PU RIM 5775 - North Shore Jewish Center


PU RIM 5775 - North Shore Jewish Center
385 Old Town Rd Port Jefferson Station, New York 11776-2297
631-928-3737 Fax 928-9700
www.northshorejewishcenter.org E-mail: executive.director@nsjc.org
Adar/Nisan 5775
March 2015
PURIM 5775
Purim Carnival
Sunday, Mar 1 st
11:00 am
Megillah Reading
Wednesday, Mar 4 th
6:30 pm
Adults & Children Dress in Costume!
Groggers & Hamentaschen for ALL!
Sisterhood Sederai Presents:
“Hit Me With a Scallion”
A Persian Pesach
Thursday, Mar 19th
7:00 pm
Guest speakers:
Roya Mizrahi & Madeline Yousefzadeh
NSJC Men’s Club/Sisterhood Breakfast
Sunday, Mar 22nd
Minyan 9:00 am - Program 9:30 am
Speaker: Ruth Minsky Sender
“We must remember what hate, prejudice and indifference leads to.
I speak of spiritual resistance, of holding on to hope when all is hopeless.
Of Holocaust deniers.”
Ruth Minsky Sender
She was born Rifkele Riva Minska in Lodz, Poland in 1926. Riva,
her mother and younger siblings were forced to live in the Lodz
Ghetto. During a raid in 1942, their mom was taken from the ghetto,
leaving Riva to care for her younger brothers. She adopted them
to keep the family together, but eventually they all were sent to
Auschwitz. Riva and her brothers were separated at the gates.
After a week, Riva was transported to a labor camp in Mittelsteine.
When the camp was liberated by Russian forces, Riva finally got her
wish to be free. She moved to the United States of America and
started a family. Our speaker has written three memoirs about her
experience: The Cage, To Life and Holocaust Lady.
Jewish Book Fair
Sunday, Mar22nd
9:00 am - Noon
Create a Jewish library for your children and/or grandchildren!
Jewish books make terrific afikomen gifts!
Join Sisterhood for its annual preNew POPS Sunday, April 12th 7:00 pm
Passover celebration, with guest speakers who will share insights into
Sephardic holiday traditions. Sample Persian Pesach foods, bring Rabbi Marvin Tokayer “Rediscovering Jewish History in Asia”
home a recipe booklet, enjoy a wine tasting, shop in our Sisterhood
Rabbi Tokayer served as a U.S. Air Force
Judaica shop and enter our raffle for a chance to win exciting prizes!
chaplain in Japan. Upon discharge, he served
$10 NSJC members/$8 children under 13/$12 Non-members
as the rabbi for the Jewish community of Japan.
He discovered literally the last of the Chinese
We are delighted to announce the honorees for
Jews; located a long-lost Jewish cemetery in
The NSJC Honoree Celebration 2015
Nagasaki; contributed to the Encyclopedia
Monday, June 8th 6:30 pm
Judaica; and acted as a bridge for many
travelers between East and West.
Iris & Jeffrey Heller
We look forward to hearing how he became spellbound by the threads
of a story that he began piecing together, searching for documents and
Stacey & Seth Persky
tracking down the people, both Jewish and Japanese, who had taken
Ron Colace and Anthony DeTurris - Shalom Chapels
part in the rescue of Jews from the Holocaust.
North Shore Jewish Center
385 Old Town Road
Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776
Rabbi Aaron Benson
Cantor Daniel Kramer
NSJC Staff
Executive Director: Marcie Platkin
Education Director: Sheryl Glickman
Nursery School Director: Sheri Potash
Youth Engagement: Jennifer Schwartz
NSJC Officers
President: Phyllis Frank
Executive VP: Andy Polan
VP Education: Karen Grinberg
VP Finance: Eric Zwerling
VP Fundraising: Amy Lester
VP Membership: Stephanie Galinkin
Secretary: Steve Heft
Affiliate Presidents
Men’s Club: Jeffrey Adelman
Sisterhood: Anne Avni
Seniors: Mildred Stern
USY: Hannah Stein
June Feldman
Jerry Green
Shelly Fenton-Zeira Susan Lieberthal
Claire Rubman
Lenore Frank
Stephen Shapiro
Paul Gold
Debbi Varano
Paul Winton
Sharyn Golden
Main Office: 631-928-3737
Rabbi’s Cell: 631-318-0180
Religious School: 631-928-1174
Nursery School: 631-928-3737
Fax 631-928-9700
Office Hours: M-Th 8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Friday 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Website: northshorejewishcenter.org
Email: executive.director@nsjc.org
Bulletin Editor: Sharon Waxenbaum
Proofreader: Ira Kocivar
Daily Minyan
Monday & Thursday....................6:45 am
Tues. Wed. & Fri..........................7:00 am
Saturday........................................8:45 am
Sunday..........................................9:00 am
*Sunday - Thursday.....................8:00 pm
Friday.......................................... 8:00 pm
Saturday.....See Candle Lighting Time
*To arrange for an evening minyan at
NSJC, please call the office at 928-3737
several days prior to yahrzeit.
