13th August 2016 - 9th Av 5776
13th August 2016 - 9th Av 5776
SOCIAL & PERSONAL 13TH AUGUST 2016 MAZEL TOV Mazel Tov to Ruth and Lionel Curry on the birth of a grandson Mazel Tov to Nadia and Brian Glenville on the birth of a granddaughter 9TH AV 5776 CONDOLENCES Chaim aruchim, long life to Dr Spencer Phillips on the passing of his mother Anita Phillips Chaim aruchim, long life to Patricia Tibber on the passing of her husband, and Richard Tibber and דברים Katy Wiseman on the passing of their father, Stuart Tibber DEVARIM Chaim aruchim, long life to the family on the passing of Lily Goodkind SHABBAT CHAZON - EREV TISHA B’AV CONSECRATIONS 21/08/2016 01/09/2016 04/09/2016 18/09/2016 18/09/2016 Late Stanley Isidore Zeffertt Late Eric Linton Late Ronald Marks Late Anne Saphir Late Harold Tucker 1.30 pm 10.00 am 4.30 pm 11.00 am 2.15 pm Bushey Cemetery Bushey Cemetery Bushey Cemetery Willesden Cemetery Willesden Cemetery PARTICIPATE IN YOUR SHUL SERVICES Would you like to learn to read a Sidra or Haftarah? Please speak to Dayan Binstock or the Honorary Officers for more information. THOUGHTS ON THE SIDRA FATHER OF MERCY This coming Shabbat we will be reciting an extra prayer before Ashrei called Av Harachamim “Father of Mercy.” Its origins lie in the wake of the First Crusade. Many Jewish communities in Germany were decimated as mobs found an outlet for their religious zeal in killing Jews before making their way to the Holy Land to wrest it from the Muslims. Thousands of men, women and children lost their lives in the communities of the Rhineland. Mainz, Worms, Speyer were ravaged over the course of a few weeks as the Crusaders made their way down Europe. Most of the killing of the First Crusade took place during the spring, corresponding to the Jewish months of Nissan, Iyar and Sivan. The martyrs were commemorated in volumes known as a Memorbuch (Book of Remembrance). An anonymous author composed a communal memorial prayer, Av Harachamim, to be said in association with the recital of the names in the Memorbuch. The prayer was originally said on the Sabbaths between Pesach and Shavuot, when the massacres occurred. The prayer reflects the request to avenge the blood of those who had been killed. But as the late Chief Rabbi Hertz points out in his commentary: “Vengeance was prayed for – and left to G-d.” As the black plague swept across Europe during the mid-fourteenth century, annihilating nearly half the population, Jews were taken as the scapegoat and were accused of having brought about the plague and were persecuted and killed. Many hundreds of Jewish communities were destroyed during this period. As a result many more names were added to the martyrs’ lists and Av Harachamim was recited on other Sabbaths as well. Two main customs arose: to recite Av Harachamim on most Sabbaths of the year, unless it was a Shabbat of heightened festivity, or to recite it on just two Sabbaths of the year: the Shabbat before Shavuot representing the culmination of the First Crusade persecutions and the Shabbat before Tisha B’Av, representing the culmination of the persecutions associated with the Black Death. It is the second custom that is practiced in the United Synagogue and after the personal memorial prayers Av Harachamim (NS 426) will be said. This prayer becomes particularly poignant as we reflect on what is happening in parts of the world today. Islamic State is targeting the killing of innocent people and radicalizing and terrorizing the lives of others. As yet, there is no effective concerted strategy to confront this hydra of the twenty-first century. Our synagogue prayers encompass our concerns for all innocent people, whoever, and wherever they may be. As we mourn the tragic loss of life of our martyrs centuries ago, we look forward, in the concluding words of Av Harachamim, to a time of “Al Ken Yarim Rosh - he will hold his head up high”, when all peoples will be able to enjoy peace and security. Dayan Ivan Binstock HERTZ 736/750 - STONE 938/1195 Dayan Ivan Binstock will give a Chumash Shiur before the service at 9.00 am Jonny Fishel will lead the services Howard Turner will lein Dayan Binstock will read the haftarah Dayan Binstock will deliver the sermon Elijah Summer will sing anim zemirot Dayan Binstock will give a shiur from 9.00 pm until maariv This week Shabbat begins 8.15 pm. Earliest candle lighting time 6.57 pm. Mincha & Kabbalat Shabbat 7.00 pm. Shabbat is brought-in in shul at 7.30 pm. Shabbat ends at 9.20 pm. Next Shabbat begins 20.01 pm See joint Tisha B’Av Programme for more details Service Times Shabbat Shacharit Mincha 5.30 pm Ma’ariv Erev Tisha B’Av 9.15 am Tisha B’Av 8.30 am 1.45 pm & 7.00 pm Follows 2nd Mincha Monday 7.15 am 7.30 pm Follows Mincha Tuesday 7.25 am 7.30 pm Follows Mincha Wednesday 7.25 am 7.30 pm Follows Mincha Thursday 7.15 am 7.30 pm Follows Mincha Friday 