August / September 2013 “IN TUNE” WITH FORC Did you visit the hummingbirds at the Lodge? Don’t miss Sep 7th Sept 14th Sept 29th GranFondo Whistler (Check your travel route) Whistler Village Beer Festival Whistler Spirit Run Whistler Farmers Market (Every Sunday and Wednesday) Whistler Concert Series Until Oct 6th Until Sep 2nd Check Whistler Blackcomb website for more… ; “IN TUNE” WITH FORC August / September 2013 Dates to remember in August… Aug 01, 1952 –Tilly Rolston, the first female BC Cabinet Minister with Portfolio Aug 14, 1918 – Amiens, Canadian’s Army great achievement Aug 15, 1971 – Hurricane Beth soaks NS with 300mm of rain Aug 15-17, 1969 – Woodstock Festival Aug 24-25, 1927 – Gale kills 56 at sea in Newfoundland Aug 26, 1939 – First televised Major League Baseball game Aug 1866 – An Imperial Act was passed, uniting Vancouver Island and British Columbia, formerly separate colonies, with New Westminster as capital. The Rocky Mountains were designated as BC's eastern boundary, following the Continental Divide Sep 1987 to Aug 1988 – Hottest summer and longest prairies drought Dates to remember in September.. AUGUST NEWSLETTER Due to intense summer activities the August Newsletter was skipped. Telephone, Telephone… Today people have cellphone and/or regular phone usually cordless at their house. Remember that in case of a power failure, you won’t be able to charge your cell phone or use your cordless phone. Sept 02, 1969 – First ATM opens for business in New York Sept 02, 1858 – First Governor of BC was James Douglas Sept 02, 2013– Labour Day Sept 03, 1962– Trans Canada Highway opened Sept 06, 1952 – First Canadian TV station on air Sept 07, 1927– First television Sept 07, 1991 – Freak 30 minutes hailstorm hit Calgary with 10cm hail The most destructive hailstorm Sept 10, 1897 – First arrest for impaired driving in London UK Sept 07, 1991 – QE2 ocean liner was struck by a 30 metre wave during an Hurricane off Newfoundland. Canada’s only world-weather record…. Sept 08, 1954 – Percy Saltzman. a weatherman, was the first Canadian on Canadian Television. th Sept 13, 2013 – Well it is Friday the 13 isn’t it!!! Sept 28, 1867 – Toronto became Ontario’s capital and had been working to be the center of the universe ever since… (Editor’s comment) Have a regular phone available at your residence. You will be able to use it during a power failure. FORC 2013 AGM and Work Party The 2013 FORC AGM is October 17th The 2013 Fall Work Party is Oct 19th / 20th 2 ; “IN TUNE” WITH FORC August / September 2013 Jim’s Corner – Our President Thanks to all 50 members who completed the FORC 2013 Survey. The information provided is a big help to your board as it identifies Action Items. There was an even split on the number of people who would like to see more organized social activities, but 23 people said they would participate in hiking in the summer followed by a BBQ at the lodge and 31 said they would participate in a Wine and Cheese social. It was very encouraging to see that 19 people would participate in organizing a social event; that means a lot of people are willing to pitch in and we don’t need to rely on Ken Brodie to the extent we have in the past few years. The board has asked Ken to encourage these members to come forward and set up appropriate dates for both the hiking and a Wine & Cheese social. Board members were encouraged to see that 32 of the 50 responders feel the current membership dues provide good value to members. Thirty Six of us did not favour increased membership dues or increased member room and dorm rates, if we restricted use by non members during the busy Winter season. The response to the question on whether the quality of housekeeping meets your standards was 43 yes compared with 7 no and that is very encouraging to our Lodge Director, Bryon Karren and our staff. A very strong 49 to 1 response favoured the question whether room rates provide good value. Thirty two responders said they would use an on line reservation system that would involve pre-paying. Research is underway to determine if a system is available that will provide such a service at a reasonable cost. Thirty one members were not in favour of having the flexibility to sell their membership for less than the face value. From the several questions that invited a written response, there was a lot of support for the current lodge policies and procedures, however we can see that a minority of members believe the booking system is not fair for their personal situation. It is clear that we need to help these members understand how the system is intended to work to their benefit and that is now an Action item for the Board. It was a surprise to see that some of us believe that members are subsidizing non member rates. The opposite is true! We do our best to provide accurate financial information at the AGM and I would encourage members to participate in that event annually to see exactly how the dorm and room revenue is derived. We received several comments that additional secure bike storage is required. Research is underway to determine if there is a way to build secure storage underneath the lodge at a reasonable cost. We will further review the results of the survey at the next board meeting and with the membership at the AGM. Again, we appreciate the responses to the survey which we will all benefit from. Here’s hoping you are all enjoying our wonderful Summer. I suggest you mark your calendar for the AGM on Oct. 17 and Work Party October 19. Jim 3 ; “IN TUNE” WITH FORC August / September 2013 Bryon’s Corner – Our Lodge Director So far this year we have not been able to generate