When a shiva minyan is scheduled, the
service will take place at the shiva home
at 8:15 pm. Please make every effort to
attend to ensure they have a minyan in
order to recite Kaddish. Thank you!
Youth Group Schedule
Grades 4 & 5
Sundays 5:30 pm - 6:45 pm
Grades 6, 7 & 8
Sundays 7:00 pm - 8:15 pm
Grades 9 - 12
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Candle Lighting
5:31 pm
6:39 pm
6:47 pm
6:54 pm
5:30 pm
6:40 pm
6:50 pm
6:55 pm
Times have been adjusted for Port Jeff Station.
Tot Shabbat
6:00 pm
Mar 6
May 1
Jun 5
followed by
kid-friendly dinner
Family Kehillah
10:30 am
Fri, 20/Sat, 28
Sat, 18/Sat, 25
Sat, 2/Sat, 16
Rebbe’s Tish FOOD PANTRY
At present our pantry is in need of: jelly,
mayonnaise, macaroni & cheese, cereal,
tuna, pasta sauce pasta sauce and
peanut butter. Collection containers
are located in the coatroom.
The Congregation and Board of Trustees offer their
deepest condolences to the following families:
Jackie Warshaw - On the loss of her father, Harold Seltzer, on December 7, 2014.
Richard Ritter - On the loss of his mother, Sandra Ritter, on January 9, 2015.
Alison Shtulsaft - On the loss of her mother, Renee Sanders, on January 12, 2015.
Paul Davis - On the loss of his mother, Joanna Davis, on January 16, 2015.
Alan Leiken - On the loss of his father, Seymour Leiken, on January 16, 2015.
Diane Klein-Ritter - On the loss of her father, George Klein, on January 17, 2015.
The Post Family - On the loss of Margaret Post on January 19, 2015.
Beverly Mehl - On the loss of her mother, Eva Silberberg, on January 27, 2015.
Sheri Potash - On the loss of her father, Marvin Sonenshein, on February 3, 2015.
Pauline Randall & Family - On the loss of their husband and father, Richard Randall,
on February 3, 2015.
Zichranam livracha, may the memory of the righteous remain for a blessing.
Mar 6/7
Mar 13/14
Mar 20/21
Mar 27/28
Shabbat Services
Parshat Ki Tisa
6:00 pm Tot Shabbat
8:00 pm Services
8:45 am Services
Bar Mitzvah Finn Rubman AM
The congregation and the NSJC Board of Trustees extend a
mazal tov to the following B’nai Mitzvah and their families:
Parshat Vayachel
Shabbat Parah
8:00 pm Services
Scout Shabbat
Speaker: Rabbi Benson on
“Prayer - My Personal Prayer Practices”
8:45 am Services
Bat Mitzvah Kiley Hamou AM
Parshat Vayikra
Shabbat HaChodesh
8:00 pm Services
Gimel/Dalet Shabbat
8:45 am Services
Men’s Club Shabbat
Parshat Tzav
Finn Rubman, son of
Claire & Russell Rubman
March 7, 2015 AM
Shabbat HaGadol
8:00 pm Services
8:45 am Services
Hey/Vav Shabbat
Special Torah readings are added to our regular
weekly readings in preparation for Passover. Shabbat
Parah marks the beginning of the formal preparation for
Pesach and we read a passage about ritual of purification
involving a red heifer. On Shabbat HaChodesh,
establishment of the Hebrew calendar is discussed,
with Nisan being the month from which other months
are counted (but the year number changes in Tishrei).
Shabbat HaGadol falls on the Shabbat before Passover,
celebrating the original Passover in Egypt.
NSJC Executive Director Marcie Platkin has been named
Associate Dean of NAASE University (North American
Association of Synagogue Executives) and will serve at
their International Conference to be held in March in San
Diego, California.
At its annual Family Shabbat Dinner/Services, NSJC Sisterhood
celebrated Michele Hamou as 2015 Emerging Leader and
Brandie Osman as Long-Standing Board member.
NSJC Men’s Club’s Man of the Year, Jeff Stern will be
honored at the FJMC’s Award and Dinner/Dance taking
place on March 29th at Crest Hollow Country Club.
Kiley Hamou, daughter of
Michele & Daniel Hamou
March 14, 2015 AM
We are pleased to welcome the following new members to NSJC:
Gail Rosen & Ken McGuire
Sarah Putney
Elizabeth, Abigail
May you have a long, happy and fulfilling association with us!
