קול דור חדש THE VOICE OF CONGREGATION DOR HADASH An Affiliate of the Jewish Reconstructionist Federation Volume 57 Number 7 From the President In a rare moment of candor and humility, the president of this congregation is compelled to admit that he is still searching for just the right inspirational words for this month's KOL. Though preferring to ponder for a few more days, my latest motion for an extension of time has been firmly denied by the KOL editor and my continuation in office rests in the balance so….. Tonight marks the winter solstice which today is not only the shortest day of light this year but also wet, chilly and gloomy. It is difficult for many of us to be cheerful and forward-thinking about the approaching season yet for whatever reason we all have chosen to live in Pittsburgh so how can we best deal with the elements especially in a spiritual context? My best words of advice to anyone still reading this article is to go outside in the winter and remain an outdoors person! Bundle up, wear futuristic high tech gear Jan/Feb 2016, Tevet/Shvat 5776 outdoor activity and I suggest that opportunity is available to us at whatever level meets our comfort zone. Nature has always been in part a spiritual experience for me. Time alone, time with family, time with friends and especially time with our dog in the woods, trails or parks offers the best opportunity for reflective, meditative and spiritual moments. Abandoning the outdoors for winter would also leave a spiritual void in my life. Sunshine and fresh air is needed not only for the body but also the soul all four seasons a year. Mark Rubenstein Please join us as we honor the memory of HOWARD BRAUN in the unveiling of his headstone at the Homewood Cemetery Star of David Section Sunday, March 13, 2016 at 11:00 a.m. . and seek whatever sunshine and fresh air you can find. Rather than merely impatiently awaiting spring, make your best effort to live in the moment and get out there in the snow, slush and ice. Experts have indicated that the lack of exposure to sunshine & fresh air can lead to seasonal depression, restlessness and other not so great things. My personal winter barometer in many ways has been substantially enhanced by a continued commitment to Luncheon will follow at our home: Dithridge House 220 North Dithridge Street (Oakland) RSVP to: Dottie Braun by March 6 412-683-1152 or dfb2heb@verizon.net Dottie Braun and Family קול דור חדש THE VOICE OF DOR HADASH page 2 Religious School News Remember that this year, “Hanukkah on Ice” has been transformed into “Tu B’Shvat on Ice.” It will take We have an annual tradition at Dor Hadash place on Monday, January 25th, at the Schenley Ice Rink. Religious School called Shared Learning Days, during It will start at 6 PM with a Tu B’Shvat ceremony and which parents come to class to learn with their children. potluck dinner, then ice skating starts at 7 PM. You don’t It’s a great tradition that allows parents to get to know have to be a skater (I’m not) to come and have a good their child’s teacher and their teaching style. We had our time and celebrate with our community. Lots of school first Shared Learning Day of the year on December 9th, families will be there, and it is a good chance to meet when the parents of Kitah Heh/Vav attended class. During some of them. the sessions, the students practiced reading and singing On Saturday, February 13th at 9:30 AM, we prayers they had been working on in class: V'shamru and celebrate the Bar Mitzvah of Simon Aizenstein. Simon is Sim Shalom. Students and parents then played a dreidel one of our Community Day students, who is also attending trivia game whereby the students challenged and soundly the MItzvah class this year. His parents, Barbara Baumann defeated the parents: everyone learned a great deal about and Howard Aizenstein are very active members of the Hannukah. congregation, and it will be wonderful