Preparing for Shabbat - Aleph Learning Centre


Preparing for Shabbat - Aleph Learning Centre
The Hampstead Gardens Suburb Synagogue
Preparing for Shabbat
I Love Shabbat
To prepare for Shabbat we are polishing the silver, cooking, preparing the candle sticks, tidying the
house, making challah, laying the table, getting dressed for Shabbat and preparing the food!
I spend time with my family
By Sophie A. Sophia M
We get to stay up later than any other night
By Jessica B, Ameila C and Jay Z
We share funny stories with my family
By Jamie H
I love going to my grandma’s. By Emily G
Shabbat Poems
I have chicken and my mom makes it the
best! By Amber H
Shabbat is amazing, Shabbat is always fun.
You sit around the table, after your day is done.
Never be afraid, because Hashem is always here.
Lighting the candles, saying a prayer.
We eat our Challah, every Friday night.
Saying Hamotzi, when it’s no longer light.
Invite family and friends to enjoy yummy food.
Enjoy the time when everyone is in a good mood.
By Chloe, Kiki and Georgina
By Mathew, Max and Josh
Some people have guests
Have come to enjoy a lovely time
All the ladies light candles
Beaming as they have dressed up nicely
Baked lots of good food
All just love the challah
Till it’s time to go back home
By Abigail S
Shabbat is a day of rest
Here- take a piece of challah
An epic day
Boring it never ever is
Babies and children get blessed
A most important day
Time for all to rest
By Elliot M and Sam C
Shabbat is a day of rest
Hashem made the world in 6 days of creation
And on the 7th He rested
Bake your bread
Be with your family
All of us together
To celebrate with me and you.
By Daisy R
I get to eat my mom’s rice. By Saskia H
I love the chicken soup. By Emily
To me Shabbat means...
It’s a time to be with my family
By Lucy G and Mathilda A
The Shabbat food is yummy
By Charlie S and Anya Z
You get together with all your family. By Charlie I
Spending time with my friends. By Lexie A
You get time to relax. By Rachel H
You can laugh at the table with your family. By Kia S
It’s a chance to have lots of yummy food.
By Alyssa S and Ben B
Drinking Kiddush wine and eating Challa. That’s quite
exciting. By Louis I
I get time to rest. By Zack Z
Going to Shul and having fun with my grandparents.
By Toby D
Staying up late and having treats like ice cream.
By Zack K
Having a great time with family. By Zack G
Blessing your children and having fun. By Hanna L
Not watching TV and spending time with my family instead.
By Violet S
Lighting candles, eating challah and going
to synagogue with dad. By Natalie C
Eating chicken and potatoes.
I love Shabbat.
By Amelie C
Shabbat on a
Desert Island
If we were stra
nded on a deser
t Island
for Shabbat then
this is what we
would do…..
We would scrape
two stones toge
ther to make a
make a circle of
flame and
stones around th
at to make Shab
We would go hu
bat candles.
nting for a grap
e vine to squeez
and make Kiddu
the grapes
sh wine. We wou
ld crack open a
find fruit and th
coconut and
at would make
me a lovely mea
stand on the be
l. We would
ach and sing ou
t loud until the
and it’s time to
sun goes down
end Shabbat w
ith Havdallah.
By Sasha W, Kit
ty G and Jacob
The Whys of Shabbat
This week is
Parshat Lech Lecha
Why do we have Shabbat?
Why do we have Kiddush?
Shabbat was given to the Jewish people as a day of rest.
This is written in the Torah. It says we should remember this
day and keep it holy. During the six days of the week, you
can work, but on the seventh day we relax and keep it holy.
This is because Hashem created the world in six days and
on the seventh day he rested from creation. Shabbat is like a
gift. By Maya, Ella and Georgina
Kiddush means ‘making holy’. We say the Kiddush prayer
on Friday night and Shabbat day. The wine or grape juice
used is also a symbol of joy. The cup should therefore be of
good quality and is usually made beautifully of sliver or very
special pottery. Aside from Shabbat, we also make Kiddush
on festivals or yom tov days.
By Selena, Ethan, Xander and Max
What can we do on Shabbat?
Why do we have Challah?
The word Shabbat actually means to rest. It is
one of the best known commandments. It is
a relaxing day to be spent with friends and
family and we try not to do work. We go to
Synagogue to pray and hear the weekly
Torah portion being read. Since Shabbat
is a day to enjoy as well, you can relax with
good books and games have a nice family dinner.
By Jamie, Oliver, Ruby and Maisy
The Challah is made from a special recipe and can be
plaited into different shapes. We have two Challah’s at each
meal to represent the two portions of Manna that fell on
Friday in the desert, because they could not go and collect
a portion on Shabbat. After the Kiddish we wash our hands
and say a blessing before eating the Challah. The father
usually cuts the Challah and gives a piece out to everyone.
The bread is dipped in salt and then enjoyed.
By Nathan, Joey and Jacob
What happens in the Synagogue?
Why do we have Havdallah?
Shabbat is a special time, different from all the days of
the week. As we don’t do much work we can go to the
Synagogue. There is a Chazzan that leads the prayers and
the Torah is also read. Different people are called up to the
Torah. The Rabbi usually shares something interesting about
the parsha. There is lots of singing. At the end there is a
friendly kiddish for people to chat and eat. There are also
children services for children. By Max and Theo
At the end of Shabbat we have the Havdallah. This means
separation, because we separate Shabbat from the rest
of the week. We use grape juice, spices and a Havdallah
candle. The candle can be different colours and is
sometimes put in a special candle holder. There must be at
least two wicks together in the candle.