Rabbi’s Desk
Rabbi Aaron Benson
Your Rabbi’s Philosophy:
Hevei makdim bishlom kol adam, be the first to greet each person.
My teacher of whom I’ve spoken before, Rabbi Meier Schimmel,
z’l, was always quick to be the first to greet anyone he encountered,
sometimes even to the surprise of strangers and passersby. But it
was part of his way of looking at the world, the importance of
every person, and the importance within Judaism of recognizing
each person’s importance as a creation of God.
It always impressed me as a small thing that pointed to something
really big. So many people, it seems to me, go through life feeling
sad or lonely or just too often forgotten for the human beings they
are. How overwhelming the task can feel to try to help all those
people, to try and show that you’re trying to see them, really see
them. How can you do it? Saying “hello” is a meaningful way to
at least start, to at least attempt to acknowledge the human beings
who are all around us and yet who we too often don’t.
But it can be more than personal advice for how one person
tries to honor the divine in others. It can be a way for a whole
synagogue, a whole community to act. I certainly try to infuse
my work as a rabbi with this motto. It doesn’t always work
but it at least helps me prioritize, helps me organize how I will
approach the people of our community.
How might it shape a whole community? How might a
synagogue go about “saying hello first?” How might we all
work together to be a group of Jews, a group of people, who
strive to honor and acknowledge the souls of all those around
us? How might services or our school or simply bringing
someone new into the community all be different if we were
trying to “say hello first” in each of those situations?
I have some ideas but I’d like to hear from you. If you have
any thoughts about this, please do contact me to share. You can
email me at rabbi.benson@nsjc.org or call the synagogue.
I’ll say hello first when I answer the phone!
Register at www.mercazusa.org by April 30th
• Demonstrate pride in Conservative Judaism. These elections
give Conservative Jews an opportunity to proudly stand up for
Israel in a way that reflects our pride in our own Movement.
• Shape the Jewish Character of Israeli Society. The recent
progress on behalf of religious pluralism in Israel has come about
as a result of decisions at previous World Zionist Congresses.
• Secure Communal Funding for the Worldwide Conservative
Movement. The allocations of the WZO and Jewish Agency secure
more than $2 million annually for the institutions of Masorti Judaism
in Israel and around the world, including those serving USY NATIV,
Ramah Seminar and the Conservative Yeshivah.
Delegation of Power to Sell Chametz
Mercaz Needs YOU
as a member!
The WZO and the Jewish Agency divide monies raised for Israel
by local federations. The size of the MERCAZ delegation is a direct
result of votes in the WZO. The more MERCAZ delegates elected, the
more representatives we have, the more money we are allocated and
the more we can make a difference for religious pluralism in Israel.
Visit mercazusa.org and register to vote.
You can achieve so much for a $10 registration fee.
Passover 2015/5775
I the undersigned, fully empower and permit Rabbi Aaron Benson to act in my place and stead, and on my behalf to sell all chametz
possessed by me, knowingly or unknowingly as defined by the Torah and Rabbinic Law (e.g. chametz, possible chametz, and all kind of
chametz mixtures).
Also chametz that tends to harden and adhere to inside surfaces of pans, pots, or cooking utensils, the utensils themselves, as well as pet
food that contains chametz and mixtures thereof.
Rabbi Benson is also empowered to lease all places wherein the chametz owned by me may be found, particularly at the address/es listed
below, and elsewhere.
Rabbi Benson has full right to appoint any agent or substitute in his stead and said substitute shall have full right to sell and lease as
provided herein.
Rabbi Benson also has the full power and right to act as he deems fit and proper in accordance with all the details of the Bill of Sale used
in the transaction to sell all my chametz, chametz mixtures, etc., as provided herein. This power is in conformity with all Torah, Rabbinic
and Civil laws.
Address(es) with Specific Location(s) of Chametz:
I would like to make a donation to NSJC for rendering this service of: $_______
President’s Welcome
Phyllis Frank, NSJC President
[With pleasure, I introduce Steve Heft, a
member of the NSJC Board of Trustees.
Steve joined our Board in July, 2013 and
served on the Finance/Budget Committees
during his first year. Since this past July,
Steve has accepted the responsibilities as
Secretary on our Executive Board.
Steve brings to the board skills as a team
player, financial acumen and devotion to the
mission of our congregation. We appreciate
the time and energy Steve gives to our
Phyllis Frank]
Hello my name is Steven Heft and I am
the focus in this edition of “Getting To Know
Your Board of Trustee Members.” Currently,
I assist Eric Zwerling with his financial and
budgetary workload, and serve as the B.O.T.