the number of bookings that we did for the same period last year. In June our room & dorm revenues were 60% of what they were the previous year. However the dorm was shut down for 3 weeks for renovations which we thought explained the downturn. However in July when we had the dorm back in service results were even poorer. Excluding groups, stays at the lodge were only 46% of the July last year and revenue was only 51%. There were a number of comments in the survey regarding our booking policy and its affect on members. Recently the board approved a number of principles that I need to turn into a booking policy that will be published when ready. But to address some of the concerns expressed in the survey I would like to outline a bit of the thinking behind the new policy. First a few facts regarding the make-up of last year’s total revenue: 1) Non member stays contributed 69% of the revenue 2) Member stays contributed 14% 3) Member dues contributed 14% It should be clear from these numbers that the club as we know is very dependent on non member stays, so any policy will take that into account. To get non member bookings it is necessary that we allow them to book well in advance. Given that, it is not possible to go back to the old policy of letting members only make 3 bookings in advance. Even if we limit the number of non members, under that policy it is quite likely that there will be times when the member portion of the lodge is over booked. If we allow member pre-booking ahead of non member we can black out busy times at the lodge and limit non members, but the key to that is having members pre-book. So the future policy will still involve pre-planning of your stays to guarantee you get what dates you want. We will hold back a limited number of beds for members but we can not hold them for same-day reservations. We will release any of these held-back rooms to the general public 2 weeks before the occupancy date. As a club, we can not afford to hold rooms for members who might come when they can be rented. To make the club work with its present cost structure we need to keep the beds occupied the best we can. The results so far this year are indicating that we will under perform last year as it is. Bryon Ken’s Corner – Our Social Director Hello all Hope everyone is enjoying their fabulously unseasonable summer. I have been told it has been hot as Hades in Whistler for July, with Thunderstorms today (July 31), only briefly breaking the month long dry spell. Trying to plan a Labour Day weekend BBQ but I will not be available so I am looking for someone else to take the lead here. Don't forget the Ironman is in town late August so come out and cheer them in. See you soon Ken 4 ; “IN TUNE” WITH FORC August / September 2013 Facts on racks… Riding bikes is a great way to save gas, but driving bikes isn’t… Riding bikes is a great way to save gas, but driving bikes isn’t. As a vehicle cruised at 100Km/h with a pair of bicycles on a roof rack plus wind deflector, the fuel economy plummeted by more than a third, from a miserly 5.6L/100Km to a miserable 8.7L/100Km. The rack alone wasted .7L/100km. Bike racks and fuel efficiency… No roof rack 5.6L/100Km Empty roof Rack 6.3L/100Km Empty rack and wind deflector 6.7L/100Km Rack with 2 bikes and wind deflector 8.7L/100Km 5 ; “IN TUNE” WITH FORC August / September 2013 Connie and Taryn Although Connie Buna and Taryn Hayes only became members of the Fireside Lodge last year, Taryn grew up coming to the lodge since she was 6 years old. Taryn’s parents, Bryan and Judy Hayes, were members of the lodge since the mid-1980s. Taking over Bryan and Judy’s membership, Taryn and her wife, Connie, are excited to begin the next generation of family fun at the Fireside Lodge. They both love to ski and also enjoy the summer adventures that Whistler has to offer. Connie is a Realtor (and amazing cook) and Taryn is an Urban Planner working for the City of Surrey. They live in East Vancouver. 6 “IN TUNE” WITH FORC August / September 2013 2012/13 Fireside Outdoor Recreation Club – Board of Directors President: Jim Deringer Tel: 604-929-2346 Email: jderinge@shaw.ca Secretary: Diana Newton Tel: 604-433-3183 Email: diana_newton@shaw.ca Lodge Director: Bryon Karren Tel: 604-299-4779 Email: bkarren@shaw.ca Social Director: Ken Brodie Tel: 604-278-0292 Email: firesideken@gmail.com Vice President: Andrew Prenty Tel: 604-328-3735 Email: aprenty@hotmail.com Treasurer: Bruce Chadwick Tel: 604-202-7118 Email: brucechadwick@shaw.ca Publicity Director: Michel Marien Tel: 604-868-0658 Email: whistlerorbust@gmail.com Director-At-Large: Vacant Tel: Email: Fireside Lodge 2117 Nordic Drive Whistler, BC V0N 1B2 Reservation Phone: 604 932-4545 Toll Free: 1-866-932-3994 Fax: 604 932-3994 Member Phone: 604 932-2316 Email: info@firesidelodge.org Lodge Manager: Randy Harder Assistant Manager: Adrian and Laura Did you kno w… The first documented geyser was found in Iceland. It was call “geysir” from Icelandic verb geysa, “to gulch”. The word geyser as we know derives from geysir. Change of information ________________________________________________ Address: Street Number: __________ Street: ________________________ City: ______________ Province/State________ Postal/Zip Code______ Telephone: W H C___________________ W H C _____________________ W H C___________________ W H C _____________________ Name: Circle the proper letter Email: W = Work H = Home C = Cell _________________________________________________ Print and faxed to Fireside Lodge – 604-932-3994 or Email the changes to info@firesidelodge.org
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