Shabbat Nus - 2015-02-21
Shabbat Nus - 2015-02-21
Shabbat Nu’s at Beth Shalom Chazzan: Chazzan Sheini: President: Parnass: Daniel Benlolo Howard Dover Peter Greenberg Allan Baker 151 Chapel Street, Ottawa, Ontario, K1N 7Y2 Telephone 613-789-3501 - Fax 613-789-4438 THE SHABBAT OF PARSHAT TERUMAH SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 21ST, 2015 – 2 ADAR 5775 SHABBAT SCHEDULE Friday, February 20th Kabbalat Shabbat begins at 6:00 p.m. Light candles before 5:21 p.m. Saturday, February 21st Shacharit service begins at 9:30 a.m. Torah Reading: Exodus 25:1 – 27:19 Pages 326-336 Haftarah: I Kings 5:26 – 6:13 Pages 336-338 Mincha followed by Seuda Shlishit: 5:20 p.m. Shabbat ends: 6:25 p.m. Shacharit service Sunday morning: 8:30 a.m. Shacharit service Monday to Friday mornings: 7:30 a.m. Evening services Sunday to Thursday: 6:00 p.m. Kabbalat Shabbat next Friday evening (February 27th): 6:00 p.m. Shabbat Shalom THIS WEEK’S CONGREGATIONAL KIDDUSH HAS BEEN GENEROUSLY CO - SPONSORED BY DONNA AND HOWARD STRAUSS IN OBSERVANCE OF THE YAHRZEIT OF HOWARD’S FATHER EDGAR JOSEPH STRAUSS TODAY’S KIDDUSH WILL BE HELD IN THE ETHEL AND IRVING TAYLOR BALLROOM. CONGREGATION BETH SHALOM GRATEFULLY THANKS THE STRAUSS FAMILY FOR CO - SPONSORING TODAY’S CONGREGATIONAL KIDDUSH. PSST …. HAVE YOU HEARD ABOUT THE TISH? COME JOIN US AT THE TISH TABLE DURING KIDDUSH LUNCH AFTER SERVICES EACH SHABBAT. WE GUARANTEE LIVELY DEBATE ON ISSUES RELATING TO TORAH, TALMUD AND OTHER TOPICS OF INTEREST. SAVE THE DATE! SAVE THE DATE! SAVE THE DATE! FAREWELL TO CHAPEL STREET WEEKEND March 27-29 For More Details, Please See The Information At The Rear Of The Nu’s SAVE THE DATE! SAVE THE DATE! SAVE THE DATE! SYNAGOGUE EVENTS Saturday, February 21, 2015 Haftarah for Parshat Terumah recited by Donna Strauss In honour of the yahrzeit for Howard’s father Saturday, February 28, 2015 Haftarah for Parshat Tetzaveh recited by Jenny Roberge In honour of the yahrzeit for her father Saturday, March 7, 2015 Haftarah for Parshat Ki Tisah recited by Ilan Shapiro Saturday, March 14, 2015 Haftarah for Parshat Vayakeil-Pekudei recited by Tova Lynch In honour of the yahrzeit for her father Saturday, March 21, 2015 Haftarah for Parshat Vayikra recited by Sonya Rabeneck and Dr. Agnes Klein Saturday, March 28, 2015 Haftarah for Parshat Tzav recited by Chazzan Daniel Benlolo In honour of the anniversary of his Bar Mitzvah Every week, Congregation Beth Shalom sends out an electronic version of our weekly Shabbat Nu’s newsletter. Anybody interested in receiving a copy and staying current with the weekly happenings in Shul can send their request to KIDDUSH FUND IN LOVING MEMORY OF SONIA KIZELL Gita Pearl and family WISHING NORMAN LESH A SPEEDY AND FULL RECOVERY Sheila and Joe Nadrich Shelley and Morris Schachnow IN COMMEMORATION OF THE YAHRZEIT OF MY BELOVED HUSBAND, MOSHE GAVRIEL SHAINBAUM Charlotte Shainbaum OPERATIONS FUND IN COMMEMORATION OF THE YAHRZEIT OF MY BELOVED HUSBAND, JERRY TAYLOR Barbara Taylor Our Shul Nu’s section is YOUR space to highlight somebody’s special event – anniversary, birthday, or accomplishment – whatever you think should be mentioned. We can only list what we know. If something is missing, please contact the synagogue office or send a message to Wishing a very happy birthday to: Barbara Ann Taylor Jonathan Baker Sandra Granatstein Barry Baker Zachary Shore YAHRZEITS This Shabbat, we commemorate the loving and blessed memory of the Yahrzeits observed during the coming week from: February 21 to February 27 Grazina Goldberg Sonia Sarah Kizell Samuel Small Libba Breatross Leo Levitan Eliezer Leib Rabin Rose Abramowitz-Kalman Gertrude Lipman Cohen Larry Silverstein Sandra Berlin Jack Hanser Minnie Schecter Reuben Cohen Samuel Landis Esther Fanny Schwartz Bess Greenberg Gerald Taylor Louis Farovitch Basha Bayla Lang Nuchim Reuvin Greenbaum Nathan Lepine Thelma Berezin Anna Goldfield Samuel Magidson Annie Rachlin Irving Cohen Robert Mallay Alice Weissberger Carl Fein Shlome Koffman Aaron Zloten Gert Kantor Samuel Petigorsky Chayim Steinberg Jack Schecter Miriam Tradburks Joseph Fine Zelda Rodier Hy Weitzman Moses (Moe) Kardish Philip Polonsky Simon Braun Ernest Goldstein Tzvi Hirsh Mirsky Michelle Vezina-Marceau Harry Gosewitz Moshe Gavriel Shainbaum Gussie Berke Paul Jacob Ferkin Louella Molot Sarah Berke Sadie Labovitch Samuel Yehuda Sachs Emanuel Belinko Zalman Silver Moshe Yoshpe Tzeepa Fine Ethel Skulsky Shabbat Shalom! P lease come celebrate P u r i m with U s as we R oll out the Megillah I n our main Sanctuary M arch 4 , 2015 th Services begin at 6:30pm Congregation Beth Shalom 151 Chapel Street Hot dogs and hamantashen will be served Costumes are encouraged For more information call Anita at 613-789-3501 ext. 221
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Shabbat Nu`s at Beth Shalom
of our weekly Shabbat Nu’s newsletter.
Anybody interested in receiving a copy and staying current with the weekly
happenings in Shul can send their request to