Secretary. My forte is in corporate finance,
with over 20 years of experience. I presently
work in the city for the most prestigious
beauty company in the world and find it to
be both challenging and rewarding. I strive
to bring my business acumen to our Board
meetings. The great thing about the B.O.T. is
that each member has a different point of view
and area of expertise. The passion exhibited
at our meetings is extremely beneficial to the
long term viability of NSJC. I have learned a
great deal from the other members and value
their opinions.
I have been a member of the North Shore
Jewish Center for over 40 years. My parents,
Sandra and Ronald, joined the community
in the early 1970’s and raised three children
here. Each of us became a B’nai Mitzvah
at NSJC and attended Youth Group as we
matured. After college and graduate school,
I met my soulmate, Debra. We married in
2000 and began to put down family roots
in Smithtown. We have two active children,
Allison and Eric. We made a decision when
the time came to establish their Jewish
identity. The Jewish communities in close
proximity to our house were nice, but they
did not fully meet our needs. So the obvious
choice was NSJC. I was familiar with the
quality education and the family atmosphere
that NSJC provides. I discussed these
thoughts with my wife and she agreed.
I joined the Board of Trustees to serve
as an example for my children and to
support the synagogue. I never considered
how much I would receive in return. Our
president, executive officers and clergy are
exceptionally dedicated to the future wellbeing of NSJC. I am just glad to be involved
in a small part of it. Looking forward to
seeing all of you at our next function.
Many thanks to...
NSJC Sisterhood - for sponsoring the Oneg Shabbat on January
23, 2015 in celebration of Sisterhood Shabbat.
formerly known as “Solo Seder Project”
Stephanie & Steve Templeton - for sponsoring the kiddush
on February 7, 2015, in honor of the Bar Mitzvah of their son,
Benjamin Templeton.
Three Village Interfaith Clergy Council:
“What’s Faith Got to Do With It?”
On three consecutive Sundays at 3 pm, taking place at a synagogue,
church and mosque, members from each faith group will speak about:
• Faith and Personal Struggles (health issues, work, etc)
• Faith in the Public Realm (racism, antisemitism, etc)
• Faith and Family
Sunday, Mar 1st - Temple Isaiah
1404 Stony Brook Road, Stony Brook
Sunday, Mar 8th - All Souls Episcopal Church
Main Street, Stony Brook (opposite pond)
Sunday, Mar 15th - Selden Mosque
10 Park Hill Drive, Selden
Passover Holiday Gifts
This Passover as you, your family and your
friends gather around the Seder table, we ask
you to remember our Jewish military men and women serving at
United States installations across the globe, often isolated from any
organized Jewish community.
Our NSJC Social Action subcommitee, Military Support
Services, in cooperation with the Jewish Chaplaincy Council, is
participating in a new program, Passover Holiday Gifts.
A Passover Holiday Gift contains:
Gefilte fish, horseradish, matzah, macaroons, matzah
ball soup mix, jellied fruit slices, other candy
Each package costs $36 - we welcome ANY donation that will be
combined to pay for these new, larger gifts - and donations must be
received by March 15th so that packages can be sent overseas and
arrive in time for Pesach.
Please leave your contributions in the Main Office with checks
payable to: Jewish Chaplaincy Council, and note on your check
“Passover holiday gifts for soldiers.”
Your support will be appreciated when Jewish military personnel
open your seder packages and enjoy their sweetness and greetings.
Doris Weisman, Military Support Services
June Feldman, Tzedek Committee Chair
Seniors in Action
Mildred Stern, President
Beverly Trotiner, Programming
Mar 3 Tuesday Meeting
11:00 am
Alan Kronzek, Magician
Mar 10 Tuesday Meeting
11:00 am
Janet Demanzo on “Healthy Living”
Mar 17 Tuesday Meeting
11:00 am
Retired Judge Mary Werner
Mar 24 Tuesday Meeting
11:00 am
Michana Gonem
“Anti-Semitism/Situation in Israel”
Mar 31 Tuesday Meeting
11:00 am
Preparation for Passover
NSJC Thrift Shop
Thursdays Noon - 3 pm
We would like to thank the many congregants who have given
of their time, strength and wardrobes! However, we have reached
a critical point and now need additional help if we are to continue.
Please contact the office if you are able to volunteer on a Thursday, any
time between 11:30 am and 3:30 pm.
You and Your College Student
$$ave Hundreds of Dollars!
enroll in our
Defensive Driving Course
Save 10% on Auto Insurance
Reduce 4 Points from Your Licence
If you took the course in 2013,
it’s time to take it again to receive your discount!