community and Our next Shared Learning Day will be on January 13th, family morning. when the Gan/Aleph class and the Bet/Gimel class will both On Saturday February 20th the Heh/Vav & Mitzvah have their parents attending. classes will attend the Dor Hadash informal Shabbat On December 9th, for the last half-hour of the 2service and Torah Study Service. These students are hour session, all the classes came together for a Hanukkah learning the prayers of the Shabbat morning service, and celebration. It was the 4th night, and we had a about a they will study that week’s portion in class so they can dozen Hanukkah menorahs blazing after we said the participate in the discussion. Parents of the students are blessings. We sang Hanukkah songs, had “the silent also encouraged to come and they usually do. sufganiyot quiz,” then ate sufganiyot (round jelly donuts) and fruit. We had a great turn-out of parents, and it was a Hal Grinberg, Principal opportunity for everyone to get together. At the January 9th Shabbat morning service, which will be led by Julie Newman, our two youngest classes will be participating. The Gan/Aleph class will lead the Sh’ma with sign language and act out a very short story. The Bet/ Gimel class will sing a song and each student will do a short individual reading from The Child’s Reconstructionist Prayerbook. And I am sure Julie will engage these students. It should be a great morning. Hannukah 2015 Hannukah Party Guys from left: Daniel Mos Harry Levinson, Mark Rubenstein, Hal Grin On Friday, December 11, we welcomed our newest members of the congregation with a special New Member Shabb and Hanukkah celebration. New members were honored with a special blessing, and a copy of the book, Hineini, containing stories and memories written by some of our members. Following the service, we enjoyed a delectable pot luck dinner, complete with latkes. The evening culminated with a scrumptious Oneg Shabbat and a Chanukah sing-a-long. Lisa Budd sse, nberg bat קול דור חדש THE VOICE OF DOR HADASH page 3 ADULT EDUCATION: Mark your calendars for January 24, 2016. The adult education committee will present "Judaism and Same Sex Marriage" featuring keynote speaker Evan Wolfson, Founder and President of Freedom to Marry, the campaign to win marriage equality nationwide. Mr. Wolfson earned his B.A. at Yale, served as a Peace Corps volunteer in Togo, West Africa, and graduated from Harvard Law School. During the 1990's, he served as co-counsel in the historic Hawaii marriage case that launched the freedom to marry movement; Wolfson argued before the United States Supreme Court in the case involving the Boy Scout's ban on gay members and leaders. Newsweek/Daily Beast has called Wolfson "the godfather of gay marriage,"; Time Magazine named him as one of "the 100 most influential people in the world"; and in 2012, he received the Barnard Medal of Distinction alongside President Obama. Wolfson authored the book "Why Marriage Matters: America, Equality, and Gay People's Right to Marry," published by Simon & Schuster in 2004. The Godfather has shared his expertise on CNN, MSNBC, ABC's Nightline, Cspan, Fox, The Today's Show, Good Morning America, and soon ... Dor Hadash. Stay tuned for details. RECONSTRUCTIONISM 101: SUNDAY MORNING FEBRUARY 14 FROM 10 AM TO 12 NOON Geared both to those unfamiliar with the Reconstructionist movement and a refresher for longer time members of Dor Hadash, this is a chance to come learn and nosh. There will be something fun for kids to do on a wintery morning while their parents learn. The multi-media session will describe how the movement started with Rabbi Mordecai Kaplan, the core concepts and ideas behind the approach, and current practices. Key concepts include Judaism as a civilization rather than just a religion, the rejection of chosenness, and discussion of the role of belonging, believing and behaving. Session leaders: Pam Goldman