7.25 am 7.00 pm Follows Mincha Next Shabbat 9.15 am 7.30 pm 9.04 pm Sunday 9.30 pm fast starts 8.27 pm Fast ends 9.12 pm The Honorary Officers invite the congregation to Kiddush in the Moritz Gertler Hall after the service PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE THIS LEAFLET FROM THE SHUL ON SHABBAT AS THERE IS NOT YET AN ERUV! For information on our eruv planning application please contact info@sjweruv.com PARSHA PUZZLE QUOTATION This week’s sidra, Eileh HaDevarim, begins with the letter, Aleph. Five other sidrot begin with Aleph. Can you find them? Last Week’s question: “If your sins are like scarlet, they shall be whitened like snow; should they be as red as crimson, they shall become like wool [Bible, Isaiah 1:18 – from today’s Haftarah] Which metal is missing: gold, silver, copper, tin, and lead? Answer: Iron Winners: Lionel Zachary Loftus Kopelowitz, Joseph and SUPER SIDDUR SLEUTH There are a few occasions when a chapter or passage from the bible is quoted in the siddur and the last verse is repeated for emphasis. How many examples can you find? Last week’s question: A number of Psalms, quoted in the siddur, are introduced as being dedicated to David, like Mizmor LeDavid or a number of other such superscripts,…LeDavid. How many examples can you find? Answer: These are some examples : Mizmor Shir Chanukat Habayit LeDavid NS 36; Tehila LeDavid NS 46; Lamnatzeiach Mizmor LeDavid NS 134; Michtam LeDavid NS 160; Mizmor LeDavid NS 264; Shir HaMaalot LeDavid NS 510; Lamnatzeich LeDavid Mizmor NS 822. shir hamaalot, Zechor HaShem LeDavid (psalm 131, p 516) Winner: Lionel Kopelowitz IN THE EVENT OF AN EMERGENCY Please follow the instructions of the security officer in charge. Stewards should wear yellow vests. Unless otherwise advised, the evacuation point is at the American School (entrance opposite 3-5 Loudoun Road). Children should be under the supervision of a responsible adult at all times in the building. Our defibrillator can now be found adjacent to the Shul noticeboard in the Foyer. BEREAVEMENT SERVICES Contact Susan Kosky ssperber@hotmail.co.uk or 020 3441 9476 THANK YOU to the Security Team and Kiddush Rota for this Shabbat. REGULAR EVENTS THEATRE CLUB Details from Richard Mernane 020 7289 9173 or richard.mernane@icloud.com BRIDGE CLUB ON THIS DAY THE 9TH AV The Mishna lists five tragedies that befell our ancestors on the 9th Av 1) The spies brought back their bad report. 2) Nebuzraden set fire to the first Temple. (586BC) 3) The Romans destroyed the second Temple (70CE). 4) The Romans ploughed over the site of the Temple to convert to a Roman colony. 5) Betar, the last independent outpost under Bar Kochba, fell to the Romans (135CE) Duplicate Bridge, Mondays from 1.00 to 4.00pm. Supervised Bridge 1.15 to 3.45pm. Donation £8 a session including tea. Director: Mike Eden. Contact: Sandra Stecker on 020 7586 2532 or Gillian Burr on 020 7586 0156 BOOK CLUB. The next meeting is on Tuesday 30th August at 8.30 at the home of Valerie Garston. The book being discussed is ‘Vinegar Girl’ by Anne Tyler. For details contact Valerie Garston on 020 7435 7507 KEEP FIT FOR WOMEN - WEEKDAYS with Stevie Sillers on 07836 784823 Don’t miss this opportunity to join ST JOHN’S WOOD SYNAGOGUE for a visit to the in Nottingham on Sunday 11th September 2016. A coach will be leaving SJWS at 9.30am and return around 8.00pm. Price: £43 Members £49 Non-Members Places limited Please contact Gillian Burr on 0207 586 0156 or e-mail gillian@chezburr.com LADIES GUILD 23rd August - Visit to ‘Painters’ Paintings’ at The National Gallery at 11.00 am. Members £12, guests £14 1st September - Visit to Nuffield Place at 2.00pm. Coach leaving SJWS at 10.30am. Members £28, guests £30 11th September - Visit to ‘ The Beth Shalom Nottingham HOLOCAUST CENTRE at 9.30am. Members £43, guests £49 15th September - Visit to ‘Records & Rebels1966/70’ at the V & A Museum at 11.30 am. Private Talk. Members £25, guests £28 Gentlemen welcome to all events Contact Gillian Burr on 020 7586 0156 HEBREW CLASSES St John’s Wood Synagogue Cheder Sundays 9.45am – 12.45pm Contact Rabbi Ronen Broder 0794 108 7701 or cheder@shulinthewood.com Re-starts on 11th September KINDERGARTEN St John’s Wood Synagogue Kindergarten Daily, from 2 years old. Monday to Thursday 8.45am-12.15pm Friday 8.45am-12noon Contact Estelle Brown 020 7286 3859 or kindergarten@shulinthewood.com Re-starts 8th September BABES IN THE WOOD Join us for play, coffee & our fun Shabbat table! High-energy Israeli songs with Einav, every other week. Contact Sara Elias 07957 697769 or saradelias@googlemail.com Re-starts in September WEEKLY SHIURIM ‘Talmud Shiur’ with Alex Grunfeld Shabbat afternoon before mincha Tuesday Talmud Shiur with Rabbi Fine at 10.30 am Wednesday Ladies Shiur with Maureen Kendler at 10.30 am Re-starts 7th September Contact Anne Godfrey