SUNDAYS 8:30 am - 2:30 pm
$40 Registration fee
Bagel lunch included
This course will be offered on the following dates:
Mar 29, Apr 26
May 31, June 28
Enclose $40 for each participant and send to:
NSJC Men’s Club ATT: Fred Graff
385 Old Town Road, Port Jefferson Station, NY 11776
Latest Programming Info
Sun, Mar 1 Purim Carnival 11am -12:30 pm
Purim fun and games! Watch for details!
Wed, Mar 4 NSJC Purim Celebration 6:30 pm
Come hear the reading of the Megillat Esther, with food,
fun and hamentaschen for all! Watch for details!
Thurs, Mar 5
Book Club
1:30 pm
The next meeting, in the library, will discuss “Once We
Were Brothers” by Ronald Balson.
Fri, Mar 13
Friday Night Speaker
8:00 pm
Rabbi Benson on “My Personal Prayer Practices.”
Wed, Mar 18 Haggadah Program 6:45 - 8:00 pm
Join Claude Frank for help in creating an interesting and
meaningful haggadah.
Thurs, Mar 19
7:00 pm
Sisterhood’s annual pre-Passover celebration includes
Sephardic holiday traditions, Persian Pesach foods, recipe
booklet, wine tasting, our Sisterhood Judaica shop and raffle
for a chance to win exciting prizes! Please rsvp.
Sun, Mar 22
Jewish Book Fair
9:00 - Noon
Look for new Passover titles! Jewish books make
wonderful afikomen prizes at your Passover seder!
Sun, Mar 22 MC/Sisterhood Breakfast 9:30 am
Join Men’s Club and Sisterhood for their breakfast program
with Ruth Minsky Sender. See page 1 for details.
Mon, Mar 23
Theatre Three
7:00 pm
NSJC co-sponsors screening of a Holocaust documentary,
“The Decent One,” part of the Port Jefferson Documentary
Series. Tickets $7 at the door.
Sun, Mar 29 Defensive Driving 8:30 am - 2:30 pm
Bring your friends and neighbors. Get 10% off your auto
insurance. $40 registration fee includes bagel lunch.
Sun, Apr 12
And Keep in Mind!
POPS Speaker
7:00 pm
Rabbi Marvin Tokayer on “Rediscovering Jewish History
in Asia.” Patrons meet at 6:30 pm.
Mon, June 8 NSJC Honoree Celebration 6:30 pm
Join us as we honor Iris & Jeff Heller, Stacey & Seth
Persky and Ron Collace/Anthony DeTurris for their
contributions to NSJC and our community.
Mah Jongg
Every Wednesday Noon - 3 pm
Bring your Mah Jongg card (and set, if you have one!)
Beverages will be provided. Please bring a kosher snack to share.
Sisterhood Upcoming Events
Men’s Club Program Highlights
Sun Mar 22
Sun Mar 29
Sat Apr 18
Anne Avni, President
Shalach Manot Pick Up 9 am-Noon
Shalach Manot Pick Up 6pm - 9 pm
Sederai - A Persian Pesach - see page 1
Breakfast w/speaker Ruth Sender - see page 1
Passover Flower Pick Up
Jeffrey Adelman, President
Breakfast w/speaker Ruth Sender see page 1
Federation Dinner Crest Hollow Country Club
FJMC Haftarah Shabbat
Yellow Candle Design Contest
Anne Avni
for teens 13 - 18
The Yellow Candle™ was created in 1981 by
the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs, the umbrella
organization of our NSJC Men’s Club, to keep alive
the memory of the Six Million who perished in the
Shoah. The Candle is modeled after a traditional
Jewish memorial yahrzeit candle. The candle’s
yellow wax serves to remind us of the yellow arm band which
Jews were forced to wear during the Nazi regime.
Because our Men’s Club participates in this program, any of
our young congregants, ages 13-18, may enter the contest to
have their artwork appear on thousands of candles distributed
throughout the world. This is an opportunity for your child to
exhibit their talent and feelings about the Holocaust.
At our annual Family Shabbat Dinner/Services held in January,
NSJC Sisterhood celebrated Michele Hamou as our 2015
Emerging Leader and Brandie Osman as our Board member of
Passover Seder nights are special.
Jewish memories, family memories,
are built and established on such nights.
We tell a story - our story.
We come together as a family, as Jews
and as friends. We can accomplish so
much on these nights
We invite you to join Claude Frank as he compares
notes with you about the Passover Haggadah. Our
goal is to constantly revise family haggadot so that
they are always interesting, informative, fun, and
most importantly, meaningful.
A quality Passover Seder is an investment in our
families and in our Jewish future, and we cannot let
those precious opportunities slip away.
Wed evening, March 18
Yellow Candle Design Contest Rules
1. Contest is open to those between the ages 13-18.
2. All entries must be received by the Yellow Candle
Committee no later than Friday, May 1, 2015.