and Sarah Angrist Barbara Baumann and Howard Aizenstein invite the Dor Hadash community to join in celebrating as our son Simon Alex is called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, February 13, 2016. Services will begin at 9:30 am in the main sanctuary. All are warmly invited to the lunch immediately following the service קול דור חדש THE VOICE OF DOR HADASH page 4 DorHadash’sNewCemeterySection CongregationDorHadashhaspurchasedanewsectionof66plotsatHomewoodCemetery. Thisnewsection,onaflatplaceoverlookingFrickPark,isnotfarfromourpresentarea,which isnownearlycompletelysoldout.Thenewsectionwillbededicatedsoonand,come springtime,plantingsofhardydeerresistantshrubswillbeaddedalongeithersidetomarkit offasanewseparateburialplaceforthecongregation. Thenewplotsareavailableforpurchasebymembersofourcongregationonly.Eachplotis availabledirectlyfromthecongregationatacostof$1880.Thisfigurerepresentstheactual costperplotpaidbyDorHadash.Ourcongregationmakesnoprofitatthispointintime.Base pricesperplotelsewhereinthecemeteryforindividualsvarygreatly,butbeginata significantlyhigherprice. Aspreviously,thepurchasepricecoversonlytheplotitself.HomewoodCemeteryalso requiresthepurchaseandinstallationofaconcretegravelinerandfeesfortheopeningand closingofthegrave.Thoseadditionalfeesarenegotiatedbyeachindividualpurchaserdirectly withHomewoodCemetery.Asapromotionalincentive,HomewoodCemeteryisofferinga10% discountonallserviceandmerchandisetoDorHadashmembersduringthemonthsofJanuary andFebruary,2016.Theseservicesandmerchandiseincludeconcretegraveliners, headstones,coffins,andthefeesforopening/closingagraveatthetimeofneed. Likeotherexpenditures,thecostsassociatedwithburialcontinuetoincrease.Oneofthe reasonsbehindthecongregation’sgrouppurchaseofplots,bothinthepastandatpresent,has beentominimizethesecostsovertime.Theoverarchingrationale,however,isthedesire expressedbymanycongregantstobeburiedtogetherinacongregationalburialspace.Wefeel thatthisnewsectionoffersthosereassurances. Mostofustendnottowanttodevotemuchattentiontothedetailsandcostsofourburial arrangements,yettheparticularswillhavetobemanagedatsomepointforeveryoneofus. Makingarrangementsbeforeneedingtohavethemenactedcanbelessstressfulaswellasless expensive.Itcanalsoprovidethegreatadvantageofclearcommunicationwithinfamilies aboutone’swishes. PleasecontacttheHesedCommitteeifyouwishtopurchaseaplotinourcemeterysectionor discussanyaspectofthetraditionsanddetailsrelatedtoendoflife,death,orburial.Weare heretohelpwithsensitivityanddiscretion. RabbiDorisDyenDanielLeger 6416ForwardAvenue5679BeaconStreet Pittsburgh,PA15217Pittsburgh,PA15217 dorisdyen@gmail.comdeleger@verizon.net H412-521-7570H412-422-9078 C412-260-3600C412-926-4289 קול דור חדש THE VOICE OF DOR HADASH page 5 קול דור חדש THE VOICE OF DOR HADASH page 6 January/February2016 Tevet/Shevat/AdarI5776 st Saturday,January2/21 ofTevet ShabbatMorningServiceandTorahStudy 10:00–noon,Rabbi’sStudy Parsha:Shemot,Exodus1:1-6:1 Haftarah:Isaiah27:6-28:13;29:22-29:23 Kiddushluncheonfollowingtheservice th Saturday,January9/ 28 ofTevet TorahStudy,9:00amintheRabbi’sStudy ShabbatMorningService,10:00am GuestServiceLeader:JulieNewman Withparticipationfromthe Gan/AlephandBet/Gimelclasses Parsha:Vaera,Exodus6:2-9:35 Haftarah:Ezekiel28:25-29:21 Kiddushluncheonfollowingtheservice th Sunday,January10/29 ofTevet BoardMeeting,10:00am Rabbi’sStudy Allareencouragedtoattend st Monday,January11/ 1 ofSh’vat RoshChodeshSh’vat Friday,January15 ErevShabbatService,8:00pm Serviceleader:BruceHerschlag Sedrareviewer:SarahAngrist OnegSponsor:LynneReder th Saturday,January16/6 ofSh’vat ShabbatMorningServiceandTorahStudy 10:00–noon,Rabbi’sStudy Parsha:Bo,Exodus10:1-13:16 Haftarah:Jeremiah46:13-46:28 Kiddushluncheonfollowingtheservice Friday,January22 ErevShabbatService,8:00pm Serviceleader:EllenSurloff Sedrareviewer:JerryRabinowitz OnegSponsors:LoisandIraRubin th Saturday,January23/13 ofSh’vat ShabbatMorningServiceandTorahStudy 