annegodfrey75@gmail.com COMMUNAL LUNCH Next lunch date: Tuesday 16th August Drinks 12.30pm. Home cooked lunch 1.00pm. £7.00 for Synagogue members, £8.00 non-members. BOOKING ESSENTIAL!!! Contact Gillian Burr on 020 7586 0156 or Melody Salem on 020 7286 9810 HELP AVAILABLE If you are housebound and would like a visitor or a regular phone call, if you need advice or information on local services and activities or if you would like a lift to the Shul's Communal Lunches, please get in touch. Please contact Gillian or Melody THE LADIES SHIUR Unfortunately Rabbi Jacobs is still not well enough to continue teaching us. We wish him a refuah shlemah. In the meantime we are happy to announce new arrangements for the continuation of the shiur from Wednesday, 7th September. We invite you to join us. All welcome . No previous knowledge required. Our new teacher will be MAUREEN KENDLER and her subject will be Why does God Love David? Maureen is a Teaching Fellow at the London School of Jewish Studies. She has degrees in English Literature and Jewish Education, and works as an adult educator in the Jewish community in the UK and internationally. She broadcasts regularly for BBC Radio 2 Pause For Thought, writes for the Jewish Chronicle and has a passion for teaching texts. The Shiur takes place in the Beth Hamedrash at St John’s Wood Synagogue. on Wednesday’s from 10.30-11.30 am. Charge £10 - including coffee and biscuits. For further information contact annegodfrey75@gmail.com ST JOHN’S WOOD SYNAGOGUE LADIES GUILD SUPPORT OUR ERUV! Our St John’s Wood Eruv planning application has now been live for a number of weeks. We now await the deliberations of Camden and Brent in relation to the poles within their Boroughs. Currently in Westminster we have a good number of supporting comments but there is still a need for more. In order to establish that the Eruv will be utilised by as many people as possible, we need you to register your support NOW for our Westminster planning application, if you have not already done so. Please also remember that comments on planning applications are recorded per individual and so each adult member of your household should register their comments separately and ideally NOT as a family unit. The Westminster application can be found here: http://idoxpa.westminster.gov.uk/online-applications/applicationDetails.do? activeTab=makeComment&keyVal=O7N0RARPGR700 For more information please email info@sjweruv.com INVITES YOU TO A CARD LUNCH at St John’s Wood Synagogue 37-41 Grove End Road, NW8 9NG on Tuesday, 27th September 2016 in aid of Marie Curie Hospice And Camp Simcha Coffee 10.30 am Bridge 10.45 am - 3.15 pm Donation £55 For further information please phone Gillian on 020 7586 0156 or Sandra on 020 7586 2532 Meet other parents and their little ones on Monday mornings 10.30-11.20am Suitable for children from 3 months to 3 years - Donation: £6 per child. EMERGENCY DRILL We will be undertaking a security evacuation drill in compliance with our legal obligations in the coming weeks. Please ensure you know the whereabouts of your children and follow the instructions of the stewards or security personnel on the day. SECURITY VOLUNTEERS NEEDED The need to increase the number of volunteers assisting with the security of St John’s Wood Synagogue on Shabbat and the forthcoming High Holydays is urgent! As Europe has seen an increase in terrorist incidents, we must increase our security visibility. An additional 20 people per month will ensure YOUR SHUL has a high security visibility profile. Each volunteer is needed once a month for 45 minutes. To join the security team and for more information please contact David Marks at david@mm-and-company.co.uk THIS SHABBAT Shabbat 12/13th August, Shabbat Chazon, is also the eve of the fast of Tisha B’Av, deferred because of Shabbat. We will be davening Mincha at the earlier time of 5.30pm to allow people to go home and eat before the fast. Dayan Binstock will give a shiur from 9.00pm but Maariv will start 10 minutes after Shabbat ends to enable people to travel to shul. Those who are attending the 9.00pm shiur may wish to bring non-leather shoes and kinnot to shul before Shabbat. FORTHCOMING EVENTS Shabbat 27th August Barmitzvah of Marshall Gould Shabbat 10th September Barmitzvah of Zachary Potel Shabbat 17th September Barmitzvah of Sam Olins Shabbat 24th September Youth Takeover Service followed by Family Shabbat Lunch SHABBAT 3RD SEPTEMBER Visit by Emeritus Chief Rabbi Lord and Lady Sacks Lord Sacks will deliver the sermon and speak over Seudah Shlishit. Community Lunch with special Guest Speaker Please book via www.shulinthewood.com SIDDUR SHMOOZE - NEW DATE! SHABBAT 10TH SEPTEMBER Topic: Place: Time: Alenu - a Prayer for all Seasons Dora Freedman Hall 10.00am - Schmooze 10.15 - 10.35am - Shiur
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