3. All entries must be 4 x 11 inches in size.
4. Artwork must be at least 600 DPI, in High Resolution
PDF or jpeg.
5. Entry forms must be signed by entrant and entrant’s
parents, scanned and emailed to info@yellow candle.org.
6. Go to http://fjmc.org/content/yc_contest to download form.
Go to mercazusa.org.
Find out for yourself.
And vote slate #2.
6:45 pm - 8:00 pm
There is no fee for this workshop, but please
RSVP to the Main Office one week prior to the first
workshop so that sufficient materials can be prepared.
Dear Fellow Congregant,
Deeds of giving are the very foundations of the world (Pirkei Avot).
Traditionally, NSJC has two major opportunities for giving each year. We begin with the Kol Nidre
Appeal, a time to make a donation to sustain our congregation in the new year. We move on to our
Honoree Celebration in the spring, a time to make a donation inspired by the good works of fellow
congregants and community members.
Please consider joining the Scroll of Honor with a generous donation. We can truly be a community of
giving while honoring those who give so much to NSJC. Our honorees are:
Iris and Jeff Heller, NSJC members for 26 years, have continuously held positions of leadership in
Men’s Club, Sisterhood and in the congregation with great sincerity and dedication to Judaism within
our community and the region.
Stacey and Seth Persky, NSJC members for 14 years, have demonstrated an unwavering commitment
to fundraising, education and tzedakah through their work with Men’s Club, Sisterhood, and in the
Ronald J. Colace and Anthony DeTurris are the owners and directors of Shalom Memorial Chapels.
They have exhibited countless quiet acts of kindness and tzedakah for our congregation and the
community, serving the needs of families with dignity and compassion.
We are not just an impersonal building comprised of brick and mortar. We are a foundation of learning
and prayer, kindness and tzedakah, a support to the local community and to Israel.
Please join us in the blessing of giving.
Enclosed is your Scroll of Honor donation form. Please return it to the office by May 5, 2015.
Carole Korowitz and Mona Goldstein
NSJC Honoree Celebration Co-chairs
NSJC Honoree Celebration – Monday, June 8, 2015
Elegant buffet dinner at 6:30 PM sharp ~ Dessert to follow ceremony
NSJC Honoree Celebration 2015
Monday, June 8th • 6:30 pm
Iris & Jeff Heller
Stacey & Seth Persky
Scroll RSVP, May 5th
Ronald J. Colace and Anthony DeTurris
NSJC Honoree Celebration
when we proudly honor
Iris & Jeff Heller, Stacey & Seth Persky, Ronald J. Colace and Anthony
Monday, June 8th - 6:30 pm
We invite you to add your name to our Scroll of Honor
Platinum.....................$5000* Ruby...............................$750
Diamond.....................$2500** Pearl...............................$500
Emerald......................$1800** Silver...............................$236
Sapphire.....................$1000 Bronze.............................$ 1 1 8
*Includes four tickets to the Honoree Celebration **Includes two tickets to the Honoree Celebration
Deadline for Scroll of Honor Listing: May 5th
Listings received after May 5th will be placed in our monthly Bulletin.
Please make checks payable to North Shore Jewish Center - Honoree Celebration 2015.
For credit card donation ($300 minimum) please call 928-3737.
March Religious School Calendar
• Lily Press is donating to the Lustgarten Foundation for Pancreatic
Research, a cause close to her heart - her Uncle Steven died from
pancreatic cancer She raised $385.09 by walking around her Wed
neighborhood and giving her neighbors a cupcake for any priced
donation. She also went to work with her Dad and asked for Sun
contributions there. She will also donate 1/10 of her monetary Bat Wed
Mitzvah gifts to the Foundation.
Sun • For his Bar Mitzvah project, Finn Rubman has been collecting Wed
toiletries for the homeless and the needy. He collected them from hotels
around the world that he had the good fortune to visit over the past
two years, from places such as England, Curacao, Scotland, Bermuda, Sun
Sweden, Denmark and Norway.
• Kiley Hamou decided to raise awareness and fundraise for Blanca’s House
as her Bat Mitzvah project. Blanca’s House is a non-profit organization that
provides free medical care to Third World countries. She actually
plans to go on a medical mission with her father later this year!
July 6th - August 13th
Summer Camp Mondays - Thursdays
Mini-Day 9:30 am - 1:15 pm
Full Day 9:30 am - 2:45 pm
Teenagers 13 & 14 years old
Volunteer as Counselors at
Chai-5 Preschool Summer Camp!
This is a great opportunity to experience working with children
while doing a mitzvah for your community! If you are interested,
please contact Sheri Potash at 928-3737.