10:00–noon,Rabbi’sStudy Parsha:Beshalach,Exodus13:17-17:16 Haftarah:Judges4:4-5:31 Kiddushluncheonfollowingtheservice th Sunday,January24/14 ofSh’vat AdultEdProgram EvanWolfson,"JudaismandSameSexMarriage" (WatchDHNfordetails) th Monday,January25/15 ofSh’vat TuB’ShvatOn-IceattheSchenleyIceRink PotLuckdinnerat6:00pm IceSkating–7:00–9:00pm WatchDHNfordetails CALENDAR th Saturday,January30/20 ofSh’vat ShabbatMorningServiceandTorahStudy 10:00–noon,Rabbi’sStudy Parsha:Yitro,Exodus18:1-20:23 Haftarah:Isaiah6:1-7:6;9:5-9:6 Kiddushluncheonfollowingtheservice Friday,February5 REGGELSHABBAT ErevShabbatService,8:00pm Serviceleader:Reggelscholar OnegSponsor:NancyLevine th Saturday,February6/27 ofSh’vat ShabbatMorningServiceandTorahStudy 10:00–noon,Rabbi’sStudy Parsha:Mishpatim,Exodus21:1-24:18 Haftarah:Jeremiah34:8-34:22;33:25-33:26 Kiddushluncheonfollowingtheservice th Sunday,February7/28 ofSh’vat BoardMeeting,10:00am Rabbi’sStudy Allareencouragedtoattend th Tuesday,February9/ 30 ofSh’vat st Wednesday,February10/ 1 ofAdarI RoshChodeshAdarI th Saturday,February13/4 ofAdarI BarMitzvahofSimonAizenstein 9:30amintheMainSanctuary ServiceLeader:MiriRabinowitz Parsha:Terumah,Exodus25:1-27:19 Haftarah:IKings5:26-6:13 Kiddushluncheonfollowingtheservice th Sunday,February14/5 ofAdarI AdultEdProgramonReconstructionism 10:00am–noon (WatchDHNfordetails) Friday,February19 ErevShabbatService,8:00pm Serviceleader:JudyGrumet Sedrareviewer:StanAngrist OnegSponsor:AudreySchoenwald th Saturday,February20/11 ofAdarI ShabbatMorningServiceandTorahStudy 10:00–noon,Rabbi’sStudy Parsha:Tetzaveh,Exodus27:20-30:10 Haftarah:Ezekiel43:10-43:27 Kiddushluncheonfollowingtheservice th Saturday,February27/18 ofAdarI ShabbatMorningServiceandTorahStudy 10:00–noon,Rabbi’sStudy Parsha:KiTisa,Exodus30:11-34:35 Haftarah:IKings18:1-18:39 Kiddushluncheonfollowingtheservice קול דור חדש THE VOICE OF DOR HADASH CONTRIBUTIONS CHAI FUND Barbara Baumann and Howard Aizenstein Tova and Joe Tarr Debra Bogen HESED COMMITTEE James and Donna Lenkner Robert and Pauline Rogoff HIGH HOLIDAY Nancy Israel and Ronald Linden Adam S. Lowenstein and Irina Royn Ann Greenberg E. Joseph Charny page 7 The Dor Hadash Board President, Mark Rubenstein president@dorhadash.net Past-President, Nancy Levine past-president@dorhadash.net VP of Administration, Ed Feinstein vpadmin@dorhadash.net VP of Ritual, Lisa Levinson ritual@dorhadash.net VP of Youth Education, Tina London school@dorhadash.net Treasurer, Allen Baum treasurer@dorhadash.net Secretary, Jo Recht In gratitude to Dor Hadash during the shiva for her mother, Sally Lupovitz Laura Horovitz In honor of Dan & Ellen Leger for handling the unveiling of Libby Belov Charles Andrew Belov In appreciation of Dan Leger Judith Rothstein In honor of Nancy Levine Linda Arnold In graditude of Cheryl Klein and Lisa Levinson for making the Bnot Mitzvah possible Judith Grumet In memory of the mother of Mel Melnick Rob Kraftowitz and Janice Gordon In memory of Edith Spitz sister of Judith Rothstein Arnold and Yetta Freedman Daniel and Lauren Resnick In memory of Lawrence Saroff Joan Saroff In memory of Joe Flicop Norma Artman secretary@dorhadash.net Adult Education, Ellen Surloff adulted@dorhadash.net Hesed, Dan Leger & Rabbi Doris Dyen lifeevents@dorhadash.net Social Action, Geoff Clauss socialaction@dorhadash.net Social Events, Rob Kraftowitz socialevents@dorhadash.net Membership, Lisa Budd membership@dorhadash.net Member-at-Large, Louis Fineberg atlarge@dorhadash.net KOL Editor, Beth Hydovitz (filling in for Beth are Donna Coufal and Miri Rabinowitz) kol@dorhadash.net Congregation Manager, Jean Hartz admin@dorhadash.net Religious School Principal, Hal Grinberg hal.grin@verizon.net REMEMBER!! Tu B’Shvat on Ice Monday, January 25th at the Schenley Ice Rink. 6 PM: Tu B’Shvat ceremony and potluck dinner, then 7 PM: Ice skating CONGREGATION DOR HADASH 5898 Wilkins Avenue Pittsburgh PA 15217