corner, Our Lodge Director
Our President
While the lodge remains busy, we are losing some revenue as a result of only having 10 dorm beds compared to last
year’s 20. Our February revenue was down compared to last year; this is the first month since June that this has
happened. And while we were down 25% for the month, our year to date revenue is still almost $50,000 ahead of last
Everyone please take note that the work party is scheduled for June 8, 9. In addition we need a small crew of people
to work under Michel Marien’s supervision to disassemble the dorm beds on May 18, 19 to prepare for the contractor
coming in to take out the dorm walls on May 20. And then we will need another crew to place the beds in their proper
locations in the week following June 1.
Removal of the walls will require a two week period from May 20. The Fire Department currently have approved a plan
with 16 beds, but we have submitted a final modification that will allow us 18 beds if approved. Please note that the
dorm will not be available from May 18 and probably not until the work party.
In response to member comments we are currently working on revisions to the booking policy in place for the past two
ski seasons. We want to make sure that members are getting value from their membership. However we must also
balance that with the need to keep the lodge busy to be in a sustainable financial position. Our current booking
priorities appear to have met the goal of giving us a sustainable financial position, non-member contribution to
projected revenues is over 70%, even allowing for member dues and lockers. Clearly to remain sustainable we can not
move our priority away from taking in non-members.
During the ski se
ason, Sunday br
ings great picn
hill. Sometimes
ics on the
it brings out the
mischievous or
from Sue, Joha
nne and Sylvia…
April 2013
Bruce’s Corner, Our Treasurer
Our President
As you know our year end is May 31 so these numbers are preliminary and only cover 9 months but the positive
revenue trend from last summer’s bookings has put us into a positive financial situation.
Revenues for the nine months total $188,000 compared to last year’s comparable number of $135,000. Most of this
revenue gain was from the summer months and from non-members staying at our lodge. Member revenues are very
comparable year over year.
Looking at expenses we have seen an increase in the consultant category which is very explainable with the dorm and
fire escape issues remedied this year. Maintenance expenses are also up, mainly due to repairs on the luggage
To date in this fiscal year we have spent $95,000 on capital projects. The largest project was the exterior building
work, $67,000, followed by the fire escape for $13,000 and dorm renovations of $11,000. We also have another
$15,000 - $25,000 of capital projects being estimated at this time.
We funded these expenditures partly from this year’s revenue gain and the balance from our term deposits. We
remain in a healthy financial position with term deposits and cash in bank of $210,000 at February 28 .
Our billing system has been reprogrammed to reflect the provincial sales tax changes at April 1 . Overnight stays in
the dorms will be slightly cheaper as the PST (8%) does not apply. On the flip side, the total tax for a room stay will be
slightly higher as they will now be taxed at 15% in total, compared to 14% prior to April 1 .
Again, I thank our membership for keeping their annual dues current. Your prompt payment really helps our cash flow
each fall prior to the ski season.
Bruce Chadwick
àDid you change your address, phone
number or email address?
Contact Randy at the lodge or send us an
email to advise us of the change.
àDid you miss a newsletter?
Check our website www.firesidelodge.org in
the archive.
àDid you pay your annual or locker dues?
Contact Randy at the Lodge.
à Reminder
Deadline for all submissions to “In Tune” With
FORC newsletter is the 25 of each month.
Send all submissions to …
Definition of “I slept like a baby”…
Father’s definition
I slept very soundly through the night…
Mother’s definition
I woke up every two hours because the baby was screaming, had
pooh and was hungry…
April 2013
Ken’s Corner, Our Social Director
Hello All, and
welcome to April and Spring Skiing !!
Easter dinner will be held at Lodge Sat March 30th, and is looking like 40+ people !
Martyn,Chi-Liang and Samantha are back from Thailand for one more week at Lodge, so be sure to say hello.
**Breaking news** -- Simon Gardner, aka Gadget, will be making a re-appearance at the Lodge for a few weeks to
enjoy the Spring riding on the awesome snow base we have.
WSSF-aka World Ski and Snowboard Festival, opens April 12th and runs for 10 days until April 21st.
It is always an amazing display of Sport, Art and Music, with something for everyone.