Jenn Schwartz
Preschool registration is now open for the 20152016 school year. We create an environment that
encourages a love of learning and offers a quality,
challenging and developmentally appropriate
curriculum in a Jewish setting. We have openings
for Toddlers, Three-Year-Olds and Pre-K. Call Sheri Potash for
information at 928-3737.
The Chai 5 Kids Summer Program is accepting registration
for the summer of 2015. We offer mini- and full day programs.
Have your children join us for memorable camp experiences,
rewarding friendships and great activities. Children who will turn
2 by December 31st are eligible for our pre-toddler camp. We
welcome 3-, 4- and 5-year-olds to join us for a great summer! Call
Sheri Potash at 928-3737.
Mar 1 Regular Classes
Purim Carnival at 11 am - 12:30 pm
Mar 4 Regular Classes at 4:30
Dinner for students 6:00 pm; Megillah reading 6:30 pm
Mar 8 Regular Classes
Mar 11 Regular Classes
Mar 15 Regular Classes
Mar 18 Regular Classes
Mar 20 Gimel/Dalet Dinner and Shabbat Service
Mar 22 Regular Classes
Mar 25 Regular Classes
Mar 28 Hey/Vav Shabbat Service and Luncheon
Mar 29 Regular Classes 9:00 am
Music Concert 11:00 am
Parents please join us!
On the Saturday night before NSJC’s Mitzvah Day, our older Youth Group members baked about 40 dozen chocolate chip cookies. All
the proceeds are being donated to the Sidney Kimmel Foundation for cancer research, and to Yad Lakashish, an Israeli organization which
empowers and supports over 300 Jewish senior citizens by teaching them skills to work, offering financial planning and guidance, and
focusing on intergenerational support.
NSJC’s Second Annual Mitzvah Day
Photos: Ray Cella, Carol Greenberg
Yasher Koach to our Board of Trustees, Men’s Club, Preschool, Religious School. Seniors,
Sisterhood, Youth Groups and NSJC congregants, who performed mitzvot ranging from
making blankets and cheese sandwiches, to rolling Torah scrolls and creating Passover cards
for Jewish soldiers. Todah rabah to our Principal Sheryl Glickman for writing another catchy
theme song, and to Ira Kocivar for his musical accompaniment. We welcomed representatives
from LI Food Not Bombs, Community Housing Innovations, Beacon House and Birthday
Wishes, who reminded us that our efforts were meaningful and much appreciated.
Todah rabah to the team who produced this event: Jeff Adelman, Maddy Avni,
Rabbi Benson, Ray Cella, Phyllis Frank, Sheryl Glickman, Sharyn Golden, Gustavo
Hernandez, Ira Kocivar, Cantor Kramer, Amy Lester, Betsy & Joe Muntner, Marcie
Platkin, Sheri Potash, Richard Randall, Claire Rubman, Lori Schneider, Jennifer
Schwartz, Mildred Stern, D Wager and Andrea Weinberger.
Mark Cherches - In memory of Shirley Cherches at
the time of her yahrzeit.
Thank you for your generous donations!
Synagogue Fund
Jeanne Lentz - In memory of Florence Mosner at
the time of her yahrzeit.
Richard Burack - In memory of Lillian Burack at
the time of her yahrzeit.
Terry & Stephen Shapiro - In honor of the marriage
of Cantor Daniel Kramer & Dr. Jessica Cella.
Martin & Shirley Rosenfeld - In honor of Alice
Cashman’s 100th birthday.
Lynn & Harlan Taub - In memory of Henry
Arlene Damsky & Lorraine Nadler - In memory
of our sister, Beverly Gleeman at the time of her
Alison Shtulsaft - In memory of Sidney Saunders at
the time of his yahrzeit.
Sandra Bockian - In loving memory of my father,
Jack Brodsky, at the time of his yahrzeit.
Fred Bockian - In loving memory of my mother, Ida
Bockian, at the time of her yahrzeit.
Wendy & Rob Michnoff and Family - In memory
of Fred Michnoff at the time of his yahrzeit.
Michele & Scott Press - In honor of Lily Press’ Bat
Michele & Scott Press - In honor of Marty Rubenstein
for all his help with Lily’s Bat Mitzvah.
Hilary & David Kramer - In honor of Jessica &
Cantor Daniel’s marriage. Mazal Tov!
Arthur and Alan Golnick - In honor of Michael Berger.
Pauline & Richard Randall - In honor of Adrienne
Galowin receiving Kol HaKavod.
Harlan Taub - In memory of Albert Taub at the time
of his yahrzeit.
Lynn Taub - In memory of Beatrice Wenger at the
time of her yahrzeit.
Michael Berger - In memory of Melody Berger at
the time of her yahrzeit.