By Georgina and Sophie
is used inwHavdalah?
England: How many Challot do e h
Why do we light candles?
ave on Friday night? (2) We
candle with two wicks and spices
e: What lives in a
an ark and gets read every week? (Torah) inItaly: a special
box. We say blessings
Name 2 things we can do on Shabba
t: (Read, chat, eat) these items. Wine is poured
and sometimes it
Austria: What gets lit to show S
habbat has arrived? (2 Candles) overflows from
the cup
as a sign of Hashem’s
Yugoslavia: Can you name some Shabba
Lecha Dwhen
overflowing kindness.
Wet songs?
are (sad
odi, Shalom Alaichem, Ayshet c
hayil) Greece: What do we use Havdalah? (are
soat spices
sort) of
Spices, used
wine and a candle
Turkey: What ‘revive’ we use for Kiddush? (Wine or grape juice) Syria:
Where dJacob
o we read pand
rayers Oliver
from? (Siddur) Before Shabbat begins the mother usually lights 2 candles.
Sometimes the girls light a candle as well. The 2 candles
represent the two commandments in the Torah, to observe
and remember the Shabbat. As the two candles are lit the
mother covers her eyes with her hands and then she says
the blessing and thinks about things she wishes for.
By Tali, Leah and Maxine
Israel: What book can we use to follow the Torah when it is read? (A Chumash) Game Section!
Here are some games to enjoy
at your family Shabbat meal
True or False?
Say a correct and incorrect fact about the following Jewish
personalities: Noach, Avraham, King David, Rachel, Rivka,
Yonah, Moshe, Esther, Leah, Hillel, Yakov, Adam and Sarah.
Who or What am I?
1. The first Jewish King?
2. Placed on doorposts?
3. First man in the world?
4. Married to Avraham?
5. Had 12 sons?
6. Opened when we want to pray?
7. Survived a flood by building an ark?
8. Blow on the Jewish New Year?
9. Was given a beautiful coat by his father?
10. Led the Jewish people into Israel?
11. Kept the Jews as my slaves?
12. Get shaken around for 7 days?
(do you have a better map) Travel to Israel
Who or What am I? Did you know that…?
•Hashem told Avram to leave his
homeland, as a test, where he had
lived for 75 years.
• When Avram and Sarai reached their
destination, there was a famine, not a
crumb of food. Yet he did not moan
to Hashem as he believed that all
would work out fine.
•Avram was careful to put a muzzle
(mouth guard) on all his animals so
they would not eat stock from other
fields as they pass.
• Avram had to keep his wife Sarai out
of sight, because she was so beautiful.
He said she was his sister.
•She did catch the eye of Pharaoh the
king of Egypt, but Hashem sent a
plague and then he knew he had to
give her back to Avram.
•Avram has his name to changed to
•Sarai also was given a new name by
Hashem and becomes Sarah.
•Avraham was the first person to have
a Brit Mila at the age of 99!
•Hashem told Avraham to count the
stars, and they were so many. He
promised Avraham that although
he does not have children now, his
children will be as many as the stars
in the sky.
Parsha Questions
1. Who told Avraham to move away &
2. What was Avraham leaving behind?
3. What was Avraham’s wife called?
What happened when he got to the
end of the journey?
5. Where did he go next?
6. Why did Avraham put muzzels on his
7. What did King Pharoah do when he
saw Sarah?
8. What was Avraham’s old name?
9. What did Hashem promise Avraham
for his future?
10. What did Avraham have when he was
99 years old?
The first Jewish King? (David) The aim of this game is to reach Israel by passing through
each country. All players place a counter on the UK
Get opened when you want to ray? (siddu
to start. You can pcross
ar) border if you can answer the
ed a flood by buildin
g an aget
If you
the) answer wrong you must remain
rk? (Noach
in the country and try the question again in the next turn.
Safe travels!
Worn on a boys head? (Kippa) England: How many Challot do we have on Friday night?
France: What lives in an ark and gets read every week?
Italy: Name two things we can do on Shabbat
Austria: What do we light to show Shabbat has arrived?
Yugoslavia: Can you name some Shabbat songs?
Greece: What do we use at Havdalah?
Turkey: What do we use for Kiddush?
Syria: Where do we read prayers from?
Mitzvah Actionary
Can you act out the fo
mitzvot and then have
family guess them?
3) Tedakah
5) Shofar
7) Visiting the sick
8) Welcoming guests
9) Shaking the Lulav
and Etrog
10)Respecting parents
or elders
Israel: What book can we use to follow the Torah reading?
020 8457 7048
Head Teacher Chayli Fehler
Co Chairs Jonathan Dimson & Joanna Johnson
Answers. Travel to Israel – England:2, France:Torah, Italy:Read, chat, eat, Austria:2
candles, Yugoslavia:Lecha Dodi, Shalom Aleichem, Ayshet Chayil, Greece:Spices, wine
and a candle, Turkey:Wine or grape juice, Syria:Siddur, Israel: A Chumash
Answers. Who or What am I - 1) David, 2) Mezuza, 3) Adam, 4) Sara, 5) Yakov, 6) Siddur,
7) Noach, 8) Shofar, 9) Joseph, 10) Joshua, 11) Pharaoh, 12) Lulav and Etrog