April 21st is also the last day for snow sliding on Whistler for the season, so get your last day in, then switch over to
the dark side on April 22nd ! (Blackcomb stays open until May 20th for the hardcore Snoweaters).
Heres hoping for a few more Spring storms followed by May Bluebird days
Signs that Spring is here…
The best tip for skiing trees is to put both skis on the same side of the tree.
April 2013
RIP Miroslav Hejzlar 1936 - 2013
Miroslav Hejzlar was born September 16 1936 in Czechoslovakia where he studied and became a Professional Mechanical Engineer. Miro and his wife, Hana, immigrated to Canada in 1969. After a brief stay in Vancouver they found Gibsons and never left. Miro loved Canada and loved his work. He lived a happy and vibrant life, enjoying canoeing, hiking in the Rockies, and especially downhill skiing. In fact, up until a few weeks before his passing he could still be found on the Peak to Creek run with Hana in Whistler. Miro was a kind and gentle soul. He made friends wherever he went. Closest to his heart were his friends at work, his neighbours and his ski club friends at the Fireside Lodge in Whistler. Miro passed away suddenly on March 9th. He is survived by his devoted wife, Hana. Miro was loved by many and will be dearly missed by all who knew him. th Hana Hejzlar
April 2013
March at the Lodge…
Mid Week Party was held on March 6 at the lodge, Bryon did a great coq au
vin for the occasion. The Fireside Lodge Mid Week Group knows the best ski
days are Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays reason being you
feel like you have all of Whistler Blackcomb’s 8,171 acres of terrain on both
mountains to yourself. There are no lift lines and you practically ski onto every
lift. When there is sparkling new snow overnight you will be sure to get fresh
turns in combined with the short lift lines. It’s endless skiing at its finest!
Gliding down a run with the fresh powder under your skis and stunning views
of the surrounding mountains and valley gives you the priceless feeling of
being one with nature.
Midweek on Whistler Blackcomb is definitely
an unparalleled experience every skier should
have. So indulge yourself, join the mid week
group. They are waiting for you…
How to tell the difference between a cold and the flu…
Sore or scratchy throat, then runny
or stuffy nose, sneezing; finally a
cough; fatigue
Chills, dry cough, headache,
muscle aches, stuffy nose, extreme
tiredness, weakness
Low or
Mild to
100 F or
More severe
A week to 10 days, but
cough can linger for
more weeks
One to two weeks, but
weakness and fatigue
may last for more weeks
April 2013
2012/13 Fireside Outdoor Recreation Club - Board of Directors
Jim Deringer
Tel: 604-929-2346
Email: jderinge@shaw.ca
Diana Newton
Tel: 604-433-3183
Email: diana_newton@shaw.ca
Lodge Director:
Bryon Karren
Tel: 604-299-4779
Email: bkarren@shaw.ca
Social Director:
Ken Brodie
Tel: 604-278-0292
Email: firesideken@gmail.com
Vice President:
Andrew Prenty
Tel: 604-328-3735
Email: aprenty@hotmail.com
Bruce Chadwick
Tel: 604-202-7118
Email: brucechadwick@shaw.ca
Publicity Director:
Michel Marien
Tel: 604-868-0658
Email: whistlerorbust@gmail.com
Patrice Casteran de Jeanceon
Tel: (604) 319-0353
Email: pcedjgoomail@gmail.com
Do you know the secret to easy-to-peel boiled eggs…
Fireside Lodge
Fresh eggs are difficult to peel
because the pH of the white is low
which causes it to adhere to the
shell membrane more tightly.
Two solutions here – use older
eggs (5 days old) or add a little
bicarbonate soda to the cooking
water to increase the pH.
2117 Nordic Drive
Whistler, BC V0N 1B2
Reservation Phone: 604 932-4545
Toll Free: 1-866-932-3994
Fax: 604 932-3994
Member Phone: 604 932-2316
Email: info@firesidelodge.org
Lodge Manager: Randy Harder
Assistant Manager: Simon
So it was an eggsellent question…
Change of information
Street Number: __________ Street: ________________________
City: ______________ Province/State________ Postal/Zip Code______
Telephone: W H C___________________ W H C _____________________
W H C___________________ W H C _____________________
Circle the proper letter
W = Work
H = Home C = Cell
Print and faxed to Fireside Lodge – 604-932-3994