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
Rosalind Cohen - In memory of Jerry Cohen at the
time of his yahrzeit.
Helene Weissman - In memory of Rose Cherches at
the time of her yahrzeit.
Irwin Bardash - In memory of Joseph Bardash at the
time of his yahrzeit.
Dr. & Mrs. G. Michael Peters in memory of David
B. Peters at the time of his yahrzeit.
Jonathan Birnbaum - In memory of Harriet
Birnbaum at the time of her yahrzeit.
Nancy Gold - In memory of Ruth Gaines at the time
of her yahrzeit.
Mark Cherches - In memory of Rose Cherches at
the time of her yahrzeit.
Frederick Turnofsky and Family - To thank the
synagogue for a lovely Chanukah celebration.
Cantor Martin Ehrlich Memorial Fund
Shirley & Martin Rosenfeld - In honor of the marriage
of Cantor Daniel Kramer & Dr. Jessica Cella.
Michele & Scott Press - In honor of Rabbi Benson
for his guidance at Lily’s Bat Mitzvah.
Lustig Family Fund
Ira Brand - In loving memory of Gail Fendrick at
the time of her yahrzeit.
Marvin Linnemann - In memory of Melvin Blum at
the time of his yahrzeit.
Paul Feinberg - In memory of my father, Louis
Feinberg, at the time of his yahrzeit.
Building Fund
Paul Davis - In memory of Joanna Davis at the time
of her yahrzeit.
Abe Shtulsaft - In memory of Rachel Shtulsaft at
the time of her yahrzeit.
Rebbe’s Tish
Joyce Rubenstein - In memory of Edythe Parizman
at the time of her yahrzeit.
Carol Bass Winton Patrons of Education
Michelle Rutman - In memory of my beloved
mother, Nettie Carlson, at the time of her yahrzeit.
Daniel Granek - In memory of Irving Granek at the
time of his yahrzeit.
Shoah Memorial Fund
Beverly Mehl - In memory of Zachary Silberberg at
the time of his yahrzeit.
The Cherches Family - In memory of Bertha Miller
at the time of her yahrzeit.
Chaya Sara Youth Award
Michelle Rutman - In memory of my beloved
husband, Aaron Rutman at the time of his yahrzeit.
Steven Moss - In memory of Harriet Moss at the
time of her yahrzeit.
Education Scholarship Fund
Anne & Gene Pritz - In memory of Risa Hirschler at
the time of her yahrzeit.
Cheryl Gittens and Linda Pereira - With get well
prayers for Phillip Adelman.
Religious School Fund
Michelle Rutman - In memory of my beloved sister,
Sylvia Carlson at the time of her yahrzeit.
Kiddush Fund
Sharon & Preston Waxenbaum and Family - In
memory of beloved mother and grandmother,
Adelle Wiener, at the time of her yahrzeit.
Asher Etkin - In memory of William Etkin at the
time of his yahrzeit.
Patrons of Prominent Speaking Fund
Carole & Norman Korowitz - In memory of Sandra
Ritter at the time of her yahrzeit.
Jesse Becker Fund
Linda & Bob Bard - In honor of the marriage of
Cantor Daniel Kramer & Dr. Jessica Cella.
Rosalind Cohen - In memory of Rose Cohen at the
time of her yahrzeit.
Rosalind Cohen - In memory of Samuel Finkel at
the time of his yahrzeit.
Frederick Turnofsky and Family - In memory of
Sarah Turnofsky at the time of her yahrzeit.
Save your boxtops!
Bring them
to the
Religious School
Jeff Warshaw Memorial Fund
Ira Brand - In loving memory of Otto Brand at the
time of his yahrzeit.
Youth Fund
Mike Anino/Chariot Collision Inc. - Donation to the
Youth Lounge.
Renee Kane - In memory of Harold Rubin at the
time of his yahrzeit.
Kogel Fund
Helen Lefkowitz - In memory of Joel Lefkowitz at
the time of his yahrzeit.
Deborah Ilysse Siegel Hamburger Memorial Fund
Wendy Feinberg - In memory of my father, Arthur
Hausman, at the time of his yahrzeit.
Bill Siegel - In memory of Muriel Siegel at the time
of her yahrzeit.
Susan & Bill Siegel, Kim & Dan Sternick, Jake
Hamburger and Families - In memory of Dr.
Howard Morgenlander.
Susan & Bill Siegel, Kim & Dan Sternick, Jake
Hamburger and Families - On the occasion of
Temple Isaiah naming their Religious School in
honor of Rabbi Harvey Witman.
Susan & Bill Siegel - In honor of receiving an aliyah
during the High Holidays.
Roni & Harvey Mandell - In memory of Betty
Mandell at the time of her yahrzeit.
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